Monday, March 21, 2011


Here's the update from FWS:

March 21
Over the weekend, we were able to confirm the presence of a third adult eagle near the nest, and we are almost certain that it is a breeding age female.  Typically, the presence of a new female means she is competing with the established pair of eagles for the current nest.  Nest competition is a common occurrence in areas with healthy eagle populations, meaning the total population of eagles near NCTC has likely increased in recent years. 

We have also confirmed multiple sightings of the male eagle who is part of the established breeding pair.  The male does not appear to be injured, and appears to be in good health.  The eaglet which hatched on March 17th has died and the remaining egg is not likely to hatch given that it is not being regularly incubated by the parents. 

We do have biologists on staff here at NCTC who have been offering their expert assessments of the situation. In addition, our land manager has been communicating with another raptor biologist based in our Chesapeake Bay field office.  There is general agreement among our biologists that if the new female eagle is successful in chasing off the current female, the new female will then need to recruit a male to join her.  However, it is likely too late in the nesting season for success in laying, incubating and hatching any new eggs.

You may wonder why there is competition over this nest - and there are several potential factors.  Eagles prefer to nest in the tops of large trees located near rivers, lakes, and other wetlands.  The NCTC nest is located very close to the Potomac River, which is a plentiful source of fish for nesting eagles to hunt.  In addition, eagle nests represent a considerable investment of effort to construct:  they can be up to 10 feet in diameter and weigh up to 2,000 lbs.  And finally, as mentioned above, nest competition frequently occurs in areas with a significant eagle population.
All I can add to this is to thank you for your concern, passion and understanding that intervention in this episode was not the right thing to do.  Things don't always work out the way we'd like in nature, but I think we would all agree that we have gotten a rare glimpse, these past few days, into the world of bald eagles that most people do not see or will ever know about.  The fact that we have competition such as this is speaks well for the recovery of the Bald Eagle, a species that was nearly extinct fifty years ago. 

New thread.


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Lolly said...


paula eagleholic said...

Wow just swallowed the tail! Kewl.

Carolyn said...

Another article in the Charleston Daily Mail today talking about the death of our little one.

Donka Maria said...

Whoever it is looks very strong and very healthy!!

Lolly said...

Does my heart good to see Belle and chowing away.

IrisF said...

Good morning everyone!!! Not much sleep last night for coughing, but feeling some better this morning.

Praying for Delphia that her results from the biopsy come quickly and are benign.

Seem I cam in just in time to see Belle arrive with a floppin Wushi! It is really good to see her tear into food like this.

Donka Maria said...

Hopefully it is our Belle!!

paula eagleholic said...

I think it's Belle...

Lolly said...

Iris, glad you are feeling better. Hope the coughing does not linger.

paula eagleholic said...

Looking around now off the back and sides of the nest

Lolly said...

Boy, that fish disappeared fast!

paula eagleholic said...

Yea, that's Belle. Her beak wound is either healed or hard to see in the sunlight can't see that much of that side of her beak the way she is in the nest.

IrisF said...

Is she looking around for more?

Lolly said...

What I would give to see Lib land in the nest about now.

paula eagleholic said...

Not sure if she finished all of it or not.

IrisF said...

that shadow at about 10 that someone in the tree?

wvgal_dana said...

That is Belle in nest.
Unless female intruder has left the area Liberty won't come into the nest.

paula eagleholic said...

Ha ha, fish just twitched...not gone yet.

IrisF said...

Thanks Lolly, my hubby hopes it doesn't linger either. I'm sure it disturbs his sleep too.

paula eagleholic said...

No Iris, that is the now cut off tree trunk

Off to the right...didn't hear anything land in tree or see tree shake

paula eagleholic said...

Iris if you check out the pics in the album, you'll see that cut off trunk. NCTC trimmed it off because it was decaying...they did that this past fall.

Lolly said...

You're kidding, Paula! It twitched?

Dern cam! Did not see Belle poof! The cam is stopping for me at 14 minutes!

magpie said...

I couldn't tell if the fish was twitching or my eyelid was !!

or both !

nice big fresh breakfast either way

IrisF said...

Thanks Paula, I did notice that in some of the pictures posted yesterday and meant to ask about it. So it was decayed. Is the rest of the tree in good shape? That nest must weigh at least a ton!

wvgal_dana said...

We need eyes on the ground to truly know what is going on.

As to where is Belle, where is female intruder and where is Liberty. If there is any air attack going on or chasing intruder off...only eyes on the ground can give us this information.

They could call someone like I did so comments could be wrote. Even done like Paula, Megan and Lori did wrote their own comments while there.

magpie said...

I liked your "mug" Lolly, and I really like the Sun ☼ also

okay, will drop in later...

glo said...

I can sit and read the news aobut Belle eating. Yep Thats A little good news today Thanks for posting.
Gosh if I htought I didn't have to watch Belle get attacked I might even turn the still cam back on.. I am changing my name to chicken blogger not that anyone will actually notice :-). Well actually you will think its a new blogger and check my profile.

Your thought: OH its that nut from IL Glo.

My second thought: But she does try , she really does.

Belle I do hope there is also some rest behind that food. Not sure its gonna be a restful day but even some and nourishment feels better.

I think they may have started actually nesting here so late because this intruder was already in the area. Probalby tried to drive her off then. Woos skippe dout for shelter during storms whiel Belle sat, and then showed up with a vengeance on the chick was here and Belle was distracted. Hmmm

paula eagleholic said...

The tree is decaying, Iris.

Mine stopped around 14 too

Lolly said...

Good friends of ours lived in Japan for about 5 years. Did a lot of traveling around. Stayed at an inn one night and ordered dinner to be delivered to the room. Food was brought, the waiter lifted the lid to have the food approved. The fish wiggled! Russ tasted it and approved it!!!! They were very proud that their kids did not say anything. LOL

Kathi2 said...

Thank you so much, Lolly! That is definitely a bright spot in my day!!! hoping for more good news today!

FuzzleMT said...

Wish I lived closer, I'm crazy enought to spend the time at the nest right now - and stubborn enough to return if they chase me out !!!!

Mema Jo said...

Oh yes, Glo! We would know when
Chichen Blogger came on! lol

Lolly said...

My wish exactly!!!

paula eagleholic said...

Anyone else lose the live feed?

paula eagleholic said...

Nevermind, finally got it back, took 4 tries

IrisF said...

Is anyone else's live cam down?

FuzzleMT said...

Of course, I AM unemployed - no hubby - daughter grown - not disrespecting anyone! Oh, and my cats just wait until I return - perfect opportunity - another reason I don't like Massachusetts! TOO FAR AWAY

Mema Jo said...

Yes Paula - I am going to refresh
and pray it returns.....

magpie said...

i am on the live feed

magpie said...

cant say much about sound but the little things are blowing in the breeze

Mema Jo said...

Restated and it is running - can see some leaves moving.

Lolly said...

Mine went down, too. But, I have it back up.

Have to leave and eat a bit of breakfast and then put on my "street face" to go get my do done.☺

Be prepared! Things happen while I am gone.

IrisF said...

Refreshing did the trick!

wvgal_dana said...

Sorry I was so busy in album that I didn't say

Good Morning to Everyone even our Lurkers ( : Carol (at work) if your checking on blog Hi!!! Up high on that Mountain!!

magpie said...

y'all definitely know where I am when I say I have "Live Feed"

Hope all is well, really cannot study the post right now


paula eagleholic said...

Seems like sound is off and on today, but NCTC has an automatic refresh for the sound, so it will come back within an hour..could be sooner

PA Nana said...

Good morning everyone. I'm not even going to try to catch up.

The live cam is stopping at 14 min and when I refresh I got a blank screen with the circling arrow. Took several more tries to get but finally did. Hear thekids.

?? How do you recognize Lib? I think that was Belle in with the fish, but....

Is there a raptor behaviorist? That's what we need. Someone with some answers.

Nest is empty and so is my stomach.
Have to eat to take my pain meds. It's going to shoot something from the sky - I can tell.

Have a good day everyone. ...later

PammySue said...

Hello all. Hope you are having a great day.

I just did a quick scan of some of the most recent posts. I see DTHB was in the nest. How DARE she do nestorations!
I'm glad Belle chowed down on a fish.

I plan on going to the nest this afternoon. I will try to give a picture of what is going on. I've only been watching since last season, so I'm not good at identifying the eagles. Hopefully I will see something useful.
How far past the NCTC entrance is the pull-over area? I'm assuming it is on the right.

floralgirl said...

We just pull over in the grass along the road on the right just before the corner.

paula eagleholic said...

Pam, it's only a couple of hundred yards. You'll see the nest right in front of you.

Bird Girl said...

PA Nana: Belle has a notch, and upside-down "V" on her throat where the white feathers of her head meet the brown feathers of her chest. When they are in the nest together, their size difference is enough to tell them apart (males are smaller in the raptor world), but of course Liberty hasn't been allowed to be in the nest for at least a week.

hedgie said...

Minnesota cam is up!

Minnesota Bound Eagle Cam

PammySue said...

floralgirl, Paula, and Bird Girl - thanks for the info. :)

movin said...


GooD MorniNG, aLL !


So, if I've read the commentary rightly, the intruding she-devil has been back a couple of times this morning, but Belle has driven her off. Belle is probably perched above the nest now....

Is that about right??

C(°Ù¿°)D Jim

Bird Girl said...

Iris, thank you :) Hope you continue to steadily improve!

PA Nana, I forgot to mention, there are folks from NCTC and FWS watching what is going on this year, as every year, and Steve (from NCTC) does pass on info when he can. Several of us also have contacts elsewhere who have experience and knowledge with the eagles, and have sent messages to them to get their take on things (me included). Hope that helps :)

Bird Girl said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
mariadangeloart said...

Pam, can't wait to hear your observations! Also the observations of the experts you guys have contacted!

paula eagleholic said...

Geesh at least they could make it 20 minutes again...only got 12 that time.

Bird Girl said...

Okay folks, at the risk of being ostracized by the group....

I realize that the intruder female's presence caused the usual order of things to be disrupted, but she is only doing what she is programmed to do. She doesn't know any better. We should not hate her for following her instincts.

We don't know that the second egg was DEFINITELY going to hatch, and we don't know that PJ was DEFINITELY going to survive, even without the other bird's arrival and interference.

Let's just hope that all the adult eagles live unharmed to reproduce another season, whether it's Belle & Liberty in this nest, or Trudy & Liberty or who knows??

We should all be grateful that there is competition, because it means there are more eagles...and we nearly lost them, not that long ago.

Having said that, I sure wish Trudy would move on.

paula eagleholic said...

Lynn, are there eagles or owls this year? I tried it about a month ago and it was still down.

Bird Girl said...

Looks like an eagle in the MN nest. The description says the nest is only 3x3 in diameter...doesn't sound very large!

Does anyone know how large our nest is?

paula eagleholic said...

We know that she is just following her instincts Delphia :)

We just wish she would find some other nest to pick on!

Red said...

New Thread is up. Go for it.

paula eagleholic said...

NCTC says 6ft diameter....I say it looks more like a 5 X 7...sure wish they would measure it next time they go up.

Mema Jo said...



paula eagleholic said...

Thanks RED for mentioning

New Thread is up!

movin said...

I don't know how or why, but every year the O.'s at BWO come up with some strange action, which nobody can sort out.

Looks like the new pair there is making good progress though.

C(°Ù¿°)D Jim

Robyn said...

Good day everyone, been trying to catch up on my droid, hands being difficult today, thank goodness ins approved my remicade infusions 100%.

I see intruder is back and once again moving sticks around, I also see someone already said Trudy will be nest owner? Tell me not true and it was a noobie making comment.

I am going to fire up the espresso machine and make a cappuccino then I will try and finish the last 125 posts

hedgie said...

Another article---Good!!! BUT:
contrary to this line: The viewing community is "particularly upset at the father, Liberty, for keeping his distance"....we true momsters ARE NOT !! We know our Lib is doing what he can, when he can.....and if it's true that he wouldn't interfere in female/female strife, then he's being a normal eagle. WE LOVE YOU, LIB!

Geula said...

** Costume Lady said...
Geula, if you are still on here...our Pastor is in the Holy Land right now on a tour. Can hear bombs or gunfire or both. We a very concerned for his safety. Can you hear anything?

Tuesday, March 22, 2011 8:02:00 AM

I think it depends where you pastor is...There are some serious demonstrations against Assad in Syria, not far from the Israeli Jordanian border. The other place that there may be a problem is in Gaza. The Israeli planes have done some retaliation after a large number of rockets were shot at the south of Israel. I don't think there's really anything to worry about...there's no war here or anything! Just "normal" every day stuff!

Sorry it took me so long to answer...I wasn't home

hedgie said...

Catching up again...
Yes, Lolly, I WILL get another the not too distant future.

hedgie said...

Paula, I could tell yesterday that Belle's beak was MUCH improved. Probably wouldn't even be noticeable if we didn;t know how it looked before!

hedgie said...

Eagles, Paula, at MN Bound!

hedgie said...

Delphia, how did things go? You feeling okay?

Hi, Jim---yep, that's pretty much how the day has been.

Pammie, hope you get some good shots!

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

Lily is very intent on taking that cam out. She is being successful!!!

wvgal_dana said...

12:07 AND 12:08 IT WAS STATED



Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Jo-Lowreeda's nesting eagle.

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5/31/24 one

 From the field camera we have one setting on the Lop looks like Bella this is from Deb and the Field cam they are working on our cameras ho...