Tuesday, August 31, 2010


PM thread.


Mema Jo said...

Good Afternoon! It sure has been a hot one and tomorrow will be the same.
Thanks Steve for the fresh thread..
I'll call for everyone to come over

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Good evening Jo!

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Hope all is well with you!

Mema Jo said...

Hello Sharon! Things are going well with me... How about you?

Mema Jo said...

I am celebrating my 3 year anniversary
of my Open Lung Biopsy today. Time sure
does pass you by quickly.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Going really good and quiet at the moment. Needing this nontraveling time! :)

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Three years, are you kidding me?

Mema Jo said...

You've had a good summer with all your travels! Video of Mattie was very very good - Hopes she keeps interest in it

Mema Jo said...

Take care - loL

Our dinner is going on the table... BBsoon......

wvgal_dana said...

Wow Lolly ya does eave a typng prolem.
Glad rebooting fixed your problem.

Judie I loved how you ended you comment
12:36pm lol

Oh no Mr.Bill Christie's laptop may in up in the electrical graveyard. Let's hope it can be repaired.

Oh boy Anne-Marie heading back to Alaska.
Have fun with your friends and ENJOY!

Mema Jo have to go to fb to look at pics.

Sharon Norma would be happy and LOVE that picture you are using as your avatar.
He was a wonderful man..I'm gonna miss him.

Humm video of Mattie must be on fb.

wvgal_dana said...

Where is video of Mattie playing the drums???

Mema Jo said...

Mattie Jane's video, Dana, is probably in the Older Comments at the end of
each page of FB It may be 1 or 2 pages back. OR you could just go to Bev's Profile and there it is.

For the Italy pics just go to my
profile because they are way back a couple pages.

wvgal_dana said...

Thanks Mema Jo I got the picture at Rome and I should have been a stowaway. I also should have done that for the camp too. lol

EVERYONE MUST GO TO HELEN'S FB PAGE TO THE Smithsonian's National Zoo: and click on it. AWESOME video of new baby lion cub.

wvgal_dana said...

Thanks again Mema Jo got to see it on Bev's fb page. I just love it and can't wait to see more of our girl.

wvgal_dana said...

When is the best time to water outside plants?

Mema Jo said...

My plants get watered early morning or early evening.
I've never watered when the sun was high.

hedgie said...

Hi again! Didn't get lost, but was surprised to see a new thread.
Just had a nice 30 min. nap after dinner.

hedgie said...

Gee, Jo, 3 yrs. went by in a flash, didn't it? Hooray for you!

hedgie said...

Gee, 7:30 and it's almost past dusk....days are sure getting shorter fast. Don't like it!

wvgal_dana said...

I'm having a Boar's Head bacon sandwich. Daughter had talked me into Boar's Head meats from deli. They are so good. So is this bacon...not salty like most. Did perfect in microwave. yummy

Mema Jo said...

Welcome back!
I am going into the TV at 8:00 to watch Inspector Lewis Mystery.

wvgal_dana said...

That was Pete's pond right? My sister-in-law up past Johnstown PA was asking me about that the other day. She loved watching it. Said for some reason she hasn't been able to get it.

wvgal_dana said...

I will be at tv also tonight at 8pm

wvgal_dana said...

Something just made a noise by the cam.

hedgie said...

Cool video about MD blue crabs on Blackwater FB page!

NatureNut said...

Evening Everyone---had a Panda nap just after coming home & having a snack! Then had to go out and flood some of the wilting flowers---still have to eat din din and water some more.
Congrats to Jo!!

BOO HISS, I found out today from our naturalist, Stephanie, who is in charge of the Garden, that the Monarch chrysalises with black have been parasitized and are dead. I changed the info on my picture. I'm worried about "Pepsi". It had one black speck on it that I thought was dirt or some of the final molt---time will tell. I did see outline of wing on one side today.
Well, have to find out what time America's Got Talent is on--finally saw and ad last nigjt that the little "opera" girl will be on tonight or Wed.

hedgie said...

Yes, Dana, it is Pete's Pond.

hedgie said...

It comes on at 9, Lowreeda. Ch. 4.

wvgal_dana said...

later tv time

Judie said...

Feet did go up immediately when I got home. Kept trying to go to sleep. So dinner is over and am trying to catch up. Need my "beauty" sleep as I am going to get my "do" did in the morning.

Jo, confused. Are you going to dance with a fiddler while wearing a red dress and then pay HIS price? Does Ed know about this?

Lynn, hope Christie's computer stuff gets resolved. In my next life I am going to be a computer super-geek. Well, in reality, I was so happy the computer worked in the classroom this morning. I am sooooo challenged. Computer geek? Only in my dreams!

Hi Andy. Glad the class is flexible. Makes life and learning so much easier. Hope tonight was an easy class for you.

Way too tired. Wondered why Christie (Lynn) would be in Italy (duh). Can't read straight.

Wonder what's going on with Real and Natl Geographic?

Can only imagine how slam wore out Shirley is tonight. I hope she gets to sleep as soon as she gets home. Big fire down her way. Think a tanker overturned. A fatality.

Hi Sharon.

Congratulations, Jo.

Hi Dana and Lowreeda.

Well, the sandperson is calling so turning my light off but will leave the night light on for others coming in, or to head back the hallway, down to the tub, up to the bed, into the recliner, or coming in from class. Until tomorrow...

Prayers for the safety of our Lily and Hope and all the research bears.

Mema Jo said...

I am finished watching tv
I am watching the SD elephants.
That baby one is really a heart stopper

hedgie said...

Lowreeda----the little girl just sang....hope you didn't fall asleep!
Amazing!! She and Prince Poppycock are my favs this time.

Judie, the Nat Geo/Wildcam has been in trouble ever since the head cam honcho left---apparently no funding...this was the one we called Pete's Pond. :(

hedgie said...

Don't think that Shirley travels 95 to get home from work, so she won't get delayed further by the wreck mess. Wow---it was bad! A semi full of tires that overturned and burned.

hedgie said...

Sleep well, Judie---first day back surely has you worn out!

Bet the grandboys have worn Lolly out again, too!

Margy....hope you are getting some extra snooze time. Heard the baby shower went well at work! Too bad your sleep was interrupted by the meeting.

magpie said...

Good Evening Eagle Pals...

wow, that was fast, time for work again

Air Show plans being finalized,
Saturday and Sunday here....
estimates, maybe upwards of 80K each day to this area for it.

So.....don't even think of trying to travel on certain roads hereabouts during certain times these two days, unless you are a butterfly !

All hands on deck or at the Air Show in Mobile Command Units...
as far as our work staff goes..
also law enforcement, Fire and Ems....and Military at the Air Guard

it's a Lot of planning

magpie said...

sure was hoping to catch a glimpse of an Eagle at the nest...heard the same noises that Dana was hearing...

well, here's looking forwward to September in that regard !

magpie said...

sorry to hear about the chrysalises at work, Loretta....
this has sure been a yearful of rather untypical nature events...

time to do the work routine again, folks

Hope the day went okay in our Eagle Corners, at least for the most part,
Sleep Well...
Get ready to turn over those calendar pages...

God Bless Us, Every One
xo ♥

Mema Jo said...

I pray there weren't any fatalities in that wreck, Lynn. Burning tires would be horrible.

I must head back the hallway...
Tomorrow is Alexis Day - fun!

Sleep well my friends...
Prayers for all being said...
Hugs for all ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Gang,
I just got home from school. Got all my transcription done, now need to do some word definitions tomorrow, and I'll be done. Teacher was explaining tonight that the school has installed a "time clock" on the school computers in the classroom. When we get to our Practice class we're supposed to clock in with our student ID number, and clock out when we're done. Don't know how that's going to work, since I sometimes do a LOT of my homework at home! MTBR....

Judie, I BET you were tired tonight!
Hope you sleep much better and wake up feeling like a new woman! BTW, I am following your lead, and praying for all the bears and cubs.
For Lynn Rogers and his crew, too!
I HATE hunting season! (Do I need to mention that "Bambi" has always been my favorite Disney cartoon?) Saw it for the first time when I was in the 4th grade! Don't even ask how long ago THAT was! LOL :o]

hedgie said...

There was one fatality, Jo....the truck driver I assume.

hedgie said...

Margy, I'm going to go to KMart Fri. afternoon and hope to watch the T-birds practice run from there!

Lolly said...

Hi all! We are home! Had a great time with the boys. Jack had two repair jobs to do...lawn mower and dryer. He got the lawnmower fixed but the dryer problem he has to figure out.

I walked the block to school and waited for the boys. Joseph walked Jacob across the street holding his hand. You should have seen it....so cute!

Joseph did his homework right away and I prepared dinner. Then it was time for Joseph's soccer practice. I got Jacob in bed by 7:45. He was soooo tired!

hedgie said...

I have spent the evening looking at MLS list at OBX---have a nice list...with some choice picks....price on one has dropped 30G's since first looked at it last month!

Ms Bookworm said...

Darn, I'm sorry to hear there's no camera at Pete's Pond now! Bet Chrissy's unhappy about that one, too. :o[ Hope they work something out with somebody! Gonna miss it!

Hope Margy has an uneventful night at work. Hope the shoulder blade is behaving better!

Sharon, haven't talked to you in ages! Good to hear that all is well with you!

Lolly, glad your computer is behaving again. That was crazy, wasn't it?!

It was warmer here today, and is only down to 65 right now (Got to 55 last night.)--was in the mid-80s today. Supposed to be warmer tomorrow. There's a high pressure that's moved in--hopefully not for too long! Wah! I want some cold weather! I know I'm being a spoiled brat, but I don't do at all well with hot weather anymore. Guess I need to go to Alaska, like Anne-Marie! Wish I could afford it.
Sure hope A-M has fun, and takes lots of pictures~!

hedgie said...

Andy, maybe they want to charge students for computer use!!! Wouldn't put anything past them!!

Glad you had fun, Lolly!

I, too, am worried about the bears....better not any jerk shoot a collared bear.

hedgie said...

Jo&Jewell get ribbons

Ms Bookworm said...

Well, think I'd better call it quits before I need that keyboard airbag! Judie left the night light on. I'm turning on the porch light. Prayers have been said for everyone. The eye-scanner security and Dana's thumbprint-scanner security are both enabled. Sleep well, have only sweet dreams, and I'll talk to you tomorrow. God bless, and goodnight! Love all of you! :o]

hedgie said...

What the h---??
"The Department of Natural Resources website asks hunters not to shoot them and has a picture of June with her ribbons. The Minnesota Bear Guides Association is also asking hunters not to shoot radio-collared bears."
They ASK them not to shoot them? How about making it a LAW????

Ms Bookworm said...

I'm "pulling a Margy"--
Lynn, I wondered about that too, but they want you to clock in DURING CLASS TIME, too! Not sure what's up, but will keep you posted.

hedgie said...

G'night, Andy. Sleep tight!

Costume Lady said...

I will report on my caterpillars and then, off to bed I go!
I had 4 cats to turn into their chrysalis this afternoon. They did so while we were at GG's.
Have 2 more that will chrysalizie soon


Ms Bookworm said...

You too, Lynn! :o]

Ms Bookworm said...

Wow, Wanda, that's awesome! You sleep tight, too. :o]

hedgie said...

Goodnight to one and all. Prayers and peace.

Lolly said...

Yes, Lynn, I have worried about the bears. Apparently there is no law against shooting the collared bears. Crazy, huh? I think there should be a law against hunting bears in the research area!

Okay, heading to the shower and then to bed. Not only taking care of the boys wears me out, but walking up and down the stairs does me in as well.

Nite all! Sweet dreams!

stronghunter said...

Good morning,

We have a hurricane watch on the coast now, but Earl is supposed to brush the coast only. It should pass here late Thursday.

No, Lynn, I do not travel on 95, but Kathryn does. She thought she might have problems yesterday, but she did not, thank goodness.

Susan is back from her trip to Hawaii. I got to talk with her for awhile yesterday evening.

The back-to-school night kept me at work late last night, but I did get some valuable information.

See you later.

Bye for now.

Judie said...

Good morning!

Did get some sleep and feel better. Have to go get my "do" did in a little while.

Sorry about the cam at Pete's Pond. I didn't watch that but know you all will miss it.

Glad Lolly had fun with grandboys yesterday and that Lynn is finding some possibilities with declining price tags -- happy hunting.

Shirley, nice that parents night went well. How is Kathryn doing these days? Happy Susan is home and hope she had a lovely trip.

Wanda -- congratulations. Must be great fun to be a butterfly grandmom.

Andy, keeping track of students' time using computers might be a means of tracking hours of use and wear & tear to justify funding for replacements -- especially if it is a State school.

Got an email from Chrissy in response to my asking how she's doing. She has an infection and had to return to the dentist. She is on antibiotics. She did not mention Pete's Pond. She does, as always, seem to be upbeat about all this.

Okay, off to get ready to go out. Have a lovely morning and try to stay out of the extreme heat. BBL

Costume Lady said...

It is a delightful 72° this morning and the sun is shining on my BLOOMING bean plants, which means, beans will follow soon and probably have fresh green beans in 2 weeks or so! A huge groundhog has been nipping the tops and Gene has set a trap to stop that nonsense. There are all kinds of juicy, tender, green plants in the woods from where the groundhog comes, but he MUST aggravate me and eat my veggies! Sooo, what goes round, comes round;)

hedgie said...

Hello! An absolutely delightful morning--would never know that temps are to go up-up-up later! Perfect at the moment!

Happy Birthday to Wanda and Gene's Karla!!!

Oh, no...poor Chrissy. That girl just can't get a break. :( Hoping she feels better soon.

Shirley, had no idea that Susan was going to Hawaii---what a lucky gal!

I, too, get my do done today---perm time! Thank goodness.....

Mema Jo said...

Good Morning Everyone
Sounds like some of the momsters are getting new dos - It's a good day to do that! I have to wait until 2 more weeks pass.
I am thinking about what to do today - inside of the house I mean.
The elephants are in the pen now - I love looking at the baby ones.

Lolly said...

Good morning! I am getting my new do in a couple of weeks. Just before our trip. Of course, by the time you see me, I will be needing a new do again. lol

Armadillo had a hay day in the front yard last night, not just a few holes. Armadillo hunting season is once again upon us! Grrr!

Nothing on my plate today except work in the yard. Also think I will make pesto today. My basil is about at it's peak and I need to make pesto before we head on our trip.

Mema Jo said...

I forgot to tell you all

Happy September

Lolly said...

Happy September to you, Jo. Have enjoyed the Italy pics and the music, love Neil Diamond! Now out to work! Leaving here in less than 4 weeks now. Wahooooooo!

wvgal_dana said...

Good Wednesday morning 1st day of September to All in Eagleland.

Thanks for the Bear update on ribbons..Hedgie-Lynn

What time will you be at the KMart parking lot?

Shirley Did Susan go with some other people to Hawaii? Was just wondering cause I heard of
someone else just getting back from there?

Look out groundhog Gene is trapping and Wanda is on the war path for you!!!

wvgal_dana said...

Oh yes I did see comment where today is Karla's Birthday...HAPPY BIRTHDAY KARLA.....Buttery Lady (:

hedgie said...

Jo.....if it's Sept., fall & winter can't be far off. YUCK!

My two favorite islands have been evacuated: Ocracoke (ferry only way off) and Hatteras (Bonner Bridge)......sure hope the real estate we want to see survives!

hedgie said...

Candy.....hope you are battened down! Bet school will be closed tomorrow!

hedgie said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
hedgie said...

Dana, the Thunderbirds are scheduled to practice between 12:30 and 2:30 Fri.

wvgal_dana said...

Thank you Hedgie-Lynn (:

Maybe I'll take Mom to that parking lot. Sit with her in a cool car. So we can see it.

Oh I keep forgetting to tell you all. Where the cat destroyed the plants I got off of Megan. That I put in a moss type planter and hang off the railing. Well I got mad and put some bright orange silk small flowers in there. Lordy my poor hummingbirds came flying around to them and tried to get nectar. Bet they were mad at me!!

hedgie said...

Time to get ready to head out. BBL!

wvgal_dana said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
movin said...


GooD MorninG

For a TueSDay,



Have you seen the beribboned Black Bears at Hope's site??

Still no osprey at Finney's this day (evening there). I think everybody migrated south already. Have any of you seen them on the nest in the last couple of days?

We are overcast around here this morning, but it's supposed to clear up ... and heat up ... later in the day.

[:~D] Jim

wvgal_dana said...

CHECK YOUR HEMLOCKS TREES This link does work but when you get there give if about 2-3 or little more and the video will come up on its own.

wvgal_dana said...

Good Morning Jim (:

wvgal_dana said...


Mosques and Crosses

One is politically correct among the American elite and the chattering classes, the other is not. You know which is which.

From an article by Robert Knight posted at One News Now...

While the furor over the proposed mosque at Ground Zero has New York Gov. David Paterson offering public land as a peace offering, a more familiar symbol -- the cross -- is systematically being uprooted around the country.

The U.S. Court of Appeals for the 10th Circuit ruled August 18 that placing crosses where Utah state troopers died violates the Establishment Clause.

The 14 crosses, 12 feet tall and bearing a trooper's name, have been erected by the privately funded Utah Highway Patrol Association since 1968. Robert Kirby, a Salt Lake Tribune columnist and former cop, initiated it. He told Newsweek, "We wanted something instantly recognizable at 75 miles per hour, something that would say, 'This is hallowed ground.'"

movin said...

Fortunately, Dana, the 10th Circuit ruling might be overturned on appeal.

There have been other cases, which even the seemingly ditsy 9th Circuit has overturned rulings against crosses here in California recently.

I don't see how the privately funded crosses in Utah could possibly be misconstrued as "establishing a religion."

[:~D] Jim

wvgal_dana said...


wvgal_dana said...

There is a dragonfly or something like that. Flying around on the elephant cam lol

Lolly said...

Just came in from working in the yard. Have accomplished a lot. Trying to get it in shape before we leave in 4 weeks.

Now to cool off!It is 94 and I am drenched! Going to clean up then go pick basil. Going to make batches of pesto and freeze them.

Mema Jo said...

There is only 1 or 2 visitors at the zoo today to see the elephants. Could
be the heat of the day. I am hoping that some of them get into the water.

Judie said...

New thread. Y'all come on over.

3/12/25 PM 🐟

 12.56 PM Scout comes to the nest to relieve Bella of her incubation duties getting close guys. He does have a Talon load of bedding. He lan...