Wednesday, August 25, 2010


New thread.


Judie said...

Brought over from earlier thread.

Thank you Steve. Will call the others. Hope the new job is going well and you are enjoying the challenge.

Happy Birthday, Mary Margaret and Happy Birthday to Doris. Wishing you both a very special day.

RIP Boris's cousin. Lynn is now into feeding insects.

Hi Dana. So sweet of you to to check to see if GG is outside. I know Wanda & Gene appreciate that.

Jo, glad you had a nice lunch and have now put your feet up to relax. Take the walking slowly. I sometimes use a motorized cart when available.

Hi Jim. Sorry about your heatwave but at least those of us in the East can sympathize. Stay cool.


wvgal_dana said...

Thanks for the call over Judie.

Steve thank you so much. Happy for you about new job. Bet you are catching on like those "fish someplace that just jump in the boat".

Jim left comment but Hi again.

HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO THE TWO BITHDAY LADIES: Mary Margaret and Doris Hollinger...may you both have a beautiful day.

Lynne2 said...

Afternoon all! Taking a few mins between chores to say hello!

Happy Birthday Mary Margaret!
Happy Birthday Doris, aka, Mrs CrunchBob!

I hope Wanda's kitchen is coming along and good to hear of GG doing well!

Judie, hope you feel better soon...this is just too much to deal with.

TEACHERS my thoughts and PRAYERS are with you, Laurel, Judie, Shirley, as the school year begins.

Congrats on your newest son TJ!! Although I'm guessing your a bit too busy at the moment for blogging!

Lolly, I'm glad you are finally getting some relief from the heat but JIM....uh oh, I know that's REALLY hot for your neck of the woods. Hope the A/C is working!

SO cool that Wanda and Gene and Lynn were able to meet up for breakfast with the TRAINIACS!!

Enjoyed Loretta's stories and pics and Dana's hummer stories as well!

I'm forgetting something....UHG. But you know my prayers are always with you guys. I should take notes when I read back like Margy....Just been really busy.

I'm off to walk the dogs, clean the bathroom and get dinner ready. I'll hopefully have a few to check back in later this evening!

Lynne2 said...

OH MY how could I forget...STEVE, congrats on the new job!

wvgal_dana said...

Lynn-Hedgie did you read about the 32 yr old man in the paper that kept his 5-year-old son and 3-year-old daughter in an unfinished basement as punishment. Starving them to where they are sickly and malnourished. There was a small piece of carpet and a few blankets,the rest was concrete basement. He had a child's portable toilet there. They spent 50 to 60 percent of time in that basement.
Walker also found the basement door had a lock on it with a doorbell installed at the top, which would sound every time the door opened and closed. Other than a small piece of carpet and a few blankets, the entire concrete basement was unfinished. Cpl.Walker also found a baby monitor and toys in the vicinity of the blankets and a child's portable toilet in the corner.
On Monday,Boback who was Lafferty's girlfriend was
interviewed by police
after more information was obtained from other witnesses. When questioned, she stated that Lafferty would punish his children by making them take cold showers, withholding food from them, spanking them with a belt and making them stay the night in the unfinished basement.
Boback also told police that Lafferty sometimes withheld food from his children for more than 24 hours.

"A little bit later on during questioning she stated that, 'Well, Jesse didn't starve them all the time.' After further questioning based upon that statement that she made, she stated that there were times where he would only feed them once during a 24-hour period or they would not even be fed during a 24-hour period," Walker said.

When questioned even further, Boback said that out of seven days a week, Lafferty would withhold food from his children for two or three days a week.
"I (also) said do you think it's a crime that you did not come forth to authorities and alert them of what was occurring (and) do you think that was a crime that you failed to do that. She said yeah," Walker said. "She has a responsibility definitely. These are helpless individuals."
Boback has two children herself who also lived at Lafferty's home on a temporary basis. Statements also were taken from those children, which corroborated the abuse detailed by Boback during questioning. Boback's children did not show signs of abuse.

"They were fine. Those two children had their own bedrooms, their own bed and everything. Jesse's children were confined to a concrete basement and lived on a concrete floor," Walker said.

Lafferty's two children are currently in the custody of DHHR, and Walker said he believed they have since been placed in a foster home.
Lafferty is currently being held on a $140,000 bail. If convicted, he faces a maximum of one to 10 years in prison on the child neglect charges and one to five years in prison on the child abuse charges.
I think Boback is sick also..don't care if her children weren't abused by him. CAN YOU IMAGINE HOW HER CHILDREN FELT FOR THESE TWO LITTLE KIDS !!!! ????

wvgal_dana said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
wvgal_dana said...

My delete it did a double post.

Lynn2 enjoy walking your dogs.

Lady next door has two boys and one is in football. He had his 1st game the other day (he is in 5th grade). He is a defensive linebacker. The game went into overtime TWICE WOW! The the third time--the other team got the ball when the coin was tossed. Even though the next door neighbors boys team got the ball down near the 1 yard line. They sadly lost it there and the other team got the ball and touch down.
IT WAS FUN THE BOY SAID EVEN THOUGH WE DID NOT WIN. Don't you just love it when kids act like that?? (:

Mema Jo said...

Thanks Judie for the call over - my feet are down and soon to go out the door to see Alexis.
This morning the bus came earlier than expected and her Aunt said:.....
Didn't even get a hug - she just walked up and got right on - no wave, no backwards glance. She sat next to a little girl and started talking to her, and did look out the window as they drove past.... As I have said before Alexis may be in Kindergarten but she is going on 24! She had a wonderful day. One pic on FB of her getting off the bus....

Mema Jo said...

out the door


hedgie said...

Yes, Dana, read the story in the paper. Hope they starve him in jail....she should lose her kids, too.

stronghunter said...


Really tired this evening. Have to get used to being on my feet.

Tomorrow should be a quieter day. I am planning to give diagnostic tests.

I am also having to get used to having fewer preps for my classes this year. Last year, every class was different. This year, I technically have 2 preps, but today I did the same thing three times. I have to watch the pacing, or I tend to go faster each class and have time left over.

hedgie said...

From Lisa: If you're looking for a fun place to visit this fall migration season, you might consider Hawk Mountain Sanctuary in Pennsylvania. Hawk Mountain is a very special place for those who love raptors. From the Wings of Wonder exhibit in their Visitor Center to the wonderful trails and overlooks, Hawk Mountain offers numerous ways to learn more about raptors and actually watch them during their migration south. Already the Sanctuary has counted 5 golden eagles, 22 bald eagles and 42 ospreys migrating through since August 5. Visit their website to learn more:

WoW! Hope lots of those eagles decide to winter around here!! Anyone know how far south the osprey go?

hedgie said...

Lisa had posted that on FB.

hedgie said...

Shirley and Judie....I sure would have enjoyed having you gals for teachers/profs in school!!!

Judie said...

Hi everyone,

Last minute decision to go out to eat. It was a nice treat. Home now and full. Eating better each day. Never have received a response from primary doctor. However, I am beginning to improve.

Well, Alexis certainly did behave as if she were an old hand at going off to kindergarten. Glad she had a good day.

Shirley, it's a little different for you but I tend to talk faster when I want to get out of class. Come the end of Nov. I'll be going at light speed.

The case Dana mentioned -- I would like to see all the children permanently taken away and placed for adoption and both adults incarcerated until the children are legally adults.

Crisis here: out of sunflower seeds. Yikes! No doubt there will be a squirrel/bird/rabbit/deer/raccoon/possum uprising.

Well, think I'll go check out the t.v. schedule. BBL

Judie said...

Not me, Lynn. Sometimes I don't play well with students.

stronghunter said...

Yeah, Judie, it is different. I can't dismiss them when I am through. I'm stuck until the bell rings. I had extra stuff to use, so I wasn't dealing with a group of restless kids with time on their hands. (I have learned a trick or two in 25 years!)

Block 4 asked if they could go and tried to convince me the bell had rung already, but I grabbed a pile of papers and handed them out. They actually got into the exercise, which surprised me.

The exercise was on symbols, and I had one girl who wanted to know if hummingbirds are a symbol of peace. Based on all of my readings on this blog, I was able to tell her that hummingbirds do a lot of fighting.

stronghunter said...

Just to let you know, I actually threatened to send a boy to the office today.

stronghunter said...

I'd spent a lot of time writing names on sticky notes and sticking them on desks. (My way of assigning seats.) One boy was sitting in the wrong place . . . a back seat not assigned to anyone. I told him he had to move. He stalled. I insisted in no uncertain terms. He stalled. I said, "Your next seat will be in the office." He moved, but at the end of the day when everyone was gone I found his sticky note mysteriously on that back seat. He's not getting off to a good start.

wvgal_dana said...

Shirley is it a different one this time than the one that gave you the mouth?

Judie you are more on the go...sounds like some engery (:

wvgal_dana said...

Been a noise around the cam again...knock knock who's there....answer----one of your precious and beautiful eagles.

wvgal_dana said...

Judie I am eating more healthy too
Found some single servings of The Giant broccoli with cheese (not much cheese). I can eat it! So I am having broccoli/cheese, white rice with the sauce over it from the "Beauty of the Sea" in freezer section for 1 person flouder. Will have fruit with it. Plus my cool decaf. tea (: yummy

stronghunter said...

Dana, the other one is not in my class this year, thank goodness. I have not seen him again. Don't really want to unless he shows up to apologize.

hedgie said...

For 2nd day in a row, NO LUCK getting Finland Ferry cam up.

hedgie said...

Been looking at more beach houses.....a couple more possibles! Also looking for a rental for Oct. More possibles....would be so much easier if it was only me and my preferences to consider!!

Costume Lady said...

DANA, your supper sounds delicious and nourishing:)

KITCHEN FLOOR IS DONE!! Fridge is in place, gas man is coming tomorrow to hook up the stove:)

Big Brothers is on now. BBL

stronghunter said...

Yay, Wanda! We want pictures.

stronghunter said...

We're getting rain.

stronghunter said...

That does sound like a good supper, Dana.

stronghunter said...

Lynn, I hope you find what you want. A beach house would be very nice.

wvgal_dana said...

That flounder and orange sauce only cost me $3.00 and some odd cents. Was on sale last week at Martins. In the frozen section for fish. Says on it Lemon Butter Flounder but the sauce has orange and other seasonings. Wild Alaska Seafood, pure, natural--Ocean Beauty Sea Choice...fix in Microwave easy.Total fat 11, Sat fat 3, Tran o, Chol 70mg. Carv 6g, sugars 1 g so I thought heck I'll try it. To my surprise it was very good. I think it really cost about $6.00 and something. It truly was good (:

NatureNut said...

Evening Everybody!
Saw mention of Boris & know I mentioned the big bad Wolf at Park & now there is what I call a "roof spider" outside my kitchen window!!!I can see him doing web after dark when outside. Thank goodness he's blocked by blind on top half on inside. He's an orb weaver, but don't know what color. Bothers me that he's smart enough to build where there is light to attract others. I've been turning the lights out!!!!

NatureNut said...

Sorry to creep you out ☺
Stepson said he might leave Friday. He just retired, so is in no hurry. Love him, but cat will need a shrink soon!

BTW, I just received a letter from Janie in ID thanking me for donation in Deb's name. They are planning to build a new raptor center & will have one room with her name.

stronghunter said...

A smallish wolf spider showed up in my classroom this morning before any students were there. I captured it under a glass and released it outside. I do not like spiders.

NatureNut said...

Gonna watch TV--Am. Got Talent..

stronghunter said...

I have to call it quits and head upstairs. I'll see you all tomorrow.

wvgal_dana said...

The other one I got is Mandarin Orance Salmon. Don't know last time I had salmom I really didn't like it. I said come on Dana for the cost try it. So I haven't fixed it yet. I'll let you know how I like it when I do.Fat, Carbs.,Chol and sugar are low like the other one.

I have been watching in between here and tv "minute to win it". If you have never watched it give it a try comes on at 8pm.

hedgie said...

Done! House rented for Oct.9-16th! Frisco, Outer Banks, NC!
B---- here we come!

wvgal_dana said...

Loretta that is really great. That they are naming a room after Deb. Teary eyed here. Lord I too dislike spiders.

Shirley rest good tonight.

Judie said...

Shirley, sure wish you didn't have to start out with a problem student. At least some got into their assignments. That's optimistic. Good thing Lynn didn't see your wolf spider -- it would be feeding insects by now.

Dana, have been able to eat more. Tonight we splurged. Ribs, cole slaw, fries, and a flourless waffle with chocolate sauce and ice cream. So yummy and nothing like the fiasco a couple of weeks ago. Course, it was not the same restaurant. Your dinner sounds much healthier and am so glad you have a good appetite.

Lowreeda, why does the cat have a problem with the son-in-law? How very sweet that Deb will have a room in her honor at the new raptor center. She would be touched.

Wanda, congratulations to you and the Capt. Please post some pictures and please enjoy.

Lynn, please take a look at my beach house. It is a nice bedroom with t.v. and bath. I can put a wading pool in the yard for you. Rent is good -- free.


hedgie said...

Dana, salmon is one of the few fish I do like! Sounds like a good one. Try Orange Roughy, too---it's a mild tasting fish.

Loretta, what wonderful news from Janie!!!! I will pass that on to Dianne and Pam and Amanda! If they don't already know about it, they'll be thrilled!
Why doesn't your cat like Frankie???
I hope we have no more Boris talk today!

Judie said...

Rats, Lynn. I was so sure you would love my beach house. Well, if you change your mind ...

Goodnight, Shirley. Have a nice day tomorrow and I hope all the kids will be nice and cooperative.

Dana, hope you will like the salmon when you try it. I like your healthy choices and that you have a much better appetite. Let us know.

Okay, this time BBL

hedgie said...

Judie.....must have missed something! What beach house??? Didn't know about it....??????

Judie said...

Have turned on the No Vacancy light for prospective spiders.

Have turned on a porch light for Margy, Paula, and Andy.

Sandperson is calling so turning my light off but will leave the night light on for others coming in, headed back the hallway, down to tub, up the stairs. Until tomorrow...

Judie said...

The bedroom in my house you can pretend is a beach house and I will put a plastic wading pool in the yard for you.

Mema Jo said...

WOW! Hedgie - you're cutting it close to Open House! You best get back here in time for a week's rest after your vacation to be ready for all our get togethers!

Alexis was with us this evening. She was very happy about her first day of school...but with that full day and no nap you could tell it was catching up with her.

Judie - you sound sooooooooo much like you are feeling better.

hedgie said...

Judie...checked email and went back through postings....didn't see anything about it!
Your dinner sounded really good! Did you go to C.J.Ribsters? Is it still there??????

Ceil got a letter from Janie saying the same thing! Hope I get one in the morning mail, too!

Mema Jo said...

Like Loretta I also received a letter from Janie on Birds of Prey letterhead. She was mainly thanking me for the donation in Deb's name. The room to honor Deb's memory would be at the Raptor Center in Idaho & they are trying to raise funds to build it. She is hoping we will follow their progress
over the coming months. Her closing was very personal.. Keep looking towards the sky and when we see a raptor soaring we will remember Deb Palmer. That is so true.

Mema Jo said...

Judie - could you add some sand around the wading pool? It would be more

hedgie said...

LOL, Judie.....gotcha' now!!! Thanks....but I'm afraid that in Oct. I'd have to see fall leaf fall at your house, just like here!!

Jo, plenty of time in a week to recoup before Open House weekend!! Should we well refreshed in the soul, too---beach does that for me!
WV may be Almost Heaven, and VA IS God's country, but the beach is the serene, tranquil, spirit-restoring part of His creation!

Mema Jo said...

Hedgie, same story here as far as NOT getting Finland Ferry to open.

While you are on vacation maybe you can scout around for a beach house on the market....

Congratulations Wanda & Gene... You should have made a video and maybe start your own TV special about "Do It Yourselfers" That was quite a job you just finished... Pictures please.

wvgal_dana said...

Darn got so involed in computer forgot to take meds at 10pm.

wvgal_dana said...

Mema Jo or Lynn-Hedgie or someone please let me know how to make and where to make a donation for the room in Debs name at the Center PLEASE

Mema Jo said...

Well, I am going to meet up with Jenny and Aaron tomorrow to say hi!

Think I am heading back the hallway

BBILW before it is good night time....

wvgal_dana said...

Well I haven't had my feet up all night. I'm afraid I'm going to feel it in the morning. Got so wrapped up doing things on the computer.

Prayers for all needs.
Praiseds for all answered prayers.

May all rest well good night friends. Stay Safe...night Margy.

hedgie said...

Jo, that is why we rented a place for a week......too hard "shopping" for a place online....gotta go do some "live" hunting!

Goodnight to all turning in. So much activity this week!!
Wanda, post pics of your new kitchen!!!

hedgie said...

Dana, you have mail.

Mema Jo said...

Hedgie, I am assuming you gave Dana the Coeur d' Aene, Idaho 83816 address

Mema Jo said...

I am glad to hear you will be house shopping while on vacation - the way you love the beach - you deserve one!

paula eagleholic said...

Evening, all.

Just stopping in to say hello...had a nice evening with Michael. We picked up his car and went out and grabbed some dinner in Gettysburg, came home and talked for awhile.

Haven't caught up on the blog, probably won't until he leaves. Hoping to have dinner tomorrow with John and Ajay if he isn't out car shopping tomorrow night.

Hope everyone is well, maybe if I'm lucky I can peek in during lunch tomorrow!

paula eagleholic said...

Oh, and Happy Birthday to Mary Margaret and Doris!!

Costume Lady said...

I will, indeed, post some photos of our new kitchen, after the stove is installed.
Fridge is in place and making ice cubes(not suppose to use them until the tray fills with ice, then dump them out and start all over, then, start making them to use.
Still no A/C in the kitchen
(haven't had time to look for one or order one


Mema Jo said...

Take care Paula - enjoy your sons!

Mema Jo said...

I am out of here - eyes are very heavy.
Too much play time with Alexis!

Good Night All
Prayers for All
Hugs for All ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

Lolly said...

Hi all! Have just returned from a great evening out. Friends who live in east Texas were passing through. They are in a RV, have been gone since April. We went over to their RV for an "attitude adjustment" and then went out to eat. Just got home. Had fun fun fun!

I, too, received my letter of thanks from Janie today. As I read it I got tears in my eyes once again. Very moving that they are naming a room in honor of Deb.

We are heading out after lunch tomorrow for our weekend at A&M. Have had a glorious day. Would you believe our hight today was 79? Over 20 degrees cooler than Monday!

hedgie said...

Lily and Hope post:
Weds. update

hedgie said...

Yep, Jo, gave Dana the address.
Lolly, guess Janie has just finally gotten around to sending out letters in a batch!
Have a great weekend. Hope the niece's team wins!
Paula, glad you are having a chance to spend time with your boys!
Heading for tub. And then will be hitting the pillows along with rest of you. Prayers for all.

Lolly said...

Thanks, Lynn!

Heading to bed now! Going to be a busy morning and then heading out after lunch. We got the trailer today. Thinking that we will probably not have internet. We are staying at RV parking on the campus.

Nite all! Sweet dreams!

Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Everyone!

Finally got home from school about 20 minutes ago, and have been trying to catch up on the blog.

Before I forget, let me wish a somewhat belated HAPPY BIRTHDAY to Mary Margaret and to Doris! Hope you both had a wonderful day!

It has been quite a busy day! Was up with Hubby at 2:30 am as usual, then got him off to work. Hurried up and got some housework done, then left for the courthouse for jury duty at 6:30. You never know what the traffic will be like, so have to leave really early just in case! Needed to be there by 7:45 am. Wouldn't you know, I was part of a group that was sent to a courtroom for the very first case of the day. I was one of the first 20 prospective jurors, and they asked me a BUNCH of questions, and I'm still there. Have to go back tomorrow and be in the courtroom at 9:15. May have to be there until 4 or 4:30 pm, then hurry to school--getting fast food dinner on the way!
IF they keep me for this case, it might go until Sept. 15th! BTW, someone (can't remember who it was, for the life of me!--fried brain!)
asked how far I have to walk from the parking structure to the court. It's about 2 blocks, but at least there are elevators in the structure, and lots of fellow prospective jurors to walk with. It's a plus that it's still daylight when I'm arriving and leaving! Hate when the time changes in the fall.

Had my English III class tonight, and it ended a bit early (thank GOD!) because my teacher wasn't feeling particularly well. He's fighting catching a cold. Please say some prayers for him! Thank you in advance.

Well, sounds like Judie is feeling quite a bit better! So very glad that your appetite is back! Do hope that you hear from one of your doctors soon, though. Don't you go back to school next week?

Well, eeeewwwwww! Sounds like there's a widespread invasion of 8-legged freaks! Sure hope I don't see any of them! HATE the darn things! Yuck! Glad you fed yours to the insects, Lynn!

Gosh, I wish I could say more, but I'm really tired tonight! Will try to catch up more tomorrow. Hope I have time!

Think I'd better call it a day. Prayers are said for everyone. Judie has left the porch light and night light on for those coming in--Thanks, Judie! I was able to see to get here with no mishaps. The eye-scanner security and Dana's thumbprint-scanner security are both enabled. Sleep well, everyone, and hopefully I will have a few minutes to talk to you tomorrow! God bless, and goodnight!
Love all of you! :o]

Ms Bookworm said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Ms Bookworm said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Ms Bookworm said...

Oops--sorry, gang! My comment did a hiccup, and posted 3 times! I was able to delete one of them, but got dumped off the blog. When I got back, now there are no trash cans, so I can't delete another one.
This has been happening a lot lately! Oh, well--good night! :o]

Ms Bookworm said...

Ahh--was able to get rid of the other duplicate posting! Still getting dumped out of the blog, though. Will try again tomorrow.

stronghunter said...

Good morning,

Loretta, I was confused about the cat and the son in law also.

Judie, for the most part, my students were reasonable. The one in Bl. 4 is obviously one of the school goof-offs. I think he is repeating English 11. We will see what is going to happen with him. I have never sent one to the office on day one. Did not want to!

I hope the smallish wolf spider is off doing his wolf spider things in the great outdoors. I am glad he did not run across the room when the students were there.

stronghunter said...

Skimmed the messages. Will BBL.

Have a good day, everyone.

stronghunter said...

I hope both Mary Margaret and Doris had a happy birthday.

stronghunter said...

So sorry about those poor children who were confined to the basement. How sad.

Lolly said...

Good morning! Just getting on and off quickly! Have a lot to do this morning!

Have a great weekend....I will!


hedgie said...

Ditto what I said to you last night, Lolly!!!

Morning all. Lovely one here....sunnny, cool so far, and a bit breezy with no humidity!

I also got the letter from Janie about the "Deb room"!

Mema Jo said...

Good morning everyone! Another beautiful weather day. Did you know:
Tomorrow, Mars is so close to the earth in the night sky, it will look like another Moon. WOW and I won't need to get up in the middle of the early morning to see it!
Not sure what I am going to do today.
I have a couple of options... I'll keep you posted.
Glad you got the letter Lynn!

Mema Jo said...

I forgot to tell you about Jenny's sighting of an mature eagle flying with the vultures as she crossed the bridge yesterday - she was headed into VA. I suggested that the vultures may have been juvies but she didn't think so.

movin said...


Good MorninG,



We're having some hot, muggy stuff alright, but it's beautiful out there.

C(°ٿ°)D Jim

Mema Jo said...

Hi Jim Sorry I missed you.
Wanted to tell you how much I loved the video you sent about the otters!
Thanks again.

hedgie said...

Good morning, Jo and Jim!

Jo, which bridge was Jenny crossing??

Mema Jo said...

Just read that Farmer's Market this Sunday in Shepherdstown will have the
Honeycrisp Apples..... Now that is the apple of all apples.

Mema Jo said...

Hedgie - going into VA to the gas station to buy her cigs..... Do you know the one I mean?
Aaron has also sighted eagles at that bridge.
Not the bridge I cross into WV from MD

Mema Jo said...


hedgie said...

The 340 bridge? Yep, know that one.

Bob Quinn said...

Good afternoon! I haven't checked in for awhile. Hope everyone is doing well. I finally finished last Sunday's photos. They are here:

Sunday's Photos

hedgie said...

Hi, Bob! Love the pics!!!

Mema Jo said...

Bob What is #3 & #4 and then #24 & 25?

The osprey and eagle and egret pics
are really fantastic! Love them all!

Bob Quinn said...

#3 & 4 is a kingfisher (in the rain). Those little suckers are hard to shoot. They almost never sit still. I'm not sure of #24, maybe some kind of cormorant. 25 is a Great Blue Heron on an osprey nest, a sure sign osprey season is winding down.

Mema Jo said...

Thanks for id'ing them. So glad you share your photos with us!

paula eagleholic said...

Blogger cop is on the loose! Here's Attempt #2

Bob, lovely pics, love the young heron and the kingfisher.

So glad to hear Janie is naming a room for Deb!

NatureNut said...

Good Thursday Afternoon!!☺
Wow, just saw Bob's pictures. They are great! He's so right about those pesky kingfishers. They will not pose--I get some grey blobs w/not much detail--still trying for a decent one.
Company is off to visit his brother and have dinner w/friends, so I only have to worry about food for us tonight and kitty has come out from under bed!

hedgie said...

Received my slide show DVD's from Jo's Ed!!!! Wonderful!!!
Thanks, Ed! Jo, tell him he has email,please!

movin said...

tHANKS, Mema was a good video, wasn't it. I had thought that swimming would be instinctive for otters.

Bob, I really like this batch of photos.

C(°?°)3 Jim

Mema Jo said...

Hubby got the email
He was glad you were pleased with them.
Your mom is going to love them...

Mema Jo said...

I am having a good many laughs at the littlest elephant on the cam now.. He is full of life.

Mema Jo said...

Headed out for a while ..


Lynne2 said...

evening all!

From FB=
Institute for Wildlife Studies Now that the eagle nesting season is over, we will start working on the camera systems again. We are going to try to make it to the Two Harbors nest this afternoon/evening to refocus and install the illuminator.

Going to check out Bob's pics

Lynne2 said...

Pictures are great always!

Lynne2 said...

off to feed the beasts....

stronghunter said...



hedgie said...

Check this out!!!
New sea species

3/12/25 PM 🐟

 12.56 PM Scout comes to the nest to relieve Bella of her incubation duties getting close guys. He does have a Talon load of bedding. He lan...