Saturday, March 19, 2011


Weekend thread.


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Costume Lady said...

I was just doing that comparison, Scott. The chicklet has grown. I'm wondering if Belle is finding little bits and pieces of left-overs and giving them to PJ...

paula eagleholic said...

Gotcha, Delphia.

Bet that baby owl is cute!

Mema Jo said...

Show your face

I think I see the "^" so I'll
agree it is Belle

Scott - I 'm glad you did a comparison
We all keep saying she looks strong and larger - Glad you proved it

Costume Lady said...

Not sure, Jo, about the V neck...wind may have rearranged it for now???

Costume Lady said...

Think I saw the 'battle scar' on her beak before she stepped back in the shadows. Watch for scars on her head like Trudy had.

stronghunter said...

Took a couple of pics of the shadow. Dramatic image. Would be nice if it could be Liberty, but I think it is Belle.

IrisF said...

Jo or Shirley, what is the name of the booklet from Loch of Lowes? Is it available now?

Costume Lady said...

It's 55° and sunny, so PJ doesn't really need Mom's warmth. But still...?

Bird Girl said...

The eagle perched on the nest right now bent down far enough at one point where I could see the full head, and I did not observe any dark feathers...and I saw the notch in the collar, I'm convinced it's Belle.

stronghunter said...

Yes, I saw no dark feathers or whatever on head, either.

For some reason, I cannot go to full screen right now. Maybe they have changed something at OC.

BEagle said...

It looked like a "V" to me when Belle shook her feathers all over the place.

Costume Lady said...

Iris, Susan had a copy of that last night...beautiful...very informative:)

stronghunter said...

I do not know, Iris. I think someone on here has been in touch with Chrissy and would know.

bev. said...

I saw the head and no marks on it. I do not know Belle as well as all of you but my guess is Belle(would be nice if Lib)

I still think when she comes back she has bits in her beak to feed. IMHO

Lolly said...

Have finished my walking and now going outside. We are moving plants out of the greenhouse! I am going to be working and continuously praying.

I do not like to look at PJ when she is sleeping. I want to see her when she is holding her head up. Interesting that Belle is sitting where she is. Bless her and PJ.

You are so "wright" Wanda! Trudy is a hussy!

Mema Jo said...

Something sounds as though there is a
lot of flapping wings up above...

kickngbird said...

I saw the little dark area on right side of beak so that's Belle

Judie said...

Good afternoon, everyone.

Darth and I arrived home about an hour ago. It is a lovely sunny day to be out for a drive.

To those who were at dinner last night, it was such a joy (as in eaglet) to see those we know and to meet Robyn and Susan. Darth and I really had a fun time. We were also beyond amazed at Dana's "stake out" at the nest and her eyewitness report of activities. It was good to have some relief from the drama and emotion.

Lori, thank you so much for the sweet treat. It was a generous gift. Maybe see you in October?

Susan's poem and the book are indeed very nice. Happy anniversary to Susan and Grey.

Happy Birthday, Bev.♥

As the drama continues, I will check the nest as often as I can and pray for the most desirable outcome. Wish I had a choice but have to continue grading papers -- the price to pay for a 1 1/2 day vacation.


stronghunter said...

Posted the shadow images, for what it is worth.

Judie said...

Um, I am sorry that I forgot my manners. Welcome to those who are joining us.

Lolly said...

Hi Judie! So happy to hear you are wearing shoes! You looked great in the pictures. So thrilled to know you have this ordeal almost behind you!!

Lolly said...

Oh, so sweet look at Belle! It looks like she is feeding her. Wonder what she is doing? Maybe it is a form of bonding?

PammySue said...

Awww. Beak to beak.

Lori O. said...

How precious. Sure looks like she is feeding Joy a little something.

BEagle said...

There's the beak to beak Paula was talking about.

kickngbird said...

I'm guessing that's some moisture from her nares

paula eagleholic said...

Well, when food does come, Joy will certainly be ready. Saw that beak opening and closing

Mema Jo said...

How special is that! For sure it is Belle with the mark on her beak
She has to have something for Joy
Precious Moment

Lori O. said...

Hello Judie.

Will def. be out at nest to see PO'Joy fledging on nest day.

stronghunter said...

Hi Judie! Good to see you back on here this afternoon. Sounds like you are recovering beautifully.

Costume Lady said...

Hi, was a pretty day for a drive. Was so good to see you looking so fresh and pretty...expected to see you drawn and withered, from you experiences!:)
Was also good to see my ole Shop Buddy...ROFL!!

BEagle said...

It does appear that Belle is shaking her head to bring fluid down to the chick.

Bird Girl said...

Is it me, or is she not behaving the way she normally does with her chicks?

Lolly said...

Keep that positive thought, Lori!

That was so sweet and thoughtful of you to provide the dessert when you were not even there. What a nice surprise for the group!

Mema Jo said...

In what way?

Robyn said...

Hello Judie, nice meeting you last night.

OK I got some homework completed just need to watch a lecture later and tomorrow is my first quiz, and I am terrified, Busienss Economics.

The cam has been taking up a lot of my time but as long as I can swing class and cam I should be ok :)

stronghunter said...

She is certainly being very watchful.

Lolly said...

I do not see any different behavior. I do think she is being more cautious, looking around after beaking with PJ.

Robyn said...

Maybe Lib has the dirty bird chasing him to give Belle and O'Joy some time...

Lolly said...

Really heading outside!


Costume Lady said...

Warmth and nap time for O'Joy:)

Jennifer said...

Thank you Judie. To be honest, I was afraid to join because I thought I was intruding on some "special family" or something. I have been welcomed so much and this is truly exciting to be a part of this group!

BEagle said...

I will have to look up nares.

Lori O. said...

Hi Lolly. Glad you enjoyed it.

A very nice picture of you! I've decided SUPER LIB stays on the avatar until he returns to the nest.

From all I've read the past few days, it really is up to Belle. It's female on female. Since Trudy is female Belle is left to deal with her, though both Lib and Belle would defend the nest IF they were both there and Trudy came close, but they would just defend the nest area, not the entire property.

Bird Girl said...

Hi Jennifer! Welcome to the Momsters :)

movin said...

So, it looks like Belle is trying to feed the baby something, AND it appears Belle has a little food at least in her crop. If it is as it appears, that is a VERY POSITIVE sign that the challenge has failed.

Did anybody see anything more?? Any other details relating to the food??

[:~D] Jim

BEagle said...

Joy will definitely know how to snag wushi from the beak that feeds.

Lori O. said...

FABULOUS NEWS Jim! I hope you are right!

Mema Jo said...

Yes Jennifer - You're in the Family now

Lynne2 said...

Hi all! Been watching on and off this morning. I'm wondering if perhaps Belle hasn't found herself some carrion to feed from? If she has, then maybe there IS food in her beak when she returns. Too small for us to really see but just enough to keep Paddy O'Joy alive?

paula eagleholic said...

Delphia...yes, in the absence of food, (and an intruder) this behaviour is certainly new to all of us.

Not sure if she wants food in the nest....would only serve to keep the intruder near the nest, and possible injury to herself and Joy.

As much as I want to go throw a fish near the barn...

Mema Jo said...

Like we are always telling Andy -
Robin we are sure you will Ace it!

Costume Lady said...

I guess Belle would be acting differently...never had this problem before. Very nervous and anxious.

Perhaps, under certain circumstances, Eagles CAN regurgitate??

paula eagleholic said...

I wonder if she is going down by the turtle pond and drinking...and still has water in her beak?

Mema Jo said...

Read on the other blog where Doug
said he only lived a short distance from NCTC and was going to go down to
the roadside and view the nest. I've
been checking to see it he has returned.

Mema Jo said...

Sorry for the misprint

I said Robin - Spring is in the air

I meant to say ROBYN - my friend you will ACE that quiz

bev. said...

Belle does not seem too stressed right now.

paula eagleholic said...

Robyn, are you going to make a nest run?

stronghunter said...

Welcome, Jennifer.

Yeah, I am still here. I do have some work to do. I really must get busy.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Checking in from the Road. stuck in traffic on 81 and just wanted to check in.

movin said...

I don't think it's carrion. Don't forget eaglets get all their moisture from their food too. That's one thing that makes fish an excellent food source for young Bald Eagles.

The food would have to be fairly fresh for that purpose.

Does it look to anyone else like Belle has some food in her crop??

[:~D] Jim

Robyn said...

LOL Jo there are plenty of Robin's on my property today!

I may go to the nest later and see what I can see, it is nice out and I need to run to 7-11 in a bit.

Jennifer said...

Thanks Mema Jo and be sure to keep us posted on your friend's possible trip down to the nest area:)

Judie said...

Jennifer, I think many of us begin by lurking and then something happens and we feel compelled to jump in -- or just work up the nerve. Guess what? WE ARE A SPECIAL FAMILY.

Wanda, I really am all drawn and withered -- I had my youth "costume" on.

Robyn, I can so relate to what you are doing. Got so tired at times I seriously thought of just giving up. Hang tough!

Okay, Belle looks as if she is providing something for Joy while being watchful. This is optimistic.

This time I really will BBL

Costume Lady said...

JUDIE, if you got that YOUTH costume from my shop, please tell me which rack it was on!;)

DobesR4Me said...

Hello. I have been watching Bell care for her eaglet in WVA. I am very new to this blog. What an amazing mom. Does anybody know if Liberty is around? I've read he may be higher up in the tree watching over Bell & baby but he hasn't brought food or twigs. I have not seen the intruder--and hope I don't ever see it!

bev. said...

I agree with a comment about not wanting to have a fish in the nest until the intruder is gone.

that would make it stay around for free food.

I am on optimist, and as I have said ,I do believe she leaves a little in her beak to feed the young one(whatever it is)

LIke last year , I will hang here when I can. With renovations and 2 dogs , I will be in and out.

Prayers are with this site.

Robyn said...

Judie my daughter wont let me give up when I run around the house like a cazy woman saying that is it I am quitting, I can't do this. My bachelors was a walk in the park compared the my masters...

Mema Jo said...

Jennifer - I don't know Doug (At least I don't think I do) I was reading comments on the Outdoor blog. I'll keep checking - I am just very interested is know what or who or how many are up above the nest.

Costume Lady said...

When Judie comes back, she needs to tell you the name of her looked scrumptious!

Robyn said...

Paula when I run out later I may take a fast drive up there...

NatureNut said...


Mema Jo said...

ROFL Wanda please save the large sized one for me!

Bird Girl said...

hi Marge, welcome!

Liberty HAS been observed in the area, but the intruder ("Trudy") is preventing him from coming to the nest.

Belle continues to leave the chick uncovered for periods of time, but she is sitting in the tree a good deal of that time.

We have not seen any food brought to the nest since the chick hatched; likely, this is because of the influence of Trudy.

Eagles do not regurgitate, so the only think Belle could be offering the chick is water, maybe very small things like insects but that's not typical behavior. Eagles predominantly eat fish, but also small mammals.

Mema Jo said...

Robyn, please slow go around that curve and have your eyes to the sky.
You may run into Doug over on the side of the road.... Never know who you will
meet ?????

Costume Lady said...

If Gene gets back from Sam's Club early enough, we will drive down to NCTC. He is getting and looking at supplies for Soup Kitchen, and not having me along to slow him down, he may be gone all day. Having worked in Grocery stores most of his adult life, he's like a kid in a Candy Store when he gets in a grocery store:) This is true!

paula eagleholic said...

Welcome, Marge.

Liberty has been observed around the nest area, but not in the nest.

The intruder has been sitting in the nest above Belle, and chasing Liberty off when he tries to come to the nest.

It appears at the moment, since Belle is calm, that the intruder is not presently above her.

BEagle said...

I am still edgy with my "nerve!"

Robyn said...

LOL. like last night Jo?

IrisF said...

No, no Mema Jo, the large size is mine, all mine!!! (maybe we could share?)

Robyn said...

Jo, almost the entire drive is curves, that is why it takes longer then it should to get up there.

Costume Lady said...

I have heard that eagles do not regurgitate, but no one knows for sure what they may do to feed a chick when put up against the wall like Belle has. I don't regurgitate either, but I would if my baby was hungry;) Oh, sorry, I do regurgitate, I have gerd:( It is controlled by meds. so don't go: EWWW! :)

Robyn said...

ewww ;)

Costume Lady said... careful of your never know. That's why I will wait on Gene.

By the way, Capt. Father Gene had his "THANK YOU FATHER" shirt on last night...didn't get a 'thank you' from anyone!

bev. said...

When eagles are hungry they will eat anything. that is what makes them so adaptable. If any of you watched the Delta nest in Vancouver a few years ago, those eagles brought in bags that appeared to be from take out places. We all had a few good laughs voer what they brought in.

Robyn said...

Paula you have mail

NatureNut said...

Don't know what to say, just hoping and praying things get normal at our nest;
Hello, Jennifer! This is a family and all are welcome especially now to support our eagle family! ☺

I was reading first today before watching cam. Gave St. Francis a pat on the head, tho & things look fair so far. I hope Belle does have some food tidbits for POJ. I will probably put his/her pic back on here instead of my mug!!!
Brought homework home from work--not a good idea--have to stay in other rooms away from 'puter!
Need to do some outside work too & MORE coffee. Blessings to all~~~

Robyn said...

Thank you for your concern Wanda.

Thank you Father...

bev. said...

Belle just crouched her head a bit and is now looking out at 9 and seems to follow to 11. Could be some flying around out there.

Must go.
She appears to be following something .

Costume Lady said...

Jo, If I find that youth costume, I will order all that they have. I could buy a new cam and make an aviary around the sycamore palace:) (along with a pond full of fish)

Judie said...

Ooops! My bad! Thanks, Father Gene.

I am happy to share my youth costume. Wanda, check out the area just next to the Darth Vader section.

Okay, this time I really mean it. BBL

Costume Lady said...

It would be my guess that our Lynn is in the process of bidding good-bye to you know who, now:(
She was very sad about it when I talked to her last night.

IrisF said...

Wanda, I do like the way you think!!! '\:)

hedgie said...

Okay, all done. They got a good dose of Mai-ness at her worst. I did get some kisses goodbye, which probably made it worse, cause that's what I have wanted: kisses telling me she liked me. :(

Shar called....she and Thelma are on their way to celebrate Sissy's b-day. I gave her the latest info---or non-info, such as it all is.

hedgie said...

Jo, did Judie say whether they were going to spend today in S'town or head straight home this morning?

Costume Lady said... you Judie:)

Costume Lady said...

They are home now, Lynn.

hedgie said...

I see now that OC is warning us about the 10-20 min. viewing limit, and that they expanded forum info and it is showing up on cam page now.

wvgal_dana said...

Welcome to the blog Marge and Jennifer. Lots of us lurked then decided to jump in here. So glad you are here with us. Again WELCOME!!

hedgie said...

Oh, good!!! Gotta read back!

IrisF said...

(((HUGS Lynn)))

paula eagleholic said...

Some alarm calls from Belle

bev. said...

poor Belle is calling out, but not unlike a female calling for her mate .

paula eagleholic said...

Some alarm calls from Belle

Costume Lady said...

BTW, I am using my NEW handy, dandy, mousette...LOVE IT!

PammySue said...

I'll be out of touch or the next 24 hours. Hopefully, all will be resolved when I get back tomorrow afternoon.

Poor Belle is calling out.

Have a good day, everyone.

Mema Jo said...

Take care Tammy. See you later.

I just got 25 min viewing on Live Feed

paula eagleholic said...

Got it and replied Robyn, Thanks

paula eagleholic said...

Lori sent you an email

Mema Jo said...

Yes, Robyn you know exactly which curve I mean.

Iris - I'll fight you for it - you are already and still beautiful!!!

Wanda - love those mouses without any tails....

More of whatever for Joy ♥

wvgal_dana said...

Wanda I found information about eagles and posted it on this thread at 9:19am but I'll post it again here.

not a link I have proved what I felt found this:
Eagles do not regurgitate food like some other birds do.

wvgal_dana said...

Later PammySue have a good day.

Robyn said...

Dana are you going back up to the nest area? If you do let me know I am going later I could meet you up there... Wanda let me know when you and Gene may be going...

Costume Lady said...

My goodness, my butt is glued to this seat and I can't get up...I need to get is so hard to leave:(
Need a Droid like Robyn's. Front porch comes first, Wanda!

paula eagleholic said...

Belle still up...just saw Joy bobbing in the egg cup.

wvgal_dana said...

Lynn-Hedgie you know and we know you did the right thing. You were the "bestest". I know that is not a word but I used it any ways. You remember what the behaviorist said: "Can't turn her around making her into something she is NOT."


Robyn said...

I love my droid, can't wait to get my XOOM!!!

I am most likely going to bring my lab scooby, he is due fo a car ride...

OK off to heat up some chicken and crab brb

hedgie said...

Still catching up.......IRIS---Loretta has ordered the book. I believe it is simpley called Loch of the Lowes. Let me do some checking. It is a compilation of poems and prose, with a song that wv sUSAn says is beautiful. And her poem is in there! As someone mentioned, it is titled Spidey.

There is another book that I have on order from Amazon....let me get all this info for you.

movin said...

I don't know what, but it looks like Belle is feeding the little one again.

[:~D] Jim

IrisF said...

Jo, I'm laughing my socks off!!! You might need new glasses me thinks!

On a more sober note, do you think Belle is somewhat cautious about whatever she is feeding OJoy because she is at her most vulnerable when her head is down like in the feeding position? Just a thought.

Welcome Marge and Jennifer, didn't say that before, because I wasn't sure you were newbies. I've been away from the blog for a year or two. This is just the bestest family to be a part of. The people here are amazing!!!

Costume Lady said...

That's a very good point, Iris!

IrisF said...

Thanks for getting the information for me Lynn - I was at their site, but they evidently have LOTS of publications available.

wvgal_dana said...

No Iris you haven't been on the blog much lately. Still doesn't mean you aren't a Momster. You too are the bestest ( :

Costume Lady said...

I need to mind my manners:
WELCOME TO ALL NEW FRIENDS THAT HAVE JOINED US IN THE PAST FEW DAYS. Plan on staying. Our LYNN passed out metal plaques last Open House, which reads, "I came for the eagles, but stayed for the friendships"!

PA Nana said...

Geez... I just got caught up on the Friday blog and now there's 323 more posts!

Good afternoon everyone. Happy Birthday Bev. Happy anniversary
Andy & Mr.

Live cam jst froze again. Maybe I'll come back later as I haven't eaten or dressed yet.

Is Paddy Joy still alive? Soooo sad.
Lynn, you're doing the right thing even though it's very hard.♥

Now, to get moving.... bbl

Bird Girl said...

Well folks I have to go again, things to do!

Take care

Mema Jo said...

I do have an eye exam coming up next month - I still say you're looking good.

Are you still down South?

Robyn said...

Once my phone is charged (a lot good that will do with minimum service up there) I will head out I figured about 3ish anyone else going?

paula eagleholic said...

alarm calls

IrisF said...

Yep, still down south, will return right after Easter. Do we have a May or June get-together planned yet? Sure would love to see you all!!

Robyn said...

Something made a noise other then wind above the cam and Belle is looking up and being vocal

Jennifer said...

Do you think that is Liberty that close the way she is chirping at the bird that flew past? Definitely a different sound than when it is the intruder there. And no ruffled feathers either!

Lori O. said...

Robyn, LOVE the new kitties avatar!

Welcome IRIS and JENNIFER! Nice to meet you both.

Robyn said...

Thanks Lori, i changed it again to my daughter and her new B'day coat lol.

I get bored easily and I believe I have more pics of my furries then my daughter... bad mom

Scott said...

@Jennifer I thought the same thing. Whatever it was I didn't sense the same warning calls.

hedgie said...

Here's link for the article about the book that wv sUSAn had:

No ordering info there and none on Scottish Wildlife Trust site. Maybe Chrissy can help us with that. I have an email from her to answer, so I'll ask.

Here is the book that Loretta and I have pre-ordered from Amazon---due out next month:
Lady of the Loch: The Story of a Truly Remarkable Bird by Helen Armitage.

Robyn said...

Hedgie I will ask my mom, she is a faithful follower of the scottish cam...

movin said...

Later, folks. Situation looks fairly stable right now. But on the other hand, Liberty is not delivering fish yet.......

[:~D] Jim

Mema Jo said...

Robyn you could really go to Sheetz!
Judy didn't tell us of her impression of 1st visit to Sheetz! lol

I am sorry Father Gene, I thought you were still Capt Gene! Love you with either title........ ♥

NatureNut said...

Been watching nest for awhile. Belle has been standing & earlier she weas chirping & lifting her beak up in the air. I had heard some scratchy noises from above. Someone may be sitting up in tree. Trying to get a look at Paddy, but Belle doing a "hidey" on nest bowl.
Hear little chirps now.

Robyn said...

But I don't need any new sheetz yet Jo...

hedgie said...

I think Belle's beak looks much "cleaner" now.......

Mema Jo said...

Not sure where Belle is headed
No screaming or call out before she left

NatureNut said...

Belle just took off. Hope she can get a minnow or something---POJ chirping!

paula eagleholic said...

Belle off to the right....

Paddy was just looking at the cam...then scooted over to the right and laid down next to eggbert

Diane said...

So I see nothing much has changed? I'm relieved to see the POJ is still hanging tuff!
Still praying....I'll check back in later. Getting my son packed up to head back to college from his spring break.

hedgie said...

Still catching up....but gotta throw in comments....hope it's not too late: BEagle, nares are nostrils. Latin, I'm sure. We all have them!!! It's not just an eagle thing!

BEagle said...

I don't think it will be long before we start seeing fishes.

Robyn said...

What was the name of the book Susan had last night?

BEagle said...

Looks like PJ is looking for fishes now.

hedgie said...

Am I gonna have to use my eagle cane on you academics???? Poor Robyn shirking her studies, and Judie shirking her students!!! LOL!!! Chill, girls. You both are doing FINE!

BEagle said...

I am ever glad for my big nares! LOL

BEagle said...

I think PJ is using eggbert for some leverage.

Mema Jo said...

Robyn - it was simply named

Loch of Lowes

NatureNut said...

Lynn, I ordered the SWT blog book. Chrissy had told me about it and Susan ordered it also. Chrissy, I think, sent me a link, but in the meantime, I had sent a "contact" question to SWT & they referred me to Jonathan P. at Visitor Ctr. We worked out an amount in $$ and I sent him a check.His full name is in my email contacts.

NatureNut said...

P.S.I'm so glad Amazon will inform us, as all that info is in the old, dead 'putetr!!

NatureNut said...

Had to put Paddy O'Joy back on here. One fiesty little chick!God Bless him/her.
Come on, Belle, get some wushi!!

Robyn said...

naturenut can you by chance give me the email I would love to order the book for my mom. I put in a notice to be notified of the new book coming out in April.

Mom and dad will be married 50 years this year and I wish I was rich I would send mom over to Scotland to visit the nest :)

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

Good afternoon friends! I see our little POJ hanging tuff in the nest. Has the intruder been around today?

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

What I wouldn't give for a fish in that nest!!

hedgie said...

Robyn, it is just called The Lady of the Loch. It is a compilation, so no author.

hedgie said...

Jim....guess you are gone again. I don't know how to tell that the crop is full....can you tell me, please??
I wish to goodness that we had FOUR direction cams up there. Seems like I see more of Belle's back than anything else!

Wanda, I almost commented on the shirt to Reverend Gene!!! I was going to ask him if he had taken up a new vocation! Just too much talking to slip it in!

Robyn said...

Lady of the Loch is by a helen armitage which comes out in April I already signed-up to be notified when it comes out, I am looking for the one Susan had last night. I can't seem to find the email to Jonathan at SW-F

bev. said...

I am not sure but if you turn cam way up ,I believe i heard eagle calls ,

Peewee is resting now. Saving his energy.

eagles do not regurgitate but they do bring up pallets of things they cannot digest. Maybe there is a bit of sustenance in that. I do know from watching eagles on the Vancouver Island ,that they are very resourceful.
who knows for sure

Just remain positive.

I do hear eagle sounds far off

Sorry , I cannot join in any of your conversation becasue I have not a clue what you are all talking about.

so I will jsut stick with nest observations.

paula eagleholic said...

We haven't actually seen it on the nest today Sissy, but have heard alarm calls from Belle.

Scott said...

Question...I have heard a couple of people said that they were going up to the nest today. Obviously you must keep your distance, but how close and how well can you see the area where they are? I ask because I'm a photographer and would love to get some great shots of Belle, Lib and POJ after fledging. I have some extremely high powered lenses but was just trying to get an idea of what was actually doable. Again, I have absolutely NO wants or desires of bothering these beautiful animals at all.

hedgie said...

Loretta, I hope Chrissy still has that contact info! Yeah---Amazin is good about that stuff!
Glad you got on the list,Robyn.

Robyn said...

Scott we don't and can't get too close but if you have even decent camera equipment from where we can see the nest you would get excellent shots.

Robyn said...

My mom would love it, as I mentioned she follows her and hoping on her return in a few weeks.

I never really followed her but it would make a nice gift for mom.

Robyn said...

And Belle is she in the tree or not... I don;t see her shadow, guess I should get ready to head out. I bet I will see Dana up there lol

BEagle said...

I don't know what that noise was.

Scott said...

@Robyn That's awesome, thanks. Any estimate of how far that would be? I'm sure my equipment would suffice then. I'll have to plan a trip up there, I'm about an hour away.

Robyn said...

All I can say is you will do good from where you will be. I don't want to give details out here because I don't know who might go there and try to interfer. Most if not all momsters know the place but there are those intent on helping Belle and Lib that could do more harm then good.

Lynne2 said...

Looking forward to hearing some news Robyn, be careful on the road! And I bet you will see Dana!

bev., LOL! I never knew what anyone was talking about when I first joined in either! This blog, who's unofficial official saying is "I came for the Eagles, I stayed for the friends". Everyone here is so kind, and during slow eagle times, lots of other things get talked about. That's how we have all come to know each other! SO if you just want to talk eagles, well, we LOVE that! But also feel free to chime in on everything else too! We love making new friends!

Scott said...

Completely understand and agree with that...

Lynne2 said...

Paddy O'Joy is peeping!

hedgie said...

Cam has been running now for almost 2 hrs. Amen!
O'Joy is awake.

Lynne2 said...

Scott, you can contact Paula about that. Watch for her to come on later!

NatureNut said...

Robyn, I found SWT contact where I ordered Loch Blog Book. Do you have something?
Gotta go look at cam---chirping, hope Belle is back!!!!

Mema Jo said...

Scott Notice my avatar - that is the nest tree and near the top you can see the nest. Now if we have to be on the road side to view - my pic is about the sight you will see but perhaps a little closer. However,
praying that all goes well, the group of locals and any others that can come always have a "Nest Vist" where we have permission from NCTC to enter the grounds and observe the nest.

Scott are you on FB

glo said...

Well what can I say. I surely can't stay away a week. Couldn't stand it any longer today so found myself scanning the blog for info. Thank you to those who told me aobut Lib being alive and well. I ofund myself hungry not long after that info and actually had some supper.

Then last night I guess exhaustion caught as well as this sill coughing finally subsiding and I slept.

Today my prayers seem to be mostly for Belle. You bet that is one awesome MaMa
Anyway I will be popping in and out some and of ocurse like all of you so want NO MORE OF THAT INTRUDER!!! That would be a very positive for today. If they/Belle has even managed to convince her that the nest is off obunds that would be progress.

((((Lynn))))) Thought about you and Mai today too. Glad you got a kiss. She will do fine and you will too.

BEagle said...

PJ is peering over the egg cup.

BEagle said...

Aha. Bell is back. Flew in from the bottom left corner.

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

I didn't see the landing, did she have food?

Scott said...

@Mema Jo...thanks for the photo. That helps. Yep, I'm all over Facebook...LOL

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

When this is over, they certainly have some housekeeping to take care of!!

hedgie said...

Robyn, both books are apparently titled the same.....guess they get away with it by having the extended sub-title on Armitage's book.

Scott said...

@Lynne2...I will, thank you

Mema Jo said...

Watching Belle

paula eagleholic said...

Scott, sent you an email

Belle and Joy beak to beak.

Belle being watchful.

Scott said...

@paula eagleholic great, thanks...

hedgie said...

ROBYN: Did you find how to order the one Susan had????? Let me know, if so. It could be days before Chrissy has time to answer my email!

Robyn said...

Did Belle bring something back? It looks like she is ripping something then leaning forward...

stronghunter said...

At the shop waiting for oil change. Learning how to use iPhone.

paula eagleholic said...

Scott, nice website!

Robyn said...

I emailed Jonathan and awaiting his reply Hedgie

hedgie said...

Belle seems calm....watchful but calm.

Gosh, I haven't even looked a FB today! missed us!! Glad you are feeling better, rested, and happier today!

paula eagleholic said...

If you get a chance, click on Scott's name and check out his website....nice photos Scott!

Mema Jo said...

Scott - I have your Turnmeyer Studio site up and I sure do think you will
have what it takes to get some very
good shots of our eagles!!!
You do exception work!

stronghunter said...

At the shop waiting for oil change. Learning how to use iPhone.

«Oldest ‹Older   201 – 400 of 835   Newer› Newest»

5/31/24 one

 From the field camera we have one setting on the Lop looks like Bella this is from Deb and the Field cam they are working on our cameras ho...