Saturday, November 20, 2010


Weekend thread 1.


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stronghunter said...

Good morning, Steve. Thank you for the lovely new thread. I will tell the others it is here.

stronghunter said...

Furnace man is here.

Wanda, I think Judie and I could have fun teaching together. I also think I might like to teach policemen. I have taught Marines. We had a lot of fun together. (They write nice poetry.)

I have taught future policemen. I well remember one student who is a police officer now, and he was something of a character in high school.

stronghunter said...

So good to hear from Darth. I agree, Wanda, Ensure is a good idea.

One of my good friends bought Ensure for herself when she was going through a very trying time caring for her dying husband. It enabled her to keep up her strength when she had no appetite.

I drank quite a bit of it when I was having my own health problems last fall and winter.

stronghunter said...

Yea for Glo and Dex. Congratulations!

stronghunter said...

Doggies and Kitties do not realize that it is okay to sleep in on Saturday morning, especially a Saturday morning after one has been out late.

BEagle said...

Hello everyone.

My apologies if I interrupt conversation. Just want to say Hi.

stronghunter said...

Hmmm, I hear large things being moved around downstairs. So do the dogs. The furnace fan is running at this point. I would think they will be turning it off soon. It is a cool, crisp day here. I do have some firewood. It might feel good to start up the fireplace if it takes very long, though I don't expect any problems.

stronghunter said...

Good morning, BEagle! I am just sitting here having a conversation with myself. I am happy to hear from you.

BEagle said...

Thanks Strong. I always enjoy reading your posts. You have taught many fine people.

I am having the health issues this fall. Having the shingles should have alerted me to the fact that I would be vulnerable to the two viral bugs that have been jumping around at work. One hit me hard and fast mid-October and still dealing with it.

stronghunter said...

I'm sorry to hear about your health problems, BEagle. It is not easy.

stronghunter said...

We have been missing you on here.

BEagle said...

At my regular doctor's appointment early November, my doctor got out her TLC gloves and went to work.
She couldn't believe the awful cough I had and couldn't believe I had had the shingles.

She loaded me up with prescriptions and things. I will remind her next visit to give me a shopping bag to carry it all with. : )

BEagle said...

I started feeling much better this week now that the Creepy Crud is leaving. Thanks

BEagle said...

Doctor gave me an anitbiotic, 10-day supply and albuteral so I could breathe better.

She also took me off the ace inhibitor and put me on a calcium blocker. The ace can cause people to have a persistent cough including me.

A constant check on my blood pressure is showing good results.
Now if I can just stay away from frosties and peanut butter cookies....

stronghunter said...

I have felt fortunate to be in good health recently.

stronghunter said...

Know what you mean about the Frosties and peanut butter cookies!

hedgie said...

Morning, gang.
SO relieved to hear that Judie is at least eating a little bit of something! I'm sure the appetite will improve once she gets that hospital s mell out of her system....and Frank tempts her with some good aromas! Can't imagine what the move upstairs must have been like....I break out in a sweat of pain just thinking about it. Poor gal. Good that she has a wheelchair to get around in---and hoping she can get on the puter soon! Love and hugs to Judie and you,too, Darth!

BEagle, another momster had shingles recently, too. Nasty! Sorry that you have been so under the weather. Feel better soon!!

Saw that Margy mentioned snow at Fin Ferry---went straight to cam. Drat---already dark there.

Congrats, Glo and Dex!!!!! Way to go. So great that you are one of the lucky 5!

Mema Jo said...

It's a beautiful morning outside.
Very happy for Glo and Dex
The contest was very smooth running.

Hurray, Judie and Frank. Thinking thoughts of you two. Very anxious to hear from you again.

Hi BEagle - sure hope you get your health issues resolved! Will pray that you do. No harm in Frosties and peanut butter cookies once a month!

stronghunter said...

Hi, Lynn.

Just went downstairs to talk to the furnace guy. He is headed over to Home Depot to pick up some foam to fill in the hole in the wall where the pipes, etc., enter.

Will had stuffed a rag in that hole when the old foam broke apart. We'd had hornets in the opening at one time, and Charlie (the furnace guy) said he found a bird's nest in there. Don't mind birds, but hornets are a part of wildlife I can do without.

BEagle said...

Judie? In a wheelchair? OMG. What?

I will have to look back and see what's happened over the past few weeks.

incorporating naptimes in my schedule now. Off to do so with prayers going up for Judie. I do hope everyone is doing well.

Amazing that Magpie has a 93 year old friend. How fortunate can you get?

BEagle said...

Mema Jo..I could do the once a month with the Frosties. : )


wvgal_dana said...

I see Jayden has captured the ability to use those feeties. ( :

Love his motor skills are just moving right along. Jillian I am sure and all of you are so proud of him. I would be ( :

Thanks I just love the video.

Mema Jo said...

Pot Plant Owl cam will be closing down - all 3 owletts have fledged.
It really was fun watching them
Now it's on to the eagles!

stronghunter said...

BEagle, Judie fell on the stairs and suffered a bad break at the area of her ankle. She had surgery and was in the hospital for about a week and has just returned home.

We have been getting messages from Darth (Frank), her husband.

stronghunter said...

Talked with Charlie about Kathryn's plan to finish the basement. He is a building contractor, so he has the knowledge to make suggestions. It will be awhile before we can even consider doing anything down there, but it is okay to think about it.

stronghunter said...

Good morning, Dana and Jo.

stronghunter said...

Will check back later. Need to do some chores here.

wvgal_dana said...

Hi Eagle Friends been looking at video
and reading post.

BEagle you must come in when
you start getting sick. So we
can send up those healing prayers
for you. Them Eagle Prayers are
mighty "powerful". Glad you got
to the doctor. And now since we
know situation we can be PRAYING

Yes Jo I too enjoyed the owlett cam.
Was pleased you had put up the link.

Shirley glad you got your furnance in.
Was it Diann who was putting one in too?
Wonder if she got hers in?

A WIN A WIN for Dexter and Glo yeah!!!!

Hope Lynn-Hedgie's finger feels better
this morning.

hedgie said...

Not feeling much better, Dana....but I shall survive! HOPE YOU ARE IMPROVING! AND JO, TOO.

Shirley, thanks for filling BEagle in on Judie. Glad the furnace installation is under way!

Heading out to blow leaves....ugh. BBL.

wvgal_dana said...

Hedgie-Lynn if you are starting to catch a cold. Don't be out there blowing any leaves gal....sorry finger isn't any better. Does it look black and blue or messed?

Still taking Darvocet---he gave it to me. I am watching for any signs.

hedgie said...

P.S. Sending lots of love and hugs to Sissy and Tom today. A hard one for them....but know that they are surrounded by the Lord's love and are comforted knowing that the boys are in His hands.

stronghunter said...

Love from here for Sissy and Tom. God bless.

movin said...


GooD MorniNG, aLL ! !


Light rain (for now) and coolish temperatures in So Cal this morning .. and this weekend.

C(°?°)3 Jim

stronghunter said...

Hi, Jim.

stronghunter said...

Very pretty and sunny here, Jim. I is cool, though.

stronghunter said...

But not cold at all, which is a good thing, since my furnace is turned off.

stronghunter said...

That's "It is cool here."

movin said...

Hi, glad to hear Judie is making some progress, but sad to hear that BEagle (first name?? I forgot.) has been having health troubles.

My HMO recently sent me a thing on shingles, which had a lot of info new to me. One thing they said is that there is a vaccination for shingles now, and the insurance covers it.

Only one middle aged lady, who lived next to us for many years, was hit by shingles in my experience. Supposedly, you can only get it once, but I KNOW she had at least two attacks separated by several years.

You are a possible victim if you have ever had the measles (I've had both kinds ... no vaccinations then). Something about the measles virus being carried in the blood and sometimes evolving into the shingles disease.

Anyway, remember: Shingles shot and flu shot.

I often get a mild flu in a season, but I have never had a serious flu since I started getting the annual flu shots.

C(°?°)3 Jim

wvgal_dana said...

Jim you "can" get shingles more than once.

If Hedgie-Lynn comes on she will be good at explaining about Shingles.

stronghunter said...

Jim, shingles can cause problems for senior citizens. It's the chicken pox virus, not the measles virus that can lead to shingles, though.

movin said...

Eagle gone from BWO, and two Eeuuwies have landed and are flaking out on the nest box now.

C(°?°)3 Jim

glo said...

Jim It is chicken pox I believe that is culprit for shingles. I will definitely be getting that shot as soon as I can Hint Hint. Not a fun thing to deal with at all.

stronghunter said...

The teacher across the hall from me had shingles last year.

I got a shot at my doctor's office, and insurance did cover it.

Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Everyone,
Dropping in to say "Howdy!"

It IS raining a nice, steady, light rain here at my roost this morning. Started last night. Put lots of birdseed out today, and the birdies are grateful. Have seen a lot of White-crowned sparrows this morning.
No hawks so far.

Glad to hear from Darth about Judie. Sounds like the trip upstairs was pretty intense, but glad that Judie has her comfy bed to sleep in (Sofas just aren't the same). Very happy that Judie was able to eat a bit. Bet it won't be long before her appetite kicks in! Imagine it felt wonderful to get cleaned up and out of the hospital duds, too--and eeewwww! I hate hospital smells, too--yuck!

Judie, hope you feel MUCH better, REALLY SOON! Prayers continue for you! Love and (((HUGS))) coming your way, too!

movin said...

You are right, Stronghunter. I just looked it up, and it is chicken pox that causes shingles later in life.

(I had chicken pox too. The only vaccination they had when I was a kid was for small pox. Seems like they have them for everything these days.)

C(°?°)3 Jim

stronghunter said...

Same here, Jim. I had both kinds of measles and chicken pox. My children had shots for measles, but they had chicken pox.

Chicken pox was rather dramatic at my house. My son had chicken pox and then developed symptoms of Reye's syndrome that put him in the hospital.

The doctor was very skeptical until he looked at the liver function studies. They concluded that something was going on. Maybe the disease somehow did not develop fully, and Rus recovered, but we had to go for liver function studies for several months.

Then Kathryn got chicken pox along with scarlet fever. I diagnosed that myself. She had two rashes and a high fever. The doctor said that chicken pox was the worse of the two diseases because he could treat the scarlet fever.

I still remember that when I was in second grade, the school sent home letters to all of the parents because one of my classmates had scarlet fever. At that time, it was much worse.

Mema Jo said...

I feel so much better today..
I forgot that these meds seem to make me feel wide awake.. For some reason
I fell into a deep sleep but did awaken around 6am with coughing
Glass of warm water helps..

Hope your finger heals fast, Lynn.
Which finger was it?

Mema Jo said...

Fill me in on Laurel's impression about Harry Potter movie. Just have to arrange time with my grandsons.

stronghunter said...

Not sure what happened to Lynn's finger. I have missed some messages.

stronghunter said...

Glad to know that you feel better, Jo.

Mema Jo said...

Hi Shirley - where has all your crew gone to today? So glad that with new furnace you won't have to have any cold nights this winter at your house.

You and your girls are going to be quite the 'Shakespearean Know It Alls'
It is really fun time!

Ms Bookworm said...

Have been catching up on some e-mails.
Need to get busy and do a few chores now. Will BBL. Have a great Saturday! :o]

stronghunter said...

Kathryn is here. Right now, she is outdoors visiting with Charlie and his wife, Tricia. Charlie is putting in the furnace, and Tricia is a friend of Kathryn's, so she came over.

stronghunter said...

Hunter is with his dad this weekend.

stronghunter said...

Will just stopped by to borrow a card table and chairs. He is having guests tonight and the bachelor pad does not have a table to eat from.

Mema Jo said...

Personal ? Shirley - Is Hunter doing well

stronghunter said...

Another school story--I had a kid come late to class and insist that he was not tardy because he had left his books on his desk.

I told him that I would count his books on time, but he was tardy. (This is not an unusual issue between kids and teachers. They think they might convince us that if their books are there, the teacher must count them on time to class.)

stronghunter said...

Hunter is fine. Kathryn has been encouraging Tom to spend time with him.

stronghunter said...

Just got a phone call from Kathryn. She decided to go to lunch with Tricia.

I suggested that Kathryn and I could go out somewhere tonight, so I guess she will have a busy weekend. We grabbed some food on campus at Taco Bell last night. That hardly counts as eating out.

Mema Jo said...

Dinner out with our children is good one on one time - talk time.

Mema Jo said...

Shirley - tell Will he can have the card table and chairs if you can also come to dinner! lol

hedgie said...

Yep, Jim, Shirley is right. Chicken pox virus is at the root of shingles!! Don't know what the eradication rates are for chicken pox nowadays with all kids getting the vaccine.....but bet there won't be many cases of shingles in our kids generation.
And you can get it more than once!! Will be getting my vaccine next apptmt. since Glo told me it was age 60+. My other dr. had said 65, and was wrong!

Shirley, thought I had broken my finger (Right middle, Jo) Thurs. night when I hit it on a beam in my sleep, but think it is just badly jammed. A little bruising today, but very little swelling.

hedgie said...

Have done all I can that requires fighting. One area left now that the wind will be behind me! Dog yard will have to wait until another day.

stronghunter said...

I thought that I might let him keep the table and chairs. I have another one with a set of chairs. I do use the folding chairs a lot, but I can buy some more.

stronghunter said...

Sounds like you have been very busy, Lynn.

movin said...

I was just looking at the Panda Cam in San Diego. It looks like they have enlarged the screen a lot recently..last couple of days. Looks great except they need to work on the camera system; it sure isn't as clear as it was not long ago.

C(°?°)3 Jim

Mema Jo said...

Hey There Leaf Blower - You have been at it for a few hours! There will be more to come down. My trees aren't bare yet. Hubby has been able to keep up with them.

stronghunter said...

Do hope your finger heals quickly, Lynn.

stronghunter said...

Would be nice to hear from Judie.

Mema Jo said...

Anxious to see what Wanda found on the trail cam videos........

stronghunter said...

When did they set up the cams, Jo?

movin said...

Yes, Stronghunter, my Mom had some tales of childhood friends, who had diphtheria or scarlet fever. At least one died from the diphtheria, but that was well before the advent of antibiotics.

We got about everything children get in my neighborhood, but luckily no s. fever or diphtheria. Lucky thing, because we didn't have the "miracle drugs" until after the War, and then it was only huge tablets of sulfa until at least 1950, when penicillin came to the area.

C(°?°)3 Jim

hedgie said...

That's all we can do for now, Jo---is keep up with the leaves! Not all down here, either. Usually have to do a final clean-up a few days after Thanksgiving. After all the wind we've had, I was surprised to find that there were still a lot of wet patches from the rain earlier this week.

Mema Jo said...

Wanda mentioned that Gene set it for video before his camping trip.
I think she published on her blog about 3 still pics (deer, raccoon,can't remember the 3rd) from the cam earlier

stronghunter said...

Kathryn and I had a nice time last night when we drove up to meet Susan on campus for the play. Kathryn and I met at a commuter parking lot and went north together.

I had to stop at home long enough to take care of the animals and make a quick change of clothes. Or a partial change. I just dressed up what I had on with a different top, jacket and shoes with the jeans I was already wearing.

Mema Jo said...

I am putting my feet up for a while.
Hedgie you sit down and catch your breath! Shirley you wait for the heat!


stronghunter said...

I expect most of us would be surprised to learn what passes through our property after dark.

stronghunter said...

Friday is dress down day at school. I would have never thought I would be wearing jeans to teach school, but that is the custom.

I remember being required to wear dresses or skirts with heels when I did my student teaching.

When I first started teaching, a fellow teacher was reprimanded for wearing sandals and one of the young men teachers was told that he could not grow a mustache.

movin said...

Have a nice day, everyone. I got to do errands, get haircut, stuff like that.

C(°?°)3 Jim

hedgie said...

Oh, Shirley, I think it is horrible the way I see some teachers dress today. Just don't understand why they don't have dress codes anymore.

hedgie said...

Would you believe that I found a live and active STINKBUG out on the deck??? He was on the doormat, so guess he thought he was going to make entry. No way, Jose'!! He's dead.

stronghunter said...

There are dress codes, Lynn. They have changed, but we do have them.

I can't comment on enforcement, though.

I am pretty conservative myself.

hedgie said...

LOL, Shirley, of course you are conservative because we are of the generation where we know what is proper!!

Mema Jo said...

I hear you two! Prim and Proper!

How can you enforce the kids' dress codes if the staff doesn't show them what is prim and proper... these days.
Jeans - no holes manmade or handmade and up above the crack! lol
Skirts - as long your the arm hangs &
no higher! And wear your undies!

I didn't put my feet up yet...
Doing some shopping on line for the great granddaughters.....

hedgie said...

I finally have an identifiable squirrel! The backs of its' ears are pure white. Wonder if that means it's an old one?

hedgie said...

And I'll add, Jo, NO CLEAVAGE or straps or belly showing!

hedgie said...

I am going to put MY feet up and take a nap! BBL.

stronghunter said...

Charlie is still working on the furnace, but he is almost finished. I hope that the new thermostat will have larger numbers so that it will be easier for me to read without reading glasses.

stronghunter said...

Kathryn and I are thinking of going to Wegmans for dinner tonight. We haven't tried the seafood bar yet.

stronghunter said...

Somehow we are getting movie channels that we weren't getting before. I don't know if Will ordered it or what.

stronghunter said...

In case you haven't noticed, I am sitting here letting my mind wander.

paula eagleholic said...

Evening, all!

Got home from work a little early...had just enough time to finish blowing the leaves in the front into a pile to bag up tomorrow...then the front will be done.

Doggies had a great time chasing after some tennis balls :)

paula eagleholic said...

Glad to hear from Darth, hope Judie's appetite picks up and she feels like blogging soon.

stronghunter said...

Hello, Paula.

stronghunter said...

We all are waiting to hear from Judie.

stronghunter said...

Yay, I can read the new thermostat. It is digital.

paula eagleholic said...

Howdy Shirley....glad the furnace is coming along.

paula eagleholic said...

Gotta hit the grocery store this evening....I should probably eat before I go!

hedgie said...

Shirley, I thought Wegman's was a grocery......they have dine-in eating??

Mema Jo said...

Warmed up chili tonight. Smells good.
I stayed home from Mass
Hubby should be returning soon


Iwannafly said...

Hi stronghunter. I am a long time watcher of the eagle cam, but just a bit shy for the blogging. I have been watching the ma and pa eagle for over a month now come back to their nest around the same time every evening just to check everything out. they amaze me the two of them. Hve u seen them too? Now the cam is down completely.. do you know why? Are they cleaning it up for the season? Thank you very much for answering me back. Iwannafly from Atlanta GA

hedgie said...

Hi, Iwannafly. Don't be shy----we don't bite! Cams are cam is scheduled to be installed on Weds. We have not been given an explanation as to WHY it is down now...has been most of this week. Judging from what has been happening at Blackwater, I think we are missing out on a lot of bonding, beaking, nestoration activity. :(

paula eagleholic said...

Iwannafly....they are so much fun to watch. Hopefully the cam, new and improved will be up this week.

Lynne2 said...

evening all! Been spending a quite day at home today.

Lynn, how is your throat?

Glad you are feeling better Jo!

Can't wait to see Judie on here again!

Beagle, so sorry you've been ailing for so long. Hope you are on the mend soon!

Hi again Iwannafly!

hedgie said...

Hi, Lynne-ie. Wondered where you were today! Throat is feeling much better. Still red, but not as swollen and no more chunky-feeling; white patches are almost gone. Lymph nodes are potent antibiotic is working!!

Mema Jo said...

Well you made it, Lori aka Iwannafly!
Paula is on here now and she is the one who will receive your request for the Momsters site.

You also watch the Hornby nest?
We look at the Blackwater site..

Mema Jo said...

I am going to watch a Hallmark movie
Christmas theme of course.

Lynne glad you are here.
You meant we heard from Frank (Darth)
not really Judie, yet, right?


wvgal_dana said...

Just spoke with my daughter they are in line to see Harry Potter Movie lol Jo.

BEagle said...

Hello again.

Thanks Lynne-ie. Haven't been this sick for quite a while. Not that I was out of it sick... it's just a lingering sick. Like a relapse thing. It's probably more due to the state of mind.

A merry heart is like a medicine ...the Good Book says. Either that's the truth or a lie and I choose to believe it's the truth. are so right about coming in and getting prayers.
And plenty of humor too.

paula eagleholic said...

I forgot to say Welcome Back to Beagle! We've missed you.

wvgal_dana said...

BEagle prayers still going up for you to feel the Lords healing hands upon you.

Judie may God bring rest you need for the therapy. Bring forth more of an appetite for you since you are home. Frank (Darth) is probably a good cook. ( :

wvgal_dana said...

going for recliner

paula eagleholic said...

Shirley, did you make it to the seafood bar at Wegmans?

I think Jo was asking do they have eat in? I'm Shirley can answer that....I do know they have a lot of prepared foods for take out. I'll probably be hitting up the one across from work when it opens :)

BEagle said...

Thanks Paula!

Watching Narnia.

Costume Lady said...

My shopping trip for presents for Jayden's birthday was a success. Then, I went to the grocery store to find a dessert for the party tomorrow. I must have been in there for 2 hours, looking. I could have been home making something in less time! Anyway, $47 later, I came home with fudge brownies...almost $10. I could have made a ton of them for that!

I got Jayden the tent that I was eyeing up for Christmas and a cute little Winter coat for GG to give him. I can't wait to see what he does with the tent:) I posted a picture of it on Just For Fun.

It was dark by the time I go home, so no leaf blowing today:(
Lynn, how can you use your blower with your finger so hurtful?

paula eagleholic said...

Tent looks like fun, Wanda!

hedgie said...

LOL, Wanda....finger is on right hand; I'm left-handed! So just carried it with my left all of the time instead of most of the time! Not bad since the new one is lighter-weight.

Costume Lady said...

I think it is really cute, Paula. I got it on sale at JC Penny's for $20. I'll do a video of his reaction to it:)

hedgie said...

Cool tent, Wanda!

Wonder what Margy is up to??

magpie said...

Margy's up to wondering what YOU FOLKS are up to !

have read just a few posts, enough to see that Lynn is kicking the sore throat, that Wanda has been shopping, Shirley is getting warm just thinking about a new furnace,
BEagle and Iwannfly have stopped by, and well, that's about it so far
have some more speedreading to do

Good Evening Eagle Pals !

hedgie said...

Hi, Margy! Good to see you, kiddo!

magpie said...

I'm still in Rochester! And someone was posting from Littleton Colorado - about the only person I saw with a recent post at that time was BEagle...

sorry to hear of persisten ailments BE , hope you have turned the corner on all that, right now in time for the Holiday season

in fact, I hope EVERYONE kicks the ailments in time for the holidays....
I remember 2 years when Wanda was sick all through Christmas...

magpie said...

So, Jim was getting a "do" today...

and Jayden is about turn the big 1 on Sunday, how fast this year has gone for the little tyke !

magpie said...

Hey there Lynn...Shirley missed the post about your finger owie...
how is it today by the way

and how about that Moon, folks...

did not get the Full Moon Name from Floralgirl yet...I know I can look it up, BUT it's such a thrill when she can post that for us

magpie said...

I think I was in the middle of doing something when I came over here to the computer, cannot remember what it was, have to go see if I can find out

magpie said...

Oh my gosh...
just checked the WV DNR Wildlife site, see that there is a Bald Eagle on the front of the 2011 Calendar, which means it is one of the 12-month's photos- - finally, a Bald Eagle makes the calendar !!
can't wait to get my issue of's on the way

magpie said...

if you want to have a look ☺

I have these calendars going back 15 years and never an eagle yet...and one or maybe two ospreys over all those years

saves me from writing a letter to DNR if it had NOT included a Bald Eagle this year, because, we surely have them in WV !!

Costume Lady said...

Hi, Margy. This was a beautiful day for some Fall wildlife viewing. I guess it gets dark too early for you to do the Swinging Bridge scene when you are working.

magpie said...

according to their site,
Berkeley County has them for sale at Shanghai Grocery, French's Kwik Stop, Walmart (Never seen it there before!) and a place that is out of business, Spark's Sports Center....

Berkeley Springs shows three stores, but, ordering it by mail is just as easy...just a little more for shipping

It's a wonderful calendar !

Judie said...

Hello Eagle lovers. Darth here.

Judie had a much much better day today now that she is on the level second floor. She had one scrambled egg, a bagel and coffee for breakfast.

Tonight she had an egg roll [as I treated myself to Chinese takeout] and a small dish of butter pecan ice cream.

With a combo of wheelchair and walker and yours truly, she made it to the bathroom and finally got cleaned up to the extent she could, getting rid of the hospital odor that has been plaguing her .

She also had me wheel her to her closet and directed me to pick out a few things.

Another good sign? She did her nails !!!

She was not quite up to getting back to her desk and computer. [I have not had the heart to tell her she has 146 Emails in her inbox!] So, you will have to wait another day. But, I have a strong suspicion you will be hearing from her tomorrow.

She said that I am to tell you, "Thank you for everything!" I heartily second that motion.

Time for some TV [which will probably put me to sleep] and then a good night's sleep on top of that.

Prayers and good thoughts go out to all who need them from Judie and me.

With my warmest,

magpie said...

Yes, Wanda...not quite enough time between end of work at 4 pm and sunset at 5 - - but there's my days off upon me now!

Need to catch up with some James-time Sunday...but I do hope to Swing by there, and look for the changes since I was last there

magpie said...


Your posts are so very valuable and touching for us...

Thank you, and Thank you some more !!!

Yes, love and hugs to you both...

Costume Lady said...

I'm so excited thinking about our new NCTC cam. So many things to wonder's the color, clear sound or static, is it Spidey proof?
Please, please, please let the weather cooperate!

magpie said...

yes, there's something about one doing one's nails, that can be an uplifting experience, even if they are short short short....

hedgie said...

Oh, Darth, thanks for updating us. Been wondering all day! Glad that our Judie is eating a bit...and hope it will increase!
Tell her we are patiently waiting for her....but that we miss her!

Margy, I'll check French's for the calendar. Cool that they finally did it!

magpie said...

last I heard a couple of days ago Wanda.., for Wed and Thurs, I heard the "R" word...
liquid snow, but maybe that has changed since then

need to put a few things where they belong here

ttfn xoxox x

Costume Lady said...

Thanks you so much, Darth, for keeping us updated on our friend, your wife:) Wonderful breakfast for her...dinner was not bad either. Anything that she can eat and keep down is perfect! (for now)
We do miss her so much...she is a bright and fun spot on our blog!
Love to you both♥♥

magpie said...

Before I forget this one:
Hitchhiker on the interstate today had a sign
"I am Satan"
the flip side of this sign said
he was transported to the Maryland state line by police

not real sure who he expected was going to pick him up with the Satan side of things :(

magpie said...

officer confiscated the sign

stronghunter said...

Thank you, Frank. Good to know that Judie is improving.

Furnace, or air handler as Charlie explained, and outdoor unit are installed. House is comfortable. I did have to write a couple of hefty checks for all of that stuff.

Kathryn filled in the dollar amount for me on one and that caused the bank to call because the checks were written in two colors of ink. I thanked them for taking good care of my money.

Kathryn and I just got back from a shopping trip. We also got some dinner at Wegmans seafood bar. I am about to fall asleep.

Looking forward to hearing from Judie tomorrow, but hope we will hear from Darth from time to time as well. We need to tell Judie that we are all attached to Darth now.

stronghunter said...

Wow, Margy, I have to think that anybody willing to pick up a guy with that kind of sign might be more dangerous than the guy with the sign.

magpie said...

good point, Shirley

glad to hear of your furnace fix...
sorry to hear of the money drain...but good to read the banks are paying attention...

floralgirl said...

Hey Margy:)
Tomorrow's full moon is the beaver moon.For both the colonists and the Algonquin tribes, this was the time to set beaver traps before the swamps froze, to ensure a supply of warm winter furs. This full Moon was also called the Frost Moon.
Hello all:) busy working, hope everyone is doing okay. later:)

magpie said...

on the lighter side, there is a Billy Goat that "lives" near the MD-WV line in Maryland...he frequently strolls out into the median on the interstate...we get calls, and Maryland takes care of it
wish he would stay away from the highway though

going to the Dover Book site to order some things
stickers and Origami books and paper

back later on

NatureNut said...

Evening Everyone.☺ Glad to read that Judie is getting settled.
Other girl that worked at Park today came in w/crutches! She4 stepped in a hole that was full of leaves yesterday & ended up in ER. Not broken ankle, but badly sprained.She was supposed to stay 'til 5PM & lock the Park. I told her to go home!!!!& I locked the Park.
In the AM saw a pileated woodpecker near eagle nest area, then we watched about 40 egrets in Jug Bay wetlands--was low tide & lots of plants. They were around for about an hour. Then we saw a Northern Harrier---may be 1st one of the fall.
I put a picture of nest on blog & last night added some maple trees, etc. The sizes are weird!?

NatureNut said...

Really want to thank Darth for that encouraging update!!!!

Before I left Park, took a picture of the moon--was huge, but had some clouds in front of it---not too great.
BTW, I might get canned for this but the name for the Full moon was a word that one of our graphic gals was looking up on Flickr and some other images sites. She needed to have a picture of Castor canadensis, the N. Am. beav & 'puter said that subject was Blocked!!!! Gimme a break!
Had a snack when I got home, had a Panda nap & now I need din din~~~~

paula eagleholic said...

Gonna go watch some TV

Mema Jo said...

Soon I will probably be in line for the
HP movie - waiting to see what Lolly tells us that Laurel said or let me know Dana what you daughter says.

One yr olds love getting inside a tent.. Jayden should love it Wanda.

Hallmark movie was great!

paula eagleholic said...

Ha, that never posted from 2 hours ago....watching Titanic

paula eagleholic said...

Thank you soooo much Frank! Sounds like Judie had a good day! Get some REST!

paula eagleholic said...

Oh Lowreeda, that's too funny!

hedgie said...

Margy, since hitchhiking on the interstate is illegal, did they cite the guy? Spooky that someone would carry a sign like that!

Shirley....even more amazing than the bank calling about the ink colors is that there was anything open on a Sat. evening to cash it for the guy! Not around here!!!! Noon is it on Sats.

Loretta, the beaver name was probably blocked because the puter thought it was a search for cannabis (marijuana)!

Mema Jo said...

Every time I see the red cardinal on here I get very anxious to read the message - egg roll and butter pecan
ice cream! That gal is getting better!
Painted nails is another upper.
I guess she has one of the surgical shoes. They really do help - You have more trust when you place your foot on the floor.
Also I took showers by sitting on the seat hubby got me and he put a sprayer on the shower nozzle. I just hung my leg out of the tub. I know what Judie means about that Hospital Smell - medicinal
So just maybe tomorrow when the full moon rises - Judie will be on line briefly. Love to you both! ♥ ♥

magpie said...

I think I should bookmark all these rehab techniques for when/if I have a mishap...

new pictures are great Loretta

so, Full Beaver Moon it is then?

riotous, being blocked on the computer site for your friend...with all that's on the internet !

not sure about citation for hitchhiking, Lynn..there shoulda been ! He might have still been on the entrance ramp, not sure

hedgie said...

Jo, you sure got all that right! I agree.
TOok my bath early tonight, so am ready to turn out my light as soon as the news ends. See you all tomorrow. Sleep well. Peace and prayers.

magpie said...

made my Dover books order, got some neat things at great discounts! Hope I remember that these are to be Christmas gifts for others! Stickers, Origami books and paper, a few other neat things ☺

Good Night Lynn...I am not far behind you !

magpie said...

got a National Wildlife magazine to check out for bedtime

Prayers for wellness and joy

Good Night Precious Pals

God Bless Us, EVERY ONE
xoxo ♥

Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Gang!
I'm not getting here quite so late tonight. SOOOO grateful to hear from Darth! Sounds like Judie is improving, all right. She is definitely on the mend! Just getting cleaned up and doing her nails probably made her feel like a new person! Glad she doesn't have to go up or down stairs right now, too. Probably the most important thing is that she's able to get some real rest!
Hate how they keep waking you up in the hospital, for taking blood pressure, giving you meds, etc. Good food will make a difference, too. The stuff they give you in the hospital is usually awful!

Well, I think the rain has finally stopped here. We had rain all day, sometimes coming down pretty hard. My patio plants and our lawns are all quite happy, thank you! Must say, the air smells SO fresh and clean! Just love it when it rains!

Ms Bookworm said...

It's good to see so many of you here tonight. Megan, Iwannafly, and BEagle, welcome back! Have missed you!

Glad to hear that Lynn's throat is better! I HATE sore throats! Hope your finger is improving, too.

Dana, hope you are feeling better, and that the pain meds aren't causing you any problems.

Mema Jo, are you feeling better too? Hope that cold goes away and STAYS away!

Well, I think I'm going to go find some decent TV to watch and veg awhile. Darth has the night light coming on automatically (Thank you again!). I'm making sure the porch light is on. The eye-scanner security and Dana's thumbprint-scanner security are enabled. Prayers have been said for everyone--especially those who need healing!
Sleep well, everyone, and I'll talk to you tomorrow. God bless, and goodnight! Love all of you! :o]

Mema Jo said...

I am following all of you
My computer is as tired as I am -
It sure isn't moving very fast..

Good Night All and sleep soundly
Dream good dreams
Pray good prayers
Above all Hug good Hugs! ♥♥♥♥

I saw a pair of Coopers Hawks in back tree and then flying above with the thermals... was beautiful.... Of course all my little birds vanished for an hour or more.... Night

Lolly said...

Hi all! Just a quick hello! I am so tired. Have been trying to read back on the blog, but fell asleep. Time now to shower and get to bed. Had a great time at Laurel's. Laurel had encouraged Joey to get out of town with friends. They went out of state in an RV to see North Texas play football. We stayed with Laurel and helped her with a garage sale. She had one in June and had a huge success but still had a lot of boy clothes. So, she had another and made about $330 today. She now has some Christmas money! (And two exhausted parents!) LOL Have been up since 5:45! Yikes!

Thanks Darth for the update!

Was anxious as well to see if Glo had won. Yea! So glad she won!

Okay, saying good night. Keep having to correct horrible typing errors.

Nite all! Sweet dreams!

Costume Lady said...


magpie said...

Good Early Morning Eagle Pals

Nearly full big yellow moon just goes full a little after noon time today...hope we have clear skies for it tonight

Here is from the Farmer's Almanac:
• "Full Beaver Moon – November -
This was the time to set beaver traps before the swamps froze, to ensure a supply of warm winter furs. Another interpretation suggests that the name Full Beaver
Moon comes from the fact that the beavers are now actively preparing for winter.
It is sometimes also referred to as the Frosty Moon."

Well it's frosty this morning so guess this applies too

Wonder what Belle & Liberty are up to these days

wvgal_dana said...

Good Morning not sure what the weather is going to be. Will have to check that out. For some reason when I went out to unthraw the water for birds. The air had the feeling of rain in it.

So glad Frank (Drath) is keeping us up dated with Judie. Frank you are doing a WONDERFUL JOB!! You fit right in with us. ( :

Margy glad Judie doesn't know about guy with Satan sign on interstate. She would probably have him surrounded lol

Boy sure doesn't seem like a year has past already for Jayden. Love the chirstmas tent.

Megan than Moon sounds so different than the other moons you have reported on.

Loretta that was nice to go ahead and send the other girl on crutches home.

Good to see you back in here Lori aka Iwannafly. Just post your comments and we will have eagles and more eagles to watch soon.

Oh I called Norma yesterday. We had a nice long talk. Told her next year no WAY ARE YOU NOT COMING TO OPEN HOUSE. IF SOMEONE HAS TO COME TO ROMNEY AND GET YOU AND YOU STAY IN HOTEL ROOM WITH SOMEONE!!!!!YOU WILL BE HERE!!! That was final I said. She laughed and of course said, "I love you". Norma loves so many of us and we love and miss her. She sounded chipper. So that made me feel good. ( :

Janet should be at Disney World. Lots went this time I think. Jazzy will love it I think this year.

wvgal_dana said...

Margy I put in the site but can't find the calendar on there anywhere.
Where did you find it at???

Costume Lady said...

It is 41° here in Nestville...only going up to 54°, but sunny.

I had to laugh at a remark Dana made on my blog about Jayden's tent: "Who's going to go into the tunnel, Wanda or Gene, to get Jayden out?" LMBO...never gave that a thought, but a possibility:)

Have a Blessed Sunday♥

stronghunter said...

Good morning,

I was very tired last night and just disappeared without saying good night.

Still trying to learn about how to manage the thermostat. I did decide I could throw away the instructions in Spanish, but I put the instructions in English where the dogs won't eat them.

They ate my Chinese restaurant menu. Wonder if it tasted good? Maybe it smelled good.

Lolly said...

Good morning. Sitting here in my usualy postition in my recliner with Annie on the right arm, telling me to pet her and purring away,

67 here this morning and 94% humidity. Sun is shining bright. We have cold and rain coming but we have had a beautiful weekend.

After church this morning, I really need to get busy with Thanksgiving preparations. Have not done one thing to get ready and Laurel and the boys will be here Tuesday. So, today, I clean house, prepare beds, and make lists. Turkey has been removed from freezer and put into garage refrigerator.

Lolly said...

Shirley, your life has changed! Is George adjusting?

stronghunter said...

Hi, Lolly!

I am sitting here in my recliner with George on the arm. He is not demanding any petting now, though. He is just flat and straddling the arm and letting out little satisfied groans.

stronghunter said...

George is okay. He has the dogs buffaloed. A little while ago, we noticed poor little Flash sitting in the kitchen whining. George was between Flash and his destination. He was afraid to walk past George. George was just sitting there looking smug.

stronghunter said...

If the dogs get in George's way, he either hisses and slashes or just leaps over them. There is no doubt as to who is the dominant critter.

Lolly said...

Oh, that is funny and good for George. When Joey comes Thanksgiving morning and stays until Friday, he will bring Bosco. Bosco is a big dog and Annie will go into hiding in our bedroom. We will have to put her food and box in our bathroom. Fun!

stronghunter said...

I am not sure what kind of dog might intimidate George, but no sissy basset hounds are gonna scare him.

Lolly said...

It is always funny. Annie knows the instant Bosco is gone. Out she comes!

Bosco is an indoor/outdoor dog. They have a small but fenced back yard. Our yard is large, an acre, and not fenced. He only goes out with Joey as he will try to get away from any of us. We have to threated him with the dreaded "paper". LOL

paula eagleholic said...

Wow, I slept in! And the dogs did too...just getting some coffee now.

stronghunter said...

Yay, only two days of school this week.

Hunter only has two days as well, so he will stay with me on Wednesday when Tom and Kathryn are at work. We can both sleep in.

paula eagleholic said...

Thanksgiving....what is everyone doing? I am going to DIL and taking a couple of dishes. Michael is coming home, which is nice!

Today it's a litle bit of yardwork...paperwork, and laundry.

Lolly said...

Annie does NOT like dogs at all nor any other cats. However, we have seen her very calm around skunks. Isn't that hilarious? One morning after she had been out all night, there she was, very calm, about 8 feet from a skunk, who was also very calm. When we called her she did not come, I had to go get her. Luckily the skunk ran, I picked her up and brought her in. Had she made friends? She would not tell me. I have always thought she was part skunk. LOL She is a long haired black and white cat, with one white spot on her back.

Lolly said...

Good morning, Paula. Laurel and family are coming here. Michael and his family are going to Florida to be with Ashely's aunt and uncle. We will have Michael Christmas. I will do all the cooking.

Lolly said...

Shirley, Laurel and the boys are off all week. What a blessing for Laurel. Wish Joseph and Jacob knew how to sleep in. They are always early risers.

Okay, time to get ready for church. Have a great Sunday!

JUDIE....we are hoping you get on today! We have missed you!

magpie said...

Eagle in nest at BWE
Eagle on platform at BWO

Good Morning more Morning Eagle Pals

magpie said...

working 8-4 Thanksgiving day, and the days before and after

going to my late sister's husband's house for dinner afterward
I think

enjoy hearing all your all's plans..,

magpie said...

if I make it back from Rochester New York that is....

could that really be me hitting off Rochester NY on the revolving globe ??

back to the checking account, bills, and figuring out why Frontier cannot get my bill straight!

That's really neat about Laurel's garage sale, Lolly....I am trying to get some things advertised for sale out of the newspaper

Best wishes for a Great Sunday to all

ttfn xo ♥

magpie said...

eagle bailed from BWE

8 yoa girl upstairs is really pounding around on the floor...
glad I am not trying to sleep !

stronghunter said...

Kathryn, Hunter, and I are going to Luray for Thanksgiving with Tom's parents. We have gotten together for years, and she has called and specifically invited us to join their family again this year.

Susan will be with her boyfriend's family.

Rus and Rebecca will be with Rus's father.

I hope Will is going to join Kathryn, Hunter, and me on the trip to Luray. Gotta check that one.

I have usually cooked a Thanksgiving dinner for the immediate family on the Sunday after Thanksgiving, but this year we are celebrating Hunter's birthday at Funland, so I am not planning to try a big Thanksgiving dinner on top of that.

We are expecting both sides of the extended family for birthday doings. (With the exception of my ex. He has not been included for years. Long story.)Rus and Rebecca will join us as they will be returning from their weekend at Rus's father's place.

Sorry about the complicated answer. We plan to enjoy the time together and hope every one of the Momsters and Dadsters have a wonderful Thanksgiving as well.

magpie said...


WV DNR Wildlife Calendar 2011

stronghunter said...

Margy, sorry that you have to work Thanksgiving, but I am sure you will enjoy family time as well. We all make the necessary adjustments.

I am sure you enjoy the people you work with. Considering what you do, and the fact that you spend many holidays together, they probably become part of your extended family in a special way.

Mema Jo said...

Good Morning! Feeling a bit better but
still coughing a good bit. Jenny is hear and sewing some Thanksgiving favors.. then off to Party City for the paperware for dinner.

Today is when the eagle owl cam goes off since all 3 have fledged. Alan & Tracy are about to appear (30 min) on their balcony to say the good bys.

Mema Jo said...

Here is the site

Eagle Owl from Africia

wvgal_dana said...

Thanks Margy couldn't find it. Just needed your "special touch" ( :

hedgie said...

Good morning. It is cold and cloudy and raining leaves. Only 41° here.
LOL over all the pet stories.
I will be going to Christie's MIL's for TG dinner...3rd year I have done that and haven't needed to cook. Carolyn's clan will go to her MIL's, as usual of late, but she will be working 4-12. One of her co-workers (Veronica, Margy) has invited the whole shift to her house for dinner before work.

hedgie said...

A word of caution to Facebook users: IGNORE Suzanne's posts----she has apparently been hi-jacked.

hedgie said...

Have an Animal Advocates meeting this afternoon. Will tape ballgame, and hate to miss it, BUT.....after Mon. game, not sure I want to watch it. Last NASCAR race of season is today, too. I have not watched many of them this year.

hedgie said...

Nitwit next door has been sawing wood since 7:30 w/ his truck radio turned up full blast. Woke me up. Having to keep TV turned up so as not to hear it. ARGH!

Margy, that is so funny that you are showing up as Rochester! Go figure.

hedgie said...

Everyone's TG plans sound good!

magpie said...

He could possibly be in violation of the noise ordinance, know you don't want to report him...
but that is just plain UnAmerican for someone to do that !!

magpie said...

Veronica is a wonderful person, Lynn...(on Carolyn's shift) -
Like a mother and a sister rolled up into one

headed out soon I hope to see the grandson

Hope the rest of the morning and all the rest of the day, will bring some special smiles, joy,
and comfort

ttfn xo ♥

magpie said...

AND - A split !!

Mema Jo said...

Thanks for the warning about FB Suzanne
Out the door with Jenny


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3/12/25 PM 🐟

 12.56 PM Scout comes to the nest to relieve Bella of her incubation duties getting close guys. He does have a Talon load of bedding. He lan...