Wednesday, November 03, 2010


New thread. 


magpie said...

Well I do believe we ARE ready for a new thread, Steve,
Thank you !

Mema Jo said...

You must have the magic touch Margy.
I just read that Steve was in DC all day! So thankful for this fresh new thread - we were getting lost on the old one.

Mema Jo said...

I am headed into TV for an hour show - Criminal Minds.
Anxious to hear from Judie as to how the "cop class" liked her new 'do'.

hedgie said...

Yippee!!! We sure needed that new thread. Hi, Margy!!

magpie said...

Howdy pals...think I am caught up on posts...

going to take a little time and look at some old pictures of some favorite people, my family!

xoxox back later, I think...

Shirley, like that new avatar, you said you were going to change it, and you did...I guess I have to ask, Is It Luna?

It's raining here now.

Jo, thanks...I just kept checking also ☺ and found it
Hope your time with little Alexis was great fun

Lolly said...

Laurel called. Looks like Faye will come home (to Laurel and Joey's) as early as Friday or as late as Monday. She is being dismissed with an I V. She can not eat anything for 6 weeks to let her pancreas heal. A nurse will be coming by every few days. She will be with them a week and then hopefully her sister or her other son will come and stay with her at her house. Joseph is under the weather and if he is not better by morning, I am taking him to the doctor. She really does need to be home and not in the house with the kids and their health issues. Oh, what a mess!!

paula eagleholic said...

Whew, we really needed a new thread!

So Happy to hear about Lun Lun having her cub!

paula eagleholic said...

Gotta go get caught up...

paula eagleholic said...

Lynne, sorry to hear about friends dog.

Jo, any update on Sophia?

I fell asleep watching election returns last night! Then woke up at 2:30 and couldn't get back to sleep until 4:30!!

paula eagleholic said...

Wow Lolly, sounds like a long recovery for Faye.

magpie said...

Good night early, Friends...
Hi Paula, and everyone else...

have sadness in my heart for your friend's dog also Lynne...

and prayers for Andrea's friend, for Laurel and her family, Lolly, and for so many difficult things we and are friends and families are going through

I'm placing my trust in my Faith that we will all have the strengths we need to muddle through

God Bless Us, Every One
xo ♥

hedgie said...

Forgot to tell you that the Zoo Atlanta vet was absolutely beaming form ear to ear when he was interviewed today about the panda baby!!

hedgie said...

OMG----for those watching Criminal Minds----Robert Newman, playing the sheriff, has gotten a bit pudgier and older-looking since Guiding Light ended 14 mos. ago.....he looks almost exactly like my Bill did when he was 15 yrs. younger!! He was always my favorite soap actor.

hedgie said...

Goodnight, Margy. Hope you rest easy.

Lolly, hope everything works out for Faye. Yes, she doesn't need to be around childhood ills.

Andy, I completely forgot to remark about your classmates' husband. If this happened on the job, he should be covered by workers' comp and won 't lose wages or benefits unless he was an independent driver. That would be a really sad situation. Hope she doesn't have to leave school this close to the end.

Judie said...

Thank you, Steve. Maybe you heard my little song?

Lynne, sorry about the dog having to be euthanized. Very sad for the family.

Lolly, glad you got the motor home cleaned and ready for a rest. I do wish Faye did not have to be at Laurel's place. I really think it is a bit much with the children and work. So sorry for the whole situation.

Well, the cops were totally stunned by my beauteous "do" Really is a fun group and it is so funny how uptight they get about assignments -- not much different than my wannabe adults. Have to laugh.

Hope everyone has had a pleasant evening. Going to turn my light off now but will leave the night light on for others headed back the hallway, waking up and staying awake, coming in from school, headed to the tub, or just wandering around in the dark.

Sleep well everyone.

NatureNut said...

Getting late, was writing some emails & wrote to a coworker at Park, telling her of animals we saw today at Chelsea & just remembered a big bushy fox ran by when I was looking at all the deer in the field. Wish I had camera out! He was fast.
Anyway, If I konk out Pleasant Feather Dreams ;>)

Wednesday, November 03, 2010 10:19:00 PM

NatureNut said...

I just copied & pasted from old thread w/out reading, but now I see that special thoughts are in order for Lolly's poor daughter & MIL, Andy's classmate's hubby, Lynne's friend's dog and prayers for everyone.

So Steve was in DC???He should have stopped by for a visit!! ☺

hedgie said...

Took my outdoor shoes downstairs to vacuum them out (yard debris) and saw a dead stinkbug down there. It was literally petrified. When I sucked it up into the vacuum, it sounded like a rock!!! Geesh. So glad that we are done with them for this year!

hedgie said...


hedgie said...

FYI to all----it was Lynne's brothers' dog. :(

Lolly said...

Jack was after me to download pic so that is what I was doing this evening. Even downloaded a video and was successful getting it on fb. That's a first for me!

Laurel just posted on fb (she did not tell me), but their roof leaked with the rain yesterday and today. Not sure how much more they can take.

I am going to call it a night. A shower will feel good and I might be going to Denton in the morning.

Do appreciate prayers for Faye and Laurel and family.

Nite all!

Lolly said...

Lynn, we did find one stink bug in the trailer while on our trip. Have not seen any while scrubbing it down.

hedgie said...

Thank goodness for that, Lolly! So sorry about Laurel's are like me: how much more can our youngsters' families take? Seems like once their down, there's just one thing after another to keep them down. So thankful that we both have one kid who isn't in dire straits.

hedgie said...

Goodnight, dear friends. See you tomorrow! Raining here now and is to continue through tomorrow. Damp and cold! Be careful if you are out and about. Prayers for all.

Costume Lady said...

It is a cold, rainy night here in Nestville...46°. Not going to get much colder tonight than it is right now. 52° for a high tomorrow and another day of rainy weather. Talk of a few snow flakes falling tomorrow...Oh, no Mr. Bill!


Mema Jo said...

Well it's after midnight! I haven't had this happen in quite a while. I did
watch 2 shows this evening with hubby.

Sophia is now eating solids - Her Aunt Jenny sent her an edible Hello Miss Kitty fruit arrangement with balloon.
Melissa said they were all very excited and took that fruit down in a hurry. Sophia ate all the grapes and told them 'the grapes were hers'.
She goes back to the surgeon on Mon.
He will remove any stitches that are ready and check the wound - but all of those stitches will just dissolve.
Things are back to normal over there in Hedgesville!

Mema Jo said...

Good Night My Friends
Prayers for everyone
Hugs to all ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Everyone,
Made it home from school OK. We were there kinda late tonight because next Wednesday is the English Final Exam. Got our tests from last week back, and doggone it, I missed getting an A on it by one point! Sure can't complain about a B+, though. Oboy, the final is going to be a stinker!

Have a positive update on my friend's husband. His surgery went well. My friend Danielle got to talk to the surgeon, and guess he will have to heal for a while. His left femur (thigh bone) was shattered into tiny pieces. They were able to put in a rod, and a plate to hold everything steady while it heals. He will have to do some rehab. Hopefully he will be able to go home in a few more days.
Thank God he's getting better!
Lynn, he was on the job when the accident happened, so hope it's covered by workmen's comp! Glad you mentioned it.

Notice that Jim said that he had "sleeping sickness" today--that makes 2 of us! Think the weather has a LOT to do with that! Hope it's cooler tomorrow! Going to have to REALLY water my patio plants a LOT tomorrow. They are really looking unhappy! Oh--have seen some Pine Siskins in the back yard bushes. Guess they're passing through. Am still really upset about poor Phoebe's eggs being lost again. Wonder if she will start another nest in a new location, or keep this one. MTBR....

Ms Bookworm said...

I like your new avatar. Is that Luna? Very cute.

Glad your day at the big schoolhouse went well. Bet your class is VERY interesting! Wish I could attend.

Sure do hope that Lolly's Laurel can get a break from all that's going on soon! Prayers for her and her family, and for Faye. My aunt had pancreatitis once, and it really kept her down for about 6 or 7 weeks. She was home, but stuck in bed on an IV for nourishment. Definitely not much fun! That was a while ago, so I hope they've made some progress with treating it by now.

Ms Bookworm said...

Sure am glad to hear that Sophia is doing well! God bless her. Prayers for her speedy recovery.

Well, it's getting late, so think I will call it a day. Judie, thanks for turning on the night light. I made it here without running into any furniture. :o] Prayers have been said for everyone. (Margy, how is Anne doing? Have had her on my mind today.) The eye-scanner security and Dana's thumbprint-scanner security are enabled. Sleep well, everyone, and I'll talk to you tomorrow. God bless, and goodnight! Love all of you! :o]

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

Good morning wonderful folks! I will be lurking around all day scoping out the pandas and eagles! Feeling better today than yesterday and I am so grateful! Hope everyone has a great day!

magpie said...

Good Rainy West Virginia Morning Eagle Pals

Glad to read of Sophia's progress, Jo

glad to ready you're doing well also, Sissy !

and Andy, hey, a B, rocks...sorry you missed your A by one point though...

yep sure is careful everyone

think we'll be busy at work
today :(

But, we can always use the rain

xoxo Take Care
Prayers for all our needs in all our Eagle Corners

♥ ☺

Lynne2 said...

Good Soggy Morning all! Just popping in before heading to eagles spotted this morning :( They are probably hiding under and Umbrella Tree!

Sorry to read of Laurel's roof problem. Sure seems like when it rains, it pun intended.

Congrats on the B+ Andy!

Glad Sophie is on the mend and eating grapes! Bet edible Miss Kitty was adorable!

Have a good day Margy, hope Anne is improving.

Stay safe everyone!

stronghunter said...

Good morning!

I have barely glanced over some of the posts. It is cold and rainy here this morning.

Yes, my avatar is a picture of Luna.

I went to bed at about 8:30 last night, so I have catching up to do now. I will need to read more posts.

Hope things improve on your home front, Lolly.

Hope Judie's cop class went well.

Lynne, sorry about the friend's dog. So sad to lose a pet.

Have a good day, everyone.

stronghunter said...

I see that Judie did enjoy her class. Good!

My class will be here in 20 minutes. I have to put things together quickly.


Lolly said...

Good morning! Laurel has not called so I guess Joseph was better this morning. Sitting here in my moose pj's waiting for her to call. :)

Checked the nest and heard all the rain. So glad our rain has stopped and now we can return the trailer and I will take the car to have it washed. It is dirty dirty dirty!

Lynn, yes, thankfully one child that does not have me worrying all the time. Surely things will get better soon for the Fritz family. I do not know how Laurel holds herself together. Bless her!

Lolly said...

Meant to comment on Andy's B+. Congratulations!

Lolly said...

Laurel still has not called. Guess it is safe for me to wash my hair and do my do. Need to make an appointment to get my do shortened. Can not believe I did not call Barbara the sec we got home.

hedgie said...

A wet good morning! Excellent day to sleep in---I made it to 8:15!
Not TOO cold, which is good, but as Wanda said: there are snowflakes on the map for tomorrow and Sat. mornings---just flurries, supposedly. Back up in the 60's come the first of the week!

Jo, the inside sutures will dissolve----glad to hear that Sophia is bouncing back so quickly! One of the blessings of childhood.

Lolly, glad that the gs is apparently okay.

Andy, NADA wrong with a B+!!!!

Sissy, glad you are feeling better.

Lolly said...

Laurel finally called. Joseph is home but not going to the doctor. Has a bad cough, apparently something is going around that produces this cough and there is no treatment. Joey's office is at the house, so Joseph is not alone. Also, Joseph can stay by himself for a short while. He is a very dependable child. He is very mature and a rule follower!

Mema Jo said...

Good Morning - a wet one at that.
Thankful I don't have any excuse to go out today.
Christine only has 1 more final and that's it - my young lady, amongst all the other things she is accomplishing, has completed her 4 year degree! I am so very proud of her.
Her brother, Alexis dad, turns a big 26 today! I got him a pumpkin pie from Bob Evans to celebrate!

Andrea - WOW a big B+ - I have a feeling it was the highest grade in the class! You are good!

hedgie said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Mema Jo said...

Lolly hope Joseph gets rid of the cough! Maybe he can help his Dad out with some simple office tasks.

Mema Jo said...

How did you do that Hedgie?

hedgie said...

here's an interesting article and a cute poem about Lun Lun:

New breeding center

Lolly said...

Lynn, you are stuttering! LOL

Leaving to return the trailer. So ready to get it out of the drive. Jack has to put the car in and out of the garage when it is there. I am a scaredy cat and wont drive in the narrow passage.


hedgie said...

I don't know, a funny screen and when I refreshed, there it was ready to post and so figured it hadn't! Blogger cop must have rain in his eyes!!!!

Lolly, how old is Joseph?

Jo, Christine in Germany???? Cool! What is degree in, and is she studying at a univ. in Germany or doing it online??

Mema Jo said...

Playful lion cubs all together!
Cousins having fun....

NZ cams Check them all out because they are running all over the place

Lolly said...

Joseph is 10 and in the 4th grade.

movin said...


Good MorniNG,

aLL in EagleLand.


[:~D] Jim

Mema Jo said...

While in Germany Christine finished
2 years on line. Psychology major & hopes for work in the Social Services area. Once in the states, she is going to find a college and go for her Masters.

Mema Jo said...

Good Morning Jim

We are very wet here on the east coast

What's it like out on the west coast ?

Mema Jo said...

Time for me to check out Lun Lun

Mema Jo said...

Lun Lun is soundly sleeping and I assume the little one is up under her chin keeping warm.

hedgie said...

Hornby cam has moved back to WildEarthTV:

Mema Jo said...

Thanks Lynn

Mema Jo said...

Look at the skyline on Saaksi 2010

hedgie said...

Know you are so proud of Christine, Jo!
Oh, and Happy Birthday to Alexis' daddy!

Mema Jo said...

Asia Trail - Saw the otters very briefly - they may return.
The Fishing Cat is very visible hiding from the rain.

hedgie said...

Gee, still light at Saaski, but dark at Fin Ferry. Hope that doesn't mean cam is down!

hedgie said...

well, dern it---my email isn't working. That's the pits.

hedgie said...

Okay, email is back. Dumb AOL! Guess it must be the rain---LOL!!!

movin said...

Hi, M. Jo. It actually went a few over the predicted temp yesterday and topped out at an even 100°!! With no desert winds.

Today ... 77° right now and heading for 94°. They're on again, off again on the subject of rain following this hot spell. Just have to wait and see.

My sinuses are not happy head areas with all this flip-flopping of the humidity.

[:~D] Jim

Costume Lady said...

I'm tied down here with some backed-up paperwork and doing my "do" very shortly.
It is ugly, cold and rainy here, which is a good thing when you need to stay indoors and want to go OUTDOORS!
I have finally posted a short video, which I find hilarious.
It is of our group on Friday night at the Rumsey Tavern (Oct.22, 2010)
chattering away, as usual. If you have never been to our Open House celebrations, check out this video and you will see and hear how much fun we have. The video is very dark and I don't know how to lighten it up like you can a still photo. I have posted it on WANDA'S WISHES.
Have a good day!

Mema Jo said...

Thanks Wanda! Loved the video...
I never knew we sounded like that -
I must be going deaf! lol

Mema Jo said...

I need street clothes.....


hedgie said...

We are a whole bunch of magpies!!!!Thanks, Wanda and Gene!

Judie said...

Congratulations to Jo's Christine. Can't go wrong with psychology -- jmho. Also, very happy that Sophia is eating and claiming the grapes as hers. Good signs for recovery. Happy Birthday to Alexis' dad - yummy pumpkin pie!

Sissy, nice to have you back with us and glad you are feeling better.

Andy, B+ is still considered exceptional performance. Congratulations! Also, happy to know your friend's husband had successful surgery and that he heals quickly.

Lolly, sorry that Laurel is leaking -- roof, that is.

Jim, hope your sinuses begin to feel better. Sure can make life unpleasant.

Hi to everyone else, including our sweet Margy and our leaf-chasing Lynn.

Off to do some business. BBL

hedgie said...

Hopeful here........just made application to Shar Pei Rescue of VA for a sweet baby girl!!!! Please keep paws crossed for me! Wish I could take the whole litter of 6! Precious pups. They were born 10/7.

Lolly said...

Just peeking in! Ran some errands and now going to go clean the greenhouse. Gotta get it ready for plants. Jack has gone to get the second half of the cord of wood he purchased. Guess I will help him with this half. Beautiful day here...63 and bright sunshine.

Jim, so sorry for the awful temps you are having. Been there..done that!

Lolly said...

Giant Panda Cub Update
.by Zoo Atlanta on Thursday, November 4, 2010 at 12:27pm. The giant panda cub born to Lun Lun on November 3, 2010, appears to be healthy and strong. The Animal Management and Veterinary Teams continue 24-hour monitoring of the three-time mother and her newest arrival, whose sex is not yet known.

Lun Lun continues to provide excellent care, including keeping the cub warm by cradling it close to her chest. Newborn giant pandas, which are born nearly hairless, are unable to regulate their own body temperatures until they are 3 to 4 weeks old.

“On visual examination of Lun Lun and the cub this morning, Lun Lun appears to be calm and rested, and the cub appears to be doing very well,” said Sam Rivera, DVM, Associate Veterinarian at Zoo Atlanta. “Its color is a healthy pink, I saw it move, and heard several healthy vocalizations. The cub has also been seen nursing, which is very rewarding and shows Lun Lun is doing a great job attending to the needs of her precious cub.”

While Lun Lun and the cub are not expected to make their debut to Members and guests until spring 2011, web users can follow the pair on PandaCam presented by Earthcam, Monday through Friday from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Fans are encouraged to stay abreast of all things panda by following Zoo Atlanta on our website and on Twitter, joining the Zoo Atlanta Facebook community, and registering for biweekly eUpdate newsletters.

Lolly said...

Yea, Lynn! Possible new baby girl for you! Fantastic!!!!

Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Everyone,
Getting here late today, but haven't been idle. Have been attempting to drown my patio plants so they don't self-combust in this heat we're having! It's about 98 outside right now, and very dry humidity. Jim's sinuses are apparently rebelling, but I'm fighting sneezes as my allergies are kicking in. Used some of my nose spray for that, and am improved now.
Claritin just isn't enough to knock it.

Did some online bill paying, and now must immerse myself in Algebra homework.

Ms Bookworm said...

Congratulations to Christine!! Wow, only 1 more final exam! (I'm preparing for 3 right now.) You can be VERY proud of her for a job well done!

Hoping and praying that you are able to adopt a new puppy girl! Know how much you love Shar Peis, and the puppies are absolutely irresistible!

Thanks for the panda cub update. Wish I had time to watch the cam, but have to do lots of studying instead--it will be worth it, though.

So VERY glad to hear that you feel a lot better today!! Thank God! Hope you keep on improving quickly!

Well, gotta go get busy. So much to do, in so LITTLE time! Hopefully will be able to spend more time here tomorrow thru Monday. Will be back late tonight after school. Prayers continue for everyone. Have a great evening! :o]

Ms Bookworm said...

Oh--almost forgot to tell you! Saw a big, beautiful Tiger Swallowtail butterfly in the backyard this morning! Love those "flutter-bys"!

Mema Jo said...

Sitting down to chili and corn bread


Lolly said...

Ahhhh, the power of suggestion. LOL Enjoy, Jo!

Lolly said...

Jerri just added another picture of the Caracara, only there are two in this pic. Posted it on my Eagles and Panda's blog.

Mema Jo said...

Lynn that is super news about a new little gal Shar Pei ! So many wrinkles
Is she going to be brown/tan or black/grey?

Mema Jo said...

Thanks for publishing Lun Lun & Cub update Lolly, It will be a while or a lot of steady viewing until we see the
little one in view.

Mema Jo said...


hedgie said...

Jo, I'll send you email pic!

Lolly, I had never heard of that bird until you mentioned it the other day. Cool that she is seeing them!!

Mema Jo said...

Lynn, Trixie or Polly would be ideal.
Trixie looks more true shar pei.
Is Polly a mix? She looks so docil!

Lynne2 said...

evening all!


NatureNut said...

Happy PM!
Just heard some small clunks on cam!!??

Lynne2 said...

Lynn, how exciting! You sure are brave....I wouldn't ever do the "puppy" thing, whew! So much work! But I know you can handle it! Hope they don't keep you waiting too long!

Lynne2 said...

Leaving Irvine tonight, there must have been 300 crows, in the field, in the a scene out of The Birds! Wish I'd have had my camera!

hedgie said...

Snow on the ground at Snowshoe and in the forecast for Wisp. Not much, but guess it means it's cold enough that they can make it and start the ski season.

NatureNut said...

Congrats, Lynn~~~you may be getting a puppy!!!
Lolly, those are great bird pics. I had heard of them, but never thought I'd see ojne due to where they live.

BTW, I don't know if there is any video, etc. from Atlanta Zoo. I haven't seen anything, but AOL News just posted short one of the birth. If you haven't seen it, I can do a Blue Thingy, but what I saved shows whole page w/place to click on Panda video.

hedgie said...

No mention made that they weren't purebred, Jo, but wouldn't surprise me. Mine were and they all looked different. The pics that are most often seen are dogs that meet the standard perfectly----in reality, few do. Mom was "found" at 50-55 days into her pregnancy, and delivered at a shelter. 6 pups--3 of each.

Lynne, I love the puppy stages. A bit more work, but worth it to me.
BTW----thought you knew better than to go anyplace without the camera!!!! LOL!

NatureNut said...

Never mind---just studied the Panda Cam page and they do have the birth video in the Gallery of pics.

No birds, I guess--time for din din ☺

Judie said...

Lynn, will be wishing for a successful adoption. Will be a very, very lucky little lady.

Quiet tonight around my place. Darth has a meeting and I think I'm going to chill. Have a mystery I want to finish reading and it's a night of First 48.

Need some food. BBL

Judie said...

Lynn, just checked for a definition for Shar Pei -- sandy coat. Sandy would be nice, especially if she gets to visit OBX.

Iwannafly said...

I have been watching the mother and father every night. They come to the nest to check things out and move things around alittle. It is so very cute how they work together.. and then they are off in 5 minutes or less. Love these eagles!

Lolly said...

And I was there a night they did not visit the nest....BUT the circled the nest several times and then went into the trees behind the nest. It was beautiful!

hedgie said...

Hello Iwannafly. Are you new to visiting us?

Judie, all kinds of colors in the Shar Pei world......"sand" is probably what one of my picks would be considered, but the second choice is more a multi-colored--or party-colored as they say in the breed books. My first Pei was party; her offspring were black and fawn.

Mema Jo said...

Still getting some of the rain here in the valley. Tonight is good for me to watch TV (Bones - CSI - Mentalist)


Costume Lady said...

Oh my goodness, Jo...don't you watch Grey's and Private Practice? Capt. Father Gene says there is too much sleeping around in these two shows, but, he watches it anyway;).
If you are new, IWANNAFLY, welcome, but your name sounds familiar. Welcome back if you are not new!!

Costume Lady said...

IWANNAFLY...stick with us, we are going places:)

paula eagleholic said...


Whoo Hoo!

paula eagleholic said...

Lynn, good luck on the puppy!!

paula eagleholic said...

Way to go, Christine!

Andy, I'll bet that's your only B!!

Lolly, thanks for the little Lun update!

paula eagleholic said...

Welcome, Iwannafly! We love them too! Looking forward to more frequent nestorations!

Mema Jo said...

Before I leave - I see you have the new Hornby cam pic, Iwannafly.
Since you are down in Atlanta, GA, this spring you can view the new panda cub! We have all been watching Lun Lun on cam with the cub.
The eagle seasons will be starting - right now it is an early morning and then usuallly a dusk visit.
Good to have you with us - please come often........

Costume Lady said...

Aw, Lynn, a new puppy. I thought of getting a puppy for GG, it would really be a good companion for her, but don't know if she could care for it. I would have to train it I guess, but don't think I want to take on that responsibility.
Hope the Little Girl will be yours, soon:) Elgee, good name (little girl) Grandaughter, Jillian, received a stuffed Shar Pei as her very first stuffed animal...still around here somewhere!

Mema Jo said...

I was checking the 2 female lions and their cubs. They have been letting the little ones romp together. Well it is sleep time now IF you have a chance go to the NZ and look at Cams 6c and 6W

They are having a sleep over..... lol


Costume Lady said...

Looks like some of the shows tonight are re-runs:(

hedgie said...

Wanda, only repeat that i see is the usual 8PM re-showing of last weeks' Greys.

Going to get my bath....early morning tomorrow (retiree breakfast) so can't stay up late.

Lynne2 said...

Lynn, I am SO ashamed of myself....looked right at the camera before I left this morning and POOF, thought gone right outa my head!

WELCOME IWANNAFLY!!! Hope you visit often!

Guess all we're getting tonight is CLUNK.

Big 30+ group of kindergarten kids today...they were so funny! They literally moved as a "unit". They'd all be looking at something and in matter of seconds, they'd all be moving to the next thing to look at!

Judie said...

Oh my goodness, we have another TRAIN fan.

Mentioned train in class this morning. Mentioned Pat Moynihan. Students were amazed. Told them I'm old but not oblivious. Of course, I was referring to a choo choo train and a suicide.

Welcome Iwannafly. Come back to visit as often as you want to - this is one terrific family of friends and animal lovers.

Off to watch First 48. BBL

hedgie said...

Judie, you can remind the students that Train has been aroound for almost as long as they've been alive! Band formed in '94!

Lolly said...

I am sure Iwannafly has been here before. That is a familiar name. Anyway, Iwannafly, welcome and please let us know.

magpie said...

my grandon sometimes says this:
don't worry about getting a picture, Grammy, just enjoy looking!

But, I know the feeling!

Good Evening Eagle Pals

Great, application in place for a new baby girl Shar Pei - Best Wishes!

magpie said...

today would be a good day for someone to discover a leaky roof, but hope no one else Laurel has experienced that, and sure wish she hadn't !!

Lolly said...

Well, I am watching Greys and PP tonight. The question remains though, who gets the den and the comfy or Jack. He is watching GT football, but I want to knit while I watch TV. I think he may go to the study. hee hee

stronghunter said...

Good evening everyone,

Welcome Iwannafly! Come visit often.

Been busy grading papers this evening. Trying to get students to use "there," "they're," and "their" correctly. Kind of like beating my head against the wall. Painful.

Happy to learn about the new baby panda.

Hoping that Lauren's family is doing better this evening, and that they get the help they need to ease the burden from other family members.

A new puppy for Lynn? How exciting!

Snow? Oh no!

Like that, Judie. Old, but not oblivious. If only they knew the whole story! Have you told them you have been suspected of joining "Girls Gone Wild"?

Lynne, 30+ kindergarteners! Oh lordy! But I bet they were better behaved than my Block 4.

I read to Bl. 4 again for awhile. It worked until near the end of class when someone noticed I was reading beyond the page I'd put on the board as the stopping place. It was 10 minutes until the bell, and I was trying to get a few more moments of peace. Oh well.

Some Bl. 3 kids asked me to read a practice college entrance test to them today. Nope. Honors students read for themselves. Geesh.

We did discuss what college profs will expect in my Block 2 class. I always warn students who have missed a day of class not to approach any teacher nor any professor with the question, "Did I miss anything?"

magpie said...

The time bandit AND the energy bandit has struck

I have to check out early
Have caught up on posts
but my brain has not retained too much

Great report on Christine's academic achievements, Jo...

and best wishes to Andy for all the school work she is plowing through

Hope that sleep is sweet
and that all are snug in their roosts
Welcome, or Welcome Back, Iwannafly....
hope more of our Eagle-watching friends make a visit soon

Good Night
God Bless Us, Every One
xo ♥

stronghunter said...

Yeah, I believe I recall Iwannafly, too.

magpie said...

Oh, I meant to say
no one else besides Laurel has experienced a leaky roof

Prayers for all
and (( hugs )) all around


Lolly said...

Give me 30 kindergartners any day and not any others! However, I still have my "school" nightmares. LOL School has started and I have absolutely uncontrollable students.

Lolly said...

All new Greys comin on!


stronghunter said...

Yay for Andy and her achievements!

I admire you, Andy.

stronghunter said...

Supposed to go to see one of Shakespeare's plays on Sunday with Susan and Kathryn. I just realized I don't even know which play. Susan is taking a Shakeapeare class and gets tickets at a discount.

stronghunter said...

Henry VIII is playing at the Folger Theatre. I think that's it, but will have to check with Susan. It might be a play at Mason.

Mema Jo said...

Wanda - who is the little sweet heart

It wouldn't happen to be you

Or is it Jillian

stronghunter said...

Congratulations, Christine!!

stronghunter said...

Going to head upstairs now. I am getting very sleepy. See you tomorrow. God bless and good night.

NatureNut said...

Gett6ing late again!! Time to shut down machines ☺
Pleasant Feather Dreams ;>)

hedgie said...

Since I have to be up and out early, I will say my goodnights now.

Please remember to say an extra prayer tonight and tomorrow: it has been 1 yr. ago today/tomorrow, depending on how you look at it, that our sweet friend Deb left us. Nov. 5th was Thurs. last year. Of course, no one knew until Sunday. She will always be missed and loved.

Mema Jo said...

Time to call it a day
Red Friday is tomorrow

Tomorrow is Nov 5 and it is the anniversary of our friend Deb leaving us. Keep her in your prayers for she is watching over us from above.

Prayers for all
Hugs for all ♥♥♥♥

Judie said...

I think I hear the sandperson sneaking down the hallway. Shhh.

Thank you, Shirley. You need add only one word -- "Did I miss anything IMPORTANT." Wait until the exam. It will be a surprise.

Hmmmm. Girls Gone Wild? How about Profs Gone Wild. I really like that. Think I will borrow, thank you.

Margy, I like James's philosophy -- enjoy looking. Great way to look at life.

Shirley, what's the rule on 's? James' or James's? I may be a college teacher but I am NOT smarter than an English teacher.

I think I was making too much noise with the keyboard. I have been captured by the sandperson and only have time to say the following: big adventure planned for tomorrow (details in the a.m.)so am turning my light off but will leave the night light on for others coming in.

Sleep well everyone and goodnight Deb.

Lolly said...

Okay, now I am getting all teary eyed. Deb added so much to this blog. I feel blessed to have known her and to have been at the open house the year she was there.

Have watched TV all night and knitted the whole time. Now I am ready for bed. Supposed to go into the 30's tonight and colder tomorrow night. Tomorrow I move plants into the greenhouse. Groan!

Think I will mow as well. Time to start mulching leaves.

Nite all! Sweet dreams! (((hugs)))

Costume Lady said...

WOW...Grey's and PPractice were really powerful story lines tonight! The doctor leaving for Africa is pregnant or has already had her baby in real life, so I guess that is why they are sending her away.

Jo, the little sweetheart in my avatar, is Jillian. She was around 2 or 2 1/2. She was like my own, she stayed with me all week and then went home on the weekends until she started 1st grade. She attended Kindergarten here in Martinsburg. Gene made a little wooden shelter for her to stand in while waiting on the bus. She liked it so much that she would go out long before the bus was due, just to play in her "playhouse"
She loved school and we loved having her. Broke my heart when she had to stay at her home most of the time. We did have her every weekend, then:)

Upon the anniversary of the death of our dear friend, Deb, I will repeat what came to my mind when we were mourning her so:


Ms Bookworm said...

Good Evening, Everyone!
Just got in from school a few minutes ago, and have been catching up on the blog.

WELCOME BACK, Iwannafly! I remember your name. Visit often!

Judie, I can give you the court reporters' rule for 's. Officially, English-wise, it's "James's", but it's OK to use "James'", because the language rule is in the process of changing. A court reporter has to listen carefully, and if the person speaking makes it a 2-syllable word, they have to type it with the extra "'s". If they only say it as one syllable, it gets typed THAT way.
(Would you believe that my English class is officially for court reporters? I gotta take it anyway.)

Shirley, I'd love to hear your two cents about it, too. Totally fascinated by the changes in the language!

Can't believe that it's been a year already since Deb has left us! I never got to meet her in person, but consider it an honor and a privilege to have met her here and gotten to know her. What a fantastic person! I still miss her terribly. It's a consolation that someday we will be together on the other side.

Ms Bookworm said...

Before I forget,
Margy, Lynne, Lolly, Lynn, Jo, Judie, Paula, Shirley, and everyone else who has congratulated me, wished me well, encouraged me, and prayed for me regarding my schoolwork, THANK YOU! You have no idea how much your support means to me! God bless all of you!

Well, my brain is fried tonight, so think I will go veg in TV land, then call it a day. Prayers have been said for everyone for so many situations! Judie, thanks for turning on the night light. The porch light is on, too. The eye-scanner security and Dana's thumbprint-scanner security are both enabled. Sweet eagle and panda and black bear dreams, everyone, and I will talk to you tomorrow. God bless, and goodnight! Love each and every one of you! :o]

magpie said...

Good Morning Eagle Friends

And prayerful thoughts on the remembrances on our dear friend Deb. May we all see some beautiful wildlife today, and think of her.

May she share with us, our prayers in heaven for all our many needs

I am so very grateful to have known her

Red Friday it is
Best wishes for a good day, All...
and (( hugs ♥ ))


Costume Lady said...

We have eagles in the nest:)

Costume Lady said...

Lib and Belle both are there now. Not movinig around very much.

Costume Lady said...

One has left the nest and may be one hiding under the spider web.
No nestorations this time.

Costume Lady said...

Oh, we will be so glad to get our new HD cam and get rid of that nasty nuisance that ruins our view for 12-14 hours every night!
What's up with long can it take to climb up a tree?

Costume Lady said...

This avatar is my Granddaughter, Jillian. She was 2 or
2 1/2, I believe.
I got nostalgic last night and scanned some photos that were some of my favorites and put them on my SMILES. As I was remembering the day those photos were taken, I started typing what had happened after those photos were taken.
Could have been a tragedy, but with time, a beautiful baby boy came into our lives.

ceil said...

Remembering Deb and all her wonderful stories of the osprey and her pictures of the eagles.
Miss you Deb

Costume Lady said...

Miss you too, Ceil♥

Lynne2 said...

Thinking of Deb this morning :(

Good morning all...saw eagles in the nest just as I was trying to get Steve out the door to work and round up dogs to walk, but I did get a quick look and a not so good picture. Wanda's is MUCH better!

Lynne2 said...

Hi Ceil! Good to see you this morning...hope all is well!

Lynne2 said...

Just thought I'd pass this along in case anyone is interested, or knows anyone who'd like a chance to photograph raptors up close. This is at Soldiers Delight NEA, very close to where I live....and I know they have eagles! Having said that, I sure hope they will be making them available to photograph. Can't imagine why they wouldn't.

Saturday, November 6: 2-4pm

Join the Scales & Tales animals for an up-close raptor photo shoot. Get a rare chance to take that perfect shot! This is for all levels of photographers. We’ll supply the birds; all you need is your camera! Ages 16 & up. Meet at Visitor Center. Cost: $20 per person.
Registration is not required, but is appreciated. Please call 410-461-5005 to sign up or for more information.

Mema Jo said...

Good Morning! Don't know what's with all the dark clouds to the west of here. They lighten up and then darken again. Did anyone see snow flakes.

This certainly is a day for reminiscing about Deb. Although I will say that Deb has been remembered in so many ways throughout this past year. I miss her immensely!

Mema Jo said...

Wanda, your nostalgic moments caused some of us to think it was the present
Tell Denise we were sending her
congratulations! lol
I Love old photos - thanks for sharing.

Lolly said...

Good morning! Getting ready to go out and do yard work. Another beautiful day here and will enjoy being outside.

Tomorrow we go to Denton if Joseph is well enough to play soccer. Think he went to school today. UGH! Have to pass TX Motor Speedway and it is race weekend. Double UGH!! If he does not play soccer they are coming here. Joseph got his braces off and we have promised him ribs to celebrate. LOL

Yes, I miss Deb's adventures. She lived a full life and shared it with us. We miss you, Deb!

hedgie said...

Well, blogger cop is acting up.
Can't remember what I posted.

Megan and her husband Russ lost his Dad over the weekend. Sympathies to them all.

Did not make it to breakfast this morning.....just could not get up when alarm went off. TOo cold and dark at angst over dental apptmt. this afternoon made me want to hide under the covers.

Certainly a day of reflection and reminiscence today. God bless Deb. God sure got a special angel.

Mema Jo said...

Lynn, I thought you had a fast food breakfast this morning when I saw you online at 10:30! Some times you gotta do what you want to do!

Mema Jo said...

Error 503 has returned - and it ate my comment!!!!

Pot Plant Update - there was a 1st flight

hedgie said...

Hooray for owlet! Knew it had to be close to fledge time!

Mema Jo said...

Nest Update

11/05/10: BWE & BWO
Technical Note
The cams will be down from Friday through Monday while we move our satelitte dish due to renovation work beginning at our Visitor Center.
During this down time, we also plan to send our tree climber up to realign the Eagle Cam for the new season.

hedgie said...

Any Sophia updates, Jo?

Mema Jo said...

Just that she is acting normal!!
Her one brother looked at her wound and told her it was Awesome! That helped make her feel special!
Eating solids - hates taking the antibiotic (even with bribes)
One day Melissa was having a heck of a time getting her to take it - so she
told Sophia she was going to call Poppa. That little gal gulped it down
Her dad is very special to her!
Her appointment is on Monday...
Melissa says things are back to normal.

hedgie said...

So nice of BW to keep us up-to-date.

hedgie said...

Aren't kids amazing??!! Good for her!

Mema Jo said...

Watching the panda cams on Daniel's Multiple cams.. Lun Lun is nursing the little one and our 2 NZ pandas have their honey crates outside.

hedgie said...

well, my stupid vacuum cleaner still isn't ready at the repair shop. Probably not until the middle of next week. Ridiculous.

Lynne2 said...

Jo, so glad Sophia is weathering her storm so well! Hope all goes well at the Dr on Monday.

Lynn, it really wasn't a nice morning to have to get out of bed...I had to literally DRAG Daisy out of hers this morning! Usually they are up an bouncing around by 6:30ish. And of course THEY won't know the clocks have been set back so next week is going to be rough, when they get up at their "usual" time! UGH!

I was hoping to hear from my CNP today about my labs results. I know how long the lab said each of the tests would take, and they should all be back as of yesterday.

I've got babysitting detail this afternoon. Hope everyone has a good one, good luck at the dentist Lynn!

hedgie said...

Lynne, gotta just think "no news is good news" on your labs! Have fun babysitting!

Time for me to change clothes and brush out my "do". Talk to all y'all later this afternoon.

movin said...


GooD MOrninG tO aLL

on tHIS GoodLY bLOG.


C(°?°)3 Jim

Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Jim,
A gracious good morning to you, too!
Hope you're having a good day today.
It seems a bit cooler today where I am--how about in your neighborhood?

Ms Bookworm said...

So sorry to hear that Megan & Russ lost his Dad. My heartfelt condolences to them, and the whole family. ((HUGS)) too. :o{

Have been on the phone all morning. Need to find out about Medicare insurance, and compare supplemental insurance. Nov. 15th is the start of open enrollment at Hubby's work, so gotta compare and figure out which way to go. Have a TON of info being mailed to me in today's mail. Going to be interesting reading.

paula eagleholic said...




Ms Bookworm said...

Kaiser Permanente, which is our insurance carrier now, has a Senior Advantage plan, and it's one of only 2 plans that got rated 5 out of 5 possible stars in the book Medicare sent out. Really don't want to change doctors. Shirley, guess you know about that dilemma!

wvgal_dana said...

Sorry for Megans, her husband (his name is skipping my brain) and family members for those of his father.

wvgal_dana said...

Thanks sorry Megan couldn't remembder Russ's name so sorry for you all.

3/12/25 PM 🐟

 12.56 PM Scout comes to the nest to relieve Bella of her incubation duties getting close guys. He does have a Talon load of bedding. He lan...