Wednesday, March 23, 2011


from the NCTC Website today:

Shepherdstown, WV – Since 2006, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service’s National Conservation Training Center (NCTC) has connected people to nature by streaming live video of a pair of American bald eagles to viewers across the country and abroad via a camera placed near the eagles’ nest.

The NCTC eagle cam serves as an educational tool to showcase eagle biology, including mating behavior, egg laying, incubation, and in a successful year, rearing eagle chicks until they are old enough to leave the nest. Although the NCTC campus is closed to the public (with the exception of the annual open house and occasional special events), the cam records video year round can be accessed online anytime at:

After many years of viewing the same pair of eagles, this year we have witnessed the process of natural competition within a species. Recently a third eagle, believed to be a female of breeding age, has been sighted near the nest and appears to be asserting control over the nest and surrounding territory. This is typical eagle behavior in a robust, healthy population and likely indicates that the eagle population near NCTC has increased in recent years.

In response to this behavior, many eagle cam viewers have expressed concern. It is important to highlight to our public viewers that the eagles residing on NCTC’s land are exposed to natural environmental pressures, including the presence of other eagles. At times the camera may be difficult to watch. While NCTC provides the opportunity to view live video of wild eagles, our position is not to interfere in any way.

Craig Koppie, regional eagle coordinator and raptor biologist at the Service’s Chesapeake Bay field office, is working closely with NCTC to monitor the situation. Koppe said, “there are times when intervention is not the correct course of action. Breeding birds are very sensitive to human disturbance, and interfering could result in abandonment of the nest.” Koppe also acknowledged that, “as hard as it is to watch an older generation of eagles potentially be displaced by a younger generation, we need to inform the public that the aggressive behavior we’re seeing is natural. The most fit individual will emerge as having control of the nest and surrounding territory, and this individual will go on to contribute to the next generation of eagles, keeping the species and the population strong.”

NCTC is committed to providing factual, science-based updates on current nest activity. To monitor these updates, please visit:

New thread.


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mariadangeloart said...

I want to see an eagle :(

Lolly said...

Oh, my! Another split!

IrisF said...

Lynne2 if they don't like your meatloaf I could enjoy their share! My mom used to make a meatloaf like yours alot. Dad was a hunter, but - we did eat everything he shot or caught.

Lolly said...

IE here! But not going to change.

PammySue said...

Iris, I think one of the visits happened between 7:04-7:10 this morning. Don't quote me on that.

Lolly said...

Yes, Iris, meatloaf might be okay, it is the eggs in the salad that you want to watch out for! LOL

mariadangeloart said...

Someone's knocking.....

JudyEddy said...

How long has it been since someone has see any of the three at the nest

Lolly said...

Lynne laid the eggs! Or was it she laid the salad?

wvgal_dana said...

Lolly glad that Fay's house might be sold.

Lynn-Hedgie be careful prayers for safety in this weather for you and the other people. Sorry for your loss of a friend.

Andy sounds like you have some homework.

Shirley seems like with that med Emma should be mild and not running around.

Lynne2 you are really learning to do these neat things. For the blue if I remember I try to type not a link first although sometimes I forget. If you want to type different you can you know. It isn't blue nor bold black lol

Anonymous said...

Hi, eagle lovers! Just checking in. Seems awfully quiet today. Has anything happened this afternoon?

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

@Maria, I keep thinking that too but it must be rain.

@JudyE, it was sometime this morning but can't remember the exact time.

Lolly said...

Rain at the nest. But, sadly no rain here.

Heading back outside.

paula eagleholic said...

If I am think correctly, without looking at them, the 2 videos that Pam put on here were from this morning...

wvgal_dana said...


Lolly said...

Kathi...nothing. Do look at the pictures and comments that Paula posted this afternoon,.

mariadangeloart said...

I'd like to think it's an eagle :)

mariadangeloart said...

Now it ;ooks like very big rain drops or maybe some sleet?

Lolly said...

Yes, they are from this morning. I think Belle was just too interested in eating that she was not upset by the intruder.

paula eagleholic said...

Yes, those were the visits from early this morning, between 6-8 as a rough idea for the time.

PammySue said...

According to the WoW forum, one of the visits WAS between 7:04-7:10 this morning. They have screen shots labeled with those times.
I don't know a time for the other one.

Harbinger said...

Disregard --- I'm just trying something

What does the b do?

What does the a do?

What does the i do?

IrisF said...

OK, thanks, that makes sense. I was wondering if at the 10:57 time the intruder had been there longer than I thought, but I thought I saw him/her fly in and begin nestorations right away. Someone commented later that the nest looked like it had been cleaned up.☺

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Perfect @harbinger!

Lynne2 said...

My special chickens laid the eggs. I laid the egg salad made with the special eggs onto the bread.

Lynne2 said...

That's great news about Faye's house Lolly...hope nothing messes it up!

IrisF said...

The b makes things bold
the i makes italics
the a makes blue underlined text

Harbinger said...

Well that worked! Now I just have to find out how to post a link and I'll be all set.

Thanks everyone who gave instructions!!

wvgal_dana said...

Sharon when are you leaving to go to Bev's? Continuing in prayer for Bev's surgery tomorrow.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Dana, I am leaving after work tomorrow. Her surgery is Friday morning. She has to be there at 8:30.

Lynne2 said...

OMG.....the burner was out of OIL!!!!! This guy never checked and neither did my landlord!

Lynne2 said...

oh my we can do ITALICS?

IrisF said...

The b makes things bold
the i makes italics
the a makes blue underlined text

Ctrl end outside the text boxes takes you to the bottom of the page

Alt fn then a number makes a special character like ☺ or ♥

Ctrl F makes a Search box to find text. Type in words you want to find and click NEXT or PREVIOUS

Lets see if I got all that right

Lynne2 said...

Not only that, but the guy called the oil company that my landlord has a service contract with....or thought he did, which would cover the visit today. But they canceled that company and went with someone else and now the service contract is VOID!!! This ain't gonna go over well....

PammySue said...

Lynne, are you serious? I have heard of refrigerator repairmen who work on a fridge for hours, and then notice it is unpluggged. DUH.

IrisF said...

Love it, thank all who taught us how!!! I'm beginning to find my way around here, right?

PammySue said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
PammySue said...

So if blahblahblah gives you underlined blue type, how do you get plain blue, not underlined?

PammySue said...

Uh-oh. I have to change some stuff on the cam's Facebook page. I put NCTC as the employer for fun--I also added fishing and the Potomac River to interests for fun--but that was a no no. I also need to add 'fans' to the page so it does not look like an official page.
I got a message (and a friend request, from Sarah Gannon-Nagle,
Public Affairs Officer for NCTC.

IrisF said...

I don't think they give you that option Pammy Sue...that would require typing in a code name for the color like < FONT-color=000080> then after the text you would put < /FONT> I put spaces in now so you can still see what it would look like.

I tried it and got the message that Your HTML cannot be accepted: Tag is not allowed: FONT

wvgal_dana said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
paula eagleholic said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
wvgal_dana said...

darn thing about tags grr

Anonymous said...

Thanks, Lolly! Where can I find Paula's pictures?

wvgal_dana said...

LMBO=laughing my butt off at PammySue Pam we will take up a collection to get you out of jail!!! LOL

paula eagleholic said...

One of those deletes was mine, stooopid blogger posted a comment from an hour or more ago...

paula eagleholic said...

Kathi, click on my name and go to the eaglet momsters blog

Anonymous said...

Oh, btw, a new eagle cam just came online! Alcoa in Davenport, IA.

wvgal_dana said...

Kati what is the link for it?

PammySue said...

The bad thing is that Facebook won't let me add 'fans' to the name right now. I keep getting an error message saying "Your name change request has been rejected by our automated approval system."

Hopefully this is just a Facebook glitch that will go away later today or tomorrow.

Anonymous said...

Thanks, Paula!

Here's the link to the Davenport, Iowa eagle cam:

Their first hatch is due TOMORROW! :)

paula eagleholic said...

I think the interests sound great, Pammy. Wonder why they are upset at that small point. Maybe you could add a note that it's not the official page. Wonder if they are going to add one?

Lynne2 said...

our sky is turning green here

Lynne2 said...

very bad storm cell passing just north of us

JudyEddy said...

Green do you have tornado warnings??

Lynne2 said...

whew, green is gone now, raining really hard

Lynne2 said...

JudyE if you mean me, not, not even severe TS warning. I'm much happier with the sky color now!

JudyEddy said...

I know sometimes with green skys are tornado warnings here in Florida

JudyEddy said...

I want to see the eagles I looking at all the others but still want to see Belle and Lib but not the B

wvgal_dana said...

Harbingerdc, Lynne2 and Pam (PammySue) check your mail.

mariadangeloart said...

Have a feeling we're not going to see anyone tonight. :(

PammySue said...

Paula, on the info section, I do state that it is not an official page. She requested that I move that statement to a more prominent place, but I cannot change the layout of a Facebook page. It was a nice message, she was 'requesting' that I make the changes, not demanding it.
I certainly don't want to upset anyone over there.
I told her that I had actually emailed them last year approximately five times BEFORE I made the original page. I asked if it was OK and if I could use some of the still pics from below the live feed, etc. They never answered me, so I just did it.

PammySue said...

Lynne, I have always heard that a green sky is a sign of a tornado, so watch out.

Harbinger said...

Thanks, Dana!!!!

Judie said...

Bambi is crying!

Looks ominous here -- you guys send the storm to me?

Well, the eggs I use are really hard boiled, like marbles, that are inside the hen that spits them out when you push on the hen's head. Belonged to Darth as a child. Should call the Smithsonian, I guess.

I could be a repair person. I'm very clever about fixing things that are not really broken.

Lynne, sorry about the repair contract not being good. Maybe the new company will honor it even if on a one-time basis.

Sharon, Dana did a good reminder about Bev's surgery. Give her tons of hugs and kisses from the momsters, please. Safe trip.

PammySue, I can get you a ride in a State Police car. Takes you right to NCTC.

Well, weary of reading papers.


PammySue said...

Judie, what is this hen contraption you are talking about?

And I'll take you up on the offer of a ride in a state police car. Probably be the closest I'll ever get to being driven around by a chauffeur. (I mean no disrespect by that)

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

I am heading my butt out of this house for a little while. Check back in later.

PammySue said...

Paula, the NCTC probably just wants to avoid any trouble if somebody gets on the page and says something ridiculous and/or threatening (think Outdoor Channel forums).

wvgal_dana said...


Christine said...

someone's in the nest!!

JudyEddy said...

eagle onnest

Liz said...

bird in the nest. its turdy!

Liz said...

now belle joined her. no confrontation yet

Lynne2 said...

well, look who's back and isn't this interesting

Liz said...

belle took off. turdy still in nest.

Lynne2 said...

LOL Judie!!!!!!!!

PammySue said...

Who is still on the nest?

DanaMo said...

Wow that nest is blowing. Who is that in the nest, I can't tell?

PammySue said...

Oh, it's Turdy.

Liz said...

now turdy took off. nest empty.

wvgal_dana said...

Don't think he/she liked the nest moving like that...looks really like it got scared and flew out.

PammySue said...

Sorry, Dana. Just got distracted with the Facebook issue and now the cam. Going to check email now.

Lynne2 said...

I really don't care about the repair contract's the landlord's problem!

So nice of Turdy and Belle to drop by.

mariadangeloart said...

Did they leave? I never saw anyone...?

wvgal_dana said...

Intruder was in nest then Belle flew in. Then Belle flew out. The nest started really moving and intruder acted scare and flew out.

Harbinger said...

@Pammy, what if you tried to add Watchers rather than fans. Since they have fan pages, that might be the problem.

mariadangeloart said...

Well at least they're still around. I was beginning to worry that everyone found a new home.

Lynne2 said...

I just had another thought.....nesting/egg laying season is over, in that I very much doubt a second clutch would happen now. That would put fledge at late summer/early fall. Not so good for eaglets. So if the nest isn't going to be used, then there may not really be a true fight for territory at the moment, and this could go on for the next several months!

Lynne2 said...

Storm over, and NOW we get a weather alert! LOL! But there is another line behind this one.....

wvgal_dana said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Christine said...

Someone is still in the tree above the camera.
PammySue, what is the facebook page?

IrisF said...

Hubby is gone for a bit, so I think I'll see if I can catch a nap without coughing...bbl

By the way, Belle flew out of there like she was shot out of a cannon. Knew what was about to happen I think - though the tree was still stationary when she took off.

SusanP said...

It looked like Turdy started to do a little restoration and a t one point Belle started to take the end of the same stick. Another hint that Turdy really is a male?

wvgal_dana said...

My delete

Robyn said...

Hang on Lynne another storm heading your way, wind is really blowing as is the rain lightning and thunder too

Lynne2 said...

and if this goes on for the next several months....well, I'll be needin' some more chocolate.

SusanP said...

Really windy at the nest -it has been some nasty weather all around this eve. I dropped by the MN. Nest and the wind was just howling -

Christine said...

LOL, I'm afraid of heights and just watching that nest move around is making me queasy!!!!

Lynne2 said...

thanks Robyn, just saw hoping to grab a shower between storms but don't think I'll get a chance. I don't do water and lightning. I am VERY afraid, or rather I have a very healthy respect for how very dangerous lightning is....JudyE, I guess you are familiar with that living in the state with the most lightning!

wvgal_dana said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Lynne2 said...

SusanP do yo mean the MN eagle cam nest? Why is it tilted like that?

mariadangeloart said...

Wow, looks like a real bad storm. Hope all the eagles are okay and sheltered.....

PammySue said...

Thank you, Dana.

JudyEddy said...

Yep we have some awesome storms Weather is fantastic today about 76 and dry not humid

wvgal_dana said...

My delete that link is really giving a problem when trying to do a blue link.

PAMMYSUE did you get your mail?

SusanP said...

I think the MN cam may have gotten tilted by the blizzard conditions they reported earlier. It looked like there were some very ruffled eagle feathers just barely visible on the nest.

Pouring at 'our' nest right now (and here in McHenry!)

JudyEddy said...

where do they go for shelter???

wvgal_dana said...

Your welcome Pam ( :

DanaMo said...

POURING in Hagerstown and thunger now too!
I looked at the videos from this morning and asked who the eagles were in the video. Was is the intruder and Belle. They seemed to be "working" side by side without altercation. Can anyone tell me. There are so many posts, but I don't think anyone answered that. If you did I apologize that I missed it, so I am asking again. Thanks

DanaMo said...

ooops...thats "thunder"

DanaMo said...

Hopefully my kindergarten class will have some joy in 21 days. Our chicken eggs arrived today and are safely in the incubator. We will check on Monday with a homemade candler to see if we have anything growing inside. :) Hopefully this will go better than our eaglet watching, although they did seem to handle it pretty well. Maybe better than I did!

wvgal_dana said...

Anyhow you can put it in your browser. The link for Davenport Iowa cam Kati was talking about. When she put it on she lost the last part. Don't worry Kati when I posted it I lost the last part too.

DanaMo said...

Just lost cable in Hagerstown! ACK! I hope it's back on before Criminal Minds.

SusanP said...

DanaMo - I think this morning was the intruder and Belle

Lynne2 said...

ah, ok thanks SusanP

I'm off to eat dinner....BBL

wvgal_dana said...

DanaMo yes there was no altercation. They were both in the nest again.

DanaMo said...

That's what I thought. Just wanted to confirm. So why do the experts think that is?

PammySue said...

Harbingerdc, I think Facebook is just being difficult today. It has been acting hokey for the past few days.

wvgal_dana said...

Who JudyE?

PammySue said...

Christine, I just started a new Facebook page for the cam watchers. I set up one last year, but it did not work properly.

It is for people who just want a quick update about what is going on. You are welcome to join.

Nctc Eagle Cam

JudyEddy said...

Someone had made a comment that they hope the eagles were in shelter and I thought that odd so I asked where would they go in the storm Thats all Dumb question I guess

floralgirl said...

Wicked line of storms over us now. Lightning looks wild on the cam.

Leona said...

Just found this posted on youtube.

PammySue said...

Lynne, if this goes on for another couple of months, I’ll need someone to Pass The Meds.

DanaMo, how cute that your class is going to have little chicks. My nieces are in kindergarten. They are so cute at that age. And yes, it was Belle and the intruder in those two videos from this morning. Very strange.

Robyn said...

Leona was that today? When she was looking up and intruder did also I was hoping it was because Lib was around maybe talking to her from a distance.

PammySue said...

I have gotten 2 more very nice messages from Sarah at NCTC. She thanked me for my cooperation and congratulated me that the page had so many followers. She said it had almost as many as the NCTC page, and it has been up much longer.

She said that she had been following the OC forums (yikes) and that she thought the name "Trudy" was very clever. That's all you, Lynne!

Christine said...

Wow Leona, they wasted no time getting it up huh?? Were they looking at Lib?? I saw both of them look up and Belle was paying particular attention just before taking off.

MicheleB said...


I tried to catch up earlier today and got overwhelmed!

So this is what I've gathered, please correct me if I'm wrong.

Belle and "the intruder" have spent some peaceful time in the nest together. Liberty has been seen and he may have a wound. These two things together indicate that "the intruder" may be male rather than female. And what will happen next is anyone's guess - could be more drama to come or it could be peaceful for the rest of the season.


floralgirl said...

I guess there is no way to set the NCTC eagle cam Facebook page as a business page now so it can have fans instead of friends.

PammySue said...

Leona, I'm wondering if that was from this morning?

Did you see where I had posted the links to the videos from this morning? It took me a while because I had to find them and then figure out how to do it.

Christine said...

Pammy, ask her if we could get their resident expert to talk to us sometime and let us know what they think is going on and if Liberty is still around. I haven't heard of anyone seeing him since Sunday :(

Leona said...

I think it was this evening Robyn.. I just found that on youtube.

DanaMo said...

Thanks Pammy. This is my 4th year doing the eggs with varying degrees of success.Last year we had 14 of our eggs hatch. It's a great lesson about life and I can integrate so many subjects. And since I am a Catholic school the timing is just right for religion and new life. We even had one that looked like an eagle! Too bad I can't add a picture here, he was really cute!

PammySue said...

floralgirl, I dont' know if it is possible to switch it to a business page or not.
When it was a 'group' page, people were not getting any status updates unless they were my personal friends on Facebook. That is why I started a new page.

DanaMo said...

That empty nest is just so sad...

Christine said...

Thanks Pammy, I joined the page a few minutes ago :)

wvgal_dana said...

Pam where is the NCTC page you made. When I click on the link you put it took me to my page. I don't see an NCTC page???

Leona said...

Yes Pammy I saw you links. Thanks.

PammySue said...

MicheleB, yes to Belle and the intruder being in the nest together peacefully (twice), between 6 and 8 this morning. I posted videos at 5:06 the afternoon if you want to watch them.

Christine, some people on here have established contacts at NCTC, so I will defer to them. As far as Liberty goes, I went to the nest yesterday and saw 3 eagles soaring up pretty high together. While I cannot swear one of them was Liberty, that is the assumption.

Christine said...

I was kinda/sorta joking about them coming online with us. I forgot you'd been out there, sorry.

Leona said...

I am out of here for now... might come back later... Hubbies home and has turned on the TV. I haven't had it on during the day since I started watching the eagle cam. I told him he can't turn it on until 7 pm... Later all...

Harbinger said...

Well, it's time for me to get ready for bed. 4:30 am comes along really early.

Good night, all.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for reposting the correct link to the Davenport, IA nest, wvgal Dana.

Christine said...

Think I'll watch the PBS documentary someone posted earlier.

wvgal_dana said...

MicheleB Liberty has no wound on head or at all.

wvgal_dana said...

Boy oh boy St. Luke's United Methodist Church has a lot of "older in age members". They are passing away like flies.

Sorry Hedgie-Lynn about Eileen. I read her OB she sounded like a great lady.

NatureNut said...

Getting on for awhile~~~gotta eat & might watch AI.
See we have an MT nest. Wonder if someone will spend the night later?
Lynne, your furnace won't work!!!!I saw on news, we may have flurries in AM down here!!!!!
Our area is out of severe storm weather just heard.
JUDIE, I had (have?) the plastic chickens holding white marble eggs!!! Also used to have the little black & white Scottie dogs on reversed magnets that would spin around & face each other when one snuck up on other!!
Gotta go~~BBL

Judie said...

DanaMO, keep an eye on those eggs -- Lynne2 will be after them so she can lay her egg salad.

OMG - the worst kind of storm, the kind with thunger.

Lynne2 said...

Close MichelleB....Lib was not in the nest and has no wound that we know of, but he's not been seen up close. The one with the dark areas on the head is Truder. Please click on Paula's name, there are some videos and pics on her blog, very helpful!

Leona, glad you are back! Cool names for your cat...MOUTH!

Lynne2 said...

OH the Scottie dogs magnets!! I had those too!

Ok Judie....those chicken eggs are surely NOT special like mine. They will be special chickens!

THis is the first time I have seen lightning at the nest...pretty cool looking. I was able to get my shower between storms, yay!

Thunger? Is that hungry thunder?

bev. said...

Dana Mo
Reading about your chicken eggs in the incubator. We did that in Grade 2 also.

I always lost sleep, as I was afraid I would go in and one would be dead.

Lynne2 said...

or a hunger that roars like thunder?

Lynne2 said...

We have oil and we have heat!

PammySue said...

Was that an eagle noise?

Lynne2 said...

OMG my husband is listening some band called OFFSPRING. Interesting. I've never seen this side of him....

Pam, if it turns out that Trudy is a male....well, Rudy, or Truder.

Lynne2 said...

Looks like some bad storms down east of DC and south as well.....Y'all OK down that way??

Judie said...

Hi Lowreeda,

For the police car -- last year at open house several of us were separated from the group who arrived in the Eagle Express (Gene & Wanda's RV) so Shirley and I commandeered a State police officer, pleaded our pitiful case, and he drove us to the nest. Very funny expressions of the faces of others when we arrived in a police car.

Hi Lowreeda, I'm glad you've got a chicken laying hen as well. For the question, it is a child toy that "lays eggs" when the hen's head/body is pressed down.

Judie said...

Good grief, oil and heat and "special" eggs and thunger, and a husband who seems to have an alter personality. I can help with the alter personality. Tell him he has dissociative identity disorder.

Hi Leona, glad you came back.

Judie said...

Hate to do this but need to shut down for a little while. Serious storm here with thunger and lightning.

BBL but just in case, I will turn the night light on now.

floralgirl said...

Whoa- that's the Offspring, and I like them.

Lolly said...

Hey! Jack and I got to ride in that police car too! LOL

Can not hear the thunger but that is some lightening that you can see light up the nest!

Judie said...

Well, okay, doing a Margy.

DanaMo, please keep us up-to-date on the eggs. Really. We like that sort of thing.

I'm leaving, really, this time.

hedgie said...

Home, fed and settled....slowly catching up with the gab-fest!
See lightening at the nest. Had an awful storm here as soon as I shut down earlier----including 2 episodes of marble-sized hail. Dodged drops to get in to funeral home. Drove home in another bad storm. Everything is SO wet and ponding is everywhere.

Lynne2 said...

oh, sorry, THE Offspring. Who knew? Not me, I never heard of them!

paula eagleholic said...

Pammy, keep it as a could change the name to Shepherdstown Eagles or something like that instead of NCTC...also you can pick who you want in the group.

You can look at group updates by clicking on most recent, then using the down arrow to select group

paula eagleholic said...

Thanks everyone for answering everyone's questions all day long!

Lynne2 said...

It's true DanaMo, we do. What do you do with the chicks afterwards?

EEWWW, anyone remember those dyed chicks in the displays around Easter that you could buy......awful

Lynne2 said...

Glad you are home safe Lynn....sounds like you guys west of here, and south of here, have gotten the worst of it tonight.

wvgal_dana said...

Judie has me cracking up with laughter with telling "he has dissociative identity disorder".LOL

wvgal_dana said...

Lynne2's Steve you better watch Judie is diagnosing you lol

hedgie said...

Will catch up on this page in a little while. No TV this hour so gonna take my bath so I can get comfy.
Lolly, So glad for Laurel that Faye's house has a contract! Big relief, I'm sure!!

Scott said...

@Pam The Facebook pages are still the same way as far as notifications. I have two of them and that's probably the only drawback. I get notifications on email but that's it.

paula eagleholic said...

Kathi, thanks for the update on Davenport Alcoa cam...I've been wondering when it would go live.

Lynne, and if this goes on for the next several months....well, I'll be needin' something stronger than chocolate, lol...hey those meds sounds good

paula eagleholic said...

Looks to me like the video link that Leona posted from youtube was taken this evening.

PammySue said...

Dana, did you find the Facebook page?

Christine, thanks for the documentary link. I haven’t checked it out, but I will. Is it the full documentary?

Judie, that is a funny story. I can’t believe he escorted you there. How cool is that?

I agree about the Offspring band. Very cool. Maybe Lynne’s hubby needs some meds?

Judie said...

Okay, I forgot.

Lolly, really happy about the contract on Faye's house. Didn't take so long afterall. Yippee!

PammySue said...

WOW. I just logged onto the cam's Facebook page and there are 176 new friend requests.

DanaMo said...

Bev-We had a chick hatch last year that never fully developed. We had to remove it from the rest and let it die, unfortunately it took a couple of days. I knew something was wrong right away as it had a really bad odor when I walked into my classroom. That was out of 15 eggs hatching and the first time in 4 years that something like that happened.
I will keep you guys up to date. The whole school really gets into it and usually come through when I candle the eggs so they can see the chick developing. Very cool.
Lynne-I get the eggs from the Ag Extension 4-H and they go back to farms around Hagerstown. I actually have eggs this year from chicks that hatched previous years. The 4-H department also has some eggs that are bought and not local. I should have an interesting variety this year. I have different sizes, different colors. Should be fun!

Lynne2 said...

DanaMo, that's pretty cool, hope you gets some pics for us!

Mema Jo said...

I'm Back - we had lots & lots of
lightening and then the loudest
Thunger - just like Judie did.

DanaMo said...

Oh BTW...another teacher and I plan to drive over to Shepherdstown to try to drive around and spot the eagles. Do you think there is a better time of day that we might catch a glimpse of them flying around??? I know we can't get onto the complex, but it sounds like you all have spotted them from outside and around the area.

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

Good night friends! Sleep tight!!

Mema Jo said...

DanaMo - Is the kindergarten held there at St Mary's church?
It was 52 yrs ago that hubby & I were married at St Mary's by Fr Passarelli

wvgal_dana said...

Yes I did find the NCTC fb page thank you ( :

Lynne2 said...

cool DanaMo, when are you going?

PammySue said...

DanaMo, do you know where the NCTC is? You will not really see the eagles if you are IN Shepherdstown.

DanaMo said...

MeMa-Yes, St. Mary Catholic School attached to the church in Hagerstown. I went to St. Mary's and then my children attended and now I teach there. I still have one child there, my youngest, who is in 7th grade. I remember Fr. Passarelli well. He was the pastor when I went to school there. He died a number of years ago.

paula eagleholic said...

DanaMo, I would say either in the morning or later afternoon/evening might be the best time to spot the eagles.

PammySue said...

Good night, Sissy!

Lynne2 said...

what a small world!

Lynne2 said...

I'm going to head to bed too. Will check in in the AM.

Good night old friends and new, and prayers for all!

DanaMo said...

Well I have the directions. I know I have to go over the bridge into Shepherdstown and from there I am going to have to follow Mapquest. I am picturing that I have to take that back road near the Bavarian Inn? I'm sure between the two of us we can find the NCTC. That's the plan any way. I didn't expect to see them in Shepherdstown, I assume it's in a pretty out of the way area. I am open to suggestions though. My email is

PammySue said...

Good night, Lynne. Go sit on your roost. lol

Lynne2 said...

Oh Lynn, you still here? SusanP posted earlier in case you miss it that MN Eagle Cam was knocked around in the storm they had.

DanaMo said...

the plan right now is to drive over on Sunday afternoon.

Lynne2 said...

pass the MEDS Pam...LOL!

DanaMo said...

Me too. Good night. Criminal Minds is a repeat :(

Lolly said...

Night Lynne! Yeah, go to your roost and tuck! Sweet dreams!

PammySue said...

DanaMo, OK. I just didn't want you to waste your time wandering around Shepherdstown. It is a beautiful little town, though.

You are right about the road that the Bavarian Inn is on--it's Shepherd Grade Road. It will be on your right after you cross the bridge.
The NCTC is 3 or 4 miles, also on the right. A few hundred yards after the NCTC entrance, there is an area nest to the fence to pull over. It is right before the sharp curve. The nest will be directly in front of you. I can send a pic to your email of the view.

Lolly said...

Watching AI and catching up on the blog.

Lynn, sorry about your friend and hope the service this evening was comforting.

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3/6/25 PM

 the wind is ferocious almost tipping our Eagle over and out of the nest at times sometimes you're made to do a egg roll when you're...