:( got Glo's video to play two and a half minute's worth, realized I wanted to hit the full screen...bad idea, it shut the video down...have to start all over now, but I KNOW it will be worth it... Morning Has Broken... one of my all-time favorite songs to go with the show!
I can just picture Paula at her beach house...lying on the couch, sound asleep and a book on the floor and an empty wine bottle on the coffee table. Sleep well, lucky lady;)
Can't seem to get Mai out of the 12% bracket. Don't know why voters have stopped voting. We were and are actualy voting Lynn and I feel like we are letting her down:(
MARGY hope your days off are fun and refreshing for you:)
Hope we get our Chicklet tomorrow! I can't remember the name we have settled on or IF we did. I still love the name BOO and how about HOO for chicklet #2. Paula came up with a name, but I can't recall it. Need to give my eyes and brain a rest.
WASHINGTON (AP) - The last American veteran of World War One will be buried tomorrow at Arlington National Cemetery. Frank Buckles will receive full military honors. He died last month at his home in West Virginia at the age of 110.
Hi Lori:) I saw both eggs before he arrived. Both looked intact, didn't see anything unusual. Today's nest weather-Mostly cloudy this morning...then becoming mostly sunny. Highs in the upper 40s. North winds 5 to 10 mph.
Oh getting close ladies!!! I won't have LIVE cam at work and it's going to be hard, but I'll be checking STILL and reading blog to try and stay n the loop.
Good morning everyone. Slept a little better last night. This cold has worn me out for sure. Off to coffee and dog treats soon. Sure hoping they zoom our cam in and just leave it zoomed til we get that hatch. MTBR on that one I guess. Eyes to the nest :-)
Paula, that sounds sooooo nice. Hi Glo! Hope you are feeling better today and thanks for the awesome Norfolk video. Love the arrangement and music. Great!
OK, I think we'll have a hatch tomorrow. What do ya think, Paula? Tuesday afternoon is my uneducated guess. hahaha
I have six deer who make my yard their morning adventure route. Eating and playing. I got to see them this morning. Two mommas, two babies and two tweens. So cool to watch.
Speaking of which, I heard and saw my first Robin singing it's "come be my wife" song this morning!
I think if we get a hatch of the second egg on Thursday, it should have an IRISH name! (St Paddy's Day Thursday). I have to work today, but maybe will catch a look or two. My gut says that Boo will hatch tomorrow, and after 4, I have no computer access (babysitting...no computer in the house!)
Hi Lynn, hope all goes well with Mai's spay today! And take advantage with a nap or 2....I really don't think the hatch will be today. And if it is, someone can call you!
I'm a bit fuzzy but I think Paula wanted Joy instead of Boo. Is that right, Paula Beach-girl??? Paddy would be good for an eaglet hatched on St. Pat's day!
Okay....hold down the fort....don't let anything happen while I'm gone.
Hi Lynn and Lynne. Goodluck w Mai's procedure today. Bet she's hungry.
My deer babies have lost their spots and are very active fence jumping babies. They get on their back legs and play, pawing their feet like they are fighting, but really playing.
Joy is a great name and one of my favorite words! Maybe the second egg should be called JOY since we haven't had two eggs in the last two hatches. Or we could call #2 Two-Two or tutu hoping she is a girl!
Paddy would be a great name for either girl or boy eaglet. Thursday is very likely for second hatch.
Friay is my second anniversary and Grey and I are thinking about doing a Sheptown visit to celebrate. Will be checking for hotel/cabin reservations today and looking for a dinner spot, too.
Watching the Japan coverage is beyond belief. The looks of the faces of the folks walking away from their EVERYTHING tell the story. So incredibly sad, unfathomable.......
BW posted this info: We have a national wildlife refuge north of Hawaii called Midway Atoll NWR, where thousands of seabirds nest this time of year. We've been worried about the impact of the tsunami on the local wildlife, and the blog "Pete at Midway" has just posted photos and an update on the staff and volunteers helping to dig out the birds. So glad that folks are there to help.
Here's a link to a blog with info and pics of the outcome:
No email notice that Mai advanced, so guess we are out. Last night did not look to be in our favor....she was 5th....so guess it is over for us! THANKS to all who voted so faithfully for 2 weeks!!!!
Thanks, Wanda, Mema Jo. I thought I had read hatching should come about now, but either the info made no stops on its trip through the ear canals, or I may be entering the era of 'senior moments.' Hate to rush anything that good though.
Check out the two Pandas at Atlanta. I'm going to go out and get me hammock like that.
Jo, I've been wondering about little Sophia and how she is doing now. I guess she has long gotten over the trauma of the dog bite, I certainly hope so. How is her scar looking now? Need an updated photo of baby...Marshall...is it? What a sweet family Melissa has. I miss seeing photos of your family.
Lynn, thinking of Mai today and you! Hope all goes well and you get to nap. Went to vote last night, as my time to vote had slipped to late night and it was already over. Grrr!
Wanda, I do not think folks stopped voting for Mai, just more were voting for the others. JMHO
In the 40's here today as a front came through. The predicted rain did not happen. Boy do we need it!Not going to work outside today.
'Whichever' IS half tenting... However, there are no fresh fish near the nest, which Lib usually deposits when it 'sounds like' a new chick is about to show.
Wish I could find a nest like Phoebe's to add to my NEST collection. I have never seen a humming bird nest in the wild, they are very elusive around these parts! Made of moss, thistle down, saliva and I can't remember what else, just so dainty.
Lolly, maybe our forecasted rain will miss us, too! Supposed to start late tomorrow into Weds. Yuck! Thanks for your encouraging words and wishes. Sorry to say that I have really looked forward to today!! And tonight and tomorrow morning!!!! Nice little respite for this sickie!
Wanda - all of Melissa's children are doing very well. Sophia's scar is slowly diminishing. She was encouraged by her mom and dad and all other family members to talk about her incident with Max - that helped her to heal inside. Marcus is 6 mo old and everyone swears he said 'tractor' which is what his brother got for his 2 yr b-day. I think his dad got a video - not sure. Of course it was not perfectly pronounced!
Sorry you are still feeling sick. Knock on wood....I have not had a cold or bad allergies (sinus infection) in several years. Used to get sinus infections and a cough all the time...no more!
Whoa...forgot to tell you last night of our Soup Kitchen gift! If you will recall, we need a refrigerator and freezer to hold all the goodies that we are getting from the Food Bank...Well, we had a side-by-side refrigerator donated to us yesterday!! ASK AND YE SHALL RECEIVE:) Just in time for our April Food Bank order. I ordered 100 lbs. of meat, 20 pounds of dairy and 20 pounds of produce among other things.
Laurel is dog sitting until Wed. She has the cutest little dog. She sent me pictures. The last picture she sent was last night of Joseph's bed. Both Joseph and the dog were sound asleep on the bed, the dog belly up. It was so cute!
LOL One picture was of the dog on the sofa. I asked about that. She admitted to spoiling the dog. Bosco is bent out of shape she said, tolerating the dog but spending more time in the back yard. LOL Poor Issabelle, the cat, has gone into hiding.
Marcus...I was close;) I believe babies say words long before we recognize it. Like Jayden with his EAGLE...wasn't perfect, but I do believe that is what he said. He doesn't say much, just spouts out sentences, like you may have heard in some of my videos...always sounds the same, whatever it is:) He does call Karla Maw-Maw...doesn't call the rest of us anything.
I hope we hear from Judie soon ! Not only to hear how she is doing, but, she had trouble getting live feed to open awhile back...I need to know what she did to accomplish that !!
Good Morning to you, too Wanda! I was up late trying to figure out some things to improve things here on the computer, and getting some packages ready to mail out. Exciting life, huh ? LOL ☺
Wanda, Hummers use a lot of cobwebs to hold everything together, and they use grasses and other materials. They'll even use a little material from man's activities around the area.
Wanda, that is just fantastic about the refrigerator. You know you are doing the right thing even if you fed only one person.
Laurel has a freezer in her garage, avacado green. Guess that tells you how old it is. She bought in for $20 from a neighbor and it keeps going and going. She now has Faye's refrigerator in her garage and really does not need the freezer bu guesses she will keep it.
Yes, Margy...one side is a freezer. Just like my new fridge only it is white and mine is Stainless Steel. I prefer the white for the Soup Kitchen. It will be easier to clean. Stainless, in a BUSY kitchen with a handful of workers getting in and out of it, can be a bit difficult to clean. It takes a lot of elbow grease to clean mine, but I love the looks of it...worth the extra work.
Lolly, I was going to DELETE the remarks about Paula, for fear I might have offended her...I didn't mean to imply anything, other than she was relaxed and at peace with the world!
Good Morning (yep) I made it before noon. Hope all our Momsters and Dadsters have a good day.
I thought there was a picture of Paula on the sofa with the bottle beside her. Just can't find it must be in my mind lol
Yes I agree I have always thought when Paula showed us the picture of the beach house. When she showed the trees I thought too nice place to hang a hammock.
LOL...Lolly, my old fridge and stove was avocado also. I never tired of that color...would have gotten the new ones in that color, but not available now. My Kitchen is shades of green and beige and those appliances looked perfect.
Good Morning, Gang! Dragging in a bit late today. Fell asleep in front of the TV with Emma last night. Had gotten LOTS of homework done, but my eyes were bleary and my brain refused to go on! Even Emma slept in late this morning. It's supposed to get to about 72 here today. Looking forward to that!
Praying that Mai will recover quickly from the spay surgery, and that Lynn will take full advantage of her time alone! Sleep on, O tired one!
STILL have a huge boatload of transcription to do, but will keep the sound from the live cam on, so I can hurry back if I hear any commotion!
Watched the early news today--cannot believe the destruction and chaos in Japan! My heart is just breaking for those people. Praying that the damage to the nuclear facilities doesn't get any worse than it already is!
Well, better get busy. Will check in later during coffee breaks and lunch! Have a good day, everyone! :o]
JIM, I think I have heard that the hummers build their nests high in the evergreens around here. I may get my ladder out and go looking (when I get my NEW KNEE) Don't know when that will happen, but I guess that time is up to a Higher Power.
I have some videos in my Flip-Video that I haven't processed yet (from Friday) Going to do that and get some Brunch. Capt. Gene must be hungry by now:) BBL
Wanda I once kept watching where a hummer was going to from the feeder. Went and checked the maple tree. Kept watching over and over. Then going and checking the maple tree. Bingo I found that tiny little nest. Blow me away how little it was. That was years ago when daughter was about 7. So that would be 22 yrs ago. I was so happy though I found it. Oh no didn't bother it ( :
Lolly when watching the feeder pick just one hummer. Watch where it goes. If you can't till with that hummer pick another until you get one that you can see which tree it flys too. Then keep watching that one fly from the tree to and from the feeder. Pin point area on tree. It takes patience and awhile of watching just that one.
Sad news from 3 hours ago. Officials said 1,000 bodies washed up scattered across the coastline in Japan. Making more than 10,000 people ar estimated to have died.
Yes Jo, I think you could be right...I sure would like to catch a shot of that when it whizzes by !
Thanks Lolly, appreciate the sentiment....and I have had offers of help from others too ♥ I just need to take or GET the time to deal with it... this is just poor timing right now to be getting hung up !
If I hear that Eco Boost commercial on live feed one more time I might get the rubber mallet out LOL !!
Watch out Margy! If your computer see you coming with a rubber mallet, it might dial 911!☺
I am now off to walk. Now back down to what I weighed before Friday night's dinner. LOL Four more weeks and I should be down where I want and then the problem of keeping it there!
I am watching our cam but I think there will not be a hatching until late tomorrow. See no signs that eagle on nest is hearing anything. NBG kept looking down! Also, like someone said, no fish delivery.
Oh, we are going to Dallas tomorrow afternoon to babysit. Not going until about 4:30 our time. You might know!! Grrrrr! But, I am so excited about being with Zacharoo!!
Laurel and then boys are coming Wed afternoon and be here until Friday afternoon. Think we are taking the boys to the Fort Worth nature center and do some hiking. That should be fun!
Ok, just got a quick glimpse of the eggs. Do not really want to do a false alarm, but I THINK I saw a pip. Anyone else? Could have been just grass. Eagle has really been pulling in the flugg/
Watched one of our hawks yesterday. It had landed in one of our trees. It took off, and was circling above us. Told Jack, "I wanna do that!" If I could, I would head your way. LOL You all have a wonderful time Friday!
That Jimmy Crab thing and an Irish Coffee...would be the ticket at Rumsey Tavern, but more so, a chance to meet another Momster, and schmooze with ones I already know
Margy, if you get that Irish Coffee, watch out for Wanda! You know, she has been known to sneak some! Why I think we even have proof...a pic of her sipping away!
Lolly, I'll be glad when I get my new glasses....I first read your comment as "egg whites" instead of white eggs!!!!! Maybe I didn't eat enough lunch!!
Hi Everyone! Be checking nest in and out today. Guess no one has seen a pip. Glad to hear Paula has water!!Gosh, I bet there is a lot to do for her. But hope she enjoys it. I will also probably be trying to call Peggy today. Got a window that popped up when I tried the 1/2dead Photoshop. Adobe detected a CRASH!!! and wanted info. I told them!!(It works on Fubby's side!) New stuff shouldn't have problems! AARRGGHH I'll step down from the soap box now & see ya later ☺
I sent Randy an email about the zoom. He probably knows who to tell to do it since apparently Steve isn't available. He's usually pretty good about checking/responding to emails!!! Here's hoping!!
oh by the way, I MADE Wanda try that Irish Coffee.... that's the truth!
☺ I don't drink much...and the Jimmy Crab thing should take care of my driving safety! Maybe I will have TWO of that dish also
Loretta... so long as your live feed works....that is most important this week I would say
okay, time to make that beautiful trip over Park's Gap to Tomahawk then to Rt 9 then to Berkeley Springs! Maybe I will see the Eagle that Jo's son or was it grandson was seeing there last year
I am sitting here chortling to myself!!! I did something that I maybe shouldn't have done, but I did it anyway and I'm glad I did!! A friend sent out the email from last year of that beautiful presidential painting. She forewarned the people on her list that if they were in Obama's political corner, not to listen to the audio, but to just appreciate the artwork. Well, one of her friends sent a very nasty pro-O email to everyone!! So I responded to whoeover this person is that she should NOT send a diatribe like that to anybody but the person who sent her the email that offended her!
Home form errands. Need to fix some lunch. I was so hoping to see our cam zoomed. I sort of think we would be better off not knowing e had that option. BUT we do know and its such a very crucial week IF you are one who loves to watch those eaglets enter the world. I surely hope someone hears and responds!!!! OK off to fix some lunch.
Lynn -- love what u did w the O email. Hehehe. "reply to all" just isn't always the right thing. Thanks for asking around and getting a head count for Frday.
I'm at work and have to blog from Iphone which is pretty obvious I'm not "working" but you gals r crackn me up.
Looking forward to seeing some eagle lovin faces this wkend, including Lolly's spirit. Hehe
Thanks Dana for the new owl site - I think it will be good. Most of the UStream cams are well maintained.
Lynn - When Steve answered my email he didn't give me anyone's name - just the IT Team for the zoom. I also suggested that if it where possible to set the automatic blog to refresh daily as the blogs were going to get pretty high in number of comments with our hatching.
Transformer crashed in the neighborhood Sat. night so no electricity = no computer.
Yesterday was busy with watching the NBG eaglet, thank you Glo for the video, and trying to begin grading papers and figuring out who did/did not actually plagiarize = nightmare.
This a.m. had dentist. Overdo because couldn't get there. No problems but teeth sure feel better. Then to Kohl's to find a safety mat for the tub.
Glad Paula had a nice time at the B____.
Happy to know Mai did well with the surgery but so sorry she didn't make the final cut. I did vote every night.
Okay, need to check out some cams. Then on to dinner to try a new spicy chicken tender recipe. Will report later.
So happy that Susan wants to dine with us Friday. Lynn, didn't know if I should ask the Capt. to join us or not. I guess Grey would be glad to have another male present:) JUDIE, why don't you and Frank join us. You need a little overnigher! And all of you within driving distance...come...you know how much fun we have!:)
Good to see everyone on her today. I miss any of you when you aren't here
If you 'think' you see a pip but are unsure if it is perhaps fluff or a stick: At this time of the hatching game it is probably going to turn out to be the pip....so speak up and we'll all start looking at the same spot.
Oh, yes, all are welcome to come...just figured it might be a bit difficult for travelers to make late arrangements! Wanda, most defintely bring Gene! We know he loves being outnumbered by us gals!
Oops...got side-tracked......sunroom temp is 90°----had to air out a bit. It's only 48 outside! Think I need to change into a t-shirt!!
Judie, sorry about your electric. Golly, what was the problem this time?? Sure don't remember having so many outages in my days there! It's worse than here!! Hope you are feeling GREAT!!! And glad that you are back with us!
Susan, you probably won't be able to see the center on a weekend. :( But surely hope they will let you drive through the campus if they let you come see the nest! It is a beautiful site. DON'T FORGET YOUR CAMERA!!!
«Oldest ‹Older 201 – 400 of 417 Newer› Newest»:(
got Glo's video to play two and a half minute's worth, realized I wanted to hit the full screen...bad idea, it shut the video down...have to start all over now, but I KNOW it will be worth it...
Morning Has Broken... one of my all-time favorite songs to go with the show!
will try it again early in the morning
Good Night, Again...
It is very late for me. DST messes me up until fall. Coming off DST is fun!
Prayers for you...........♥
I really like the song Morning Has Broken especially when Cat Stevens sang it.
BBL :)
The White Rock eagle is stitting on the nest. Maybe she is doing her thang.
PPS. White Rock eagle now has an egg!
I can just picture Paula at her beach house...lying on the couch, sound asleep and a book on the floor and an empty wine bottle on the coffee table. Sleep well, lucky lady;)
Can't seem to get Mai out of the 12% bracket. Don't know why voters have stopped voting. We were and are actualy voting Lynn and I feel like we are letting her down:(
MARGY hope your days off are fun and refreshing for you:)
Hope we get our Chicklet tomorrow!
I can't remember the name we have settled on or IF we did.
I still love the name BOO and how about HOO for chicklet #2. Paula came up with a name, but I can't recall it.
Need to give my eyes and brain a rest.
Good Morning Eaglet MOMsters!
Will today be the day we become Momsters again? I hope so! Yeeeehah!
The big moon (how's that for scientific?) is giving us more light at the nest this early morning.
Momma Belle better get her rest now, because the eaglets are coming!
Wish I could get a good view of the eggs, but that won't happen for another four hours! UGH!!!
Belle must be settling in. She just turned her head around and tucked her head between her wings.
Sleep well pretty mama.
Belle is wide awake looking at the night creatures - I guess.
I'm guessing we'll have enough light in about 2 1/2 hours.
WASHINGTON (AP) - The last American veteran of World War One
will be buried tomorrow at Arlington National Cemetery. Frank
Buckles will receive full military honors. He died last month at
his home in West Virginia at the age of 110.
Belle has her head down in the egg cup - she is sitting on the nest.
Rolling the eggs?
She has backed nearly out of the nest and is really going at something in the nest cup.
Belle is still very alert, awake and looking around.
About 45 minutes and it should be light enough to see anything significant in the nest!
Belle has her wings split so you can see the white all the way up her back.
I wonder if she is using her wings to cover the top of the nest cup. Or give an eaglet room to pop out of its egg???? :)
Belle just called out and flew out of the nest. Lib just flew in
Hi Megan.
I couldn't see anything with the eggs, could you?
Lib didn't want us to see and the camera was doing some slow-mo stuff.
Hi Lori:)
I saw both eggs before he arrived. Both looked intact, didn't see anything unusual.
Today's nest weather-Mostly cloudy this morning...then becoming mostly sunny. Highs in the upper 40s. North winds 5 to 10 mph.
Good morning Lori and Megan.
Seeing Glo's wonderful vid from Norfolk just makes me even more eggcited for our own eaglet to hatch.
Still looks like two eggs and Belle is working on them. wiggle wigglw
Lib just finished inspecting and rolling the eggs.
Apparently he's pleased since he has done his wiggle wiggle and now he's adjusing and fussing with the fluffy stuff - trying to puff it up.
Hi Susan!
It is sooooo super exciting I can't stand it. Gotta wipe this smile off my face. :))
Should have read first. Switch already and is this Lb? Sure looks like Belle.
Oh getting close ladies!!! I won't have LIVE cam at work and it's going to be hard, but I'll be checking STILL and reading blog to try and stay n the loop.
Man, I can't wait to retire!!!
Shower time for me. Be back in a couple minutes.
My retirement is a ways off, but I still can't wait Susan!
Oh Lori, my retirement is a few yrs off, too, but a girl can dream. lol
Good morning everyone. Slept a little better last night. This cold has worn me out for sure. Off to coffee and dog treats soon. Sure hoping they zoom our cam in and just leave it zoomed til we get that hatch. MTBR on that one I guess. Eyes to the nest :-)
Good morning. Here to report that. I slept great the first night here and the sunrise here is just as awesome as the sunset.
Paula, that sounds sooooo nice. Hi Glo! Hope you are feeling better today and thanks for the awesome Norfolk video. Love the arrangement and music. Great!
OK, I think we'll have a hatch tomorrow. What do ya think, Paula? Tuesday afternoon is my uneducated guess. hahaha
I have six deer who make my yard their morning adventure route. Eating and playing. I got to see them this morning. Two mommas, two babies and two tweens. So cool to watch.
Good Morning early birds!
Speaking of which, I heard and saw my first Robin singing it's "come be my wife" song this morning!
I think if we get a hatch of the second egg on Thursday, it should have an IRISH name! (St Paddy's Day Thursday). I have to work today, but maybe will catch a look or two. My gut says that Boo will hatch tomorrow, and after 4, I have no computer access (babysitting...no computer in the house!)
Good Monday morning!
All appears to be quiet in the nest.
Getting ready to take Mai in for her spaying.
Paula, :P to you. LOL!!!!! Just kidding....jealous cause I am not at the beach!
Susan, are your baby deer like spotted new babies??
Glo, glad you slept well last night.
Megan and Lori, thanks for the eagle and weather reports!
Hi Lynn, hope all goes well with Mai's spay today! And take advantage with a nap or 2....I really don't think the hatch will be today. And if it is, someone can call you!
I hope your gut is right Lynne - it could be like a "C" section, just schedule it.
PAULA - are you moving to the beach?
My pleasure to have Belle and Lib as my morning coffee partners. I just wish we had better infrared.
What would a good/great/better camera cost to donate to the nest?
I'm a bit fuzzy but I think Paula wanted Joy instead of Boo. Is that right, Paula Beach-girl???
Paddy would be good for an eaglet hatched on St. Pat's day!
Okay....hold down the fort....don't let anything happen while I'm gone.
Kisses and luvins to Mai for her spay day.
Hi Lynn and Lynne. Goodluck w Mai's procedure today. Bet she's hungry.
My deer babies have lost their spots and are very active fence jumping babies. They get on their back legs and play, pawing their feet like they are fighting, but really playing.
well, I am just basing my humble opinion on the lack of fish so far brought in. LOL! Watch me be wrong......UGH!
oh yeah....Joy rings a bell.
Lori, no idea about cost for a camera. but Cha CHING cha CHING I'm sure!
aw Susan, how cute! Can you get some pictures of them?
Oh my, I have to get my carcass in gear for work.....have a good day all!
Lynne - good point, forgot about that.
We'll wait for the WUSHI! lol
Joy is a great name and one of my favorite words!
Maybe the second egg should be called JOY since we haven't had two eggs in the last two hatches. Or we could call #2 Two-Two or tutu hoping she is a girl!
Paddy would be a great name for either girl or boy eaglet. Thursday is very likely for second hatch.
Friay is my second anniversary and Grey and I are thinking about doing a Sheptown visit to celebrate. Will be checking for hotel/cabin reservations today and looking for a dinner spot, too.
I like Joy...I think tomolrrow for the hatch perhaps. Lynn hope all goes well with Mai's spaying today
Lori I sure wish I could move here! Maybe someday
Susan the deer sound so cute
Awful news from Japan, heard it on the radio this morning
Watching the Japan coverage is beyond belief. The looks of the faces of the folks walking away from their EVERYTHING tell the story. So incredibly sad, unfathomable.......
That sounds like a great anniversary date/trip, Susan.
In the words of Arnold, "I'll be back."
Thanks Lori! I think so too. :-)
Everyone must have gone off to work.
Time for me to move along too.
Mai, I hope your Mommy gives you special treats when you get home.
Just waiting now. The thought of two eaglets this year is sooo eggciting!
A wonderful day is wished for all Momsters!
BW posted this info: We have a national wildlife refuge north of Hawaii called Midway Atoll NWR, where thousands of seabirds nest this time of year. We've been worried about the impact of the tsunami on the local wildlife, and the blog "Pete at Midway" has just posted photos and an update on the staff and volunteers helping to dig out the birds. So glad that folks are there to help.
Here's a link to a blog with info and pics of the outcome:
Midway/Eastern tsunami news
Thankfully, they DO keep the dogs overnight!! So I am completely alone for 24 hrs. Yep---I see naps on the horizon!
From Nat'l. Wildlife Fed:
Happy National Wildlife Week! We're featuring "Wildlife That Move Us" this week, with today being wildlife that FLY.
Lynn - when you return explain to us if you have heard anything about the voting for Mai.
No email notice that Mai advanced, so guess we are out. Last night did not look to be in our favor....she was 5th....so guess it is over for us!
THANKS to all who voted so faithfully for 2 weeks!!!!
Hi Lynn and Jo -
Just checking in before I hit the road.
Blessings to both of you and prayers for a nap for Lynn. :)
GooD MorninG, aLL.
Weather is pretty fair in So Cal today...low 50's now, but it should hit the mid 70's by day's end.
Any word on hatching in our nest?? Can't recall the approximate dates on ours.
C(°ٿ°)D Jim
43° here in Nestville, going up to a sunny 52°.
Jim, should have a hatch today or tomorrow and another Thursday or Friday, if not before.
Hello Jim! 1st egg hatching dates of
3/13 - 3/15
2nd egg hatching dates of
3/16 - 3/18
Phoebe's second nest seems to be neater and better made, and both her chicks seem to be healthy and growing quickly.
C(°ٿ°)D Jim
Thanks, Wanda, Mema Jo. I thought I had read hatching should come about now, but either the info made no stops on its trip through the ear canals, or I may be entering the era of 'senior moments.' Hate to rush anything that good though.
Check out the two Pandas at Atlanta. I'm going to go out and get me hammock like that.
C(°ٿ°)D Jim
Jo, I've been wondering about little Sophia and how she is doing now. I guess she has long gotten over the trauma of the dog bite, I certainly hope so. How is her scar looking now? Need an updated photo of baby...Marshall...is it?
What a sweet family Melissa has. I miss seeing photos of your family.
Good morning!
Lynn, thinking of Mai today and you! Hope all goes well and you get to nap. Went to vote last night, as my time to vote had slipped to late night and it was already over. Grrr!
Wanda, I do not think folks stopped voting for Mai, just more were voting for the others. JMHO
In the 40's here today as a front came through. The predicted rain did not happen. Boy do we need it!Not going to work outside today.
Jim, a hammock sounds like a super idea!!!! That's what Paula needs for the beach, too!!!
Belle is not giving any indication of action underneath her, but she is a bit fluffed out.....may just be because of the wind.
Hahaha. I thought it was Liberty this morning.
'Whichever' IS half tenting...
However, there are no fresh fish near the nest, which Lib usually deposits when it 'sounds like' a new chick is about to show.
C(°ٿ°)D Jim
Wish I could find a nest like Phoebe's to add to my NEST collection. I have never seen a humming bird nest in the wild, they are very elusive around these parts! Made of moss, thistle down, saliva and I can't remember what else, just so dainty.
Lolly, maybe our forecasted rain will miss us, too! Supposed to start late tomorrow into Weds. Yuck!
Thanks for your encouraging words and wishes. Sorry to say that I have really looked forward to today!! And tonight and tomorrow morning!!!! Nice little respite for this sickie!
Wanda - all of Melissa's children are doing very well. Sophia's scar is slowly diminishing. She was encouraged by her mom and dad and all other family members to talk about her incident with Max - that helped her to heal inside.
Marcus is 6 mo old and everyone swears he said 'tractor' which is what his brother got for his 2 yr b-day. I think his dad got a video - not sure. Of course it was not perfectly pronounced!
Sorry you are still feeling sick. Knock on wood....I have not had a cold or bad allergies (sinus infection) in several years. Used to get sinus infections and a cough all the time...no more!
Persistant little bird singing away at the nest!
Whoa...forgot to tell you last night of our Soup Kitchen gift!
If you will recall, we need a refrigerator and freezer to hold all the goodies that we are getting from the Food Bank...Well, we had a side-by-side refrigerator donated to us yesterday!! ASK AND YE SHALL RECEIVE:)
Just in time for our April Food Bank order. I ordered 100 lbs. of meat, 20 pounds of dairy and 20 pounds of produce among other things.
Morning again...just checking to see what kind of action we have had at our nest...sounds quiet. Are y'all watching nbg today?
Hurray. I now have water. Breezy and cool here today
NBG: do you think we might have another hatching today?
11:06 Congowings: It is possible - but seeing the eggs right now - highly doubtful.
Wanda - isn't it wonderful when things happen and you know who helped it along
Yeah, Paula - having a summer home I know the feeling - You can now Flush
Very happy you don't have any leaks!
Laurel is dog sitting until Wed. She has the cutest little dog. She sent me pictures. The last picture she sent was last night of Joseph's bed. Both Joseph and the dog were sound asleep on the bed, the dog belly up. It was so cute!
LOL One picture was of the dog on the sofa. I asked about that. She admitted to spoiling the dog. Bosco is bent out of shape she said, tolerating the dog but spending more time in the back yard. LOL Poor Issabelle, the cat, has gone into hiding.
Marcus...I was close;) I believe babies say words long before we recognize it. Like Jayden with his EAGLE...wasn't perfect, but I do believe that is what he said. He doesn't say much, just spouts out sentences, like you may have heard in some of my videos...always sounds the same, whatever it is:)
He does call Karla Maw-Maw...doesn't call the rest of us anything.
Good Morning Eagle Pals
Computer here still more than half asleep !
Paula - sounds like a great two-day stay at your beach roost !
Wanda! That is fantastic, about the side-by-side...is one side freezer?
Yeah, Jo...that First Flush is something to Hoot and Holler about ! ☺
Been there...done that, but not at the Beach !
The new Pet voting is up - Our remarkable little gal, Mai didn't make it on line but sure has made it into our hearts. ♥
I hope we hear from Judie soon !
Not only to hear how she is doing, but, she had trouble getting live feed to open awhile back...I need to know what she did to accomplish that !!
Yea! Paula can flush and bathe!
LOL Liked the picture that was painted of Paula, on the sofa asleep, open book on her chest, and an empty wine bottle near by.
I have a spinning arronw on the big truck pulling a log on the live site...
AAARGH ! and Double Woof !!
this is really getting old
maybe when we get a new thread we will also get a ZOOM !
Yes, Jo...we know who prompted the giver of the fridge. It also reaffirms me that we are doing what HE wants us to do!
Good Morning, Margy:) Bout time you got up!
Good Morning to you, too Wanda!
I was up late trying to figure out some things to improve things here on the computer, and getting some packages ready to mail out.
Exciting life, huh ? LOL ☺
I just adore that avatar of Jayden!
I am very interested in those deep tracks on the frozen water at Finland and wish I could see whatever does that, whizz past one time
Wanda, Hummers use a lot of cobwebs to hold everything together, and they use grasses and other materials. They'll even use a little material from man's activities around the area.
C(°ٿ°)D Jim
Wanda, that is just fantastic about the refrigerator. You know you are doing the right thing even if you fed only one person.
Laurel has a freezer in her garage, avacado green. Guess that tells you how old it is. She bought in for $20 from a neighbor and it keeps going and going. She now has Faye's refrigerator in her garage and really does not need the freezer bu guesses she will keep it.
Yes, Margy...one side is a freezer. Just like my new fridge only it is white and mine is Stainless Steel. I prefer the white for the Soup Kitchen. It will be easier to clean. Stainless, in a BUSY kitchen with a handful of workers getting in and out of it, can be a bit difficult to clean. It takes a lot of elbow grease to clean mine, but I love the looks of it...worth the extra work.
Lolly, I was going to DELETE the remarks about Paula, for fear I might have offended her...I didn't mean to imply anything, other than she was relaxed and at peace with the world!
I have seen a couple of hummer nests in the wild, but it was always by chance. Never found one when I was actually hunting for one.
C(°ٿ°)D Jim
Good Morning (yep) I made it before noon. Hope all our Momsters and Dadsters have a good day.
I thought there was a picture of Paula on the sofa with the bottle beside her. Just can't find it must be in my mind lol
Yes I agree I have always thought when Paula showed us the picture of the beach house. When she showed the trees I thought too nice place to hang a hammock.
LOL...Lolly, my old fridge and stove was avocado also. I never tired of that color...would have gotten the new ones in that color, but not available now. My Kitchen is shades of green and beige and those appliances looked perfect.
I know that, Wanda and I am sure Paula does as well.
She probably laughed as I did.
Good Morning, Gang!
Dragging in a bit late today. Fell asleep in front of the TV with Emma last night. Had gotten LOTS of homework done, but my eyes were bleary and my brain refused to go on!
Even Emma slept in late this morning.
It's supposed to get to about 72 here today. Looking forward to that!
Praying that Mai will recover quickly from the spay surgery, and that Lynn will take full advantage of her time alone! Sleep on, O tired one!
STILL have a huge boatload of transcription to do, but will keep the sound from the live cam on, so I can hurry back if I hear any commotion!
Watched the early news today--cannot believe the destruction and chaos in Japan! My heart is just breaking for those people. Praying that the damage to the nuclear facilities doesn't get any worse than it already is!
Well, better get busy. Will check in later during coffee breaks and lunch!
Have a good day, everyone! :o]
I had a brown refrigator and stove at the old house in Hedgesville..
they worked great and I miss them, AND the old house :(
Good Morning Dana
Again, Wanda...that is just truly Blessed...God Bless the Kind Soul who stepped up to the plate ♥
Seen the pictures on the NBG of the first feeding awwwww
Our eagle is moving position and picking and pulling in fluff; with a wiggle, now a turn and wiggle wiggle down we go.
Got a glimpse of two eggs! Did not see anything!
we're going to 300 and I wish me and my compuer could get a Poop Shoot facial !!
JIM, I think I have heard that the hummers build their nests high in the evergreens around here. I may get my ladder out and go looking (when I get my NEW KNEE) Don't know when that will happen, but I guess that time is up to a Higher Power.
but I would have missed it !
I hear the children on the playground.
I have searched for hummer nests around here. Guess my eyes are not good enough to spot one. April 1 I put out my feeder!!!☺
First thing I will do, when I win the lottery, is get you a new computer Margy!!!
I have some videos in my Flip-Video that I haven't processed yet (from Friday) Going to do that and get some Brunch. Capt. Gene must be hungry by now:) BBL
Wanda I once kept watching where a hummer was going to from the feeder. Went and checked the maple tree. Kept watching over and over. Then going and checking the maple tree. Bingo I found that tiny little nest. Blow me away how little it was. That was years ago when daughter was about 7. So that would be 22 yrs ago. I was so happy though I found it. Oh no didn't bother it ( :
Mai did NOT make the cut.....but THANKS to you all for getting her as far as she was!!!!!
Margy The tracks to the left of the nest on Finney? I would guess that
it was one of the snowmobiles even
though this high up it looks narrow.
Lolly when watching the feeder pick just one hummer. Watch where it goes. If you can't till with that hummer pick another until you get one that you can see which tree it flys too. Then keep watching that one fly from the tree to and from the feeder. Pin point area on tree. It takes patience and awhile of watching just that one.
Sad news from 3 hours ago. Officials said 1,000 bodies washed up scattered across the coastline in Japan. Making more than 10,000 people ar estimated to have died.
Yes Jo, I think you could be right...I sure would like to catch a shot of that when it whizzes by !
Thanks Lolly, appreciate the sentiment....and I have had offers of help from others too ♥
I just need to take or GET the time to deal with it...
this is just poor timing right now to be getting hung up !
If I hear that Eco Boost commercial on live feed one more time I might get the rubber mallet out
LOL !!
By the way Megan
Thanks for the Weather Report for today....sounds good to me !
And good for hatching !!
going to disappear and try to fuss with this dinosaur for awhile
ttfn xoxox
Taking a break
Need some Street clothes
Watch out Margy! If your computer see you coming with a rubber mallet, it might dial 911!☺
I am now off to walk. Now back down to what I weighed before Friday night's dinner. LOL Four more weeks and I should be down where I want and then the problem of keeping it there!
I am watching our cam but I think there will not be a hatching until late tomorrow. See no signs that eagle on nest is hearing anything. NBG kept looking down! Also, like someone said, no fish delivery.
Oh, we are going to Dallas tomorrow afternoon to babysit. Not going until about 4:30 our time. You might know!! Grrrrr! But, I am so excited about being with Zacharoo!!
Laurel and then boys are coming Wed afternoon and be here until Friday afternoon. Think we are taking the boys to the Fort Worth nature center and do some hiking. That should be fun!
Ok, just got a quick glimpse of the eggs. Do not really want to do a false alarm, but I THINK I saw a pip. Anyone else? Could have been just grass. Eagle has really been pulling in the flugg/
Mema Jo You mention in comment today 11:08 "Congowings". Jo or anyone is there a site?
Margy, so sorry about your puter problems.....wish I had suggestions to offer.
Wanda, so glad you all were blessed with the fridge/freezer at church!
Paula....to be on the safe side.....turn water OFF before you leave!!!!!
Just had a switch in the nest.
WV Susan is coming to S'town for the weekend to celebrate her 2nd anniversary. She would love to meet for dinner Friday night! Who's in???
Where are they meeting for Friday Dinner?
I think Conowingo comments on the other site, Dana.
That hasn't been decided yet, Dana.
I can make it. Where and When?
Wonder why I keep hearing what sounds like bear cub nursing sounds on our eagle cam??? ROFL!
Watching eagles and listening to bears nurse. Sounds perfectly normal to me!☺
Would love to be there Friday! Count me in....as in spirit!
Will let you know where and when!!!
Margy, Wanda....you have email!
Well Belle is soaking up the Vitamin D - will help her utilize the Calcium in her system, right ??
leaving now...will hope to be able to catch up on comments when I return later on this evening...
Okay, gang, Fri., 6:30 PM at The Rumsey Tavern.
Lolly, pull out the wings button and soar like an eagle!!!
I might be able to make that, Rumsey on Friday...
Lynn - I hope to get whatever email is on the way....
okay, bye...
"later" as some people say on their text messages, which drives me crazy because sometimes "later" never comes...
xoxoxo ♥
Egg roll, wiggle wiggle. Did not see a thing, but two whole white eggs.
Oh, Margy, that would be GREAT!!!! So far, it's me and Jo.....waiting to hear form others!! Please come!!!
I sure hope the NCTC staff tech is going to help us out today with a new thread and a ZOOM....soon would be nice...
Watched one of our hawks yesterday. It had landed in one of our trees. It took off, and was circling above us. Told Jack, "I wanna do that!" If I could, I would head your way. LOL You all have a wonderful time Friday!
That Jimmy Crab thing and an Irish Coffee...would be the ticket at Rumsey Tavern, but more so, a chance to meet another Momster, and schmooze with ones I already know
did I say "bye?" guess I better do so now
Belle is pretty active right now isn't she !!
Margy, if you get that Irish Coffee, watch out for Wanda! You know, she has been known to sneak some! Why I think we even have proof...a pic of her sipping away!
Lolly, I'll be glad when I get my new glasses....I first read your comment as "egg whites" instead of white eggs!!!!! Maybe I didn't eat enough lunch!!
LOL Lolly !
It was sooooo good, made to perfection...I might even have to have TWO in case Wanda sneaks some this time also !!!
♥ Love you guys...you are great company xox
Margy Who is driving you home if you get that Irish coffee. I can take you then take you back to get your car LOL LOL LOL
Now if Wanda drinks half then you won't need a driver LOL
Okay, add Dana to the list!!!
Megan....waiting to hear from you!
Wanda, Megan.......check your email, please!!!
Jo eggs I think 3 not sure at Buddy & Fluffy Owl Box
I am off for a while. Need to go get beautiful and then head into town to buy some groceries. I would be rich if I did not have to buy food!
Hi Everyone! Be checking nest in and out today. Guess no one has seen a pip.
Glad to hear Paula has water!!Gosh, I bet there is a lot to do for her. But hope she enjoys it.
I will also probably be trying to call Peggy today. Got a window that popped up when I tried the 1/2dead Photoshop. Adobe detected a CRASH!!! and wanted info. I told them!!(It works on Fubby's side!)
New stuff shouldn't have problems!
I'll step down from the soap box now & see ya later ☺
Hi Loretta sorry your having problems with computer...Hoping "Peggy" is nice to you ( :
I sent Randy an email about the zoom. He probably knows who to tell to do it since apparently Steve isn't available. He's usually pretty good about checking/responding to emails!!! Here's hoping!!
Sorry, Loretta. You sure are having a bad time of it. :( Hope you get an English Peggy!!
oh by the way, I MADE Wanda try that Irish Coffee....
that's the truth!
I don't drink much...and the Jimmy Crab thing should take care of my driving safety! Maybe I will have TWO of that dish also
Loretta... so long as your live feed works....that is most important this week I would say
okay, time to make that beautiful trip over Park's Gap to Tomahawk then to Rt 9 then to Berkeley Springs! Maybe I will see the Eagle that Jo's son or was it grandson was seeing there last year
Take care everyone...
"there" meaning over near Tomahawk that is...
Lynn thanks for the Rumsey Tavern wvUSAsan info and updates !
You are very welcome, Margy!!! Have a lovely afternoon!!!!
I am sitting here chortling to myself!!! I did something that I maybe shouldn't have done, but I did it anyway and I'm glad I did!!
A friend sent out the email from last year of that beautiful presidential painting. She forewarned the people on her list that if they were in Obama's political corner, not to listen to the audio, but to just appreciate the artwork. Well, one of her friends sent a very nasty pro-O email to everyone!! So I responded to whoeover this person is that she should NOT send a diatribe like that to anybody but the person who sent her the email that offended her!
Birding report from trip to the store...vultures,doves,rwbb,red tails indigo bunting and 2 peacocks!!
Marygy You are probably already gone. Sure hope you spot that eagle ( : Enjoy your day lady.
Lol that last post was from an hour ago...been cleaning..waiting now for the hot water...forgot to check the breaker
Good Afternoon Eastern Eagle watchers Lolly, Lynn, Jo, Paula, Margy, Dana, Loretta...
And Good Morning to West Coasters Andy and Jim!
Gosh the suspense is killing me!
Eaglet, eaglet, eaglet, eaglet - will it come faster if we chant?
Well Margy I do know how to spell you name lol sorry about that
mispelling above.
I just went out side to fix the water for the birds. With that wind blowing it is darn right cold out there!!
BWE chicks enjoying the sun shine ( :
Okay - I'm going to put on my red, white & blue Eaglet Momsters necklace so I'm ready when
the new bundle arrives.
LOL, Lori---be careful and don't get your beads caught on or in anything!!!!
Paula, didn't know the grocery store sold birds!!!! ROFL!
Oh yeah, it DOES help to turn on the juice!!!
Paula---turn IT off, too, when you aren't there!!! Will save on your electric bill!!
ROFL On the way to the grocery store. Wonder what birds I will see? Probably not the variety Paula saw. Good one, Lynn!
Hot water is one of those luxuries we tend to overlook! Feels good now.
Oh I forgot the ducks and heron on that last report :)
Home form errands. Need to fix some lunch. I was so hoping to see our cam zoomed. I sort of think we would be better off not knowing e had that option. BUT we do know and its such a very crucial week IF you are one who loves to watch those eaglets enter the world. I surely hope someone hears and responds!!!!
OK off to fix some lunch.
Yippee, Wanda is onboard for Fri. But she didn't mention the Capt.!!!
Waiting to hear back!
Still no word from Randy.....and no zoom on cam......argh!
MT nest
JUDIE........where ARE you? Starting to worry.........did you run away for your spring break?????
Belle up off eggs, stretch and poof. Eggs appear intact, but maybe a little un-smooth---or it may just be the light.
And adult back.... no real roll; wiggle, wiggle.
Lynn -- love what u did w the O email. Hehehe. "reply to all" just isn't always the right thing. Thanks for asking around and getting a head count for Frday.
I'm at work and have to blog from Iphone which is pretty obvious I'm not "working" but you gals r crackn me up.
Looking forward to seeing some eagle lovin faces this wkend, including Lolly's spirit. Hehe
OK back to work!
That was interesting.
I switched to full screen then whipped out my ultra-large pink 25x Walmart magnifying glass to look at the eggs.
The egg closest to us could have a pip on the top - at about 75% if the egg were divided into fourths lengthwise.
Gee Lucy, that's a lot of splainin' for a "could be". :)
Well I hope Rand isn't off all week too. Maybe just a very busy Monday. Tomorrow is probably the day but would be nice to know its good to go.
Right you are, Glo!!!
Susan....don't get in trouble!
Lori.....maybe that is the same thing that Lolly though she saw. Was there a roll???
Okay, surgery is done. Mai did fine!!!
Awww well glad to know surgery is over. I want to give Mai a great big hug. Then I want to enjoy and eagle cam to focus on something beautiful.
Thanks Dana for the new owl site - I
think it will be good. Most of the UStream cams are well maintained.
Lynn - When Steve answered my email he didn't give me anyone's name - just the IT Team for the zoom. I also suggested that if it where possible to set the automatic blog to refresh daily as the blogs were going to get pretty high in number of comments with our hatching.
Good Girl Mai!
Good afternoon, everyone!
Sorry to not be caught up but...
Transformer crashed in the neighborhood Sat. night so no electricity = no computer.
Yesterday was busy with watching the NBG eaglet, thank you Glo for the video, and trying to begin grading papers and figuring out who did/did not actually plagiarize = nightmare.
This a.m. had dentist. Overdo because couldn't get there. No problems but teeth sure feel better. Then to Kohl's to find a safety mat for the tub.
Glad Paula had a nice time at the B____.
Happy to know Mai did well with the surgery but so sorry she didn't make the final cut. I did vote every night.
Okay, need to check out some cams. Then on to dinner to try a new spicy chicken tender recipe. Will report later.
Lynn - No roll on that one.
Is Lib gettin up> Yes!
Egg roll our nest. Eggs visible and there is a dark area on one but couldn't tell if it is a pip or a piece of stick. Anyone else see it?
Phoebe's babes are cute and growing by the minute.
So happy that Susan wants to dine with us Friday.
Lynn, didn't know if I should ask the Capt. to join us or not. I guess Grey would be glad to have another male present:)
JUDIE, why don't you and Frank join us. You need a little overnigher! And all of you within driving distance...come...you know how much fun we have!:)
Have to make an unscheduled run into town bbl
Good to see everyone on her today.
I miss any of you when you aren't here
If you 'think' you see a pip but are unsure if it is perhaps fluff or a stick: At this time of the hatching game it is probably going to turn out to be the pip....so speak up and we'll all start looking at the same spot.
Hubby and I are heading out for a while. BBL
Lily and Hope are tussling with Faith and Jason along for the rough ride. Very funny to watch.
Ted and Lucky are quiet.
NBG adult just enjoying the late afternoon sun and breeze.
Oh, yes, all are welcome to come...just figured it might be a bit difficult for travelers to make late arrangements! Wanda, most defintely bring Gene! We know he loves being outnumbered by us gals!
Oops...got side-tracked......sunroom temp is 90°----had to air out a bit. It's only 48 outside! Think I need to change into a t-shirt!!
Judie, sorry about your electric. Golly, what was the problem this time?? Sure don't remember having so many outages in my days there!
It's worse than here!!
Hope you are feeling GREAT!!! And glad that you are back with us!
For Friday at Rumseys, the more the merrier. Just please let me or Lynn know for the reservation. I've added Gene.
Just hope we can get in to NCTC to see the nest and Center. Will call again Tues AM
Susan, you probably won't be able to see the center on a weekend. :( But surely hope they will let you drive through the campus if they let you come see the nest! It is a beautiful site. DON'T FORGET YOUR CAMERA!!!
Alright, where is this Rumsey's?
Getting rady to head home...don't think I can do Friday night...Michael coming home'think we are having dinner...catch y'all later tonight
Yes, Lynn, Gene loves to be with us when we have a celebration of some sort and I'm so glad he does.
It is a beautiful afternoon, Paula...enjoy your drive. SHUT YOUR WATER OFF as Lynn suggested:)
Be safe on your drive Paula. Wish you could stay longer!
Lori, Rumseys is at the Sheptown Clarion. Come out!!
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