Monday, March 07, 2011


New week thread.


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Lolly said...

Wow, I get to start the new thread. Thanks Steve, will call the others over. Have a great week!

hedgie said...

Okay, here's the scoop.....they are still won't even open now at all! Got an email saying it should be ready soon! Will let you know

hedgie said...

Thanks for call over, Lolly!!

Lolly said...

Good morning! Stayed over on the old thread, catching up on comments.

I did go to vote before coming here and could not find Mai's picture or voting. Will wait for you to tell us Lynn.

Lynn, what picture are you going to submit this time? As cute as the other picture? ☺

Going to work on cleaning my house today. Time for Jack to vacuume and me to mop. Usually do that on the weekend. Faye's house came first yesterday. When I talked with Laurel she said she was cleaning her house last night. No rest for the weary!

51 here, cloudy, and gloomy. No yard work today unless the sun comes out.

Lolly said...

Time for me to eat breakfast and walk.

I'll be back to check on when and where to vote.

Mema Jo said...

Hi - I came on over after seeing your call, Lolly. Lynn, on their main site is a pic of a a puppy that could pass as Mai... on the page with the rules.
I'll wait for you to alert me to vote.

Kristen is here - brought me some good homemade chicken salad.... can't wait for lunch! Hubby is down at Red Cross donating blood.

Mema Jo said...

BTW Lynn - look at Jenny's FB pic

It's your pussy willows

hedgie said...

No, Jo, that's not Mai. I submitted a different pic that you all have probably seen before! A close-up view of her face.

Geula said...

just for there another place that I can see our nest in case for some reason I can't get into Outdoor Channel?
besides the still cam...

magpie said...

Good Morning Eagle Pals on the new thread from my workplace ☺

Thanks Steve for the New Thread
and Thanks Lolly for the holler-over

magpie said...

I got a picture of that HUGE fish at Blackwater earlier, now I will need help identifying it!

naturalist friend in NY works Tuesday will probably be able to help me out, I don't know my fish !

magpie said...

Hi Jo -
say Hi to Kristen and enjoy your visiting time together ☺

paula eagleholic said...

Anyone see anything on that last egg roll around 11:50am?

floralgirl said...

Eggs are showing! Eagle flew out.

hedgie said...

Lovely eruption at Kiluea volcano! Spewing 25 ft. into the air!

hedgie said...

Belle was off eggs and I saw nothing indicating pips.

paula eagleholic said...

Lib gone, Belle back.

floralgirl said...

I guess that's Belle now, Lib flew out to the right, she flew in from the left, did a big egg roll, moved them around a bit, and sat down. They both look intact to me. But I can see where the fluff sometimes looks like a crack. No sign of any pip hole.

hedgie said...

I am still trying to clean the spot on my carpet.....nothing Bill (my carpet guy!) said to do got out my trusty little green machine thingy...won't know til it's completely dry but I think it looks like it did the trick....time will tell.

hedgie said...

Jo, Jenny's pussy willows look so pretty against the bright blue sky! Pretty flowers, too!

Hi, Margy! Glad you could check in---wink, wink!

Geula, no other live cam site....sorry. Are you anticipating some kind of problem?

movin said...




iN eAGLeLaND...


It's kinda sunny, kinda cloudy this A.M. in So Cal, and it's just possible we might get a shower or two this morning.

[:~D] Jim

movin said...

Geula, how are you doing??

I don't "think" there is another path to our nestcam. I know I don't have a second link now.

[:~D] Jim

NatureNut said...

Happy, Sunny Monday to All!
Our cam & BWE look like Mom's have everything under control. Need to check some others & get more coffee! Later

hedgie said...

Icy snow was plastered against sides of trees last chunks are blowing off. Dangerous out there! Need a hard hat!
Melting almost done on everything else.

paula eagleholic said...

BWE chicks snuggled in the sunshine

magpie said...

they look bee-utiful Paula...
soaking up the vitamins D and K ☼

magpie said...

I had taken a screen grab from sometime around 7 am of the eggs
it is in the E-M album but I doubt if it will show any kind of clue on the condition of the eggs

Costume Lady said...

Capt. Gene was driving into town, when he came upon a heard of cattle in the road (rt 45E).
He called Margy to report the incident...wondering how much difficulty they had getting them moved?

magpie said...

too funy Wanda! He was a great "reporter" and I recognized his voice immediately!

the bovines had moved off the road when police arrived and the owner was on his way,
a deer had knocked down a portion of the cows' fence ! ☺

magpie said...

I tol him if I had to work on my day off, it was well-worth it to take his call !!! ☺

magpie said...

lsot my link to NCTC for a short while and need to get live feed on so I don't miss the next/nest egg roll !!!

magpie said...

whee that fish at Blackwater got gobbled up pretty quickly !

not a whole lo9t left but head and skeleton

Costume Lady said...

I think Gene has called 911 twice in the past year and each time you, Margy took his call...too funny!

Lolly said...

Still no voting news? Lynn???

paula eagleholic said...

Was trying to check on CRC, but cam is down.

Lolly said...

I just voted Mai!

Vote for Mai

hedgie said...

Oh, thanks, Lolly!!! Last time I tried, it still didn't work!!! Yippee!!!!! Wow......lots of percentage increases, huh?!!!

Let the voting begin AGAIN!

hedgie said...

Where did you find the link, Lolly? I still can't get the original voting site link to work.

Lolly said...

I have been trying to share on fb with a picture of Mai and have not been successful. Help!

Also, do not understand the voting. It has just started and that one has 60% already?

paula eagleholic said...

CRC is back on

Lolly said...

I went through the link I had on my original fb post.

Lolly said...

Okay, I think I understand it. So few had voted and the once that had voted for the first one.

Come on everyone vote on every computer you have!!!!!

Lolly said...

ones not once

glo said...

Voted for Mai she is currently tied with Lizzie at 38%.

Lolly said...

I finally just shared the link with no thumbnail. Then immediatly did another post with the picture of Mai that I had saved.

magpie said...

Oh boy I have NCTC live feed going at my workstation

sunny and shadows
and one big beautiful eagle in one big beautiful nest

hope I can be watching for any moves or switches

one hour left to quitting time ☺

magpie said...

Gene actually called the Sheriffs Office line directly ☺

magpie said...

I don't have sound but wish I did, think Belle ? is making noises
and also standing up off the eggs a little

magpie said...

well if she rolled them I missed it but I did see some wiggle wiggling

Lolly said...

Wow! I just got two of Laurel's friends to vote! Wahoo! We are on a roll.

Now I have to go mop floors. Groan!

magpie said...

I don't have sound because I CAN'T have sound here at work
just wondering if we got it back yet though

saw Paula's post sending the email about it and asking if we get sound to tell her

paula eagleholic said...

Did my voting from here at work.

paula eagleholic said...

Thought for sure we would have sound back by now. I emailed Steve again. Also asked to zoom the cam in on Friday for the next weekend viewing.

I see Belle a talkin'

Lolly said...

I see her talking, too. Certainly wish we could hear her.

paula eagleholic said...

NCTC is aware of the sound issue.

hedgie said...

Okay.....I backtracked from your link to the main page so that all categories show! Thanks, Lolly. You beat me on FB and Momster mail!!! All is good now.

In a bit of sweet revenge, apparently Mai bit herself while playing with a toy----her lower lip is bleeding! Poor Mai.

Mema Jo said...

Whoa! Lizzie is giving us some stiff competition.

hedgie said...

Great idea about the zoom, Paula! Thanks. Do wish the sound would come back.

Thanks for votes, everyone! Not sure I understand the method, either, but......we shall see how it all turns out!!!

magpie said...

gotta sign off see you later bye

hedgie said...

BTW---I did lodge my complaint with Animal Control today. I haven't heard back yet, tho'. I decided to email her because I knew I wouold get too emotional trying to tell over the phone, and she says she ALWAYS checks her email, so......

Lolly said...

I am headed into town to the laundry mat. Hate going there but my comforter on our bed needs washing and It is too large for my washer. Annie has thrown up on it twice recently. Sigh......

Will take my kindle and sit there for a couple of hours. See ya later, gators!

paula eagleholic said...

Whoo hoo theres the sound

Belle just took off again.

paula eagleholic said...

Eagle back, wiggle wiggle. Think it's Lib

hedgie said...

Sound is very faint....wind!!

hedgie said...

Nice sunny view of BWE feeding!

hedgie said...

ROFLMBO----now the rumormonger says---obviously a typo---that the eggs incubate for 32-36 weeks! What a hoot.

hedgie said...

Someone please set him/her straight!

paula eagleholic said...

I responded to that crap earlier, Lynn. If you look at his entire post, I think it was just a typo. He mentions DAYS in the post later. Everyone is entitled to their opinion...Think people realize now there isn't any hatching going on today.

Mema Jo said...

I put the word out for votes from Mai
to everyone I know.. and asked them to give the link to their friends.

Jenny & Aaron stopped by. Doc said he
was find from the accident - thank

paula eagleholic said...

Chick outside the bowl alert alert

Chicks covered in fluff too, LOL

paula eagleholic said...

Scampered back in the bowl

paula eagleholic said...

Now it's a pile of eagle fluffiness!

paula eagleholic said...

Look quick at the 2 CRC fluff balls!

magpie said...

Hi Paula
I have sound, seems a little herky-jerky

problaby, maybe, just my computer

thanks for getting the fix alert out
and thanks to the fixers

magpie said...

but I think I just heard people noises or a barking dog and now wind

so surely better than silence ☺

magpie said...

finally, maybe an ISS sighting this evening, also the 8th and the 10th
the latter two should be brighter than tonight's

magpie said...

and with any luck at all maybe we will see Toddler Moon in the West around dark0time
miss that little rascal, will like it much better when it gets bigger in the next week ☺

magpie said...

Very glad to hear that Aaron is fine Jo !!

magpie said...

oh just caught my first glimpse of the Colorado
Ft. St. Vrain Eagle nest
proud parent roosting there

magpie said...

Really nice update on Mason, will post it here:

Mason Today ♥

magpie said...

love all the posts about CRC -
and I have yet to open that one up
so many nests, so little time

Hope everyone is having a great evening, it is a very nice West Virginia day hereabouts

ttn xoxox

PA Nana said...

Good afternoon/evening everyone. Hope all are well or on the way to recovery.

Can't seem to keep up with all the posts or cams. Did notice I don't have the water Finland cam in my favs. Would sks please send me the link?

The Hbg PA falcon is at the nest occasionally but didn't notice anything to report. And the BWE eaglets are so cute!

since dinner is on the stove vooking I'll try to catch up with today's posts.

bbl - I hope

hedgie said...

LOL----Red (OUR Red??) set them straight on OC!!

hedgie said...

Thank goodness Aaron checked out okay, Mema Jo!!! Did he call my contact?

paula eagleholic said...

I would guess that's our Red.

paula eagleholic said...

Yep, married, northern Alabama. That's our RED.

magpie said...

that was beautiful the egg roll NCTC
and just saw a switch at Colorado

hedgie said...

I know, Paula----a typo, but it was still funny! That would surely be some rotten eggs!!

magpie said...

Diann - I'll send it to you in a minute...AND the nice thing is, it is getting light there now around -0630 their time (seven hours ahead of us) and staying light until about 1830 their time !!

back in a minute with the link
and I LOVE your avatar !!

magpie said...


Finland Water nest, also sometimes referred to as Fin Ferry because there is a wonderful "ferry boat" that crosses in the background...
(and other boats too )

Finland Water Nest

It is dark there now of course !

hedgie said... it is:
Fin Ferry

Dark there now. Check other cams listed on left, too, for more cold weather sites there! It's new this year.

hedgie said...

Switch.....and 2 perfectly whole eggs.

paula eagleholic said...

Belle just returned for the night shift with some fresh fluff...Lib departed. Two pretty eggs in the nest....all white, no pips or cracks or marks.

PA Nana said...

Thanks Margy & Lynn. Once I get my times straight I'll check it out.

Mema Jo said...

Mason's Journal Update

magpie said...

It should work out good for you Diann -
since you are often up in the middle of the night ☺

magpie said...

That was a spectacular switch, (short while ago )
complete with some soft Eagle sounds -
the eggs looked great, all was too quick for me to get a screen grab

Mema Jo said...

Well Margy Sorry but I did duplicate Mason's caring bridge that I always bring over. I guess your 2 steps ahead today.......

paula eagleholic said...

Don't think I've ever seen this shot before...

Evel Kni-Eagle

PA Nana said...

FYI It's getting dark at Harrisburg, but a falcon is sitting in the nest area.

paula eagleholic said...

Really good article...don't let the first picture scare you away from reading the article about this eagle rescue.

He fell from the sky

hedgie said...

We got off lucky, weatherwise, gang. Burlington, VT has gotten 24" of snow in 24 hrs. UGH!

magpie said...

I know you do....and it is always much appreciated....
I just thought maybe you were busy with visiting, and it was such a positive post I couldn't resist...

better twice I guess

hedgie said...

Check it out! Photos of CRC eaglets. Wonder how they got these shots??!! Cam should be like this.
CRC eaglets

Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Everyone!
Checking in here pretty late. I have been so sleepy today! Emma's been sleeping a lot, too. Guess the doggie park actually did tire her out yesterday! We have both been panda napping.
I have gotten some wash done today, at least. Emma was running all over the house earlier today, once again with her leash in her mouth. It is so cute--she is taking herself for a run!
I just tried, and was able to vote for Mai again.
Well, Hubby just got home from work, so I need to spend some time with him. Will check back in later. (Last night I fell asleep in front of the TV with Emma!--sorry.) Later, alligators! :o]

Judie said...

Hi everyone,

Been totally bogged down with exams, papers, office hours, etc.

Will return soon. Hope all is going well for everyone.

magpie said...

beautiful crescent moon is OUT
pretty much due WEST and fairly high in the sky

trying to get a birthday packet ready because I lost a day today :(

there was another great egg roll a few mins ago
and both parents busy with frisky eaglets at BWE

will check that link in a bit Paula....Thanks in advance

hedgie said...

Marvelous links, Paula! Thank you. Both are amazing.

Judie said...

Voted for Mai.

Mema Jo said...

Paula that flippin' eagle was a once in a lifetime pic! Thanks for posting it.

Mema Jo said...

I just saw Lynne over on FB and she should be here soon!

Costume Lady said...

Oh my oh Mai, she is at 21% and Baily the CAT is leading at 23%...we can't have that!
Please go over and vote, don't let this past week be wasted. GO, GO , GO!!!

hedgie said...

Andy, just can't keep up with you, gal. You are ALWAYS on the move! You and MArgy both put me to shame!

Judie, spring break starts WHEN for you???? Know you are looking forward to it!

Mema Jo said...

Bev aka Sissy has been on FB with results from her dr appointment today.
She should be over here shortly..
I'll give her a few..

magpie said...

don't know if anyone was watching for ISS, but it just flew over NNW to NNE - Discovery is traveling with it, ahead of it and not as bright,
real cool flyover !

Lolly said...

We really have our work cut out for us to get folks to vote for Mai. Now, I love cats, but we can not have Mai beat by a cat!! LOL

hedgie said...

Saw the space station, Margy! Thanks for reminding me to look up the schedule!

Mema Jo said...

Margy, my trees are in the way BUT
I see the Moon and the moon sees me..

Mema Jo said...


Tomorrow is Shove Tuesday, Fat Tuesday, Mardi Gras or Fastnacht Day! the Tuesday before Lent begins means one thing busy, busy bakers.

magpie said...

Okay Jo !
Yes, thanks for that reminder...
hey Tuesday night, much better and higher view of the ISS and maybe still Discovery tagging along near it...
for us here, says from WNW
84 degrees, that's almost straight up, might catch more sun for longer time
Good Luck!
Glad you saw it Hedgie...
was pretty amazing, seeing the two together !

magpie said...

And Moonie of course, getting brighter, bigger, and higher every night now...

paula eagleholic said...

I saw that baby moon out tonight...

stronghunter said...

Hi, Tried to vote but cannot find a place to do it.

magpie said...

any thoughts on what the BIG fish was at Blackwater this morning?
One friend thinks maybe Carp -
think catfish is ruled out didn't see whiskers
I'm going to put a pic up on Magpies Roost when I finish this post.
It was nearly all skeleton by 2 pm !

paula eagleholic said...

Got my vote in for Mai...

hedgie said...

Discovery touchdown is scheduled for Weds. 11:58AM.

hedgie said...

Time for Jeopardy.
Tilking the screen shows nothing much more than a white head!!!

magpie said...

Thanks for the compliment but I actually get very little done...
spin my wheels a lot..
reference your post at 6:59 pm
YOU, on the other hand, are ALWAYS on the go....

paula eagleholic said...

Great CRC pics...wonder if they let a photo in near the cam, or they're from the cam?

NatureNut said...

Nuts, I didn't look for ISS and was out around that time,but saw the sliver moon.
Only thing we've read today is instructions for installing new Kodak AiO printer/plus in 'puter. Fubby bought it a long time ago, but I was waiting to use up all that expensive ink!No more---cheap Kodak ink!
Paula, that's a fantastic eagle story!!Wish we could see him get released! ☺
Din din~~BBL

Mema Jo said...

I say that a photographer was allowed in the enclosure in order to get such wonderful closeup shots. Of course I'm
sure he had to have on an Eagle costume
from Wanda's shop

Mema Jo said...

Shirley - here is the link - Mai has a new pic but you will recognize her for sure........

Vote/submit vote for Mai

Mema Jo said...

Phone call from Ft Bragg coming in......

magpie said...

awesome links, the two from you Paula,
the CRC from Lynn
Thanks to you Both!

got to backtrack later and see Bob Q's new pictures

and I am trying to figure out if I have voted correctly in this new round for Mai Ying -

back later on, waiting on maybe if Sissy is going to post....


NatureNut said...

Margy, Sent your fishy pic to Greg K. at Park. What about a white perch? I think they're starting to run here, don't know about Eastern Shore nor about many fish!

Found the new Petromix page!

magpie said...

Thanks Loretta !

...could be...
I have looked up shad, white perch, catfish and carp so far...
it seems a little skinny for carp but other signs look pretty good...
we'll figure it out: Team Work!
pretty sure my friend in NY is going to snap at it too...

magpie said...

gotta go figure postage and hit the shower

see you good people a little later on

Lynne2 said...

Steve thinks it's a Carp.

Evening all! went back to work today for the first time and all is well!

stronghunter said...

Still can't vote for Mai. The link is not taking me to the voting place. Help.

Mema Jo said...

We are tied at 21% with Bailey

Lolly said...

Mai is hanging in there!

Going to watch TV, will be back later.

Lynne2 said...

that eagle who fell from the sky....the rehabber, Kathy Woods, she is great! She helps with the Irvine animals. I'm guessing the 2 eagles the guy though were "fighting" were actually doing that courtship death spiral thing.

Mema Jo said...

Shirley I just tested my link and it brought up the Fetching Division

Look under the large pic for Mai
She is the second pic from the left.

Lolly said...

That link should take you there. It did me to just check on how things were going. Try again! Mai is the second dog on the list and in the pictures.

Lynne2 said...

OK, Steve says it DEFINITELY a Carp.

Mema Jo said...

Good to have you back Lynne. ♥

stronghunter said...

Thanks, I voted for Mai. Now getting Kathryn to vote for her. Trying to figure out how to put a link on FB without bringing up Leonardo.

Lynne2 said...

Good to be back, finally!

Bev, have you done the diet modifications for the reflux to see if it can be controlled that way and with maybe a medication like Omeprazole?

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

Well, I just posted somewhere! Hard to tell where it ended up!! How is everyone this evening? Sorry I haven't been on in so long, no excuses, just a slacker. Once I get on here, it is hard to leave such great company!

Went to the doc today. I have to have another EGD the 16th to see if I am a candidate for surgery to fix this reflux and hiatal hernia. Will know more after that is done. It sure would be great to be in the solution!

Hope all is well with you guys. I will check back in before bedtime. Love and hugs!

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

Oh yeah, I have done all that stuff, elevated the head of the bed, taking Nexium twice a day everyday. That is the only thing that helps and sometimes it doesn't help either, Lynn.

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

I mean Lynne!!

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

I found my original post, it was on February 7th! Lost in a time warp for sure!

wvgal_dana said...

Hi Everyone.

Just stopped in to say I voted for Mai. I see it is each day until Sunday, I think that is March 20th.

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

Bailey and Mai Ying are about neck and neck in the race to move on to the Snuggly 16!! Has everyone voted today??

Lynne2 said...

That sucks. I wonder if they can't just repair the hernia if when they do the EGD if they can see it CAN be fixed. Then you only have to go under anesthesia once!

paula eagleholic said...

Got my third vote in for MAI....TEE HEE just figured out I can do two at work and two from home, so will do 4 tomorrow....

Took the dog for a quick walk...watching The Event now...

hedgie said...

Hi Lynne and Sissy!!!! Good to see you both-----Lynne feeling better, and poor Sissy still suffering......sure don't understand the point of a 2nd about a 2nd opinion, Bev????

Lynne, bet Irvine and the vet missed you terribly!! And I am so glad your MIL came and lent a couple of hands to your recovery.

Thanks for VOTING!!!!! It's going to be tougher this go round!

Dana...round 2 goes through the 13th; TBD if we go further.

hedgie said...

LOL...thinking MIL never lifted a helping hand for me or my girls, EVER! She is a very strange person.

magpie said...

Good to hear from you Sissy, but sorry to hear you are still in some distress....prayers continue for you through all this and beyond

xoxo (( hugs ♥ ))

magpie said...

and glad to you back Lynne! As others have said before me...

Okay, Carp it seems to be!
A seasoned fisherman has cast his vote ! Thank you !

It sure was a tasty treat for the BWE Eaglets today !

Lynne2 said...

how UN-Motherly your MIL was Lynn. That's just sad!

Oh yes, the "seasoned fisherman" explained in great detail, using charts, graphs, pictures and sound effects as to why this is a carp and not a white perch, shad or catfish. LOL!!!

hedgie said...

Mai currently has a slight margin!

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

This is my first visit to the surgeon and he wants to check my anatomy for himself before deciding on surgery.

magpie said...

that's funny, Lynne....tell him I said thanks!

And I greatly appreciate any and all other ideas and suggestions along the way ☺

shower time

Lynne2 said...

I'm going to hit the shower and the pillow myself. Working and babysitting tomorrow.

Have a good night and prayers for all!

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

Good nite friends! Gonna finish watching House and go to bed! I will holler at you tomorrow!!

Mema Jo said...

Take care Sissy! Prayers for you!

Mema Jo said...

Today was Robin Day in my yard. They
were all pecking away in the ground.

paula eagleholic said...

I saw some robins this past week in my neighborhood.

Cam looks a little bit lighter.

Sissy, sure hope you found some relief.

Lynne, glad you are back to work and feeling better.

stronghunter said...

Kathryn posted a request for votes for Mai on a community group blog she belongs to. We will see.

magpie said...

oh cute
sweet little eaglet sleeping
just outside of Ma's tum tum

magpie said...

maybe even two peeking out, hard to tell

NatureNut said...

Getting late already! Wanna get the do done before Harry comes on!

Mema Jo said...

Great Shirley - we sure can use some outside resources. This is going to be a tight one.

hedgie said...

Thank Kat for me, Shirley!!!!
Yep, Jo, it is only going to get more intense!!!

hedgie said...

You didn't leave yourself much time for the do, Lowreeda!!! Harry's is a hot one.

PA Nana said...

Tomorrow is fastnacht day and I already had some. Yum Yum!

This is our church's biggest fund raiser and it's 82 years old. Since Mike isn't working yet he volunteered to help out. The bakes are Mon,Tues, Wed this week then every Mon & Wed for 4 weeks.

They only take orders by phone for a short period (usually 2 weeks) and they sold out by Wednesday of the first week. Glad I got my order in but have to wait until the 30th.

Our local tv station usually does a taping at the bake each year and they showed one tonight on the 5:30show.

They hold 2 dozen for each helper and Mike brought his home. Can't imagine how many dozen they make - both plain and glazed.

Getting late so I'll say my goodnites now. Prayers for all.

If I can't sleep again, I'll stop by later, if not, blessings.

stronghunter said...

Been grading essays. Must put grades in my book.

I am going to say good night now. I will see you tomorrow.

Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Gang,
I cast my vote for Mai earlier today.
Good to see that Lynne is better, and back to work! YAY!!!! Thank God!
Mema Jo, believe it or not, we saw a Robin at my Sis-in-law's house! What a neat surprise that was!
Sissy, prayers that you will be feeling better really soon! That flaming heartburn is AWFUL!
Loretta, please let me know how the Kodak printer is. I need to get a nice printer with less expensive ink! All this transcription homework is playing havok with my budget. Have been doing "grayscale" printing, which helps some.
Well, need to do some more homework, and pay some bills online.
Lynn, hope you are feeling better, too! Prayers for your speedy recovery!
Hope Mai is behaving herself for you, too.
Well, not sure whether Judie has turned on the night light yet. Will check that, and the porch light. I'm enabling the eye-scanner security, and Dana's thumbprint-scanner security. Prayers have been said for everyone and their pet(s). Sleep well, and I will talk to you tomorrow. God bless, and goodnight! Love all of you! :o]

Ms Bookworm said...

Ah, Diann,
Just saw your post about fastnachts, and Hubby and I would like somma dose!
(He's from Lancaster, PA!) YUM!
Well, gotta get busy. G'night, all!

hedgie said...

Good show!!

Mema Jo said...

Enjoyed Harry
I am headed for the pillows

I'm looking ahead to Fat Tuesday! lol

Good Night All and have pleasant dreams
Prayers for all in need
Hugs for All ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

paula eagleholic said...

Gotta get some fastnachts!

paula eagleholic said...

Belle has been tucked in for hours...gonna go do the same!

Hugs to all ♥

hedgie said...

Saw the fastnacht item in the paper today....yummy! Andy, bet your hubby REALLY would love long has it been????
Diann, great of Mike to help out---and you didn't really have to wait til your order comes!!! Enjoy.

Shirley, so sorry about Luna. Thabk goodness Suzi is helping out. I feel SO bad for Kathryn. So what is next???

magpie said...

Yikes the Night Bandit has struck!

I missed a few before you left for the pillows - headed there myself now

Diann: if you are up checking things out anytime after 11:30 - you should be able to see Snowy Finland Water Nest

Prayers for all....
catch you in the morning before work

God Bless Us, Every One
xoxo ♥

NatureNut said...

Gotta hit the hay! Good to see Lynne2 on here.
Sissy, hope you get all better ASAP!
Diann, boy that all sounds yummy. That's right! Tomorrow is Shrove TU & we can have pancakes for din din!!
Andy, have only done test page so far on printer, but Fubby got it because ink is about $15, not $55 up!It has scanner and fax, too. Haven't gone thru the disc yet to see how those work.It even has a little LCD pop-up that tells you what to do!!!!!I can't stand it!

Pleasant Feather Dreams & prayers for good health for all, including all the animals! ;>)

hedgie said...

I am tired, so will head to tub and then the pillows.
Prayers for all.

Since it is already the 8th in Israel, I will say:


Lolly said...

Yea, just checked and Mai is in the lead. It is going to be a struggle this week, but I raked in a few votes. ☺

Paula, what did you do to figure out 2 votes at home and 2 at work?

Lolly said...

I am now heading to the shower and getting comfy. Will stay up and read. Jack is watching the STARS!

Nite all!

Sweet dreams!

Costume Lady said...

voted for Mai and now it is time for a new movie...must go to bed before I get interested in it;


Lori O. said...

Good Morning All fans of Belle and Lib and the eaglets soon to be!

Funny, I just voted for Mai from my work computer, and she is still in the lead. Quite an accomplishment Lynn and Mai!

Thanks for the reminder email Jo.

You can't remind me of anything too much - cuz I can't remember anything! :)

Lori O. said...

Still dark at the next, but getting lighter and full light in 15 minutes.

So, I'm expecting Geula, the Birthday Girl anytime!


Lori O. said...

Expecting Lib any second. Belle just lifted her head from a sound sleep and began calling.

Lori O. said...

The switch has been made.

Belle took off before Lib even landed.

He's rolled the eggs, wiggled and wiggled some more and is now firmly ensconsed on his throne of eggs.

BEagle said...

Good morning eagle watchers.

I missed the switch! It's getting closer to a pip day. Are you eggcited yet?

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...


Good morning everyone! Lurking around, watching the nest, working, etc!! Will holler at ya'll later.

BEagle said...

For those interested in White Rock....

I just checked the White Rock nest. The lady of the nest is sitting. I do not know if she has laid an egg yet.

It's still night time there but the night light is on.

Lori O. said...

WOW! Company is here!

Good morning BEagle and Sissy!

stronghunter said...

Good morning!

Happy birthday, Geula!

«Oldest ‹Older   1 – 200 of 293   Newer› Newest»

3/12/25 AM 🐟 x2

 Eggrolls and  6:49 AM Bella gets up. Does stretch saunters over to the cup edge does a quick calls to him. Exit the nest at 6 49 43. 6:50 ...