Thursday, November 18, 2010


New thread.


movin said...

A very good day to you, Steve. Thanks for the new thread.

C(°ٿ°)D Jim

paula eagleholic said...

Thanks for the call over, Jim.

Steve will the cam be down until the new one goes up?

movin said...

i DON'T know if you have seen the Atlanta site, but they posted the sex of the new Panda baby...

C(°ٿ°)D Jim

paula eagleholic said...

Yup, it's a boy....

movin said...

You'll probably see the baby now if you watch for a little. He was alone when I first looked in a minute ago, but Mom returned.

C(°ٿ°)D Jim

Ms Bookworm said...

Good Morning!
Thank you, Steve, for the new thread.

Good morning, Jim. I'm getting here pretty late. Slept in this morning, and it felt good to get caught up in that department.

Read back a bit on the other thread, and glad to see that Faye is in a rehab facility. They will get her in shape for the surgery, I am sure. Good that everyone there seems to be so upbeat. What a relief for her family! Lolly, you must be doing cartwheels!

Hoping and praying that Judie will be able to move around enough to satisfy her doctors, so that she can go home.
Miss you, Judie! (((HUGS))) and lots of encouragement vibes heading your way! Love you, lady! Darth, thanks again for keeping all of us posted!

Well, need to go get presentable and head out to school to get my transcription homework finished and ready to turn in tonight. Have a class in Career Management scheduled at the same time tonight, so have to go in early to get it all done. Will check back in later, probably after school tonight. If I can get my homework completed early today, will not be home as late after school. The Career Management class should only last till about 7:30 my time.
Funny how they schedule classes so they overlap like that. The Tues/Thurs classes that conflict with my Practice V class (transcription) were originally scheduled to conflict with my English class on Monday night! When they figured out the conflict, they changed them to Tues/Thurs, which now conflicts with the transcription class. At least all 3 Tues/Thurs classes are with the same instructor! If I can find her in the correct classroom, I've got it made! Later, alligators...Friday's almost here! Have a good day. :o]

Lolly said...

Hi all! Got that appointment over for another year. I am A OK and doing great! Yes, would much rather have had a hair appointment, but this went just fine.

Did a little shopping and made a big decision. Decided to go with Christmas decorations as a present for hard to find gifts for DIL. Found a pillow for the sofa that I loved, place-mats that are beautiful, and candles that I am sure she will like. I feel good!

paula eagleholic said...

Yay Lolly, one down...more to go, lol

Headin out of here, catch ya'll later

Mema Jo said...

I'm back with my curls! Haven't done that for quite a few years. Feels good

It is so 'still' outside - snow in the air?

Need a cup of coffee...


hedgie said...

I'm back, too. No new curls, but fresh color and cut!
NO, Jo, NO SNOW!!!!! Don't want to see or even hear of any! If the beach huuse happens....I'm headed there if snow is forecast!!!

Got my new electric blanket....prices ridiculous!

Jim, you forget to read back!!! I made the panda annoucement about 8:30 this morning!!!

NatureNut said...

Good Afternoonj Thread!!! Thx, Steve.
Had to come inside---getting too cold. Have a few more little ornamental kales to pot, but I'm done for today. Hope they really like cold, as I'm out of mulch!
Shorty, the squirrel, found me on the front porch, so I had to carry some peanuts in my pocket.Fubby said I've really got him trained. It's the other way around!

NatureNut said...

Just checked Panda Cam---stayed on for over a minute!!!!!Couldn't see baby. Lun Lun must have him covered near her neck.Having good snoozes.

Costume Lady said...

Capt. Gene called earlier and said there was snow at Seneca Rocks, probably in Elkins also. He said the trees are still hanging on to their beautiful colors and he and Jerry (his BFF) had a nice drive. They were 35 miles away from their camp, so I assume they got settled in OK. Cell phone doesn't work in them thar hills, so Gene calls from Seneca Rocks.

stronghunter said...

Relaxing in my recliner. I am going to close my eyes for a little while. BBL.

hedgie said...

Hope they keep the snow up there! Did Gene remember to honk at Carol??

magpie said...

Brrrr and Breezy!
Good Evening Eagle Pals

Heated blankets....
I have bought them at end of season at Big Lots for good prices, have one in reserve, and one heated throw...and one blankie that works like a charm on the bed all the time

Learned the hard way, ruined one set of controls by plugging a steam iron into the same circuit, and another, plugged a heating pad into the same circuit - Zapp!
suddenly the blanket did not warm up past lukewarm
failed to read those warnings until it was too two heating devices on the same circuit

Glad to read that Dana is moving along okay

and that Gene seems to have reached his destination with good company. Hope he sees some Eagles on his travels

magpie said...

several new "do's" amongst our Lady Pals including a curly do...sounds great ☺

magpie said...

going to read for a little while

Wow, Christmas lights popping on all over now

Best wishes for a good warm comfy evening in all our Eagle Corners

ttfn xoxo

magpie said...

Oh, my shopping pal turns 93 today.
She was once a smoker, but said she would quit when the price went up to $1.00 a you kbnow how long that has been,
and she quit, just like that!

When I was little, she helped take care of me and my brothers and sisters....

She still runs circles around me and has taught me a lot about shopping

Happy Birthday Lucille!

hedgie said...

A very happy birthday to your pal, Margy. So cool that you are still in touch with her after a ll these years.
I forgot to mention Tues. that it was my SIL Charlie's b-day. He was a grouch all day and wouldn't answer phone, and has yet to thank me for my message or gift I sent in his card.......ungrateful man-child!

paula eagleholic said...

Well, Happy Birthdays to Charlie and Lucille.

Got some fresh color and a cut here also. Glad you like the curls, Jo.

Going to dinner with Ex's Mom, Stepdad and Sisters tomorrow night...his aunts both live in Kansas, came in for an early Thanksgiving weekend. Going to Vietnamese place in Frederick, should be fun!

Mema Jo said...

I've been watching the game shows (little nap in between)
I have 3 shows in a row this evening.
I sure hope they are worth watching.

I wonder if Judie is on her way home or will be tomorrow sometime! I Hope that she took a few steps and that the pain was not that great...
Miss you Judie !

hedgie said...

Speaking of missing.....we haven't seen/heard hide nor hair of Anne Marie in a long time. Don't recall even seeing her on FB recently. Wonder what is up with her....silver alert for AM!

Lolly said...

Lynn, AM made a post on fb recently about working. Is she a nurse? I got the impression she was working in the emergency room or something like that and it would be over soon,

Lolly said...

Here is AM's fb post....

Anne-Marie Larsen no I'm not dead, yes I'm OK jut exhausted. I am working post op surgery. Will be at it about another week. Sending hugs......

Lolly said...

She posted that Nov 4. So, she should be through now. Did not know she was a nurse.

NCSuzan said...

Good Evening All! Sounds like everyone had a busy day.
Dana, was happy to read that you are getting about. That's great news. And Lolly, good to hear your appointment went well.. And it seems like there are several new do's that are being sported this evening. No news of Judie today? Hope everyone else is safe and warm and healthy.

Costume Lady said...

Margy, didn't know that your shopping buddy was an old family special that is for both of you to still be so close.
Is she the one who lives in your apartment complex?

Lynn, Gene ~~waves~~ at Carol when they stop at Seneca Rocks:)
I ran into an old photo the other day of Seneca Rock, and the "needle" rock was still there. Can't remember how long it has been since it fell...kinda sad that it is gone:(

Lolly said...

Having our first fire for the winter tonight. Sure feels good. Have not turned on the heat in the house yet, but we may have to do that next week. We have a "polar" front coming. Sounds cold to me!

Laurel told me her plans for next week. She and the boys are coming Tuesday and be here til Friday. I can deal with that. She is taking Joseph to see Harry Potter. Going the full movie experience, pop corn and coke, just the two of them. It is his special night. He is such a great kid, well behaved and two straight A report cards to start this school year.

hedgie said...

That was back early in the month, Lolly. She was a nurse. She was taking care of her man-friend after surgery, which is why she didn't come for OH.

hedgie said...

Are the kids out of school the whole week, Lolly? Ours used to be, but now they go M & T, and then are off the rest of the week. Used to be high absentee rate for those two days because of hunting, but then they cracked down and said nothing was excused without a drs. note or a funeral certificate!

hedgie said...

Time for Grey's!

Costume Lady said...

Lolly, what kind of heating system do you have (beside the fireplace)? Our furnace has been on for about 2 weeks now and have had the fireplace going to give us heat before we turned the furnace on. We just had our oil tank filled at $3.11 a gal. Somewhere around $1300 for a fill:( Not too many years ago, a fill up was $350!
When Gene worked at Amoco Fuels for my Dad, our fuel oil was free!!


Lynne2 said...

evening all!

Well, Steve's car got robbed this morning outside of a Farm Store. He left it unlocked (STOOOOPID) and ran in and came back to find his cigarettes, cell phone, the bag that was on the front seat, and CD cases missing, and the glove box open.
The thieves must be terribly disappointed. The CDs where in the player, so the cases were empty. The cell phone is a Tracfone prepaid job (that's all we have, and only for emergencies) and I hadn't refilled it yet today so there were only about 9 minutes on it. The bag had 2 water bottles in it. Not much of a take! HAHAHA!!
But now we have to replace the cell phone. Another unexpected expense we really didn't need...

Jo, can't wait to see a picture of you in CURLS!!

Dana, glad you are doing well post surgery!

Andy, hope your hawk comes back so you can get a picture of it next time!

Lynn, your electric personality is just too much for your appliances to handle! (and your SIL is really rude)

Happy Birthday to your friend Lucille, Margy! I'll be she has some wonderful stories to tell!

Hope Gene has a fun and productive hunting trip...have I ever mentioned how much I LOVE deer bologna??

Enjoy your fire tonight Lolly, and glad the Dr appt. went well!


Lynne2 said...

Saw the red shoulder hawk again this morning! Now that the leaves are almost all gone from the trees, think I'll do a bit of searching for a nest nearby.

hedgie said...

BTW, Lolly---Glo was a nurse, too!
Quite a few of us here!

hedgie said...

Oh, Lynne, so sorry about Steve's theft. People are so brazen. Thank goodness they didn't get much!

What does a hawk nest look like?

Lynne2 said...

well, Lynn, all I have to go on are pictures I've seen, and they are not unlike eagle nests, although not as large. So given the bare forest now, one should be easily seen!

Lynne2 said...

and yeah, the robbers must be REALLY disappointed!

Lynne2 said...

I guess we really won't have a nest cam til next Wednesday :(
But it should be worth the wait! I miss our nest.

Heading to shower and TV...goodnight and prayers for all! No pressing business tomorrow so I'll be checking in!

NatureNut said...

Been watching Da Bears! Just done w/halftime----don't think I'll last, so
Pleasant Feather Dreams & good health to all ;>)

magpie said...

speaking of Hawk's nest....the one I was watching at Swinging Bridge over the summer was a Red-Shouldered's

pretty large and in the crook of several branches in a large sycamore tree...not nearly so large as the Eagle's nest though

paula eagleholic said...

Oh Lynne sorry to hear that about Steve. I lock my car everywhere I go...even if only for a minute!

magpie said...

I have some pictures of that nest, the parent and babies back on April and May picture posts on
Feathers, Fur & Miscelleneous

magpie said...

we have a lot of local thievery of cars being broken into in this county, sometimes the vehicles are locked, sometimes not....
lots and lots of GPS's have been stolen this year, also laptops, cameras, pocketbooks and all kinds of things
some people just don't realize there is crook on every corner around these parts in that regard

magpie said...

James is off school all next week in Morgan County

Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Gang,
I'm home from school already! Got my work done earlier today, so got to come home earlier than usual.

Lynne, SO sorry to hear what happened to Steve! Around my roost, never dare leave the car unlocked for even a second. Too many crooks around.
BTW, have you guys heard about the nationwide gang and the warning re folks with their car lights off? If you see one, don't flash your lights or turn them on & off to signal them.
They say the gang members deliberately leave their lights off, then follow a car that flashes them, and kill everyone in that car. It's some kind of initiation stunt. Pretty scary! Checked it on Snopes, and they say it's false, but don't want to mess with this one!

Ms Bookworm said...


I'm not sure, because I haven't read back very far on the blog tonight, but have we heard from Darth about Judie? Sure am missing her! Hope she can go home really soon!

I have no school tomorrow, so am going to try to watch for the new hawk as much as possible. Hope I am able to get a picture of it! My birds are certainly being cautious--not nearly as many visitors lately.

Ms Bookworm said...

Well, I didn't get a nap today, so am feeling kinda tired. Think I will go veg in front of the TV for a bit, then call it a night.

Darth has the night light set to come on automatically (Thank you!). I'm checking to make sure the porch light is on. Have said prayers for everyone--especially those in need of healing. The eye-scanner security and Dana's thumbprint-scanner security are on. Sleep well, everyone, and I'll talk to you tomorrow. God bless, and goodnight!
Love all of you! :o]

magpie said...

'Night Andy, Loretta, and everyone else....
it's about that time

Prayers for restful and restorative sleep, and healing

Red Friday tomorrow...
If you have something red you can wear to honor and respect our Military

Full Moon Approaches...Sunday just after noontime, should be beautiful Saturday and Sunday nights especially

ISS comes back around on Thanksgiving night ☺

God Bless Us, Every One
xo ♥

magpie said...

PS Thanks for the Birthday Greetings for my friend Lucille...she is not my neighbor, that is Lorraine, who is 82...
Lucille is about 6 blocks from here

by the way, my naturalist friend in New York has heard Tundra Swans flying overhead so they could be starting to head this way

hedgie said...

Too drowsy to keep mind clear to comment on comments! Wishing we would get word from Darth on how Judie is doing.
Hope everyone has a good day tomorrow, whether working or taking it easy.
Feels really cold here and moonie LOOKS cold. Lots of clouds, tho', so probably no meteor showers will be visible, so don't think I'll go out to look tonight.
Peace and sweet dreams for all. Prayers going up. G'night.

Mema Jo said...

Good Evening - Watched my TV shows
They were decent..

Want to read 30 comments and check 2 or 3 cams.

Costume Lady said...

I enjoyed Grey's so much...thought the bar scenes were too funny!
Private Practice was exceptional!

Lynne, don't like deer bologna...if Gene brings some home, IT'S YOURS! Margy gets the liver, Paula likes steaks/chops.
Gene hasn't brought home a deer in years. I really don't think he wants to shoot one...he loves to watch them and shoot them with his camera.
I forgot to tell him that if he sees bears again this year, to say "It's Me Bear"!

Mema Jo said...

Wanda - Oh the adventures of the Great White Hunter

Yes, I wish we would hear from Frank - I'm wondering if Judie came home. Guess
we'll know maybe tomorrow.

Good Night & Pleasant dreams & Sound Sleep....... Praying for all those in
need....... Hugs for all ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

Costume Lady said...

They are in second place, right now and that is good enough to win that beautiful blanket that Glo want so badly. But, she has to have all of your votes to keep her in 5th place or better by 11:30pm, tomorrow night:)


Lolly said...

Well, got lost watching TV. Watched Grey's and PP. Bless Jack, he built the fire and let me have it. He watched the STARS in the study. Both programs were great.

We have electric heat, Wanda, central air and heat.

Have my mammogram tomorrow. More fun! Then tomorrow afternoon we are going to Laurel's. We are spending the night and will be home sometime Saturday.

Got my old laptop back and Mike, our friend, was able to save all my pictures. Yea! Even all my favorites we saved. Wahooo!

Lolly said...

Darth got on late the other night. I was hoping he would give a report tonight.

I have one more vote left for Dex. Will do it yet tonight.

Lolly said...

Forgot....Yes, Laurel and the boys have all next week. It varies from year to year and from district to district. This is her first time to have the whole week. She is excited. Plans to leave the boys with me and get out early Wed to shop. I'll be cooking, so I will put them to work. ha!

Lolly said...

Lynne, so sorry about Steve's incident today. That stinks! Even though they did not get a whole lot, it was still an invasion of privacy! Had our car broken into in Portugal. They got my passport!!!!!!!

Heading to the shower. Nite all! Sweet dreams!

Judie said...

Darth here.

Judie's home!

It was a long day yesterday, but we finally made it out of the hospital. She passed her test. Made it the entire length of parallel bars.

She is very tired, kind of weak and has not eaten since she entered the hospital. For now we are limiting ourselves to the first floor. The physical therapist will begin visiting tomorrow and hopefully will give us some tips on how to best cope when you only have one good foot. It was some kind of fun getting out of the car and into the house, but we made it without braking any other bones.

Right now she is deeply asleep. Sleep is another thing she did not get in the hospital. Speaking of sleep, yours truly is feeling deprived of same, so it is off to bed for me. Night all.

19 Nov 10/0040 [1240 AM]

Costume Lady said...

DARTH, so happy Judie is finally home. Without a doubt, she will do better under her own roof! Sleep and a good breakfast, then she will show that therapist who's boss:)
Love to you both♥♥

magpie said...

Good Red Friday Morning
Eagle ♀'s and ♂'s

There was an eagle in the nest at BWE but by the time I could post it had left

and a bright Venus in the sky in the East

and a Judie at her home roost in Virginia ♥ Welcome Home Judie and Thanks Frank for the good news


magpie said...

I keep checking still cam and live feed with no luck on
either one :(

I clicked on the sound for the Zone-Tailed Hawk on a Bird Site I have - very haunting kind of a call it makes - hope you get to see it again

Best Wishes for a Good Day, Everyone


magpie said...

speedboat whizzing by at Finland Water nest again this morning, afternoon their time, 7 hours ahead of us

magpie said...

golly I am back in Rochester NY this morning! (site meter map)
I want to come home, it's warmer here by about 10 degrees

okay bye

glo said...

Good morning everyone. I came in to pour coffee again. lots of you up late and i am obviously up way too early. Can't sleep. Wonder what that is about? Thanks to all of you who have been casting votes for the photo blanket of Dex on facebook. It will mean the world to me if I win it. I just might as long as I can keep that vote coming in today.

wvgal_dana said...

Good Friday Morning


I am so so so so so HAPPY that Judie is home. Now she will sleep and the rest will help her be able to use that pain medicine to use a walker.

I am so thrilled can't you tell.

Morning Margie, and Wanda and Glo.

wvgal_dana said...

No live feed for me today or yesterday morning. Still is blue on blue.

Glo I hope Dexter and you win also.

wvgal_dana said...

Not time to vote again yet Glo for me.

Birds are at my feeder cardinal male is so red. Again like I said alwahs the male makes me think of my Daddy.

wvgal_dana said...

Oh boy there is my male and female woodpecker.

wvgal_dana said...


hedgie said... glad Judie made it home! Now she can rest and hopefully EAT! Can't heal well without fuel for the body, Judie girl!! Thanks for updating, Frank. Hope you both slept well. Is Judie's puter a laptop? Hope so so that she can check in herself!

glo said...

Judie is home and Dana is on the blog. Both are good news. I have been praying for your knee and safe trip a couple of days ago. Good to see you Dana Voting ends at 11:30pm EST today. So far we are hanging in there but boy are they ever jockying for those top positions. Keep the faith in my fiends is my motto today.

NatureNut said...

Great news that Judie is home!!!!!
TY, Darth.

Just saw a brown creeper hopping up the pine tree out front. Haven't seen one of them in ages!
Hope Andy's hawk returns. Sounds very interesting.
Gotta get ready to shuffle off--have a great day ☺

hedgie said...

I don't know how I did it, but sometime during the night I smashed my finger into a rafter/joist over the bed. Pain was bad and I really thought I broke it. Still hurting but no swelling to speak of and no maybe I just jammed it.

NCSuzan said...

Good Morning to everyone. It is great news to read that Judie is home.

NCSuzan said...

Lynn, my goodness. Are you sure you don't have a fracture or something? It may be a good idea to have it x-rayed. I am afraid to ask how you came in contact with your celing.

hedgie said...

LOL, bedroom is a loft with exposed beams.....side walls are low, so beam is only about 18 inches over head of the bed. Just don't know what in the world I was reaching up for. Maybe throwing a punch at some ghost!!! Not too much to do with a finger even if it is broken....splint it if necessary...and I have what it takes to do that in my medical box.

hedgie said...

If anyone likes cinnamon as much as I do (a lot!)----tried a new cold cereal this morning: Kelloggs' Cinnabon. VERY good---recommend it highly!

wvgal_dana said...

For colds and sore throat GREAT!!

Warm 1 tablespoon of real Honey
then put in 1/4 teaspoon cinnamon. Mix and goop it down. Do it for 3 days. WORKS GREAT!! Sorry can't check for spelling the bar just disappeared. lol

hedgie said...

A teaspoon of cinnamon a day also lowers blood sugar, Dana. Can keep some people off of oral diabetes meds! It also comes in capsule form.

Wind is blowing again....doesn't it know that I can't do leaves in the wind??

wvgal_dana said...

Glad I save what I typed in comments. Got error 503 and ate my post.

Margy I think that is neat she only lives 6 blocks from you.
Did look back at the hawks nest it is small.

Happy Birthday Lucille!!

Charlie what ever is got you in a slump...get out of it!!! You have a GREAT MOTHER IN LAW---get off your butt and tell her "Thank You"!!

Gene hope you get some nice pictures to share. Wanda maybe your trail cam will show a bear before Gene sees one in the mountains. lol

NCSuzan said...

Ohhhh, Lynn. that makes sense. LOL! You are right of course about not being much to do for fingers. Years ago my daughter broke her fingers skating and they just taped them up and sent her on her way.

wvgal_dana said...

Yep you are right Lynn_Hedgie about the cinnamon. I had added that while going through some rough months and it did help.

Sorry about your finger. Don't know what you could have been dreaming about. Maybe you thought you seen a "stinkbug". Hope it doesn't hurt to badly.

Lynne2 said...

good morning all!

Lynn, so sorry about your poor finger! Hope it doesn't bother you too much.


Glad Dana is up and about this morning too!

Wanda, thanks for the offer for the deer bologna if Gene gets one. But if he only shoot pictures, then I'll look forward to seeing those!

JO...I want to see your curls!!!

Lolly, hope the mammo goes well today. I'm due for mine in Dec.

I'm heading to Wallyworld for a new prepaid cell for Steve. Thank goodness they aren't terribly expensive.

wvgal_dana said...

Lynn2 glad there wasn't that much for them to steal. Although you do have to replace cell and card. He needs to always lock car door. I lock ALWAYS!! Don't care if I can see car from window.

wvgal_dana said...

Seen Lun Lun for few seconds and cam went off. Refreshed ok back on. She is sleeping.

NCSuzan said...

Dana, how is your knee and how are you feeling?

Lolly said...

Good morning! Got my mammo! They have opened a new medical center just a few miles from the house. Same outfit that has always done my mammo. I was home in 45 minutes. Way to go! I am thrilled. Always before had to drive to medical area in Ft. Worth. An hour round trip.

JUDIE, welcome home! We have missed you!

Lolly said...

Lynn, you must be a violent sleeper. LOL Sorry about the finger. Did you wake up when you did it? Surely you did!

Mema Jo said...

Good Morning Everyone. Best news is from Frank - I hope both of you woke up hungry - at least you're in your own house.

Going to see doc today to get something to rid me of this head cold that could go into my chest. Lots of interrupted sleep with coughing. I have to be up/running for Turkey Day!


Ms Bookworm said...

Good Morning, Everyone!


Mighty glad you are finally getting some decent sleep, too! That should do you a world of good. Prayers that your appetite will return, too! Need to have some fuel soon, so you can manage the physical therapy! Many thanks to Darth for keeping all of us updated about the situation. Hope he's able to get some restorative rest, too!

I was cleaning up the kitchen earlier today, shortly after dawn, when there was a gigantic KLUNK! Our Cooper's Hawk (which I haven't seen in several weeks) crashed into our patio window at high speed. It had been chasing a finch or sparrow, which got away. The poor Cooper's Hawk flew back to the top of our block wall, shaking its head and looking sort of disoriented. It walked across the top of the wall to hide in one of our big bushes for a few minutes. I was beginning to get concerned about it--afraid it gave itself a concussion. Then it walked out to where I could see it, and flew off to the front yard, where it sometimes hunts in the morning. Glad he is OK! Must have quite a headache, though. Haven't seen the Zone-tailed hawk yet today. MTBR....
My avatar is a picture of the new blooms on our Mandevilla vine. It's still hanging in there, and has climbed clear through the top of the patio cover.

Ms Bookworm said...

Sorry about your finger! Sure hope it feels better. Have you tried some ice on it? Hope it's not broken, just jammed up a bit!

Ms Bookworm said...

Need to straighten up the house a bit, and make the bed. BBIALW. :o]

wvgal_dana said...

Andy I like your new avatar.

NCSuzan I am doing very good. Heading out to eat. Need more nourshing food.


Need to pick up curling iron. Mind stopped working day I was getting ready for surgery. Ha Ha I said oh well those hats make your hair look bad anyhow.

I will have my walker. Pain meds taking steadily as per doctor.

Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Dana,
Pulling a "Margy" here--glad you are doing so well! Guess Little Man is being a good nurse! Have a good afternoon! Gotta go get busy. BBL!

glo said...

Geesh MeMa Jo Get rid of that cold. Hedgie Its ok for the wind to blow as you really need to NOT rake leaves today anyway. If it blows in the right direction they could blow right out of your yard. If not just think of it as natures mulch.

hedgie said...

No, Lolly, I am NOT a flailer at all! Don't know what happened...but oh, yeah, it woke me up for sure!

Jo, glad you are going to the Dr. Probably should have forced that issue with you a few days ago.

hedgie said...

No, Lolly, I am NOT a flailer at all! Don't know what happened...but oh, yeah, it woke me up for sure!

Jo, glad you are going to the Dr. Probably should have forced that issue with you a few days ago.

hedgie said...

Glo, when you live in the woods, there really is no natural blowing away. They just pile up against any obstacle---house, decks (3), garage, mulched areas with shrubs or lawn ornaments.....and I absolutely hate them getting crushed up on the gravel driveway....which is LONG! It truly is my fall bane. But no raking for me. I "discovered" leaf blowers about 15 yrs. ago and that's the best way to go! Just force those stupid leaves to go where I want!

hedgie said...

Andy, poor he's got a whopper of a headache. Sometimes I think they are kamikaze birds! It's a miracle that more don't kill themselves on my sunroom glass.

movin said...


GooD MOrninG,

eVERYbODy !!



[:~D] Jim

paula eagleholic said...

Nice flowers, Andy!

Researchers going to the TH nest today, not yesterday!

stronghunter said...


Judie is home! My students are watching Of Mice and Men, so I have a brief moment. Scanned quickly over the messages.

I love it when I tell my students to write a character sketch and they draw a picture. Oh, there is so much to teach them.

I really thought I had explained that a character sketch is not a drawing, but maybe I just imagined I had explained it.

I will be rushing out of here this afternoon to go to George Mason to see A Midsummer Night's Dream with Kathryn and Susan.

The furnace guy will come this weekend, thank goodness.

hedgie said...

Enjoy the Shakespeare, Shirley!
Good that you will have reliable warmth very soon! Just in time for a cold and damp week coming up!

Costume Lady said...

I wonder what Shirley's student's character sketches look like?
Shirley, maybe you should collect all of them and any other humerous papers and start an Art Gallery. Would be a very interesting display;)

Costume Lady said...


movin said...

I'm very glad that Judie is home again and doing better.

Just wish I could share my desire to eat with her. We'd have her energy levels up in no time... hahaha.

Sometimes, when you get injured seriously, you won't even want to look at food for a couple, three days. But then you are suddenly over it and trying to eat everything in the area.

[:~D] Jim

Lolly said...

Car is loaded. We head to Laurel's in about a half hour. Wahoo, get to be there for the boys. Will walk to the corner and wait for them. More fun!

paula eagleholic said...

Steff is on the TH nest with another researcher.

paula eagleholic said...

And Yay Judie is home! Great news!

movin said...

Andrea, what does that Mandevilla smell like?? Easy or hard to care for?

I'm wondering because my Bougainvillea recently succumbed to the "too long in smallish pot" root bound syndrome, and I'm looking to replace it.

[:~D] Jim

movin said...

Scientists in TH nest now, collecting specimens.

[:~D] Jim

movin said...

There's a very interesting Catalina Report this week too...if you get time.

I'm outta here for a while. Have a good day and follow that up with a great weekend.

[:~D] Jim

Costume Lady said...

JIM, I bought a Mandevilla for my Mother last year and don't recall it having any fragrance. It is a beautiful plant and relatively easy to care for. She kept it on her covered deck, but it got a lot of sun. Winters are too harsh here in Nestville, so she took the plant inside, but it didn't survive. It should do beautifully in your climate:)

Mema Jo said...

The cams on IWS site are remarkable!
I hadn't been on in a while.
I would hope that our HD cam would be

Sitting and waiting to leave for doc.

Lynne2 said...

Oh, I had one of those last year and when I bought it, the guy neglected to tell me it had to come inside over the winter. So I had to dig it up and re-pot it. But it has to be in a cooler area and I had it in our spare room and it died. But it really should do well out there Jim! They are beautiful!

Lynne2 said...

Holy Cr...I mean Moses....they are pulling Darvocet off the market!! They have asked the generic mfgs to do the same! Citing "risk of potentially serious or fatal heart rhythm abnormalities". That's what I take for my back, and oh, gee, I have A-Fib??? Now what am I going to do?

hedgie said...

CALL YOUR DR., Lynne!!!
For as many years as Darvocet has been around, and they are just now discovering this???? Boo.....

Lynne2 said...

Darvocet pulled from Market

My CNP was already gone when I called.

paula eagleholic said...

"It is a perfect example of how the FDA is now saving lives by reversing past approval decisions," said Diana Zuckerman of the National Center for Women & Families. "Patients and consumers will be healthier and live longer when the FDA is willing to put the public's health first, as it did today."

Ummm, six years after Britain has pulled it off the market....I'd say we were moving a little slow....

paula eagleholic said...

Eagle at BWO

Sure do miss our eagles :(

NatureNut said...

Ah, nuts. Got home before sundown & forgot cam is down.We need to send a spotter!!!☺

Only saw Ms. Hoppy dear and her twins before leaving exhibit shop. Have seen hooded mergansers in the last couple weeks.
Got out early---finished a scale model of a mansion gallery w/round library section!! Was fun!

NatureNut said...

SP---that's deer, but she is dear!

paula eagleholic said...

Catch ya'll later, heading to dinner.

Lynne2 said...

Have fun at dinner Paula! Really cool that you have a nice relationship with your Ex's peeps!

Mema Jo said...

I am back from the Dr and Dinner.
Got my 2 shots and did prescribe a very short doze of prednison
Now to feel better before Turkey Day.

Hope all is well...... Except for those of you using the darvocet.

Mema Jo said...

One eagle is at the BWO platform.

hedgie said...

Glad you got the meds, Jo!
I suspect that I might have strep...argh! Sore throat has not been too bad....but today, feeling like I'm swallowing lumps and I have lots of white patches back there. Yuck. I started taking meds...and will see Dr. on Mon.

Lynne2 said...

Jo,I am so glad you got some meds and I sure hope you feel MUCH better soon!

Lynn, UGH!! Hope your meds kick in quick too. This is no time to be sick! Not that there is any good time!

All four of the kids I babysit regularly have had little coughs and runny noses. And usually forget to cover their mouths when they cough.

I saw a beautiful 6 point buck on the back way to Wallyworld this afternoon. He was BIG and his rack was really wide. May have been an 8 point. He had 3 very large tines on each side that were very noticeable, but I'm thinking as big as the rack was, there were likely 2 smaller ones down closer to his head as well. But I can only swear to seeing 6. He came down the hill right in front of my car.

wvgal_dana said...

What toolbar was it that had the spell checker on it?

Lynne2 said...

OMG, this is terrible story
Bear cub remains found in VA

Lynne2 said...

I'm not sure mean for spell checking on here? I use Firefox as my...uh, well heck the correct term is escaping me. But it's not a toolbar, I just use it instead of Internet has spell check.

Lynne2 said...

is web browser the term I am looking for? I'm having serious Mentalpause.

wvgal_dana said...

It was on top on one of my toolbars. Spell check---when you typed something here in comments you just click the button and it showed you if you mispelt a word. I can't find it now????

hedgie said...

The Google toolbar has a spellcheck feature, Dana. It just says Check. The blog has never had it to my knowledge.

hedgie said...

What a horrible story, Lynne. Sure hope they catch whodunit but that is highly unlikely.
Don't you just love the deer? Wish they would stay away from the roads.

Costume Lady said...

Dana, my spell check is also, GOOGLE TOOL BAR.

Costume Lady said...

I'm always so leary driving home at night because of the deer. There are so many deer that have been hit by cars on Rt. 45. I would hate to have that happen...don't want to kill a deer and don't want my car wrecked!

NatureNut said...

Well, I'm still not used to darkness!!About 1/2 hour ago, I thought it must be 10 PM!

I'm getting more careful about deer xing the Park entrance road in the AM. It's over 1 1/2 miles. Speed limit is 30, but!!!No close calls yet---just have to say pooey on time clock & be careful.
Hope I see a BIRD tomorrow! I still have some colorful tree pics to get out of camera---most blew to smitherines during the week.

paula eagleholic said...

Lynn, hope you feel better soon. Sounds like what I had over the summer, but it wasn't strep. Must have been viral, then of course, the meds don't help.

Lynne, that's a big deer!

I feel lucky to still have a good relationship with ex's family...they are all good people! Was one of the lucky ones to always have a good relationship with the ex, too.

paula eagleholic said...

Went to dinner at Lucky Corner restaurant in downtown Frederick. Great Vietnamese food, place was packed all night, and its a small place.

paula eagleholic said...

Lowreeda, I hear ya on that one! Still thinking it's later than it really is!

NatureNut said...

P.S. In reading back about popular drugs w/bad side effects----why in the heck weren't those picked up during the approval time???It usually takes about 5 years 'til something goes on the market!!!AND, notice all those TV ads to call lawyers about terrible conditions I never heard of caused by some drugs.

Also, glad Jo has a good drug & hope Lynn gets all straight next week, too.

wvgal_dana said...

Thanks Hedgie-Lynn and Wanda I kept thinking it was google but looked different.

Hedgie-Lynn if you have some real honey and cinnamon until you get to doctor. 1 tablespoon warm honey and 1/4 teaspoon cinnamon will make throat feel better.

NatureNut said...

Hi, Paula--sounds like a great dinner!!

Wow to Lynne about the big buck. He better stay off the roads!

wvgal_dana said...

Heading back to recliner.

hedgie said...

Dana, I HATE honey! I have my antibiotic and my Chloraseptic and salt water!

Glad you had a nice evening, Paula.

Loretta, are most of the leaves gone at the park now? You should start seeing your eagles at the nest anytime!

wvgal_dana said...

That is the pain med I was given 2007 when I had total knee replacement. Also drug I am on now.

hedgie said...

Darvocet, Dana?

hedgie said...

Good CSI: NY, wasn't it, Jo?!

hedgie said...

Now time for my dose of TOm Selleck!

wvgal_dana said...

Yep Lynn-Hedgie except the Generic brand. PROPOXY/APAP 100/650MG

NatureNut said...

Getting late--time to shut down...
Pleasant Feather Dreams and Good Health to all ;>)

wvgal_dana said...

I'm getting my dose of Tom Selleck oo ( :

NatureNut said...

P.S. Lynn, Some leaves are gone, but it's the sycamore sprouts closer to the road w/those HUGE leaves that are blocking view. Maybe since the big wind, more are down.Will take pic even if no birds.

Costume Lady said...

So many colds and viruses going around. Jayden had the croup and had a trip to the hospital, Karla was suffering with a bad cold and Denise and Brandon was absent from our dinner this evening, due to colds. Jillian surprised us and joined us for a while. It was so good to have her there...she is always too busy working to join us on Fridays. She works for a chiropractor in Berryville and one in Charles Town, and is a volunteer with the Berryville Fire Dept, driving an ambulance and assisting the EMT. She starts her schooling to become an EMT in January, I believe. Then, we will NEVER see her:(

Costume Lady said...

I posted a 2 minute video of Jayden walking and scrubbing the floor...on Wanda's Wishes.

Mema Jo said...

Hedgie - I really loved SCSI tonight.
Very good story - When it started, of course, I had forgotten it was a Part 2

I just took some medicine -
Nurse Hedgie... Can I take an Allergy capsule - diphenhydramine hydrochloride 25 mg Antihistamine if I had those 2 shots of prednisone...
Like do I really need it......

Mema Jo said...

Wanda the video from your family get together is soooo enjoyable.

I have sent email to FB friends to VOTE
I really think if I get my vote in I
have to click it right by their clock.

hedgie said...

Yes, Jo, you can take the Benadryl...very possible that molds and fungus form leaves could be causing some allergy that plays in to the cold.

hedgie said...

Jo, I was glad that the chief detective and his nephew didn't end up in jail. Just doesn't seem right that he lost his pension.

hedgie said...

Wanda, hope your family improves and that no germs were passed to GG or you!

Mema Jo said...

Thanks Hedgie for the info...
I am over on the photo of Dex..
Just maybe that check mark will go away in about 10 minutes & then I could vote.

Mema Jo said...

Hedgie He said about the Chief losing his pension BUT then she said something to lead me to believe he got off scot free... But that wouldn't be right..or would it!

hedgie said...

Well,no criminal charges sounds appropriate all things considered....sometimes doing wrong is right!

hedgie said...

Saying my goodnights. Prayers for all not feeling well, and with other needs, as well. Wondering how Judie is feeling....maybe Darth will leave a post before he turns in. See all y'all tomorrow.

Mema Jo said...

My head is nodding and my lids are closing........ Back the hall I go.

Good Night to all my Eagle friends!
You are very important in my life

Prayers for all to stay in good health or to return to good health.
Thinking of you Judie! Yep! Thinking of you too Frank!
Hugs to all ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

Costume Lady said...

Glo has received word that she is officially a winner and WILL receive that wonderful BLANKET with a photo of Dex on it:)


Costume Lady said...

Bedtime here.


Hope Judie is resting well and wishing the same for Darth:)

stronghunter said...

Back from the play. We enjoyed it, but now it is especially late considering the time I got up and the day I had, so I am going to bed.

I will go to bed and dream of character sketches. Maybe the characters from the most recent novel we studied will walk through my dreams.

stronghunter said...

Wanda, I like the art gallery idea. I can't wait to look at what they did. I just hope that someday when they are older they can look back and laugh at themselves.

It does tell me that they tried to do what I wanted them to do. They just did not understand. I remember explaining it, and I thought I explained in both of the classes. In that case, someone wasn't listening or wasn't comprehending and I need to repeat some things.

Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Everyone,
Getting here VERY late tonight! Hubby & I got our grocery shopping done for the week after he got home from work.

I do recommend that Mandevilla vine. I haven't noticed any fragrance from it, but the blooms are velvety and just gorgeous. It needs more water than most of my other plants. Has to stay evenly moist, and needs some of that fertilizer that comes in time-released capsules. Got mine at Home Depot, and it has grown like a weed in no time. They say it won't tolerate freezing weather, so plan on putting some mulch in the pot before long. Don't know whether it will make it through the winter or not, but so far, so good. It wasn't expensive to buy, so if it croaks I will just get another one in the spring. The leaves are pretty, too, and talk about growth spurts! I had to go out every couple of days and unwind the thing from my bird feeders. It would grow 2 or 3 feet in a couple of days, and latch onto them! Mine is red, a fairly new color, but it also comes in pink and white.

Ms Bookworm said...

Gosh, I'm SOOO thrilled that Judie is home now! (There's no place like it, is there?!)
Hope your appetite gets better real soon. When it does, you have my permission to eat everything in sight!
Hope your doctor is able to figure just the right dosage of pain medication, so that you can function, but it doesn't irritate your stomach.
Many thanks again to Darth for keeping all of us posted about you!
Prayers from this roost continue for your speedy and complete recovery!

Well, think I'll call it a day. Have said prayers for everyone, especially those in need of healing--Judie, Dana, Lynn, Carole, Wanda's family, Mema Jo, et al. Hope a good night's rest does everybody a lot of good!

Ms Bookworm said...

Darth has the night light coming on automatically (Thank you!). I'm checking to make sure the porch light is on. The eye-scanner security and Dana's thumbprint-scanner security are enabled. Sleep tight, everyone, and I'll talk to you tomorrow. God bless, and goodnight! Love all of you! :o]

Ms Bookworm said...

Oops, almost forgot! Congratulations to Glo and Dex! That's fantastic that you won the blanket you wanted, Glo! Awesome!

Glad you enjoyed the play! Bet you can hardly wait to have a brand new furnace, too! You know what? You ought to write a book about your students, and about being a teacher. Bet it would be on the bestseller list!

Well, need to get some sleep. Goodnight, all, and I'll talk to you tomorrow. :o]

Judie said...

Hi Ya'll, Darth here.

Yesterday was Day Two here at home for Judie. She got cleaned up yesterday and out of her hospital clothes. She kept complaining of a hospital odor which was offensive to her and reminded her of a place of which she was not especially fond.

The therapist arrived in the afternoon and all three of us decided that the first floor was not the place to be because of the split level between the sleeping area and the kitchen and bathroom. Albeit only two steps to get up and down, they were like Mt Everest to her. So, with all three of us working on it, Judie "climbed" the stairs backing up on her butt and the therapist and I assisting when she got to the top. Now being on only one level floor she has access to her bedroom [with a real bed, not the couch], the bathroom [although for now she uses a port-a-potty], and her office where the class materials and the computer is.

She is confined to the bedroom for now because of her weakness and pain. She finally ate something yesterday afternoon: one of my excellent toasted cheese sandwiches. She ate three-quarters of it and drank a half-glass of Pepsi. Later she had five peach slices. Despite all that, her appetite is poor; but, we are making progress.

Later today, we hope to get her into the wheel chair, in which case you may be hearing directly from her.

Like I said before, it is one day at a time, and we are making progress. Lord willin' and the creek don't rise, you may be hearing direct from Judie later today.

Many thanks from both of us for all of your thoughts, letters, prayers, Emails and cards. We very much appreciate them, and have been a great comfort and motivation to us.

Now, at 0425, this Saturday, I think it is time to check on my patient and then off to sleep again.

Darth ... Zxxxxx.....

magpie said...

Excellent report, Darth Thank you..sounds like you both climbed many mountains Friday.....
Best wishes and prayers for continued improvement and successes

magpie said...

Good Morning Eagle Pals

One eagle in the nest BWE
and one on the platform BWO

magpie said...

Hearty Congratulations Glo, to you and Dex ☺

magpie said...

looks like Finland Water nest got some snow

magpie said...

Headed to work soon.
Watch for the brilliant moon tonight...

Lynn, hope your finger is okay and no pain today

Prayers for wellness

and Best Wishes for a good day, everyone...


glo said...

OK back in to pour the Pabst Blue Ribbon . Oooops thats not quite right. OK then The best part of waking up is Folgers in your cup So Dex and I have stopped in here once again to pour coffee for our friends before heading across the street for Coffee and dog treats, and share the news with some folks who we start each new day sharing time with.

Make it a good one.

Costume Lady said...

I'm thinking of the time that we all pulled together and voted, and voted, and voted for BOB, and he won! Now, we voted, and voted, and voted for Dex & Glo, and they won!
Hmmm...wonder what's next?
Maybe I will enter American, too about America's Got Talent?

Costume Lady said...

It was good to hear from Judie's home-front. Sounds like a major undertaking to get Judie upstairs, but well worth it. She's among all the necessities and I'm certain Darth will see to it that she gets vittles. GET HER SOME ENSURE, FRANK!
Ensure and baby food kept GG going when she had no appetite.

Costume Lady said...

I still have to laugh at Shirley's students "drawing" character sketches. They are surely what Judie calls "wanna-be adults":)
Wouldn't it be fun to see Judie and Shirley teaching together?
Oh, the stories they would tell;)

Costume Lady said...

Tomorrow, Jayden will be 1 year old and his parents are having him a, I need to go shopping for me and GG.
Before I go, I'm headed for the woods to see what the trail cam has picked up in the way of wildlife. Gene set it up on VIDEO this time...anxious to see how that turns out.

It is 50° here in Nestville (spell check tells me that is not a word),
and going up to 60° and sunny. Maybe I will blow away some more leaves when I get back...good, still day for it:)
You all have a great day!♥

stronghunter said...


Good Morning




3/12/25 PM 🐟

 12.56 PM Scout comes to the nest to relieve Bella of her incubation duties getting close guys. He does have a Talon load of bedding. He lan...