Monday, November 22, 2010


Cam install is postponed until Monday December 6.

New thread.


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BEagle said...

Thanks for the new thread and the update on the cam Steve. Have a nice evening.

Judie said...

Thank you for the new thread, Steve and for the call over BEagle.

Happy belated birthday to Jayden and to Christine. Hope both had fun days.

Say Jim, how 'bout I trade you my bum foot for your bum internet?

Sorry I know I have missed much but it is not intentional. I am still trying to catch up.

Had a very good therapy session this morning. Therapist was impressed but, fortunately, he recognizes tired and we will begin another session on Wed. morning.

Am scheduled for xrays and a meeting with a surgeon tomorrow morning. Hopefully, I have no dislodged anything.

Am headed back to bed to prop my foot up. Really hurts when it is not elevated.

Oh, Lolly, sorry about Faye's continued decline. I do hope some relief is found for her.

Will try to return later but, if not, the night light is on automatic.

Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Everyone,
Just dropping in quickly to say hello. Have school tonight.

When JFK was assassinated, I was a senior in high school. Happened to be home for the day with a cold. My Mom and I were watching TV, and they broke in with a special report. We called my Dad right away to tell him about it. It was like a nightmare, and everything felt like it was in slow motion. Will never forget that day, or the days that followed.

Need to go get presentable and gather my schoolwork.

Please pray for my friend, Danielle, and her husband Brian. (He's the one who was in the big rig accident about 3 weeks ago.) The screws they put in his shattered femur are not holding, so they have to do surgery again (in about an hour from now), and will put in new screws and a new metal plate to hold everything together. I got an e-mail from Danielle, letting me know she would not be able to be in class tonight. Thank you in advance!

Better get going. Will check back in after school tonight. Have a good evening!

Lynne2 said...

Evening all! Yes this is the anniversary of a sad day in American history for sure. I don't remember...I was only 10 mos. old at the time.

Hi Judie!! Hope all goes well with the rads tomorrow!

Lolly, I'm so sorry to hear the Faye is doing so poorly. Prayers for her and all of the family.

Saw a very sad fox this morning while walking the dogs. His whole back end was hairless from mange no doubt. He didn't move off very fast when we approached either. Poor thing.

Cleaned friend Dave's mom's house today, just got in and tried to catch up a bit. Now have to walk and feed dogs, make dinner. Hoping to watch Brothers and Sisters later online....Steve now has me hooked on this dang zombie show on Sunday night. Actually, I watched last weeks episode with him on Friday, against my better judgment. Zombies are not really my "thing", but it's kind of interesting.

Lynn, hope your cold, and Jo's cold are BETTER!! And your finger too!

Lynne2 said...

Prayers for Dannielle's husband Andy!

BEagle said...

Yes Judie. Take care. It's good to hear the therapist is impressed.

Rest is the Best.

Ms Bookworm said...

Hey, Judie!

SO good to see you here! Hope your ankle feels better once you prop it up again for a bit! Glad the therapist was impressed with your progress! Be sure to get LOTS of rest, so you heal faster. I've heard that you heal faster if you take vitamin C, too. Might be worth a try.

Hope that Darth is getting some well-earned rest now, too.

Take care, and will hope to talk to you again soon! :o]

BEagle said...

Prayers going up for Danielle's Brian.

Mema Jo said...

I was over there talking away!

Moose Watch Cam is
Up Running
and you can see the moosies!

Moosies are on Pook's cam

paula eagleholic said...

Great news, guess the cam will be down until then.

BEagle said...

Oh Wow....Moosies!!!!!


Lynne2 said...

aw shoot I missed the message that the cam is postponed til Dec 6. BOOO HISSSSS. That's TWO MORE WEEKS WITH NO CAM

hedgie said...

I'm home. Got my Rx. Yep, I have strep! Got groceries while waiting for it to be filled. Still putting stuff away, and fixing some dinner.

LYNNE----Bro&Sis wasn;t on last night. Music awards show pre-empted it.

Prayers for Brian, and all others in need.

Judie, glad you are doing better, but do you think something has happened to dislodge something?????? I sure hope NOT!

Lynne, you definitely are the baby!! Only 10 mos. old in Nov. '63.

Oh, great----St. Louis is the most dangerous city in the US. Glad Mom and Sis are outside the city!

Well, I just knew something would happen that the cam wouldn't make it this week. ARGH!

I have some very good news. Ta-da---drum roll.....PUPPY WILL ARRIVE ON SAT., DEC. 4th!!!!!!

hedgie said...

Wow---6 ft. of snow at Tahoe!
Andy, are you all skiers???? If so, you are taking your trip in the wrong direction!!

Mema Jo said...

Puppy day Dec 4 :)

Cam day Dec 6 :(

Germany gang arrives DEC 10 :):)

Mema Jo said...

Judy I sure hope you get a good xray report tomorrow! Really happy to hear from you on here.

BEagle said...

Well...the moose just got up and walked away.

Hedgie, may be you need some rest too!

hedgie said...

Lots of good stuff coming up, Jo!

hedgie said...

Moosie there!

BEagle said...

Oh. The moose is back.

paula eagleholic said...

LOL, love that face BEagle.

Hurray for Lynn on her Adoption day!

BEagle said...

The moose is under the cam. Occasionally his rack can be seen.

Mema Jo said...

Hedgie- Like a panda cub, we don't need to wait 100 days before we know her name - right??

wvgal_dana said...

Judie good to see you back online.
So happy the therapist is working well with you. Prayers for that X-ray and doctors appointment for tomorrow.

Prayers for you Andy and your friend Danielle and her husband Brian. Please God guide the doctors in replacing these new screws and a
plate that will hold Brian's femur togehter.
I ask this with your Blessing GOD ahead of my prayer.

Did anyone hear something about a puppy delivery on Dec. 4th at Lynn-Hedgie's house??? Oh she is a happy, happy Lynn.

I was worrying that with the rain on Tuesday the ground would be too wet. For the truck to go in there and put the new cam up. So we are still waiting and not getting to see our eagles. Waiting and pray that it WILL TAKE PLACE DEC. 6TH.

wvgal_dana said...

Jo did you just guess the name of the puppy??? "Panda"???? lol

Mema Jo said...

If our cam is still up there on the tree - why does it need to be turned off during this waiting time ?
Anyone have an answer?

wvgal_dana said...

Has anyone noticed on the Snowman cam. The face on the tree to the right of the Snowman?

Mema Jo said...

No Dana lol - I just wanted to know when will the name be unveiled to us and when will she be put on display that we can visit!

wvgal_dana said...

Snowing on Wisconsin Deer Cam. Coming down pretty good.

Mema Jo said...

Dana - tee hee! You know how there are times when you think you're seeing things you never noticed before...
The Face - Has always been there on that tree (shhhhhhhhh - don't tell)

Mema Jo said...

Okay - nothing much on TV for me this evening so maybe I will address my
Christmas cards - just got my stamps today. Then I can get them mailed on the Friday after Thanksgiving. Glo and I have fun seeing whose card gets their first.

BEagle said...

What kind of puppy?

Lynne2..I am so sorry you had to see that decrepit fox. Kinda of leaves a bad mental image of a normally beautiful creature. I hate to see things like that especially when there is no help for them.

There was a beautiful picture of one captured by the lens of a Channel Island worker looking for eagles. Would something like that help?

wvgal_dana said...

Deer on PA cam

wvgal_dana said...

Nice set of antlers on deer at PA cam.

Mema Jo said...

I have my scheduled CT for my lungs tomorrow. Then my sit down with doc is
the 29th. Oh how I pray they look well

Prayers for Danielle, and her husband Brian's surgery.

wvgal_dana said...

Right Jo shhhhhhhh I won't tell how dumb I am lol lol

BEagle said...

Glad you like the face Paula. Was wondering if anyone would come up with a statement for the face.

Like "Are you sure you really want to do this??" or "Haven't you heard? Chicken has less fat!"

BEagle said...

Prayers for upcoming good reports for Mema Jo.

Mema Jo said...

BEagle When I saw it I thought it was
Hey! You looking for me?

BEagle said...

Oh, I forgot to mention Bob's pictures.
All are so nice..beautiful sunsets.

BEagle said...


Lolly said...

Good evening! Boo Hiss concerning the delayed installation of the cam. Oh well.......!

Glad it went well for you today, Judie.

Today I blew leaves and Jack mowed. Then I cleaned house. After that I made my cranberry sauce, corn bread for dressing, and made the sweet potatoes. Tomorrow is cinnamon rols for the boys and mix the dough for yeast rolls. That leaves the dressing, mashed potatoes, and two pies for Wed. Think I have it under control. LOL

BEagle said...

I just checked the Oregon nest. The snow is coming down, the nest is covered. I don't think I have seen it any other way! Except on still shots.

BEagle said...

Three mooses on the cam getting some yummies.

Lolly said...

Took a peek at the moosies. Where were they when I was in New England? Grrrrr!

Mema Jo said...

Lolly I guess they were waiting for you and Jack in UT...

hedgie said...

No, Jo, no 100 day wait on name!!! You will know it when I get her!

BEagle, I lost my dachshund, Cinnamon, on the 19th of Oct., so have been watching the rescues a nd shelters......really wanting another SharPei (I had 4 in the past)...and lo and behold, a Rescue in VA had a litter of pups born on oct. 7th. So I have been approved to adopt one of the little girls!!!!!

hedgie said...

I like your turkey, too, BEagle. Reminds me of an ostrich!

wvgal_dana said...

I thought it was an ostrich lol enlarging is being smart shows you it is a turkey lol

2 Deer at PA Cam

Going to watch tv

Is someone in here getting a puppy?
I think there is something like that going around. lol

BEagle said...

Oh Hedgie. I am so glad you get a baby SharPei!!!

Can't wait to see pictures!!

paula eagleholic said...

I saw a red fox running across the highway last week...dangerous place for one!

Jo, both Margy and I emailed Steve about the cam, but neither of us received a reply.

Judie, I know you are on the sound great!

Lolly said...

Lynn, you are getting the puppy Dec 4? That is Laurel's birthday. LOL I got a baby on that day too! My baby will be 38 on that day. Michael will be 42 in January. Yikes!

Mema Jo said...

And Lolly, you're still 29

How did you do that, Gal

hedgie said...

BEagle.....go to my blog....her pic is there!!!!

Mema Jo said...


BEagle said...

All righty!

Bristol just did a great job on the jive!!! DWS.

Lolly said...

LOL It's a mystery to me, Jo! They are both older than me now! :)

Lolly said...

Watching House.


BEagle said...

She's a special little puppy..for sure!

BEagle said...

Gray just did a whopper of a Pasa Doble (sp)

Three 10's.

stronghunter said...

BEagle, I love your avatar.

stronghunter said...

Thanks for reminding me to turn on DWTS.

stronghunter said...

One of the teachers is making a video tomorrow and needs 500 students to participate. I told her I was happy to allow my Block 2 to participate. That's my good group. Five hundred kids is about half the school.

BEagle said...

Thank you Strong!

The contestants are starting their freestyles.

stronghunter said...

Yay for Judie! She is getting better. I can tell.

BEagle said...

What's the school video about?

hedgie said...

Thanks, Beagle......sure a beauty in my eyes!!!!
Sure having trouble with internet voting. Traffic must be too heavy! Have only gotten 3 calls through on phoneline. GO JENNIFER!

stronghunter said...

It is an anti-bullying video. They are doing a re-creation of the old Coca Cola video from back in the 1980's--"I'd like to teach the world to sing in perfect harmony."

The way I understand it, they want 500 kids to come streaming out of the building.

hedgie said...

From Lynn Rogers: producer Doug Hajicek is targeting December 15 as the installation date for Lily and Hope’s den cam(s). Jason Sawyer is moving toward installation of Ted and Lucky’s den cam. Meanwhile, show keeps falling....
I think he means SNOW.

stronghunter said...

Going to head on upstairs for the night. It has been a long day.

stronghunter said...

I hope they keep the show/snow in Minnesota, Lynn.

BEagle said...

I certainly hope the video communicates well.

I think Jennifer will take the votes.

NatureNut said...

Good Evening Everybody!
Been busy doing laundry, etc., on phone w/daughter. She and SIL always get together at Thanksgiving w/Jimmy's brother and wife. They live near Nashville and alternate years at each other's home.This year a chalet was rented in Gatlinburg!Jimmy comes in tonight from Wales and they leave 5AM TU for Nashville!!!He will do laundry when they get there!!!Gives me an Xmas idea that I did once before---CARE package!!

Costume Lady said...

I have been rooting for Jennifer also. Loved her so much in Dirty Dancing. I gather that she hasn't danced in years and all these dances are new to her, although, being a dancer once upon a time has been somewhat of a help!
She has aged beautifully!

If you would like to see my latest Trail Cam video, go to my WILD AND WONDERFUL BLOG.
Only a minute and 34 sec. long. Gene had it set on VIDEO but only a small part was video (a squirrel climbing a tree) but I didn't put it in my post.

Costume Lady said...

Loretta, what an exciting life your daughter lucky Mama to have such a successful offspring:)

NatureNut said...

I will be making the yam yums to take to T'Day dinner. Stepson, Dennis, is doing other food and we'll be taking it around the Beltway to his Grandma's house!(No over the river & thru the woods!)

So good to see Judie was here!!
Lynn, get rid of that strep!!!
Prayers for Andy's friend's hubby.

Gotta do hair & nails for AM work. We're having a staff Mexican luncheon! Go figure??!!

NatureNut said...

TY, Wanda. Can't wait to look at your baby B'day pics and gotta see Bob's.
Happy B'Days to Jayden & Christine!!

magpie said...

Howdy Y'all...

Woof, just was checking some things outside and stepped on a very large slimy squishy (now squished) SLUG - guess the warm temperatures brought him out of his slug cave

usually if I see one, I fling him away from here on the spoon of the trowel

hedgie said...

Loretta......depends on where you are going around the beltway!!!!
We always went to my Grandma's for TG dinner and when we moved out of DC to VA truly was back over the river! And there were still woods in places!! We always sang the song, too!

Ha, ha----the way things are going, Mexican food could well become the required TG dinner. As in Press 1 for English.

magpie said...

sure are some nice Thanksgiving avatars on here ☺

good news, Lynn about your little lass coming on Dec 4 -
wow lots of big things happenin' in December, including Christmas !

magpie said...

right Paula...I did not get a response on the email either
about the cam :(

hedgie said...

Wanda, commented on your critter cam on FB!!!

magpie said...

I was in 6th or 7th grade, Catholic school, when the news of Kennedy's Assasination was announced...
yes, it was like slow motion for several days thereafter; it
was completely profoundly sad
and so hard to comprehend

hedgie said...

Hi, Margy. How be ya'? Hope you had shoes on when you squished the slimy slug!

magpie said...

prayers for your friend Danielle and her husband Brian, Andrea...not a good turn of events for him

and for Judie: sure hope everything is in place for you, sounds like you have a compassionate physical therapist

magpie said...

yes I did Lynn....thank goodness!

Wow did it get warm today !

sorry to hear of the strep throat, Lynn, so glad you got some medications for it...
last time I had it I asked the ER doc to go ahead and shoot me...
it was THAT painful
that was a long time ago. Then when I had bad migraines I had the same request on my mind

Mema Jo said...

Hi Margy

Wanda - you have a lot of critters out in them there woods!

But where's the bear?

magpie said...

had such a good time with James yesterday afternoon had to go up and do it all over again today!

have to work the next five days so have to grab the sunshine when I can

ttfn, have to start getting ready for bed, the Night Bandit is lurking

magpie said...

Howdy there Mema Jo...
sure hope you are feeling tip-top or soon will be, and that your upcoming tests go well

Yeah, let's keep the USPS in business at least through the Holiday season....

hedgie said...

Read that Jennifer Grey had a bad outcome to plastic surgery....but I think she is beautiful. She was CUTE when she was younger; now she's lovely! But her daddy is sure looking bad----hope his health is okay. I've always liked him, too!

magpie said...

my brother (not prairie dog John.... but older brother Fred) and his wife watched The Bucket List last night also....
they really liked it

Costume Lady said...

Jo, not likely I'll ever see a bear here, but I was so excited to see a FOX! Maybe in the Spring, she will bring some little kits to visit our woods:) Always a possibility of having a bear here, they have been spotted up the road near the VA center (about 3 miles away). I have nothing here that bears berries, etc. Lots of cats!
Did you see the Possum and raccoon? There were deer also, but for some reason they were cut off.

NatureNut said...

Gotta get off this machine & hit the hay.

Hi, Margy. Glad you got some good adventure time w/James.
Lynn, the part of the Beltway we'll be going on won't have a river or woods!!!Guess I'll only see that tomorrow & will a bird appear????

Pleasant Feather Dreams and prayers for good health ;>)

hedgie said...

Jo, know that you have a bit of the scanxiety, but I'm sure that everything will turn out just as well as before!!!
Margy, glad that you made it back up to the Springs! It was a lovely day to be out and about.
Luckily, my throat pain was not TOO bad. Have had it much worse. The fact that I had some meds on hand and started taking them right away made the difference, I'm sure. Hope your work week goes well. Carolyn goes back tomorrow, too---of course on 2nd, so you'll just be passing ships.

hedgie said...

Goodnight, Shirley and Margy and Lowreeda. Sleep tight!

Got an early Christmas present from Christie today. UPS delivered it late this afternoon. A set of fleece sheets!! Will wait to put them on the bed until the temps get a wee bit colder! They are sage green...and my new electric blanket is a darker green, but in a complimentary shade. I'll be snug, for sure!

paula eagleholic said...

Margy, ewww squishy slug! Yay for James time!

I don't recall the Kennedy assasination...I was 2 1/2.

Lowreeda, you will always be Lowreeda to me after your Ledo's story. How was the pizza?

Bob, Loverly pics!

paula eagleholic said...

I put my flannel sheets on this past weekend, they sure are comfy

paula eagleholic said...

Lynn, glad the throat is not too bad.

hedgie said...

Almost time for me to head for the tub. Will say my goodnights and give this puter a rest. Prayers for all, and a peaceful night for each of you Momsters and Dadsters.

paula eagleholic said...

Gonna hit the hay, couldn't fall asleep last night, tired tonight.

Hugs to all ♥

hedgie said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
hedgie said...

My delete----blogger cop pulled a double!
G'night, Paula!

magpie said...

Was a nice remark from NCSuzan earlier....about We Momsters and Dadsters...well, I couldn't agree more....and same backatcha Suzan ♥

will say good night too...have a few last little things to finish up and then will watch your wildlife cam views, Wanda.
Hope the guys at the camp are having a good time....

Prayers for all our needs, and grateful thanks for joyful blessings

God Bless Us, Every One
xo ♥

Mema Jo said...

Going to follow all of you who are headed for the pillows. One more day closer to all the good yummy food on Turkey Day.

Good Night to All
Prayers for All
Hugs to All ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

Lolly said...

Suzan's comment was very nice and it expressed quite well how I feel about this blog.

Wanda, love your cam. There are lots of critters out there in "them there woods." LOL

Oh I wanna a cam!

Watched House tonight. I just could not get interested in DWTS this season. Finished knitting the scarf for Laurel tonight. Just need to weave in the two loose yarns and then block it. It looks great but is a little itchy. Disgusted that the yarn feels that way, Held it up to my neck when I bought it. Oh, well, it does look great.

Lolly said...

Wanda, love your avatar. Great picture of you and Father Capt Gene.

Lolly said...

Or, is it Capt Father Gene?

Costume Lady said...

Gene called today, Margy and they are having a good time, of course;)
Jerry got a buck today...they may come home tomorrow.


Lolly said...

Heading to the shower after I check fb.

Nite all! Sweet turkey dreams!

Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Gang,
Just got home from school.

Got 2 text messages from our friend Andrea that we are visiting for TG. She says there's a possibility of snow, especially near Mammoth, which we will have to go past on the way to her house. She also says it may get down to 6 degrees on Wed. morning, so bring our long johns! Wonder if we had better take some chains along, just in case! Will CERTAINLY be taking our winter duds!

I'm glad you have some meds for the throat! Hope it goes away by Thanksgiving! How's your sore finger doing? OOOOOhhh--can't WAIT till your puppy gets delivered! I'm so happy for you, AND for her!

Ms Bookworm said...

Will be anxious to hear what your doctor has to say about your x-rays! Hoping and praying for all GOOD NEWS!!

Well, have lots to do around here--mainly laundry and packing. Will have to go to school early tomorrow to get transcription done for the week. Also must remember to pick up a Rx refill before we leave town!

Have said prayers for everyone--especially those who need healing. Darth and Judie have the night light set to come on automatically. I'm checking the porch light to make sure it's on. The eye-scanner security and Dana's thumbprint-scanner security are enabled. Sleep well, gang, all snug and cozy, and I will talk to you tomorrow (but probably not much). Ah, so much to do, and so little time! God bless, and goodnight! Love all of you! :o]

BEagle said...

Enjoyed the Trail Cam video, C.Lady.
Cute critters.

Sorry about the squishy slug Magpie. It always annoyed me when I stepped on them barefooted. Hard as heck to get them out from between the toes.

Maybe someone will formulate a glue from those things.

The frozen turkey in my fridge just made a noise like "hola gobble-ola." I must have hit the 2.

And on that note, it's past time to hit the hay.

While on the way, prayers for Faye, Brian, Judie and the many others on my list.

Goodnight ♥

magpie said...

Well, that was a lot of fun!
caught up on the cam video clips, (that fox is awesome ! )
and all the birthday fun
Great stuff, Wanda !

Glad to hear there the great hunters are having a good time...

today is a beautiful day...hope they are getting this nice weather there too

Good Morning Eagle Pals

magpie said...

wish I could stay around for the fun, and all the people and animal news, but alas, it is time to return to the work force

Best wishes for a Good Day, Everyone


Costume Lady said...

Here in my neck of the woods, it is 54° and sorta sunny, going up to 66°, which isn't too bad. Looks like rain tomorrow. GG has a dermatologist appointment tomorrow, and I hate to take her anywhere when it is raining. She won't carry her umbrella and walks too fast for me to cover her with mine (never thought that would happen!) She has a suspicious scaly patch on her cheek. I'm not overly concerned about it, but should be checked out.

Lolly said...

Good morning! 62 here and bright sunshine! Going up into the 70's here, cloudy and warm tomorrow and then the front hits and down into the 20's and a high in the 50's.

Have more time in the kitchen today, but I love cooking for Thanksgiving. It is Christmas that I do not like spending time in the kitchen. LOL Too much other stuff going on! Like watching the kids with new toys.

BEagle said...

Today in the capitol city of WV, we have 56 degrees and climbing to around 63 with steady rain.

After our nice sunny day yesterday in the low 70's, I would say our weather is somewhat unusual for this time of the year. However, we have not broken any records yet.

Lolly said...

Morning BEagle!

I am off now! Time to get busy. Have had my two mugs of coffee and play time after reading the paper.

Have a great day everyone!

hedgie said...

Must be a big difference between my side of our little North Mt. and Wanda and Margy's side.....nothing pretty about the day here. Has been sprinkling off and on since 5am. Temp still only 49°. Don't think I'll get anything done outside. Maybe it would be a good day to do curtains and indoor side of windows.

BEagle, good to know that you are in WV! I hadn't been awayre of that!! For some reason, I had thought you were in Ohio! Duh!

BEagle said...

I am trying to identify a bird that has been flying around my neighborhood.

It's a beautiful bird about the size of a blue jay and about the coloring of a female jay but no tuft and more gray than blue.

It's beauty is in flight. It has hidden white feathers that come out when it's flying, a stark contrast to the dull colors of autumn when the leaves are browned and falling.

Like a beacon when it's flying through the sky.
But when it's perched you wouldn't know it had those white feathers.

Costume Lady said...

Lynn, it is not very pretty here, now...light rain:(

Lynn, the Trail Cam is such fun, it's like opening up a present, just never know what you are going to find! Inexpensive...on sale for $160.00. Something to entertain us this Winter when there is snow on the ground. Of course, if we have deep snow like last year, it will be a long time befor anything passes in the path of the cam:(
Easy to operate too! Get yourself one for Christmas...that's what we did (Christmas came early:) )

hedgie said...

Wanda, I was looking at them online. But don't know if the card would work on my PC. No card slot at all on laptop.

BEagle, do you have a good bird book? If not, lots of internet sites that you can look on....try Cornell Ornothology site.

hedgie said...

Just found a stinkbug in the sunroom...ugh! First one inside in a few weeks.

Mema Jo said...

Good Morning - Up and about after a very disturbing night of coughing and little sleep. I feel much better and clearer now that I have had my cup of coffee.
It is very dismal and dreary looking here in our valley. No sprinkles yet but I sure bet they will be here soon.
Going in for CT and then a hair trim on the perm.. Want my sides shorter.
Although I do look just like my mother. And that's not a bad thing!

Mema Jo said...

Hedgie, I started up my soapy bowl for the stink bugs - for some reason the ones that are in the house are showing themselves again and I am ready for them!

BEagle said...

Thanks Hedgie. I found the Cornell web. It was bookmarked.

So far the closest I can get is a white-feathered dove which is brown, not bluish. However, it is a Southern bird and found in Mexico and Texas.

It's probably a variety of dove because of the size, but the head isn't typically smaller for the body. Looks more like a jay in that respect.

It's an eye catcher when it's flying.

BTW..a friend of mine reported an acquaintance had spotted a bald eagle flying over our area! I am sure the Cumberland Gap eagles would fly this far on occasion. Wouldn't they?

BEagle said...

I keep finding those stink bugs Mema Jo but they are usually dead when I do.

Epic Stink Bug year.

wvgal_dana said...

Good Morning in Eagle Land to ALL.

Jo good results for CT Scan today.

Judie praying for good results from the Xray today and doctors appointment.

Hedgie-Lynn glad you had something to start taking. So it is strep glad you got meds. Hate strep praying for fast relief.

Heading out to pay some bills.

BEagle I can't help it every time I look at your avatar it "cracks me up". Good One (: ( : (:

BEagle said...

Hi Dana,

The turkey looks a little "fed up" with the season. He better run!

Glad to give you a chuckle.

Much to do so I better scoot and will check back later.

Mema Jo said...

Headed back the hallway for the shower.
Then out the door I will go after lunch

Take Care and Stay Dry...


Mema Jo said...

BWE Tail is visible

hedgie said...

BEagle, I think it is more likely eagles from the New River area than from Cumberland Gap. Could be migrating eagles, too, coming down from more northern climes. In the eastern seaboard area, the eagles don't migrate for winter...and the ones with estasblished nest territories don't venture too far.....probably within 15 miles or so, as the "eagle" flies! Can't remember how far Charleston is from the New and the Hawk's Nest area....???

Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Gang!
Have been up and running for quite a while, but wanted to drop in and say "Howdy" before it's afternoon back east!

It's cool here this morning--started out at about 45, but is up to 50 now.
Checked the temp for Minden, NV, where we will be for TG, and the low last night was MINUS ONE (!), and it's only getting up to the mid-30s today. Need to go to Penney's and get some thermal bottoms to wear. Have a bunch of long-sleeved thermal tops, but only 1 pair of bottoms. Don't want to freeze my tush off!

Ms Bookworm said...

Darn! My dryer is calling my name. Be back for a bit, later! :o]

NCSuzan said...

Good Morning! Jo, I do not like that you have a cough but am glad you are having a CT today. Please do not get sick for Turkey Day.
Lynn, strep throat is also not good. Hope you are able to get rid of that bug soon. I read that some of you are working and that some of you are traveling for the holiday. Sounds like all will be busy!

NCSuzan said...

The community we live in is new, only 4 houses occupied so far and you can tell that it was cut right out of the woods. We have a fox that comes through every day at dusk. He is gorgeous. Fluffy, fluffy tail and healthy,tho he is still wary, thankfully, of humans.

hedgie said...

Jo, sorry your night was a rough one. :( May be good timing on the CT---will pick up any bronchitis or pneumonia---heaven forbid! But would think that you would have other symptoms if it was that.

hedgie said...

Jo, sorry your night was a rough one. :( May be good timing on the CT---will pick up any bronchitis or pneumonia---heaven forbid! But would think that you would have other symptoms if it was that.

BEagle said...

Hedgie. You're right and I meant New River Gorge. The Charleston Gazette did an article in the spring about the B Eagles there.

NCSuzan said...

Can't remember who is looking for the bird but check out a scrub jay. i think they look like what was being described. this time of year it is not unusual to see a bird whom otherwise would be out of place.

BEagle said...

Gee I haven't seen anything on the BWE or BWO :(

No moose yet.

I am sure the bird I saw was the
White-Winged Dove. It must have flown here to check out the weather. None have been reported in WV on the Cornell site.


NCSuzan said...


hedgie said...

Curtains in the wash. Found another SB in the folds of one...glad I saw it before I put it in the wash!!
Time to call the Momma, and then start on the windows. Thankfully, I only have 5 curtained windows. Of course, three of them are valanced with tiers; other two are swags. Too much ironing!!!

Ms Bookworm said...

Phew! Back for just a bit.

Praying for a good CT scan for Mema Jo, and relief from that pesky cough. Also praying for Judie's x-ray and meeting with doctor.

Mema Jo,
I bet you're at least as busy as I am today, but please don't push yourself too hard, and by all means, MAKE time for a panda nap!

Hope your throat is feeling better, and your owie finger, too! Don't worry, you're on my prayer list too!!

How are you doing today? Hope you are doing better and better each day!
That goes for Judie, too! Prayers being said for both of you!

Well, gotta attempt to type up the notes from English class last night.
There are a ton of them, but need to get them to Danielle, who missed class. Back later to check in! :o]

BEagle said...

Thanks Suzan. The scrub jay is too blue though.

The description I read on this dove remarks on the white patches when the dove is in flight. The white feathers are not noticeable until they fly.

Mine is more of a blue-gray than gray-brown as in the pictures I've seen but still sure that the white winged dove is it's name.

It is a beautiful sight when they are winging it.


hedgie said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
hedgie said...

my delete---meant to say: maybe it's a juvie in the pic and doesn't have it's blue-coloration yet! Or vise versa!!

NCSuzan said...

My bird books are still packed up. Does anyone ever get totally moved? And Lynn, you're right. I thought about that too.

Judie, those therapists are hard core, aren't they? They really make you work hard. But it pays off big time. I wish for you quick recovery with no pain.
Dana, i do not see that you have given us an updated report on your knee. Hope you are progressing and that the pain is only a distant memory.

movin said...


Howdy, and Good Morning,



C(°ٿ°)D Jim

movin said...

This is my second time "up" this morning. I got very, very tired earlier and laid back down for at least an hour's more zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz's.

Actually, I'm kind of surprised to be amongst us and with no broken bones today.

Because management was power washing the dirt and loose paint off the carports yesterday, I had to find something else to do, somewhere else, much of the day.

One of the last things I did was a little grocery shopping before trying to get back to my parking space at 5 o'clock; and I was hauling a couple of bags of groceries up our 2-flight stairs, got my right foot on the top landing and was stepping up....

Yup, lost my balance somehow and tumbled down the steps and must have done a half twist at least; came to rest on my head and left shoulder on the first landing and up against the wood railing!

Double "ouchie", but except for a bloody left ear (little bit on my head too) and some sore muscles in the neck-shoulder area, I seem to be OK.

It's a minor miracle; I can't even find any significant senior-type bruising, unbelievably.

C(°ٿ°)D Jim

hedgie said...

3 windows completed. Whew! Sure glad that all of my curtains are the same.....makes it easier. Only have to match up swag halves!

hedgie said...

Oh, glad you are okay. That is so scary!! Are you trying to do Judie one better??? You must have fallen properly to NOT end up seriously injured....or have good, strong bones!!! Please be careful!!! Please make two trips in the future so you have one hand free fr the railing!
I always bruise 24 hrs. later, so keep your eye out for late bruising. Praise the Lord that you ARE still with us!

movin said...

Thanks, Hedgie. I'm surprised myself that I wasn't permanently injured worse; it was a very shocking tumble....??? The gallon jug of milk I had just blew up all over the landing area.

Speaking of milk, I guess it DOES pay to drink your milk as far as broken bones goes.

C(°ٿ°)D Jim

stronghunter said...


Glad to hear that you survived the fall, Jim. We have enough broken bones around here.

We had a faculty volleyball game this afternoon, and I was in to office just in time to catch one of the teacher-players on the way out to the ER. Her wrist looked pretty bad to me and she was obviously in pain. I would not be surprised to learn that it is broken.

The video taping seemed to go well, but it involved a lot of waiting in the hallway to make an exit at the appropriate time.

I am now officially free for the rest of the week. Yay!!

Lolly said...

Gee Jim, that is scary! Glad you are okay.

Have dough for yeast rolls in the refrig. Cinnamon rolls are rising and about to put them in the oven. Laurel and boys will be here in about 45 minutes. Will prepare dinner in time for Laurel and Joseph to get to the movies.

Laurel stopped with the boys to see Faye. She had not opened the cards that Laurel took to her last visit. They want to do a scan and she is refusing to drink the stuff. She is not getting physical therapy as she is refusing to cooperate. Grrrr! She is not trying to get well. What do you do? Scream?

Lolly said...

Laurel said she did show appreciation for the flowers Jack and I sent. Thank goodness for that. Hopefully when they arrived she smiled.

BEagle said...

Gee Jim. Glad to hear you are okay.

BEagle said...

Enjoy your freedom for the rest of the week Strong!

If screaming would help a stubborn patient we would have very noisy hospitals.

Maybe Faye is frightened and it's coming out in crankiness and stubbornness.

hedgie said...

DONE! But now I have to vacuum up a mess.....ironing board pad (foam) has crumbled all over the floor!!!! Think I should use my mom and grandma's trick....use a folded bed sheet and then put the cover over top!

hedgie said...

You are probably right, BEagle....fear and pain make many people become a different person. It is frustrating....even to the professionals. We always see people at their worst under those circumstances....but I always did say that on the whole, men are better patients. Give me a whole hall of men as opposed to 3 or 4 women anyday!

Jim, did you have to clean up the milk or do yu have a maintenance staff to take care of things like that? What a mess! But the important thing is that YOU didn't explode!

Lolly said...

She is depressed and not a good patient. Want to help but being an hour away is not good.

hedgie said...

Lolly, smelling your rolls from here! I only do them once a year....for Christmas! But everyone likes them so much that I end up quadrupling Gram's recipe and end up with 12-14 pans! An all day baking event!

hedgie said...

Sun peeked out for a few....rain has stopped...wind is blowing. Hope it dries things out and brings down the rest of the leaves. Wanting to get that job done tomorrow!!!

hedgie said...

Shirley, feeling bad for the poor teacher....know what a pain it is to be hobbled with a cast during the holiday season.
Judie never said whether she was hard-casted or not. Sometimes they don't with pins in place....hope her trek out today didn't exhaust her.
Anxious to hear from her and Jo on all test results.

wvgal_dana said...

Wowsie Jim what a fall and on concrete even. Are you ever lucky,
that you didn't break anything. Well maybe Judie did enough for you and she both.

Jim hope the soreness leaves fast and you don't find anything unattached from where it is suppose to be attached. Make sure you check real good tomorrow. Look for any swelling too...if so ice and maybe doctor.

Good to hear Shirley that you are free rest of week.

Andy you should be getting time off from school soon.

Yes Hedgie-Lynn the sheet works out much better. Hope you are feeling better too.


I weaned myself off of pain meds on Sunday early AM. None since then. Don't feel any pain. Walking just fine. No swell or bruising. Site looks real good. Called them Monday to see when I can drive.
Sad face (but understand why) :(
Can't drive until after he see's me 12/1 Wednesday.

Thank you for doing good.

BEagle said...

That's interesting. A folded sheet to give cushion for the ironing board.
I will remember that cool idea.

hedgie said...

Dana, glad that you have recovered so quickly....knew you would!

Mema Jo said...

Hello again. I'm back from CT and a little bit of a hair trim..
I won't have knowledge of my CT until
this coming Monday when I sit down with pulmonary doc. Thanks for praying for the xray report.

I need my feet up for a while


movin said...

Thanks, everybody. I'm thankful too.

Did I forget to say it is a wooden staircase, Dana?? They do have some kind of anti-slip stuff on the landings, and I found a sizable quantity of that gritty stuff in my scalp and left ear.

C(°ٿ°)D Jim

wvgal_dana said...

NOT A LINK Per Steve Chase: They will get the current cam on if they can. Part of the work for the new cam is pulling things apart in the production building. We would like to have
the ne cam up sooner, but the tree service is "stuck doing work in NC".


movin said...

tHANKS, Dana, Steve, for the info. It always helps to know why and about how long it will be before stuff like the cam will be functional.

I sure it will be great and very ready by the time breeding season for the Bald Eagle gets serious.

C(°ٿ°)D Jim

Mema Jo said...

Jim - my rule is that I don't go up or down stairs unless I have a railing or a good sturdy arm to hang onto!

Sorry for your mishap! Made your day, I bet NOT.

Mema Jo said...

Tonight is Terrific Tuesday TV Tunning

I also am going to pick some of my own
Lotto numbers to play for tonight's drawing. I am tired of being poor.
I need to be able to do things for others.

Wanda - Is Gene coming home this evening?

wvgal_dana said...

Oh yes I did forget to say I am doing my leg and knee exercising. Which is coming along very, very good. I am sure Dr. Wise will be a Happy Surgeon.

hedgie said...

Jo, when you win the lottery, will you adopt me?? LOL! Back in '96 when I bought my mom a new car (SURPRISE birthday present!), all the ladies in her FL Widows' Club wanted to adopt me!

hedgie said...

Gee, Dana, you rate!! Paula and Margy didn't get a response.

wvgal_dana said...

He was probably pretty busy then and I just got him at a spare moment. That's all.

stronghunter said...


I am relaxing in the recliner. Just polished off a glass of wine. I am going to enjoy sleeping in tomorrow. Oh, it will be nice.

stronghunter said...

At dinner tonight, Hunter commented that he is getting too old to eat green beans.


stronghunter said...

And Flash is licking his bed.

. . . . Things are pretty normal around here.

Oh, Kathryn went to the doctor and got a shot in her shoulder. I do hope it helps.

magpie said...

Happy Freedom Shirley !
yes that IS an interesting comment by Hunter about green beans.
I didn't even like them until I got to college

Good Evening Eagle Pals

Clouds are holding the daytime warmth in....I have 55-degrees here

magpie said...

thanks for the update from Steve about the cam, Dana

sure that he is busy, and this new cam business sounds pretty technical

Steve has always been very good about replying to my emails...
figured this time was just a necessary exception ☺

magpie said...

the sunsets hereabouts the last few nights have been stunning...
my camera would never capture the beauty of it

James calls it Heaven when he sees the sun going down

have to agree with him

am hungry, need food

ttfn xoxo

hedgie said...

Shirley, tell Hunter everybody needs green beans, no matter how old!!
Margy, sky has cleared here. Lots of stars, and Moon and the planet!

magpie said...

Dear Jim:
I was sorry to read of your slip and tumble,
things all akimbo, including YOU.
Sure hope you are okay and won't have a lot of aches or pains

magpie said...

Wellll, I see that Lynn!
And the wind chimes are all a'tinkle too

okay back to the kitchen

wvgal_dana said...

Need to decide what camera to buy. Need lightweight, good zoom, hope it will download into laptop.

Gene what is a good one? I know Gene has a good one. Gene where to buy and what kind and how much and what is the zoom on yours?

Loretta what kind of camera do you have. What is the zoom and about how much cost?

Mema Jo said...

Heading in to the TV

See you at commercials!

stronghunter said...

Not going to last much longer. Tired.

stronghunter said...

Enjoy, Jo.

stronghunter said...

I think I might have bought salt free green beans. They were pretty tasteless.

I like a bit of salt on my beans.

stronghunter said...

Yes, Dana, thanks for the info about the cam.

Judie said...

Hi Ya'll, Darth here.

Judie is OK, but dog tired.

She had some pain last night and did not sleep well. She took some Percocet.

She had her first post-op visit with the doctor today. She was up early to get cleaned up and get on a sweat suit that would fit over the cast and begin the journey downstairs, step by step on her butt. At the bottom, with the help of a neighbor, we maneuvered her into the wheelchair. From there it was out the front door and into the car.

The doctor was satisfied that she was making good progress. The stitches will probably come out next week. The x-rays show that she has a fair amount of hardware in her leg. There are at least two pins, several inches long and a plate held to the bone with five or six screws. They took off her dressing and she is now wearing a boot.

From there it was back home to reverse the process and get her back upstairs. It was around 1:30 PM. Needless to say she "crashed" once in bed -- but she stayed awake just long enough to devour a dish of Breyers chocolate ice cream. [To keep her strength up, of course.]

Tomorrow morning and early afternoon will be busy when some therapists come to visit.

Lord willin' she hopes to get back to you tomorrow afternoon.

Right now she is sleeping and has not asked for any pain pills.

We hope you and yours are well and are looking forward to Thanksgiving.

With my warmest,

stronghunter said...

Hi, Darth.

Good to know Judie is healing. I have been hoping to hear from you all before I have to head upstairs myself.

I hope both you and Judie get a good night's sleep.

stronghunter said...

I did get a strange message at school today. I had reported that one of my students had skipped class, but the administrator said that he "came late." How does one come late to school but miss the entire last class? Looks to me like he left early.

magpie said...

You are a great literary composer...
bringing us right up to date with how things are going there.
We so appreciate your dedication to Judie...AND to us by keeping us informed.
Wish we were closer and could do more to help....

Be sure to try to make sure you keep your own strength up as well

(( hugs for your both ♥ ♥ ))

magpie said...

We are going to split soon so please no one, get lost

Shirley, I think I get a whiff of a skipping scam !

stronghunter said...

Margy, I do, too. The kid had told me he wanted to explain why he wasn't in class that day, but then he never did. It might have been a good story.

He is a convincing prevaricator.

stronghunter said...

I am going to go upstairs, now. I might turn on DWTS when I get up there.

See you tomorrow.

magpie said...

Let's get The Split over with !

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3/12/25 PM 🐟

 12.56 PM Scout comes to the nest to relieve Bella of her incubation duties getting close guys. He does have a Talon load of bedding. He lan...