Monday, November 22, 2010


Cam install is postponed until Monday December 6.

New thread.


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magpie said...

Love your choice of words, Shirley...

I hope he explains well while having 5 days to think about it !

hedgie said...

Darth, thanks so much for keeping us apprised of the situation there. Can imagine how very tired Judie was......but Breyer's HAD to have helped her sleep, too! Glad that she got a good report....and that you have a good neighbor to help you both. Jo's Ed sent her x-rays via email and she had extensive hardware, too, so know that she and Judie would have a very hard time at the airport if they were to travel!!! Give your gal a big hug. Too bad my Mom doesn't still live in A'dale--we could share TG dinner!

magpie said...

Think Loretta is up to her elbows in laundry ??

going to disappear from here for awhile

back before bedtime


BEagle said...


BEagle said...


BEagle said...

I just haven't been able to figure those splits out.

My Frostie is waiting for me. : )


BEagle said...

I think Jennifer Gray will win DWS

Mema Jo said...

Thanks Frank for all the updates and details about our gal! Glad she now has the boot - they do really support your foot and help you not to be so fearful of putting pressure on it.
Take care of yourself too Frank - You need more than ice cream for dinner. I remember that Judie sometimes enjoyed
breakfast for dinner.
Best of everything for the 2 of you.
Thinking of you both and praying for you.

Back to NCIS:LA

paula eagleholic said...

Thanks for the update, Frank. Glad to hear Judie is mending, and got the boot, LOL

Jo, hope all goes well with the CT.

Rainy on and off here today too.

Gosh, I'm gonna have to look back again to see what else I wanted to say!

paula eagleholic said...

Oh yes, Jim, so glad you are OK! Sounds rather scary!

paula eagleholic said...

I didn't think we had scrub jays out this way, aren't they a west coast jay?

hedgie said...

Get your chuckles for the day:
Your Boo is....

paula eagleholic said...

Oh, and thank you Dana for the update from Steve. Thank you thank you thank you. I miss our cam.

Mema Jo said...

Tee Hee - Your boo is better than my boo lol

BEagle said...

"Your Boo" .. too cute. Almost as cute as little Miss SharPei.

Lynne2 said...

evening all!

GEESH Jim, so glad you are OK after that fall!! I hope not, but you may just feel it a little more tomorrow. Hope if you do, it isn't too bad.

Dana, glad you are doing so well!

Thanks for the Judie update Darth. Glad the Dr is pleased with progress!

Hope you sleep better tonight JO. Hey BTW, is it you that is watching The Walking Dead?

Tracey came over today insisting that I dye her hair for her....OMG!!! Never done that before! But it turned out OK, and hopefully her hair won't all fall out overnight!

I just got back from B'sitting. Steve is on his way back home. He's got the night run tonight and tomorrow. Hoping that it will be light tomorrow and he doesn't have to go too far. Traffic will no doubt be a nightmare.

Lynne2 said...

I'm going to hit the shower....

magpie said...

and I'm going to hit the pillows

Best wishes for good sleep tonight for everyone

Prayers for wellness and joy

Good Night Everyone

God Bless Us, Every One
xo ♥

hedgie said...

Bear Update!

Mema Jo said...

Lynn I made a mistake - I watch the Waking Dead - mystery plots
I really think one day I said Walking
Dead - My gs watches it! Not me...

Did you ever watch it???

Lolly said...

Good evening! Laurel and Joseph are at the movies. Jacob is in bed. Went down like an angel! He was too cute tonight. He wanted ice cream after supper and we suggested marshmellows to make smores with choc covered grahams. Jack built a fire in the chiminea as it is too warm to have a fire in the fireplace. So, the three of us sat outside and I think he talked non stop. Funniest thing he said was "This is funner that going to see dumb ol Harry Potter." Then he said "I bet 6 year old girls would scream and holler seeing Harry Potter."

Lolly said...

Darth, once again thanks for the great report on Judie! Ice cream cures a lot of ailments!! I get tired just thinking of her going up and down stairs on her tush.

Lynne2 said...

yes Jo, Steve started at episode One, I started at episode 2 then 3. Not really my "thing", zombies that is. But it's pretty good actually! Just a different twist on an Armageddon situation and survival of the ones that made it.

Lolly, that's so cute what Jacob said! As was Hunter's "green bean" comment! I remember when friend Dave and Wendy's son used to think we were "cool" to hang out with. But he's 13 now and just thinks we are old and uninteresting.

Mema Jo said...

That is why I feel very special when my 20 yrs old and 16 yr old ask if we are all going to see HP together!
So far we have made all of his movies and a threesome!

Lynne2 said...

Saw the Red Shouldered hawk again this morning!! I am convince this is his territory now. No luck finding a nest though. Maybe it would help if I tried going out alone to look instead of taking Bad and Worse with me! They are too much of a distraction.

Lynne2 said...

That's cool Jo! Billy has some social problems, long story, very poor parenting. This phase will (hopefully) pass in a year or so.

Steve finally home, gotta go fix the poor guy something to eat....good night and prayers for all! Hopefully I'll have some time to chat tomorrow afternoon!

hedgie said...

Whoo-Hoo---Jennifer and Derick won DWTS!!!

hedgie said...

Turns out she even blew a disc in her back last night.....but still danced great twice tonight, and WON!

BEagle said...

Hooray for Jennifer. I don't know how she did it with a ruptured disc but she did it!

Mema Jo said...

Very happy that your Jennifer came through a winner. I think a good many of you were rooting for her.

I'm not coughing tonigh (yet)
Maybe a good night's sleep is coming my way.
I bet Judie is going to wake up hungry!

Margy, I know you hit the pillows BUT
thank you for the TG card - I just love thoughtful people ♥

Mema Jo said...

Going to hit the pillows...

Good Night All
Prayers for All
Safety in all travels this holiday
Hugs for All - ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

Have you hugged your turkey tonight to see if he's thawing ?

paula eagleholic said...

Yes, she has had neck problems, I believe, been in a lot of pain until recently. Sorry to hear she did that to her back!

paula eagleholic said...

I would Jo, but the Turkey is at Ajays! And I buy fresh turkey!

hedgie said...

Jo, hope yoou don't cough tonight!!! Sleep peacefully.
Goodnight to all of you fine, fowl friends!! Prayers going up for all. No turkey here to hug---bird or otherwise!!

paula eagleholic said...

Nite all....I do have

Hugs for all ♥

Lolly said...

According to Joseph HP is awesome! Laurel loved it, said it was very good, true to the book.

Nite all! Sweet dreams!

Costume Lady said...

Lynn, I loved the Panda video:)

Darth, I too, got tired just reading about Judie getting ready for her appt. today, and getting back upstairs! Glad the Doc was pleased with her progress.
Wishing the both of you a pain-free Thanksgiving and something more to eat than chocolate ice cream:)♥♥

I have missed so much on here, today. I will read back in the morning.


stronghunter said...

Hi, I woke up and came down to get a glass of milk. I sometimes have a hard time getting my brain to slow down at night.

George is appreciating my return to the downstairs area, though. He's purring happily to have me to himself.

I was happy to see Jennifer win DWTS. She was the best dancer.

Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Everyone!
I'm home from school--have been for a while. Am SOOOO busy getting packed and ready to go to NV tomorrow morning!

Golly gosh! I sure am glad you survived that crazy fall! Hope you are not too sore from it. You just made it to the top of my prayer list with that one! Hope you feel much better, really soon!

Darth, thank you for the update on Judie! Glad the doctor was pleased, and that she "got the boot"! Bet she'll be ready to eat anything that's not nailed down by tomorrow. Bet that ice cream tasted terrific, too! Prayers for Judie and you continue. Be sure to get some rest!

Ms Bookworm said...

Enjoy your freedom from school! Make the most of it while you have it! Wahoo!!

Well, must finish packing and try to get some sleep. Prayers have been said for everyone. Have to shut down the computer and get it ready to go with us on our little trip. Will not be able to say hello in the morning, but will be thinking of all of you!
Will try to let you know when we arrive at our destination. Might not be able to fire up the computer until tomorrow night.

Thanks to Darth & Judie, the night light is on. I'm checking to make sure the porch light is on. Sure don't want anyone else taking a tumble! The eye-scanner security and Dana's thumbprint-scanner security are enabled. Sleep tight, everyone, and have a fantastic day tomorrow! Love all of you! :o]

stronghunter said...

Good night, Andy. Enjoy your trip. I am headed back upstairs.

magpie said...

Good Morning Eagle Pals...
cool and breezy but beautiful here in Martinsburg WV..

Andrea: Enjoy your trip, hope you have all your warm things packed !

Best wishes for a good day, Eagle Pals...
prayers for wellness, and Safe Travels...

off to work I go from Rochester NY

stronghunter said...

Got this from Susan. Thought you all might be interested. It is a raccoon rescue group.

Wildlife Sanctuary

They asked her if she was more interested in raccoons or bats. I don't know what the bat people are up to.

stronghunter said...

Another school story--a science teacher told me that one of her chemistry students could see no reason to do the mathematical calculations required in her class. This kid is planning to become a doctor.


They have so much to learn.

There is a future for teachers.

There is so much ignorance to dispel.

stronghunter said...

Oh dear, I am mean.

I just made Hunter stop watching a violent video of some kind.

Lots of gunfire and I do not know what else.

I guess I will let him pout for awhile, then we can find something more constructive to do.

NCSuzan said...

Happy Thanksgiving Day Eve!

stronghunter said...

Hi Suzan!

NCSuzan said...

Hi1 Shirley. What are you up to this morning?

stronghunter said...

I am relaxing right now, but will need to get busy soon. Unfortunately, my grandson is mad at me because I told him he could not watch a violent video on the computer. He went off to his room.

What are you up to?

hedgie said...

Good morning on this TG Eve.
Shirley, really neat rescue place in Lorton! Thanks for sharing the link.

Andy, have a wonderful trip!!! Stay warm and have a load of fun and relaxation!!! Be safe.

NCSuzan said...

Does everyone have gorgeous weather? Haven't checked the local report yet but hope this weather holds. Hope everyone is mending, healing and unbruising.

stronghunter said...

Pretty and sunny here. I am not sure about the temperature. I haven't ventured out yet.

stronghunter said...

Susan is looking for a volunteer group to join.

stronghunter said...

Hi, Lynn.

NCSuzan said...

Shirley, nothing wrong in teaching your grandson the difference from good and bad. I do not believe there are enough boundaries on our your people today. Hunter may be a little miffed but he will get over it and be happy that he has a nana who cares.

NCSuzan said...

ps- relax all you can!

NCSuzan said...

Any word from Jo this morning? I an concerned over her cough.

BEagle said...

Good morning everyone.

It will be a busy day in preparation for Thanksgiving tomorrow.

I will check in to see that prayers are working for those with ailments and to watch for Movin to post.

The raccoons are beautiful creatures. Good there is a rescue for them. Don't know about the bats though but I will concede that they could be beautiful in their own little way.

Strong. It sounds like some students would rather run things than submit to an education. I liked the word you used, prevaricate, on an earlier post. Haven't heard that one for a while.

stronghunter said...

I wanted to get a perm, but my hairdresser is off all week. I said that I had really hoped for a perm, and they said they would call her and see if she would come in just for me. I said I did not want to do that to her, but they told me that she loves to do it.

We will see.

She is taking time off because she has so many vacation hours that she will lose if she doesn't use it.

It's the second time I have not been able to get her because she is taking time off.

NCSuzan said...

Shirley, i did not mean to ignore your question. I want to make a carrot cake. I cannot cook like i usaed to but if i have the whole day and can pace myself i believe i could do it. But my daughter does not think we need more sweets in the house, her fil is making a pumpkin cake. Yuk!

NCSuzan said...

That was very catty of me, sorry.

NatureNut said...

Happy Turkey Day and safe travels for all those leaving today!

Gotta shuffle off to work. Did not see any eagles at nest yesterday, BUT the other staff driving in for our luncheon saw them about 11:30!!!

Shirley, re:Dr's education. When my daughter was in med school, you hit the fork in the road as to whether you are studying for MD or PHD. The PHD candidates had to maintain a B average which she did, but the MD,s only a C!!!!!Makes you wonder if your Dr's are average or maybe above!

Gotta run~~have a great day!☺

stronghunter said...

I can't wait to hear the story this young man has told this time.

I have to be careful though, administrators can be touchy about finding out they have been conned by a kid.

This kid got away with skipping my class once before. He conned another teacher into believing I'd given him permission to miss my class, then he convinced an administrator that the absence should be excused because the other teacher said I'd given permission just because she saw him walk toward my room.

He told me that he skipped because he knew I would say no if he really asked.

He is a talented liar. Maybe he has a future out there somewhere. Maybe he will end up in jail.

BEagle said...

It's a little chilly this morning and not very sunny. The temperature is presently 36 degrees and will get up to 54.

Tomorrow, our forecast is in the low 70's with rain.

BEagle said...

Maybe your student will change his course and run for elected office in the future. LOL

Mema Jo said...

Good Morning All! Did fairly well with sleeping last evening. I'm getting ready for tomorrow. I don't need to do too much - Have to play pick up mostly - make the piles disappear! It is like hide it today and hope to find it in two days!

stronghunter said...

Interesting . . . I didn't know that about medical students, Loretta. I do think those on that track need to hone their math skills, though. At least up to the high school chemistry level, for heaven's sake.

stronghunter said...

Yeah, someone said he should be a preacher or a politician. He looks you right in the eye and seems very sincere.

hedgie said...

I am livid.....jerk next door just hung his kill from a tree...every time I look out the door or window, I can see it. Sickening.

On a good note, I did see 4 deer run through my woods a little while ago, and Mr. White-ear squirrel visited on the deck earlier.

It is cold and windy....more rain on it's way. Guess today will be more indoor chores. Thinking I may bake myself a punkin' pie....don't really like anyone elses much, so may have my own.

stronghunter said...

Jo, I know what you mean about hiding it and hoping you can find it later.

stronghunter said...

Carrot cake sounds good, Suzan.

stronghunter said...

But sometimes politicians and preachers end up in disgraced, defrocked and in jail.

hedgie said...

Now would be a good time for the bear to make an appearance and tear down that carcass!
"It's me bear..."please come!

stronghunter said...

I hope you have other windows to look out of, Lynn.

BEagle said...

I just checked the Channel Island nests. Even though I have not caught any activity, the Pelican Harbor nest is already prepared with a deep egg cup.

I will never forget the fox that stumbled across their nest. Was he in for a big surprise when one of the eaglets stood up and showed its full size. I never saw a fox fly till then.

stronghunter said...

I need to check on Hunter.

hedgie said...

Just so very hard to understand how kids get away with so much; and that Drs. can make it through on a mediocre C. Argh!
Yep, you gals are right about pols and preachers!! So disheartening.

Loretta,hope your workday goes well, and that you DO see your eagles!

It's Okay to vent here,Suzan!!! We all can get catty at times!!

stronghunter said...

I remember that video, BEagle. That fox changed its mind big time.

BEagle said...

Looks like a bear is on your agenda for the day Hedgie.

I really like carrot cakes too. Not much on pumpkin stuff either. Only in a pie and only mother's recipe for it.
Plain and simple. Lots of topping. : )

wvgal_dana said...

Good Day before Thanksgiving to ALL.

Did I miss a comment? Where is Andy packing to go too?

Hedgie-Lynn hopefully a bear will come by. We can hope. Guy is a jerk!

Nice Wildlife Sanctuary thanks for posting.

Wish Susan wants to be a volunteer?

Hope Judie is perking good today. Praying that she and Frank got some rest. Glad she got a boot to wear.

Safe travels for those traveling during these holidays.

Praying Jim isn't too sore and didn't find anything today that was broken.

I am wondering on the horse video. What was the charges against the person. Including what did they get for starving and killing those horses in Wayne County (I think it said Wayne County)????? Hedgie-Lynn that would be good to find out the outcome????

Lolly said...

Good morning! Just a quick peek in to say Hi! Need to get busy making an apple pie and a pumpkin pie. I like carrot cakes too. Jack bought one at the auction in Sept. and we froze it. Got out half of it last night. It was made by a great cook, BUT it is the tasteless carrot cake ever. Maybe she left out the seasonings? It is a bundt cake, no icing, so I made cream cheese icing last night and spread on it, hoping to improve it. It did.

Mema Jo said...

I am going to pop in and out frequently today - But for now I am putting the pc down in order to keep a schedule...

Catch you all later.......

stronghunter said...

Checked on Hunter. He is fine. He's playing games on the computer in his room. That one has parental controls, so the games are much more acceptable.

I wonder if Will can install parental controls on the small computer down here. Or maybe Kathryn and I can figure out how to do it.

We do not allow him to play Internet games on my work computer. That could be a disaster. And this computer cannot be accessed except with a password that only Kathryn and I know.

Lolly said...

Oh, Lynn. Hope he gets it down fast. That would make me furious!

Funny story......Was preparing the turkey for the oven in the morning. The boys came running. They had to hold and examine all the innards. Then they examined the poor bird. The were so fascinated! They examined both end cavities completely. Wanted to know it it was a boy or a girl turkey. LOL They are now outside playing. It is 73, partly cloudy and very windy! It is raining leaves, in Lynn's words.

BEagle said...

Checked on the following nests.


Well, I guess that could be called SOME activity.

Lolly, no doubt you could make that cake taste good. The good cook may not know that she forgot something!!

Lolly said...

Joseph got mad at me this morning, too, Shirley. I was just playing with him. When I woke up he was in my chair watching TV. I got my coffee and the paper and told him to move to the sofa. My chair has the reading light and he knows it. He refused to move. (We were playing!) So, I warned him, I get mean now! Started him by pouring a teeny bit of cold water on him. He got mad! LOL I got my chair!

Lolly said...

Jacob has gone to Lowes with Granddaddy and Joseph is playing with Macie, the little girl next door.

Time to start pies.


hedgie said...

Another bird sound site:
Bird Sounds at Africam

BEagle said...

Blooper cakes! and stubborn young men.

I will see what my young man comes up with.


stronghunter said...

I had to physically take the computer away from Hunter and close it down. I need to establish those boundaries while I can still do it. He is going to get bigger and stronger.

BEagle said...

PS. Moose on the pop up.

stronghunter said...

Oh, BEagle, I just laugh every time I see your avatar, I want to laugh. I love it!

wvgal_dana said...

Boy that African Fish Eagle is really LOUD..

wvgal_dana said...

Shirley where Susan sent you the Wildlife Sanctuary link (really good). If she wants to be a volunteer there. I am sure there is training they do. Plus on this link across top in blue has different training places: DIFFERENT TRAINING IN WILDLIFE AREAS

BEagle said...

The boys do grow up and their brains do too.

Two moose now.

My boy is taller than me now. I told him the why of obedience when he was old enough to understand..."so that it would go well with him." Now and in the future.

He still gets grumpy with it though.

BEagle said...

Gotta scoot now.

BEagle said...

I love that Sounds of Africam! Thanks

The Egyptian Goose sounds like it's counting. : )

I am glad you like the "fed-up" turkey avatar Strong!


paula eagleholic said...

I vote for carrot cake....and pumpkin roll! Don't care for pumpkin pie.

hedgie said...

Dana, it was Hampshire Co. No new word---they are keeping it very hush-hush. Shirley's Suzi is looking for a volunteer org. And Andy is heading for Minden, NV.

I love carrot cake, but I have to makke my own without nuts! Don't like the nuts!!

BEagle....hope they keep the snow out west!

movin said...


GooD MorniNG, aLL.


C(°Ù¿°)D Jim

stronghunter said...

Oh, it is snowing in Denver. I expect my brother in Fort Collins is getting snow today.

stronghunter said...

Hi, Jim, hope you are okay today.

BEagle said...

Hi Jim. Hope to hear you are doing well after the tumble.

Hi Paula!

Hi whatever is on the BWO nest. It sure isn't an osprey! Maybe a buzzard?


movin said...

Thanks, strong hunter. I think I'm working through the soreness better this A.M. Thank God, because I'm due to drive down to my sister's place tomorrow.

It's still kinda 'crisp' here this A.M., and I have the heat on. It's just cozy enough that I've caught myself nn...........ding off a couple of times already...sitting here with my eyes open!

C(°Ù¿°)D Jim

Lolly said...

Awe, Lynn, nuts are GOOD! LOL I like pumpkin pie, but I do like pumpkin roll better. But, pumpkin roll we save for Christmas.

Pumpkin pie is now in the oven. Then will start apple pie when it is half baked. Hope Laurel has luck with her Christmas shopping. Wanted to make a pecan pie too, but really do no need that many sweets. Yikes!

Judie....where are you? We are ready to hear from you again!

Lolly said...

It is 76 now. House is wide open and the wind is blowing. My wind chimes are going crazy, and I have a lot of wind chimes. Love them!

stronghunter said...

We are out of bread and milk. Going to need to make a grocery run today. Having leftover spaghetti for lunch.

movin said...

Eeeuwiees have landed at BWO.

C(°Ù¿°)D Jim

movin said...

Another really great set of Blackwater photos this week, Bob. I really enjoyed them.

C(°Ù¿°)D Jim

hedgie said...

Jim, glad you aren't too sore. Soak in a hot tub (safety bars, I hope!!) before you make your trip tomorrow!!! It will limber you up before the ride.

BEagle said...

Eagle at BWE


BEagle said...

Two eagle!

stronghunter said...

Yay, Hunter is back on the computer downstairs, and he is interested in the game that he was playing upstairs. It involves building a business, not shooting people.

paula eagleholic said...

Love the avatar pic, Shirley!

Glad you are OK, Jim

Lynne2 said...

Afternoon all!

Sounds like everyone is in full Thanksgiving mode today!

Glad you are feeling better today Jo!

Lolly, you are a cooking/baking fool today! Glad the turkey passed the "inspection"!

Glad you are up and around Jim!

Shirley, so sorry you had to have that kind of confrontation with Hunter, but you did the right thing!

paula eagleholic said...

Nothing on our cam, still down.

Lynne2 said...

I have a very tiny piece of good news....on Monday morning I will be going to Irvine as a paid employee! I say tiny, because it's just 10-12 hours a week (Monday and Tuesday) and for very modest pay, and it's only for December. The current intern's last day is today. They wanted another intern from one of the colleges (so the college pays them, not Irvine). They simply were unable to find one at the moment, but hope to do so by Jan. Tracey is limited to how many hours they'll pay her for, and so they consented to hire me in the mean time for the old intern's hours! At least it's something while I keep looking for a job!

wvgal_dana said...

Baby panda cub is alone at Atlanta right now.

movin said...

Eagle on BWO.

Eagle feeding on nest at TH also.

C(°Ù¿°)D Jim

Lynne2 said...

looks like some of you are under a Winter Weather Advisory for sleet and possible freezing rain tonight and tomorrow morning....


hedgie said...

Oh, Lynne, that is encouraging. Even a little bit is better than nothing (no U/E ran out, right?) and it is a foot in the door! They didn't really expect to get a college kid, did they?? Christmas break, exams, etc.....don't think many kids are looking for part time work at holiday time! Congrats!!!

Shirley, I had that kind of situation with the girls...I got "well, we're allowed to watch it at home" (it was the movie "Kill Bill" for crying out loud and they were like 12 and 8!!!!!!!) and I said "Well, you're NOT watching it in my house!"

stronghunter said...

Funny, but he is happy now, and not shooting people.

stronghunter said...

Good news, Lynne.

stronghunter said...

Gotta get some things done.

Lynne2 said...

yeah Lynn, I'm not at all surprised they couldn't get anyone for December! My UE ran out in August.

Mema Jo said...

Sounds as though each of you have things to do and are getting them done.
Lynne Foot in the door - Saying prayers of permanent employment for you.
The house is ready and the food preps have begun...

Take care - BBL

hedgie said...

Oh, no, Lynne, didn't want to hear that weather report. Hopefully, they are wrong!!
Okay, got the outside of the windows on the ends of the sunroom washed. Think I have figured out how to do the backside (the unreachable ones!) but it will have to wait a couple of days.

Lynne2 said...

Lynn, I sure hope they are wrong, too. SO many people traveling. I'm hoping the rain here holds off til Steve is back home tonight safe and sound. It's hard to say if his runs tonight will be heavy since they are closed tomorrow, or light because others will be closed.

Lynne2 said...

just got a visit at the feeder from my first White Throated Sparrow of the season!

hedgie said...

Well shuttle launch has now been postponed until at least 12/17....but it will be in the dark....8-something in the evening. One last hope to see it as it goes up. Bet the astronauts aren't too thrilled with the 2nd delay---they will be in space for Christmas. :(

hedgie said...

Lynne, hope Steve gets home early!

Finished the inside of the sunroom windows.....had to redo a few that looked streaked after doing the outside.

Lynne2 said...

YUK, just found a tick crawling up my arm, a deer tick no less, and the second one in 2 days. Have I mentioned that I am STILL getting stick bugs, too??? What am I, a bug magnet?

wvgal_dana said...

Oh Lynn2 not 2 deer ticks. Not good...

Hope Steve does get home before anything starts.

Here for Thanksgiving morning it could be icy from 6am to 11am then suppose to be not icy.

BEagle said...

Pie making is on hold while my young man prepares a curried chicken dish!

: )

Better go help! "I love it!"

hedgie said...

Dressing is made...ready for baking in the morning. Fridge is looking full!

hedgie said...

How young is your young man, BEagle?? Adventuresome cook! Sounds good.

Judie said...

Hi everyone!

Had a long and tiring day. Physical therapist this morning, very happy with progress I made on my own. Occupational therapist in afternoon and did not even mention that I was able to get to bathroom, clean up, wash/dry hair, on my own. I do not want to see her again.

Jim, no fair! You took a tumble, also? Sure hope you are okay and not feeling too bumped around. Have a safe trip.

Jo, what's with the cough? Please get better. Who's hosting dinner tomorrow?

Andy, enjoy the time in NV -- snow prediction?

Bats are absolutely stunning creatures -- as long as they stay in their bat caves.

Lynne2, congratulations. Just a nice way to get that foot further inside the door. Enjoy, please!

Shirley, if all else fails, tell Hunter youngsters who play violent video games become serial killers and I will send him to "Serial Killer Island."

REALLY GOOD NEWS! Darth is now in the kitchen making cranberry sauce, earlier made brine and has washed and put the turkey in the brine. He is really making an attempt at having a nice dinner tomorrow. He agreed to let me talk him through the harder parts. He is just being terrific through all this -- caregiving is not easy. Still not much appetite, well, the chocolate ice cream was good, but I do plan to eat as much as I can tomorrow in appreciation for his efforts.

Oh, I vote for every dessert mentioned on the blog yesterday and today.

It is nearly time to consume a Percocet and moving from bed to desk and back is tiring. I will likely not be back tonight.

Please everyone enjoy the eve of Thanksgiving. I'll visit in the morning.

Lynne2 said...

Hi Judie! So cool how Darth is taking such good care of you! Have a very Happy Thanksgiving! So glad you are improving each day! ((HUGS!))

BEagle said...

Judie. Sounds like a wonderful hubby watching out for you! The turkey will certainly help you relax. It always puts me to sleep!

My boy is in college. He is trying out curried chicken Thai style.

He is doing an excellent job.

stronghunter said...

Hi Judie,

So good to hear from you!

Yes, I think Darth is a keeper. I would hold onto him. And I'll bet he is making a delicious Thanksgiving dinner.

The funniest thing has happened to Hunter. He went upstairs after telling me how mean I was. He cannot access the violent games on that computer--as I said before--and started playing the business game.

He came back downstairs and has continued playing the business game. I was watching him when the budget for the business popped up. I pointed out that he skipped over the budget, and he said,"That's not important." Yeah. I explained that the budget is very important in a business, so he wants Kathryn and me to help him understand the budget.

So much better than shooting people and blowing up things.

Lolly said...

Yea, Judie! So good to hear from you. And what a wonderful husband you have! Jack would do the same for me. One Christmas my back was out and I got so much help. And, after the meal, I sat down and did not one thing to clean up.

Lynne2 said...

Beagle, can't wait for a report on your son's chicken recipe!

Shirley, Hunter is a fine young man for sure!

Lynne2 said...

Steve's run tonight wasn't too bad. Hopefully, if the traffic on 95 isn't TOO horrible, he should be home much earlier than he was last night. Looks like the rain is holding off too!

Lolly said...

Just read back on the blog. Lynne, so happy for the temp employment. Saying a prayer that they realize what a gem they have in you and hire you permanently.

wvgal_dana said...

Judie I'm happy you came in and that therapy went very well.

Frank is a definate KEEPER!!
He is what a husband should be and even making sure with your input that you two have a WONDERFUL THANKSGIVING DINNER.

Judie you look BEAUTIFUL ( :

stronghunter said...

I agree. Hunter is a fine young man.

magpie said...

Good Evening Eagle Pals...

Good news Lynne, hang in there and enjoy the time at Irvine

Lolly, I cracked up reading about the boys inspecting the turkey end to end...
I still am fascinated with it myself ☺

BEagle said...

Oh, my baby was 20 in August. I had him in my later years.
Will update you on the dish, as soon as the rice gets done.

He already knows the rice should have been started first. He told me so.
: )

Lynne..I think you will find just the job you need and prayers will be going up for you to find it.

My friend just started working at a vet's clinic. She will be training to assist the vet. Not bad for an educated speech therapist.

It should be interesting to hear what the pets sound like when she's finished with them. LOL

magpie said...

all the food talk is great
Love the preparations and plans that Frank and Judie are making ♥

magpie said...

Sometimes when James is not himself or having a rough time,
I say, "Hey - have you seen him? My grandson, he was just here! "

One time recently he pulled the same stunt on me, asked me if I had seen his Grammy

stronghunter said...

Kathryn is making a pecan pie to take tomorrow. I will make my lemon pie in a little while. I also picked up some shrimp to take.

Lynne2 said...

wow Beagle, that's what I used to do! It is hard work, and often very heartbreaking, too.

Lynne2 said...

But very rewarding as well!

magpie said...

Oh Lemon Pie, lemon meringue I take it? My second favorite, after Cherry all time favorite

so glad to see that Jim seems to be okay !

Lolly said...

Like that, Margy. Will try that with the boys when they are out of sorts!

magpie said...

Lynne -
with the slippy slidey weather forecast for parts of the Allegheny Highlands, am glad you are not traveling to Terra Alta !

slipping away for a bit, somehow I got awfully hungry reading the posts

ttfn xoxo

stronghunter said...

Not lemon meringue, though I like that, too. This is made of lemon juice and sweetened condensed milk with chocolate curls on top. It is extremely easy and usually goes over well.

I used to make lemon meringue for my husband because he was partial to that. So am I. I sometimes made one for his birthday because his birthday is Oct. 2. Kathryn's is Sept. 22 and Rus's is Oct. 8. It was easy to get an overload of birthday cake.

stronghunter said...

Yes, I like your approach, too, Margy. I will remember for Hunter.

paula eagleholic said...

On second thought, I agree with Judie. I'll take a bite of every dessert mentioned...even the pumpkin pie!

All the food preparations sound so good! I am taking green bean casserole and sopapilla cheesecake.

Tonight I had chicked salad and some of the MD crab soup I made on Sunday...tastes better after it sits for a couple of days!

Michael will be in very late tonight, he's working until 8. It will give me a chance to get caught up on some psperwork!

paula eagleholic said...

Lynne, glad you got the temp hours at Irvine...hope it turns into more!

Well Bless Darth's Heart ♥ Yup, we knew he was a keeper a long time ago!

Mema Jo said...

Great to hear from you, Judie. Great that Frank gets to show off his cooking skills and it always tastes best when someone else does the cooking. Many things to be thankful for as time goes one.

Lynne - Hope the Stick Bugs don't poke you! lol I am still picking up Stink
bugs also........

Still have few things to accomplish!


Lynne2 said...

when someone starts weirding out on me, I say "Who are you and what have you done with (name)???"

hedgie said...

Oh, Judie, SO glad you made it in our door for a short time. You are sounding chipper!! Sounds like good progress all around. Darth is making great effort, isn't he? Good for him, and for you, too!!! Hope that you can enjoy the meal.....just eat little bits through the afternoon and evening!!! That way you won't be miserable, and you can enjoy it over and over! Rest well tonight, girlfriend!

magpie said...

unfortunately the only things I put in pie pans these days, are leftovers !

Lynne, yup, sounds like the same approach...first time I tried it was a real struggle, and it finally worked...has been lots easier since then

wvgal_dana said...

lol girl goes through airport screening in a bikini lol

Oh what some people will do. I say just do it and get it ove with. I do feel badly for like the man that he told them he had a bag on and they broke it and he pants was wet all over. That would be embrassing.

My gal already went through it cause she just flew to Michigan to a friends. So I'm sure they checked her completely with belly button piercing.

I still don't have the spell check button I had before. This one says "paste text right here" lol it won't let you paste text.

magpie said...

oh just feeling silly now

a little game James recently invented is to put "FL" in front of words, for example:

Flello Fleagle Flans...
flets flo flee fluite a flongue flister flometimes flut fle flare fletting fletty flood flat flis flew flanguage

(gets to be quite a tonque twister sometimes but we are getting pretty good at this new language ☺

ok food in the pie pan is warm now, will be back later

Happy Thanksgiving Eve wishes to you, I treasure your friendship ♥

wvgal_dana said...

ha ha I found the right one by left clicking on google and clicking default up came the right spell checker.....I am HAPPY!!

BEagle said...

Flelloooo! FlI'm flack.

That is way too funny. :D I just might try that at work next week but in no hurry for that.

Lemon pie? Easy? You may have to share that recipe Strong.

I have been known to say "Who are you and what are YOU doing here?"

The Thai curry dish was out of this world. We will try it again with turkey leftovers. He did good!! Really good.

stronghunter said...

I have decided that I do not like chocolate wine.

They were giving out free samples at Wegmans today, and I gave it a try. It tasted just like I thought it might. Yuck. I did not even finish the little sample they gave me.

stronghunter said...

Chocolate is good. Wine is good. Chocolate wine is not good.

I think I saw someone with a couple of bottles, though. To each his own.

Lynne2 said...

chocolate wine? eewwwww....

BEagle said...

Blecccchhh. Chocolate wine.

stronghunter said...

Googled chocolate wine. There are all kinds of links. One says it can be a match made in heaven.

stronghunter said...

Kathryn is going strong. She has baked the pecan pie, cookies, and just put in the crust for my pie.

stronghunter said...

Smells good here.

Mema Jo said...

My house smells like Onions! Turkey dressing ingredient!

Costume Lady said...

Happy Thanksgiving Eve to you all!
Don't know about you, but I am dead tired! Turkey is done and carved and separated into white and dark meat, soaking in broth so it will be moist tomorrow. Dressing is made...I'm sure I made 20lbs (Karla is making dinner to take to the firemen at the firehouse who are unfortunate enough to have to work tomorrow...Jillian, being one of them:( ) so, I will contribute turkey meat and dressing.
2 pumpkin pies baked, mac and cheese, done. Cranberry sauce is jelling. Have to make the Sweet Potato dish that Loretta gave us the recipe to and a key lime pie, then I will be done. Oh, I have made gravy and Denise is bringing the mashed potatoes.
I am sitting under the hair dryer, right now and nearly going to sleep...almost made the air bag go off:)

Took GG to the Dermatologist today and Nurse Practitioner said the flaky spot on her cheek is a pre-cancerous something. She froze it off and wants her to come back in three months. We were only about 5 minutes in the exam room and GG said "is that all there is to it? It took much longer to fill out that stupid paper work!" LOL

I posted the latest Trail Cam photos this morning on facebook...also on WILD AND WONDERFUL. I am enjoying this thing so much!
Lynn, Gene said that the cam came with a usb cable and all you have to do it plug that into you Lap Top.

Costume Lady said...

Shirley, Denise and Karla have come to love chocolate wine. When they go to The Outer Banks, they always bring some back...somehow, when they come to visit, they never bring the wine along so that I may taste it...wonder what's up with that!:)

stronghunter said...

You have foxes again, Wanda! Or at least one fox that keeps showing up.

stronghunter said...

Going to put the filling in my pie. BBL.

BEagle said...

Well. I will try choco wine if ever offered then.

Now what is a sopapilla cheesecake?

paula eagleholic said...

BEagle you need to join our momsters group! I just sent it out via email! Delicious.

just ask for an invite...

wvgal_dana said...

Heading to watch tv

If not back


hedgie said...

Pie is in the oven.....and light just burned out! ARGH!

stronghunter said...

Lemon Cream Pie

One can of sweetened condensed milk
1/3 cup of lemon juice
1 pie crust--whatever kind you like
I sometimes use a graham cracker crust, sometimes a regular one
A chocolate bar

Mix the lemon juice and the sweetened condensed milk. The milk-juice mixture will thicken.

Pour into prepared crust.

Use a vegetable peeler and make chocolate curls and sprinkle them on top of the pie. Chill for about 3 hours. Good with whipped cream topping.

glo said...

Stopping in to wish all of you a very Happy Thanksgiving. May God Bless you all. Prayers for the breaks bruises and illnesses. Hugs Glo

stronghunter said...

Wanda, I am sure someone likes chocolate wine. I was willing to try.

stronghunter said...

Almost everybody likes the lemon cream pie, though one time I was sitting at a table of fellow teachers and one man was complaining about how rich it was. He did not know it was mine. It is very rich. You only need a small slice.

stronghunter said...

We will be splitting soon.

hedgie said...

I don't like wine at all, but choco sounds exceptionally yucky!

Wanda, you could feed an army with all the food!
Thanks for tip about the cam w/ cable. Guess I was looking at the wrong one!

BEagle, so nice that your college boy fixed a yummy sounding dinner!

Shirley, you'll need a truck to carry all the food with you. Key Lime pie---my fav!! Mmmmm-good.

hedgie said...

Margy, James' new language puts me in mind of pig latin. Will never forget how my folks laughed the first time I figured out what they were saying!!!!

stronghunter said...

Kathryn has gone upstairs to bed. It is Hunter and me and a kiddie show on television. I am about to join Kathryn.

stronghunter said...

Lynn, it was lemon cream pie, but you can use lime juice with the same recipe.

I like key lime pie, too. We just finished one off, in fact.

stronghunter said...

I thought of pig Latin, too. I don't think any of my students know it. I have spoken it in class and they don't understand. What a shame.

magpie said...

flunny, FlEagle...

Wanda, so much preparation...liked the funny about setting the hair dryer air bag off

It's late, I'ze tarred...
time to find the pillows and blankies....

Good Night, and
God Bless Us, Every One
xoxo ♥

stronghunter said...

Good night, Margy.

stronghunter said...

Happy Thanksgiving a bit early.

stronghunter said...

I see that it is supposed to be icy tomorrow morning in Luray. I hope it melts quickly. We won't be arriving that early.

NatureNut said...

Evening before Turkey Day Greetings!

Yum, yum! Just copied your pie recipe, Shirley. I love chocolate & lemon!!!

Gotta make the Yam Yums yet, to take tomorrow.One of our best friend couples is going down to their daughter's in NC & she is making them, too!

Read a few earlier comments & Margy, I was not doing laundry last night, I was sleeping in the lounge chair!
Glad to see Darth's report and Judie today!!! Both of you keep up the good work!
Read Tumblin' Jim's report!!! Stop that! Glad you weren't badly injured.

Saw a few creatures today at Chelsea farmhouse office. First Harry the heron flew in, and of course the pesky kingfisher who won't pose flew back and forth. Got a lousy pic of him. They only pose for Bob. Left early, so drove back toward big barn and a red-tailed hawk flew across the cornfield. Got a tiny pic of him when he landed in a tree. Then, saw 7 deer in the field on the way out.Was going to post, but they're not great.
I haven't decided whether to cook some more or do it in the AM. We don't have to leave til after 3PM.

hedgie said...

Oops, was Wanda who made the Key Lime! Sorry!

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 Apparently it's not easy repair for the control panel of the tree nest camera. So that said there will be a little bit longer probably ...