Saturday, April 23, 2011


Weekend thread 1.


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magpie said...

Nice, Red, Thank You

and Happy Easter to you and Diane xo ♥

JudyEddy said...

Home for lunch I hear geese???

magpie said...

You are Halfway through JudyE -
Happy Easter...!!
I have already shut everything down...hope you hear Eagles too while you are home...
Maybe they are out fishing today

Okay, time for me to hit the trail

God Bless This Nest, and
God Bless Us, Every One

xoxo ♥

Robyn said...

I hope everyone has a wonderful Easter

JudyEddy said...

I changed my avatar Jordyn would not sit on the bunny lap by herself without Angie

Hoda said...

Good Morning and a Happy and Blessed Easter to all.
I just logged on and see there was a visit this morning from Belle and Truder. Thanks for the reports.

JudyEddy said...

I love it ever her dolly had the same dress as hers

NatureNut said...

Hope you have a beautiful day like we're having here. Bright and approaching 80°!!!

I didn't get here last night---konked out in loungechair after getting home from work--which was a little zooy!---missed dinner,got up at 10AM! I don't do getting out 5 days in a row!
2 community centers scheduled Easter Egg hunt at our big field Sat.,had signs on road for week, but changed the location to an indoor center yesterday AM because of the rain! WHO KNEW!?? I printed up little fliers w/new location & some of our staff went out to the road to give to those arriving at now the wrong place! DUH!!!
Some went on heron rookery tour yesterday, so I gave my camera to naturalist, Greg.Altho I put pics on blog a year ago, will see if there are any good new ones.(someday). BTW, he finally saw 2 bobbleheads at eagle nest, said there could be 3, we just can't see!
Plz excuse my rambling acct-----hope everyone has a Blessed Day with family and friends! ☺ ♥

Lynne2 said...


Linda said...

It's so nice to share Easter family and friends, but also wonderful to be able to share it with our Eagle family, too!!

Paula You're right about this group being a family!!

Lolly - Glad you didn't get caught in any bad storms. Was worried about you yesterday!!

KayIM - Also happy to hear you didn't have damaging weather last night.

Margy - What a warm and loving sign off last night. You're so special!!

I'm sure we'll all catch up later this evening when our homes are quiet once again.

Safe travels to those traveling today and special blessings to those preparing meals for their family gatherings. It's a lot of work, but having everyone together is a blessing, too!!

See you soon!!

Linda said...

Happy Easter, Lynne2! We miss you!!

Lynne2 said...

Hope everyone is well and having a good day!

We just saw a red tail being chased by a crow. Have seen many meadowlarks! We dyed eggs after dinner last night while poor Daisy hid under the table during yet another storm. Eating well (and by that, I mean TOO MUCH!)

Going to be heading home in a couple of hours!

Lolly said...

Home from church. It was a wonderful service and the church decorated with Easter lilies.

Now to get ready for an great afternoon in Dallas.

Once again....Happy Easter!

Ms Bookworm said...

Happy Easter, Everyone!

He is risen indeed!

Hope everyone is having a wonderful Easter.

It's sprinkling here, and nice and cool. Our grass and flowers are loving it!

I fell asleep last night after dinner, and didn't make it back here.
Took Emma to the dog park yesterday for almost 2 hours, and I guess the fresh air made me tired.

Glad to hear that Leona is doing well! Prayers for a speedy healing.

Well, need to get going. We have a few things to get done. We are having Honey Baked ham, yams, asparagus, and cranberry sauce later today. Oops--Jay, our oldest granddaughter, is on the phone. Will BBL to check in. :o]

Kay said...

The kids and I had a great meal and now they are on their way to Ohio State's Greenhouse for a look at the Corpse Flower in bloom there. I didn't feel like going to smell the putrid odor after a nice meal, but Julie and Hugh are biologists and this plant will only bloom for two days. It's the first one to be grown from seed in Ohio. If interested, take a look.

Titan Arum

Kay said...

Wanda, your little "Chug Chug" boy is as cute as can be !

Margy, thanks for the look at Nebraska's Kestral mom and eggs ! Can you imagine how busy that nest is going to be once they've hatched. Hope they're all viable for it will be quite the show.

Red, you've posted a beautiful version of one of the most stirring Easter hymns ever ! On that same YouTube page there is a video of two darling little boys singing it, too. Priceless !

Hoping to hear you've all had good meals and a Blessed Easter Day. Praying for travel mercies for those on the road as you wend your way home this evening.

Kay said...

I see my link didn't work, even though it read right in Preview ???

Giving it another try.


glo said...

Gosh KayIM Thats a cool link. Will they take pictures. I want to see it opened and in bloom :-)

Kay said...

Glo, I think it is in bloom. See if you can get the cam over to the left to work. I only get a still picture, but it shows the big purple blossom with the pistol (sp?) coming up out of it. Wish I could get the live cam, so I can watch for Julie, Hugh, Seth and the friends they took along. It apparently takes Firefox and I don't have that.

Kay said...

I'm sure Hugh will be getting pics with his Iphone, so I hope to get them, too.

JudyEddy said...

Big noisey black bird in nest

glo said...

Oh OK Kay IM I need to go back and see if I can get the live cam to work

paula eagleholic said...

Heading home...catch ya later!

glo said...

OK I see the bloom is where the bottom part opens up. I don't think the cam changes pictures for much. I am on Firefox and in a minute id didn't change at all. But folks are there with cameras etc.

glo said...

OK much different and lager group of folks now so it does change. Safe travels Paula I bet she hates to leave the Beach House. I certainly would.

JudyEddy said...

Looks like its lightening at the nest I'm gonna go see if I can check out the interactive radar that I have in my favs.

JudyEddy said...

Yep I was right was lightening storm just passing over So I know I'm not seeing things sometimes ya wonder LOL

this is a cool interactive map you have to put your zipcode in or just use your cursor to move map where you want
A really neat interactive weather map

JudyEddy said...

Of course the map is set with my area in it when I sent the link

JudyEddy said...


JudyEddy said...

This is too funny I just saw it commercial during The Closer and had to share

Poise commerical with Whoopi FUNNY

Hoda said...

Very FUNNY JudyE on the Poise commercial...I liked her Cleopatra outfit, of course I would;););)!!! and of course the French accent on Liberté, Liberté...

Kay said...

JudyE, LOL on the commercial !!! Thanks for the weather link, I'm going to go to and set it up for my area.

Paula, when you get home fill us in on all you accomplished out there, huh ?

Glo, glad you got what you needed out of that cam. Quite an interesting plant. I didn't see people holding their noses and I probably should have gone along. Oh, well.

NCSuzan said...

Happy Easter to all. Hope your dday has been celebrated well and fed even better!

DanaMo said...

I hope everyone has had a wonderful day. Just checking in to see if our eagles were going to visit this evening. I'll be lurking...

JudyEddy said...

again I hear geese I want eagle sounds not geese Always lurking just had to acknowledge the geese

JudyEddy said...

TBird On Nest

hedgie said...

Truder in nest!

JudyEddy said...

Belle On Nest

hedgie said...

And now Belle arrives!

hedgie said...

Lots of nestorations and fluffing the flugg. Big stick moved by Belle. I think Truder is trying to look industrious, even tho' he's just messes up nest.

hedgie said...

Haven't caught up yet, but hope everyone is having a great Easter. Sprinkling here....some rough weather in places, but not here! Our dinner was very nice. Clean up done by the girls, and all are gone now.

Hate to bear bad news....found a BABY stink bug out on the railing....THE NEXT GENERATION....ugh!

hedgie said...

Wind is quite strong at nest...only sound I hear, and even it is intermittant. But you can see from the motion that the wind ISN'T stopping!

Kay said...

Hey, Lynn n' JudyE ! Glad you were on for the landings ! Have either of them made a sound ? How those folks on OC can possibly think this male is Lib after watching his lack of nestoration skill is beyond me. He can't get the hang of anchoring the limbs, branches, sticks in to the rail. Mighty strong wind a blowin' there !

Kay said...

Lynn, happy to hear your dinner was good and that the girls did the clean up. My sil did most of the clean up here. Good kids we've got in our families !

Stink bug, oh, no ! I read in our paper today that there is a certain kind of wasp that may be key to eradicating the little stinkers. Don't know which I'd rather have.

JudyEddy said...


JudyEddy said...

Poof Belle

hedgie said...

POOF, both at the same time!

Kay said...

Wow ! That was the most synchronized dual take off I've ever seen !

hedgie said...

Yep, Kay, take-off was perfectly timed!

There was one of those plants in DC a few years ago....couldn't believe the crowds that went to see it! I don't do well with bad desire to see it in person, but the news did a good job of showing it blooming!

Forgot to ask any of the kids to pull trashcan out to raining steadily...and will be dark before too long. Guess I'll have to put up the bumbershoot!

Lynne and Paula, safe travels home.
Sissy is back in her roost, and I guess Shar and T-bird will be soon, if not already.

hedgie said...

Loved the links to the great hymns. So many of my favorites are special to Easter.

Mema Jo said...

Hello - Had a wonderful Easter day right down to an egg hunt and ham
that was 'out of this world'. All the sides were also delicious. I
won't really need to eat much this whole week.

Praying that Paula doesn't meet up with bad weather on her trip home.
As the last car with family left here the huge rain drops started but for only a short time.
Ok - hubby and I have been relaxing and now we are going to watch a taped show that we missed being down at the beach beginning of this week.
The nest - are they actually digging an egg cup?
Off I go to the TV..... BBL

JudyEddy said...

He's Back

hedgie said...

Truder back.

JudyEddy said...

ok where is Belle now

hedgie said...

Light just came on.

JudyEddy said...

light on picking a the railing moving flugg for a sec

JudyEddy said...

Lookin around at the 10

JudyEddy said...

Belle Returns

hedgie said...

Belle arrives.

JudyEddy said...

both picking a flugg one on each end

hedgie said...

Do we hear echoes on here??!!! LOL!

JudyEddy said...

facing each other still picking

JudyEddy said...

belle on top end and tb on bottom

JudyEddy said...

almost liking picking in same spot almost beak to beak

JudyEddy said...


hedgie said...

Belle poof

JudyEddy said...


hedgie said...

Truder goes, too

JudyEddy said...

Atleast there was no attempt HP

Judie said...

Good evening, all.

Rain, thunder, and lightening here. Going to shut down.

The night light is set on automatic for 11:00pm. Restful sleep for all.

JudyEddy said...

BBL hold the fort down

hedgie said...

Light is already fading....argh!

hedgie said...

Good news!
Fallen eaglet back with family

NatureNut said...

Happy Easter After Din Din relax time!
I missed the visitors in the nest---was on phone w/daughter.Wanted to call before the heavier lightning struck. Not too bad tho-- thunderstorm, but not too heavy.
Hope everyone is safe and esp. our road travelers.
Loved Red's hymn & very interesting eagle story from Lynn. At first I couldn't believe an eaglet was flying, but realized they're in the South.
Around 8:20PM, we had lovely blue & pink sky near hotizon in NW,but the lightning was starting in the West.

stronghunter said...


Nice Easter day visit here with family. Rus, Rebecca, and Will came. Susan stayed home with a headache. We missed her.

stronghunter said...

Thanks for the link to the fallen eagle story, Lynn.

hedgie said...

Lightening here now, too, Loretta.
Don't hear any thunder....yet!

Shirley, hope Suzi is okay. Know you missed her.

paula eagleholic said...

Evening all!

I think Steve forgot Weekend Thread 2, LOL

magpie said...

Two Harbors
Both adults were on nest and now just one adult
and baby was squealing/whimpering
reminds me of Palmer

West End, three babies plotzed out

Good Easter Evening Eagle Pals ♥

paula eagleholic said...

See we had a late evening visit....

Hit some rain on the way home...not too bad...

magpie said...

two poop shoots and baby alone now at TH
parent soared off into the distance

stronghunter said...

Time for me to head upstairs. I had a very busy day. Tomorrow is the last day of spring break for Hunter and me. Hunter had a week and a day. Pretty good break.

paula eagleholic said...

Oh, the wysteria trees down at the shore were gorgeous!

paula eagleholic said...

Glad the eaglet got home!

Wanda, that is too cute about Jayden putting the eggs back!

Yes, it was hard to leave the beach tonight...the weather was gorgeous! Didn't hit any rain till we reached Annapolis.

Sounds like some wonderful family get togethers today!

paula eagleholic said...

Oh, all the swimming yesterday wore out poor Nugz today...about noon time he didn't even want to go out on the beach...he wanted to sleep, LOL

magpie said...

Yes, it does sound like some wonderful family times.
Shirley, sorry Susan missed the Easter Time with a headache...
Glad your traveling weather was okay Paula

Kay - Neat link to the Titan Arum, wow, what a plant! Do NOT think I would like the "fragrance" as I read it when the reason was given for the name "Corpse Flower".

Good news about the eaglets at PRP Loretta

Lynne2 said...

Evening all! Happy Easter again!

We got home a couple of hours ago.

paula eagleholic said...

Very happy to hear our sound is back!

magpie said...

Okay Welcome Back, Lynne...☺

yesterday when I HEARD a Red-Shouldered Hawk, it was then chased by about six crows !
Read your post about the Red-Tailed.
Speaking of which, the 3rd egg is hatching or has completed hatching at the Red-Tail cam in Portland Oregon
interesting 4-legged ? creature
food in that nest, comments says a rat :(
Cam view is kind of grainy tonight but here is the link:
Red-Tailed Hawk, Portland Oregan

magpie said...

Thinking NCTC Steve probably had some Family Time this week-end...hope so !

magpie said...

actually it looks like a chicken at the Red-Tailed Hawk's nest !

magpie said...

the sound at NCTC during the thunderstorm last night was awesome, Paula...AND the White lightning !

magpie said...

wondering if GG decided she wanted to go out to dinner today, and if so, what her choice was !

Hope Megan had a good Market Day !
(actually, wondering if it WAS a Market Day ??)

Signing off for now...

Best wishes to all for a good restful sleep after a busy day and week-end

God Bless This Nest, and
God Bless Us, Every One

xoxo ♥

magpie said...

Halftimer's Ailment here...
just ran the washer, forgot to put the clothes in !!!

Red said...

I'm not sure I would have told that one. lol

NatureNut said...

Really pouring here now. Was watching end of Trump show.
Margy, checked out the hawk cam. One chick's a real bully. Saw Mom feeding two, and when she backed away from the one chick, the left one pecked at it's beak as if to steal the food!
Glad everyone has had safe travels home.
Gonna shut down, so after a very nice day, Pleasant Feather Dreams to all ;>)

Lynne2 said...

oh no Margy! I've done that too....SO annoying! But not as bad as my forgetting the meatloaf...

hedgie said...

LOL, Margy!!!! I've done some crazy things, but I NEVER did that!!!
Whatever raptor has, she's feeding it now!
Hope your day was full of James!!
Sleep tight!

Paula.....sound is only intermittant. Poor Nugz! Y-a-w-n! Can't wait for more pics!

Lynne, glad you are home safe, too!

Red said...

Diane and I spent all afternoon with her brother and his family and pets after a wonderful Easter dinner. I'll see my brother from Chattanooga next Saturday.

hedgie said...

Carolyn brought me a lovely hyacinth today. 6----count 'em SIX----BIG blooms. Just beautiful...and smells SO good!

We lots lots of pretty wisteria yesterday down in McLean, too, Paula!

Lynne2 said...

I've been reading back a bit....sounds like everyone had a really nice weekend! Also nice to see we had a few visits from the eagles.

Lynne2 said...

how nice Lynn! You'll have to plant them so they'll come up again next spring too!

hedgie said...

Red, great that you all are getting some family time!!! I was just wondering if you had children---have never heard mention that I recall! Glad you had a nice day, and another weekend to look forward to!

News time. I am tired....going to wrap it up here. End of a wonderful weekend!
Sleep tight, and hope your week starts off sunny!! Love all y'all.
Prayers and peace.

Lynne2 said...

I'm sorry to report that we didn't see any bears. We did have a nano second of thinking we saw one. It was big and black, and it was a COW. In the forest. With another cow, lighter in color.

I'm heading to bed. Good night and prayers for all!

paula eagleholic said...

Big yawn here, have to get some sleep

Hugs to all

Mema Jo said...

Well another holiday comes to an end. Thankful for all my friends' and families' having a wonderful day. Next is Memorial Day. And
can't believe that Buddy is 3 yrs old.
Margy you're not going to live down the washer story - ROFL
Tomorrow Egg Roll at White House and the Bragg Bunch will be there at noon. I sure have enjoyed spending time with them.

Mema Jo said...

Good night friends
Sleep well & don't forget to say
your prayers..........
Hugs to all ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

PA Nana said...

Goodnight all.

Prayers for a restful sleep. Catch you tomorrow.

God bless

Lolly said...

Hi all! We are home had a fantastic day! We were the last to leave. I bathed Zacharoo and got him ready for bed. Then Ashley put him to bed and the four of us sat and talked. Nice way to end the day. Food was fantastic and very different. Michael grilled a pork tenderloin as well as lamb tenderloin. In additon to that he grilled pineapple and corn on the cob. With all this we had deviled eggs, cheese mashed potatoes, tossed salad and potato salad. The potato salad was made with blue cheese and bacon. Yummy! For dessert...fruit pizza that Laurel made. Besides family they had good friends with their two little girls and his father. Kids had a ball playing. Joseph and Jacob only lost Zach's balls over the fence twice. One is stuck in an arbor and the other went into their pool. They threw one back over the fence but their gardener will have to retrieve the other one. LOL

Lolly said...

Good to hear about that young eaglet. Also, really like that weather map. Thanks Judy!

You can move right over to Texas and see the storms that popped up tonight. ☺ I drove home and most of the way it was raining hard. Not far from home it was pouring, but as we got closer you could see that it only sprinkled here. That is two nights in a row it went north of us. Oh, and I think that map is funny. It leaves off the name Fort Worth, a big city, but has some very small towns listed. Weird!

Hoda said...

Mema Jo are you going to the White House tomorrow? THE White House? This would be will have to write about that...Do you live in DC or Virginia? So incredible to have someone announce casually they are going to the White House for an Easter egg roll!!!

Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Everyone,
I'm getting here kind of late tonight.

Glad that everyone had a nice Easter.
We did too. After an early call from Jay, our oldest gd, we talked to our daughter Jen on the phone, and also Courtney, our youngest gd, and Sierra, our ggd.
They had a bunch of family over for brunch and an Easter egg hunt.

We listened to Handel's "Messiah" this afternoon. It's a favorite of both of us. Had a new bird in the yard as we were eating our dinner--a Bushtit. Very cute!

Well, need to get some sleep. It will be an early morning tomorrow!

Prayers have been said for everyone. Judie, thank you for setting the night light. I'm checking to make sure the porch light went on. The eye-scanner security and WV Dana's thumbprint-scanner security are enabled. Hope everyone has sweet dreams. I'll talk to you tomorrow. God bless, and goodnight! Love all of you! :o]

Lolly said...

Hoda, Jo lives in Maryland. The Bragg bunch going to the Whitehouse is Jo's grandson and his family. He has two precious little girls. He is in the service, returned not long ago from living in Germany.

Heading to the shower. Jack has been in his chair snoring for quite some time. LOL I have been over on fb.

Nite all! So glad everyone had a great Easter. Sweet Easter dreams!

Costume Lady said...

Well here I am, once again doing face plants onto the keyboard.I think I have had a touch of African Sleeping Sickness!

Good Night my friends
WHOOPS...I actually feel asleep!

Lolly said...

Nite Wanda!

Have just been playing with my avatar and had to come back to see how it works. LOL

Lolly said...

Works! LOL


magpie said...

That's a good one, Lolly!

I didn't go to bed, been working on something

think we have an egg at this nest, the "other Finland" nest that Hedgie brought to our attention a few weeks ago:
The Other Finland Nest

I tried twice to get a picture and failed....thought I saw her a few hours ago hovering as if she was about to lay it, pretty sure she did !

Dad keeps going in and out of the nest, think he wants a peek !

magpie said...

I might try flower avatars this week, this one is a Mature Dandelion ☺
Make A Wish !

won't make it for the morning nest-watching, think I will probably be sawing logs at that hour,
sorry to miss my nest-watching buddies !

Good Night Once again...
Prayers on your Pillows

xoxo ♥

magpie said...

finally, see an osprey at this Finland Nest:

Saaksi Hailuoto

We have called this one "Finney"
for several years

Lori O. said...

Oh Lolly ! Your sunshine, my fave, is back and you put TEAM LIBERTY on it. How cool! I love it.

JudyE - your three crosses with the sunset avatar gets my vote for the prettiest - that's jaw dropping gorgeous. I hope you keep it for a while.

Margy . . L O L. Did that same washer trick a few years ago - you made me laugh with that one.

Wanda - hope you get over your sleeping sickness :) It was probably just a busy day of church, GG, food and family.

Lori O. said...

I checked in - lurk mode - about 7 last night and I see that Belle & Truder made it to the nest just before I got here and AGAIN around 8:15pm. I'm so happy they're still coming for multiple visits a day.

MARGY - are you still up?

magpie said...

Sorry I am going to miss out on the morning fun, been trying to get a wedding present packaged up for mailing Monday!

I'll watch for what you have seen when I get up

I was checking blog posts and cams when I started the water and put soap in the washer...closed the top and forgot about it until first spin cycle...shucks, I hated to waste water !!!
Good Night, now, really...
Have a good day at work....

Lori O. said...

Get some rest Margy - I don't know how you operate on so little sleep!

Sweet dreams.

Lori O. said...

Hey KAY, you had the call over on this thread, so does that mean you get the PSF?

Lori O. said...

Welcome Early Birders DanaMO, KayIM, JudyE, Margy (who was up very late & may not be here this morning) . . .

The Sunrise Sycamore Cyber Cafe is happy to be serving our own Breakfast Blend coffee this morning. Help yourself.

Lori O. said...

LIB, we have not forgotten and we miss you so much.


Lori O. said...

Light at the nest now.

Lori O. said...


Lori O. said...


Lori O. said...


Lori O. said...



Lori O. said...


Lori O. said...



Lori O. said...


Lori O. said...


DanaMo said...

Turned on the nest and surprise, Truder is looking right up at me! LOL

And the color just came on too!

Lori O. said...


stronghunter said...

Eagle alert!!!


Lori O. said...


DanaMo said...

Good morning Lori. Good to "see" you this morning. Got my steaming cup in front of me, thanks :)

Truder left and came back! I'll let you post the details.

DanaMo said...

Mornin' Shirley

stronghunter said...

Just came in for a landing.

Lori O. said...


stronghunter said...

And took off again.

stronghunter said...

Good morning.

stronghunter said...

Good morning, Lori and DanaMo.

Lori O. said...

Dana, Shirley - Will you please watch the nest and document activity? I need to jump on another job for a few.

Thanks! BBS

DanaMo said...

okay..I'll watch the nest.

Lori O. said...

Hello DanaMO and Shirley!

Shirley when does the retirement begin?

I hope you both had a nice Easter.

Lori O. said...

OK Dana!

DanaMo said...

Starting the cabinets today Lori. Have to scrub them all down first. Took all the knobs off on Saturday and started washing. I have a fairly large kitchen though and I didn't get very far. I didn't want to take too much out of the cabinets before Easter dinner. So today I start, I'll post pics probably on Facebook, now that Lent is over.

stronghunter said...

Retirement begins June 14. At least, that is when I stop working.I will be on the payroll until the end of August. I can remember when teachers did not get paychecks in summer, but now they spread the paychecks over 12 months, at least at the schools I have been at.

stronghunter said...

Watching for now. Might fall asleep, though. George got me up early this morning. I took care of the critters and saw Kathryn off to her job. Mockingbird singing away outdoors.

Lori O. said...

WOW - life changing moments here at the Sunrise Sycamore Cyber Cafe!

Shirley you must be so excited. I'm so excited for you!

DanaMo said...

Congratulations on your retirement.

I'm on a 12 month pay too. Thank goodness I get paid over the summer. Of course it's not much being in a private school. Our newspaper just published the salaries of public school teachers and I was so shocked. This is why I say teaching at a Catholic school is a Vocation not a job. Wow I could be making so much more money.

stronghunter said...

I am looking forward to it, Lori. There are many things I want to do.

Lori O. said...

Way to go DanaMO! I envy yo ur ambition and am so glad you're gonna put the pics on FB. On FB or your blog here?

DanaMo said...

Facebook...I need to figure out a better way to put them on the blog. I guess upload them to Picasso and then post a link?

stronghunter said...

I know there is a difference. I guess you probably don't have as many difficult children to deal with, but I am sure there are other problems to deal with at a private school.

stronghunter said...

You can put pictures on your own blog here.

stronghunter said...

Many of us have pictures on our blogs here.

DanaMo said...

Oh yes, I believe we each have our own problems. No school is perfect that is for sure. It's a trade-off! There are issues in each.

Kay said...

Good morning Early Birds--my turn to sleep in.

Lori, great job of soloing for a while, so glad you had the time this morning ! Love your salute to Lib !

Margy, I know you're not up yet, but this avatar is the one I promised you about a week ago. Taken last Fall, Seth and I, tickets in hand, wait to enter the Oval at OSU. A huge Get Out The Vote rally where the Obamas and Ohio candidates appeared.

DanaMo, good luck with those cabinets !

Shirley, June 14 will be here before you know it and you'll be FREE !!!! Yeah !!!!

Lori O. said...

Dana - just click on your name above one of your posts here, and it'll take you to a page where you can choose to create your own blog.

DanaMo said...

I have a blog with my pictures if you click my name you can see that as a blog, but the way I posted my previous pictures was basically in a message I guess, and I want to post them as a link so that it doesn't take up so much space. 'know what I mean? Does that make sense.
I opened a Picaso account but haven't really played with it. I figure it's good back up to have my pictures in the "cloud" LOL! Love that expression.

Kay said...

Margy, that was a good cleaning you gave the washing machine ! LOL

Enjoyed all the postitive reports of Easter Day---fun n' food---safe homecomings !

Lynn, the story of the little eagle, all healed and returning to the nest is heartwarming !

stronghunter said...

Hmm, looks like DanaMo already has lots of pictures on her blog.

Lori O. said...

Good Morning Kay!
(( BIG HUG ))

DanaMo said...

'Morning Kay!

Okay...I'm off to start emptying the cabinets. Oh I am not looking forward to this job. I'm so impatient, I just want it done!

I'll be lurking. Have a great day everyone.

stronghunter said...

I suppose you could do a link; I don't think I've done one to Picasso.

stronghunter said...

Have fun, DanaMo.

stronghunter said...

Mornin', Kay.

Kay said...

Thanks for the Hug, Lori, the coffee's great this morning. Glad I popped in before it was all gone ! Love your little bluebird--looks like a side view of "The Mad Bluebird".

Bye for now DanaMo !

Kay said...

Hi Shirley, hope Susan is feeling better today ! I think a lot of folks here are suffering with sinus headaches and arthritic pains as the rain continues to fall. Hour after hour after hour......

floralgirl said...

Good morning all:)
Today's nest weather- Partly sunny. Areas of fog in the morning. A chance of showers and thunderstorms in the afternoon. Some thunderstorms may be severe. Highs in the lower 80s. South winds 5 to 10 mph. Gusts up to 25 mph in the afternoon. Chance of rain 30 percent.
It's very nice outside here this morning, already 57° and sunny.

Kay said...

Thanks, Megan ! I'd love to see some of that sunshine !

floralgirl said...

Out of the corner of my eye I was watching the cam and saw a streak of orange, think it was a Baltimore oriole that just flew up near the bottom right of the nest.
Also, in the past week, we have seen an osprey fly over our yard twice.
Yesterday I finally saw my phoebes, and indigo bunting. Now all that is missing in my yard are the catbirds and brown thrasher.

Kay said...

I'm going into lurk mode as I mosey on over to e-mail and newspapers. HAGD all !

Lori O. said...

Going into LM now. Have a great day everyone!

JudyEddy said...

Good morning one and all got to got to sleep in this am Put in for a day off today to go to Busch Gardens Missed the am visit.
Lori so sorry I changed my avatar last night to the visit Jordyn and I did the other day seeing Winter the Dolphin.
And the wash machine story was funny and has happened to me also besides others like putting the coffee pot on and forgetting to put the water in it one time and other times forgetting to put the coffee in it-- Woke up to hot water MMM Oh and the big one I use to do is when making tea in my coffee pots is forgetting to empty the coffee grinds from the basket End up having Tea hazelnut coffeee YUK that was not good My mother one time put the carton of milk on the burner and the coffee pot in the refrigerator I say you should always be able to laugh at your self when you do silly things
Heres to hoping everyone have a good day and Mema Jo oh going to the White House that sound so awesome make sure we get to see some pictures

Kay said...

JudyE, coming out of LM briefly, to say, "Have a wonderful day at Busch Gardens !" One of my favorite destinations when kids came to visit during my Tarpon Springs years.

What a funny list of household gaffes you've put together. Recently my tub of margarine went missing. None for my morning oatmeal and no idea where it went. Last used on a baked potato the night before. I cook oatmeal in the microwave and when I opened the door, you guessed it, there sat the oleo !

Margy's washing machine cleaning cycle I've not used, but I have loaded the washer, put in the detergent, run the water....Going back later to find nothing had happened because I failed to put the lid down. :o(

Judie said...

Good morning, everyone.

Wishing a lovely day for all.

Kay said...

Lori, yes twas' I who received the last PSF. I'm going to need many more before, just one did nothin' for this mug of mine. Oh, well...

"For beauty I'd not take a prize, there are many more beautiful far. But, my face, I don't mind it, for I am behind it. The people in front get the jar !"

Lori O. said...

I feel a theme coming on!

Lori O. said...

THEME: My best "Margy" moment . . .

Kay said...

Great idea, Lori ! Okay, guys n' gals, time to fess up. What is your best or most recent "Margy Moment" ? ☺

Kay said...

Back to LM, while I read the Columbus Dispatch.

Red said...

Good morning everyone. I just wanted to get on here before the split. No wax for me. lol

glo said...

ARGH Captured by Blogger Cop this morning. I am going out to mow BEFORE the rain starts again. Will read late now. Make it a good day. Its gonna be biscuits and gravy here when I get my work done as I am doing this before food just to beat this stupid weather.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Good morning everyone. Hope everyone had a great Easter Sunday.


Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

I had such a great weekend but it is so good to be back home. My bed was heavenly last night.

DanaMo said...

Come on over, new thread!!!

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1/22/25 PM Sorry late busy day

7AM.scout comes to the nest 7:02 AM. We exit the nest after trying out the bowl. .1:07 PM scout comes to the nest. She has been eating the w...