Wednesday, March 02, 2011


New thread, bright sunny day in eagleland.


Donka Maria said...

New Thread, Yipee!!

Donka Maria said...

Egg Roll at our nest.

hedgie said...

Thanks for call-over, Jim!
Hi, Donna!

Please help me pray for no more plowable snow this season.....Charlie has my driveway gravel coming Fri.!!!

hedgie said...

Aha! Last canine baby-tooth is gone! SHe must have swallowed it, tho'....don't see it lying where she was playing.

glo said...

Hedgie, I am really glad to hear that last canine tooth is gone

hedgie said...

ARGH----keep losing Mai's tennis balls.....I know where one is lost (in an unreachable area of the basement until the kids carry the Christmas tree box out to garage), but lost another one yesterday and now one this morning!!!

paula eagleholic said...

BWE chicks getting a nice meal. Little one getting some, too!

Eagle at BWO, too

Donka Maria said...

Hi Hedgie, Glad to hear that Mai's last canine fell out. She's such a cutie, I can't imagine her being anything but sweet. Maybe now your boo-boos can heal and she'll settle down a bit.

hedgie said...

Found one ball.....don't know whether Mai is very smart or if it bounced, but it was in the toy basket!

hedgie said...

Yes, Glo and skin rippers left! Makes me very happy!

hedgie said...

Mama is hiding the babies at BWE...can't see hide nor hair of them.

hedgie said...

Wind is quite stiff at our nest. Feathers fluttering on standing bird.

Lolly said...

Have finished walking, now to head outside. First I have to take over Jack's computer to vote!
BBL Yea, Lynn...glad that tooth is gone. Hope things improve from this point on.

Hope we hear personally from Lynne today! Miss you, Lynne!

hedgie said...

Egg role---kinda/sorta....and fluffing the flugg!

hedgie said...

Watched American Idol---listened more than watched. Some good singers in that group of guys, for sure!!!

Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Everyone!
Getting here a little bit earlier today.
Glo, thank you so much for the info about Pine Mouth! Hubby and I bought some pine nuts from Trader Joe's and used them in an artichoke recipe, and both got Pine Mouth a couple of days later! Didn't figure out what caused it, and used the nuts in salads, etc., and it got worse. SO glad to know (finally!) what caused it! Will not be using pine nuts again!
Lynn, very glad to hear that the last baby canine is gone! Will be praying for the driveway situation.
Glo, praying that your car will not cost an arm AND a leg, and that it will not give you any more trouble!
Hoping that Lynne and Steve are rapidly improving, and that we hear from Lynne today.
Lynn, hope your sinuses are getting better. Have you tried some steam?
Well, better get busy here. Have a boatload of homework to do yet, and am also attacking the huge pile of dirty laundry before it attacks me!
Will check back in later. Please keep an eye on our eagles for me!
Later, alligators! :o]

movin said...

bOTH eagles and a fresh fish on BWE.

C(°ٿ°)D Jim

hedgie said...

In case you missed it....this was on the news last evening; Awwwww!
Man and Goose

hedgie said...

Hi, Andy! No, no steam----can't stand breathing in much hot air! Using Saline irrigant. Just now starting to feel a bit better. Wishing Mai and I didn't have class this evening, tho'. It truly exhausts me. Watch out for that attacking laundry, girl!

Jim, I missed foor delivery, and now Lady B is settled in tight on those wee ones.

glo said...

That goose story so much reminds me of Holly at the Marina and the wonderful man who saved her life actually. I do hope the winter has gone well for them and I will once again see them "strolling' this spring.

stronghunter said...


Most of my students are at clubs now. I have one who stayed in class. I think he is bored.

Maybe I should show him the eagle.

hedgie said...

Make your opinions heard:
Stop the Madness

hedgie said...

When the piece first started airing, Glo, I thought it might be about your guy!

Yes, Shirley, show him the EAGLES!

glo said...

LOL Hedgie as the goose story was loading I found myself wondering too:-)

hedgie said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
hedgie said...

Feeding time at BWE again!

NatureNut said...

Hi Everyone from farm house! I saw something today that I thought disappeared, but some little purply things are here!!!Film at Lord knows when! Tried to dwnld an older Photo program that has one feature I use alot, but NOT compatible!Emailed some pics to old computer that has that program. Now I'll remove & transfer w/USB stick! DUH! And would you believe, no USB ports on front, has slots for your cam memory card, no cables!!! Lotta work here if I can stay awake.
Everyone have a good day, especially some healing for the Sopers & anyone else under the weather.
Lynn, glad to hear you may be done w/puncture wounds!!What a patient Mom you are! ☺

stronghunter said...

I showed him the eagles, and he was interested. I could not find the wingspan one you all were telling me about, though.

Others are coming back now. We have to write an essay.

wvgal_dana said...

Well now I have to catch up because no on gave the call to come over THERE IS A NEW THREAD.

paula eagleholic said...

Dana, sorry you were stuck on the old thread...Jim did give a big ol' call over. Glad you are here now.

Shirley the pic is on the yahoo site, under Open House 2009 or 2008, per Jo.

wvgal_dana said...

Loved the Friend and Goose video ( : Thank you for posting on here.

Lynn-Hedgie glad those little sharp teeth are all gone.

How did you know there was a new thread? lol

paula eagleholic said...

Ain't that a shame. Can't say I agree.

WASHINGTON – The Supreme Court ruled Wednesday that the First Amendment protects fundamentalist church members who mount anti-gay protests outside military funerals, despite the pain they cause grieving families.

The court voted 8-1 in favor of the Westboro Baptist Church of Topeka, Kan. The decision upheld an appeals court ruling that threw out a $5 million judgment to the father of a dead Marine who sued church members after they picketed his son's funeral.

Chief Justice John Roberts wrote the opinion for the court. Justice Samuel Alito dissented.

Roberts said free speech rights in the First Amendment shield the funeral protesters, noting that they obeyed police directions and were 1,000 feet from the church.

Donka Maria said...

Hedgie, thanks for the STOP THE MADNESS link. I sent mine through a few minutes ago.

glo said...

The Supreme Court ruling today is an absolute SHAME I can hardly believe it. Maybe we need a million citizen march on the Supreme Court. Where are their brains.

hedgie said...

Had a nice little nap, hair is done, more play time with Mai. Will soon be time to change clothes and head into Petsmart for puppy school. Next week is graduation!!! Would you believe that they take a picture of the puppy in a mortarboard???

hedgie said...

Dana, Jim gave the new thread alert. Go back and take a peek!

Glo, the Supreme Court is a joke anymore...JMHO. Those Westboro so-called Baptists are nothing more than HARASSERS and they need to be treated as such.

glo said...

Aaaawwww LOL I would love to see Mai's graduation photo. I hope you are feeling a little better and have the energy to match your pup at class.

stronghunter said...

Heading home.Will see you later. Tomorrow will be a long day. We have to be here for 12 hours.

Lori O. said...

Good Sunny Afternoon everyone - Paula, Donna, Glo, Lynn, Dana & Shirley if you haven't left yet. Long day for you tomorrow. How is LUNA?

Lynn are you feeling better? This warm weather will bring on sinus problems fast! I'm sure Mai will make your proud tonight. I voted again today!!!

Must say I feel sad for the poor pets, most of them cats, that have only 1% of the vote.

wvgal_dana said...

Sorry Jim you did do a call over. Thank you and no I didn't see it. Thanks Lynn for telling me. I scrolled the page when I didn't see anyone commenting. MISS JIM's COMMENT. Again Hugs and thanks for the calls over when we get new threads.It's me I just got to spot them.

I don't like the passing either. Who are our Judges for anyway!!!!

wvgal_dana said...

Hedgie-Lynn Mai has her last class tonight and graduates next week. Oh I remember the degree and the picture I have in here of Ed and Little Man. Oh boy Mai and they probably thought you couldn't do it. You proved you are a WINNER!!!

Donka Maria said...

Nest exchange a few minutes ago. Made me nervous moving that big stick so close to the eggs!!!

hedgie said...

Time to shut this puter down. Will be heading out soon. Hope everyone has a nice early evening a nd good dinner........mine will be very late! TTFN.

Lori O. said...

Good Luck tonight Lynn & Mai.

I need to get ready to call it an afternoon and get to bed early for once this week. When that dang alarm goes off at 1:30AM sometimes I don't even hear it! Can't happen tomorrow - gotta be in early.

I'll catch you all on the overnight and monitor the darkness in the nest! :-)

Hugs to all and prayers for those still feeling unwell.

Lolly said...

LOL I was watching that stick come in too, and it was scary! Don't break the eggs!!!!

Through in the yard for today. Very pleasant working out. Watched the rs hawks and heard two times geese. We are in the migration path. Always fun to see them. Hear them first and then have to search.

Guess what! I have a new coat. Ordered it out of a catalog. It fits and I like it. Liked the purple lining in the old coat better, but oh well. And, thanks to my personal shopper for finding it for me. Love you!☺ Now, I am ready for next winter.

BEagle said...

Hello Eagle Fans.

It looks like Belle on the nest. It's been 26 days since the first egg was laid. Hasn't it?

Hedgie. The post about the man and the goose gave me goose bumps. lol It was a cute one.

and I hope everything goes well tonight with Mai.

Where is Lynne2?

Lolly said...

Lynne has been sick and not on the blog. We are anxiously awaiting her return! Hopefully soon!

paula eagleholic said...

Has anyone been watching CRC...Derek and Savannah? Eggs due to hatch, I think first one yesterday...

paula eagleholic said...

at CRC 35 days on March 1 for the 1st egg

BEagle said...

There are many sitting eagles out there.

I keep forgetting to check on Derek and Savannah. Can't see any chick at the moment. I see one adult nearby the nest and an adult on the nest.

Got to scoot. BBL.

Lynne2 said...


Just for a moment though....I sure do miss everyone!

After 2 visits to the Dr and a trip to the ER yesterday, I think I just may be on the road to recovery. At least, I'm guardedly hopeful! I've developed pneumonia, and they gave me some IV antibiotics yesterday (Avelox)and I have the same kind in pills to take as well. Interesting possible side effects include tendon rupture and psychosis. LOL! They didn't admit me because my temp was normal and while my WBC was very high, the Dr felt that was more due to being on the pred.

Anyway, it's been kinda rough, and I am so tired and just sore from coughing so much. But I do feel better in many ways today, so tomorrow will be better still! Steve has been such a trooper, yet again, while I've been sick. He recovered so much faster than I did, and it was really hard to see him that sick.

I'm heading back to the bed now....I hope to be here in the AM drinking tea and catching up with everyone!

Lynne2 said...

oh geez, just read back some....hope Lynn and Margy are feeling better!

Mema Jo said...

I am alive - just came home from dinner with Alexis and her dad. Had fun

I need to read about 20 comments.......

Lolly said...

Yea, Lynne! Wahoo...on the way to recovery! About time, girl!!!

Mema Jo said...

Hello Lynne - it is so good to see ya!

Mema Jo said...

BWE News update has great pic of the oldest eaglet climbing out of egg cup to see the fish mom has.
Eagle Festival March 12

Mema Jo said...

Headed in to some TV shows

BBO&O (Be Back Off & On )

glo said...

So good to see you Lynne 2 Surely hoping tonight will be a restful nights sleep for you and each day will find you feeling much much better.

paula eagleholic said...

Lynne, glad you were able to pop in for a moment. Sure hope you can join us tomorrow. Get some rest and feel better!

Lolly said...

Have just voted, did my part! Sure hope Mai is being a good girl tonight.

BEagle said...

I am glad Lynne2 is BAAAAACCCCCCKKKKK!

Judie said...

Hi everyone!

Lynne2, so happy to see you felt well enough to let us know how you are doing. Take it easy and we'll look for you tomorrow.

Lynn, hope you had a good class tonight with Mai.

Just trying to catch up but tired tonight. Had to review material for tomorrow and had exams to grade today -- have some very unhappy wannabe adults.

Internet is still a problem at times but now think it may be a computer problem.

Going to turn my light off early but will leave the night light on for others coming in later or during commercials.

Have school tomorrow and therapy after. Will return tomorrow evening.

Sleep restfully and have a great day tomorrow.

Good night Belle and Lib.

BEagle said...


Prayers for you and yours.

hedgie said...

Hi! Watching Criminal Minds----edge-of-the-seater! Ad time before the conclusion.

Yippee, Lynne IS alive and better! So good to see you! Many of the new generation a/b's warn about that tendon rupture.....weird, huh?

Lolly, I am thrilled that the coat suits/fits you to a T! I think it is very attractive. Tell Jack NOT to lay a finger on it!!!

hedgie said...

DARN.......a to be continued.....can't believe they are dragging this story line out so long.......Jo??? Tense, huh? Do you think they are gearing up to kill off Prentiss??

hedgie said...

Lolly, Mai has been sacked out since we got home (of course, potty break and din-din first!).
She was a handful! Not as bad as two weeks ago, but not as good as last week when she was a solo dog in attendance.

hedgie said...

Gee, Margy hasn't checked in since she got off work, has she?

Oh-oh....previews said Prentiss' final episode---in 2 weeks. Drat. I do like her....but good to see that JJ is coming back.

Mema Jo said...

I didn't know we were getting a
To Be Continued. I do like Prentiss too

Not much going on today
Haircut is good

Oops Need to see if I can vote now.
Both of household's votes are in.

Hubby had a Dell and to make a long story short he returned it.
Today his HP arrived and he is now loading some programs. He is happy

NatureNut said...

Good Evening to Everyone. Almost time to hit the hay.
Been trying still to figure out how to download just a couple pics & move therm around to folders. So far, I've copied & pasted & dragged!Move or Copy to has disappeared! Finished pics I want to post as best as can be done for now, but so tired will put them on in AM probably.
AI is gonna be difficult--there are so many good singers.
Glad to see Lynne managed to write some info. What a long haul for them. Hope everyone is well real soon! ☺

Mema Jo said...

Lolly Does it have a hood - or will your purple hood fit well on it?

Jack will never live the 'coat story'

I have tulips coming up along side of the house. Whoo Hoo.

Lolly said...

Coat has a hood, zip out liner, belt, etc. It is a very good fit in that it is long. I am tall and it is a great length. Not short at all!! Sleeves are long as well. My personal shopper is TOPS!

Lolly said...

Jack and I have been sitting out by a nice chiminea fire. It smells so good. Good temp to sit in front of a fire outside, 60.

Lolly said...

Yes, AI is great, but I do have a singer that I fell in love with. MTBR LOL Would I go out and buy a cd of any of the singers?...this one I would! One of the guys. I was going to vote for the FtWorth/TCU grad guy, Tim, but this other guy got my vote instead.

paula eagleholic said...

Lowreeda, if you are using windows 7, the copy and paste is under the organize tab, in the upper left hand corner.

paula eagleholic said...

Also, you can select all and cut and paste.

paula eagleholic said...

Hitting the hay.

Hugs to all ♥

hedgie said...

Lolly, would that be the croooner that you like? There are so many good ones. The country singer sounds so much like Randy Travis. I haven't watched the girls yet.

hedgie said...

Lolly, what kind of weight is the coat? Is it heavy enough for sub-freezing temps?

hedgie said...

It is quite cold again here.....29° now. Winds are blowing---so what else isn't new?! Supposed to be only upper 30's tomorrow.

Lolly said...

Scotty, the country singer! Loved his deep voice.

The coat is not really heavy, but roomy enough that winter sweaters and the like can be worn underneath. It is not like I am going out in terrifically bad weather when wearing the coat.

I wore my other in NYC at Christmas when Michael and I went. It was perfect for the snowy cold weather and I was plenty warm.

Heading to the shower and to get comfy. Will be back shortly!

Mema Jo said...

Well it is Good Night Friends
Pray to see you in the morning
Hugs to all ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

hedgie said...

Forgot to tell an email from Karen Kinsaul's buddy June....Karen's mother passed away last month (she had Alzheimers).

Well, gang, gonna take my heavy head to the pillows. Talk to you all tomorrow. Sweet dreams. Prayers for all.

hedgie said... Aaron alright??? Sorry about the poor VW.

Gotcha, Lolly! Like me---I am not out in cold weather for too long!

Bye again!

Mema Jo said...

Aaron is ok - he will go to dr tomorrow to get checked out
He is Heart Broken!

Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Lynn,
I just dragged my caboose in from school. Took about another 12 pages of notes in English class about verb tenses! (What fun!)
Sorry to hear about Karen's mother. Prayers!
Glad to hear that Mai did fairly well in puppy class. I think they can concentrate better when they're the only pup there. Sounds like she's improving, though--good puppy!
I'm so glad that Lynne felt well enough to let us know how she and Steve are doing! Boy, weird side effects for those antibiotics! Hope you guys have none of them! Prayers that you will feel even better tomorrow!
Lynn, hope your sinuses are getting better! Prayers for you, too!
Margy, hope you feel better today too!
Prayers that the bug that tried to get you is going away pronto!
Omigosh, everyone! We got a picture/text message from our daughter Jen tonight, and she got a Siamese kitten (female, named Latte) for Sierra, our GGD, for her 5th Birthday on 3/15! Talk about cute! Bet that will be interesting with both of the Basset hounds to contend with! She's confident that they will all get along soon, though. Bet Sierra doesn't get much sleep tonight! She must be SOOOO excited!

Lolly said...

Ohhhhhhhhhh! I want a Siamese kitty! One of these days I will post a picture of Misty, our last Siamese kitty, with Annie when she was young. Misty was a blue point, so pretty. She was the sweetest kitty ever! Sorry, Annie, love you, but aint! LOL

Lolly said...

Time for me to read before going to bed, so good night it is!

Sweet dreams! Where has our Margy been this evening? I am worried!!!

Ms Bookworm said...

Well, believe it or not, I am going to go work on my English homework now, while it's still clear in my mind. We may have a quiz next week, and oh, my! Those verb tenses are kind of tough to remember!
I've said prayers for everyone, especially those who need healing, both people and pets. How is Sharon doing? Hope she's feeling better, and is not too sore.
Will check to make sure the night light and the porch light are on. (Haven't read back very far--don't know whether Judie has been here tonight or not.)
The eye-scanner security and Dana's thumbprint-scanner security are both enabled. Sleep tight, everyone, and have a restful, renewing, healing night's sleep! God bless, and goodnight! I'll talk to you tomorrow. Love all of you! :o]

Costume Lady said...

Was reading back on here and see that Margy hasn't checked in. She has been having 'puter problems, so it would be my guess that she is OK and P.O.'d because she can't connect with us:)

GG's Dental visit was A-OK, just needed a cleaning. Took her home and fixed her supper and another supper for tomorrow...won't be going there tomorrow, our Food Bank order is being trucked in and we will have to put everything away. I suspect we will be tired and just want to go home and prop up. Headed to bed now.


magpie said...

Hello and Good Night, Good Morning...whatever it is wherever you are !

good to see Lynne is on the mend - hopefully -
and I'm hoping everyone else is percolating pretty well

thank for you for the information regarding Karen K's mother...sadness, but a blessing, her illness is over

and thanks, friends, for your concern on my whereabouts,
I'm fine,
just working on keeping the cold under control so I pretty much sacked out soon as I got home from work and am staying home Thursday, so I will
see your smiling faces sometime later on

Prayers that Thursday is a good, safe, healthy day for everyone

God Bless Us, Every One
xo ♥

magpie said...

If you are up and about and on here soon: Good Morning!
YOU, have a most unusual schedule...!

hate to say it, but I am going back to bed now....

magpie said...

oh just noticed...the big "cruise ship" going past right to left at Finland Water nest
and it looks like some kind of watercraft maybe a snowmobile has been out on the ice closer to the nest
interesting tracks on the snow covered water
ok bye

Lori O. said...

Morning Margy!

I hope you're feeling better and enjoying the normalcy of daytime hours!

I'm gonna have to start lugging around Lysol. Seems like everyone is sick right now. Get lots of rest.

Lori O. said...

Must be a little moon tonight because it's a very, very dark nest tonight...more so than usual.

Come on sunshine and we'll see you soon Belle!

Lori O. said...

Enough light now to clearly see Belle keeping the eggs warm.

Lori O. said...

The cam seems like it's freezing up. I've refreshed several times and get a new picture that doesn't move.

Lori O. said...

I'll bring up the still cam and see if there's a difference.

Lori O. said...

Still cam has the same picture - Belle must be snoozing big time.

Good thing I don't have kids! :o)

Lori O. said...


It's dark outside, sunrise at 6:38 this morning, and in flies Lib!

Lori O. said...


Belle got up quickly and in one second hopped around, spread her wings and flew out of the nest.

Guess she didn't want to talk to Lib.

Lori O. said...

Lib is on the nest and fluffin' the puffy stuff.

Lori O. said...

The colors of a beautiful sunrise beginning to show now.

Lori O. said...

Lady Blackwater off the nest and two of the cutest little eaglets appear!

Lori O. said...

Oooops, that's 3 eaglets. I forget the size difference between the first and last ones.

Lady B has gone for breakfast.

Lori O. said...

No parent on the BWE eaglets.

Geula said...

Good Morning! soon there will be fluffballs in OUR nest. I hope thare's at least one to see on my Bday=March 8th!

Lori O. said...

Good Morning Geula! The BWE eaglets haven't been covered by an adults for a while now if you need a peek!

Geula said...

I think the night light just went off because suddenly the pic got a bit darker. Are we taking bets on when the eggies will start to hatch?

Lori O. said...

Parent finally back in the BWE nest. I was getting worried.

Again, good thing I don't have kids!!!

Lori O. said...

Not sure when they'll hatch. On Saturday Paula said the first egg was 21 days old. Exciting isn't it? Fluff Balls R Us. ☺

Lori O. said...

7am and no one here but me. boohoo.

Helllloooooo Lurkers!

Megan I know you're out there collecting the weather data.

floralgirl said...

Ha ha, sorry, Lori- busy morning- today's nest weather- Sunny. Highs in the lower 40s. North winds around 5 mph... becoming east this afternoon.

Lori O. said...

Mornin' Megan!

I've been lonely. ☻

Lori O. said...

OK - this is like the book series "Left Behind."

Where is everyone?

glo said...

Good morning everyone. Got up with a nice size headache today. :-( Hoping some advil and a cup of coffee will do the trick. Busy day ahead.

Lori O. said...

Good morning Glo.

Did you have the photo contest yet at your club?

Lori O. said...

YooooooWhooooooooo - as in you-who - anybody out there?

Calling: Paula, Wanda, Megan, Lynne, Glo, Shirley, Lynne, Dana, Jo, Lolly, Margy, Andy, Jim, BEagle, Loretta, Geula, Donna and all - I'm sure I forgot 17 names, my apologies.

Lori O. said...

oooops, that should be one LYNN and one LYNNE.

Lori O. said...

I believe it's Belle who is tucked back in the nest with her head under her wing.

Donka Maria said...

Good Morning Lori, I'm here!! And a lovely morning it is!!

Donka Maria said...

Belle appeared to be calling out too, she must be calling for girls and Jim, lol.

Donka Maria said...

Sorry, "Our" girls and Jim.

Lori O. said...

Hey Donka! Finally, someone to play with. :-)

And, now I have to get going - but I'm glad you're here to keep an eye on the nest.

I didn't want to leave them un-monitored without a record of happenings and those precious eggs in there.

Have a great day.


Donka Maria said...

Thanks Lori, I will keep on eye on things, I'm here at work, so I do check in from time to time. Have a wonderful day!

Costume Lady said...

I'm here, too, Miss Lori:)
Busy day for me...almost done GG's taxes and mine are next.
Picking up our Mountaineer Food order today. Very excited to see what it is that I ordered. Inventory list is very vague:
Packages of meat?
5 pounds of dairy products?
Fresh produce?
Etc...etc. :)
Free or very little cost, so it doesn't really matter, we can use it!

Donka Maria said...

Belle rearranging "flugg".

Costume Lady said...

Have a good day, Lori:)

Donka Maria said...

It looks like Lib and Belle may have repaired and built up some of the left side of the nest.

Donka Maria said...

Head tuck. Our sweet girl is taking a little nap.

Donka Maria said...

Good Morning Wanda.

Costume Lady said...

Hi, Donna...glad our Mrs. feels comfortable enough to take a nap:)

Donka Maria said...

I agree. Looks a little windy there at the nest. She's all tucked in.

Costume Lady said...

Donna, I live 3 miles (as the eagle flies) from the nest, no wind here. Of course, the sycamore palace is way up highe in the tree top, so it probably is a little windy there. It is a beautiful morning here, but only 25°, going up to 42°.

Costume Lady said...

Back to doing taxes...

Donka Maria said...

I'm jealous, I'm about 6 hours away from the nest. I'm glad to hear the weather report for today. It was 6 degrees here in Binghamton, NY this morning, going up to 25 today, so your weather sounds wonderful. Also, you got a chuckle out of me when you referred to our nest in the "Sycamore Palace", love it!!

paula eagleholic said...

Morning, all!

Bright, crisp, sunny day!

Donka Maria said...

I don't know if anyone else watches the Decorah Iowa eagle cam, but I just found she laid her 3rd egg last night. Wonderful!!

Donka Maria said...

Good Morning Paula!

glo said...

Lori Camera Club is tonight. Time to start that car a few times before I take it out at night and then hopefully sleep off a headache if I can.

paula eagleholic said...

Great news for Decorah, Donna. Thanks!

Going to try to watch CRC today...chick might be arriving soon!

Lolly said...

Good morning!

Lori, I love your night time and early morning commentary! I sat her chuckling!

Glo...good luck at your meeting tonight and hope your headache is gone quickly!

Ohhh, Donna, still winter for you! Presently 58 here, redbuds are blooming, as well as daffodils and my tulips are sending up buds! And, be so happy you are ONLY 6 hours from the Sycamore Palace!!! Have been there twice now and I am days away!

Do not forget to vote everyone! Lynn and Mai need our support!

Mema Jo said...

Good Morning - crisp but sunny at there
I'm watching the squirrels, titmouse and blue jays feeding at the deck.

Thanks to all you morning birds for letting us know what is going on at the nest. And the nest weather report - couldn't do without it! Thanks Megan

Going over to read emails and then I'll return..

Lolly said...

Here is the link to vote for Mai...just in case you have not voted.
Vote for Mai every day!

movin said...





C(°ٿ°)D Jim

movin said...

It was raining lightly last night, and I don't think it ever got as cold as it has been lately. Welcome change.

C(°ٿ°)D Jim

Mema Jo said...

On my 'Click to Give' site they have
added Veterans
Give meals for Homeless Veterans!

Morning Ritual for Me - Make it for you

Judie said...

Good morning, everyone.

About to leave for the school house and then therapy.

Checked a few cams and our nest. All looks well in the critter world.

Wishing a lovely day for everyone.

Lolly said...

Good morning, Judie! Have a great day. Therapy this afternoon? Hope all goes well!

Lolly said...

I am off to eat breakfast and then walk. Think I am going to stay in today. Two days of working in the yard and I am sore! LOL Will do laundry and do a little cleaning.

I'll be back!

hedgie said...

Good morning! It is very bitter here. 27° currently with a stiff breeze. Feels very raw.
I feel raw----rough night...know the meds are breaking everything up, but sure wish it would all just disappear. Nose is sore, throat is still sore...ugh!

Margy, sorry that you are still feeling bad, but glad that you took a sick day. Hope you can gets lots of sleep.

Donna---don't know if you saw my post a couple of weeks ago, but I mentioned that Binghamton was where some of my maternal ancestors first settled when they came over from Scotland.

Wanda, hope the produce is something you can freeze or it won't be goood for long!

hedgie said...

Congrats to Decorah!!! I let June know, in case she missed it.

paula eagleholic said...

Lib seemed all tucked in, when he got up and moved again :)

paula eagleholic said...

Can see the 2 eggs at CRC now

hedgie said...

Glo, your headache is better now. Good luck at camera club!!

Jo, have you heard from Aaron yet? Hope he is okay.....just too bad about the bus. :(
I know someone who is a collector of sorts in Hagerstown... hard to tell what he might have "in stock" or know where there might be a good deal. Let me know if Aaron wants his name.

paula eagleholic said...

Mom off the nest...person in eagle enclosure. Wonder if it's feeding time?

paula eagleholic said...

Person gone at CRC

paula eagleholic said...

Eagle back on eggs at CRC, think it might be Dad's turn, not sure.

paula eagleholic said...

Yup, eagle at CRC eating on the edge of the nest...looks like a chicken, lol

Mema Jo said...

Hi Lynn, He has spoken with doc & answered lots of questions - he's ok but doc said come in tomorrow.
Look at Aaron's FB page as to what he has seen - You can send him a message
of Hagerstown name and contact.

Wait til you see what he saw......

wvgal_dana said...

Good Morning in Eagle land.

Prayers are needed for many. I did not see a comment about Luna. Keeping prayers going.

Prayers for all that are still feeling poorly and are sick.

Judie wishing you a good therapy session.

Jo I got that when the site was sent around to buy items. Been clicking on it very since.
It is good you did a link on the blog - way togo lady you got your thinking cap on ( :

Glo I know you are a happy camper camera club is starting. Hope the advil did the trick on headache. I keep Dex in my prayers. ( :

Wanda I know you are excited about getting the food today. I pray that it is a lot of things you can use.

Margy hope some rest will wipe that cold right away (((hugs)))

Lynn-Hedgie hope your sinus infection is on the mend. Oh dear read comment rest, rest.

Praying that Lynne's meds are working on the illness's she has and no side effects from the medications.

I am sorry to hear about Karen's mother's passing as we all know Alzheimers is a terrible thing
to live with. Now Daughter and Mother can be together again. I was nice of June (love her heart)
to let us know.

Lolly so glad the coat is a good fit and the length is good for you.
Yes your "personal shopper" did very well for you ( :

Jo's Wednesday with Alexis and her son ...Jo you always have "fun" on that day. Alexis is such a sweetheart. ( :

Remember back when Ed's nephew Brian and Jenna lost at full term their baby girl. Well I had mentioned she was pregrant. They were doing checkup every week. Did some sonograms too. A boy this time. Jenna had the baby 2:44am and did very well with Brian there with her of course. Only (1) one major problem-----IT IS A GIRL!!!!
Sonograms reader messes up...Taylor Nichole Mulligan 7 lb something 18 inches long. I am a great Aunt.

Ms Bookworm said...

Good Morning, Lolly, Judie, Mema Jo, and Jim!
Jim, you're right--it's not as cold this morning. It's about 51 here, instead of 42 or 43. Think it stayed about 5 degrees warmer overnight. We got the light rain here, too, so I've turned off our sprinklers for now.
Glo, sure hope your headache goes away quickly! Praying that the Advil and coffee do the trick.
Looks like Belle is doing some flugg readjustments at the moment. Considering the temperature at the nest, I'm glad she's snuggling in a bit! Stay warm, Belle!
Hope that Judie has a good day at the big schoolhouse, and a good PT session this afternoon!
Lolly, hope the soreness goes away quickly. Take it a little bit easy today!
Hoping that those under the weather are surprised by a rapid improvement in their condition!
Don't forget to vote for Mai's photo!
Well, I'm going to put in a load of laundry, empty the dryer, take Emma outside, and attack the boatload of homework that's still there. I had hoped that it would be "poofed" by the homework angels while I slept, but no such luck, I guess. So, Plan B--nose to the grindstone! Will check back in once in a while to see how things are going. Going to plan on a couple of coffee breaks and a lunch!
Have a great day, everyone, and stay safe and warm! :o]

paula eagleholic said...

Chicks finally in view at BWE

paula eagleholic said...

Oh Dana, they don't usually mess that one up! Sneaky girl! Hope Mom and daughter are doing well!

paula eagleholic said...

And congrats to them and you, Dana!

wvgal_dana said...

Baby's picture is on my fb page

wvgal_dana said...

These are the parents that lost at full term Emma Lee Ann born May 9, 2009...very unusual a large blood clot in the cord.

Mema Jo said...

Congratulations Dana and Mom & Dad
Picture is adorable!

wvgal_dana said...

By the way I got an email back from Danelle. Remember she did therapy with Sandra Osbourn at I think it was Charles Town Hospital.
The reason why we haven't heard from Danelle with work and this other reason I am going to give you she just doesn't have time. She did ask about Lib & Belle. I told her about the eggs.
She said, "Please tell all the Eagle Momsters that I said hello and I have not forgotten them!"
What is taking up her time is
She had a baby boy Sept.27,2010

Mema Jo said...

Eaglets in the sunshine at BWE

wvgal_dana said...

Have to go later take care and everyone get BETTER that is this dr's orders !!!

Margy check your mail for the picture of Brian & Jenna's baby. Cause I know you can't get on fb.

paula eagleholic said...

Dana, that was a miracle baby for Danelle and her husband...he's a cutie...his name is Jaden.

Mema Jo said...

Wow! Danelle b-day is the 6th I'll need to congratulate her about Jaden !

Mema Jo said...

Lunch break time

hedgie said...

Time for me to head out to get my do done. LAter, gators.

NatureNut said...

Sunny, but little chilly Thursday!
I slept late! Hooray!
Finally got my partyially edited new pics on Blog!
Thx, Paula for tips last night. I found copy and paste, but wish we still had Move & Copy from Win. XP.Guess this new stuff isn't always user friendly for senile citizens! Will catch on in a while. Only had XP for 9-10 years.Have to read all the "Get Started" info. Priority was of course pics ☺
More coffee---study later!

paula eagleholic said...

Jo, I am friends with Danelle on FB...just check through my friends and send her a friend request!

movin said...

You watching the chicks on BWE??

C(°ٿ°)D Jim

NatureNut said...

Hi, Jim. All the chicklets are huddled together!

Lolly said...

Doing laundry, now going to clean our bathroom and pick up. Made the mistake of going outside to feed the fish. Wanted to stay out. Maybe I will later. Presently 72, just beautiful!

Don't think I told you. Laurel said they made around $3,200 on the estate sale. The sale lady is going to put on Craigslist some of the things that did not sell. Laurel has not seen the list yet of what did sell. The lady gets 30%of that. She did a great job. Then they will split with Joey's brother though they will get more than 50% as Laurel did all the before work. Thank goodness Joey is being reasonable about that!

Lolly said...

Back to work!

paula eagleholic said...

Lolly, that's a pretty good result! Oh, and at 72°, I'd be outside too! Enjoy!

paula eagleholic said...

CRC - It looks to me like Savannah is sitting higher in the nest, and sometimes listening to the eggs under her.

paula eagleholic said...

Missed an egg roll our nest.

Derek is so cute, just hanging out on the edge of the nest.

Feeding time at BWE? or cornstalk moving, lol

stronghunter said...


There is a new thread.

3/12/25 PM 🐟

 12.56 PM Scout comes to the nest to relieve Bella of her incubation duties getting close guys. He does have a Talon load of bedding. He lan...