Thursday, March 17, 2011

Thursday Night

OK.  First off, I am on vacation.  I get very little time away, and am in hot water with my family because I have been checking email and blogs related to work and the cam too much today. 

From what I see on the blog comments, there's a lot of emotion going on with today's events, for which I do not have the facts.

If there was an intruder, that would not be an unusual event.  There is great competition now for nesting habitat in the region because the bald eagle has been very successful in recent years. This has happened in several places in the mid Atlantic over the past few years.

It would not be right to have any human intervention in matters concerning wild nature such as this.  It may not be pretty, but nature is not always gentle--it can be brutal.

Everyone please calm down. 

I understand why folks would be upset, but let's see how things work out.

Also, based on some of the things I have read in the comments,  I reserve the right to delete any comments on my blog that I consider inflammatory. 


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Robyn said...

What does everyone think is going on with the other egg, could that have been the first and O'Joy the second since he/she seems fairly strong? Mom and I were discussing it as she brought it up. Could that other egg be unviable? Is there really a pip?

Mema Jo said...

Well I know I didn't
BUT YES you did - what you going to do with it this time.. You haven't had it for a while

floralgirl said...

I gave up on the other forum, it's chaos. This is hard to watch, yet it's fascinating. I want to see what happens, and of course I'm hoping for a good outcome for Liberty and Belle. I have no issue with NCTC not getting involved, in my opinion there's not much they can do.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

I need each one of you there tonight to give each other an extra hug from me. Sure do wish I was there with you all! (((((HUGS)))))

floralgirl said...

Belle is up and looks like she may leave again. She is calling out and there she goes off to the right.

Mema Jo said...

Robyn - At this time I don't want to make any suppositions on the egg. All I can say is that I don't expect it to hatch... Do you think it will?

hedgie said...

Time for me to shut down.
George Mason just won, Shirley!!!! WooHoo!! Now if Georgetown can do it tomight, I'll be a happy camper, for this round!

Will catch up with you all later this evening. Will sure be missing those not with us.

Prayers ofr only good things forour nest and all Momsters and Dadsters.

Mema Jo said...

I am thinking the same Megan..
sadly .. but realistically.
However, I am going to drive down Shepherd Grade Road looking in all the ditches & fields just to be sure.

Lynne2 said...

Robyn, here are some owl sounds, maybe you can recognize yours!

Eastern Screech Owl Sound

Barn Owl Sound

You find these to be quite opposite maybe of what you'd expect these to sound like!

Great Horned Owl
It's the first sound, the second that says similar is a Mourning Dove. I played it and one out on the roof outside this window here actually talked back!

Barred Owl
These are both Barred Owl sounds but the first one is heard way more often.

Mema Jo said...

Signing off for now

I will give extra hugs for you Sharon and all others missing from tonight. Love you dearly


floralgirl said...

Okay, Jo:)

magpie said...

Same from the Magpie...will have each and every one of you in my heart and thoughts tonight...

You have an important task...being the nest watchers and our eyes and ears through the night
xoxox ♥

Red said...

Hi Margie. I have my red everyday. lol

PammySue said...

Last peek as I head out the door.

I was also wondering about the second egg--if it is not viable. Does anyone know if Belle will use it if she has to?
Also, does anyone know if eagles do have food stashes near the nests, like falcons?

LOL to the comment about the tipsy Momsters making fishy expeditions on federal property.
And another LOL from earlier--I think it was Lori who encouraged someone to slingshot a squirrel into the nest. Hysterical.

Hang on sweet Belle. We are all pulling for you and your family.

Lynne2 said...

Have a great time tonight everyone! Wish I could be there! I will be in spirit! The rest of us will sentinel the nest. Be careful driving.

Genie said...

I suppose I am sitting here looking for any ray of hope for our eagle family, and this thought has occurred to me. Paddy seems fairly strong and is not making a lot of noise. Every baby bird nest I have ever seen is usually full of squawking babies demanding to be fed. Do you suppose that Paddy is getting some nourishment, or just doesn't really need it yet??? Thanks to all who are keeping watch.

Robyn said...

Lynne I will choose number 4 the barred owl, screech owl I know well use to hear them where my ex and I use to leave the camper near LaValle always creeped me out they did lol

Lynne2 said...

Shirley you are so right, we are learning a lot from this.

Pam, Lynn was wondering the same thing about Belle using the egg. I guess we will see.....

Lynne2 said...

oh Robyn, we stopped in Lavalle on our way out to Savage for camping once....what an adorable little town! OK we were only there for an hour, but so small and quite and in such a beautiful place!

WV sUSAn said...

Passing thru Martinsburg and headed to Sheptown. Thanks to all who have shared so much wonderful information.

Looking forward to seeing the Momsters this evening and keeping those who can't join us in our hearts.

Bless this nest

Lynne2 said...

Barred owls are so cool. They have BROWN eyes instead of yellow like other owls which give them a pretty neat look. Somewhere on my blog, OH...on Facebook, there is a picture of me with one from the Nature Center where I volunteer. On the blog a ways back is on June 30 2010 I think. And then there are pics of my Vet Tech friend Tracey's Barred Owl she found hit by car. It was fine after she got it to the rehab! IT's on Nov. 20 2009 on my blog.

floralgirl said...

Dana is by the nest. She sees no adult eagle anywhere.

paula eagleholic said...

Paddy is so cute sitting there in the nest ♥

paula eagleholic said...

I don't think the remaining egg will hatch...

paula eagleholic said...

Thanks for giving out those extra hugs!

Lynne2 said...

Missed your post Genie....yes Joy will have had nourishment from the absorption of the yolk of the egg just prior to hatching. However, that was almost 36 hours ago. Our well informed blogger TJ said 2 days, maybe 3 but that would be unlikely, they can go without feeding. But that sure is on feisty and strong bobblehead in our nest so of course we hope this "situation" will be resoloved soon and all back to normal. Hopefully.

Lynne2 said...

Maybe Belle felt secure enough to go for food....

Bob In Frederick said...

Good afternoon all. I'm using Firefox as a browser and have to manually refresh, and then scroll to the bottom to see the "latest" posts. Is there a way to automatically refresh this blog? If not, how do you all stay so current with postings? Thanks for 'newby' help.

Lynne2 said...

Hi Bob.....that's how I have to do it as well. On either Internet explorer or FF. It's just the way this blog is.

floralgirl said...

Eagle calling out! Back in nest.

Bob In Frederick said...

OK, thanks Lynne.

Lynne2 said...

oh no, I hear 2 eagles. Belle in the nest, ? up on the cam as it is shaking.

floralgirl said...

Calling out and now back onto the chick and egg.

Lynne2 said...

I say OH NO because Belle didn't look happy.

floralgirl said...

Dana says the intruder followed Belle back and is sitting in the top of the tree right now. Very big eagle looks like a female.

Lynne2 said...

is it the view, or does her face look dirty? And there is a dark feather stuck to her face just under her beak, left side....

paula eagleholic said...

Wonder if Dana was still there

Lynne2 said...

tell Dana thanks a zillion Megan!

Lynne2 said...

she just used her wing to wipe that side of her face.

Robyn said...

OK all I broke down and posted over in OC under my real name, I hope they understand what is going on and will reach out and do some research themself.

Heading out see everyone who will be at dinner within the hour

paula eagleholic said...

I think she keeps trying to draw the intruder away from the nest.

floralgirl said...

Okay, Dana says when Belle came back the intruder who is very large was right on her tail. Belle flew into the nest and the other eagle flew up into the tree. She is picking at limbs grooming, just camping out. Not sure how long this will go on, the intruder eagle seems very determined to have this nest.

paula eagleholic said...

No further update on the NCTC page.

paula eagleholic said...

Sounds like a slingshot is in order. I don't want to hurt her, I want her to go build her own nest.

paula eagleholic said...

That eagle keeps following Belle all around.

Robyn said...

Yea Paula I can see you slingshoting another eagle... NOT lol

floralgirl said...

Yeah, I'm glad there are so many eagles, but wish she would find her own nesting area. Not sure how Belle can get any food when this female is constantly perched above the nest.

paula eagleholic said...

So I wonder if the intruder has eaten recently....

paula eagleholic said...

Just want to scare her away....go build your own nest! There is plenty of room on the river.

floralgirl said...

That's what I'm thinking, sooner or later one of these birds is going to have to eat. Hoping the intruder tires out and gets hungry first.

Lolly said...

Hi all! We had a great day with Laurel and the boys. We went to Log Cabin Village in Fort Worth. They have done a great job moving in and restoring log cabins and furnishing them. Volunteers are in period costumes, sharing info and answering questions. In many of the houses they have pictures of the families who lived in the houses.

Lynne2 said...

Interesting. I wonder what this intruder's strategy is? If she is following Belle out of the nest as opposed to say killing the baby while Belle is out, and if she isn't outright just attacking Belle on the nest.....Hmmmmm. Could a knock down drag out be too dangerous for the intruder to risk getting badly hurt? Is she just biding her time while nature takes it's in, Lib won't get near the nest, Belle isn't providing food. This can only end one way. And if Joy is gone, I guess there is no reason for Belle and or Lib to stay. Unless they could have another clutch.

Much to ponder about....

Lolly said...

Has Belle brought any food at all back to the nest? I am afraid to ask.

paula eagleholic said...

Ya'll know I would never hurt any creature...well 'cept a stinkbug or a spider.

Lolly said...

Have a good time together tonight. I will be thinking of you. Wish I was there....need an understanding hug!

paula eagleholic said...

No, Lolly.

Lynne2 said...

Good point...I'll be the intruder may not be eating either. But she certainly has a better chance of being able to do do.

Lynne2 said...

do SO. Not do do. UGH.

Lolly said...

Guess that intruder is still hanging around. Belle is calling out and looking up.

Lynne2 said...

that sounds like fun Lolly!

Lynne2 said...

Intruder must be on the cam or the branch holding the cam again.

Lolly said...

Thanks, Paula. I knew I should not have asked.

floralgirl said...

According to Dana, the intruder is perched up in the tree above the nest. And has been ever since Belle came back So I think every time Belle comes back, the intruder follows her and perches up above the nest.
Heading back outside, check back in a while.

Lynne2 said...

So it seems that the 2 eagles Randy saw yesterday were likely Belle and the intruder. She must have been following Belle when they flew off toward the river, or maybe Belle was chasing Trudy. Not the she deserves a name but I'm tired of typing all those letters. Maybe I'll just call her X.

paula eagleholic said...

Bet that eagle is following her around. Can't hunt like that, then there will be a food fight.

Lynne2 said...

Trudy the InTRUDer. get it? LOL!

OMG I think I am so punch drunk silly stupid from lack of sleep.....

floralgirl said...

Dana just saw Liberty!

Lynne2 said...

YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!! where when what????

Red said...

Theres a new update

floralgirl said...

OKAY I REPEAT, DANA JUST SAW LIBERTY-he was trying to come into the nest, and the intruder female went after him!

Lynne2 said...

OMG that is wonderful news!!! Between the 2 of them, they can run her off!!!! I hope sooner than later for Paddy O'Joy's sake....

floralgirl said...

She sees Liberty and the intruder female is chasing him and won't let him come to the nest.

JudyB said...

Thank you all for the updates - and I'll be sending mental hugs to the group that's gathering, along with good wishes for all concerned.

I have not taken the time to find a reference, but seem to remember that the first year the eagles at what is now the Pelican Harbor nest on Santa Cruz Island had a chick, it took them 2-1/2 days to figure out how to feed her - and she did just fine - and, in fact, has been seen keeping company with a young male eagle, though as far as researchers there know, the pair aren't nesting this year.

And I also suspect that Paddy O'Joy is the product of the second egg. I've looked back a couple of years through my spreadsheets, and tracked 58 eggs in 2010, 54 in 2009, and 39 in 2008. There are a fair number of those where we're not positive exactly when the egg was laid, so don't know conclusively how many days it was before they hatched. There were some that we either know conclusively or suspect hatched on the 39th day; none of the ones we had good data on hatched on the 40th day. It obviously does happen - but it's not likely, and in my experience watching cams and tracking that sort of data, it's nests with three eggs that are most likely to have eggs hatch on the 39th day. I checked my data for this nest from 2008, when there were three chicks, and the first hatched on day 38, the second on day 37, and the third on day 36.

CarolAnne said...

OMG - yea Dana!!!
Way to go Lib
Hang tuff
You can do it!

Lynne2 said...

OH I suddenly feel so much better....

Still not ideal, but better!


Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

OMG! He is alive. I find so much hope in that!!

JudyB said...

Oops - thought I was logged in as JudyB - ipbar is my email address. Sigh. I just don't use blogs enough to know how to do it right.


Lynne2 said...

ipbar, welcome and WOW what great inof you've collected!!! I'm impressed!

Lynne2 said...

LOL JudyB!!!!!

floralgirl said...

So it would appear that Lib is flying around, and the intruder chases him when he shows up and then she comes back to perch above the nest. Right now the intruder and Lib are out of sight.

paula eagleholic said...

Heading home, then up to John and Ajay's again for dinner with them and Michael....catch ya later.

Geula said...

I'msaying good night. It's almost tomorrow here and although today is Friday and tomorrow is Saturday....I still have things to do. I just realized how pressured I feel from what's unfolding here.

Let's not forget...IT IS WHAT IT IS!

MAWOY! and to all a good night/day/evening!

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

OMG, this is the best news. I just so wish we could some food in that nest for the baby.

Lynne2 said...

Geula, did you read back a few??? LIB HAS BEEN SEEN !!!

Lolly said...

Is Dana at the nest? OMG! If Lib is there that is just unbelievable.

I was thinking Trudy was too nice a name for this bird until you explained it, Lynne. LOL

Lynne2 said...

I know what you mean Sharon....I'm prepared to deal with the idea that this Trudy may take a while for them to run off and it may not be good for Joy....but we'll still have Lib and Belle.

paula eagleholic said...

And Momsters rule!!! Thank you Dana!!!

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

I knew if one of us could get in there, we would get closer to what is really happening.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

I knew if one of us could get in there, we would get closer to what is really happening.

paula eagleholic said...

Exactly, Sharon! All ya have to do is watch a little!

floralgirl said...

Yes, Dana is in a spot where she can see the nest! And she just saw Lib try to fly towards the nest from a far away tree and the intruder eagle would not let him come near the nest, she chased him away back towards the buildings, back towards the river. They are both still out of sight.

JudyB said...

Wonderful news that Lib has been sighted - thank you!

And I'm hopefully back to being me. I think.

(also ipbar if I'm not careful how I log in)

sandyshaw said...

Hello to all. Welcome to town, diners. I would love to join you, but it's been a bad week.Thanks, Glo for the mantling idea.Do you think it's possible that the intruder is from an earlier clutch, returning to home territory? That's one lively chick! (((((mantling))))))))))

Geula said...

I'm glad thatI didn't leave quickly and I saw that Lib was seen...Now I can go to sleep quietly!

see y'all later

bev. said...

This is such great news that Lib is still around.

Come on Belle and Lib.

Good for you Dana.
Positive vibes everyone.

Lynne2 said...

Red, I don't see a new update from NCTC there. Just the 2 from yesterday....

CarolAnne said...

Steve started a NEW THREAD/POST
come on over

Lynne2 said...

*********NEW THREAD**********

***********NEW THREAD*************

floralgirl said...

Okay, I really need to get back to work, but anyway, the intruder eagle and Liberty are still out of sight. This is why we have not seen him for two days, she will not let him get near the nest. When he tried to approach it, she left the nest tree where she was perched and went right after him. Dana said she was right on his heels, and he was flying very fast. So she sits in the tree above Belle and when lib tries to get there, she goes after him. Hopefully Lib can help wear her out. If I hear back from Dana I'll post from my phone. Just be glad we know both our adult eagles are still alive, and putting up a fight to defend their territory.
And thank Dana, cause she went the extra mile to be the eyes for us!

Red said...

Lynn2, the two updates I see have todays dates on them. Did they put the wrong dates yesterday?

Diane said...

OMG!! I almost didn't want to check again today...too sad. But am so glad I did! This is exactly what I was thinking, that Liberty was just laying low, knowing he needed to survive. As sad as it would be if the chick doesn't make it, at least these two wonderful adults are alive and can go on.

Diane said...

And, Dana, a great big HUG for you!!

PammySue said...

Hey guys. I only have a second. I did a super quick scan, and I hope what I am getting is right.
Dana was allowed on the NCTC property?? Yay! And she saw Lib with her own eyes? Double Yay!

I'm in trouble for being on here, so better go. I will have to come back later and read thoroughly.

Whoo hoo!

stronghunter said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
stronghunter said...

Yay, Dana!

IrisF said...

Yikes, Trudy was just in the nest with Belle...Belle defended without compromising the chick and egg, but the nerve of that Trudy!!!!!

IrisF said...

Thanks to Dana, we know that Lib is OK, what a relief that is!!!! I've been unable to get anything done today, have stayed on the cam and blog the whole bloomin' day.

stronghunter said...





to the

New Thread!!!!!!

Unknown said...

where is the link please for the new thread people are talking about? thank you all.

«Oldest ‹Older   801 – 909 of 909   Newer› Newest»

5/31/24 one

 From the field camera we have one setting on the Lop looks like Bella this is from Deb and the Field cam they are working on our cameras ho...