Thursday, March 10, 2011


Fresh thread.


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glo said...

Thanks for the new thread Steve. Back to catch the others :-) Stay safe and dry.

Costume Lady said...

Thanks, Glo and Steve for the new thread and the call over:)

Costume Lady said...

Lynn...if you need something...meds, chicken soup, babysitter for Mai, holler! Gene and I are not busy today and would be happy to help you. You've got my number♥

Mema Jo said...

Good Morning and it really is a wet one
I am just signing on and will need to
read previous thread.

Check some of the cams - Wow!
Fish Head at BWE looks like a whopper!

Hi Glo and Wanda ..
Keep your feet dry!


Costume Lady said...

It WAS that handsome, Dr. Hurst! LOL
It's a bit humiliating to show all your flaws and uglies to such a good-looking man! I'm old enough to be his, big sister, but who cares;)

Geula said...

Good morning all!

When do we expect the eggies to hatch?

wvgal_dana said...

Good Morning in Eagle Land Wanda, Margy, Hedgie, Donnie, Glo, Megan, Lori, Jo, and Lurkers.

Lynn praying you are feeling better and now that your toe heals fast.

Wanda prayers that those places just disappear and no marks left.

Margy hoping you are getting over that cough.

If Culpeper is closing Shirley will be home sooner that usual.

Glo sounds like you need prayers also for sinuses. Hope you feel better soon.

Megan is getting the needed rain for her plants. Which is good( :

I am going to buy possibly 2 plants for my daughter's child hood friend and his wife. Cardinal vine I have he fell in love with. Then I'll have to get something I think different for me this year.

Lorretta HAPPY BIRTHDAY gal ( :

Sunny you sometimes drop in here so HAPPY BIRTHDAY

wvgal_dana said...

I see they are finally going to have a "local memorial service at 2pm March 16th at Zion Episcopal Churc 200 E. Congress St. Charles Town, WV.

wvgal_dana said...


Costume Lady said...

It just occurred to me why I haven't gotten any birthday lists, email address has changed and whomever sends the Momster emails doesn't know of my new address.

Costume Lady said...

DANA, some families do that...have a memorial service AFTER burial.

wvgal_dana said...

Shows in the paper today that accident I seem yesterday when I was getting off from Interstate 81 on my exit. The pickup truck crashed into the Motel 6 sign. No life-threatening injuries.

That is the Hotel our Vicky and her husband stayed at when they came to Open House one year.

Costume Lady said...


Costume Lady said...

GEULA...possible eaglets this weekend!

hedgie said...

Jo sends it out, Wanda, and I would think she would have the right addy!! Shoot her an email to be sure!!!

LOL, Wanda...I am old enough to be Hurst's mama!!

I would love to have someone keep Mai for a few days....but I would never impose her on anyone else. Of course, she might be a gem for others.....since it is ME she doesn't like! With the rain and the mud, it is a real outside exercise, plus have to go up and down basement steps to put her out so that I can let the mud track down there and not up here on the good carpet. I would love to just go to bed for 24 hrs.
Carolyn got me chicken soup!

NCSuzan said...

Good wet moprning all.

Have a very Happy Birthday, Loretta.

hedgie said...

Poor Sissy had 3 teeth cut out yesterday....she was suffering last evening.


hedgie said...

P.S. Dana, memorial services are often held after burial.

hedgie said...

PPS......Sissy says they are predicting 4-6" snow in Bluefield area. ARGH!

Mema Jo said...

♪♪♫♪♪ Happy Birthday Loretta
Celebrate yourself today & have a
great year ahead

♪♪♫♪♪ Happy Birthday Sunny
Enjoy your special day & hope you have a year ahead that is great

Mema Jo said...

Wanda I send out the b-day list through the Momster's email. It sends to all Momsters using the address that is on Eaglet Momsters Membership.
Please try to go there and edit your profile to change your email address for me.

wvgal_dana said...

Well you learn something new. Didn't know service after burial.

Wanda Does that mean when I have sent you emails you haven't been getting them???

wvgal_dana said...

Prayers starting RIGHT NOW for poor Sissy!!!

Mema Jo said...

Dana From FB Sissy said:
I am feeling better, only had to take pain pill once last night, none except Aleve and Tylenol today, thank God!!

Costume Lady said...

No, DANA, no emails from you. I am now - - - - - Going to see about Momster mail, now.
Thanks, Jo.

T-Bird said...

Good morning all. Well, it's that time of year again, I'm bringing my laptop to work so I don't miss a hatching.
I hope you are all staying dry. Saw some tenting this morning. Sounds like it's been a busy morning.
Happy birthday Loretta.

movin said...




C(°ٿ°)D Jim

Costume Lady said...

Hi, T-Bird...keep your eyes peeled, just a few more days!

Costume Lady said...

Good Morning, Jim...RAINY here in Nestville, but 51°, so we and the eagles can handle it:)

movin said...

Mornin, Wanda, T-bird.

We are back to the on-shore winds and the moderate clime here in So Cal. Should reach 74°, but it's a chilly 20° to go yet.

C(°ٿ°)D Jim

Lolly said...

Good morning! First let me say

Happy Birthday, Loweeeeeeda! Hope your day is wonderful!

Wanda, send me an email so I have your correct address. Oh, and by the way...keeping a close eye on my WV Columbine. It is looking good and hopefully should bloom this year. Keeping my fingers crossed.

Love the sound coming from the cam. Looks like Lib on the nest? Will be casting my 3 votes this afternoon. Does anyone work at a place with many computers? Ahhh, Shirley! Maybe she can get all teachers to vote. a staff meeting! Now! LOL

Lolly said...

Wow, hear the geese?

Mema Jo said...

Hello Jim and T-Bird

Wanda check my email to you

Costume Lady said...

Lolly, I am keeping my fingers crossed for the blooming of my TEXAS columbine, this year! I am praying that they didn't freeze out with all the snow and cold weather! We shall see...

Going to facebook and remind my friends and family to vote!

movin said...



Today and all year


C(°ٿ°)D Jim

NatureNut said...

Thank you to Everyone for the B'Day Wishes......&.....
Happy Birthday, Sunny!♥

Just checked NBG to see if there will be a hatch & that poor Mom looks like a wet, shaggy dog!Hope chicks stay in their shells today!

We may got out to Red Lobster for dinner if "the good Lord's willing and the creek don't rise"!!!!
Will be checking on bears, today too & maybe play w/pictures!!

Mema Jo said...

Lots of pine sprigs on the NBG nest
Dad just did an egg roll

Lolly said... getting seasick? Watch NBG for a while!

Also, the video of the BWE's 3rd chick hatching is awesome!

Have finished my walking. I was down 10 pounds yesterday! 4/10ths more today. Hip Hip Hooray! We are going out to eat tomorrow and off the diet for this meal. EEEK Hope I do not gain too much!

Now I am off to the kitchen. Baking a cake and preparing fresh fruit. Taking it to church tonight for a ladies meeting.

Then...ta dah!!!! Heading outside, of course.☺

There are our eggs being gently rolled.

Lolly said...

Bears are playing. It is mid day. Remember they are heading to the den today...mid day, they said.

wvgal_dana said...

Bear cam those little cubs and Hope is so precious. How she is with them too.

wvgal_dana said...

Oh Loretta I do so hope you get to go to Red Lobster for your BIRTHDAY ( :

Mema Jo said...

News said: World War I veteran Frank Buckles to be buried Tuesday in Arlington.
The body of Frank Buckles, the West Virginia soldier who outlived every other American who served in World War I, will be buried Tuesday at Arlington National Cemetery, a family spokesman said Thursday.

Costume Lady said...

JO, I got's working now!:)

hedgie said...

Hello again. Feeling a bit better, but ready for a nap. MAi is sleeping soundly.

PLEASE KEEP VOTING.....but want you to know that I have decided to let the rescue re-home Mai. The behaviorist and I agree that she needs more than I can give her, as far as energy goes. She assures me that I am an excellent owner, and not a failure at all; that there are good matches and not-so good matches. She says that Mai is definitely high-maintenance, maybe even bordering on ADD....she needs a home with more activity, more people, other dogs. If the rescue will allow it, she is interested in taking her herself......MTBD. But thank you all for the support you have given me throughout this. I know that I have bored you to tears with my constant carping. I feel better now that the decision has been made. Don't know about all the logistics yet, but will let you know when I do. Heading for the sofa for awhile.

Costume Lady said...

Oh, Lynn, sorry it's not working out with you and Mai, but I am so glad you have made that wise decision! Mai was pulling you down and making you anxious and frustrated. You KNOW you are not a failure, you have had many other dogs and did well with them. Somehow, I think her answer is to be an outside dog with another dog for a rough housing companion. Hope the trainer is able to adopt her so that you will know how she is working out for her.♥

hedgie said...

P.S. More quake action: China and Papua, New Guinea.

Costume Lady said...

Yes, we should keep voting, we started this for YOU and we will see it to the END!

Costume Lady said...

Sounds like somone is outside the den, now.

Costume Lady said...

Hope and one of the cubs are cute!

Ms Bookworm said...

Good Morning/Afternoon, Everyone!

Hope you have a wonderful day today!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO SUNNY! Hope your day is wonderful, too!

Lynn, I sure hope you get to feeling better! Prayers! Hope the kleenex and meds help with that. I'm sure that the lousy weather isn't helping any. Tell Mai for me that she needs to take GOOD CARE of her Mom today! Tell her if she's not behaving, I will have to find a way to travel back there and kick her butt, so to speak!

Glo, hope you get to feeling better, too! I know how bad stopped up sinuses can make you feel. Prayers!

Sissy, hope your dental work feels better today. You have my sympathy, and my prayers for a speedy recovery!

Costume Lady said...

I believe the noise I heard was Lily licking snow or biting those roots.

Lolly said...

(((Hugs))) Lynn!! I think your decision is very wise. She has proved to be a huge handful and you have done your very best!! Do NOT feel like a failure as you definitely are not. You have done so very much for Mai.

They have not announced on fb that they are on the way to the den and they usually do that. I think Lily is eating snow. Have not heard any "It's me bear".

Costume Lady said...

Maybe Lily was given some treats?

paula eagleholic said...

Lynn, I am glad you are peace with your decision about Mai. I know it was a hard decision. (((Hugs)))

Costume Lady said...

Maybe Lynn forgot to say IT'S ME BEAR and.....:)

Costume Lady said...

Oh, I think Lily is eating the cam:)

Ms Bookworm said...

I just saw your post about re-homing Mai. I totally agree that you are, and have been, a terrific dog owner! Do NOT feel like a failure! I do think that you have made the right decision, though. Mai has caused you a lot of stress, and far too many physical injuries. I know you have gone through a lot of heartache and guilty feelings in making this decision, but I believe that although Mai will likely turn out to be a good dog for just the right person, she is not the right dog for you. I hope the trainer is able to adopt her, so that you can keep in touch and see how Mai is doing. I agree that having a doggy friend/"sibling" would be a help to her. In any case, you have my TOTAL support!--AND I hope that the perfect dog for you will come along, VERY soon! Prayers that this situation will have the perfect resolution! (((HUGS)))!!!

Mema Jo said...

Those cubs are soooooooooo cute.
Like I said I am anxious to see them
all come out of the den together.

Mema Jo said...

Lynn You are so blessed to have all these understanding friends and supporters! I hope Mai will be happy and that you will be feeling better about her knowing that she is.

Mema Jo said...

There is a whole lot of 'bear' in that den...........

wvgal_dana said...

Lynn I know it was a hard decision. Hope the trainer gets to adopt her. If not then the type of family the trainer says Mai needs.

I think you need a "smaller" doggie. With your health problems that you will be able to pick up.

Hugs to you gal and more HUGS to you Lynn

Lolly said...

I hope all of you are watching those wonderful bears....and smiling. They are the greatest!

NatureNut said...

Watching Bear cam~~~there are feet and snouts all over the place! I can hear some, but need to get speakers!!!

Mema Jo said...

Lily is going to have to sit on Hope
so she can take care of Jason and his sister. (I forgot her name)
The little ones sure have their motors going now while feeding.

Lolly said...

Does it make you want to go jump in on the fun? Looks like one cozy den!

Lolly said...

Faith, Jo.

Mema Jo said...

Thanks Lolly

Faith Hope and

LOVE dem bears!

Mema Jo said...

BWE feeding time

Those little ones' feathers are

Mema Jo said...

The bears have tired me out!
Feet up for a few.........


Lolly said...

They should be getting to the den soon. They left about 30 min ago according to fb.

magpie said...

I did not mean to leave you out on the Birthday greetings...truth is with internet up and down a lot for me...I was going by memory and did not re-open the birthday memo:

Happy Birthday to you !! Hope it is a bright Sunny Day even though we might have clouds all around ! xoxoxo ☺ ♥

Lolly said...

They are at the den!

Lolly said...

Heard "It's me bear!"

Lolly said...

Lily is out of the den and now they are coaxing Hope out. Love it!

hedgie said...

Well all the noise woke me up! Lynn is at the den.....and the cubs were making SO much noise! Don't know why the trip to the den....did anybody see or hear why? Apparently Lily went out.....he's trying to get Hope to come,but she won't! Little ones are sure interested in Me Bear!!! Now Lily is piling back in.

Lolly said...

Jason and Faith are being quiet.

hedgie said...

dana, got your message. TY. No, don't really feel up to talking----makes me cough.

Lolly said...

Their little faces are right there, wondering what is going on,LOL

hedgie said...

Now Lily out again. Got some good pics of Hope and the cubs!!!

Mai is awake and needs to go out.....which I could pause the cam and then catch up!

Lolly said...

Hope just gets a treat and then backs back down into the den.

hedgie said...

Is Lynn maybe wanting to try to collar Hope?

hedgie said...

Cubby is quivering....cold? fear?

hedgie said...

Not so sure I agree with this disruption.....:(

Lolly said...

I know they want to clean the lens. Do not know if they are putting a collar on Lily or not.

Lolly said...

Now the outside camera! Wow!

magpie said...

can't watch any of the bear cam action, just what you all are saying about it!

I support your decision, appreciate how difficult it is to make that choice, and how very much you have put into Mai's upbringing since welcoming her to your roost on December 4 -

you never bored me to tears, not once...

Peace with your decision...
(( hugs ♥ ))

glo said...

Lynne I too want to say I so understand and support your decision to help Mai find a more suiting home for her high energy. I also hope that your trainer can adopt her but if not my guess is she can be instrumental with helping to find the right placement for her. Mai doe not hate you though and never has. I agree she needs more run room and even another dog to play with and run off some of that energy. You will both be happier in the long run.

I am sure it was a very tough and long thought out decision. Good for you for doing what is right for both of you.((((Lynn))))

Lolly said...

The outside cam is still on Lily. That is one big bear! I think they are gone and not able to clean the lens. Least I never saw them do it. Oh....Hope is out now! Wow!

Lolly said...

Now the cam in on the inside. No they did not clean the lens. Cubbies are sleeping.

Lolly said...

Now back to the outside cam.

Lolly said...

Both bears back inside the den now. Look at all that snow but there is sunshine.

Now back to the inside cam that looks worse then ever.

Lolly said...

Well, I thought I saw them go in. I know I did! but the inside cam just shows Hope. Hmmmm????

magpie said...

two adult eagles or one at bwe ?

Lolly said...

Outside cam on again. LOL

magpie said...

all brown and and black feathers and white soggy feathers just can't tell with these old eyes

Lolly said...

Lily and Hope are playing outside of the den. Also, digging in the snow.

Lolly said...

They are wrestling and biting like they do in the den.

magpie said...

just about every teletype coming into our work place right now is about flood warnings, the Potomac, the Monocacy, Rappahannock, and lots of creeks and streams

sure hope, no one has any damage or trouble out of this weather system

need to sign off now...
see you all later on if my internet just happens to be working


hedgie said...

Thank you all for your loving support. It means more than you will ever know.
Glo, Mai does have run-room....but no grass! Can't grow grass in the woods. Yard WAS mostly moss-covered, but she's torn much of that up!!

Lolly said...

Both bears back in the den after a long romp outside. The wrestled each other and dug in the snow. Very interesting.

Lolly said...

I guess they want both bears out of the den in order to reach in and wipe the lens. Wonder if they will try another time. I am with you, Lynn. Question the disturbance. Looks like they are going to settle down now. Maybe I can get something done now. Have enjoyed watching this.

Margy, I am sure they will have video tonight.

Lolly said...

Lots of nursing sounds going on. Going to leave now.

hedgie said...

I had forgotten that Lily didn't have a collar anymore!!!
Listen to those cubbies----so cute!!

hedgie said...

Upset eagle calling....but not in nest!

Donnie said...

That cardinal vine... Is it an annual? It looks very delicate, with soft vine and leaves. Where do you buy it? It look like the hummingbirds will love it. OhOh There are tose eggs and a slight yell... ogohh something has her going.... The cats are all looking around. Even the dog jumped off the sofa and looked around! Cool!!

hedgie said...

And now back.

Donnie said...

I like that eagle tush push wiggle wiggle dance.

Donnie said...

Cloud burst of rain here. It's coming down pretty hard right now!

NCSuzan said...

Lynn, what a difficult decision for you to have to make yet I believe you did the right thing for you and for Mai. She will have a good home and you will find the right dog for you. And remember that if you can't talk to us in good and bad times, then we are here for nothing.

Mema Jo said...

Wow what did I miss by putting my feet up! I see that the bears have settled down. What a commotion you all saw.

hedgie said...

Oh, my Mai----we are in 5th place! Gee......hope lots vote tonight!

hedgie said...

Thank you, Suzan. Your words, too, are very soothing. How have you been feeling?? Better, I hope!

hedgie said...

Must not be raining at BWE....eaglets are uncovered and appear alone.

glo said...

Just submitted my vote for Mai.

PA Nana said...

Hi everyone. Need to catch up.

Happy birthday Loretta. Hope this is the beginning of the best year of your life.


hedgie said...

Chow time our nest.

wvgal_dana said...

Fish just brought in, then eagle flew off no switch.

wvgal_dana said...

Our 2 eggs look good ( :

wvgal_dana said...

Our eagle flew out that was eating. One should be flying in to cover eggs. Yep there one is I guess Liberty.

hedgie said...

Hi, Diann! How's your weather? And how are those men treating you?? Given them a broom and a dust rag and put them to work!

wvgal_dana said...

Anthem creek has not over flowed yet. Although Conocochgeague is already outside its banks.

wvgal_dana said...

lol Hedgie-Lynn where did Diann go...that gal is fast!! lol

wvgal_dana said...

Lynn is lady takes Mai. Ask her if she wants the ramp. Same thing as you and me were going to do. She probably won't but ask anyhow. Thanks.

wvgal_dana said...

One chick at BWE is partly outside Moms chest.

hedgie said...

Wow----raining harder here right now than it has all day! Look out,'s probably coming your way.

hedgie said...

Thought sure we would see Shirley this afternoon! School let out at 1:30 for her.
And STILL no Judie or Lynne......?????????? Come on, ladies----let us know you're okay!

hedgie said...

Hmmm...thunder....may have to shut down.....

wvgal_dana said...

She lives in Culpeper but school is in Fredericksburg. I know Culpeper schools were closed but was Fredericksburg?

PA Nana said...

I'm back and caught up, I think.

Before I forget, happy birthday Sunny.

Lynn, you made a difficult decision but I'm sure it was the rigth one for both of you. You did everything you could. I'm still voting until the end.

Wanda, hope you heal fast! Sounds like the doctor I would like to visit. I'm old; not dead!

This weather sucks! The side yard looks like a pond, the sump-pump is running and I haven't looked into the laundry room yet. Guess it's inevitable.

Flood warning is now in effect for the Susquehanna River along it's route. Cresting at Marietta about 5 feet above flood level by Saturday morning. Sure glad Daddy is living on the hill and we're about 1/2 mile from it's edge.

For those dealing with illness, prayers. Is the flu about?

Yesterday I woke up with a stiff neck and fever and aches everywhere. Only remember one other time hurting so badly.

After some tylenol and vicodin the fever broke about 8 pm. Thought today would be better, and it is, but fever starting again.

If I don't stay on or come back later I'll be nursing this .... whatever it is.

God bless!!

hedgie said...

I'll ask, Dana....but probably not. She has a low car.

wvgal_dana said...

We are really getting HEAVY rain now!!!

hedgie said...

Sure hope Paula can get home! 13 roads around Emmitsburg/Thurmont are closed due to flooding!

PA Nana said...

P.S Lynn. Jim ends his work week today but the other "guys" think I'm still their mother (I'm sure you know what I mean). Love them but don't want to live with them anymore; I want someone to take care of ME!

With everyone on here I don't feel lonesome and neglected. Thanks everyone.

hedgie said...

No, Dana, Shirley lives in F'burg and works in Culpeper Co.!

wvgal_dana said...

Prayers for Paula or anyone else out in this bad weather. Praying Paula gets home safely.

Hi Diann nice being on here when you are here ( :

wvgal_dana said...

Oh so other thing I got backwards huh? Well that's me. Thanks for straighting me out. So I know where Shirley lives.

wvgal_dana said...

Oh my our eagle is getting the hard rain. :(

NatureNut said...

Just saw a wiggle, wiggle our nest. Haven't seen any news about pip or crack yet at NBG.

Lynn, you have our support & sympathies on your situation! You have done everything possible to nuture that puppy, so don't feel bad. I'm sure you'll find a little cuddly like you've had before.
It's looked to me that Mai thinks you ARE another puppy~~maybe she does need siblings. Hope you feel better ASAP!

hedgie said...

Oh, Diann, they SHOULD be taking care of you! Sorry you have the bug----yes, it IS going around. Sure hope you can knock it fast.....but stay on top of it. Don't get dehydrated, and if if gets in your chest, get thee to the dr.!! Lynne2 had pneumonia!

hedgie said...

Hope your basement doesn't flood. Sounded like they expected it to be especially bad around Allentown, cuz lives in Bethlehem.

Weather radio keeps going off every couple of minutes. Now flood WARNINGS here, and 40-60 mph winds...and watch for tornados!

Mema Jo said...

My vote just submitted for Mai
Hubby will do his in a few minutes

NatureNut said...

News just saying bad rain Harpers Ferry, N. VA, but should be moving N & E. Tornado Warning for about 20 more minutes in Warrenton, VA.

wvgal_dana said...

I finally got to vote.

hedgie said...

BTW, are NEVER alone when you are with US!!

Dana, don't worry kid---I'll keep you straight!

Thanks, Lowreeda! How has your b-day been??

wvgal_dana said...

I just heard my first thunder so I am going to safely turn off my computer.


Mema Jo said...

I've got the Thunder in the Valley
Downpour now and getting windy!

Lolly said...

All three votes were cast here this afternoon.

Need to get ready to head to church Have AI set to record.

See you all much later.

Yes, Jo, sorry you missed the bears. I am sure they will have a video this evening.

hedgie said...

Storm has made cam SO dark!!!

hedgie said...

Catch the lightening lighting the nest?????????

paula eagleholic said...

Seeing some lightening at the nest

paula eagleholic said...

Ooops, that comment was made a little while ago....had to sign in to post

paula eagleholic said...

I got to peek in earlier today to see Hope and Lily outside the den, digging in the snow

paula eagleholic said...

I can hear the rain hitting the mic tonight.

paula eagleholic said...

♫♫ Happy Birthday to Yoooou! ♫♫
♫♫ Happy Birthday to Yoooou! ♫♫
♫♫ Happy Birthday dear Sunny ♫♫
♫♫ Happy Birthday to Yoooou! ♫♫

paula eagleholic said...

♫♫ Happy Birthday to Yoooou! ♫♫
♫♫ Happy Birthday to Yoooou! ♫♫
♫♫ Happy Birthday dear Lowreeeeda ♫♫
♫♫ Happy Birthday to Yoooou! ♫♫

paula eagleholic said...

Diann, hope you can shake that flu bug soon!

No flooding at my development yet...usually only during flash floods. The creeks sure were up this morning...too dark tonight to see where they were.

Just saw the lightening and now hearing the

stronghunter said...

Good evening,

Gaithersburg, Poolesville--Tornado warning!!

Would have been nice if I had gotten to come home early today. Students were released, but not staff. Got some work done while I was there. I actually stayed until about 4:30.

stronghunter said...

Hunter and I dang nigh blew off the road awhile ago. I guess it was a microburst. I have never been in so bad a storm when I was driving before.

Went looking for "microburst" on the Internet and found a video of a microburst and that's what it was like.


stronghunter said...

We have already been told that we have a delayed opening tomorrow and that they will decide by 6:30 if schools are closed.

stronghunter said...

Kathryn and Hunter have gone back out to a viewing for the grandfather of one of Kathryn's friends. I did not want her to go, but she thinks the worst of the weather has passed by. I hope so.

stronghunter said...

I did talk with her after she left, and she said a police cruiser is blocking the road we came home on and she could see a power line that was damaged. So far we have power, though.

stronghunter said...

I have a battery-powered lantern nearby just in case.

Mema Jo said...

Wouldn't this be wonderful:
Giffords to attend husband's shuttle launch
HOUSTON (AP) — A person with direct knowledge of the decision told The Associated Press that U.S. Rep. Gabrielle Giffords will attend the launch of her husband's space shuttle in April. The person spoke on condition of anonymity because the family and doctors have not yet publicized the decision. A news conference was scheduled for Friday at the Houston hospital where Giffords is undergoing rehab.

magpie said...

that's great news, JO...but I always wonder why someone who wishes to remain anonymous for the reasons stated...feels they have to squeal the news out early !

Good Evening Eagle Pals....!

magpie said...

whatever happened to keeping a secret, secret

magpie said...

have a show on with the latest fashion in shoes! Some pretty interesting shoes on there....
just had to take a quick break from the weather news

would make me about 4 inches taller, all of them I have seen so far, wonder how they would look with bib overalls !

Very glad to hear one by one when our Momsters and Dadsters get back to their roosts if they are out in this wild and woolly weather

magpie said...

good to hear from you Shirley...we have been missing you, bet that ride home was a doozy !

Mema Jo said...

Shirley I can't believe the school system releasing the students and not
the teaching staff. I am glad you made it safely. Now that Microburst must have been something else to experience.
Those torrents of rain going sideways
I have seen before but have not been out on the road! I hope Kathryn & Hunter get home safely.

magpie said...

just viewed some of the 69 slides from the slide show at NBG today, takes them a long time to load up on this dinosaur...rain-soaked roosting eagle seen on there

stronghunter said...

It seems calm here now. I hope it stays calm.

I was shaking when I got home. I thought something had hit the car or I had hit something on the road, but I can's see any damage, but there was a loud bang.

The whole thing was scarier because it was dark. I was really driving blind, but there was no place to pull off the road.

Thought I would watch AI, but the television has just frozen up. Probably because of the weather.

Staff working at a school are just like anyone else working at a job. The kids need to be transported home safely, but the adults are expected to take care of themselves.

magpie said...

I went sight-seeing after work, up and down Park's Gap Mountain, to see Back Creek...including a trip to Swinging Bridge...creek is swollen, and the color of coffee with lots of cream.
Not over the roads - yet - but might be later...
drove in that downpour, in the fog, saw lots of big logs and a lot of debris floating downstream...
by the time I got back to Martinsburg, (NOT up and down the mountain on the way home, took a more civilized route ) visibility on the roads was extremely poor, had the vehicle in all-wheel drive all the way

Passed four large RV vans, some of them self-contained, some pull along trailers...not sure what event they were going to...but they are in for some soggy setting up

lots and lots of standing water, rivulets pouring out into the roadway, this is a dangerous weather system

magpie said...

that's kind of crazy, Shirley...
the kids ARE important but so are the adults...

maybe you drove into a large pothole...

stronghunter said...

Good grief, Margy. Be careful.

hedgie said...

Shirley and Paula, relieved that you are both home safely. That stinks that they let the kids go home and not the staff, Shirley. You're probably in more danger in a car than a big school bus is!
Microbursts are bad......scary!!

4" heels, Margy??? Ankle breakers! And neck breakers if it was me!!

SHOUTING out for Judie and Lynne----yahoo! Where are you????

magpie said...

thinking of you Lynn
and surely am in YOUR corner with you decision regarding Mai...
and I do hope you find the right little pup soon after
Glad that Carolyn could be with you today ♥ and also glad, that she does NOT have to go to work tonight

magpie said...

Dana -
I just had to get out and GO !
Was hoping I could go up to Berkeley Springs to see James, but that was not a good idea with the weather conditions...
lots of run off on the roads going to his roost...
maybe, tomorrow but the latest forecast does not seem to support that idea either :(

magpie said...

some interesting light effects now and then at Blackwater Eagle nest

magpie said...

I was not aware of thunder or lightning when I was out...and I was headed back just after dark

stronghunter said...

Just the other day we were talking about the time a tornado hit the county just after the school buses left. They turned all of the buses around and brought them back. There were even some elementary school kids in the group. They brought them all into the school and told the handful of teachers still in the building that we needed to stay until the kids were sent home.

Fortunately, no tornado hit the school and it did not take too awfully long to get the kids sent on their way.

magpie said...

I have the 12-hour shifts coming up - starting this week-end
8 am to 8 pm both days

so I am going to be like lots of my co-workers after all

You can BET I will have the eagle cams going at work!
Liked T-Bird's comment earlier about taking her laptop now all the time to keep an eye on the prospective hatchlings ☺

stronghunter said...

Happy birthday to Loretta and Sunny!

Lynne and Judie, where are you?

magpie said...

scary Shirley!
I remember one time, in grade school, having some kind of drill where we huddled underneath our desks...
not sure if it was for tornado, or bombs...
it was in that late 1950's

I also remember, the blackout parents had them, glad we never had to use them

magpie said...

just checked WV closings and delays, none posted yet
but there is now also a link for private schools and colleges
I didn't check those out yet

magpie said...

would like to know how
is faring in this deluge

magpie said...

think I'll check out the bear cams and ...
see you all a little later on

magpie said...

shame we could not watch for ISS tonight
or the moon -
hereabouts anyway

magpie said...

Ted and Lucky
nice big paw in view
that's a nice clear cam

magpie said...

and nothing going on at Lily and Hope's
things look pretty fuzzy there
ttfn xo

Judie said...

Good evening, everyone.

Happy Birthday, Lowreeda♥ Hope you were able to go out to dinner tonight.

Happy Birthday, Sunny.

Shirley, and all others, relieved to know you are all safe tonight after the dreadful rain.

Drove to school and then the dermatologist who worked his magic with the liquid nitrogen. Driving was a bit iffy at times as visibility was not good.

School is over for me as Spring Break is next week. Hopefully, I will be able to keep up a bit more between grading papers and creating the final exam.

Sure hope the eaglets-to-be hold off until the nest dries out a bit but am anxious to have them join the world.

Lynn, I am deeply sorry about the very difficult decision you have had to make but I believe it is the right one. Sending a huge hug your way.

Will return sometime tomorrow morning. Turning my light off early but will leave the night light on for others. Please everyone stay safe and dry.

Judie said...

Um, doing a Margy.

Sissy, hope your "toothless" mouth is not hurting!

Margy, hiding under the desk was a bomb drill during the Korean Conflict.

Okay, really am turning my light off now. Back tomorrow morning.

hedgie said...

Okay, Mai will be with me until the 19th. The foster mom will come pick her up that day. I CAN survive another week.....can't I????

magpie said...

Yes, I think you can Hedgie...
truly, I do

and there's Judie checking in with a statement to return in the morning...
nice! to have Spring Break next week !

magpie said...

less than 10 posts until SPLIT TIME
but this is my last until after that happens


hedgie said...

Margy, the duck and cover under the desks was for both tornado and bomb attacks!! Remember them well!!! Sorry----how DID you get snagged for the 12's after all??

Mema Jo said...

I was able to watch the video from today's trip to the den - Those little cubs are so adorable. They had quite a time and wasn't so good to run out of grapes!

Den Visit

I am off to watch TV for 2 hr.
Will check in during commercials.

Mema Jo said...

Sorry if some of you can't get my link
It is my facebook page
Go to the Bear Cam

stronghunter said...

Lynn, I just read back and saw what you said about your decision to let Mai go to another home. I know Mai does not hate you, but I understand your decision fully, and I fully support you.

God bless.

stronghunter said...

I am sure you can survive another week, Lynn.

magpie said...

not sure, think is real time
Eagle in the nest at Lake Washington
it is the "still cam"

magpie said...

Lake Washinton Eagle Nest


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3/12/25 PM 🐟

 12.56 PM Scout comes to the nest to relieve Bella of her incubation duties getting close guys. He does have a Talon load of bedding. He lan...