Friday, November 26, 2010


Black Friday thread. evening edition.


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stronghunter said...

Hi Steve,


Hope you had a good Thanksgiving. I will get the others.

stronghunter said...

I am having trouble with getting the caption next to the picture. I hope you can figure it out, but I did post a few more pictures.

I think I can get pictures and more information from Tom's brother. He did most of the planning.

BEagle said...

I trust you had a very nice Thanksgiving Steve. Thanks for the fresh thread.

Thank you, strong, for the announcement.

Moose on the cam.

BEagle said...

My, my, what a fun house!
The captions are easy to figure out.
Pretty kitty too.

wvgal_dana said...

Steve thank you for the new thread. I hope you and your family had a very nice Thanksgiving.

Today as been a cold day. Burrr

Andy great you got to see an eagle.

Lynne2 are you still going back to check up on the hawk Saturday?

Shirley sounds like you had a busy time.

Judie it really makes it nice. When Frank (Darth) takes on making the dinner for Thanksgiving with some hints from you. So HAPPY (:
you was able to eat.

Loretta see you have some doing some Black Friday shopping and Paula too.

Paula sorry your back at work but I know you just loved showing off Gianni ( :

Diann glad you had help in the kitchen.

Wanda sounds like you had plenty of people to eat all the fixings.

Lynn-Hedgie hope if they trap him they aren't "STUPID ENOUGH TO PUT HIM DOWN". When it doesn't take that much to relocate.

Margy Hay there Bear...he really had his run of Martinsburg. Don't think he likes Black Friday shopping either. Hope he gets away!!

BEagle I don't do Black Friday shopping either.

Yes Mom and me had a very nice Thanksgiving Day. So glad
the weather held out for everyone.

hedgie said...

Thanks for calling us over, Jim!

Oh, good, Shirley---I have trouble with captions sometimes, too. Cool pics-----neat house!

wvgal_dana said...

Getting ready to heat up left overs.

Jim I'm sure they sent you home with some leftovers.

Lolly those boys will enjoy those pieces of pie you sent them home with.

stronghunter said...


My prescription insurance company sent me a letter saying that they could not deduct my premium payments from my Social Security for some mysterious reason and wanted me to approve automatic deductions from my bank account, so I filled out the paperwork and sent it in.

Now, I have received a past due bill for the payments. Geesh!!

I need to make some phone calls.

stronghunter said...

I like all of the windows and the open areas. They also have lots of storage areas.

stronghunter said...

The previous message is referring to the house, not the danged insurance company.

wvgal_dana said...

Heating me up some leftover yummy


Mema Jo said...

Good Evening.... Wish our cam would be working - I just know that Lib & Belle
were looking for all of us!

I just finished off some leftovers from yesterday. Very good but liked it better with lots of family around.

Hubby says we are now going down to look at some camera - daughter said she will get us it for Christmas present.

Will come back as soon as I return.

stronghunter said...

Insurance company found the paperwork, but says it takes 3 months to process, so I need to pay the premiums. Okay. Just don't want to double pay. Or, triple pay.

stronghunter said...

A new camera, Jo? Sounds exciting.

stronghunter said...

It would be nice if the insurance company could have explained the three-month delay in their letter rather than saying that I'm past due and please pay today.

stronghunter said...

Lynn, Tom's parents live in Luray, just across the Shenandoah River from town. They are next door to his mother's sister. They lived near the Fredericksburg area until they retired.

They always amaze me with their self-sufficiency. If they want a new house, they build it. Literally. (With a little help from their sons.)They got the kitchen appliances from someone who wanted to upgrade to stainless steel and sold very nice appliances--stove, refrigerator, dishwasher, microwave in excellent condition to them for $500 as I recall. The refrigerator has the ice dispenser on the door.

stronghunter said...

Time to eat. I decided to stay home and let Kathryn and Hunter go shopping without me.

hedgie said...

Very irritating, I'm sure, Shirley!
They can't hurry anything, but we better!!!

wvgal_dana said...

Sorry Shirely I would want more as to why did they not notify you that it wasn't being taken out of SS. I would be going off as to "past due" when this is the 1st letter I have gotten. They need to be responsible for their end of the mistake.

This is something I have found that in today's world. No one wants to be responsible for their MISTAKE!!! and that grrrrrrr's me!!

Lolly said...

You can get an eagle fix at the Sutton, OK cam.

wvgal_dana said...

Oh boy I have been sending out emails about cameras to Momsters. I am thinking of getting a camera before daughter gets in.

I am hoping that you can download on a laptop.

With Jo and Ed going out looking and the response I get from Momster/Dadster. Maybe it will help on knowing what to look for.

I know I liked that camera Gene had at the Dam when we went there. So I have email Wanda about it.

magpie said...

OK Lolly will check out Sutton for that eagle fix
if I can get back to that website again

Bear is still free...
thank goodness....hope it has found a great bear cave somewhere to winter things out in peace

Nothing like showing off a grandchild, Paula, all sounds really nice

BEagle, love that avatar!

Good Red Friday Evening Eagle Pals

man oh man did the temperatures dip today

Lolly said...

Eagles have poofed from OK. I think they are at the nest a lot. Hopeful they return to this nest.

magpie said...

ok I waited to long to visit OK

was tweaking my message will remember to check though, Lolly

thanks !

Lolly said...

Margy, the bear was not spotted today? Hope it has returned to the woods!

magpie said...

if I don't get up and move I will be falling asleep at the computer...


Best wishes for a great evening


magpie said...

right reported sightings...I went outside a good bit to have a peek...since it was last seen about 100 yards from my office !!

I think I was planning to talk to it if I had seen it ☺
probably not such a good idea !

Lolly said...

Yes, I have thought I might talk to a bear if I came across one, but wonder, what would I really do? LOL

stronghunter said...

I think I would be afraid to say much to say to a bear. I would be in kind of a hurry to depart the area.

stronghunter said...

I know I would not knowingly go reaching into a bear's den.

Lolly said...

Yes, standing and talking to a bear is MUCH different from crawling into or reaching into a den, LOL

stronghunter said...

Well, I could have a nice conversation with a bear at the zoo.

stronghunter said...

I can see Margy talking to a bear. Not because I think she isn't careful, but just because she's Margy.

Lolly said...

LOL I agree, Shirley!

hedgie said...

ROFL----as tiny as Margy is, I would be afraid that the bear would blow her over if he roared!

stronghunter said...

Kathryn and Hunter have returned with new sneakers for Hunter and a new cat litter box for Lucky. It's a Tidy Cat Breeze litter box. Kathryn is tired of dealing with a litter box in her room. This is supposed to be neater.

Speaking of litter boxes . . . Did I tell you about my neighbor who actually bought a fancy litter box for his wife for her birthday? He was really confused when she did not like it. He was all excited about it.

stronghunter said...

He is a nice man, but I think he was a bit confused about what you should buy your wife for her birthday.

It was an expensive litter box.

wvgal_dana said...

Shirley did she even own a cat? lol

Margy would be telling that bear stories and feeding it. You know she just has to take care of everything people and animals. I can see her now calling the "guys-officer" in the office to come out here I want to show you something without telling them what LOL LOL

stronghunter said...

She had two cats, Dana.

Lolly said...

Jack got a litter box for his birthday one time. It was a gift from Michael and Ashley. It was one of those automatic litter boxes that scoops the litter and moves it under cover. Annie was terrified of it! LOL She did use it some, but not it was not all that fantastic. And, they are expensive. We also had one time one of those covered boxes. Annie really did not like it!!!

stronghunter said...

The scooping one was the kind he got his wife. I am not really sure why she did not like it, but I thought it was a funny birthday present for him to give his wife. She is very particular about certain things. No one wears shoes in her house, for example.

We were talking about dishwashers earlier. (I love mine.) She did not have a dishwasher. I am not sure why, but I guess she did not think a dishwasher would get her dishes clean enough.

I suppose he thought it would satisfy her need to have everything really clean, but it did not.

Lolly said...

Margy, I want to thank you for the Thanksgiving wishes on the cute note card. Wouldn't it be fun to watch if Lily had twins this winter! Love and (((hugs)) to you!

stronghunter said...

I had one for awhile, too. It did not last very long because the thing that combed the litter broke.

George was afraid of it for awhile, but timid little Soleil wasn't bothered at all.

stronghunter said...

They had not been married very long at the time, I might add.

stronghunter said...

Lynn, Kathryn and Hunter are working on the bird puzzle. It looks very challenging.

stronghunter said...

Lots of plain white pieces.

stronghunter said...

Would like to hear from Judie this evening.

Lynne2 said...

Good evening all! Hope everyone has recovered from the Turkey Coma!

Andy, congrats on seeing your first wild eagle!

Interesting video Spirit Bears of Canada

hedgie said...

Most interesting, Lynne. Lovely bear----sad what may happen.

Shirley, you all should time how long it takes to put that thing together!!!!! Bet it measures into days!!

Lynne2 said...

Dana, to answer your question, I am still on the fence as to whether or not to interfere with nature's course for the hawk. I got some raptor gloves, just in case. I've been arguing with myself all day. Because he was alert, clearly eating, no OBVIOUS wounds, wings and feet working and mobile to some degree at least, trying to catch him could literally stress him to death. First we'd have to actually catch him FAST. Then it's a 20 minute walk back to the car from where he was (and may very well no longer be anyway) and then almost an hour to the rehab. If there had been obvious issue, we'd have tried to get him right away. My gut is telling me to leave well enough alone. But if we do go back to check, and we happen to find him in obvious distress, then we'll have to decide what to do based on current circumstance.

Lynne2 said...

Aren't they beautiful Lynn! I had never heard of them before!

Lolly said...

Lynne, interesting video, beautiful bear. As for turkey coma, I think I am still in it. Here it is a little after 8 and I have showered and now ready for bed. Was surprised when I looked in the mirror and realized I never fixed my hair nor my face today. Yep, definitely...turkey coma. Those grandsons are turkeys! LOL

Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Everyone!

We have had a VERY busy day here today! We went driving around and looking at all the sights, and guess what--WE BOUGHT A PUPPY!!!!!!!!

Went by a street corner near Andrea's house, and this family was selling a litter of puppies. Hubby did NOT want to stop and look, so we went and did some shopping. Then, on the way home, BOTH of us Andreas were on his case to "JUST STOP AND LOOK."LOL :o]

Well, we did, and as soon as the guy handed this little bundle to him, he was a goner. She started COVERING him with puppy kisses! Before long, I got her away from him, and she gave me a ton of kisses, too! Well, that did it. We are now the proud owners of a 10-week-old English Springer Spaniel named Emma! I feel as if I've died and gone to Heaven! She is liver and white, with little liver-colored freckles on her nose. She is SOOOOOO sweet! I WISH I could show you a picture, but turns out I forgot to bring the cord to download pictures from my camera to the computer. I promise that on Monday night after my English class, I will put a picture here for you to see!

We got a crate big enough for an adult Springer to take her home in, so she'll be safe in the car. She has a little pink and brown doggie coat to wear, too. It's only 35 degrees here right now. Got a bit warmer today. It's supposed to be really windy tomorrow, though. Don't want her to catch a cold! We have papers from the vet telling what shots she's had, so she's in good shape in that department. Will take her to our vet when we get home.

Lolly said...

Andy, know your excitement about seeing the bald eagle. The first time I saw a bald eagle in the wild was also from a traveling car. We were coming home from Georgia, going along the interstate and this large bird was flying along with us. I, too, did a double take! I was thrilled. Second time I saw them was in Alaska where they are thicker than fleas!

Lolly said...

OMG Another baby for us to watch grow up. How much fun!

BEagle said...

You are too funny with your litter box stories.

The Spirit Bear was beautiful.

Lynne2..will the rehab center help capture the hawk?

Lolly said...

Andy, you are going to have to learn how to post pictures to a blog so that we can really see pictures of your new baby.

Lynne2 said...

WOW Andy! A new puppy! Congrats! Hubby must really be in the Holiday spirit! Who can resist puppy kisses!

BEagle, the rehabber has herself, another gal and a couple of volunteers that help her out. They usually have full house of animals to take care of and are not always able to come for capture.

BEagle said...

Oh, I see. If the rehabers are overwhelmed they may not do a very good job of it.

You will figure it out.

Lynne2 said...

Rehabbers around here are few and far between, and usually overwhelmed. This one operates with her own money and donations. And happily takes in everything she can. I really don't know when she has time to breathe! So there is really no help or time for rescue, too. My friend Tracey is interning with her now. It takes about 2 years and so many hours of working under a licensed rehabber to become one. That's what Tracey is hoping to do. Tracey would be more than happy to help, but she's got to work tomorrow and Sunday.

BEagle said...

Good golly will have to put those TLC gloves on and do it!

A man taught me how to pick up a chicken so it wouldn't fight and squawk.

There was also a video from one of the Hornby Island nests. They picked up a juvie and showed how they did it all on video. Would that help?

Oh, can't wait to see pics of the Springer!

hedgie said...

OMG, Andy......yoou beat me to the punch!!! So habby for you and jubby (to quote some well-known momsters!). I know how badly you've wanted a new exciting!! Can't wait to see pics!!! Springers are lovely----we had one when I was just a little girl. She was the dog who hid behind the furnace in the basement whenever it stormed!!
I am at the moment re-reading my dog books! Refreshing my memory on the various aspects of puppy care and training!!

hedgie said...

Lynne, maybe it's better if you DON'T go out looking........tho' I highly suspect that the hawk was fine---just hungry and possessive of his find. You may well be wasting your time! :)

Ms Bookworm said...

Guess what--I just checked, and little Emma is firmly planted in Hubby's lap in front of the TV. We are watching "Criminal Minds." I think I am going to join them and Andrea and visit after the show. I just have to laugh at Mr. "I NEVER want to get another dog" Hubby! Yeah, right!

Well, since it's getting kinda late back east, I think I'll put on the porch light. Judie will likely be here to turn on the night light. (Won't she be surprised!) Not half as surprised as I am! Emma is our early Christmas present to each other. OK, prayers have been said for everyone. the eye-scanner security and Dana's thumbprint-scanner security are enabled. Sleep tight, everyone! Catch a few extra ZZZZs for me--I may be up and out a few times tonight so Emma can go potty! She's already doing very well in that department, by the way. God bless, and goodnight!
Love all of you! :o]

NatureNut said...

Evening everyone. Had WONDERFUL leftovers, but hardly any left since most cooking wasn't done here. I'm tempted to buy a turkey breast or something small & have a mini-Thanksgiving!
Dana, I do not do Black Friday-didn't even go near a store. I did get something last year, sort of by accident--my gold eagle pendant was 70% off!
Finally looked at Bob's pictures and sent the link to a few people. Been working on pictures, got to print some for Xmas cards, etc.
Gotta find Wanda's.

NatureNut said...

Andy, How exciting!!!! Just read back and saw you bought a puppy!!! I can't wait for Lynn to get hers, then we can watch puppy pics and baby Panda before eaglets arrive!!

PA Nana said...

Good evening dear eagle friends.

What stories you all have to tell. I'm still laughing at the litter box present. That's something my Jim might do since he cleans the litter box each day/night.

Oh Andy, I know your excitement at seeing an eagle in the "wild." I saw my first sitting in the Eagle Express" at the June nest visit. What a sight to behold!

Lynne, I hope you don't have to intervene in nature and the hawk is quite capable of taking care of itself. I wouldn't want to make that decision but know you will make the right one.

Can't wait to see the new puppies coming to the blog. A Sharpei and a Springer? They are cuties as are all puppies-wrinkles & spots. I'm really a cat person, but love to see puppies too. We've had a few at this nest but since the "kids" left and I'm not able to walk them, we've settle for cats. I especially loved my Samoyed, Sasha. A white tornado!

Jo, I understand your excitement with the homecoming of the family from Germany. May thetime go swiftly.

Time for the meds. Goodnight everyone and God bless.

Lynne2 said...

BEagle, I know how to grab a raptor from working with them at Irvine, although I tend to be a little tentative.

Lynn and Andy, I can be your source of information with the puppies! Just let me know if you need any help or advice! I was sort of the "go to" person at my last job for people with new pups, and we had lots of them!

Ms Bookworm said...

Lolly, you're right! anyone who knows how to post pictures and wants to teach me, get ready! I'll take notes, I promise, and then can share LOTS of stuff! :o]

stronghunter said...

Okay, Lynn. I think you are right. It will take awhile. I have posted what we have done.

hedgie said...

G'night Andy and Diann.

Shirley.....I would NEVER have the patience with that one!!!!

stronghunter said...

Hunter lasted for awhile, but he's watching television upstairs. Kathryn got the puzzle out to entice him away from computer games.

He did not take his ADHD medication today and it has become evident. Kathryn does not always give it to him when he is going to be at home all day. He eats much better when he's not medicated, but he does get wound up.

stronghunter said...

Of course, it is well past his bedtime now.

hedgie said...

Well, gang, I'm calling it a day. Guess Jo is busy playing with her new camera! Goodnight. Sleep tight. Hope that not hearing from Judie means that she is getting lots of good sleep. Prayers for all.

NatureNut said...

Gonna watch some TV~~~
Pleasant Feather Dreams and Prayers for All ;>)

PA Nana said...

I'm back briefly. Shirley, I'll join your class to learn how to put pictures on the blog. Wasn't that what you meant? I don't know how to do it yet myself.

Costume Lady said...

Trying to catch up on what I may have missed today... getting ready to do face plants on the keyboars;)
So i'll say my good nights...


BEagle said...

Good night. Praying for you. ♥♥♥

stronghunter said...

Not sure I am the best person to explain how to post pictures. I do better some times than others.

Lolly said...

Andy, there are many on here that will be happy to tell you what to do to create a blog. I just blundered around teaching myself how to do it. Still do not know a lot, I am sure.

I am well up past my time to hit the hay. I have a headache and not feeling the best. Tomorrow is a new day and I am sure I will be better with more energy. I think I have been sitting too much today.

Nite all! Sweet puppy dreams! :)

stronghunter said...

Start out by clicking on your own name "Ms Bookworm" or "Pa Nana."

Then you click on "Edit your profile."

Then, you click on "Dashboard" and follow the directions given there. I will have to go back and look to see what it says there. I more or less messed around until I figured it out. It was more or less hit or miss.

PA Nana said...

One more before I sign off. When can I expect stink bugs to die off or leave?

Every day we're finding one or more. When Max was here saw one on my shoulder and asked why I had a spider there? Almost jumped out of my skin, but it was a #$%^ stink bug - Again! Hate spiders!
My cats aren't interested in chasing them, so we have to wait until they're close enough to catch. If I'm upstairs I toss it down the toilet. If downstairs, out he goes. Those are probably the ones comming back in. Ugh~!

Well, goodnight and prayers for all wants/needs.

stronghunter said...

You will find "Create a blog" when you click on Dashboard (at the top of your screen). Click on that and follow the directions.

I have figured this out just by clicking around. I see it offers help, but I would try it on my own first. The help button brings up some complicated looking things.

stronghunter said...

Lolly, at least you have several blogs on your account. I just put everything in one place.

Mema Jo said...

Welcome Emma! Can't wait to see your picture.
Stink Bugs - Yep! They're coming back into the house or down from the fans or up through the floor boards ....
I had to get out another small container with water and detergent for their killing ground!

I watched a good movie called "Michael Clayton" this evening on TV with George Clooney. Was a very good movie!

Going to bed... sorry I missed joining in this evening's comments.

Prayers for all of us! I did go back to the Dr and get an antibiotic which I really think I should have gotten last Friday.
Peaceful Sleep and Pleasant dreams.
Hugs for all of you ((hugs)) ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

stronghunter said...

Good night, everyone. If there is anyone out there!

See you tomorrow. God bless.

stronghunter said...

Passing through.

hedgie said...

Good morning. Wow, were up early! Hope you got back to sleep okay.
Have been seeing snow flurries here this morning----argh! I hate snow!

LOL, Diann.....I have seen more stinkbugs this past week than I had for three weeks or so before. Don't know what is up.....guess because the weather wasn't staying cold! That has now changed, I think.

hedgie said...

Everyone must be sleeping really late, or super busy! Hope those not feeling well last night are better today.

stronghunter said...

Good morning, Lynn.

stronghunter said...

On posting your pictures...I found that the help link was the place to go to find your web address. You need to ask what is my web address or something similar in the search window.

stronghunter said...

The above message is for Andrea and whoever else needs help with posting pictures. It is my best effort to explain what I figured out. I had to walk through the process step by step myself, so that is why it is so broken up.

Our neighbor is taking down their swing set. Their house is on the market, so maybe they are getting ready to move it.

stronghunter said...

Yeah, Lynn. I got back to sleep and slept late.

I posted that short message to satisfy the blogger cop because I wanted to look at my account. I was still trying to figure out how to tell people how to post their pictures.

I know someone else could be more efficient about it.

Lolly said...

Good morning! You are doing good, Shirley, to help Andy.

I feel better this morning. I think our fireplace was giving me a headache last night. I also think I was totally exhausted and suffering "let down". I think if I get off my tush today and get moving I will feel much better.

35 was our low last night, so we still have not had a freeze.

TCU plays their last game today. GO FROGS!

Lolly said...

LOL I slept 10 hours last night. I never do that...well seldom!

Mema Jo said...

Good Saturday Late Morning... Just taking my time getting started today!
Looks as though others are doing the same.
Really miss checking in on our nest - I bet the egg well is looking pretty good.
MooseWatch has new photo and comment from Pook. Lisa has placed a link to some promising eagle pics and there is a large Ewiiiiiee on the osprey platform.

stronghunter said...

Hi, Lolly and Jo. Good morning!

Have to do a couple of things.


wvgal_dana said...

Good Saturday Cold with some snowflakes flying around and very windy blurrrrrr

Hi Shirley, Lynn-Hedgie, Jo, and Lolly.

Hedgie-Lynn I have been up since 7"AM checked the blog no one on. So I decided to go read newspaper online and then clean out mailboxes.

wvgal_dana said...

Jo did you and Ed find a camera you liked? I am looking for one so if you did tell me all about it. Send me a camera email ( :

Lolly said...

I am off to make beds and get moving!


movin said...





[:~D] Jim

movin said...

Does anybody else think the BWE camera has been moved again?

[:~D] Jim

Lynne2 said...


Good afternoon all!

Glad you are feeling better today Lolly!

Just popping in to report that we went to see if the hawk was still around and it was not. We searched all through the general area, on the ground and in the trees, and looked for a body, but we found nothing. I think that it ate well, rested, and went on it's way! At least, that's what I hope! I must say, it was a very windy and chilly morning!

We are about to make the dogs mad and clean ears. But then off to run in the field for a while!

wvgal_dana said...

Lots of elk on the elk cam. I counted 6 the another one came moving around so I thought 7 now I think there are 8. Well like I said, "lots of elk on the elk cam".

wvgal_dana said...

Moose on the moose cam in pretty deep snow.

Oh BIG BUCK on Minnesota deer cam, two other cams show doe.

wvgal_dana said...

Doe eating out of birdfeeder on other Minnesota cam.

wvgal_dana said...

Birds living round and landing
on ground near creek on Indiana Feeder Cam.
Seen a squirrel and some titmice and a bird I don't know what it is.

hedgie said...

Lynne, glad you found no sign of the hawk.

Jim, don't think BWE cam has changed.....but the nest continues to grow!!!!

hedgie said...

I am heading down to build my first fire of the season as soon as I finish eating.

wvgal_dana said...

There is a falcon sitting on the Raschel Carson Building.

wvgal_dana said...

Lynne2 happy the hawk rested and made it on its own.

Costume Lady said...

DANA...Check your email.

Costume Lady said...

Lolly, seems there were a lot of us who were slightly exhausted from preparing house and food for Thanksgiving. Jillian (granddaughter) said there were a lot of 911 calls for simple exhaustion and Turkey Overload:) 911 calls come into the Firestation where she works.

I, myself, am elated that this holiday is over. Cooked turkeys, etc. for the Church Dinner and served turkey for Soup Kitchen dinner, cooked a turkey while Gene was at Hunt Camp to have the broth for gravy and dressing and then cooked another for our Thanksgiving Dinner. No more turkeys here until Christmas!

wvgal_dana said...

Thanks Wanda and Gene for camera information. Plus all others who have sent or told me on here about your cameras. Thank you ALL. (:

Costume Lady said...

Oh, I didn't mean to sound like a grouch...I enjoyed every one of those dinners!

Costume Lady said...

You are so welcome, Dana. Happy Shopping:) Take your time and enjoy the experience of buy a brand new camera and enjoy using it for MANY YEARS!

hedgie said...

Sun is out...flurries come and go...and smoke is coming out of the chimney! Success....without one bit of backdraft despite the wind!!

hedgie said...

Margy got out an email to me from work......she couldn't do anything last night: not sure if the net or her puter. But she is well, and will try again this evening.

Costume Lady said...

Lynn, I am still having problems with my 'puter, but, I believe it is FRONTIER...Margy also has FRONTIER.

hedgie said...

I know, Carolyn and her neighbors lost phone and net Th. around technician available until Tues. FRONTIER stinks.

NatureNut said...

Good Afternoon, I guess. Slept late too & had to call Park to explain our 'puter glitches & for them to call techies if there's a problem. Think our keyboard got partially fried when we had the closet explosion!The period in the number section doesn't work, so if you want to put in $50.00 and use that key, you will get $5000!!!Enough of that!

I sent a letter to Andrea and Diann about posting pictures w/captures of the little windows you use to post. I hope they don't have a meltdown. What I wrote looks similar to the HELP, but I included some other info---on little problems you don't know about, like pics showing backwards from the way you attach.I really don't remember a lot about designing the Blog page, tho. If they can just name their spot, they can go frrom there. DUH

Mema Jo said...

Is the smoke going straight upward, Lynn? If not - that really means snow!

I hope Megan did well at market today with all her beautiful wreaths. I'm heading over on the 5th to pick up wreaths! Lynn, that would be a good day to show off your new pooch - weather permitting! Can't wait to see little Miss Wrinkles!

I hope Emma is doing well today - how could she not be!

Thanks Lynne for checking on the hawk and glad you discovered he was fine.

NatureNut said...

Dear Wanda,You must definit6ely be turkeyed out!!
I finally saw your trail cams--spectacular! I did a little research on foxes awhile ago, because we see them now & then at Chelsea. They said that the Red Fox will have the white tail tip. They grey fox (whatever it's coat color may be) will not have the white tail tip. So I think one we saw in summer w/dark legs and no white tail must have been the grey even tho he had a lot of rust color.
Some day I might put some fox pics I got on here.(I'm ashamed they are not anything like Bob's) They are not real good--were taken in 2007, the one and only time we saw 2 families w/kits at the Chelsea office hedgerow. I think I put the video on long time ago of the deer running toward them & the scatter!

NatureNut said...

Forgot to mention, I'm so glad your hawk is gone, Lynne. It's probably best to leave them alone unless there is a real problem. He might have seemed more tame because he was a juvie & guarding the food.

NatureNut said...

Dana, you can do a lot of comparing online. I saw one site while looking for my favorite place I sent you, that will compare prices of one camera at 3 or so different companies. Also sales going on.
Happy hunting!

hedgie said...

Jo, where is the market in S'town? You're would be a good day for an outing---weather permitting! I think my carrier is big enough for my little bundle----for now. But will have to invest in a larger one soon. Big difference between a 20# doxie and a 40# Pei!

Smoke was blowing sideways out of chimney! Never heard that before about it going straight up----always does when wind isn't blowing!!

Loretta, glad you and Shirley are giving the gals some hints. Hope they read back and see Shirley's and read your mail and get started!
I bet Miss Emma is enjoying all of the spoiling by Andy AND her hubby.

hedgie said...

Saw this on the news this morning. Finally found a link.
Otter Rampage

wvgal_dana said...

I am just looking online at the moment at cameras.

Loretta maybe you should emial me what you emailed Andrea and Diann. If it has to do with putting pictures on a blog. That way I will have it and save the email for when I get a camera. Which hopefully won't be too far off.

Not going outside today.

Propping knee up those little white things come off and one stuck
at a certain area made knee a little sore. So I'm heading for recliner.

hedgie said...

What little white things, Dana? steri-strips?? Just put a little neosporin on irritated area. I have a tape/adhesive allergy, so always end up blistered if I have anything stuck on for more than 15 mins.

Costume Lady said...

DANA, what little white things on your knee came off.

Loretta, I do recall you putting on some foxy pictures. The Red Fox is my favorite. I think we have both red and grey, here.

hedgie said...

Just got high ceiling fan cleaned with feather duster---now have to vacuum underneath where most of the junk fell! Thankfully I can reach it from the balcony and NOT have to borrow a TALL stepladder. Carolyn is coming tomorrow to help steady extension ladder so I can climb up and clean picture window....somehow or another I managed to mess up the verticals while trying to dust them and can't get them straightened out, even tho' she and I both tried a month or so ago from 6 ft. stepladder. Just gotta go all the way up to peak to get it done right, so might as well clean window too. It's been two or three years since Bill did it last.

hedgie said...

Found 4 dead SB's behind verticals at sliding glass door in loft! Going up to clean that glass shortly.

Mema Jo said...

I see the red cardinal on my deck and it does mean Snow to me. I haven't had any flurries yet to day.

Hubby and I are leaving soon for Mass.
Prayers for all will be said!

NatureNut said...

Holy Moley, TCU Horned Frogs are whippin' the other team. I think I heard Lolly shouting!!

Don't do what Frank did!Did I put that pic on here??

Dana, will send.Hope your knee is OK!!!
I'm so excited about these puppies. We got our Sammy years ago in the middle of Dec. The night the owner drove him over, we had snow flurries, so named him Frosty!!
I hope there's no snow,yet, but we've had a bitter cold wind & some dark clouds today. Fixing din din~~~

Costume Lady said...

Don't think you showed us that photo, Loretta...but, yes, Lynn...keep off ladders unless someone is around. Better still, let them climb!

wvgal_dana said...

Yes Hedgie-Lynn that is what they are called. Understand where that one came off. It feels like a stitch it sticking straight up and tender now.
I am allergic to neosporin but can use bacitracin. So put a little of that on it.

wvgal_dana said...

Not understand but underneath

NatureNut said...

Put Frank's ladder pic on blog!!

hedgie said...

Glad you showed us that pic, Loretta. My imagination pictured it even worse than that!
Oh, no, I'd never let Carolyn climb the ladder----she's too big and heavy (don't tell I said that!).

hedgie said...

I am NOT afraid of heights! As long as ladder is stable and someone is below to steady the wobbling of the extension ladder and hand me stuff, I'm fine!

Costume Lady said...

Loretta, did you watch him as he climbed that ladder?

hedgie said...

For those not on FB----Glo got her Dex blanket today!!

Lolly said...

Loweeda! I can not believe your fubby climbed that ladder. I would have been screaming at my jubby!

Lolly said...

Glo got that blanket fast. I am so happy for her! It is really a neat blanket.

hedgie said...

"I am Woman, hear me roar!" Just heard on the scanner that a battered and abused woman called for the police, saying that she has her husband locked in the basement!

hedgie said...

Blackwater made a video from Bob's pics of an eagle coming in for a landing at the BW cam/box!

hedgie said...

Make that the BWO box!

magpie said...

Holy Smokes, Lynn...I will be worried about you on that ladder!
But by now I am sure you know your own strengths...
Glad you will have a helper ♥

Good Evening Eagle Pals... computer finally finished its "17 updates" while I was at work...
what a nuisance !

is that Dustin in a Turkey Coma ☺ ? on your updated avatar ?

magpie said...

will be interested to know how the basement caper turns out! Judie will find that of interest too I think

No updates on bear's whereabouts, baited trap still empty ☺
There are lots and lots of pretty cool places he/she could make home around the office, including nooks and crannies and probably caves in and around the quarry

magpie said...

speaking of jigsaw puzzles:

My former husband, is color-blind...was the best puzzle-doer around! He could probably have turned them right side down and done them just as was all shapes for him ☺

James's grandpa....they are both left-handed ☺

magpie said...

much as I'd like to, I am not going to be opening up any new links tonight....
don't want to stress this old computer out

but I did just print out the ISS flyover times for the next few mornings...don't want to miss anything if the skies clear

Costume Lady said...

Lynn, that eagle landing was AWESOME! Bob is awesome, too.
Missed him this year at O.H.

Yes, MARGY, that is Dustin, but not with a Turkey Coma...I like to call it an Eaglet Momster's Coma. He couldn't keep up with us and conked out on the way home from Conowingo, remember? I loved that trip!

Lolly said...

Rif Ram Bah Zoo
Give 'em hell TCU!
66 to 17!!!
Mt. West Champions 12-0 the season!

BCS #3

magpie said...

ok time to get some things done around here...
too much clutter, not enough living space

Best wishes for a good evening

I think, I will be back later

magpie said...

I sure do remember and always will Wanda ☺

And a Sis-Boom-Bah for your team Lolly ☺

Lolly said...

LOL Thanks, Margy! Two seasons...undefeated!

Lolly said...

Now for the Georgia Tech game.

Hoping for the Rose Bowl for TCU!

hedgie said...

Here's a new take on poop shoots!
Panda Poop

hedgie said...

I am SO proud of my Christie. She and Shannon went to dinner at Hard Rock Cafe (I assume in Frederick) tonight; she had a $100 gift card that she had won from our local radio station. Their meal was no where close to using that she paid the tab for diners at two other tables!
Guess I must have done something right!

paula eagleholic said...

Hi all!

Chatty group today!

Gotta get caught up!

hedgie said...

I love sticking my head out the door and smelling the smoke from the stove! That and few bugs are the only good things about cold weather!

Someone mentioned seeing Michael Clayton yesterday---I watched that earlier this year and really liked it, too.

Margy, sure wish you could view some of the linked itmes... :(

hedgie said...

Found out that whatever my email problem is on this laptop is NOT AOL...but the puter. NO problems at all on what??

hedgie said...

Margy...just IN CASE anything happens while I'm on the ladder, at least Carolyn will know what to do if she calls 911. LOL!

Hi, Paula!

hedgie said...

Just received and posted two new pics taken today of my girlie!!! Take a look. She is with one of her brothers in the first one!

stronghunter said...


Still working on the puzzle.

Got my hair permed today. I feel much better.

stronghunter said...

Also got my angel tree gift bought. They always have an angel tree at school. I bought for a 10-year-old boy. I do know something about boys that age.

paula eagleholic said...

Margy and the bear, now that would be cool.

Oh Andy, a bald eagle sighting and a PUPPY!!

Lynne, you may want to take along a blanket or towel just in case, for the hawk.

Shirley, that is a really neat house. Glad that ya'll could spend some time there...probably good for Hunter!

It was snowing in Southern PA today!

Lynne, glad the Hawk was gone!

Wanda, I can understand why you are turkeyed out! Personally, I didn't get leftovers! Might have to make one soon!

Aha, should have realized market started for Megan again...have not checked out FB yet.

Havent checked out any links yet.

So, Lowreeda, is your picture of Fubby one of him on the ground or on the ladder?

Wanda love the pic of Dustin!

Lynn, that's so nice of Christie! Don't think she was in Frederick, tho!

paula eagleholic said...

I am happy to report I did not go to work today...took a road trip of sorts, will let you know about it later if anything comes of it!

However, I did get to see a bald eagle fly right about me! And no, I was not at Conowingo!!

Bad news of the day is that our computer server at work crashed...ended up going in to work for several hours... there's nothing I can do, I tried everything I knew, so I emailed a couple of places, finally got someone to look at it tomorrow at 10am.

paula eagleholic said...

Oh Lowreeda, that was a tall ladder! Nice pics from the park!

Oh yea, got to see a heron today, too!

paula eagleholic said...

Lynn, such a sweet face on your puppy! I didn't realize Shar Pei's got to be 40lbs, I thought they were smaller than that.

NatureNut said...

What wonderful, pics Lynn. And how generous of your daughter to treat other diners!
Didn't really want to watch F on the ladder. Asked if he wanted me to hold the bottom & he said, No!I occasionally looked out window to see if he was still there!Thought of calling the children to complain, but didn't. Nothing they could do but worry!I told him I'd pay someone to finish, but he said, Who?? Assured me he won't go up there again!
Congrats, Lolly on your team. MD won, too--surprise, surprise.
Good to "see" you Paula! We should tell all the budding picture posters that if they have trouble they should talk to you! LOL After all, you are the techie whiz on here!

paula eagleholic said...

Loretta, I think everyone does a great job posting their pics!

BEagle said...

Hi Everyone!

Trying to catch up is a little difficult for me but here goes....

I come from a long family of jigsaw puzzle people on my mom's side. I am left handed also.

Cheers for panda poo poo sculptures!! yay-yay-yay!

The otter with the "attitude" was fun to watch. I hope he was just protecting and not rabid. They are a beautiful creature also.

Hedgie..You must be proud as punch by Christie's giving from her $100 gift certificate. Giving like that will always come back around, don't you think?

Lynne2...I am so glad your hawk is really okay. Now you don't have to think any more about it.
Please don't be offended,I didn't realize I was talking with an expert when I mentioned picking up a chicken. :D (hugs)

BEagle said...

Paula, you are an expert at catching up. Sorry to hear of the technical difficulties at work.

GLAD you saw an eagle!!!!

I want a SharPei, I want a SharPei, I want a SharPei.

She is adorable Hedgie.

hedgie said...

LOL, Shirley. I am left-handed. Doesn't help at all with manual dexterity, but it is a sign of a creative mind!! you didn't go to work...but you did! Too bad they messed up your day.
No Hard Rock in Frederick? Hagersbush? Winchester? Leesburg? Don't think they would have traveled any further than that when Shannon has to be at work Mt. Vernon area by 7AM.

Yep, 40# is standard for a Pei.

hedgie said...

Very compact and sturdy dogs!

hedgie said...

BEagle.....don't know if they have any more puppies or not. Just look up SharPei Rescue of Virginia and you can see what is available. They deliver!!! And they're coming to WV Sat.!!!!

BEagle said...

Unfortunately, on the SharPei, it will have to wait till I retire. It would bother me to leave a puppy at home while at work.

paula eagleholic said...

Lynn, Hard Rock Cafe is in Baltimore and DC....maybe it was Hard Times cafe? One of those in Frederick, maybe Hagersbush?

hedgie said...

Right you are, Paula. Hard TIMES....had my places mixed up!!!! Probably Frederick.

paula eagleholic said...

I have been to this website before, but haven't caught the cam on yet....pretty neat project....the link is to a blog post about it and has links to follow to the website.

Eagles 4 kids

hedgie said...

That sounds like a good one to check back in on, Paula!

stronghunter said...

Posted the puzzle progress to date. We will know more about birds when we finish.

I also messed with the camera and improved the picture. It is still hit or miss with the camera. I really need to do some more reading of the manual.

I have done some, but it gets complicated for me. It is the first camera I have ever had with so many functions, and it isn't as complicated as many.

paula eagleholic said...

Shirley, I still have much to learn on mine as well...

Lynne2 said...

evening all.

BEagle, I was not offended at all! I am far from expert with raptors, but I am learning. And I'm glad I didn't have to put my skills to the test! We did take towels Paula, and I had a pair of raptor gloves as well. And a tub in the car for transport!

Sorry you ended up at work, but glad you saw the eagle....AND, I'm very curious to know what your road trip was about!

Lynn, what a VERY cool thing your daughter did! Now THAT is the Christmas spirit!

Will check out pics shortly...but saw the new Wrinkled Wonder on FB!

Found out from neighbor today that an eagle has been hanging around in the field and trees behind us!!! WOO HOO! On a sad note, it was feeding on a headless deer carcass in the field that some A-hole shot and only took the head. I'm fuming mad.

I also happened to run into some young black men trespassing on the property today. I'm OK, but shaken up. NEVER has anything like this happened here before, and they left. I'll tell more later, want to sign off and hit the hay soon.

Prayers for all!

hedgie said...

OK, Lynne, I am sufficiently scared for you NOT go out alone again! And I mean it.

stronghunter said...

I look at the expensive cameras and think that I would like one, but I haven't mastered the one I have yet.

stronghunter said...

Oh, yes, Lynn. Do not go wandering out there alone again. There is no telling what they are up to.

hedgie said...

Lynne, hoping you are going to bed because you are tired, and not because anything serious happened.

So neat that you may have an eagle in your own backyard, so to speak!!!!

stronghunter said...

That's Lynne, I mean. Please stay safe.

hedgie said...

Changed my avatar!

stronghunter said...

Such a cute face, Lynn.

stronghunter said...

Where is Judie?

paula eagleholic said...

Perfect, Lynn!

Lynne, please be careful. Hope you get to see the eagle!

paula eagleholic said...

Gonna go chill and watch some TV...if I don't return, you know I zonked out!

hedgie said...

Good question, Shirley. Hoping that Darth will pop in if she can't for some reason. I will call tomorrow if she or he haven't posted!

Lolly said...

Well, looks like GT is not going to win.

We got some of the lights on the house and fence up today. Changed some of them to the led lights. They are expensive! Thought we would do some this year and some next year.

Lynne!!!! Please be careful! Oh, I would be furious too about the deer. Hope you do get to see the eagle!

Lolly said...

Yes, Paula, you do have our curiosity stirred up! Where did you go????

hedgie said...

My email is working fine tonight. Just can't figure it out at all!

BEagle said...

Lynne2. Thank you for the assurance that you know I was not being mean.

When going out on an adventure...always have a plan. Stay safe and believe to see potential danger before it sees you.

Need to check the link Paula posted...

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3/12/25 PM 🐟

 12.56 PM Scout comes to the nest to relieve Bella of her incubation duties getting close guys. He does have a Talon load of bedding. He lan...