Saturday, November 20, 2010


Weekend thread 1.


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hedgie said...

She sounds like it, Margy. She and Caro went to WalMart together after work Fri. night.
Have fun with James. I know you will make it a special treat for him!

paula eagleholic said...

Sounds like some great plans in the works!

Laurel sure does have successful yard sales!

paula eagleholic said...

Gotta get dressed and head outside for awhile...

NatureNut said...

Sunny Sunday!!! Hello to Everyone. Hope all are feeling OK or on the mend.

Gotta check more emails & write a few. Haven't seen any animal action here at home~~~just small birds at feeder. Fubby did see Shorty twice this AM. BBL

hedgie said...

Time for me to get ready to head out, too. Later, gators.

Lolly said...

Hi all! Home from church. As for Laurel's garage sales. She does NOT plan on any more for a long time. She just has taken such good care of the boys clothes and hung on to them for a long time. She also had so many baby toys. The boys had a lot, but she kept babies for a couple of years and had lots of toys for them. She is now taking toys to church, maternity clothes to pregnancy center, books to school for used book sale, and clothes to school for their "clothes closet". (She still has several tubs of baby clothes!)

Margy, sorry you have to be late for dinner but I bet they wait for you. Enjoy Thanksgiving evening with family.

Judie, where are you?

Lolly said...

It is now up to 76 here. And, like Lynn stated, raining leaves! Our red oaks are now showing beautiful color.

Mema Jo said...

I'm back from my outing with Jenny
Party city had the selection we wanted for Thanksgiving table
Then we had lunch at Panera's

Now my feet are going up for a while..

paula eagleholic said...

Something is eating my suet...haven't seen it yet, though!

paula eagleholic said...

Nice and sunny here too, almost 60°

paula eagleholic said...

Had to run to the store for some celery for my soup...girl scouts were selling a box of thin mints :)

movin said...


Good Day, Bad Cable

today, EveryOne.


Cable went down altogether recently, but they got it back up in a couple of hours, but today it is barely moving ... like the old dial-up service.

I was just now able to complete some basic stuff and limp over here to the nest cam area.

We're not getting much of the threatened rain today, but it is on the coold side. Just now worked up to the 63° level.

Hope your day is going well.

C(°ٿ°)D Jim

movin said...


Good Day, Bad Cable

today, EveryOne.


Cable went down altogether recently, but they got it back up in a couple of hours, but today it is barely moving ... like the old dial-up service.

I was just now able to complete some basic stuff and limp over here to the nest cam area.

We're not getting much of the threatened rain today, but it is on the coold side. Just now worked up to the 63° level.

Hope your day is going well.

C(°ٿ°)D Jim

paula eagleholic said...

Watching the Skins...exciting game!

NatureNut said...

Skins causing breakdowns!!! AARRGGHH xx your fingers & toes ☺

movin said...

Lopsided eagle at BWO.

I decided not to remove extra comment. My service is just too dubious today.

C(°ٿ°)D Jim

movin said...

Lopsided eagle at BWO.

I decided not to remove extra comment. My service is just too dubious today.

C(°ٿ°)D Jim

movin said...

Lopsided eagle at BWO.

I decided not to remove extra comment. My service is just too dubious today.

C(°ٿ°)D Jim

wvgal_dana said...

Paula where is the Christmas light show you drive through?

paula eagleholic said...

Dana, there is one at Seneca Creek Park, down off of Rt270 in Gaithersburg that is really nice.

paula eagleholic said...

Dana, here's the link.

Festival of Lights

paula eagleholic said...

Thanks for the heads up, Jim. Eagle still at BWO

Did you hear the NBG eagles may be building a new nest? It's near the previous one.

paula eagleholic said...

Dana, I think Nilla's FB account got hacked, too. Don't click on any link she might post to your FB page.

NatureNut said...

Skins pulled it out!!!!!
Jimmie Johnson is Nascar points winner 5th year in a row!-boring

Lynne2 said...

Good evening!

I am about to bore you with some interesting news about our full moon.

It's a Blue Moon. There are TWO kinds of Blue Moons...the most common that we know is the second full moon in a month. The other, rarer Blue Moon is the 3rd full moon of a season.

Autumn began on Sept 22 at 11:13pm. The full moon was officially 5:17am on the 23rd, giving us the first full moon of autumn.
Full moon Oct. was on the 23rd, and today is the official full moon for November at 5:28pm.
The winter solstice occurs this year at 6:38pm on Dec. 21. But the official start of the full moon in Dec is at 8:15am on Dec. 21, which is still technically autumn, which give us the 4th full moon of the season!

Blue Moon

See what happens when I can't watch our nest?

Lynne2 said...

and it's 5:28 so Happy Blue Moon!

stronghunter said...

Hello everyone,

Kathryn, Hunter and I just got back from errands and a trip to the dog park. There was lots of running around and barking.

We missed the Redskins game, but it looks like they did well.

stronghunter said...

And a happy blue moon to you, too, Lynne.

NatureNut said...

TY, Lynne! I'm going out to see if moon is blue. Maybe my pics from yesterday are blue. There was blue cloud in front of it! ☺

NatureNut said...

Put my not blue,full, beaver (can't search on IE for them in Park offices!) moon on blog. The clouds & sky were still a little blue! ☺

BTW--update for nest comments. YES, that is the same nest first seen in 2008. Dana, on the field trip we took, our naturalist, Greg K., pulled the boat over & called up a barred owl!What a surprise!As for the red maple trees, the last one shown from the Park looked almost the same yesterday!Must be sheltered from wind.Others have lost most of their leaves.Our beech is now all brown. I think they keep leaves a long time. When driving in Park in winter the almost sandalwood color of their leaves is pretty against the light grey park.Maybe they'll pose for me! ☺

Lolly said...

Went to the grocery store after the game. Just got home and what do you know...I forgot potatoes and they were on my list. Grrrr! Oh, well, will send the jubby to the store for me tomorrow. I always have to make several runs during the holidays.

Several neighbors on the street have their decorations up, not on yet, but up. Wish we did too, but Jack says it is wrong to put them up before Thanksgiving. I think it is smart to get them up when the weather is nice, then not turn them on until after Thanksgiving. Still have several days of nice weather this week, but I will be busy cooking.

Mema Jo said...

Dinner is finished... Has gotten cold outside... Looks like a Blue Moon...

Tomorrow I'll begin to prepare house for the Thanksgiving Family crowd due here at 2:00 Thursday. Most foods are being brought in by family members. It
will be a very good meal and filled with love!

hedgie said...

Hi again.
Jim, you never told us you stutter so bad!! LOL.
Loretta, I can just picture those sandalwood-oale leaves! Hope you can get a pic!
Lynne, that's some interesting Moon info!
We had an excellent meeting. Lots of good info and ideas, and some plans in the works.
Sounds like all have had a god afternoon...and I was VERY happy to hear that the SKINS won (a squeaker, but....). Too bad that Johnson won again......was hoping that Virginia native Denny Hamlin would pull it off. :(

wvgal_dana said...

Thanks Paula for info about facebook page.

Looks like I am finally going to get to see the Festival of Lights. As a Christmas present before christmas. Plus I am getting to go to Baltimore Aquarium also as a Christmas present. Oh boy I am going to have fun for Christmas.

MY DAUGHTER IS COMING HOME 12/15 THROUGH 12/22 FOR CHRISTMAS!!!! Oh Boy I am so excited and happy....Fun Fun Fun...!!! (: ( :

hedgie said...

And glad that Edwards won the race itself, for all that it didn't really matter! Love to see him do a backflip off the car---assume he did so this time, too!

Mema Jo said...

Wednesday's weather for Shephardstown looks good for the installation of the HD Cam. Crossing my fingers.
I'm not sure if we will have the same live cam server...

Mema Jo said...

Dana your plans sound super good!
Family really matters!

Mema Jo said...

Lynn is the date set in stone for
the puppy to come to you?

paula eagleholic said...

The Bucket List is on TNT 8pm and 10pm

hedgie said...

Hope you don't mind if I submit another prayer request. Please add my friend Barb as she is going through some very emotionally difficult times. TY.

stronghunter said...

Prayers for your friend Barb, Lynn.

hedgie said...

Thanks, Shirley. Feel so helpless when someone is hurting so badly and calls long distance crying, and I can't understand half of what she's saying. :(

NatureNut said...

Dana, so happy for your Holiday!
Lynn, prayers for your friend Barb.

BTW, Carl Edwards did his back flip from car window & later he told reporter he might have hurt his foot!!! Fubby can't stand Johnson & we had been rooting for Denny, too.

Lolly, it's TOO EARLY for Xmas!!I had to change my car radio station. They never played X music til after Thanksgiving before.Guess the pumpkin is becoming an elf!

paula eagleholic said...

Dana, that sounds wonderful! You will have a great time at both places!

paula eagleholic said...

Forgot to mention that I saw Christmas lights on Tuesday night on the way home from work!!

Mema Jo said...

Lynn, will surely add Barb in my prayers. It is a very helpless feeling being so far apart, but she knows you are there for her - that is a comfort to her.

Mema Jo said...

JIM sent us a message
Thought I'd tell you all my cable is slow, herky-jerky and barely usable on the Internet. I won't be doing much this way until they clear it up.


Judie said...

GOOD GRIEF! Can't you eagle momsters and dadsters slow down while I'm away? How's a girl to catch up?

I have missed you all more than you can know and am very happy to be home. We have devised a means to transport me from bed to computer, prop my leg up, and allow me to begin to return to my life.

In effect, my left ankle was shattered and recovery will take at least two months. I am out of school but plan to try to finish all work online so students will get course credit.

Never could I have imagined what it is like to be completely dependent on another person for even the most basic care needs.

I am alert but tire very quickly. The physical therapist will be here again tomorrow and I am supposed to see the surgeon this week.

Darth filled me in on a few items. Congratulations to Glo and Dex, the bears seem to be settled in, those with aches and pains and a cold, please feel better before I do.

I plan to leave the night light on automatic for a little while longer as I still sleep a lot.

From my heart, thank you for your calls, cards, and caring support. Love and hugs.
I will visit again tomorrow in the afternoon -- after the therapist leaves.


stronghunter said...

Dana, I am happy that you have so many fun plans ahead. I hope you enjoy every moment.

Mema Jo said...

On East St at the Eveready Square
all their lights are on. They have white light around all the structures like windows, doors, buildings.. It is
very pretty but I'm not headed down that way until after Turkey Day.

Mema Jo said...

WHOO HOO It's our Judie!

stronghunter said...


So great to hear from you.

We have missed you so much.

Mema Jo said...

Judie we are so happy to hear from you. Frank has done an excellent job
of keeping us informed and how he
is taking care of you!
Very happy about how school is going to work out for you. That was one of our main concerns as to what would cause you to worry!
We love you gal and look forward to hear from you again! ♥ ♥

stronghunter said...

So great that you can complete your courses online, Judie.

Yes, Frank has done a wonderful job of keeping us posted.

Mema Jo said...

Anxious to hear about Jayden's 1st birthday from Wanda. She just posted on FB a short video of Jillian driving the ambulance up to show the children.

hedgie said...

Email from Jim saying that his internet is SO bad that he can't use it.....MTBR!

stronghunter said...

Poor Jim, it is frustrating to be without a good Internet connection.

wvgal_dana said...

Prayers going to God for Barb than since Lynn and she are so far apart. That God will in HIS way comfort her.

Thanks everyone is so nice about my comments. I'll be doing things before Christmas as Christmas presents.

Judie Judie Judie so glad to see your avatar and you commenting on here gal. Frank did a very good job in you absence. Glad things are in working order for your classes.

Take care and rest that leg up up up.

Jim sorry you are having internet problems. That makes it so unfriendly and unkind when your computer isn't working right. Sorry

Not going onto facebook. Will have to catch Wanda's video hopefully off her blog page. Maybe she will put it on there.

Mema Jo said...




Mema Jo said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Lynne2 said...

Judie, SO glad to have you back with us!!! Hope the mending process gets easier each day!

Prayers for your friend Barb,Lynn.

Dana, how nice that your daughter is coming! That sure is a nice Christmas present!

hedgie said...

YIPPEEE!!! Judie is BACK! So good to hear from you, girlfriend. I am relieved that you can finish teaching your classes online. I KNEW that you would be so worried about that. You just take it slow and easy and get to feeling better every day! We love you!!

Dana, what a wonderful Christmas present from Rashada (sp?). Can imagine how excited you are!

Paula, have your tissues handy for The Bucket List! It's a good one.

hedgie said...

Jo, puppy date is not set yet...about 3 weeks......

paula eagleholic said...

Love and hugs to you, Judie!!

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6/5/24 bummer next week cam fix

 Apparently it's not easy repair for the control panel of the tree nest camera. So that said there will be a little bit longer probably ...