Thursday, November 25, 2010


Happy Thanksgiving thread.


stronghunter said...

Good morning Steve. Happy Thanksgiving!! You are up and about bright and early.

Thank you.

I will tell the others--if there is anyone over there so early today.

stronghunter said...

Someone mentioned Edwards pies. BEagle, I think. Yes, they are good. But my recipe is so simple that, as long as you have the ingredients and enough time to let it chill, it almost as simple as a frozen one.

I have put it in the freezer for a little while if I don't have time to let it set up. Then, you can fix it right before dinner. Just don't forget and let it freeze.

stronghunter said...

I got up early this morning thanks to Flash. He got upstairs, though he isn't supposed to. He was whining and I rolled over and tried to put my feet on the floor, but I put my feet on Flash.

magpie said...

Good Morning and Happy Thanksgiving Eagle Friends

And Thank you Steve for the Thanksgiving Thread, and all you and you staff at NCTC do for us. Hope your holiday is great, and that you enjoy the family time xo

magpie said...

Noisy rain just as predicted, around 2:30 am....sure it was icy rain or maybe even sleet, it bounced off the car, now just rain.
Sometime just a little while ago, ISS sailed over behind the cover of clouds

Hope the ISS Crew enjoy their Thanksgiving meals whatever they consist of ☺

magpie said...

wow Jim was up early !!! Or maybe, still up.
Jim, hope your travel plans and your family time are great

magpie said...

My best wishes for a wonderful Thanksgiving Day for everyone here, all our families, and friends.

Your friendship is precious, a real treasure to be thankful for every day

Prayers for wellness, joy, and serenity on this day

I head out for work soon, and will
be back on here much much later on

God Bless Us, Every One
(( Hugs to all ♥ )) xoxo

stronghunter said...

Good morning, Margy. Happy Thanksgiving!

magpie said...

ISS makes its morning rounds this week, next one hereabouts is Nov 27 - and then several days afterward

gotta get up early to see it though !

stronghunter said...

We leave for the mountains later this morning. I do hope the weather is not too bad.

magpie said...

Thank you Shirley !
Kinda wish I had a Flash or a George to wake me up, have to settle for alarm clocks. Sigh

stronghunter said...

Pets are a pleasure, but sometimes I wish they would let me sleep in.

stronghunter said...

George is easier to ignore than Flash.

magpie said...

I do wish to add:

Thanks to all our Military Personnel around the world, and for our Veterans, and all the families....
Our freedoms are precious, thanks to your sacrifices and service

wvgal_dana said...

Good Morning this Thanksgiving Day to Everyone ( :

Prayers for those traveling.

Prayers for health for everyone and also all the preparations each are doing for their Thanksgiving Day Feast. Can you so tiring. Enjoy and hope someone helps you clean up. So you can enjoy your special day too.

Last night on the one talk show. Darn can't think of his name. He had a Military person on. He has a lot of medals and you could tell they just didn't mean that much to him. HIS MEN MEANT MORE. They show a set up of a firefight with the Taliban. Boy were they in trouble but they made it out. By protecting each other and fire power like crazy. The helicopter over head couldn't help them because too close combat. Our service people won the fight. Not without injuries.

Prayers also for those that have no place to go. That they will go to the places all ready set up to serve a FREE THANKSGIVING DAY MEAL AND FRIENDSHIP.

I end this by saying I am thankful for FAMILY, FRIENDS AND THIS WONDERFUL EAGLE GROUP.

Going into recliner to watch the Thanksgiving Day Parade.

wvgal_dana said...

Oh Shirley wanted to say I love your new avatar. He is a cutie.

Oh yes I remember talk in here about someone getting a puppy Dec 8th. Did anyone here that too?

hedgie said...

Happy Thanksgiving again. Good morning!
Dana,'s the 4th!!! One week and a day away! Can't wait!

Hope everyone has a special, meaningful day. Will be heading out soon. At least what icy stuff fell has melted--it is up to 40°!
Be safe! See you this evening.

paula eagleholic said...

Morning, all!

Happy Thanksgiving!

Lolly said...

Good morning and Happy Thanksgiving!

Thanks Steve for the new Turkey Thread! You were up mighty early!

Laurel and Jack are still asleep. Boys got up about 7 and I got up at 7:15. It was 59 when I got up and it is now 47. So, today I am thankful for cooler weather. LOL

Lolly said...

Oh, Lynn, your life is about to change. That pup is going to be so much fun!

wvgal_dana said...

LOL Hedgie-Lynn I was waiting to see if you came on to say I said the wrong date. Tee hee I just had to tease you a little. Just think when you take her to Petsmart of Petco. All the people are going to be going OOO ---Ah--oh look at all the wrinkles. She will the the "STAR OF THE SHOW". (:

Mema Jo said...

Good Morning on this Thanksgiving day!
Thanks Steve for the early thread - I bet you were the designated one to put the turkey in the over OR you and the family are traveling today.
Thanks for all the cards and well wishes for this day to be special!
Enjoy your day, friends
Love Ya, Jo

Lolly said...

I am about to start my day. I want to wish all of a very Happy Thanksgiving. Many blessings to all or you. You are one of the blesssings that I am so thankful for.

stronghunter said...

Happy Thanksgiving and God bless.

I will BBL.

Judie said...


Thank you Steve for the new Thanksgiving thread and for your hard work in keeping us thankful for the live cam to be.

Okay, now I want all the desserts from yesterday PLUS cherry pie and sopapilla cheesecake. Lordy, I can hardly fit into my foot brace I've gained so much weight from all the cooking.

Wanda, GG need not worry. I go to my dermatologist about twice a year to have places of damaged skin burned off. Really just sun-damaged skin, not skin cancer.

Shirley, thank you. Amazingly thoughtful and truly appreciated. Stayed beside me all night.

Jo, glad you are feeling better.

Jim, take care as you go tumblin' down the road today.

I have been out of bed for about 30 minutes (wondrous experience to brush one's teeth) so need to return to elevate my foot.

I have much to be thankful for today. Darth who has taken such good care of me and all my blog family who have been so supportive. Enjoy the day with your family and friends. BBL

Lynne2 said...

Good THANKSGIVING Morning everyone!

We've slept in and lounged in bed for a while watching the parade.

I just want to say how thankful I am for this blog, and for all of you wonderful friends!

Hope everyone has safe travels and lots of love and fun today!

NatureNut said...

I am so thankful for the friendship of all the E_M & D pals on the blog. Have a great day!!

Mema Jo said...

Seven little joys to be thankful for

NatureNut said...

Forgot to mention that after dark yesterday evening I heard some nice HOO sounds from up above. Must have been tundra swans traveling. Also put yesterday's (not to good) pics on blog.
Have a great day! ☺

movin said...





C(°ٿ°)D Jim

movin said...

Eagle part seen on BWE nest.

C(°ٿ°)D Jim

Mema Jo said...

Family is headed our way.. Soon our home will be filled with love! May everyone one of you have a blessed day!

I am very thankful for you being my friend. ((hugs))

paula eagleholic said...

I, too, am so thankful for this blog family! Heading out soon. Be thankful for what you have!

NCSuzan said...

Happy Thanksgiving to all and their loved ones. May this day give us pause to acknowledge all we are thankful for.

It sure smells good in here. I am with Judie when she says she wants all of the desserts.

Jo, glad you are feeling better. And Judie, you made it in here before noon! That's awesome. I know your therapists didn't make it today but you got yourself in a go mode!!

Lynne2, a job is headed your way. Am only thinking positively for you.

Lynn, will be waiting for pics of your new love.

Lolly, know your day is going to be special.

Wanda, be safe on your trip.
I know i have missed some. Still trying to remember everybody!!

Thank you all for being here and have a happy and safe Thanksgiving!

BEagle said...

Happy Thanksgiving to all.
We have much to be thankful for.

Have a lovely day.

Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Everyone,


Finally got our wireless connection going just now. Had a great trip here, arrived just in time for dinner last night, and we're having a great time.

Dinner's almost ready, so need to go make the gravy (gotta help somehow!)
Will be back late tonight to talk more. Blessings for you all!

Lolly said...

We have eaten and sitting around very full and watching football. 41 and very windy...cold! Sort of a shock to the system after the weather we have had recently.

PA Nana said...

Hope everyone has had a blessed and loving Thanksgiving with family and friends.

Just stopping by to send my wishes to everyone. Have a lot to catch up with.

... until later

hedgie said...

Good evening! As this TG day winds down, hope that all are stuffed and happy!

Ha, ha, Dana---yep, you got me!!

Suzan, you can already see pics of my girl on my blog! Click on my screenname, go to Lynn's Lair---and there she be!

hedgie said...

Judie, so glad you were up and about for a bit, and that things are going well. Hope you were able to eat the feast that Darth prepared!

Andy, glad you are all settled in. What's the weather like?

Mema Jo said...

Good evening everyone - Yea, I am happily stuffed! Company has gone their
ways and I even had a short nap. Now I can say that it was a very beautiful
day and so very much for which to be thankful.

wvgal_dana said...

Went out with Mom to eat a very nice Thanksgiving Day Feast. Wasn't stuffed just felt comfortable. I was finished eating and was going to leave when I came back from ladies room. On the way I had to passs cookies that "Ed would always get sugar cookie". I heard a voice say, "Well you aren't even going to eat a sugar cookie for me". After coming back I looked at Mom and she me and we both laughed when I picked up a "sugar cookie". LOL it was funny because Mom's knows he would have eaten one.

I wasn't quite sure when we started out. Then got to talking and thoughts went to memories. It was a great Thanksgiving Day. I am BLESS BY GOD TO GIVE ME SUCH A WONDERFUL DAY. ( :

Lynne2 said...

evening all! Hope everyone has had a good day!

Steve and I sure did! We took the dogs for a walk, and saw something unusual...story and pics on my blog. Be aware that the last of the pics are of a hawk on a deer carcass...not terribly graphic, but noticeable when you really look.

Lynne2 said...

Dana, special thought are with you today and ((HUGS))

hedgie said...

Glad your days went well, Jo and Dana.
Dana, where did you and your mom go to eat?

hedgie said...

Hi, Lynne! Will check out your pics....
Did you fix a big feast today?

Lynne2 said...

I fixed a oven stuffer chicken, stuffing, mashed sweet potatoes and corn, and made a spice cake! We had a big sausage and egg breakfast, too. And the dogs got to eat a little of everything!

hedgie said...

Wow, you got some great shots. Wouldn't have been able to tell it was a deer if you hadn't said so.
Hawk doesn't look hopefully he was just guarding "his" kill. Amazing that there isn't any more water at the dam....end result of the summer drought or are they not opening the sluiceway??

Lynne2 said...

Just checked the pic of the hawk with other pics, and talked to Tracey. It's a juvie red tail for sure. She thinks it's probably having trouble finding/hunting food now that it's colder, which is why it was on the deer.

Lynne2 said...

end result of summer drought. we were at the same spot right around the same time last year and it was flowing over like mad!

It really took a few minutes to really notice that it was a deer. Now that I know it's a juvie for sure, I'm more hopeful that it will be just fine...if winter isn't too bad.

NCSuzan said...

Sounds like everyone had a good Thanksgiving.

Lynn, I think that is the cutest baby I have ever seen. I cannot wait until she is in your arms. She will love her new home. YAY!

Judie said...

Good evening, everyone.

Darth did an exceptional job for a first-time turkey cooker. We had turkey, home made cranberry sauce, smashed potatoes, and cornbread dressing. Happy I finally had enough appetite to enjoy all his hard work.

NCSuzan, by this time next year you will know everyone plus new family members. Great family -- we don't hiss and fight -- we just care about each other.

Seems everyone has had a lovely day. Hope Margy had a quiet day at work.

Thankful for Darth's cooking and care giving and the sleep I got today. Tired so going back across the hall to bed before the sandperson captures me.

Turning my light off but will leave the night light on for others coming in later, headed back the hallway, down to the tub, up to bed, or just hangin' out. Sleep well and I'll BB tomorrow.

Mema Jo said...

Night Judie! I am watching a Hallmark
Christmas show. They are so lighthearted and enjoyable. I am very happy to hear that you ate well!

Lynn Suzan any of you going shopping tomorrow...? I never have gone on Black Friday.

magpie said...

'Night Night, Judie...wonderful report, I am getting hungry all over again!

Good Thanksgiving Evening Eagle Pals...

I am glad to announce that I have traveled from Rochester NY to Bunker Hill WV - now I am at least in the same county now as Martinsburg

Sounds like some wonderful day's events for many that have posted

xoxo ☺ ♥

hedgie said...

LOL, Jo, I haven't done Black Fri. since I was a teenager!!

Suzan...thanks! She IS a beauty!

Judie, your meal sounds wonderful and I am so thankful you were able to do it justice. Kudos to Frank/Darth!!!!! Hip-hip-hurray!
And I KNOW you are doing much better because you had your usual closing on here!! You go, girl!!!

hedgie said...

Hey, Margy! How was your day and evening? Are you stuffed, too??

magpie said...

Big event of the day:

Large black bear was running through the streets of Martinsburg
probably a two-year old
boy did the 911 lines light up!

This started at 0930 this morning, he disappeared very near our office, by evening, a trap had been baited and set for his capture :(

trap is pretty much on the same property as the 911 building, near the old quarry, saw it when I left this evening

magpie said...

not stuffed, but comfortable.
We had grilled cheese sandwiches and soup during the workday, and two kinds of pie, then I had a wee bit of chow at my brother-in-law's house ☺

magpie said...

lots and lots of Black Friday ads in today's paper. I go to work at 8 am, that's early enough for me to get my day started, don't feel like getting trampled and nudged at 3:30 in the morning!

BUT, Have Fun those of you that are going !!

magpie said...

bear if caught will most likely get transported out of the area...not sure what happens after that :(

But it could just jump the quarry property fences and find freedom.
I hope so !!!

It had probably traveled into town from behind the CVS/Walgreen's properties at the North end of town. Seems to have come in near the old Thorn Lumber property off West Race street for those of you from around here...first sighted near Burke Street Elementary school.

It really made the rounds of the city streets....

paula eagleholic said...

Back from a wonderful Thanksgiving feast at John and Ajay's.....with Gianni in tow! She is now tucked into the portacrib in the spare room, with visions of sugarplums dancing in her head.

John is standing in line at Toys R Us to get a couple of toys, then he will head home to bed. Ajay is gonna catch a couple of ZZZz's, then she is up and out shopping the Black Friday specials. Her family is a real black friday shopping crew!

I'll take Gianni with me to work tomorrow, where Ajay will meet me. Michael heads home tomorrow afternoon, he has an overnight shift tomorrow night.

Thankful for the good food and great company today, it was wonderful to spend it with family and friends.

hedgie said...

Poor lost bear......sure hope he finds his way out of the city, Margy. Have heard that they usually do not relocate, which means euthanasia.....not good. Heard some of the commotion on the scanner, but not specifics of what was going on....I was busy getting ready to leave. Wow----bet it did cause a lot of calls and consternation! "It's me bear....." maybe I should teach that to Donna when our Advocates meet with her next week!

magpie said...

Oh Paula, Great! A Sleepover...and the boys???

the little ones I mean

xox Good to see you !

Lynne2 said...

oh geez, I hope the bear gets outa Dodge, post haste.

Jo I love the Hallmark Christmas movies!! Been watching whenever I can!

Going to head to bed now. Irvine tomorrow. Hope everyone has a good night and prayers for all!

magpie said...

'Night Lynne...
sounds like a really neat day for you and Steve and your animal kingdom...
hope your day tomorrow is great xox

paula eagleholic said...

Very interesting walk Lynne, great pics of the juvie. He probably was hungry and felt you posed no threat!

paula eagleholic said...

Cohen and Brensin are spending the night at Poppy and Keemaw's house (Ajay's parents)

magpie said...

sounds great Paula...everyone gets a little bit of Kid Fun ☺

back in a bit, want to check some links and need to put some things away

magpie said...

could be the Tundra Swans....friend in NY says they are beginning to show signs of heading our way...

PA Nana said...

Day is done, gone the sun ....
Was a quiet day here. Youngest, Christopher, did the baking Tuesday night (2 cherry & 2 pumpkin pies)and really helped with the turkey, etc. today. I am thankful for my sons & daughter.

Teresa & Max were here for a few days. Max's vocabulary has really improved. When asked if he had to go "potty" or wanted such and such, his answer was, "no, I'm good." We just laughed. If I talked too much to his mommy he'd tell me to "hush, Nana." Jim & chris saved all the leaves for him and Teresa and as soon as they arrived Saturday, they both jumped into the leaf pile. Got some real good pics. Hated to see them go Tuesday, but she had TG dinner at her house and had to get home. We were invited, but I couldn't make the trip. It usually takes 5-6 hours but took her 8-10 because of traffic on 95 but they arrived safely home.

Jim, sorry to hear of your fall. Hope you're not too sore for too long.

Judie, good to hear from you and Darth on your recovery. I broke an ankle a few years back and used my tush a lot. Kitchen on 1st floor; bathroom on 2nd. Take care and keep eating and resting.

Lynne, glad to hear of your job even if it is part-time. Prayers for full time. Also enjoyed your story and pics of the juvie hawk.

BEagle, love your avatar. Have to laugh every time I see it. Thanks for the humor.

Wanda, enjoyed the trail cam. The fox is beautiful and I was surprised to see an opossum with the black cat. Strange bedfellows.

Forget what else I wanted to say, but I've taken up enough space, so I'll wish you all a goodnight and prayers for all needs/wants.
God bless!

PA Nana said...

Oops! I think it was a racoon with the cat instead. Was it?

paula eagleholic said...

Margy I think some Tundra swans have already arrived at Blackwater. Bob got some pics last weekend, I believe.

Michael just took off up the street to see some friends he hasn't seen in awhile. I'm about ready to crash!

NatureNut said...

Checking in before hitting the hay.
Sounds like everyone had a good time today. Now that's something to be thankful for.

Talked to daughter today from Gatlinburg. They went to Dollywood yesterday. Wish I had known--that's where Am. Eagle Foundation is located, but I don't know if it's open to public. Anyway, talk of Black Friday fanatics, she said SIL and his brother were checking all the ads today---the guys will hit Best Buy as usual. They were expecting rain later in week so Jimmy packed his rainsuit for shopping!!!

Mema Jo said...

This is the close of a great day for me.

Good Night All
Praises of Thanksgiving being offered
Hugs for all ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

magpie said...

Pa Nana Diann, lovely to hear from you and sounds like a wonderful time!

Thanks Paula, I had not checked Bob's new pics yet...will do so soon....

OK Loretta, splish splash...bling bling, hope the guys find their bargains

magpie said...

'Night Mema Jo....
get some super duper rest, we're still on Holiday for a few more days....

Watch the Christmas lights start popping up all over now !

Best to say Good Night while some are still up and about....
( I am going to check the 11 pm news for any reports on the bear sighting here though)

Again, Thanks so much for the wonders and joys of our friendships here, the support, comfort, care, prayers...
Love you all very much

God Bless Us, Every One
xoxo ♥

NatureNut said...

Found a pic of tundra swans at the Park. Was 11-14-06!!

Eyes are starting to droop--will keep toothpicks out for any who want some!

Pleasant Feather Dreams, Prayers & Hugs for all ;>)

Costume Lady said...

I do hope everyone had a fun day with friends and family.
And, I'm glad Darth made such a feast for he and Judie, and that she was able to eat!
MARGY, wish I had asked you to join us at GG's...just wasn't thinking:( But then, you know you are always welcome any day and any holiday dinner!

Lynn's dreams are going to be filled with wrinkles for a week, now:) This is exciting...we're all anxious to hear about the adventures of the new addition to her family:)

About the foxes on my trail cam...I think they are 2 different ones. One has very dark legs, the other one is not so dark. Maybe it is a pair and they will bring their kits to the cam area in the Spring....Maybe we will see a bear yet...they are roaming all over the place. I'm hoping to see our coyote again...haven't seen him in a long while.

We had a most wonderful day at GG's. The whole family was there, with the exception of Jillian...she had to work. My two neices, daughters of Gene's deceased brother, stopped in at GG's and we had an especially nice visit with them and my 17 mo. old Great-Nephew, Primus (Primey).GG was a little overwhelmed with so many people in her house, and she couldn't hear what all was being said.


Karla and I put together a DOGGIE BOX of food for the three workers who had to man the Fire Dept.

hedgie said...

Diann, good to hear of your fun week. Glad your family helped make for a good TG! Max is growing up!!! Funny about him telling you to hush!

Paula, sounds like you all have everything in order to accomodate all the activity! Hope Gianni sleeps well for you. Is it her first night away from mom & dad?

Costume Lady said...

LORETTA, I made your MALLOW YAM YUMS For dinner and all liked them, my son in-law said they were the best he has ever eaten! THANKS

hedgie said...

Hi, Wanda! Did Gene make it home safely from camp?

paula eagleholic said...

Lynn, no not her first night away..first one was Halloween, I think!

Have a good evening, sleep well friends.

Hugs to all♥

Costume Lady said...

Yes, Lynn, Gene made it home all in one piece, no deer again, but Jerry got a 6 pointer:)

Lolly said... didn't go out and say "It's me bear"? Poor bear! Made me think there is a good chance of Wanda catching a bear on her cam. Hope so!

Still watching football around here. However, this game is about over.

No shopping around here. I will wait til next week. No crowds for me! Laurel finished her shopping yesterday and we went over my list tonight.

hedgie said...

Good night to all calling it a day.....and to those who might check in later. Y-a-w-n....I'm ready to end mine. A final happy TG to all. Talk to you tomorrow---and glad everyone seems to have a good one!

Lolly said...

I think I am headed to bed as well. It has been a long but good day! Once again....I am most thankful for this blog. (((Hugs)))

Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Everyone,

Dropping in to say goodnight. Sounds like everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving Day. Know that Hubby and I did! We had a houseful here. Andrea, our friend, invited her Mom, who's 84, her aunt, and her brother Steve and his wife, also an Andrea!
What a crack up--everytime someone would say, "Andrea," all THREE of us would say, "Yes?"! The dinner was absolutely delicious! Will tell more about it later. Andrea is sharing the recipes with me. Will share them with all of you, too, if you want them. All I can say is, the dinner earned 5 stars!

Want to say, I am so very thankful for family and friends--especially all of you Momsters and Dadsters! I count you as family, not just friends!
What a wonderful, caring bunch of people! God certainly has been good to me.

Ms Bookworm said...

I think it was you who asked what the weather is like here. There is snow on the ground from 2 days ago (really puts you in the holiday mood!). The sun was out today, but it was really cold! It was 14 degrees here this morning, but got up to the mid-40s.
The -1 degree temp. last Tuesday set a record. It's the coldest it's been in Minden since 1932! Not certain, but think someone said that more snow is expected on Saturday, but then it's supposed to clear up. Think we will be able to get home OK on Monday. Hope so--I have a class on Monday night at 6 pm!

Ms Bookworm said...

By the way, I have to say that I am impressed with our rental car! It's a hybrid Nissan Altima, and it is really something! Totally silent when you start the engine--can't tell it's running unless you check the instrument panel, where it says "ready". We got all the way here on about 1/2 tank of gas--an 8-hour drive! Not bad. Handles like a dream, too. Wish we could afford one!
Maybe someday, once I have a transcribing job.

Ms Bookworm said...

Well, think I'm going to call it a night. The old tryptophan in the turkey is doing it's thing, and I'm sleepy!

Have to tell you, though, that when we were driving through Lone Pine on the way up here, I suddenly saw a large bird take off from a big stand of tall trees. Did a double-take! It was a Bald Eagle!!!! Couldn't get a picture, because we were going almost 65, and we went past it so fast there was no time. It was flying in the opposite direction. But that is officially my first sighting of a Bald Eagle that wasn't in a zoo! I was in Heaven!

Ms Bookworm said...

OK, before I need the keyboard airbag, I will check the porch light and make sure it's on. Judie, thank you for turning on the night light! BTW, I am so glad that you and Darth had a wonderful Thanksgiving meal, and you were hungry enough to really enjoy it! You are sounding more and more like your un-gimpy self every day! And thank God for that! I have said prayers for everyone here. Many prayers of thanks, too. The eye-scanner security and Dana's thumbprint-scanner security are enabled. Sweet slumber, everyone, and the happiest of dreams. I will talk to you tomorrow. God bless, and goodnight! Love each and every one of you! :o]

Ms Bookworm said...

P.S.~~ Dana, so glad that you and your Mom had a yummy Thanksgiving Day feast! LOVE your sugar cookie story!
God bless! ;o]

magpie said...

Good Morning Eagle Friends....

a little overcast but rather warm here today

wow, snow on the snowman cam, a dusting at least

Andrea, wow three Andreas where you are, sounds like a good visit, how about the snow you have there!

magpie said...

It is Red Friday

in addition to being Black Friday

magpie said...

Thank you for your kind thoughts about my joining you at GG's - -

I had a nice visit with my late sister's husband and one of the children and her kids, and some other of his wonderful family...there was plenty of food, believe me! but I had had chow at work, so could concentrate more on visiting than eating...☺

magpie said...

your day with your Mom sounds like it was good heartwarming time ♥

magpie said...

now it's time for me to get ready for the work day,
and find out if there are any updates on the Bear....

Best wishes for a good day, everyone

Oh, Loretta and Paula: I did check out Bob Q's Tundra Swans pictures at Blackwater - WOW
thanks for the alert

xox ☺

stronghunter said...

Good morning. Everyone else here is still sleeping. I got up briefly, but may crawl back into bed.


hedgie said...

It would be a good day to sleep in or go back to bed, Shirley. Hmmmmm....cloudy, windy, spitting rain, temps falling. I went to bed with a headache and woke up with one, too. Must be the low barometric pressure!
Anyone going shopping today? Not me!

Lolly said...

Good morning! 35 when I got up at 8. Do not think we had a freeze. Plants all look good still.

No shopping here unless I do some on line. I will wait til next week to hit the stores. Need to get with it and shop for Laurel's birthday. Probably get her some tops and money to buy jeans and slacks.

Mema Jo said...

Good Morning Everyone! Weather is stewing around as to what it is going to do today. Nope! Not me out shopping.
Headed down to lab for a quick blood test and then back home.
I remember Red today Margy.
Well it's 2 weeks away and the Germany gang will be on my doorstep! The Lord is good.


BEagle said...

Hello everyone. Happy red/black Friday to you all.

It sounds like Thanksgiving dinner went well for everyone. It did for me too.

Just checked the still cam. It's still a blue screen and the OC cam has the arrow chasing it's tail. Patience until December 6th.

stronghunter said...

Good morning--well just barely morning. Nope, no shopping, at least no major shopping today. I may go out with Kathryn to pick up some necessities. And I need some cat food for George.

hedgie said...

THAT is definitely a necessity, Shirley!

Jo, know how excited you are!!!! Hoping the 2 wks. will fly by!

BEagle, glad you had a good day yesterday.

stronghunter said...

62 degrees here--a bit warmer than what you have in WV today

Kind of dreary, though.

I got up this morning when I heard the trash truck. I went out and rolled the cart to the end of the driveway, but there was only one bag of trash in it, and most neighbors had not put anything out. I think the truck had already gone by here, anyway.

A lazy day so far.

hedgie said...

For those not on Facebook, Daniel made a comparison chart of the new Atlanta panda cub:

stronghunter said...

Jo, how exciting. I know you will be happy to see the Germany group.

And, Lynn, I know you are counting down to puppy day.

Judie, I am happy you liked the little kitty. I did not know the whole story when I selected it. I just thought it was a cute little stuffed kitty, but it has a secret code that you use to access an on-line game.

The game is supposed to be for children, but I don't know anything else about it. I just thought you would like a Siamese. Glad you do!

My children have sometimes given me stuffed animals, and a dear friend gave me a nurse troll when I was in the hospital. It still sits on my dresser watching over me.

stronghunter said...

We are having a lazy day. Kathryn is snoring on the sofa with George in his favorite spot on the back right above her.

stronghunter said...

We took the dogs with us to Luray, and completely wore them out. They are still sleeping on their beds. I gave them a few dog treats for breakfast and they have not asked for anything else.

movin said...






C(°ٿ°)D Jim

hedgie said...

Hi, Jim! Hope your day was great with your sister and family! Hope you brought home leftovers!

NatureNut said...

Hello Everyone. It's a grey Friday here!Slept late, didn't know it was daytime!
Went out and Shorty appeared for peanuts.Now I let him/her take a whole one to bury so I have time to shell the others and he won't jump my hand again!Must be the frenzy of storing for the winter.
Wanda, so glad your gang liked the yams. I made a batch to take to our dinner & everyone liked them. When I looked for the orig. recipe, it was on a yellowed newspaper square.
Gotta check Bob & Wanda's pics~~~
Paula, hope your sleepover went well--what fun!

NatureNut said...

Read back & see that Andy needs a hip hip hooray for spotting an eagle!!!!
I can't wait to spot one again, too.

movin said...

Yes, Hedgie, we did have a great roast turkey and dressing + sides + olives and pickles + long green beans w/almonds + too many things to list here.

It was all great. My sister has grown from a boiling water burner to one of the world's great cooks.

C(°ٿ°)D Jim

stronghunter said...

Well, my posts to my blog did not show up like the preview said it would.

We visited Kathryn's in-laws for Thanksgiving. I took some pictures of one of their cats and their unique house and posted them.

movin said...

Eagle w/food on BWO.

C(°ٿ°)D Jim

BEagle said...

Working on clean up and laundry today.
No Black Friday shopping for me!

The new Windows on Wildlife website kept me busy this morning. What a forum!

Hooray for those fortunate to spot an eagle!

Hooray for leftovers and healthy bodies!

No hoorays for my kitchen though. Have to wash dishes in spurts at holiday time because I have no dishwasher. (groan)

BEagle said...

Also an eagle on the BWE. One at BWO and one at BWE.

stronghunter said...

Andy, congrats on spotting the eagle! That's exciting. I've had a couple of "I think it was an eagle" moments. Of course, the visit to Conowingo was very exciting with lots of eagle sightings.

stronghunter said...

Windy and snowy at the snowman cam. At least, there's a covering of snow on the ground. Wind is blowing the snowman's scarf on the live streaming view.

stronghunter said...

BEagle, hope you do not have to spend too much time washing dishes. I am sure all of us have done plenty of dishwashing. My mother never did have a dishwasher, so I washed plenty of dishes when I was at her house.

BEagle said...

Thanks Strong.

My kitchen is a little bigger than a porta pottie and no room for a dishwasher according to plumbers that have visited to fix things.

Of course an expert at remodeling small, small kitchens could probably figure it out.

However, expense is a keyword here.

Lolly said...

Well, Laurel and boys just departed. Joey left earlier. Ahhh, peace and quiet. Now to start getting the house back in order. However, all sheets and towels are already washed.

Sent with them a big chunch of pumpkin pie and one big slice of apple pie. Will see them next Saturday for Laurel's birthday.

Shirley, that house is really unique! Hope no one sleep walks!

paula eagleholic said...

Afternoon, all!

Gianni slept like a log, didn't hear a peep out of her until 8:15 this morning. Fed her a good breakfast and "Monkie Mike" (That's what Brensin calls Uncle Mike, aka Michael) got to play with her a little while I finished getting ready for work. Ajay met me here at work to pick her up, but not until I got to show her off a little :)

Nice quiet day in the the phones aren't ringing...

Sounds like everyone had a nice day yesterday, and everyone is enjoying today as well.

Eagle at BWO

stronghunter said...

I thought the same thing, Lolly. I hope no one sleepwalks. They do have a downstairs master suite. And an adjoining a-frame cabin with a bedroom and another loft that can only be reached by ladder. They lived in the cabin for awhile immediately after they retired until they finished the house.

They are very independent people. Even though they have central heat and air conditioning, they have two woodstoves, one that is an old kitchen cookstove as well as a regular woodstove. Last winter they had not installed the furnace and used the two woodstoves through the cold, snowy winter.

He cuts all of the trees for the firewood.

He does have all kinds of tools for the work he does.

stronghunter said...

They enlisted their three sons to do a lot of the building work.

stronghunter said...

They built the catwalk to connect the two lofts because they did not want to take up the space for two sets of stairs.

hedgie said...

Jim, hope they sent lots of leftovers home with you!!

Shirley, do yu have MORE pics of the house? I love what you posted, but would sure like to see more! How many sq. ft.? Where is it located? It is unbelievable how much space spiral stairs take up. I have t hem here. At my "old" house, we were going to put them in to the master loft, but it would have taken up 1/3 of the living room. Thought it would be a good idea as a second escape route from the regular stairs which were in the middle of the house. Someday I'll have to scan pics of it and post.

hedgie said...

BEagle, I've always said that the dishwasher was the best modern appliance I ever had---would even go back to a wringer washer and clothesline before I'd give up my DW!

stronghunter said...

A few more pictures, Lynn. I do not know the measurements. I didn't take any from outdoors, but I know there are some around.

Lolly said...

Fell asleep. Think I am exhausted.

Our neighbors put in a spiral staircase when they added on and put a bedroom up in the attic. They were always letting our dog in the house. One day Jany called me. Rikki was upstairs and could not come down. Had to go over and carry her down.

Lolly said...

Paula, sounds like you had a great time with Gianni. My grandchildren have NEVER slept as late as 8:15. And, how much fun showing her off! I laughed the other day when you mentioned John and Michael going to a game. Our Michael's name is John Michael.

stronghunter said...


New Thread

See you there!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


wvgal_dana said...
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Costume Lady said...

Wind is blowing like crazy here...

3/12/25 PM 🐟

 12.56 PM Scout comes to the nest to relieve Bella of her incubation duties getting close guys. He does have a Talon load of bedding. He lan...