Tuesday, November 30, 2010


Rainy day thread.


Lolly said...

Well, here I am all alone on a new thread. How sad!

magpie said...

Not alone anymore Lolly

Thanks Steve, for the new thread, and thanks Jim, for the callover

magpie said...

sorry to hear of the downturn in Faye's condition,
prayers that she is comfortable and not in pain
and that all the family will be okay too with their travels to visit

wvgal_dana said...

Never alone---always someone out there watching and not blogging Lolly.

Thanks Steve for the new thread and thanks Jim for the call over.

Lolly said...

Lynn, I just know they said they will go ahead with the surgery but have not heard when they are going to schedule it. Wish they would do it while Will is here to support Joey. Will is her oldest son.

Lolly said...

I knew you were lurking somewhere! :) Appreciate all prayers.

magpie said...

so, does French's have the calendar?
Friend of mine ordered one for me so I am waiting on that one to come in the mail, but I have a few I would give as gifts.

Calendar pages have always been paintings, not photographs...some are exceptionally beautiful, but I have not seen this year's yet
Hope it "grows" on you.
It is packed full of many fascinating facts on every page
and at the end also

Good Afternoon Eagle Pals

magpie said...

I do hoard old calendars !
sometimes I frame some of the pictures

magpie said...

And prayers for a good follow-up visit coming up for you Dana

soon, you will be able to drive again ☺

magpie said...

going to bed down for a nap....hope I can sleep, have the midnight shift tonight

Best wishes for all for a good day, the rest of it, and I hope the Soup Kitchen is packed, Wanda!

"Good Night"
God Bless Us, Every One
xo ♥

Lolly said...

Good night, Margy! Hope you can sleep!

Lolly said...

Back to decorating. My break is over.

hedgie said...

Thanks, Jim! Today would definitely be a good nap day here! Yucky...but at least it's not snow!

hedgie said...

Yes, Margy, got it at French's. She only had two left out of 25!
Lots of interesting info, for sure!
Are you back on nights for awhile, or is this just a fluke shift?

Lolly, I sure hope the docs aren't wasting time. It worries me, from all that you have said.

hedgie said...

Tues. is winding down.....only 3 more waiting days for me! 9am Sat. can't come soon enough!!

movin said...

Baby Panda, Atlanta, alone now.

[:~D] Jim

wvgal_dana said...

Margy hope you rest well for you shift tonight.

Hedgie-Lynn doggie will be running all over your house soon. You'll be getting licks (kisses), and she'll be wanting, lovings, and for you to whole her on your lap. ( :

Mema Jo said...

Did you go to the Pet store today, Lynn?

Lolly - prayers for all - Hopefully all will get home to see Faye.

hedgie said...

No, Jo....too sloppy out! Have to go to town both Th. and Fri. so will go one of those days.

wvgal_dana said...

not a link

NCSuzan said...

Lolly, sorry to read of Faye's situation. I hope for you and your family her quick recovery and return to good health.
Jo, was happy to read that your CT scan had only good results. Dana, hope your doctor lets you drive again! I know i have missed some but I wish for everyone, total recovery from your pain or disability and I hope it happens soon.

NCSuzan said...

Shirley, also hope things are better for Tom. Hope Hunter has not been too upset throughout all of this. Hedgie, i also hope you are not as sore as you were.

hedgie said...

Nope, Suzan, thanks....soreness just about gone!

hedgie said...

Can't help you, Dana.....don't remember who it was.

NatureNut said...

Evening Everyone. Was the day of the flying eagles!Saw one flying down & across River after getting to Park. Later 2 came up from the River, flying behind the trees as if a chase. Shortly only one came back from the area they had flown. On way out in PM, saw what looked like a brown blob on branch next to nest. Stopped car and walked down the road and an eagle flew away! So it had been there.
A visitor called today who had camped along the Pax Water Trail close to Park in early Nov. and said he had pics of an eagle on osprey platform & other scenic pics
He wanted to share. He sent to Park & to me. They are very tiny files, but will see if I can crop & enlarge his 2 eagle pics after din din.

wvgal_dana said...

Oh Loretta what a thrill to see those eagles. You really got an eagle fix!!

Thanks Lynn-Hedgie I know someone ask for prayer for that baby with seizures. Just need to find out who and get an update.

NatureNut said...

P.S. How ironic I put the tundra swans on last night. This AM when the eagle was fly over River, naturalist Stephanie & I heard some downriver. I ran down to boat ramp & took a pic aiming as far as I could .In back of cam & saw 3 white dots!!! Tundra swans.
Altho very grey today, we only got a couple sprinkles---DUH!

NatureNut said...

Dana, I remember that story, but not who told it. Think baby was only about 5 mos. old.

stronghunter said...


I hope you will understand if I don't get through everyone's message tonight. I have skimmed through, but I am really tired.

Teenagers wear out my body and my brain, and I am not used to coming home and taking care of so many pets and then fixing dinner. I am up to it, but it does wear me down a bit.

Kathryn is busy, too. We are fine, but we do stay busy and sometimes I just have to rest for awhile.

Lolly, I do hope Faye will be okay.

stronghunter said...

Thanks for your concern about Tom. I think Hunter is fine. Kathryn has explained what happened.

stronghunter said...

Hunter got to see his dad at the birthday party on Sunday.

hedgie said...

Shirley, we understand! Don't give it another thought! You do what you can, when you can....and we'll still be here!

Loretta, what a great day you had!!! We will have to live vicariously through you when it comes to eagle sightings!

paula eagleholic said...

Shirley, I think teenagers can be very mentally exhausting!

Lynn, bet you are getting excited! Can't wait to hear her name!

stronghunter said...

Sounds like we are in for a passel of rain tomorrow.

stronghunter said...

Thanks, Lynn.

paula eagleholic said...

Shirley, have not heard cattiwampus in a long time!

Judie Judie, good to see you!!

stronghunter said...

I hadn't heard it in a long time, either, Paula.

Mema Jo said...

Dana I think it was for friends of Lolly's. Not 100% sure.
Shirley we will take as much of your time that you can give us... and that will be enough!

Hello NCSuzan! Hope your holiday was good.

Loretta you sure had a birding day.

Guess What - It isn't a Terrific Tuesday TV time! :(

paula eagleholic said...

Jo, Dana got her answer...it was Bev's Kailey.

Lolly said...

Dana, it was me that shared about the baby with seizures. She is the granddaughter of a good friend. They sent her home. So far they do not know what caused it.

Update on Faye. Scan yesterday showed that the cyst on the pancrease is hardening, but the pancreas is still very inflamed. Nothing has ruptured. She is not on enough med to cause the confusion.???? Doctor does NOT want to do surgery. He stressed she is very very sick. Surgery would not be good. Will gets here tonight and Faye's sister and her husband get here tomorrow afternoon. Joey did not go back to the hospital this afternoon. Laurel thinks he is really stressing. Thank goodness he has family coming!

Mema Jo said...

Kailey and Kali
I do think there are 2 different ones.
Bev has kept us up to date with Kailey.

There was the story of a young couple taking youngster to hospital and it did concern seizures.

paula eagleholic said...

Lolly, the confusion could be from infection, or just her body trying to fight it...puts everything towards that and not the mind.

Mema Jo said...

Lolly - I feel a little relieved that dr thought it unwise for Faye to have surgery. I am also glad her family
is here and that Joey will have some
support and not feel so alone.

paula eagleholic said...

Sorry, Lolly, must have missed the post on Kali. Glad she is doing better now.

paula eagleholic said...

I'm glad they're not doing the surgery on Faye, too.

stronghunter said...

Yes, it sounds like Faye is not strong enough for surgery.

I am going to call it quits for tonight and go to bed. I am plumb wore out, and I have to talk about research papers tomorrow.

Mema Jo said...

Good Night Shirley!
Have pleasant dreams - not about research papers!

Costume Lady said...

So Jo, are you saying there are re-runs on tonight? Noooo!
Hurried home and got cleaned up and in jammies to relax with our good Tuesday TV and all for naught?!

Great Soup Kitchen tonight...15 guests and all were so jovial, it made my heart sing:) They even asked if we would ask a blessing before they ate...and we obliged:)


Costume Lady said...

Night, Shirley...rest well!

wvgal_dana said...

Thanks everyone for help on finding out about baby Kali. Still keeping her in prayers. That she has no more seizures or if so doctors will find out why.

Sent update out to my friend for church update.

wvgal_dana said...

Wanda so glad soup kitchen went so well. I just knew it would today.

Lolly I'm glad Faye's family is coming in. Joey needs them there so it isn't all on him like it has been. Poor guy is so so stressed.

wvgal_dana said...

I'm going to watch on CBS 7 Shriek for 1/2 hour then NCSI.

See you in afernoon tomorrow.

Prayers for all those that need them because there is a large list.


Judie said...

Good evening, everyone.

Well, one piece of Popeye's chicken has been tolerated along with a spoonful of slaw. Progress!

So glad Marcus is doing well and Izzy, also. Won't be long before they have a new BFF named Mema Jo.

Just like Lynn. Get the carpet cleaned just before "it" arrives! lol

Oh my, I was reading bottom to top and feared that Capt Gene had stopped working until Wanda shook him and he started right up again.

Lolly, sure hope the situation with Faye improves. So difficult.

Need to elevate foot. Will return.

Mema Jo said...

Yeah Judie! How High Can You Kick ?
Are your wannabe students contacting you? I know they miss having your class.

hedgie said...

Well, I would venture to say that if little Kali had a fever when she had the seizure and no reason could be found, it was just a febrile seizure, which is not at all uncommon in infants. Hoping that is all that it was.

Lolly, does Faye still have pancreatitis, or is it just the cyst on the pancreas?

Paula.....the time is getting shorter than it has been! So excited here!!!

Lolly said...

It is still considered pancreatitis as the pancreas is so inflamed.

Kali did not have a fever when she had the seizure. It was her second one and it lasted for quite a while. It was the length of the seizure that really concerned them.

hedgie said...

LOL, Judie! Carpet is less than 2 yrs. old and isn't bad.....but poor Cinnie had some accidents when she had the UTI....and never sure how well the little Green Machine does. Just don't have the energy to use the BIG Bissell carpet shampooer anymore.....so professional job to remove any lingering odors that might attract a training puppy to the WRONG place!!

hedgie said...

Okay Lolly.....misread.....thought there was a fever involved. Sorry!

hedgie said...

Well, another job complete.....tin can collection on top of cupboards, fridge and ovens all cleaned, along with those surfaces, and cupboard fronts wiped down. I'm "tarred"!

Lolly said...

You act like you have a baby comin or something! Your life is about to change!

Lolly said...

I have been cleaning too, Lynn. Went to put lights on the inside front windows...and Oh, My! So, I cleaned windows! Also got a closet in order. In two weeks both my sister and her hubby and my brother and his wife are coming for the weekend. Very excited about that!

NatureNut said...

Argh, I'm back. Had emails to do and fwd a few & send pics, etc. I went thru the pics of our River camper gentleman & the files were very small so he could email, so I resized some larger & cropped a couple so they're more vivid. Put some on blog.
Boy am I tired. I hate getting up early!! Ruins my night!!Hoot Hoot.
Lolly, so sorry to hear of Faye's condition. Not good, esp. not well enough for surgery. So glad other family members are coming.
Glad to see Judie was able to get on after chicken & slaw! LOL
Lynn, can you just stand it??????I will be at work Sat., so won't be in on the celebrating in the AM!

Lolly said...

I think we are all just as excited as Lynn.

paula eagleholic said...

Lynn, were you putting out Christmas tins? I have tins I put on top of my cabinets for Christmas, and then change them out for others afterwards.

paula eagleholic said...

I'm "tarred" too, and didn't do all that cleaning that Lynne did. Probably gonna hit the hay early!

hedgie said...

Paula, I just pull the Christmas ones toward the front!
Lots of the kids' school candy sales were in decorative tins, so I have quite a few. Plus received some for housewarming gifts at "the other" house!
So glad that everyone is excited with me!!! Fun to SHARE!

Lolly, you will be in the last-minute high-speed cleaning mode before your relatives arrive, I bet!

Loretta, going to look at your pics.

BTW, Judie-----Popeye's chicken is my fav, but it is NOT as spicy here as down home. :(

hedgie said...

Wow, Loretta----love those pics!!!

hedgie said...

Where is Andrea and EMMA??????? Sure hope threy made it back from Minden safely....know she had school last night....was sure she would be popping in today!

Mema Jo said...

Just sent out all my ecards for Dec.
About 5 family members and 2 are on
Christmas Eve. They were the best Christmas presents ever.

paula eagleholic said...

Paid the mortgage, guess I can stay here another month, LOL.

Lynn, I don't have enough room for all my tins, so I switch them out! I have lots of those candy ones too, and others....plus now some from my Mom's that are pretty old.

I think I hear the rain, oh yes, it's coming down. Got the dogs in just in time. Stay dry!

Margy, hope the night shift goes well!

Gonna hit the hay, I'm pooped. See you fine folks tomorrow.

Hugs to all ♥

Mema Jo said...

Welcome Little Miss (name not to be known)Wrinkles
I just love her from looking at her picture!

Mema Jo said...

Good Night Paula..... sleep soundly

My opossum was out on the porch again tonight looking for the apple slices that hubby put out. She is a pretty little thing.

Mema Jo said...

I am heading back the hallway

Good Night All
Prayers for all being offered
Hugs to all ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

hedgie said...

Paula, I have a couple of my Grandma's, too! Just counted....I have 70!

Thanks, Jo---she is loved before she even gets here!

PA Nana said...

Good evening everyone that's left on the blog.

I'm late as usual, but it takes most of the day for me to get my pain under control. Now, that I can sit here at the computer I'm probably alone. Sorry.

I even came on here before I read email which was very heavy lately. I have about 30 more to go through.

Saw Judie was here. Hooray!
Shirley, haven't heard that word in decades. Must try to use it in my emails to family and friends. I love to stump them. heehee.

Lolly, sorry to hear about Faye's condition and pray things resolve quickly for her and the whole family.

Update on Charlie. He had his hip replacement put in today and as of 6:30pm he's okay. This is hopefully the end of the surgeries for him and we're praying he doesn't get another infection. Your prayers have helped my sister through this. Thanks you doesn't seem adequate, but thank you and God bless.

PA Nana said...

Goodnight friends. 'Til tomorrow, God bless everyone.

magpie said...

Just passing through to say Good Night again...

Hope you all sleep sweetly
and that wellness increases in the morning.

I am on high alert for listening for and seeing Tundra Swans this year....

I have a lot of tins, but not 70!

Wanda, wonderful about Soup Kitchen, and what a menu!

Guess I need to make this short and sweet, time to find the fairy to help me get ready for work

Prayers for all our needs and especially for our sick and worrying family and friends

See you in the Morning

God Bless Us, Every One
xo ♥

hedgie said...

Goodnight to the sleepyheads!!
Wake-up call for Margy!!

Hasn't rained much here this afternoon/evening. Little drizzles. Fog lifted in light breeze. It is 59°! Soon to change, I fear.

Lolly said...

37 here! Jack and I are sitting here in front of the fire.

Lolly said...

All the work I did today and my house is a mess. Decorations are waiting for me to put them in their place!

hedgie said...

Diann, glad that Charlie got his hip. Pray that he is well on the way to complete recovery!

Wanda, knew you would have a good turnout for soup kitchen!

Drive carefully, Margy. Have a quiet night.

Heading for the tub. Will check back to see if Andrea pops in! Or Lynne!

Costume Lady said...

15 people at the Soup Kitchen is just the right amount to be able to socialize with and get to know them by name and they, us.
Although, we would be so happy to have more. Watching those people leave us with full tummies, is so gratifying and the smiles on the children's faces when Capt. Gene gives them a lollipop is priceless. They do really like him...he has a way with children (and me, also;) )

Good hearing from Judie, once again...her humor is returning:)

Sorry for all the turmoil in Lolly's family with Faye's illness. That can be so depressing for so many. Prayers that her issues will be resolved, soon.

Hope Dana will be given the OK to drive. Nothing worse than having a car and not being able to drive it!
Hope also, that the surgery will solve the problem with her other foot...that's a big deal!

My sandman is coming up the stairs, so I need to climb into bed.

Costume Lady said...

Concerned about Andrea.
Need to hear about Emma, hope there is not a problem.

Wonder how it will be to give a bath to a puppy with wrinkles?;)

Costume Lady said...

Forgot to tell Lolly that it is 61° here, right now. She said, I believe, it is 31° there...peculiar, isn't it?

Lolly said...

Nite Wanda! Yes, strange that we are having weather colder than you. Next week is going to be even colder. They are really watching the weather. Some models say we will have snow, other models say no. hmmm????????

Okay, time to say good night and head to the shower. May check back to see if Andy has checked in. Want to hear about and see pictures of her new baby,

Nite all! Sweet dreams!

hedgie said...

Goodnight, Wanda and Lolly. Still 59° here. Wondering when the hard rain, high winds, and falling temps will hit?! Maybe the forecast was all wrong!
Bathing a wrinkly dog is not bad---just have to be sure to dry IN the wrinkles really well!

Hmmmm....still no Andy or Lynne.
Well, I'm going to log off...if you gals check in, know we are thinking of you!

Prayers for all.

Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Everyone!

~#@$^&*(@!~ COMPUTER!!! Am FINALLY getting back to you all--have had a real devil of a time! Couldn't get an internet connection. Took the laptop to the Geek Squad, and they said (after a 20-minute check-up) that nothing appeared to be wrong with it. For about $120 they would do a more complete scan and juggle some settings to make it "better." My intuition said NOT to leave it there. After school tonight I called both Earthlink and Time Warner Cable, and finally got it working correctly again--for FREE!

Ms Bookworm said...

We DID get home OK, but it was a bit dicey for a while on the drive home. The Lord truly got us here, no small miracle. We came through some roads that the electronic signs said required chains or snow tires. There was snow, ice, and black ice in some places, near the Mammoth Lakes turnoff off of Hwy. 395. It was COLD--as cold as -6!!! At times we were only going about 5 mph or less, but we did NOT do any skidding. Took us about 10 hours, but we got home just in time for me to scurry off to school! Little Emma has been an absolute angel--she likes traveling!
Good as gold in the crate! Slept almost all the way home, except for a few potty stops (almost up to her belly in snow at times!--She WAS wearing her doggy coat with the fleece lining!) I just KNOW she is going to be a GREAT dog! What a little trooper!

Lolly said...

Hi Andy! I am now ready for the sandman, but just checked to see if you finally arrived! And, you have!

But, we want to hear about your baby and better yet, we want to see pictures!

Lolly said...

Okay, now getting the facts! LOL I remember potty training a pup in the winter with snow on the ground.

Lolly said...

Okay, heading to bed now. Andy, we are happy you are home safe and sound. Nite all!

Ms Bookworm said...

Emma is catching on to housebreaking well. She is teething right now, so is wanting to chew EVERYTHING that she can get hold of! Have a bunch of toys, so have to just quickly substitute them for our shirts, coat collars and zipper pulls, etc. She has a favorite or two--her chicken-flavored Nylabone, and a bright pink, fuzzy toy slipper.

Ms Bookworm said...

Will put a picture of her here in the morning. Am VERY tired tonight, after interrupted sleep for a few nights, thanks to housebreaking training. Haven't read back far on the blog. Am saying prayers for everyone, and hoping all is OK with all of you and yours. Think that Judie and Darth probably have the night light set on automatic, and am checking the porch light to make sure it works. The eye-scanner security and Dana's thumbprint-scanner security are both enabled. Sleep well, and I will be here tomorrow, Good Lord willing. God bless, and goodnight! Love and have missed all of you! :o]

Ms Bookworm said...

I'm off to snuggle with Emma for a bit before hitting the hay. She's a definite Velcro pup! I'm loving every minute with her, the little rascal! Talk to you in the morning!

stronghunter said...

Good windy, rainy morning.

The storm alarm went off this morning and woke up the dogs. Kathryn came down to find out what was going on.

I have to go get ready for work.

Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Shirley!

A certain little puppy is wanting some time in my lap right now, but just wanted to say good morning. Hope you have a fantastic day at school, and will talk to you later when you get home.

I need to get some pictures from my camera into my computer so I can share them with everyone! Will BBL.

stronghunter said...

Yay, you are going to share some pictures!

Funny thing has happened this morning. On IE, this website is blocked by our new filter, but it is not blocked on FF. I don't understand, but I'll not ask any questions.

stronghunter said...

I hope I will still be able to access the blog. I will be upset if I can't.

Lynne2 said...

Good Morning all!

Whew, yesterday was a whirlwind! Irvine til 2, just enough time to get home, walk dogs, and go babysitting. Kids were very wound up, but playful and good. One the way home, saw dog and a truck stopped. Pulled over thinking dog was hit by the truck, but no, the couple just saw her wandering in the dark, all wet. She looked to be a very VERY old Golden. Collar but no tags (that makes me NUTS...put TAGS on!!! how can your dog get home without ID??). Anyway, they were making calls to see who could take her for the night, and I was knocking on doors in the neighborhood. Then a woman was spotted who appeared to be looking....we called to her and YES it was her dog!! She had just gotten home from work to find dog missing...kids put out on run, something went wrong and dog wandered off. Happy ending!! Her name is Lacey and she is 16 years old! That is REALLY OLD for a Golden!

Lynne2 said...

Andy, what a horrible ride home you had...so glad you got back safe and sound!

Lynne2 said...

In history, today is the 55th anniversary of Rosa Parks refusal to move on the bus.

In weather....my GOSH it is SOOOOO windy here! Very warm, raining buckets. But looks to be ending fairly soon. Wind was awful last night, too. Kept waking me up. And a tornado watch is in effect!

stronghunter said...

Wow, what a trip, Andy. Glad that you are safely home.

stronghunter said...

Good that the lady and her dog got reunited, Lynne.

BBL--Work to do!

Lynne2 said...

Wanda, so glad you had such a good turnout last night! Now, do you mostly have the same guests each week, or different people?

Lynn, OMG, the MR put the baby 'possums in the BURN PILE????? I'm so glad the girls rescued them! What did he say about that?

Shirley, I found Cattiwampus but spelled cattywampus. What a good word!

Costume Lady said...

It is 43° here in Martinsburg/Shepherdstown, raining (better than Andrea's snow), only going up to 49°.

I was glad to see Andrea come on here and let us know she was OK!
She is so regular every night that I just knew something was wrong...thank goodness it was her computer that was sick and not her:)
Love hearing about little Emma...anxious for photos.
Soon, very soon, we will be hearing about Miss Wrinkles:)

What a good story from Lynne about the wayward dog...love happy endings (wasn't expecting that).

Lynne, most of the people coming into the Soup Kitchen are regulars, but we had a new family last night...a couple with a 4 month old baby and the grandmother(sweet people, hope they come again).

Lolly said...

Good morning! Was 37 this morning, presently 40. Jack turned on the heat for the first time this morning. LOL I was doing fine. I like sleeping under covers and wearing sweatshirts in the house. Also keep a lap blanket close to my chair.

Wanda, how special that the young family with a baby came to eat. You know they are there 'cause they needed help. Laughed when I saw the menu with turkey. Sounded good. We finished the last of our turkey last night when we ate the last of the turkey pot pie. I think it was even better last night. Reheated very well. New recipe is a keeper.

Lolly said...

Sharon said she was having trouble getting on the blog. Sharon, for some reason, most of the time I have to retype my password. The blog usually wants it twice.????

Lolly said...

Hope the weather is improving over there. Megan posted on fb. Sounded like fierce weather!

hedgie said...

Morning all. Sure not a nice one weather-wise. Hope everyone stays safe.
Oh, Andy, what a treacherous trip you had. Scary for sure. So glad you made it without incident. Nice that Emma travels well!
Lynne, you did have a full day...and such a great ending to the Lacey story. Hope that you reminded the lady to put ID tag on her.

hedgie said...

Carpet cleaners just called....running behind...probably won't get here til 11:30. Typical, huh??

hedgie said...

I think we just had some sleet....geesh! Glad it wasn't hail, tho'. I did lose a huge limb during the night---about 10 ft. long and probably 6" circ.--right behind the house.

Mema Jo said...

Good Wednesday Morning - boy is it wet out there? It doesn't keep the squirrels away from the deck.

Mema Jo said...

I didn't say too much on my first comment just in case the blogger cop was watching.
Lynne and Andrea - so glad you are both here with all your adventures behind you. I don't like going to bed without all the chicks in the nest.

I hope the weather clears within the next couple days - that new cam should not need to wait - we need to know what is going on at our nest.

Lolly said...

Glad the limb did not hit the house. While we were gone on our trip we lost a huge limb. It was still alive, just split from the big oak tree. Did not hit anything, thank goodness!

Yep, very typical of carpet cleaners. One time we scheduled carpet cleaning and vent cleaning with the same company. Wanted the carpet cleaned after the vent cleaning. No problem, they said. Carpet cleaner arrived while vent cleaners were still here. Carpet cleaner was very unprofessional. Talked bad about the vent cleaners. He got started without vacuuming and moving furniture. Boy, did I complain. Got the carpet re-cleaned!

Okay, have had my two mugs of coffee, have had my morning leisure time. Now it is time to get seriously busy!

Have a great day!

Mema Jo said...

The BWE nest looks and smells so good!

Mema Jo said...

Moose look happy in all their snow.
Great posting by Pook - I bet Mrs. Felix’s 6th grade class in Carlisle PA
is jumping for joy! Urkel has returned

Mema Jo said...

Sounds like a plan, Lolly and I think I should follow you.... Lots to do!


Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Gang,

Ta-daaaaa! Here is a picture of the very first look I had of our little Emma! Will try to get better ones of her, and figure out how to post them on my blog. But here's that cute little face!

Ms Bookworm said...

Speaking of Emma, she's telling me she needs to go out! BBIALW!

magpie said...

Good Morning Eagle Pals....

here is the final fall update:

"Late Fall Update - November 30, 2010"
We are getting closer to a new nesting season, and are working hard to be able to install a new, high-resolution camera on December 6. This cam will allow a much better view of the birds.

The current camera has broken down, thus the blue screen. Please bear with us as we work to get the system up and running again. More information soon."

Thank you, Steve !
This is on the open up page for the blog


magpie said...

thoroughly precious Pup, Andrea...whoo, sorry about that rough ride home...but so glad you made it safely

sorry I missed Diann's late night post....best prayers a'goin for Charley and the hip replacement and recovery xoxo

magpie said...

weather statements all night long for Virginia, North Carolina, and West Virginia...lots of severe thunderstorm warnings, TORNADO WARNINGS AND WATCHES (Including Berkeley County on the tornado watch) and all kinds of troublesome reports and predictions

sincerely hope that those in all our Eagle Corners have gotten through this mess okay!
sorry about the tree limb, Lynn...hope no damage was done

magpie said...

It is way past time for me to hit the sack, warming blanket has things all cozied up I hope.....

Best wishes for a great day, everyone,
back much later after I have some

Happy December ! Turn those calendar pages over and see what beauty and wonder awaits you

My sister Anne turns 69 today...family having ice cream and cake this morning, and lamb chops and potatoes tonight....
Such grateful thanks she is with us to celebrate this miracle of a birthday, and thanks again, friends, for your dear prayers for her
God Bless Us, Every One
xoxo ♥

hedgie said...

Oh, Andy, she is a beauty!!!! Thanks so much for showing us!

Happy Birthday to Margy's sister Anne!

Interesting update, Margy....I missed it when I logged on...unless it was just posted since then.

magpie said...

please forgive me....I didn't mean to forget to say that
Maryland was included in all those crazy dangerous weather statements too....

and now, your surprise for the morning:


Hi Lynn

hedgie said...

SUNSHINE! Just a little, but rain has stopped....and hopefully no more precip to come!

hedgie said...

Carpet cleaners are coming down the home stretch. Door open for hoses passing in---COLD!

3/12/25 PM 🐟

 12.56 PM Scout comes to the nest to relieve Bella of her incubation duties getting close guys. He does have a Talon load of bedding. He lan...