Sunday, March 27, 2011


More snow down here in Loudoun thread (but still not much).


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Lolly said...

Get ready SPLIT TIME!

Lolly said...

Well, I certainly do not know much about eagles and have had to have a lot expained to me! However, that was one question I could answer.

stronghunter said...

I'm pretty sure we saw the eagles soaring through the sky when we were at the nest in October. We were at the road inside NCTC that goes by the barn.

hedgie said...

Phoebe's kids will fledge before long, won't they, Jim?

DanaMo, no dumb questions! Our eagles stay in the area year round. They don't migrate. Of course, we have no idea where their fledglings go, but it is presumed that they DO leave the immediate area.

Lolly said...

Ok, said I was going to the grocery store and here I sit. Gotta go. Jubby wants stew for supper.

PammySue said...

Thank you, Lolly.
Now I have another question:
Do they stay within their own territory? Or do they stay within a certain radius?

stronghunter said...

And, they were in the nest on the Sunday we were there in October of '09. We saw then by cam from the hotel that time.

Lolly said...

Lynn, I loved John's pictures that had an immature eagle. Someone said possibly it was Hidey. I like that! In a couple years I want another juvie spotted and we can say it was possibly Palmer. How cool would that be!

Geesh..pulling numverous Margys. LOL


Lolly said...

Whoops! Can not answer that question.! ☺

stronghunter said...

I think they stay in the general vicinity of the nest, but I don't expect anybody really knows how far they might decide to venture. People at NCTC do see them fairly regularly, I believe.

Some eagles do migrate. We saw them at Conowingo.

stronghunter said...

Paula is the best person to give details about all of this, though. She explained lots of things to me when we were at Conowingo.

movin said...

Hedgie, the H.B. chicks were hatched on 3/12 and take approx. 3 weeks to fledge.

C(°ٿ°)D Jim

Robyn said...

Hello hello...

Turned out to be a decent day.

Hedgie, I lucked out my best friend in B'more who taught Tori how to knit and crochet has a friend in Rockville who owned a shop that sold looms and spinners she also teaches. I was informed not to buy anything until we meet up with her, I have also met the lady several times in the past. Tori said she would love to learn how to use a spinner but she then asked how would we get raw material :), we have that covered too.

I wonder if I can get her to learn to tat

stronghunter said...

I enjoyed John's pictures, too. It is really nice to think it could be Hidey.

NatureNut said...

People at Bear Cam--moving cam--both cubs in den--Think it's lynn & Sue.

NillaWafer said...

Ok so im peeking in the door..looking around seeing many old friends an a whole bunch of new.. Let me start by saying i noticed a ditch to the right of the drive way at the bend... So being the observant driver i am i didnt set any where close to it.. Besides my car " Ole' Blue" would got stuck Im sorry you experianced meeting those inconsiderate people Robyn..Maybe i wouldnt have been so nice.. grin.. Now i have checked the OD forum and only 1 response from a lady who wanted to come visit so she could go to the So with that and thinking No ones bothering to read what i said im not going to change it and remove the big bend.. I am glad to see the attitude change over on OD an nice people posting.. No i dont blog here much any more, hahahaa im to busy farming on Farmville... But i keep an eye on our beloved eagles.. Like i said this is " Mother Nature at her worst and All in Gods plan.. For who asked about the baby picture he is my month old ( yesterday) Great Grandson Leland William James.. Now i hope i can post this as CRS has set in and i dont know my But will copy n paste this so i dont lose it and keep trying.. Hugs, Nilla

paula eagleholic said...

At the Channel Islands, orange are for the Catalina Island only, the northern island markers are all in blue.

paula eagleholic said...

Nilla, they are reading what you said and have reposted it elsewhere in the forum.

Shirley, I think you answered the question on where Lib and Belle go just fine!

BEagle said...

There's a flopper on the TH nest. Looks like the baby will get some fish.

BEagle said...

Awww. Chick just got wiggled onto.
I swear it was saying @food!

NillaWafer said...

Well then i will go check and if i can navigate my way around i will make some changes.. I find im not as comptor smart as i use to wink wink

stronghunter said...

Hi Nilla!!

Glad to see you. Haven't gotten to know you well, but I do know about you.

Robyn said...

OK I posted my incident over on OD, as we know there are people in the area that are on the OD site and may well know where to go, hopefully if anyone over there does go they will respect the area and the owner's privacy

IrisF said...

Good Afternoon everyone!!!

It's taken me so long to catch up with this blog, FB, email - group and otherwise - WOW...

Got about 5 hours of sleep last night - still coughing way too much.

NillaWafer said...

Thanks StrongHunter.. hahaha i guess my reputation precedes A bit of Rebel to say the least..:)

IrisF said...

Pammy Sue, out in the Channel Islands in CA, they put monitors on the eagles and actually track them by seeing where they are on a big map - so they know where they go. Gives them lots of information.

However, sometimes it gives more information than we the watchers want to know. Like when a monitor stays in one place way too long...that's information that I for one would rather NOT know.

But, I know it helps the biologists out there who then go "find" the downed eagle and find out why - sometimes it's just that the halter for the monitor broke.

I know Paula can add much more to the question about where "our" eagles go and how far their range is. They truth is though, I don't think we know for sure.

IrisF said...

Hi Nilla, good to see you here! Don't be a stranger, OK (like I have been until recently too)

stronghunter said...

Thanks, Paula. I have had a good teacher.

stronghunter said...

Paula, you have e-mail.

NillaWafer said...

Ok i went over and edited the post on OD channel.. Howdy Iris, hope thign s are well with you and your cough gets better.. My profile pciture is one taken back in 2006 when we started going to NCTC for visits.. Left> Right are Paula.. Belle.. Megan..Me.. Vicky from Illinois.. Our beautiful and friskey Norma and Our wonderful Mema Jo.. We certainly had some great times together..

DanaMo said...

Well there is a sign that points you right to the NCTC so if you get that far...
There is also a sign for Wildlife Scenic something or other, I didn't go down that road anything good down that way? There were several other cars there when I was at the spot, but nobody stayed as long as we did.
We saw 10 deer all together which was amazing.

hedgie said...

Okay, Jim, one more week then.....hope they don;t grow too much more or they'll spill out!!!

Robyn, met some people down off 51, I think, who use the hair from their alpacas to spin.
My grandma tatted....I still have her shuttle (I think that's what she called it) but she never taught me how! Teachimg me stuff was very hard because everyone else was right-handed and I'm left....knitting and crocheting were a real challenge....and I never did learn how to do anymore than just knit scarves!

Robyn said...

Dana-Mo this is the Yankauer, I never realized how close to me this was, I always thought it was in shepherdstown area but it isn't actually closer to me then nest

paula eagleholic said...

Shirley, I haven't rec'd your email yet...

hedgie said...

Lolly, it IS nice to think that the juvie might be Hidey, or that Palmer may show up someday.....but I THINK they don't return to home territory until they are closer to breeding age. Paula will correct me if I'm wrong.
Just wish that our fledges had all been wing-blinged---then we would KNOW!!!

Robyn said...

Hedgie one of the psychologists I worked with use to tat, she made some beautiful lace things, I may be wrong but I think my grandmother on my dad's side use to tat but she died when I was young so I could be wrong (mom will once again correct me )

The woman I was told also raises maca's that my friend Jenny knows.

Robyn said...

I was taught by my aunt to crochet but I preferred a baseball bat and glove to girlie things when I was young. Too much of a tomboy when I was a kid

paula eagleholic said...

I've read that an eagle will return within 100 miles of it's home territory to breed.

TH eaglet peeping up a storm!

hedgie said...

Well, gee, I think I'm gonna have a heart attack......hi, Nilla!

JudyEddy said...

Paula - Schicke Ok guys I just joined the Yahoo and the Momsters Now I just wait for approval I guess I also signed up my regular email acct To be honest I don't know how to get Yahoo email since I have roadrunner so I also put it down Let hope it works Just got home from work Now to go read the blog I can;t want to get the momster up date like you sent to me it was awesome all in one page My neck say Yeah also HA LOL CarolAnne I love the way you have it for-mated also Great job Ok bye for now I must go read to get caught up

JudyEddy said...

Did the nest have any visitors today? I just did a quick scan and saw no BOLD writing to that affect?

IrisF said...

JudyE, very brief visit early this morning while we were still on the old thread I think.

hedgie said...

Bird in nest!

IrisF said...

Eagle in nest

Robyn said...

Eagle in nest

paula eagleholic said...



hedgie said...

Think it's Belle......back to cam.

Robyn said...

intruder, his injury is healing I see

JudyEddy said...

yeah in nest

Robyn said...

I could be wrong nope I see his immatureness on the sides of his head

hedgie said...

A small something on head of whoever it is.....up on edge below cam now....probably getting ready to poof.....

paula eagleholic said...


At 6:46 am today :
Belle flew into the nest, or onto the nest,
and the Intruder followed her immediately.
She went up to the 11:30 or so position on the nest and got turned around facing the center of the nest
Intruder followed and seemed to be landing on her.
BUT - He was beak forward to the top of the nest, and she was beak forward towards the center of the nest.
He flapped and gave movement as though it would be HP IF they had been in the proper position, but in fact, her beak was near where his tail was
He was more or less, flapping alongside her, she appeared to be almost underneath him
but was NOT.
Belle poked around at the nest cup and the Intruder poked along also, that one picture is in the E-M album
Belle flew out without incident at about 6:50 and the Intruder left at 6:54 or so
I did not note which direction they both left towards....

there was NO calling, no chirps and no sign of agitation or aggression....

DanaMo said...

I think it's Trudy too!

paula eagleholic said...


hedgie said...


hedgie said...

Did we ever decide whether top of head was a wound or immature feathers? Don't see how either could decrease in size that much in one day. Just sayin'......

JudyEddy said...

Magpie I just got thought reading HP on wrong end HMMMM ROFLMAO

paula eagleholic said...


At 6:46 am today :
Belle flew into the nest, or onto the nest,
and the Intruder followed her immediately.
She went up to the 11:30 or so position on the nest and got turned around facing the center of the nest
Intruder followed and seemed to be landing on her.
BUT - He was beak forward to the top of the nest, and she was beak forward towards the center of the nest.
He flapped and gave movement as though it would be HP IF they had been in the proper position, but in fact, her beak was near where his tail was
He was more or less, flapping alongside her, she appeared to be almost underneath him
but was NOT.
Belle poked around at the nest cup and the Intruder poked along also, that one picture is in the E-M album
Belle flew out without incident at about 6:50 and the Intruder left at 6:54 or so
I did not note which direction they both left towards....

there was NO calling, no chirps and no sign of agitation or aggression....

(above Reported by Magpie)

Intruder visited from 5.16-19, stayed a few minutes and looked around the nest, no chirps heard

magpie said...

looks sometimes like its/his head has been meat tenderized with one of those little hammers ☺

NillaWafer said...

I had mentioned( not here) awhile back when i was watching Belle and the other eagle in the nest i kind of felt it could be one of their eaglets from 2006.. As i watched the interaction between Belle and them.. Could it be even though no one knows for sure Belle senses thats her baby???? So many un documented things to be learned.. JMHO.. MTBR in time

paula eagleholic said...

I think sometimes it's hard to see the darker feathers at the top because of the lighting at the time...right now very sunny, seems to white things out.

paula eagleholic said...

LOL Margy...wonder where Lib got a meat tenderizer from?

stronghunter said...

Sent it again, Paula.

magpie said...

a rather different spot for him to be in this time
but then again I have missed a lot of the nest visits
I am just like you all, came home opened up live feed, putzed around and then realized it had stopped at 14.30 mins
refresh, Whoa - about fell off the chair

paula eagleholic said...

It seemed like it was easier to see the darker feathers on the side of the head on this visit

magpie said...

I snail mailed it to Lib earlier this week
the little hammer

Mema Jo said...

Off to eat


IrisF said...

PAula, now you've got me laughing and coughing at the same and Margy

Lolly said...

Thank you, Margy! Next time not a leeetle hammer, make it a beeeeeg hammer. ☺

You might know, get home from the store, peek in, then go start supper, and what happens...a visit! Great!

IrisF said...

Good grief, it's almost time to get out there and make hubby some supper/dinner! Isn't it funny, if we're eating at home it's supper, if we're going out it's dinner???

paula eagleholic said...

Chick in view at TH, 2 osprey at BWO

Lolly said...

LOL Never thought of it, Iris, but you are right.

Lolly said...

Oh, my, wushi at TH!

Lolly said...

That is one hungry bird!

magpie said...

don't think they like the crows or ravens at TH - lots of vocalizations
think Dad took off to do battle ??

short clip on WWPB regarding the "puppet" crane with the chick
Ch 22 our area

paula eagleholic said...

Those ravens torment the heck out of the Channel Island birds.

magpie said...

whooping crane I believe

Costume Lady said...

OMG, are so right! "Honey, SUPPER is ready"-"Honey, let's go out to DINNER":)
Wonder what makes us say that?

JudyEddy said...

Hey guys anyone on face book might want to LIKE this link it is FortDesoto Park in St Petersburg about 15 miles from me they have eagles nest right along side of the road pretty neat no cams on it though!/pages/Friends-of-Fort-De-Soto-Park/337658335225
this is the link to the pictures this month!/album.php?fbid=10150421375195226&id=337658335225&aid=633071

paula eagleholic said...

Any redbuds budding or blooming anywhere yet? I haven't seen a thing on my tree yet.

Robyn said...

redbuds? Are those the purplish blooms that bloom all over the interstates and properties?

Lolly said...

Judy, used to go to your area all the time. In laws had home at Redington Beach. We went there every summer. Remember an eagles nest we saw down that way. Jack says it was a city park somewhere.

Lolly said...

Yes, Paula! My redbuds are blooming. roflmbo

paula eagleholic said...

Yea, Robyn

Robyn said...

Is it too late to plant one?

Robyn said...

MY friend past away a week after his b'day last year and I would love to plant one in his honor

paula eagleholic said...

LOL Lolly, I was going to put on my post "Anyone can answer this but Lolly!"

paula eagleholic said...

No, it's not too late...have you seen any blooming around your area yet?

JudyEddy said...

Its an old Fort that they turned in to a park There are still bunkers and cannons there Tourist go there Its to crowded for me but the nest is nice it always has people taking pictures Nice to go during weekdays but on weekend watch out. I drive down there just to look I wish they had a cam on it There was a camera on a nest about a year ago the Audubon had it but couldn't find sponsors for it I tired to get my employer wrote letters but no luck (Walmart) Check out the pictures link that I posted It will take you directly to the pictures and the other to their face book page

Robyn said...

No Paula but I am going to be dropping off my nephew shortly we will look around and see

magpie said...

wish I had some redbuds here...

The Arbor Day Foundation has some great programs
will send you six or maybe 10 trees for practically nothing with complete planting instructions
and then they send lots of neat information thereafter:

Earth Day is coming Up April 22 - that's when a lot of this information goes around and comes around
also, on next post be continued

Lolly said...

Judy, have picnicked in the park. Have children's pictures sitting on the cannons. Fed the seagull there. Great park!

Lolly said...

Earth Day...a very special day, my Mother's birthday. I miss her!

magpie said...

in Berkeley Springs, Morgan County, WV
Redbud Weekend and Uniquely West Virginia
Apr 15 - 16 - 17

think you can check all that out at

paula eagleholic said...

Well I'll be, they are just starting to show up on my tree, guess I should have looked before asking...very tiny buds

Lolly said...

LOL You fell into the trap! You did not tell me not to answer. Love it!☺

wvgal_dana said...

Well I almost fell off the chair. If is isn't "our lost blogger Nilla". ( :

Margy I still can't find the thread that you listed all those things coming up that people can do. You remember what I'm talking about?

paula eagleholic said...

Dana, Margy said Lynn posted it.

Lolly said...

Have a question:

Does anyone on here have an address program on your computer that you really like?

Lolly said...

I had a program that I did not like. Our computer crashed a year ago. Have not sat down and reloaded info into the computer. Want a program that will do address labels but also will print out for an address book.

wvgal_dana said...

Thanks Paula did anyone copy it so they can email it to me?

hedgie said...

No redbuds yet will probably be at least a couple of weeks yet.

Looked at my pics on my Lair from '09---knew I had some posted---it was Apr. 28th when they were in full bloom.

wvgal_dana said...

JudyE can't get to those pictures. I'm wondering if it is the nest we watched in Florida and they took it off the air because of no backing??

hedgie said...

JudyE---those links just take us to your FB page....don't see anything there about the park or eagles.

hedgie said...

Lolly, do you have Microsoft Works or Office? Should be in there......but I prefer use my Word Processor....much's under Tools, I think----it's on my PC, which I don't have on.

IrisF said...

I copied it Dana, let me get it to you tonight. Making supper and got a call my cousin Joyce passed at 4:30pm...

Will send the list later tonight, OK?

paula eagleholic said...

In regards to the dark spot on the head...when we were at the nest, and intruder put his head down when he was on a tree next to the nest, it looked like a dark spot on the top and that's all I can say

wvgal_dana said...

Ok Iris take your time dear. Sorry about her passing but now she is at peace. Which is what you wanted for her.

Lolly said...

I saw Judy's pics. Copy and paste the second site she posted. Also, you could search on fb for "Friends of De Soto Park"

hedgie said...

Well now Yahoo mail is going they use the same cop as google blog does???? It resent something I sent last night---as if it was a new email! Go figure!

Christine said...

Good evening from a c-c-cold NC! Only 41 degrees with almost freezing temps tonight! What happened to spring?? I hope my flowers are ok :( I've been busy all weekend but got caught up on the blog. Sounds like Rudy having problems with puberty?? Savannah is going to have her wings full keeping those babies warm tonight!

magpie said...

The ospreys did not seem to go near the BWO platform until quite later in the day when the snow was leaving - I think....

and the BWE chicks were all fuzzed up in a big kid pile for quite some time too

Hope the CRC's will be okay

paula eagleholic said...

Here is a video of today's afternoon visit.

Intruder visit from 5.16-19pm today

paula eagleholic said...

Oh, Iris, I am sorry your cousin passed. She is at peace now.

JudyEddy said...

Headgie and Wvgal did you see Lolly post use the second link of Friends of Fort Desoto Park Really nice pictures

Robyn said...

Paula I saw a darkspot but the sun made it look smaller but I did notice the dirty look on side of head.

magpie said...

I'm sorry Iris, I missed that sentence also...
May she rest in peace, her illness is over, and God Bless and comfort all the Family

(( hugs ♥ ))

IrisF said...

Dana, You have mail...

wvgal_dana said...

JudyE I finally found it. It is not the nest we had been watching in Florida. At the nest I am talking about 1 year her eggs did not hatch. She sat on them going on 50 days and just cried and cried eagle crys.

hedgie said...

Oh, no----another quake in Japan----tsunami alert.......

IrisF said...

Actually Dana, I found it quicker than I thought I could..

Thank you all for you comforting - yes Joyce is in her forever home tonight, free of pain and discomfort and I'm so glad for her! It's her family now that need comfort as they travel to be with her hubby! Love you all!

paula eagleholic said...

Robyn, did you look at Scott's pics on the Yahoo can see the dark on the top in some of them

magpie said...

Awesome video Paula...Thanks!
I missed seeing where he went to first, cuz my feed had stopped, see it now...on your video...
makes me wonder, if there was something in that spot that he was interested in this morning and that's what he was working on and Belle was in his way !

paula eagleholic said...

And Definitely both sides of the head

magpie said...

Brrr Getting cooler fast sun's about set

paula eagleholic said...

Yea, Dana, that was the Tesoro nest...but the next year they had two eaglets :)

paula eagleholic said...

Yea, it was chilly out there today. Did you see anything, Margu?

magpie said...

saw where Sharon said earlier she had "just gotten home from the wake" -
I'm afraid I missed something...or maybe that was not on here ??

magpie said...

sure did Paula
Red-Shouldered Hawk's nest from last year at Swinging Bridge looks good, but saw nor heard any R-S's
Did see a new bird,for me - a Northern Harrier
and three bronzy-in-the-sun turkey vultures that I thought for a brief moment were Juvenile Eagles...til I studied them flying !

magpie said...

and fresh baby wildflowers by the dozens:
Virginia bluebells, trout lily, cutleaf toothwort, and may apple!
and Ramps are sprouting!

magpie said...

keeping an eye on the nest whle posting...

met with the landowner, a retired botanist, and re-secured roaming privileges onto the cabled path....40 acres, creek frontage...
and he said I can take some ramps !
Captain Gene might like that idea!

Costume Lady said...

OMG, looks as if the nest is caving in and headed to the 1st floor apartment, below...or...PJ has been dug up:(

JudyEddy said...

Temperature dopping here to
78 now LOL no it was 79 really I know nobody likes a smart a-- Just had to post this I just shiver when I see the nest in snow my heart goes out to them

JudyEddy said...

that was dropping not dopping DUH

magpie said...

and...get this...
found some "scat" that could well have been Bear Scat....
had lots of plant material in it. and was about the "right size" could not locate any Bear Tracks though...but saw lots of other animal tracks

Lolly said...

Iris, hugs for you and prayers for your cousin's family.

Paula, once again, thanks for the video. Noticed too the spot he took off from. Lib never took off from there!

magpie said...

keep thinking I hear noises, chortles, at the nest..could be other birds

last night my chair rung squeaked and I thought at first it was an 2:30 am...

hedgie said...

Map looks like it's at Sendai again....6.5. They are saying it's an aftershock...but....that doesn't make it any less of a serious situation.

Costume Lady said...

Scrolled down too far on the outdoor cam site and saw my name in the comments...NOT ME. I can't keep up with this blog, much less the OD one!

Lolly said...

Margy, where did you go that you saw the tracks and scat. Did you say, or even think, "It's me bear". LOL

magpie said...

took a bunch of pics but promised myself and the dinosaur to offload some already on computer onto a flash drive,
so maybe in a day or so....

See what you mean Wanda
about the nest......
going down, first floor,

Lolly said...

This house smells of cooking stew, yum, and Jack is building a fire. Winter has returned!!!!! Well, at least cold weather has. Did not go into the yard once today.

magpie said...

No, Lolly, but I texted a friend about it, said,... wonder if I should stay here, and then 'Been Nice Knowing Ya!'

Then I went and got my walking stick

paula eagleholic said...

Oh my, Margy that reminds me of Norma and her ramps!

hey Wanda, someone on another forum said the nest looked like a baked's not caving in, the dark spot is recent fluffing

Costume Lady said...

LOL, Margy (squeeky chair)...I can do you one better. I hear eagles all the time and then after my doctor visit Monday, realized it is ME making those noises. I too, have a hiatial hernia and from time to time, I get a wheeze in my chest/throat. Doctor gave me a pill to take the wheeze away, which it does, but It makes me hyper@@@***!!!!

JudyEddy said...

bird in nest

paula eagleholic said...

Truder just landed, in from the right

mariadangeloart said...

Rudy in the nest.

Christine said...

someone in the nest!!!

stronghunter said...

Trud in nest.

stronghunter said...

Looked at the hole.

paula eagleholic said...

Dark spot looks normal now, easier to see.

paula eagleholic said...

No food, no sticks brought in

Lolly said...

LOL Going to defend yourself with your walking stick, huh? But, then we know bears are more afraid of us, right? LOL

floralgirl said...

AHa- I see that rude Rudy in the nest.
Hello all)

paula eagleholic said...

Just stood there, then flew off to the right

stronghunter said...

Investigating the hole. Looked around and poofed.

Christine said...

He looks a little roughed up

mariadangeloart said...

It looks like we should come up with a proper name for this bird. If he's around next year with Belle and has babies of his own I'm sure everyone will start having a soft spot in their hearts for him and Turdy Bird, Benedict ect might not fit then ..... just trying to think ahead

Lolly said...

Dern! (That is not what I thought!Cam had stopped again! I was sitting right here and missed it!

Lolly said...

He will always be Truder to me. Whoops there he is again, and yes, he looks roughed up!

stronghunter said...

He's back. Messing in hole.

JudyEddy said...

returned again huh

paula eagleholic said...

Back, did he bring a stick?

Lolly said...

Why does he always go to the egg cup?

mariadangeloart said...

Hey guys, how about Preston as a name. That was Henry Fonda's character in the movie Jezebel......?

Costume Lady said...

I guess it must be wet under the flugg and that's why it looks like a cave-in. Wonder if the Spring rains will make it sink anymore?

Need to read back and see what all went on here today.

paula eagleholic said...

Belle in

Lolly said...


mariadangeloart said...

and here's Belle....

stronghunter said...


Costume Lady said...

Ms. on earth did you remember that!?

paula eagleholic said...

Wish he would do something besides dig in the nest.

stronghunter said...

Belle not attacking.

paula eagleholic said...

Moving the pine branch

mariadangeloart said...

Jeez I wish he'd leave that egg cup alone already!

mariadangeloart said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
hedgie said...

Go to take out trash and who should appear, but two eagles in out nest!

paula eagleholic said...

Belle off to the right.

Lolly said...

Belle poofed!

paula eagleholic said...

Nite lite on

mariadangeloart said...

Always liked that movie Costume Lady! lol

JudyEddy said...

Really nice visit I wanted to thank the person who is posting the videos Wow the cup looks deep Bright sun all of sudden HMM

stronghunter said...

Poof Belle.

Yikes! Light on!

Lolly said...

Truder back to the egg cup!

hedgie said...

You can see into the hole.....remains visible.
Get out there you turdy bird.

Lolly said...

Judy, the night light comes on every night about this time.

hedgie said...

Belle, come back and chase him away!

JudyEddy said...

I have never seen the light that bright really light it up

paula eagleholic said...

Judy, that is the infrared light coming on

Costume Lady said...

Truder...quit that!

mariadangeloart said...

Why can't he leave that egg cup alone?!

paula eagleholic said...

Split is coming

DanaMo said...

2 Eagles in the nest. Belle and Rudy. Belle flew off. I guess Liberty is gone...crying...

stronghunter said...

Thought Truder was mighty still, but it was because my cam had frozen.

DanaMo said...

Really, he is digging that egg cup.

stronghunter said...

Bell certainly did nothing to drive Truder away. But she will have her job cut out for her training this one.

paula eagleholic said...

Off to the right

Lolly said...

Jack just told me I am going to have to find another cam or forgive this bird.

He also said I must never let Michael know all about this. He would make up wild stories about all of this. Yes, my dear son makes fun of me and my cam watching. I love him anyway!

paula eagleholic said...

Dana, we aren't sure Lib is gone.

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5/31/24 one

 From the field camera we have one setting on the Lop looks like Bella this is from Deb and the Field cam they are working on our cameras ho...