Tuesday, March 01, 2011


Fresh thread.


Costume Lady said...

Thank You, Steve for the Sunny new thread:)

Costume Lady said...

Mai Yin is #1 at 19%, next in line is Leonardo at 14%. Lolly check out the Leonardo info on you Facebook...Is that supposed to be there? Looks like a solicitation for a vote for Leonardo??

Costume Lady said...

Sorry...MAI YING:)

hedgie said...

Gee, sure don't know what petfriend1's problem is. Go figure! Thanks again, Wanda. Carolyn posted as girlsbestfriend!

Tuesday, March 01, 2011 11:39:00 AM

Jo, Feb. went out like a lion, for sure!!!! But this is MARCH----which is the traditional lion/lamb month.

Tuesday, March 01, 2011 11:40:00 AM

paula eagleholic said...

Well, if Lolly can vote on her two computers at home, then I should be able to as well...

paula eagleholic said...

So was Jayden messing with the computer, Wanda?

paula eagleholic said...

Anyone see Lib bring in food for Belle on that switch a few minutes ago?

paula eagleholic said...

Chicks peeking out at BWE :)

hedgie said...

Wanda, for some reason, Leonardo's name pops up in the web address...don't know of any way around that, but yeah, it is kind of misleading!!!

Lolly said...

Wanda, that is what comes up when you "share". I deleted the thumbnail and gave directions to Mai's picture.

Lolly said...

Yes, Paula...vote on all your computers.

Lynn, there seems to be a person like that in every crowd...except this one.☺

magpie said...

Good Tuesday Morning Greetings

Happy March!

and Happy Birthdday to Robyn's daughter Tori !
Hope it is a great day, and a great year to follow ! xox ♥

...nice day hereabouts !

hedgie said...

Loretta emailed......she saw 1st Osprey at the park at 10:30AM!!

Costume Lady said...

Yep, we had a sore loser during Glo and Dex contest:(

Yes, PAULA, Jayden messes with anything electronic. I thik he will be a Teckie when he grows up:)

Costume Lady said...

Going in to GG's soon...will vote on her 'puter.
Will be in church most of the afternoon, after GG visit. Lots of clothes to put away:)

magpie said...

okay, I cannot really do the math on this one:

For March :
We gain 14 mins of daylight in the mornings, and 29 mins of daylight in the evenings,
BUT - clocks move forward for Daylight Savings Time on the early morning of March 13

magpie said...

Thank you for your kind offer to drop off sick-person goodies if I need them !

Mema Jo said...

Thanks Steve and thanks Wanda for the call over.
I love our little 'puter geek

I forgot what time it was when I voted for Mai yesterday but guess it was towards evening. Hubby and other family had also voted. It's like when we were voting for Dex - Time controlled.

Wanda - Leonardo just happens to be the first pic and that is where the link starts.. Mai is the 4th pic. Lolly's link gets you to the "Fetching Division" There is only one
Mai! She sure is innocent looking in that pic.

Lynn - the saying is for the month of March only - not Feb.. I'm just hoping for NO snow in March

Mema Jo said...

Going to get some lunch with Kristen....


Mema Jo said...

Whoo Hoo for the return of the osprey

Need to keep an eye on BWE platform

magpie said...

I realize it may have sounded foolish that I offer to take James's "germs" from him...

well, it's this way,
I rarely get anything I am exposed to from others...
and, I kind of think it makes him feel better to "think" that a Grandmother could do such a thing...

but I will surely stay away from as many people as possible if I seem to be contagious ☺
so maybe I will have to use a sick day, will wait and see how it goes

magpie said...

BWE chicks taking a nice Sun Bath !

magpie said...

How coincidental
March page for WV DNR calendar:

Is a Hooded Merganser !
considering I saw my first one ever on Monday...

Will be anxious to hear from Lynne or Steve, about Lynne, AND
from Shirley about Luna

Best wishes for a good day, all

hedgie said...

Oops....sent ecard and FB message to Tori----and forgot to say anything here. Thanks, Margy!

Happy Birthday, Tori!!!

magpie said...

Hope you get some good treatment today for your Sinus thingy


hedgie said...

Margy, time change is WHY we gain so much more in the evening! Otherwise, it would be equal amounts both AM and PM, right?

magpie said...

if what I have stays out of my chest, I should be okay...
the welcome mat is NOT out for bronchitis !

okay, bye, see you later, much later

Oh, Yay for the Md Osprey, and also for Paula, thanks for the news they are back in Virginia !!

paula eagleholic said...

Chicklets eating at BWE...you can see how much they have grown already. Little guy facing the wrong way, LOL

Egg roll our nest :)

paula eagleholic said...

Certainly nice to see all that fish at BWE...still has one in the pantry :)

magpie said...

well I did not calculate in the extra 60 mins Lynn...
February was nearly even Steven for morning and evening gains.... 61 mins' worth...

I subtracted the 60 mins when I was doing my calcs, just to get the actual minutes...

clear as mud, huh ?

hedgie said...

How are you feeling today, Margy? Did you sleep well---and lots??

I just need antibiotics!!! I'll be good as new in a couple of days! Just wish now I had a Mai-sitter----bending over is NOT fun with a sinus infection.

Lolly said...

I am off to start my day. Have had my breakfast and now time to walk! I hope to announce tomorrow it is 8 pounds down. Weight is going down little by little!☺

Have a great day!

Lynn, that person should have not posted that comment! Just makes me want to gather more votes for Mai. LOL Liked Jo's comment that Mai "looks" innocent. Ahhh, we still love her.

hedgie said...

Oh, dear....Margy-----nursing home fire in Morgan.....Autumn Acres? Name of home or road??? Not all Mrgan traffic comes through....

hedgie said...

I guess innocence is as innocence DOES, Lolly, just like beauty (my Grams' favorite adage!). So Mai ISN'T!

magpie said...

Autumn Acres...yes, Lynn
used to be called something else, is back off Rt 13 off rt 522 I think....

magpie said...

hope/pray that it is nothing serious!
at least the weather is fairly nice, and it is daylight, if evacuations are needed....

magpie said...

I just redid the math:

We actually gain 75 minutes of daylight this month:

29 in the mornings, and 46 in the evenings...
I think...

hedgie said...

Haven't heard anything more, Margy, so maybe it was just a fire alarm! Hoping so!

glo said...

I did manage to get a picture of Mai Ying onto my wall on Facebook. I registered to make a comment through my facebook account and once I made my comment which I don't see there yet BUT anyway it gave me the option to share on Facebook and actually shows Mai Ying picture. Then gave the link for friends to vote. I have several friends on Facebook into animals and many into rescue kinds of work. I wish Facebook didn't scroll now BUT its there and hopefully will get some more votes.

glo said...

And my oil change did not at all go as planned. Just had my car towed to Ford Dealer. It won't start but is NOT the battery. Too many lights and whistles do work. So here I sit without a car, a disappointed dog who wanted to "go for a ride". I sure hope it is a timely and not too high priced fix. I need the car Thurs night but especially Sunday.

hedgie said...

Thanks,, Glo!!! Good way to do it!

Sorry about your car.....wonder what it is? Hopefully something fast and inexpensive to fix. Do you have AAA for the tow?

Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Everyone,
Good morning/afternoon! I have been so busy doing transcription homework!
Would much rather be here, for sure! But,gotta get the work done.

Lynn, belated Birthday wishes for Bill! Also, Happy Birthday to Tori!

Have been praying for Luna and her family today. Hope everything is going well.

Hope we hear what's happening with Lynne2 and Steve very soon! Praying for a healing miracle! Very concerned about both of them!

Lynn, praying for your sinuses, too--hope the infection scrams, pronto!
Have voted for Mai's picture. Made a shortcut of the link, so it's easy to vote again!

Have to get busy on homework again--BTW, tried to post a comment yesterday and the day before. They got lost by blogger cop, and I got the "sign on" page, then got dumped off the blog! Glad I made it here today! Will definitely SAVE my comments, just in case!

Ms Bookworm said...

I've been praying for you, too! Sorry you have been having some kind of bug trying to get you! Hope you feel better soon, too!

magpie said...

Thanks Andrea...
I'm pretty hearty, or it is it hardy...

just a stray virus looking for easy prey I guess...

You -
try not to work too hard....

I'm going to disappear for awhile...

cannot vote for Mai for the day until later, but I will !!

will check in later...

Ms Bookworm said...

Here's a picture from Sunday morning, of the closest mountains. Took it by the Santa Ana River bed. Get a pretty unobstructed view from there. It's still cold here, but not quite as bad. Down to about 43 at night, and up to about the mid-60s during the day. If you stand in the sun, it's not too bad, but in the shade, it's really chilly!

glo said...

Yes Hedgie Thankfully I do have AAA for Tow.

hedgie said...

And the long-term results of this could/would be????????
Stink-Bug killer?

Ms Bookworm said...

OK--zoomed in on the picture of the mountains a bit--that's better.
Glo, so glad you have AAA! Praying that you will have a good report on the car later!
Well, need to get busy on homework again. Class tonight! Need to turn Emma loose, to run around like a wild Indian through the house, too. She has been much happier the more time she has to burn off some of that bottomless energy!
Omigosh! Almost forgot to mention--Hubby found out he's getting a 3% raise, starting this month! THANK GOD!
Not a moment too soon!
And, we have negotiated with the dog trainer, and will start puppy classes where we left off on April 1st. Will start with lesson #3, and continue from there.
Have a good day, everyone. Will check back in later tonight! :o]

hedgie said...

Feedin gtime at BWE again!

Andy, good to see you. Pretty avatar pic! Days in the 60's are always welcome at this roost!!! Only 44 here now.

Glo, glad you have AAA!

No word yet from Lynne.......frankly, I hope they admit her for a couple of days of IV antibiotics. I'll bet anything she's got severe pneumonia.
SIL Charlie's sister just got out of 2 days in ICU for it.

Wishing we would hear something from Shirley about Luna. Kathryn hasn't posted on FB, either.

hedgie said...

Looks like Tori and Robyn are at Children's Hospital.....sure praying that it's just a routine apptmt. and not a flare-up or anything. What a cruddy thing on her birthday....:(

hedgie said...

Almost time to head out. See you later on. No word yet from Lynne.

paula eagleholic said...

Andy, pretty pics of the mountains! Glad hubby got an increase!

paula eagleholic said...

Think I'll write down my voting times...

Mema Jo said...

Kathryn just posted on FB
Luna had her surgery today.. she is doing well.. will be picking her up this evening and taking her to Pender to stay the night.

Great news!

paula eagleholic said...

Youngest chicks eating at BWE

paula eagleholic said...

Thanks for the update, Jo~

Mema Jo said...

Kristen just left, so now I am putting
my feet up for a while...


Lolly said...

Just taking a peek in and going back out. Beautiful day here, presently 70 and the most beautiful blue sky. Have been watching the rs hawks, circling and calling. Also watching the Mockingbirds sing....after hp! LOL

Can not vote yet...later!

paula eagleholic said...

BWE chicklets catching some rays ☺

paula eagleholic said...

Aw, Baby mockers soon!

paula eagleholic said...

Mai still in 1st place with 18% of the votes!

stronghunter said...

Free Lance-Star

For those of you who were at the 2009 open house, this is a link to the news story about he results of the murder trial of the man who killed the father of Kathryn's friend. I am so relieved for the family that this is over. And it is so fortunate that this man has been stopped. He is truly dangerous. He killed again before he was caught.

Luna had her surgery today and is doing well. I do not know anything about how much of her eyesight has been saved, but the doctor seemed to be pleased, so that is a good sign.

I peeked at the blog earlier today and then fell asleep. I had not slept much last night. My recliner was so comfy.

hedgie said...

Home. Getting settled in. Charlie is here with fencing---just unloading his truck.

Here is word from Lynne---don't know yet if she's posted here:

"Home finally. Pneumonia. Nebulizer treatment, chest rads, blood work, IV antibiotic (avelox), Tessilon pearls, rest, fluids, mucinex, etc etc. Should be better in 48 hours. I guess we'll see!" That was at 2:50PM.

hedgie said...

Got MY antibiotic and stocked up on a different muscle relaxant fro my leg cramps. Had to buy more bandaids....good thing, too....just got a new wound from the she-devil dog!!

paula eagleholic said...

BWE feedings are about once per hour

hedgie said...

Glad that Luna is doing well. Still praying for the very best outcome!
Shirley, how did apptmt. go with derm????

paula eagleholic said...

What are tessilon pearls, have heard of them, don't know what they are.

Was just two at BWE, back to one. Parent eating.

paula eagleholic said...

Sure glad she went. Can't believe she had pneumonia...poor girl!

paula eagleholic said...

3 BWE chicklets begging for dinner, look at those white fuzzy heads :)

stronghunter said...

Just got off the phone with Kathryn and Susan. Kathryn has just located Pender in Fairfax. She has Luna with her and is delivering her to the vet's where Luna will spend the night.

Luna is pretty groggy.

paula eagleholic said...

OK, Tessalon perles...

Benzonatate is used to treat cough due to the common cold, bronchitis, pneumonia, or other lung infections. Benzonatate is in a class of medications called antitussives (cough suppressants). It works by reducing the cough reflex in the lungs and air passages. Benzonatate comes as a liquid-filled capsule (perle) and

stronghunter said...

Dermatologist said that he does not think he can make the scar any better, but that I should wait six months. It is too early to be sure. I asked about creams, etc., and he said Mederma is good, so I bought some. (Shucks, just remembered the coupon.) I stopped at the store on the way home. Expensive stuff. Probably would have been less expensive at Walmart, but I hate to go there for just one thing unless I have to.

I stopped to talk with the pharmacist. He assured me that the scar is not noticeable. I know it is very small, but I wanted to have everything checked out while I am in touch with WC people.

stronghunter said...

Glad to see that Lynne is getting taken care of. Pneumonia. I figured it had to be bad. She has had a tough winter.

Mema Jo said...

I have to laugh every time I come to make a comment when I see Jayden there looking over his shoulder. I think I really could kidnap that little boy!
When you enlarge the pic, Wanda has the word 'Caught' written on it.

Anyhow - glad that most reports we need are coming in. I think a day or
2 more and our Lynne would have had a
hospital bed! Hope Steve is feeling better.

Judie said...

Good early evening, everyone.

Had a busy day with school and then therapy. Will be a quiet night. Darth has meetings.

Lynn and Margy, so sorry you are both feeling puny. Hope you recover quickly.

Sending serious get well thoughts to Lynne2. Diagnosis will get you to recovery soon.

Voted for Mai.

Shirley, so happy Luna made it through surgery. Will send a Luna prayer for preserved eyesight.

Andy, have a good class tonight.

Okay, off to catch up on cams. BBL

hedgie said...

Hurray for justice, such as it is, Shirley. Will never understand though why the court lets a murderer plea for a more lenient sentence. Capitol murder deserves capitol punishment....there should be no leniency. Thank goodness VA is smart enough to HAVE the death penalty, but why water it down by letting a murderer avoid it? So now your tax dollars---AND those of the affected family---will pay to keep him for how ever many years he lives.

hedgie said...

Egg roll.

Judie said...

Shirley, mederma should help. Did a terrific job on a carotid scar.

stronghunter said...

Kathryn talked to her friend Tracy about the trial, etc. The man agreed to plead guilty in return for avoiding the death penalty. But he has another trial to go. He beat an 87-year old man to death after he killed Jimmy Larose. Really bad guy.

wvgal_dana said...

Glad to hear Lynne has got better maedication and treatment sounds better. If they are the same pearls I had one time they were gold colored to stop the cough.

Prayers for Luna that the surgery helps her eyesight.

Happy Birthday to Tori...hope hospital is nothing bad.

Prayers for Hedgie-Lynn GET WELL VERY SOON LADY!!!!

stronghunter said...

I hope the Mederma does the job. I have no desire for surgery. I have been using concealer. It helps, so today I treated myself to some more make-up along with the Mederma.

wvgal_dana said...

Glad Charlie is working on getting the fence up. He got a start on it.

hedgie said...

When I bought the Mederma for Jenn, I think it was $18, Shirley.

wvgal_dana said...

Margy How did you get to see the Merganer's at the Lake on Martin St.?

stronghunter said...

The trial is the lead story in today's Free Lance-Star. Above the story about gas prices, even.

wvgal_dana said...

It truly irritates me to read someone that murdered someone or others. We and their families get to pay for them to live out their life in prison grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr@!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

stronghunter said...

Oh my, I paid $30.

George is asking out. He enjoyed his little adventure.

NatureNut said...

Hi Gang!!! Ran home, tried to plug 2 cameras into 10 yr. old 'puter & no deal! Even installed a camera disc, but wouldn't work to download pics. That means Loretta and techie Binky have to set up new computer first!
Saw the first osprey in AM, went to mailbox after lunch & saw changing of the guard in the eagle nest & later saw Chippy for the 1st time this year! A banner day.
To top it all off, Fubby had to call Discover to check on a credit & he talked toPEGGY!!!!
Also have roast in oven, so BBL ☺

wvgal_dana said...

About stinkbugs in newspaper today too bad it's not this year Asians wasps that hijack stink bug eggs for their own young are being eyed as the answer to the destructive pest that is threatening mid-Atlantic crops.

Kim Hoelmer, the U.S. Dept. of Agriculture scientist in charge of the project, says testing has shown the tiny parasitic wasps being raised in quarantine in a Delaware laboratory destroy up to 80 percent of the stink bug population.

Hoelmer says preliminary indications show the wasps don't attack beneficial insects, and researchers hope to have approval to release the wasps sometime in 2013.

Stink bugs are a farm threat because they attack a number of crops. University of Maryland insect researcher Michael Raupp says they are expected in record numbers this year in Maryland.

Lolly said...

Just voted! Yea, for Mai!

stronghunter said...

Must fix supper for Hunter and myself. Kathryn will be awhile getting home. Susan will pick Luna up tomorrow morning and take her back to the eye doctor. Susan has the day off. So, Kathryn will only have to pick Luna up at the end of the day.

Long day on Thursday. Students get early dismissal, but we stay until 7:30 for parent conferences.

stronghunter said...

Do you have to wait until 24 hours have gone by to vote? I don't remember what time I voted yesterday. Guess I will just have to check back. The little circles were not there when I looked.

Lolly said...

Oh, poor Lynne! So happy she got to the ER. Hope now she mends fast.

Shirley, glad Luna has finally had her surgery. Hope that she recoops fast and that the surgery saved some eyesight.

Worked in the yard all afternoon and boy am I pooped! Think I will shower early and get comfy.

Lolly said...

Yes, you have to wait 24 hours to vote. I went to the sight and the little circles were there ready for me to vote.

glo said...

Surely hoping those who are sick get to feeling better. Glad our Lynn(e)'s have their medication. Glad Luna's surgery is over. Sure hoping for some good news as she recovers now. Mai is definitely doing well in the contest.

hedgie said...

Oh, Dana, he only bought and brought fencing supplies. Work won't start til Sat.

wvgal_dana said...

Lynn that is a start. So he doesn't have to go after the supplies now. Just get started on Saturday on putting up the fence.

Hope you feel better very soon. I don't like you being sick. I don't like any of our friends/momsters/dadsters being sick. :( Makes me sad.

hedgie said...

Bet Kat wishes that Susan would bring Luna home tomorrow evening! Kat could probably put her truck on auto-pilot by now and let it drive itself!!

wvgal_dana said...

I need to get my feet up. Took Mom to Hagerstown to Mission Store...great store they even have clothes by sizes!!!!

Then found another store. Take 81 to Maugans exit get off go to Penna. Ave. Make right and on right is gun shop, flea market and the Aces Store....nice clothes on racks by sizes....consigment.

hedgie said...

Tonight is terrific TV Tues.!

wvgal_dana said...

Prayers for those that need them whether God's animals or God's people.

bye getting feet up swelled.

Mema Jo said...

7:31 pm and I can finally vote for MAI

20% and rising

Mema Jo said...

I looked at the other catagories...
57% for Tochi in the cuddly division
We need more votes....
GLO's comment is on Mai's page but the other comments from Mai's supporters turned up on Leonardi's page. Watch
were you publish your comments.

NCSuzan said...

Good evening all. It bothers me that Lynne's doctor could not diagnose pneumonia and pretty much sent Lynne on her way. Thank goodness Lynne felt bad enough to go to the ER. You do not mess around with lung health as some of us on here already know.

Mema Jo said...

Robyn and Tori went out to dinner..

Mema Jo said...

Hedgie and All - Terrific Tues Tv Tonight

I'll check in during some commercials

BWE momma head tucked and sitting pretty

I can't hardly even see Belle's
white feathers! I sure miss our night light.


Costume Lady said...

Mai Ying...20% and in first place. Keep up the good work EVERYONE...even our lurker friends:)

stronghunter said...

Watching AI tonight.

hedgie said...

I have a gnat driving me crazy----one of the wee tiny kind! Actually saw a wasp flying around outside today----and it wasn't very warm out!

Lolly said...

Yep, watching AI here, too!

NatureNut said...

Hello, we got juice! Don't have user names or virus co. on here yet, but we're in cyberspace!
BBL---din din's be3en done!

hedgie said...

Oh, good, Loretta! Hope Frank got along well with PEGGY today!
So if you saw a changing of the guard, I would say you definitely have eggbert(s)!!!!

Mema Jo said...

One show down and two to go..

Everything seems calm so back I go to the TV

Judie said...

Hi all,

Lowreeda,hope you get the computer stuff worked out really soon. Glad you had a terrific "critter" day.

Going to turn my light off early tonight. Long day.

Prayers for all who are not feeling well. Wishing for a better day tomorrow.

Pleasant eaglet dreams for those headed back the hallway, to the tub, up the stairs, to the recliner, and just stumbling in from class. Will visit again tomorrow.

stronghunter said...

Stopping by to say good night to everyone. See you tomorrow. God bless.

Lolly said...

Wow! There is certainly a lot of talent on AI this year! And we have just heard the guys tonight.

Lolly said...

Just took a peek into the Sidney cam, bad weather there! Sounds like sleet!

Mema Jo said...

Sam is my man! Wish that Nate could have gone home with them.

One More show.........


paula eagleholic said...

Just an FYI about the Sidney nest.

They decided to try and capture Pa, to check out his neck. They checked him out with a spotting scope, but still can't determine what makes up the dark mark around his neck. So Pa ended up eluding the capture, and making off with the salmon that was the bait to the nest. And they also saw him break off a 5ft long branch and bring it to the nest. David Hancock said Pa ia acting and performing normally, so at this time, unless they see some sort of downturn, they will not attempt to catch him.

paula eagleholic said...

Oh, and Vancouver Island had some snow last week, too! The sleet is probably from that big storm coming ashore.

magpie said...

thanks for that update on Pa, Paula...sounds pretty encouraging....
sounds like he is functioning like a good strong eagle

magpie said...

sounds like pretty good news for Luna also ...what a saga it has been for him...hope the recovery matches the doctor's optimism

Glo... bummed about your vehicle problems...I've had a bunch of expen$ive repairs in the past, have been pretty lucky for half a year now so far

magpie said...

and thanks Lynn for the update on Lynne...though she is probably on a better road to recovery, bet she feels just plain Lousy!

prayers going up for all these recovery needs

magpie said...

that really IS an adorable avatar !

magpie said...

regarding the Hooded Mergansers.... we were just in the right place at the right time...I think they were probably just moving through the area and stopped for a rest, quarry conditions probably do not suit their feeding and nesting habits

I did think it was pretty darn funny to turn the page to the March page on the DNR calendar to find the Merganser on there !

magpie said...

sounds like mostly computer successes and good wildlife viewing for Loretta...

magpie said...

headed for beddy-bye...
need to get up and go to work in the MORNING for a change...

Hope everyone is settling cozily into their roosts....
and headed for some Sweet Sleeping

Taking many prayer needs with me to the pillows

God Bless Us, Every One
xoxoxoxo ♥

magpie said...

by the way....there pretty much IS no moon overnight, it is waning and will disappear in the next couple of days when it goes "new" -
then we can start watching it start waxing in the West a few days after that...hope some of you saw the brilliant pairing of slender Crescent Moon and Venus in the East at pre-dawn early Tuesday morning...
I set my clock to have a look-see, was well worth it...
might be able to see that more or less again, in the morning

Lolly said...

Nite Margy! And, about the time we get a full moon we might also be getting a lil eaglet! ☺

hedgie said...

WhooHoo!!! Bond is gone, Jo!!!!

hedgie said...

Goodnight, Judie, Shirley, Margy.......and anyone I missed!
Lolly and Dana have feet up, I think....Jo should have hers down now that our shows are over.

NatureNut said...

Nighty-nite time!
Got anti-virus & some other programs transferred via phone & techie control.Got pictures dwnlded, not by USB cord, but memory card!!!!!! Never before.I knew the USB plug wouldn't fit!Before editing pics--gotta install some programs---and figure out how to move pics from one folder to another. Can't find Move or Copy anywhere!!
Oh Well, tomorrow is another day!

NatureNut said...

Boy, Lynn, I'm glad you mentioned shows!! I'm missing repeat of my one and only Soap!!!

After that, Pleasant Feather Dreams ;>)

hedgie said...


hedgie said...

Goodnight, Loretta!! It will all get easier as you figure out everything! Which Soap?

NatureNut said...

Days of Our Lives! Isn't it? ☺

hedgie said...

Oh, yeah....every day is another day! I watch Young & Restless....not either of those anymore!

Goodnight, sweet friends. Thanks for voting!
Prayers for all.

Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Everyone,
Saying some heavy-duty prayers tonight for those folks and critters in need of healing. Hoping to hear some good reports very soon!
Dana, very interesting info on stink bugs. I am so very glad that we don't seem to have any out here in my area. Having spiders is bad enough, although, (THANK GOD!) I haven't seen many of the 8-legged freaks lately.
I'm pretty tired tonight, so think I will call it a day. Have said prayers for everyone. Judie, thanks for the night light. I'm checking to make sure the porch light came on. The eye-scanner security and Dana's thumbprint-scanner security are both enabled. Sleep well, everyone, and I will talk to you tomorrow. Good night, and God bless! Love all of you! :o]

Lolly said...

Have been reading. Now heading to bed. Night all!

One more day closer to eaglets! March seemed so far away and now we are here!

Sweet dreams!

Costume Lady said...

It is 28° right now, going up to a sunny 56° tomorrow:) Anything over 45° this time of year is OK with me:)

Costume Lady said...

Sandman is knocking on my door:)


Lori O. said...

It's a very dark nest at this hour but I can tell we have an adult keeping the eggs warm.

LYNN, can't wait to go back and read the stink bug article!

GLO, I'm so sorry about your car troubles. Dang, I hate when that happens. I always say a prayer for the people along the roadside whose car has broken down. At least you're safe at home. :-)

ANDY, I hope you, Emma & Two Buck Chuck were all superstars in your class last night! Any pics yet?

Prayers for our under-the-weather warriors LYNNE, LUNA & MARGY. Magpie, I'll miss you this morning.

JO, Keep those feet up and have a relaxing day. WANDA I'll try to get online later this morning but am running behind already.

PAULA, today I will confess that I am envious of you and your beach house avian retreat. Bad green monster!!! :)

This is too long arleady (sorry). BBL

Love ♥ & big hugs to each of you.

Lori O. said...

sorry I missed LORETTA - cool about the Osprey, and
LOLLY. Lolly, love the daffodils! Miss the smiling sun and eagle/heart. Your avatars are all great.

Lori O. said...

Still dark at the nest, but I'm happy to verify there is an adult eagle in it!

Lori O. said...

light at the nest!

Good Morning Belle, darling!

floralgirl said...

Eagle just flew into the nest- Lib I suppose.

floralgirl said...

Big beautiful wing stretch and there goes Belle.

Lori O. said...

Good Morning Megan!

I thought I missed the switch. Thanks for catching it. ☺

floralgirl said...

Morning Lori:)
Today's nest weather- anther nice day, but the wind may be back. Sunny. Highs in the upper 50s. Southwest winds 10 to 15 mph...becoming northwest 15 to 20 mph with gusts up to 30 mph this afternoon.

magpie said...

juvie eagle at the BWO platform

Good Morning Eagle Pals

magpie said...

I thought that would happen soon as I post it is gone

magpie said...

okay, more wind
thanks Megan...appreciate the weather reports

fire season is in, restricted hours for outdoor burning
4 m to 7 am in WV, not sure about other areas

Time to get ready for work,
hope everyone has a good safe day

magpie said...

Lori -
I will miss our middle of the wee hours of the morning chatter with each other


Lori O. said...

MARGY: I miss you too! But, I'm happy you've got a more normal shift for a while, or is it permanent?

floralgirl said...

Belle just flew in

floralgirl said...

Switch at the nest.

glo said...

Good morning everyone. Well I should get my car back today. Is having 2 good sized issues worked on. It needs a new starter and also has a broken spring that I was encouraged to address either now or later. Well I don't need something else to worry about when I am out driving around so I said fix the spring too. Nice little set back for a little while but like my son says its gonna be about 2 to 2 1/2 car payments. So I guess thats the price of maintainence if you choose to keep an older car on the road atleast as long as you can.

My daughter has Pine Mouth Evidently thats not much fun and if you eat pine nuts you probably want to do some reading about this. Definitely do NOT eat them from China and do NOT buy them form Trader Joe's and perhaps Safeway. I had never heard of it.

OK off for coffee and dog treats.

Lori O. said...

Heavens Glo! I'm a nut-a-holic, and love TJ's! I'll so some reading on it today.

Getting off the blog here early this morning - too much going on.

Have a great day all.

( ) Big hugs to everyone!


wvgal_dana said...

Paula thank you for update on Pa. praying the eagle stays strong and that nothing is around the neck area.

Glo sorry about your daughter. Prayers she heals fast. Pine Mouth never heard of it. Sometimes I just don't know about the things we can eat. I will have to look
Pine Mouth up.

So sorry Glo about your car problems. Glad they didn't happen on your drive home.

Loretta glad Frank and Peggie are getting along. Sounds like things are getting worked out on the computer. ( :

Prayers continue for Luna.

Prayers for Lynne, Hedgie-Lynn, Glo's daughter, Diann, Margy and anyone I missed. Please God
help them all to start feeling better and get over their sickness.

God make the dogie completion be done right (legal).

wvgal_dana said...

Margy I hope you have a good day shift. By the way when we were kids. We use to be able to go into the woods. Go right up to the Lake. That water was beautiful in there then. Don't know what it is like today. There was some BIG fish in there. Lots of deer in there now.

Lolly I have to admit. I am a little jealous when I read your comment "walking". Oh how I would love to do that again.

My bone density is good, had the test. Walking not fast on the indoor track. That is how I broke the bone in the knee. I did try everything to hold out from surgery from 2008 till 2010. It began effecting the other knee. Walk Gal Walk and ENJOY!! ENJOY!!
I am so happy for you truly I am.

Costume Lady said...

44° here in Martinsburg/Shepherdstown, going up to 55°. We have an Enhanced Fire Advisory, meaning the winds have dried out materials that will catch fire easily...a carelessly tossed cigarette, along with the wind, could be a disaster! DON'T SMOKE...if you have to, put your BUTTS where they belong! Save my grandson, granddaughter and my Margy from having extra emergency calls;)

wvgal_dana said...

not a link Does a dog win from each division or just one dog out of all the divisions? Like Jo said 57% for Tochi in the cuddly division--WE NEED MORE VOTES FOR MAI

Costume Lady said...

You may not notice, but my avatar has changed. It is a different angle of my Techie g-grandson, showing what he is actually doing with that computer (or, trying to do;)) He LOVES electronics, remote controls to anything, cell phones, cameras, etc. Toys do not hold his interest at all. Oh, I forgot, he loves my eagle cane. Comes in 2nd place to his gadgets:)

Costume Lady said...

I'm not for sure on that question, DANA. Lynn will let us know when she comes on. Yes, we do need more voters...come on Momsters and Dadsters, vote for Mai Ying every 24 hours. She is leading in her catagory, Fetching, at 21% with Leonardo next at 14%.

Lolly said...

Good morning!

Wow! Glo, thanks for the info on pine mouth. Googled it and read several articles. Love pine nuts! We buy them for salads and use them in making pesto. Never had the problem but something to be aware of. I could use my pecans instead of pine nuts in making pesto. However, I have many batches of homemade pesto (with pine nuts) in the freezer. Yikes!

Costume Lady said...




Costume Lady said...

HEY, HEY...Mai is up to 22% and still leading in her division:)

paula eagleholic said...

Morning, all~

My internet at home went down last night, so I couldn't post a good night message! It's back on this morning, so hopefully will be on when I get back home tonight, too.

What a nice day outside...little windy, but nice. You can smell spring in the air ♥

wvgal_dana said...

Good to see you Paula glad you made it in here. ( :

March 1st I wrote my comment my name is "lovepets".

paula eagleholic said...

Hmm, haven't eaten pine nuts that I know of, never heard of pine mouth. Thank goodness it goes away.

glo said...

Well Lolly If you bought them all at the same time and place and have already used some of them with no problem you are probably fine. I would be awfully careful about where they come from and where you buy them though. I had never heard of it either and know lots of people use them, I am behind the times when it comes to cooking I guess; at least when it comes to pine nuts. My daughter says she will never eat them again.

movin said...


GooD MorN tO yOU aLL.


Another coolish early morning and a cloudy, cool day in So Cal in store for us.

BWE chicks are taking the sun now. Easy to see them all.

C(°ٿ°)D Jim

Lolly said...

Pine nuts are also very expensive, so never have eaten them by the handful. They are great on salads and make wonderful pesto. Probably will continue to use them.

Costume Lady said...

PINE MOUTH? Now I have hear of Hoof and Mouth, Trench Mout, Bad Mout and Dirty Mouth, but never PINE MOUTH! Love pine nuts, but not good for your teeth unless you are eating just the kernal.

Doing Taxes...yuck! BBL

Lolly said...

While in New Mexico we saw peoples selling pine nuts along side the road. Thought that interesting. We did not buy any but later wished we had.

Lolly said...

Have not done my morning voting on the pc in the study. Will do so before going outside. Jack is on it right now.

Time to get my day started. Plans for the day....eat breakfast, walk, and then out to work in the yard. Another beautiful day here.

Have a great day everyone! (((hugs)))

Nice to see the sun on the nest!☺

Oh, and tonight......shower with Dawn! roflmbo

hedgie said...

Morning all.
After listening to logging/sawyering (or is it lawyering/sogging?) since 7AM, an optical migraine, a blood-letting thanks to Mai,cleaning a big black spot off carpet from Mai's cow hoof toy, catching up on everything and reading the papers....Here I am! Think
I feel worse today than yesterday. :(

Glo, sorry about the car, but at least you won't have to worry about starting it!! WOnder how you broke a spring? That is hard to do----unless it just corroded to that point from road salts.

hedgie said...

Glo, sorry about daughter, too....sounds like a chemo effect!!! Luckily, tho', I had more problems with dryness and a cardboard taste---the other was only for a couple of days!

Mema Jo said...

Good Morning! Paula maybe it was a Frederick County thing last night because My internet went down and I couldn't leave my good night message!! I know you all thought I still had my
feet up! lol

hedgie said...

As for the photo competition: it is like March Madness---64 down to 32 to 16 to 8 to 4 and then the winner!!
Thanks for commenting again, Dana!

glo said...

Sorry you are feeling worse today Hedgie Those meds should kick in soon and then you will head uphill.

I had the right front strut fixed about 18 months ago. Shortly afterwards and about 7 miles later I heard a big thunk under my car, and took it back to the mechanic who had done the work. He checked out the tire "didn't put it up just sort of looked at it and drove it around the block and said it was fine. Needless to say I have not been back to that garage but instead have started using my Ford Dealer. I think maybe the strut wasn't put on right as it does involve a spring. I googled it after the phone call :-( Anyway not sure how all that is going to play out. We'll see when I pick up the car.

Mema Jo said...

I am getting ready for a 'new do' & then off to doc for a regular visit.
I will check back asap when I return


movin said...

Hurry over!



IS UP !!


C(°ٿ°)D Jim

wvgal_dana said...

Jo getting her do done ( : Hope visit is good with dr.

Your welcome Lynn. I do have to say I was "shocked" when I seen it.
Didn't know someone wrote in comments on the dogie vote something like that. If anyone had sent me an email I haven't been in there need to catch that up.

Just shows people will do anything.

hedgie said...

Please help me pray for no more plowable snow this season.....Charlie has my driveway gravel coming Fri.!!!

wvgal_dana said...

Will add that to my prayer list. I can certainly understand. We once had a gravel driveway.

wvgal_dana said...

this is a link


wvgal_dana said...


3/12/25 AM 🐟 x2

 Eggrolls and  6:49 AM Bella gets up. Does stretch saunters over to the cup edge does a quick calls to him. Exit the nest at 6 49 43. 6:50 ...