Tuesday, August 03, 2010


New thread.


movin said...

Thanks much, Steve, for the new one.

Hope you had a good weekend.

C(°ٿ°)D Jim

movin said...

By the way, I think I jumped the gun. I now see Finney back on the nest.

C(°ٿ°)D Jim

stronghunter said...

Hi Jim,

Thanks for the new thread, Steve.

Thanks for the call-over, Jim. They needed another call-over.

Hope you have not been too lonely over here.

stronghunter said...

Getting ready to shampoo my carpet. Again. I don't know why it needs so much attention.

That is an odd sound at the nest. Almost sounds like a weed-eater.


hedgie said...

Lynne2 said:
my goodness, cicada on the mic!! How annoying is that sound!

Tuesday, August 03, 2010 12:33:00 PM

I said:

VERY, VERY strange sounds at our nest...........hard to describe....nature or mechanical????

Tuesday, August 03, 2010 12:35:00 PM
Sounds like maybe an insect as it revs up, but then like a motor when it's winding down........very strange!

Tuesday, August 03, 2010 12:37:00 PM

Lynne2 said...

it's a cicada on the mic....

from other thread....
Northern Lights

just because we aren't in these areas, don't rule out seeing them...I've seen them 3 times over the last 12 years here during high solar activity.

stronghunter said...

Interesting, Lynne. The first pictures I posted on my blog were of northern lights that we took from our backyard.

movin said...

aFTER your cicada comments, I opened my live feed, but there is very little, if any, sound on it right now.

Is mine broken, or did the noise go away??

C(°ٿ°)D Jim

hedgie said...

Well, I'm sure glad I don't have cicadas that get their sounds magnified!!

Lynne2 said...

no Jim, haven't heard it again yet.

stronghunter said...

It isn't happening constantly, Jim, at least not the really strange part. I heard it once. I hear something now, but it sounds more like a cricket or something normal.

Now I hear something that sounds like a cicada.

stronghunter said...

Still not the really strange one, though.

stronghunter said...

Okay, what is that thing we hear?

stronghunter said...

Duck? Some other kind of bird?

Lynne2 said...

I hear a crow now.

movin said...

Well, if I turn my volume all the way up, I can hear the hum that's associated with the solar power, but otherwise not much.............

I did hear an apparent "invasion of earth" by cicadas once, while I was traveling through the Midwest to the wedding of one of my uncle's daughters...think it was in the 80's, either 84 or 89.

Boy, their sound is just overwhelming when they get going.

C(°ٿ°)D Jim

Lynne2 said...

Normal cicada noise is loud, Jim, but every 17 years (cycles vary throughout the country) THOSE appear, and the noise is DEAFENING!! Maybe you drove through during one of those years!

Our last in MD was in 2004

hedgie said...

I haven't heard the noise again lately. Heard it maybe 7 times.....so guess the bug must have moved. Just normal cicada sounds now.

Mema Jo said...

Good Afternoon - sometimes you are thankful to be 'hard of hearing'! My
visit with daughter has ended and she is headed west! A few rain drops when she left - you know - the famous 23 drops of rain!

I would love to hear but moreso see Palmer one more time.

Mema Jo said...

Sorry such a short visit but my feet are going up for a while........


movin said...

Talk to you later.

They had the water shut off (I forgot it was today), but it's back on now.

I've got some catching up to do, plus some dishes, etc....

Have a good day.

C(°ٿ°)D Jim

stronghunter said...

Sounds like some kind of mechanical sounds at the nest now. Different from other sounds earlier.

hedgie said...

Jo, I just had my 23 drop allotment!! We need to do a rain dance!

hedgie said...

Christie's MIL saw one of these today after planting a new butterfly bush at her mom's house:


hedgie said...

Gee, did everybody get lost??
Just heard that the Tidey-Bowl man died......everyone remember the boat?? LOL!
And I'm sure you heard about the dope who twittered that Bill Cosby passed away yesterday.....as he said last night on Larry King---"I defer to Mark Twain." " 'Reports of my death have been greatly exaggerated.' "

hedgie said...

I've been working on slides....again!
Cloudy, warm and very humid here.

paula eagleholic said...

Evening, all!

How is everyone today?

NatureNut said...

Evening Everyone!
Saw the Snowberry site from Lynn. I don't know what all they have planted there, but my Clearwings and Snowberries like lantana the best. At the Park, they love milkweed.They are so neat!
Our new osprey cam at Park (which had no sound)has been off for awhile. Outside I didn't hear any chirps! Did see one fly by. Have been hearing the yellow-billed cuckoo---just one loud koo lower and louder than a dove.
Told Greg K. about seeing the egrets & the amount. He said they come every year--probably the same ones. I've seen them a few times before, but not that many.

NatureNut said...

The continuing Wren Saga is that I'm not really sure of much! This AM, Ms. W took another little piece of shell away from house. Sometimes Wrenny comes with food & gives it to her at the opening, sometimes not. She goes out, too & doesn't always come back w/food (except it could be in crop). Stay tuned unless you're bored to tears! ☺
We've had wren families for years and this is the most unusual.

hedgie said...

LOL, Loretta...not bored, just curious!
Did you read the Severna story I posted link to this morning??

Lolly said...

Good evening! Has been a good day. Shopping for the boys went very smoothly. hurrah! Gotta buy clothes they like or they will not wear them. 5 yr old Jacob is wearing 8's and 9 yr old Joseph
12's and some 14's. We do not raise them little down here! LOL

They had fun after the shopping. Stayed indoors all day as it is so hot.

paula eagleholic said...

Lolly, sorry you got our hot weather! Supposed to get hotter here the next couple of days.

Took John and Ajay some zucchini bread. Giannia was awake, but the boys were in bed. Got just a tad more that 23 drops on the way home, but not much more, it was just a small sprinkling!

Gianni is wearing 6-month old sleepers! She is 3 1/2 months.

Ajay went to neurosurgeon for follow up visit. He said no vacuuming for 4 months! John said he wants to see that in writing, LOL. She is doing good. Told her to take it easy, no lifting. Goes back at the end of the month. He told her OK to carry the baby, but try not to do it all day long!

Michael and Laura coming down on Sat night thru Monday morn, but they will be busy! Going to Inner Harbor on Sunday.

That's about it from here, gonna hit the hay early.

Love and Hugs to all! ♥

Lynne2 said...

evening all....I just put some more pics on blog of new visitors from today.

Lynn, love the Snowberry HBM!! I know one thing for sure...I'll be planting TONS of stuff next year after this year's fun...but I've not seen one of those, YET!!

Paula, glad Ajay is doing OK and I hope she listens to the Dr. I never do and it gets me in trouble.

Looking forward to more reports Loretta (and by the way, I want YOUR fun job!). I hope those wrens give some more clues soon!

I see it's been a rather slow day here today. Where is everyone?

Going to head up to shower, and Irvine tomorrow morning. Prayers for all and have a good night!

Costume Lady said...

Good Night Lynne...
I, too, will be planting more bird and butterfly attracting flowers next year...may have to cut down a tree or two:)

Costume Lady said...

This has bee a WONDERFUL day. I worked inside and outside off and on all day. Didn't have to leave to go to GG's. It has been soooo long since I have had a whole day to myself! I am so anxious to see how she did, all by herself:)

Going to get some rest and sleep now...hate to see this day end:(


Mema Jo said...

Today has gone by faster than I expected. The blog has an all time low
so I am thinking that everyone must be out catching the last glimpses of the butterflies or shopping!

Lolly I agree that at their ages it is best to buy what they like so that it gets worn. I so remember those so long ago days!

hedgie said...

Yep, it's certainly an interesting specimen....not only have never seen one, but never heard of it before!!! Julia said she'll put pics on FB when she gets home from "them thar hills" of central WV, so I'll share!

So good to hear that Ajay is doing well. Paula, I always said there was little point in buying baby clothes smaller than 6 mos. size!!

Lynne, you and Loretta would no doubt have a ball if you worked together!!!!

Mema Jo said...

Sounds as thought Gianni is going to be able to control those brothers! Will love it when she starts walking!
Very glad Ajay is doing so well. Sorry about John being nailed with the vacuuming! Paula they are a very loving family - I can tell by their pictures that you post.

Mema Jo said...

Well I am going down the hallway
Tomorrow is an Alexis day but with a bit of a twist. I will have her for lunch and the afternoon. Fun Fun Fun

Mema Jo said...

Good night all and prayers for everyone
Praying for Karen & Kailey & all others in need.

((hugs for all)) ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

Judie said...

Hello and goodnight.

Busy day today with all the Natl Night Out activities and the block party tonight. Darth was on Ch. 5 - interviewed about the importance of community involvement to deter crime. Our's is the oldest continuously active neighborhood watch program in U.S.

Got home, fell asleep.

Will catch up tomorrow.

hedgie said...

Email from Margy----she has been wrestling with sleep and computer tech all day. Heading out to work in a few. She'll be back with us soon!

hedgie said...

Well, shucks, Judie....wish I'd known that Darth was going to be a celeb!! Maybe they'll repeat it in the AM---I'll set DVR, in case!

Hope that everyone sleeps well. Prayers for all in need or want, and may each find peace in your heart. "See" all y'all tomorrow.

stronghunter said...

Time to say good night and go upstairs.

Wish I had known Darth was on Ch. 5. I would have watched. Will check their website.

See you tomorrow.

Good night.

Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Everyone,
I just got home from school about 20 minutes ago, and have been trying to catch up on what's happening. Looks like it's been a slow day here! Apparently no appearances by our eagles. (Darn!)

The exterminator came out today, and there was one rat in a trap in the attic. Told him they are still trying to get in the holes under the eaves, so he checked them. Found a spot where the eaves meet the chimney that looks like the not-so-little rodents have been trying to chew their way in. The guy put a bunch of steel wool pads in there, and if none have been pulled loose by Friday, he will spray some foam insulation on top of that, then staple some 1/4" mesh over the whole thing. I heard loud gnawing coming from that area early this morning, so bet the deceased rat was one that got in then. Still have raccoons stampeding around up there at night--they're a busy bunch! Still a few herons hanging around, too--I think one nest has young ones in it. There are still major hummingbird wars in the back yard, too! There are a pair of Anna's hummers, and a pair of Rufous hummers. 2 + 2 = trouble!

Glad to hear that Ajay is progressing--wish a doctor would write ME a note excusing me from vacuuming! ;o]

Prayers continue for Dana and Diann!

Lolly, sorry your weather has been so extreme! The kids went home to 106-degree heat near Dallas, in Aubrey! Don't think you're too far away from there! Eeeeewwww!

Shirley, you asked about how hard it is to get a service dog (for GG). I am not sure, but seems like it might be a good idea. Doesn't necessarily have to be a big dog--the ones for deaf or hard-of-hearing people are sometimes smaller ones. They might be helpful for retrieving dropped objects, too.

Well, gotta say, it's way too quiet around this house now! Hope we can manage to save up and visit the kids before too awfully long!

I managed to catch our gardener before he left, and had him check some of the sprinklers that aren't working correctly. He fixed one, and is going to replace about 3 of them next week. They throw water too high and far, and the grass right next to them is turning brown. He'll change them to sprinklers that don't reach as far, and that should do it. Glad that's being resolved!

Ms Bookworm said...

Gosh, Judie,
I didn't realize you were married to a TV star! Golly!

Well, think I'm about worn out for the day. Gonna leave the night light on, and the porch light, too.
The eye-scanner security and Dana's thumbprint-scanner security are both enabled. Prayers have been said for everyone. Sleep well, friends, and I will talk to you tomorrow--no school on Wednesday!

God bless, and goodnight! Love all of you guys! :o]

Lolly said...

Nite all!

Fell asleep again in my chair!

Shopping "done wore me out"!

Sweet dreams!

stronghunter said...

Got up for a snack and will be going back to bed. It is storming here.

Judie, we had Neighborhood Watch for awhile here, but the man who started it moved away. He seemed to have connections to the sheriff's department, maybe just because of the Neighborhood Watch. I saw some links to a crime watch organization at Ch. 5, but nothing about Darth's interview. (I almost Googled "Darth.")

Going to head back upstairs.

hedgie said...

Morning all. WooHoo---got some rain during the night! Every little bit has to help...
The nosiy cicada is back on the mic, but does not sound quite as mechanical as yesterday.

FuzzleMT said...

I can't believe I miss Palmer's screaming! At least you have years before you have human "empty nest syndrome" with children, but this happens yearly with the eagle "children" - SIGH. I will continue to watch the nest daily until they shut 'er down, but I wish you all good health and godspeed until we return to the nest building for a new year and new eaglets. BYE for now!! ~ Irene

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

Good morning all you wonderful people out there in eagle land!!!! Hope everyone is doing well. I don't have time to read everything, but I have been missing ya'll and had to at least come and say HELLO!!!

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

I wish we lived where we could see the Northern Lights!!

My carpet needs some attention too Shirley. You can come on down with that shampooer!!!

Lynne2 said...

Hi F'MA Irene! Please stay in touch....October and Nestoration season will be here before you know it! Hope you get to see the Northern Lights this week up your way!

Sharon, though you were leaving for NYC?

Lynne2 said...


woke up, can barely walk. Back not happy today. In fact, hasn't been this UNhappy for a long time. Not good. Not able to go to Irvine today.

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

Nope, not Sharon Lynne. It's Beverly (Sissy)

Lynne2 said...

OH MY LORD I how many times have I made this mistake????? SO sorry Bev! I even looked right at the picture of you and Tom! DUH!

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

Forgiven! Our names on here are so similar, it is an easy mistake!!

Lynne2 said...

3 quakes in OK this AM, 3.4 being the strongest

Caiman caught in Patapsco River yesterday by teen
Patapsco River Catch of the Day
and people look at me funny because I support banning imported pets.

Lynne2 said...

Your looking good Bev....so proud of you for keeping up with the exercise routines!

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

I am not near as consistent with the exercise as I was, keep saying I am going to, but then don't.

hedgie said...

Read this sad story.
China cover-up

Lynne2 said...

that happens to me, too. I just need to be more disciplined. Usually what happens is my routine takes about an hour. If I don't have an hour, I just don't do it. Instead, I should do 15 minutes which is better than none at all. I could ALWAYS find 15 minutes!

I have "hummingbird wars" going on at the feeder this morning!

Lynne2 said...

that IS sad Lynn. What an odd way for them to handle things.

Our cicada is revving up!

hedgie said...

Irene, MT Nest Syndrome hurts, for sure! Yep, we all miss the screaming wild child!
Lynne, so sorry your back is giving you fits. Praying that you get quick relief.
Sissy, from that weekend pic I saw, you are looking fabulous!!!

hedgie said...

Lynne, caiman story just emphasizes
the stupidity of people.

Lynne2 said...

I'd like to ask that you all keep my friend Tracey in your prayers. She will be making a very difficult trip on Saturday to SC to visit her dad, who is end stage liver cancer, one last time. This trip will have to be her closure, as he wants no memorial service or burial. I can't even imagine how hard this will be for her. She is planning on staying for a week. My personal prayer is that he can hang on long enough for her to get there...he's in very bad shape now.

I am going to gimp off to Walmart for some Aleve which I cannot believe I allowed myself to run out of. BBL

Lynne2 said...

I know Lynn, it's crazy. But very few are equipped to care for these exotics and this is what happens when they are done with their novelty pet. Causes SO much trouble for our own natural habitats. HUGE problem in the southeast, esp. FLA.

hedgie said...

Oh, Lynne, I know it is. FL is overrun.
Feeling so bad for Tracey. Pray that his passage is peaceful and that she gets there in time, and makes her own closure. JMHO, but I agree with his wishes. I, too, have made it clear to my kids that it is to be that way.

I will ask for prayer, too, for my SIL Charlie's brother, who is in ICU with severe pneumonia, on top of recent cardiac problems. TY.

Mema Jo said...

I am just signing on for today


Waiting for you!

I'll be there shortly..........

hedgie said...

Hey, Judie!! Found the Ch. 5 story!
Here's link so all can see and hear Darth!
Darth Speaks on National Night Out

3/12/25 AM 🐟 x2

 Eggrolls and  6:49 AM Bella gets up. Does stretch saunters over to the cup edge does a quick calls to him. Exit the nest at 6 49 43. 6:50 ...