Thursday, March 03, 2011


PM thread.


PA Nana said...

Thanks Steve. Just stopping by to say hello.

stronghunter said...

Thanks, Steve. I passed the word on to the others.

stronghunter said...

Wasn't able to get on the Internet last night from home. I think Will caused some problem with the connection when he turned off the electricity to work on the back door light fixture. Will have to try to figure out how to fix things tonight or tomorrow. I am supposed to be at work until 7:00 tonight, so I will not make it home for awhile.

Parent conferences. No one has signed up to conference with me, thought. I think I will work on my recommendations and make some calls. There is always plenty to do.

Going back to read the old thread.

Lolly said...

Have finished enough inside...I am heading out! It is calling to me! LOL

Shirley hope you get things straightened out with computer at home.

paula eagleholic said...

Still 2 eggs at CRC, couldn't see any pips

magpie said...

Well we just had a quick switch, a quick egg view, and some eagle calling....and feather flapping noises


magpie said...

so therefore I finally got a picture for the March Album

wow the BWEgglets are fluffing out nicely

Hope Lynn's "DO" helps her feel better also

magpie said...

congratulations on the baby - your great niece....and thanks for the pic via email you sent

magpie said...

I voted...again - Mai is 23% and considerably ahead of any contenders in the fetching division

magpie said...

and a Late Thanks for the Thursday Thread, Steve ☺

paula eagleholic said...

Thanks Margy, missed all that nice activity! Glad you got to hear wing flapping and calling!

Hope you've been resting and are feeling better.

magpie said...

your welcome and thanks Paula..
could hear the eagle calling out mostly while flying away I think so I guess it was Liberty singing unless I have my birds mixed up

yes, have been under the covers most of the day I strongly believe that germs hate rest !

magpie said...

BWEgglets all plotzed out and alone in a heap on a sunset glowing nest

BEagle said...

OOPS! Got a 503

BEagle said...

I can't tell right now if that is Lib or Belle. It's getting close, close, close!

BEagle said...

Checked the CRC and they are sitting. Haven't seen eggs yet. Chat so far hasn't seen any hatch.

BEagle said...

The Decorah laid her 3rd yesterday.

Lolly said...

What's with the big stick right in the middle of the nest?

hedgie said...

Good evening. Do done. Caught up with you all, and email. Still need to check FB.
See that stick you were talking about, Lolly....there's one at BWE, too! Go figure!
Looks like CRC eagle is calling out....and he just perches there above her!

BEagle said...

Egg roll.

BEagle said...

Caught an eagle on the KIDS nest. Just long enough to watch it fly off.

magpie said...

wow check out BWE - chicklet out of the egg cup - Waaay out of it

hedgie said...

No TV tonight except AI! Repeats, repeats.......argh!

magpie said...

and an eggtending our nest also

BEagle said...

Instead of Rock n''s Roll n' Rock.


magpie said...

okay looks like mother BW has her chicks back where they belong

I didn't get a pic but I bet some people did

Hedgie - feeling any better ???

BEagle said...

Two adults at BWE.

BEagle said...

Seems like the NCTC nest is not swaying as bad as usual.

magpie said...

Yeah BEagle Border Patrol at BWE

it's very very still here tonight, not much wind moving anywhere

BEagle said...

Belle and another egg roll. She is dealing with that big stick.

BEagle said...

Well, I missed seeing the BWE chicks.

hedgie said...

Well, here is a true crock of you-know-what:
Boehner Denies Buckles

BEagle said...

The Channel Island eagle are sitting.
I cannot figure out what is so funny looking at the TH nest.

hedgie said...

No, Margy, I don't----I feel like h---, to be perfectly honest. What about you??

BEagle said...

It looks like it has moss on its back.

magpie said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
NatureNut said...

Evening Everyone! Just finished renaming,moving & making folders for pics from 2 cam cards. Later I have a 2nd cam card from one camera that's got LOTS of pics!Later.
Just saw Belle (I presume) eggsitting.

wvgal_dana said...

Lynn-Hedgie I am not surprised about Corporal Buckles. I have been watching the news. I've heard that so many in Congress did not want this to come about.

NatureNut said...

Hope everyone has a nice dinner & feels better!


BEagle said...

It's getting darker at the nest. The 1st quarter moon is coming up on next Friday the 11th so it will be getting a little brighter. The full moon will be up on the 18th.

BEagle said...

Paula's hatch dates are calculated between the 1st quarter moon and the full. We should be able to see something if at night.

magpie said...

well I deleted my knee-jerk comment regarding the use of the Capitol for Corporal Buckles-guess I need to do my homework and see what's going on with all that, probably a rule somewhere that has to be followed to the "T"
but is sounds like it is going to be disappointing to learn about

hedgie said...

Don't forget you daily vote!!
Vote for Mai, Please

hedgie said...

Well, the slain Capitol Hill policeman was allowed to lie in state there, so..........'nuf said.

BEagle said...

Looks like Mai is ahead of the other contestants in her class.

hedgie said...

Yes, she is, BEagle!!! Hurray!

BEagle said...

I just voted for Mai. Who could resist that sweet ornery face!

magpie said...

even if the votes did not show it...Mai is ahead of every pup in every category.. in my book!
and so is her owner ☺

BEagle said...

Big fluffy chicks staying warm on the Vian nest. They have big orange feeties.

paula eagleholic said...

I thought the Buckles thing was a done deal. That sucks.

paula eagleholic said...

Voting done, thanks for the easy link, Lynn!

magpie said...

that's just plain embarrassing and I think, disrespectful...that the Speaker of the House is going to deny Corporal Buckles' being allowed to lie in state at the Capitol...

Bravo to WV Senator Rockefeller for making the resolution to allow Cpl Buckles to be at the Capitol, and I surely hope...the Speaker of the House makes a dignified change in his decision...and lets that resolution become a reality

Costume Lady said...

I truly believe that if our Mr. Byrd was still alive, he would hold his breath until Mr Boehner relented!

BEagle said...

Whatever happened to the American Way!

wvgal_dana said...

Your right Wanda !!!

Getting my foot up !

Prayers for those that need them and prayers for all animals.

Mema Jo said...

Good to be here with all of you.
I did make a dr visit today for me
My neck muscle has a very bad kink...
and it is a very large muscle...
Heat - Aleve - Muscle relaxing pill.
I thought it was just a stiff neck but
that shouldn't last 3 weeks.....

I am headed for the heating pad
Be back later.........

magpie said...

okay Jo...
well NOT okay..
but I hope when you return you are feeling better...
is it an Eagle-Nest-Watching Kink?
If so, that will not get fixed for a loooong time !

hedgie said...

Poor sorry you are aching. Hope the heating pad does the trick!! Just don't get burned!!

Judie said...

Good evening, everyone.

Voted for Mai, again.

Very tired tonight. Checked briefly to see if everyone is doing okay.

So disappointed in the decision to disallow Sgt. Buckles to Lie In State. Truly hoping that those more appreciative and respectful of our service men and women will prevail.

Therapist is about to cut me loose after one more session on St. Patrick's Day.

Going to turn my light off very early tonight. Will leave the night light on for others coming in, headed to the tub, back the hallway, up the stairs, to the recliner, in search of band aids for doggy injuries, and those just stumbling around in the dark.

Pleasant dreams and restful sleep for all.

Goodnight Belle and Lib and the two eaglets to be.

Lolly said...

Watching AI, so far Scotty made it into the top 10. I am happy! I want to hear him sing again!


Lolly said...

Just voted! Now 23%! Wahoo!

hedgie said...

Wow, Judie....that's 2 weeks off....he must be very impressed with your progress!!! WooHoo! Don't give up the eagle cane just yet!! Sleep well!

hedgie said...

I completely missed seeing that Diann started the new thread!! She didn't stick around long, tho', did she?
And wonder how Lynne is feeling today???

BEagle said...

Which one is Scotty? The country western guy? Or the one with the wild jacket?

hedgie said...

Think I will go take my bath as soon as Idol is over. Need to hit the hay early----retiree breakfast in the morning. Sure hope I feel up to going. BB before I call it a day.

Lolly said...

Scotty is the country singer. He has an amazing least one that I like!

hedgie said...

Scotty is the country guy, BEagle....the first one who made it through.

BEagle said...

Yeah. There's something good about Scotty. He even talks nice.

i can't wait to hear him sing.

BEagle said...

Scotty was the first announced as in the top ten!

BEagle said...

A no-brainer.

BEagle said...

Like there was no discussion about him.

BEagle said...

Goodnight. Prayers for you.

Lolly said...

It is a great group of singers, but since Tim was eliminated I will be voting for Scotty!

Mema Jo said...

Back for a check up on you all....
The heat and Aleve seem to be doing some good. Just took the magic pill (muscle relaxer) and hope that when I
awake in the morning I don't have that
pressure point feeling right behind my ear. Have I ever told you that I love my Family Doc! No rock unturned!

Lolly said...

Sorry you are having a problem, Jo. Prayers that your "pain in the neck" goes away! That is not fun.

Going to put my nose in a book for a while.


paula eagleholic said...

Glad you are feeling a bit better JO. Hate those pains in the neck!

Scotty is a very good country singer!

magpie said...

Lynn - probably missed you...
hope you feel better in the morning..and if not, stay home and work on getting better

okay Jo, pretty good report from you...and hope that Friday, RED FRIDAY that is
is better for you too


paula eagleholic said...

I hear a touch of wind tonight. Cam looks a tad lighter, too.

magpie said...

some neat Eaglet feeding pictures on a link on BWE and also
on BWO
news about some upcoming cam maintenance
in anticipation of the return of the Ospreys

NatureNut said...

Getting late again! Been searching for stuff online for 'puter! What a run around.Did find a new MS program in this puter that replaces an older Picture It program I've always had!

Fubby got a phone call today from his diabetic supply co. & it was PEGGY!!!! No joke!

paula eagleholic said...

Duke has their second egg today, and the WE nest now has 3!!

hedgie said...

Glad your neck feels better, Jo. Keep up the treatment!

Loretta, glad you are making headway with the pics!!!

Lolly, did you finish all of your conversion and saving?

Thanks, Margy.....I'll see how I feel when the alarm goes off in the morning. Hope YOU feel better, too!

Saying my goodnights now. Mai is sleeping soundly. I'll catch the news...and then turn in. Will "see" you sometime tomorrow.
Prayers for all.

hedgie said...

Glad your neck feels better, Jo. Keep up the treatment!

Loretta, glad you are making headway with the pics!!!

Lolly, did you finish all of your conversion and saving?

Thanks, Margy.....I'll see how I feel when the alarm goes off in the morning. Hope YOU feel better, too!

Saying my goodnights now. Mai is sleeping soundly. I'll catch the news...and then turn in. Will "see" you sometime tomorrow.
Prayers for all.

Mema Jo said...

I am going to say Good Night
and prayers for all of you will be said

Hugs to all ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

magpie said...

I was hoping for an update on Luna...
or else in the morning

Prayers for healing and wellness
Glad there was new life this morning in Dana's family...

Tomorrow is RED FRIDAY, please, try to wear some red to honor our military, active, and veterans

God Bless Us, Every One
xo ♥

paula eagleholic said...

Shirley had a late night at school, will probably hear something tomorrow.

Hitting the hay.

Hugs to all ♥

Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Everyone,
I just dragged my tired self home from school a little while ago. Have been trying to catch up here, and I cast my vote for Mai again.
Dana, congrats on the new little baby girl--a great niece!
Hoping that Lynn, Lynne & Steve, Margy, and all others feeling kinda puny will feel all better in the morning.
Judie, that's great that your PT is going to cut you loose soon! You really must be making good progress. Way to go!
Hope Shirley is having a good evening--late night at school. Can't wait to hear how Luna is doing.
Well, my brain is fried and my eyes don't want to focus correctly any more after spending the day on the computer doing homework, so I'm calling it quits for tonight. Judie, thanks for leaving the night light on.
I'm making sure the porch light is on. The eye-scanner security and Dana's thumbprint-scanner security are both enabled. Prayers have been said for everyone and their pet(s). (By the way, has Sharon been on here lately? How's she doing?) Sleep tight, everyone, and get some good restorative slumber. I'll talk to you tomorrow. God bless, and goodnight! Love all of you! :o]

Costume Lady said...

Just a quick good night.


Costume Lady said...


NatureNut said...

Nighty-nite time.
Wanted to give Congrats for Dana's niece's baby!!☺

Pleasant Feather Dreams ;>)

Lolly said...

Lynn, have more slides to do...a lot more. What I have done are now safely stored on cds. I really need to get started doing them, but have been dragging my feet.

Loweeda, we have all become so dependent on our computers and they give us such frustrations!! Grrrrrr! Sorry for all your problems.

I am heading to bed now. Guess I am the last one here.

Nite all! Sweet dreams! And..............................................HELLO Lori!!! Love your comments...keep them coming.☺

PA Nana said...

Well, I started this thread so I guess I can end it for the night.

don't know how Shirley does it with so many at her house but we now have THREE grown males living here and I'm about going nuts!!!

Since I'm not able to keep this place as clean as I want I have to watch the dust bunnies mutliply and mud tracked in all over the floors and carpeting. Galgon!! Take me away! Men just don't seem to be bothered by dirt....

So sorry to hear of the ailments visiting all the momsters. Hope you all get well fast!

Not having as much "personal" time to myself, I miss you all. I will be lurking when I can but it'll usally be late at night when they're in bed.

Prayers for all and a goodnight to all. God bless

movin said...


C(°ٿ°)D Jim

Lori O. said...

Good Morning Jim!

Gee I have no idea what those letters mean! Secret code. :)

A very busy morning for me so I won't be on as much as usual,if at all so I just wanted to say hello and I'll check in this afternoon.

Hope everyone is well or healing.

movin said...

hI, lORI.
It means, Good Night, Everyone.
I hope everybody has a great FRISATSUN.

C(°ٿ°)D Jim

movin said...

iN case everyone doesn't know it, WE has 3 eggs now... I had given up, since I thought they were beyond the interval it would be possible.

C(°ٿ°)D Jim

Lori O. said...

Hey Jim - if you're still up.

Yahoooooo for West End nest. They are the greatest parents so three eaglets for them would be so awesome to watch.

Thanks for the code deciphering!

ihUhagFSS!!! :)

Lori O. said...

glad you appreciated my "fit" at having to play alone in the blogosphere yesterday.

I knew I was being obnoxious, but I couldn't help it. I much prefer being here with all the greatest eagle friends in the world!

I'm wearing my RED JEANS today. Thanks for the Friday Wear Red reminder.

Now we need a special SAVE the EAGLES/ sweatshirt - that would be a very comfortable Friday uniform.

Lori O. said...

It's light at the nest!

Belle's head feathers are all ruffled with her head tucked in to her wings.

Nothin' sweeter than a sleepin' baby. Can't wait til they get here!!!

Speakin of babies - CONGRATS DANA. What an awesome day for the parents and everyone!

Lori O. said...

Belle and Lib both in the nest now.

Lori O. said...

Belle called out several times before high tailing it outta there.

Maybe Lib is late. He didn't bring food.

Lori O. said...

Lib seems like such a good dad. It seems like he truly loves his time on the nest.

He's just sitting there wiggling, and wiggling some more...fluffing his fluff, wiggle wiggle. It's very cute.

Lori O. said...

Lady Blackwater is awake and looking around for Lord B. Yesterday she left 15 min. before he got there!

I can't wait to see those cute (tute) little wobble heads!

Lori O. said...

All three eaglets on display now at BWE - Lady B has done it again.

Lori O. said...

Eaglet #1 at BWE is being a bully, picking on #2. #3 is sleeping.

Lori O. said...

Lib is fluffing his puffy stuff or is it puffing up his fluffy stuff?

BWE eaglets are all up and at it now. I sure wish we could see their faces.

I'm just basking in Eagle Love this morning.

Sure miss my night buddy, MARGY! Hope you're getting better Margy.

ANDY you haven't been on as early either. Give Emma a cookie for me.

LYNN - an extra biscuit for Mai, and a VOTE!

SHIRLEY - please give Luna my love and some chin scratching. :o)

Lori O. said...

Adult in the BWE nest feeding all 3little faces. Absolutely adorable.

PAULA, how long till we get our babies? Are we almost there? :)

floralgirl said...

Today's nest weather-cloudy Mostly cloudy this morning...then becoming partly sunny. Highs in the upper 40s. South winds 10 to 15 mph.
Hello Lori:)
I think our first egg hatch will be around March 12-15

Lori O. said...

Lib is still on the nest. He has been calling out and looking around so maybe Belle is out there teasing him.

Lori O. said...

Hi Megan - thank goodness for a friend, and the weather.

Cherry Blossoms are supposed to be early this year, and I already have Clematis flower buds and new growth on my roses. But I haven't seen daffodils yet.

Is any of your stuff outta whack?

floralgirl said...

So far, so good. The daffodil foliage has just popped thru the ground here in the past couple of weeks.

Lori O. said...

Into my busy hour - I'll pop out for a while. I miss everyone.

MEGAN, have a beautiful day. Hopefully rain this weekend will benefit the growing season & your business.

floralgirl said...

Thanks, Lori. Have a great day!

glo said...

Good morning everyone. Camera Club was really exciting last night. The Double Eagle photo was High Score for the evening. So thank you to those who encouraged me to enter that one. The other 2 I submitted also did well. Over 90 entries about a dozen or so eagles overall.

Head feels better than yesterday. Soon Dex and I will be off to coffee and dog treats.

Did I miss a check in from Lynne@ yesterday.

We have a few on here not feeling to well. Prayers for all of you.

We need a check in for Luna and remember to vote for Mai who is soaring through this stage of the competition.

Ms Bookworm said...

Good Morning, Glo, Megan, Lori, et al.!
I'm here a bit earlier today because I have to get a lot of transcription done for school.

Glo, glad you're feeling better today--hope the trend continues! Please give Dex and ear rub for me. I knew the double eagle pic would do extremely well. It's one of those shots of a lifetime as far as I'm concerned.
Lori, thanks for your early posts about our eagles! I'll give Emma a peanut butter biscuit from you! She says Arf! (That's dogspeak for thanks!)
Megan, thanks for the egg hatch time frame. I get so busy lately that I lose track of when to expect the little fluffballs! Can't WAIT!
It's warmer here this morning--only got down to 48 last night, and supposed to reach the mid-70s today.
Well, gotta get busy and crank out the homework! Will check in later. Have a great Red Friday! :o]

Ms Bookworm said...

Oh--almost forgot! Congratulations to WE for a third egg!! Way to go! OK--really gotta go now. Back later for my coffee break!

Costume Lady said...

Congratulations to you, Glo on being the winner with your Double Eagle photo. That was my favorite, because it is so unusual. The others were wonderful, too.

Lynne did check in for a bit, yesterday. Received IV antibiotics at hospital ER and was sent home with medication. Pneumonia struck her down:( Getting better now as is Steve.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Good morning my eagle budlets. I hope all is well with your world!

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

I thought Lori was talking about HR Pufnstuf for a minute! :-)

Costume Lady said...

Good Morning from Nestville.
It is another beautiful, sunny morning, but a chilly 31°, going up to 51°...near 60° tomorrow:)

Costume Lady said...

If you have been reading my comments about the order I placed with the Food Bank, I will tell you what we got yesterday.
Ordering from their inventory is like a BOX OF CHOCOLATES..."you never know what your gonna get":)

MEAT: 4 large packages of boneless
chicken breast. 2 large racks
of ribs. 2 family packs of
ground beef, pork, lunch meat
and frozen casseroles.
Produce: 40 lb box of clementine and navel oranges.

DAIRY: 4 cases of Dannon and Activia Yogurt (light) 2 doz eggs.

BAKERY: So many cakes and pastries that I didn't even count them. Bread and rolls of all kinds. AND****some of you Momsters are gonna love this****sliced varity of CHEESE CAKE!

25lb bag of rice.

Many sodas (some diet, which I gave to our Pastor) fruit juices.

Some of the food was free and the meat was 18¢ a pound. Total cost was $31.00!

So, for our dinner, Tuesday, we are having BBQ chicken breasts, Chicken rice soup, fettucini casserole, fresh orange slices and for dessert, cake and yogurt.
Drinks: Tropical Punch ad Tea, Coffee. Very little cost to us.
So, our trek to Gassaway, WV and many phone calls and letters and a visit from the Food Bank Organizer, has paid off!

Costume Lady said...

GOOD MORNING, SHARON...sorry, I didn't see you come in the door.
This is your DAY, Friday:)

wvgal_dana said...

Good Morning on this fine sun shining day. Cold now but the temps. are suppose to raise.

Contragulations Wanda on the assorement of food that
arrived for the Feed the Hungry at church.

Lori thanks for keeping comments about the nest and other nest. ty

Love to hear how things turned out for Luna - still praying.

Hedgie-Lynn I do hope you bundle the early am air since your
going out.

Lolly me and you both about Scotty. WOW! What a voice he has. So good !

Jo you be careful watching the eagle
cam...move your neck different ways
while sitting there. Of course, I don't know that is what caused your neck problem. Boo hoo I don't get paid that kind of money your doctor does. lol Prayers for your neck.

Jo in reading comments before I came in here this morning. I think Hedgie-Lynn truly mean't it about "keep up the treatments".
Cause she said it TWICE and she is our nurse in here you know that.

Judie one more session then therapy is over. That does not mean you take up gymnatistics now. Take it easy lady ( :

Oh Loretta that is so funny a real peggy.
I am having a chuckling time over this. lol

Andy I keep you in prayer. I just don't see how you do all that school work. So happy you have had wonderful grades cause lady you
have earned them. ( :

Thanks Lori and everyone on the congrs. for the great niece. ( :

Wanda I remembered you said this evening you and Gene are taking GG to get crab legs. I do hope they are "hot" and as good as the ones we had. I know GG will enjoy
her time out since it has been awhile.

Jim what country did you wake up in? lol

paula eagleholic said...

C'mon over to the TGIF Thread!

hedgie said...

Good morning! Did NOT go to breakfast this AM....slept good last night and still feel lousy. :(
Charlie is here....gravel delivery imminent. Carolyn should be here soon.
Have not caught up with you all yet.

hedgie said...

That 5 second refresh at Carolina Raptor is driving me sign of a hatch yet from what I can see. Both adults are in the nest,

hedgie said...

Gravel is here.

3/12/25 AM 🐟 x2

 Eggrolls and  6:49 AM Bella gets up. Does stretch saunters over to the cup edge does a quick calls to him. Exit the nest at 6 49 43. 6:50 ...