Sunday, March 20, 2011


New thread.

I have gotten inquiries from folks about getting more info on what's going on and also requests that the NCTC do something to assist the birds. 

I need to repeat that we all understand that this episode is unsettling to everyone, but it is one of the risks of having the cam in place--you get to see the wonderful things and the not so wonderful as well. 

Wild nature is not always a happy place...the best thing to do is not to interfere in any way.

FWS biologists have been aware of this episode since it began and I suspect there will be more information put out tomorrow on the official cam website.



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Costume Lady said...


Costume Lady said...

PRAYERS AT NOON...wherever you are!
We need to get this issue solved and who else to ask but the Man Upstairs?!

Lolly said...

Thank you Steve! And, thank you Wanda for the call over. Good morning! I know you wish you were at the nest again this morning as there is a good group there. But, responsibilities call!

FuzzleMT said...

Ah, yes, got caught in the old thread: here's what I said:
HI, ALL - mornin' and Happy Spring - been "fixed" at the computer since widdle was hatched - read all comments - crying and praying with the rest of you - so glad to have ALL AND ANY reports from the 'field' - Scott is so very welcome with his camera - nuff said - back to my vigil -

Lynne2 said...

thanks Steve. Thanks for the call over Wanda!

BEagle said...

Thank you Steve for this new thread.
Thank you Costume Lady for the call over.

My posting on the other side is there. Not important.

I heard a knock on the cam. I think it's Lib.

Lolly said...

Several of us posted the new thread alert. Hope those at the nest notice. It is hard to see that kind of thing using the phone to post.

Mema Jo said...

Good morning this first day of spring. Going over to read more about this special morning.

Lolly said...

Need to teach Lib to do low stealth flying, so he could fly low and into the nest without being seen.

BEagle said...

Not to despair. My prayers have been continuous for these eagles since Trudy showed herself.

I will remember to pray at noon also.

Lolly said...

Good morning, Jo!

paula eagleholic said...

No change here Trudy still above the nest

BEagle said...

HeeHee Lolly. Your Stealth Flying lessons are a great idea for Lib.

BEagle said...

I suppose there isn't any chance that the field crew brought a slingshot.

Lolly said...

Well, I reminded Paula to lay her sling shot out, so she would not for get it this morning.

wvgal_dana said...

Brought over from other thread to keep you up to date on nest and eagles:

Paula and Scott are there and are reporting in what they are seeing.
Megan and Lori and also there.

Earlier Belle was in nest. Intruder sitting in top of tree and eagle which had to be Liberty flew off towards river. That is report from them so far.

Sunday, March 20, 2011 8:34:00 AM

So for now it is Scott, Paula, Lori and Megan viewing nest. We then have very good reporter plus they have very good equipment.

Sunday, March 20, 2011 8:54:00 AM

paula eagleholic
We think lib and belle were perched in the trees towards the right on the can view (on the left of our view) and when trudy came towards the nest is when belle flew into the nest. Then lib flew over the nest towards the right

Sunday, March 20, 2011 8:55:00 AM

wvgal_dana said...
not a link

It doesn't matter if you are at a baseball game at noon time your time. If your driving down the road, where ever you are at noon time your time pray for food to get to Belle and Paddy O'Joy.

Sunday, March 20, 2011 9:08:00 AM

Lolly said...

Thanks Paula for the report. Belle is just sitting in the egg cup, looking around. We have not seen PJ.

wvgal_dana said...

Morning Mema Jo and FuzzleMa

BEagle said...

We see a nice right wing stretch. I think that is Belle calling.

"She needs to feed her babe" call.

Lynne2 said...

Belle is up, tending to Joy.

BEagle said...

PJ is waiting for that nare sustenance.

Lolly said...

Well, I stopped again. Gotta watch that. Belle is once again "feeding" PJ something. (Our miraculous feeding!) Wish it was wushi!!!!

Kathi2 said...

Thanks,wvgal dana, Lolly, Lynne2 & the rest who are so good to include me! (this is Kathi, a newbie. I am at work & had to open a new account. Didn't think to name it "Kathi2." D'oh!)

PRAYER AT NOON IT IS!! YES! Great idea! thank you for that.

I will check back later--if I can. Our internet-usage detector here may not like me accessing this for long, so if you don't see me the rest of the day, you'll know why.

But I'll continue to pray for these sweet birds.

Lolly said...

Look at the egg! What do you see?

Kathi2 said...

Before I go--Lolly, what is "wushi?"

Kathi2 said...

Eeek! What DO you see?????

BEagle said...

I doubt Belle will go get a dip in the pond with the intruder close by.

BEagle said...

Soft cry by Belle.

glo said...

Praying crying hoping and getting ready to head to church and finish lunch for my neighbors. If there happens to be a food drop could someone PLEASE email me the news.

Will read comments later today if I can. I got to switch to a Happy Anniversay mode of thinking now.

I will have no problem remembering to pray at 11 my time. he is probalby tired of hearing me about now but alas I will pray. I think all we really need today is that intruder to LEAVE!!!!! and stay gone and nourishment to ocme. PHEW hmmm Well prayers ocntinue.


Lolly said... Momster terms that is a whale of a fresh fish! ☺

BEagle said...

Sushi is fish.
We call Lib's huge fish catch whales and thats where wushi comes from.

BEagle said...

Whale sized fish equals wushi is what I am trying to say.

Kathi2 said...

Again, thanks, Lolly!

So tell me--what do you see at the nest? What about the egg?

Lolly said...

Could not tell if that was a big crack in the egg or flugg.????

glo said...

I love her so, just have to say that as I go and PJ has known intense motherly devotion, and care from the very moment she has hatched. ((((Belle))))) I so want to help you.

BEagle said...

Dog barking.

Lolly said... looked like a big crack in the egg, but Belle would not let me get a good look. She is now back on the egg cup.

BEagle said...

It is 41 degrees here in the capital city.

I have a feeling the 61 degrees on the OC cam is a little off.

Lynne2 said...

Lolly, I looked through my magno glass and it pretty much looks like a piece of grass. It seems to go past the egg. Not 100% sure it's not a crack, but I don't THINK it is.

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

Prayers at noon, got it!! They will fit right in with the minute-by-minute prayers I have been doing since this all started!!

Good morning wonderful friends!

Lolly said...

Lynne, glad you got out the glass! LOL I just could not tell, she was keeping the egg pretty much out of view. Wishful thinking, I am sure.

Lolly said...

Good morning, Bev! So, how is 95 feeling?

BEagle said...

Savannah is feeding her two chicks at the moment.

Mema Jo said...

Lolly and all: I was praying last night with such brilliant moonlight that Lib would be able to fly into the nest! A stealth flyer would have been able to do that!

Prayers at noon!

Lynne2 said...

ya never know Lolly, Joy hatched on Day 40 and if this is the second egg, it's day 40 for it!

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

95 is suiting me very well!! Tom fixed us sausage and waffles for breakfast!!

BEagle said...

Derek just now showed up and is helping.

paula eagleholic said...

nno change here

Lynne2 said...

YIKES Sissy! Not good for your hiatal hernia!

SusanP said...

My husband and I are new to this blog (and to this eagle cam) but have been following constantly for the past several weeks, and in particular since this current situation. count us in for the noon prayers (we are actually trying to decide if we can "detour" on our way home from N. VA back to Garrett County, MD today...

WV sUSAn said...

So glad to see a crew observing from the nest. I know it's an interesting site. G and I watched for seven hrs yesterday, walking around and different points of view. Yes I kept him there that long. Ha. Trudy is present much of the time n the tree limb above but more in protective mode and not attacking, even when she had opportunities. Belle was gone a lot and Trudy kept her presence as though protecting from the many crows and vultures flying around.

I think Belle and Lib are eating somewhere else and then Belle shares saliva and scraps from maybe her mouth and talons. I'm just guessing about that but how else in the world would Paddy be surviving??

Paddy is a threat because Lib will not come to the nest with food and she may even think Lib is the intruder. It's crazy to watch but I believe she really thinks she's helping. Honestly I know that sounds insane but it is what we observed.

The tussles between Belle and Trudy begin when Trudy tries to get on the nest. But when that happens, Trudy just flies around and assumes her watchful post in the tree.

I'll be anxious to see what our expert watchers observe today. We will be going back before we leave Sheptown today.

Also when we were at the nest yesterday, we could sporadically get the still cam on the iPhone to confirm nest activities. The feeding observed was the beak to beak action but no apparent food was ever carried in.

Trudy is HUGE.

Good morning to all and we had such fun with the gang Friday.

hedgie said...

Lost me again!

Lolly, I had to refresh onnce this AM and now I'm at just over an hour----here's hoping!

Hi to more newcomers!

Kathi/Emilee----what do you do? Talking about lab: my youngest daughter, Christie, is an MLT.

Margy---if you're here: Carolyn herself took 70 calls yesterday! Much quieter today, so far!

Lynne2 said...

I'm just amazed. Joy is over 72 hours old now and still looks good for not having had any solid food that we can detect! Bigger, too.

Mema Jo said...

To The Hussy Hunters: Thank you for being there and reporting to
us. I hope you wore your gloves or
are holding a hot cup of coffee.
Thanks again for any up to the minute information!

Lynne2 said...

thanks for that update Susan! I feel like you that Belle is eating somewhere and the baby is getting scraps. Paula, Megan, Lori and Scott are there now at the nest.

Have a safe trip home!

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

This is truly an amazing thing we are seeing. I would give anything for a resolution. What Susan says is interesting for sure. Makes me think maybe this is one of Lib and Belle's offspring. I still wish she would go away, far away, and leave our family alone!!!

Lolly said...

Susan....7 hours!! I love it! What a good hubby you have! Thanks for the reports, get back there, take another good look, and have a safe trip home.

wvgal_dana said...

Welcome spucciano ( : good to have you here. You may want to read comment at 9:08 am it will bring you up to date on nest and eagles. Plus also in blue about the prayer time we are doing.

Morning Susan was good to meet you and Grey till him hi for me.

Lynne2 said...

Trudy may very well think she is helping...who posted about the female and hormones and....TJ maybe? How else could we explain her totally non- aggressive behavior when she has had many opportunities to cause real damage?

Judie said...

Good morning, everyone.

Thank you Steve for the new Spring thread and Wanda for calling us over.

Been trying to catch up. Saw Belle trying to sustain PJ.

Do not want to add to the drama but do see something on the egg. Looks like a crack but cannot tell. A successful hatch of that egg would, indeed, be a miracle.

Thank you to Paula, Megan, Lori, and Scott for trying to determine what is actually happening.

Have many papers remaining so will return later.

Lolly said...

LOL Susan has a "Gubby", momster terms for hubby.

BEagle said...

The intruder must leave before that other egg hatches.

Lynne2 said...

I'm beginning to think we are going to end up with 3 parents for one chick.

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

Belle is calling out, bless her heart. That is truly a mournful sound.

Lolly said...

Lynne and I saw it, Judie. Lynne even examined it with her magnifying glass. LOL We could not tell what it was. Time will tell!

WV sUSAn said...

Ooops got carried away. Change that one "Paddy" to "Trudy is a threat by her mere presence as Lib will not bring food."

If she wants to join the nest, Trudy needs to start by dropping off some wushi. I think she's just young and doesn't know her role

wvgal_dana said...

Bev it can't be offspring years woud not match up. She is HUGE bigger than Belle yes. So she is an inmature female eagle...but I don't feel it is offspring. If so Liberty would even be coming into nest and helping to chase it away. As have read in forums and other places. She wants the whole thing the nest and Liberty.

BEagle said...

If the intruder is so protective then why is she not bringing fish to the nest?

Lynne2 said...

Probably because she is too young and inexperienced to really understand what is happening. You know, like a teenager!

wvgal_dana said...

That is why she follows Liberty but doesn't fight him.

hedgie said...

Hi,'s an easy detour for you to make....go for it!

Aha, guess poor Grey didn;t get any fishing in yesterday, huh???!!! 7 hrs!!! Where did you perch for all that time? On the roadside???

Lynne2 said...

at least for now, Joy seems fine, Belle is probably eating somewhere, Lib is in the we wait.

I'm going to need more chocolate.

wvgal_dana said...

Belle we know has fought Trudy the female intruder because of the wound she had on her nostril. Which looks like it is healing.

hedgie said...

BEagle....refresh your cam PAGE....mine shows 38°.....which is just a couple of degrees warmer than what I have here.

BEagle said...

Well, when you put it in terms of teenagers, it makes sense.

Lynne2 said...

Hi spucciano and welcome!

and good morning Jo and Judy.

Geez, i keep missing posts.

BEagle said...

My cam page has been running for almost 23 hours now.

I guess 61 degrees was yesterday morning.

Lynne2 said...

yes, that's true Dana. But still, things are not escalating at all. Interesting.

SusanP said...

WV Dana - thanks for the welcome! John & I have been reading pretty much EVERY post over the past few days so we are pretty up to date on the situation. Heartbreaking and fascinating at the same time to watch this play out - as "newbies" we certainly don't have the connection to this nest that the Momsters do, but we are already so emotionally invested in these guys. I'm another Susan (have to figure out how to change the name that displays on the blog :-))

BEagle said...

Lynne2 I always keep chocolate chips in my freezer for emergencies. : )

WV sUSAn said...

Hahahaha. And he's a good "Gubby.".Yes, Trudy could easily have already taken the nest and it's contents. And Belle will fly off with T in the tree. Trudy didn't chase or aggravate in any way. It's a strange thing to observe.

Oh did I say Trudy was big. Ok maybe a couple times. She even roosts up there like a vulture. Wow

stronghunter said...

Oh, attack!

Lynne2 said...

UGH. Joy got stepped on in that altercation.

BEagle said...

I missed that!

hedgie said...

O'Joy seems a bit weak. :( And Belle just kicked him...accidently, I'm sure. More beak to neak whatever.

BEagle said...

What happened?

BEagle said...

The intruder may have been raised by vultures.

BEagle said...

It's getting rough.

paula eagleholic said...

Yes wee saw that. Trudy is now perched closer to the nest. She is at the noon position

Lolly said...

Hi New Susan and hubby! Hope you can get by the nest. You will need binoculars!!!

paula eagleholic said...

Trudy just left but still at nctc property

hedgie said...

Well, I don't know abnout you all, but that sure looked like something solid that Belle just gave O'Joy! Enlarge and see if you see it.

Lolly said...

Wish wish wish we could get food in there.

Belle is doing her beaking again with PJ.

SusanP said...

if we decide to detour, we'll have to stop and buy binocs - we don't have ours with us... good excuse to buy a better pair perhaps :-)

Lolly said...

Wish we could get a closer look at the egg.

Lolly said...

Do not see what we saw earler, but it could be rolled and on the underside.

hedgie said...

And wee one is actually TAKING it from Belle!! I don't have sound again....anyone else???

wvgal_dana said...

So see our intruder Trudy does want the nest". She may be smarter than what we have given her credit for. She has been playing this waiting out game and I think she is not a dumb inmature eagle at all. I think she is smart!! I don't think she just wants to be a part of Belle and Paddy O'Joy.

BEagle said...

I'm with you Hedgie. That's what I saw yesterday. A bit of some kind of white morsel. Not much...but what it is and where it's coming from.

wvgal_dana said...

I have sound

WV sUSAn said...

Lynn. I'm the fisherman. Lol. We will probably stop along the way home and fish some.

Lolly said...

Having two pairs of binoculars is not a bad thing. LOL

I thought Belle was possibly considering leaving, but she has settled back down on the egg cup.

Again, Paula, thanks for the reporting.

BEagle said...

I have sound but turned it down and left the room. I missed any commotion with the intruder.

Belle has wiggled down.

hedgie said...

Spucianno...depending on which way you come....if through Charles Town, there'a a WalMart on Rt. 340. If through Frederick, mall along 270 with easy exit! Sure there would be someplace there that sells binocs.

wvgal_dana said...

@Paula thanks for the report and where Trudy is on the tree.

Lolly said...

Good Lynn. Glad you gave them that information.

stronghunter said...

I thought I saw something white passing from beak to beak yesterday.

wvgal_dana said...

Did anyone get a picture that is on the blog of Trudy coming in this time?

I know Paula, Megan, Scott or Lori would have.

BEagle said...

What happened? Did the intruder land on the nest and Belle pecked at it like yesterday?

BEagle said...

StrongH saw a morsel also.

Mema Jo said...

Try to detour spucciano on your way up the mountains.. don't pass by - Head for Shepherd Grade Road.
It helps to even get a visual of the area once you get home.

Aimeecat said...

I just wanted to say hi to everyone. I have been watching Belle and Liberty off and on before the 1st egg was laid. But, since all the drama has started, I have been here frequently. I really appreciate those who have made the trip to the nest to give us all an accurate account of what is going on. I am at work today, but will be able to take time at noon to join the prayer vigal. :)

magpie said...

God Bless Us Our Nest-Goers

Susan and Grey, thank you for sharing your Anniversary Week-end with us in so many ways, and Happy Trails back over the Mountains...

Welcome to All Making THIS Nest and THIS Eagle Family a part of their lives

Going to watch and just be quiet today .. and Pray now and at Noon

Best wishes for a good Fresh New Spring Day for all of us

And Safe Travels for Everyone on Wheels today

xoxo ♥

wvgal_dana said...

@Paula watch her that is what she did when I was there. Trudy flew out of tree. Went out of site. So Belle would leave nest. In a while Trudy came back and landed in tree again so watch out for that ok..

Mema Jo said...

Paula & all the Hussy Hunters -
I bet it felt like you were
So Near but so far away!

BEagle said...

I am beginning to think that Belle is picking up some of the dried vegetation on the nest and mashing it in her beak with saliva.

wvgal_dana said...

Welcome back Aimeecat and thanks for joining in on the prayer. ( :

Mema Jo said...

Welcom Aimeecat! Since you have been watching through all of this, you know how much we appricate all
the prayers we can have to offer.

hedgie said...

Not much protein in nest materials....argh!

Hi, Aimeecat.....good to see you again. The more pray-ers we have, the better!

Lolly said...

I am going to have to leave. Time to dry my hair and get ready for church. I will try to peek in before leaving.

Remember all to report what Belle is doing on the nest so those who are at work but can not watch will know what is going on.

Mema Jo said...

I am ggaining minutes on the cam but don't have sound........
What's with all of you

Lynne2 said...

Beagle, yes, Trudi landed on the edge of the nest at 12:00 area, Belle jumped up quickly and attacked her and she flew off. But she stepped on Joy a little bit in doing so.

THe field crew saw it happen and have reported that Trudi is off the tree but still on NCTC grounds.

HI AIMEECAT! Nice to see you again!

Lolly said...

Oh, I hate getting behind on the blog once again. Grrrrrr!!!!!

BEagle said...

It's just a guess on the food morsel. What else at this point could it be?

Mema Jo said...

Personal note: I have a 12:30 Alexis meeting & outing coming up
for a few hours.

hedgie said...

Japan death toll at 7600, and over 11,000 still missing.

Margy, missed another program yesterday that I, at least, knew nothing about.....front page of Journal--Jeff Co Parks and Rec "Animal Adventures". :(

BEagle said...

I have sound and I am not having to hit play.

stronghunter said...

I feel like I am in a wind tunnel. Shampooed the carpet again. Ceiling fan going full blast. Window open and fireplace lit. Trying to dry the carpet.

Watching the nest events as much as possible.

I remember someone making the comment that watching the nest was like watching grass grow. Well, we have a briar patch in the turf right now, and it is not dull.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Checking in from the road. Hope everything is alright.

Aimeecat said...

Thanks for the kind welcomes all!
I started out this year following the posts on the Outdoor Channel site, but came across this link. So, I glad I did!

BEagle said...

Can there be protein found in flowers. I know it is in nuts.

stronghunter said...

Welcome Aimeecat.

magpie said...

read your post about Carolyn...Sunday can be blissfully peaceful at least early in the day after a busy Saturday !


I was watching the parent this morning and caught this video, which looks like it is feeding the chick. I sure hope that is the case. My thoughts and prayers are with this eagle family.

BEagle said...

Pine nuts! Maybe it was pine nuts.

wvgal_dana said...

Sharon read comment up date at 10:31

Mema Jo said...

Thanks BEagle for that info.

Sharon Safe travels - situation is still the same :<(

magpie said...

About this intruder:
She sounds like a beautiful, large, strong Eagle...although very unwelcome at the Sycamore Palace right now.

Would be great to know her lineage and where she is from...
Let's hope she finds a wonderful mate like Liberty, sets up housekeeping somewhere where there is a cam and eventually brings joy and wonder to Eagle Watchers ♥

wvgal_dana said...

Welcome HIKERBIKERGRAM good to have you here. Catch blue post at 9:08 but brought over at 9:30 on this thread.

Lynne2 said...

HIKERBIKERGRAM, welcome and thanks for the video capture! Sure hope there is some kind of food there. Please come and join us whenever you can!

Lynne2 said...

She is Satan's Spawn Margy. LOL!

magpie said...

Enjoy your Alexis date ! ☺
My sister Roanoke Mary passing through the area on her way home from a wedding in Lancaster PA, going to to meet with her in a little bit

Love to All, Welcome to All and Thanks to All !
xox ♥

IrisF said...

Jo, I have the cam, but no sound either. It's odd that it's there sometimes and not there at others.

I do so appreciate all the reports that are coming in - still feel lousy, but checked in the middle of the night and will be praying at noon.

Blessings to all and welcome to all new to this nest and blog.

magpie said...

oh, she is just an Eagle being an Eagle...with some cantankerous Juvenile characteristics...

not unlike some very annoying teenagers we all have known !
LOL back, Lynne - enjoy your day

Mema Jo said...

HikerBikerGram's video

Thanks & Welcome

wvgal_dana said...

Jo I know you always have a good time with Alexis ( : Enjoy

Margy have a good time meeting up with your Sister from Roanoke and I know you will enjoy that time ( :

wvgal_dana said...

Hi Iris good to see you back again. We have missed you. Since the eagles came back and you have on here it is so nice Lady to see you ( :

Mema Jo said...

Does anyone wish we had wing blings

I sure do!

SusanP said...

Ok - we are convinced (not hard to do!!). John and I will be driving home to Garrett County via S'town and the curve by the NCTC. We still have to pack up some stuff so expect it will be early afternoon before we get there, especially with a binoc purchase stop. looking forward to meeting some of you there! Thanks to all for the info on where to go - John has mapquested and we are good to go!

wvgal_dana said...

Mema Jo like I said yesterday. I want a hand glider so I can drop fish into the nest to Belle....thinking this could be part of my "bucket list". I could find someone that does it and they could attach me to them hummmm...this could be a possibility.

SkinDick said...

I am new here after watching the Decorah Iowa eagle cam for weeks - the system there is much better for eagle identification...this camera does not allow for visual ID's of the players.

Also, I question the 'personalization' of these wild animals by assigning cutesy-pie names...adds to human stress of watchers like us who tend to forget nature is sometimes cruel and life is not a Disney movie.

That being said, I hope we all realize that the Conservancy people have already stated they will do NOTHING to interfere with nature in the let's keep this real, people.

paula eagleholic said...

We are trying to see where trudy went

hedgie said...

Iris, sorry you are still feeling cruddy. :(

Margy, know you will be a happy camper soon with Mary stopping in!

Jo and Alexis=fun!

Thanks for video, hikerbiker, and welcome.

wvgal_dana said...

@Paula thanks for that report

Lynne2 said...

No need for you to hang around here then, is there Plowhandle?

wvgal_dana said...

Powhandle if you want to be critical then find another blog to do it on please and thank you. BYE!

FuzzleMT said...

Did anyone notice the note from Steve on the "New Thread" front page? I didn't, but my main concern was getting to the blog and the folks at the nest and may have missed it???

BEagle said...

Magpie, I like how you put the intruder in the right perspective for me. Thank you. The intruder is a Bald Eagle, and I like Bald Eagles and I appreciate that fact. They can be ornery.

It gives me added hope that she will leave and the nest can move on in the normal manner.

Even though I am not happy with what she is doing at the NCTC nest, it is still Bald Eagle nature and what an education it has been.

wvgal_dana said...

On front when open for this thread Steve wrote:
New thread.

I have gotten inquiries from folks about getting more info on what's going on and also requests that the NCTC do something to assist the birds.

I need to repeat that we all understand that this episode is unsettling to everyone, but it is one of the risks of having the cam in place--you get to see the wonderful things and the not so wonderful as well.

Wild nature is not always a happy place...the best thing to do is not to interfere in any way.

FWS biologists have been aware of this episode since it began and I suspect there will be more information put out tomorrow on the official cam website.

Sounds to me like Steve is getting email from people that are NOT REGULAR BLOGGERS HERE.

wvgal_dana said...

Thanks FuzzleMa

Mema Jo said...

Thank you FuzzleMa!! Steve's message was not there when we all came over.

Go to the top of this blog and click on HIDE ORIGINAL POST

You will still remain on the blog.

BEagle said...

Good Paula. I hope she has left and you will never see her again at the NCTC nest.

And hopefully to begin her own nesting in her own place in nature.

BEagle said...

I just read Steve's beginning thread post a little while ago. I must have been to much in a hurry to read it at first.

That was nice!

BEagle said...

Belle is up. I haven't heard her calling out. PJ is scootin' around.

Kathi2 said...

Holy guacamole! I step away from my computer & come back to Trudy Hussy making moves! AWWK!!!

hedgie--I work at a blood center and my job is to review lab work to ensure the blood we ship out is safe.

wv Susan--thanks for the great recap

Lynne2--mmmmm, chocolate! If I didn't love it I'd be skinny. :(

wvgal dana--did our Belle really attack Trudy that violently that the marks on her head are wounds? I thought somebody speculated it was part of her dirtybird look? what the heck does this bird want, anyway? if she isn't a child of theirs and she isn't attacking Paddy, what does she want? Maybe she's sick????

wvgal_dana said...

Mema Jo I posted it on here at 11:01am what "Steve wrote"


Thanks for the welcome.:)Belle and Liberty are really having a tough time. I observe eagle nests near to where I live along the Mississippi River and on live eagle cams, but this occurrence is very difficult, especially since we are not sure if Liberty is still in the area. It looks as if Belle is caring for the eaglet on her own. I will be watching for better times for this dear eagle family and updates from you all. Thank You.

hedgie said...

If you want a break from nest, here's a video of Mai playing with her mama, and a short one under it of her playing with foster dad.

Mai is the light-colored doggie!

Mema Jo said...

Thanks Steve for the information and your thoughts. I know we can't help or interfer with nature. This has been an excellent
learning experience far beyond our expectations.

wvgal_dana said...

Hikerbikergram I want to thank you for join in here with us and you adding the video of Paddy O'Joy being fed. Like she is getting now. (

NatureNut said...

Good Morning All. Haven't read everything yet. This is the Lord's Day, pray that He will help.

Love Lolly's Stealth lessons. ESP. I have been picturing Lib zipping in when Trudy is away!

paula eagleholic said...

we don't see trudy on nctc grounds and we don't see lib

SkinDick said...

Mom is feeding eaglet right now.

Kathi2 said...

Paula, Trudy is gone right now? Belle appears to be looking anxiously to the right. Looks like she is sort of shielding Paddy...

Unknown said...

Hi all, I am also new here, and would first like to thank all those who have been able to report back from the site. I have been following this eagle cam daily since the eggs were laid, and have become very emotionally attached to the eagle family. I can't tell you how relieved I was to hear that Liberty is still alive and well. While I understand NCTC's policy of not interfering with nature, it breaks my heart that this little one may not survive, and so wish that something could be done to help. Based on what I've witnessed in this short period of time, Belle appears to be a devoted mother doing everything she can to provide for her eaglet, and Liberty seems to be doing everything he can to draw the intruder away from the nest. Yes, it's nature in the raw, and sad things like this happen all the time, but it's also very natural for humans like us to have compassion and feelings for these beautiful creatures. That's part of what makes us human. The eagle family will be in my prayers today. :)

paula eagleholic said...

We drove up near nctc entrance which is the direction that trudy flew off in but we can't see her there or anywhere at the moment

Kathi2 said...

Plowhandle, what cam are you watching? I see no feeding going on...anyone else????

wvgal_dana said...

@Paula thanks for that report. Hopefully Liberty will deliver some fish or some kind of food.

Mema Jo said...

Eyes to the skies, Paula

Donka Maria said...

I know this is a public forum, but why is it that you PLOWHANDLE feel a need to come to this blog and tell these devoted followers how to react and not to react. You obviously feel very superior hiding behind your computer. You need to find another hobby!!

SkinDick said...

I'm on the main camera and it is evident that the eaglet has gotten nourishment for the past 3 days or he'd be history - now wouldn't he ?!

wvgal_dana said...

heatherlar welcome ( : it is nice to have new people that come in an understand.

We as a group know that NCTC can do nothing to help the chick.

Now is Liberty or Belle was on the grounds injured they would call for a Rescue place.

BEagle said...

It is wrong to speculate the survival of this little eagle.

With what looks like the evacuation of the intruder, there should be no problem with the survival of the new chick.

SkinDick said...

" ?? "

BEagle said...

Belle has calmed down not that the intruder is gone.

aKuna Kumara said...

Thanks STEVE...great space you provide here...I've been following everyones worry this is a human trait. In the wild animals know how to compensate for survival if they are healthy enough to do so.
11:13 today BELL had something in her beak and fed it to the little one...No question there has been regular feeding going on yesterday and today as I watched.
ENJOY Them please, stop creating false fear from human perspective.
Respectfully From
A Life Long Country Girl who watches many wild ones first hand and Eagle cams.

wvgal_dana said...

Yep Mema Jo as Suzanne "Eyes to th skies". You are right Jo for Paula to keep her eyes peeled to the skies for Trudy.

Bird Girl said...

PLOWHANDLE: First, welcome to the blog! Belle has been observed offering the chick -something- but no fish or mammal or bird, in the whole, has been brought to the nest; the yolk sac would have nourished the eaglet the first day, day and half, and s/he is getting some kind of hyrdation, likely water from the beak.

Regarding our 'system' for visual identification: it's fairly simple actually, Belle has an uspide-down "V" in her collar, and Liberty doesn't. When they are in the nest together, size difference is enough if one cannot see her collar. These eagles are not banded for any study programs, so we do not have that form of ID for them. Our method of ID is no different than that used in field observations.

Speaking of ID, the issue of naming is an interesting one. We have an attachment to these eagles, from having watched them for so long, and whether we gave them "cutsie-pie" names such as Liberty and Belle, or we call them 2006M and 2006F, we will still be emotionally invested in what happens to them simply because we can SEE what happens to them. It's human nature to name things, but you certainly are not required to refer to the eagles by the appelations we chose many years ago, which of course are not "official" by any means. While it is the policy of wildlife management agencies not to "officially" name animals, ones that are used in public education programs tend to receive a name, and even animals simply being rehabilitated can sometimes be nicknamed due to some special quirk or characteristic or personality. It doesn't mean we think by naming them, we can influence Nature's way.

Animals involved in in-the-field studies are named, too, frequently. Radio-collared elephants, meerkats, lions, bears, you name it, if it's been studied, someone somewhere has named at least one animal.

We are very well aware that there will be no intervention at this nest, we have had scares and losses in the past, and we know that this same situation is being played out in hundreds of nests across North America. We know that the most intervention there will be will be simple observation on the ground to verify which eagles are actually at the nest. We might talk about leaving fish at the nest, or what have you, but none of us would actually do it, or have someone do it; we are simply emotionally invested, and sometimes emotions get the better of us, especially when there is danger. We're invested because we are humans who care about wildlife, not because we named them Liberty and Belle or Cutesy Wootsey or Eagle No. XJ45FG1.

I am a wild bird rehabilitator, and I've been part of this group since 2007. In the past, I've discussed with my friends here how difficult it is to be involved in this field and see Nature playing out, and yes my rescue group names our animals.

So, yes, we are keeping it real. We're really invested and involved. We love these eagles, we hope you will too.

wvgal_dana said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
hedgie said...

I didn't see that post from Steve when I came to the new thread. When did he put that on?

Hey, Jo and Glo......"stifle, Edith!!!"

Mema Jo said...

@Plowhandle - I can readily understand your feelings as you read this Blog - I am familiar with other Forums where it is bird talk only. I think it would be a good post at the beginning of this blog that we are emotionally concerned with the eagle couple we have been following since 2006 and we do personalize them and their offspring. We aren't scientist - just eagle watchers.
I wish you could overlook what you don't care for on this blog and stay with us - This is really a learning experience and no matter how emotional we sound we definitely would not do anyhing to interfer. We really are 'all talk' and our feelings do show.

glo said...

Beautifully said heatheriar Its hard time for our family and those who love then. They may be wild but they are alive and struggling to maintain and raise what is there.
Our big strong healthy intruder is a sign that some things are going right for our Bald Eagle as a whole as crummy as it is looking as we watch her do well and torment our pair and their young.

Storming here just as I had turned on the radio for Dex and told him I was leaving for church. He doesn't do storms alone either so here I sit. My neighbors Anniversary Dinner is in the oven so I have a little time to follow and blog again but I will be the first to admit. I am fighting running again today.

I know there must be something exciting happening here for some but for me its not excitement. Just supporting my friends as long as I can and praying for my eagles.

Lynne2 said...

Hi heatherlar! Welcome!

LOL! Just had a thought......maybe our very own precious BELLE was once a TRUDY HUSSY!!!

wvgal_dana said...

Hedgie-Lynn I watched the video of Mai twice. Now that is exactly what she needs. I loved her being able to get her engery out playing around like she needed too. Thanks and happy you put up the link to the video of Mai. ( : I know you have to be very happy watching it. Hugs Lady

Lolly said...

Heatherlar, welcome! And, your comment was very well stated!

Lynne, have I told you lately that I love youi? LOL You have given me a couple of good laughs this morning! Thank you!

Steve added that comment after a lot of us got on this thread. Yes, it looks like people are emailing him that are not on this blog. Hopefully, someone will let him know that fact. Good grief! If we do not joke about sling shotting fish into the nest, we would all be a bunch of grim folks.

New Susan....enjoy your trip by the nest and do hope someone else is still there. This is a wonderful group of eagle watchers.

glo said...

ummm hmmm you have facebook message from me.

Genie said...

Hey, if we were going to "interfere" with nature, some of us should go put a very large umbrella over the Decorah nest. Poor thing is drenched and all spread out trying to shelter her eggs.

Praying for favorable outcome for Lib and Belle and Paddy.

paula eagleholic said...

what is belle doing now all is quiet here

BEagle said...

Paula. Belle is alert but much calmer now.

Lynne2 said...

WOW, didn't see the comment from Steve either til now. UGH. Well, hopefully he'll realized it's not us.

Glad to make you laugh Lolly!!! We need a little levity here from time to time while this even plays out!

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3/12/25 PM 🐟

 12.56 PM Scout comes to the nest to relieve Bella of her incubation duties getting close guys. He does have a Talon load of bedding. He lan...