Thursday, August 26, 2010


New thread.


stronghunter said...

Hi Steve. Thanks!! I will get the others.

stronghunter said...

Getting ready to post some pictures of the clouds I saw when I walked outdoors this morning.

stronghunter said...

I've posted two pictures of the sunrise I saw this morning when I walked outdoors to go to work.

stronghunter said...

Not as tired as I was yesterday when I got home. That is a good sign.

hedgie said...

Will look at your pics, Shirley..glad you are not as tired. Just takes a little while to get back into the swing. My g'girls have been in bed around 7 the last three evenings!!!

Check this out!!

New sea species

hedgie said...

Very nice, Shirley!!

Lynne2 said...

wow, those are some very cool new species! love the shell on that snail!

Beautiful skies Shirley!

stronghunter said...

Really interesting critters, Lynn. That really is a beautiful snail shell.

Mema Jo said...

Shirley - Lynn Loved both of your pics/article....

I've never seen cloud coverage like that Shirley. Really spectacular.

stronghunter said...

Jo, I was in the garage getting ready to get into my car and needed to get going, but I had to stop and take some pictures.

stronghunter said...

I was glad I had my camera and someone to share the pictures with.

NatureNut said...

Evening Everyone! New thread---we won't need one tomorrow! ☺
Loved Lynn's sea creatures and your sky was amazing, Shirley.
I could stare at Bob's pictures forever. I recently got pics of kingfishers at Chelsea, but they're so puny I probably won't ever show them!
However, this PM was observing the deck flora and saw one monarch who spent most of the day on the lantana & at 6PM perched on the magnolia tree. I wonder if it was bedtime?! Also saw (rare to me) vireo in the tree getting seeds. Tried to take pic, but haven't dwnlded yet.
Gotta put laundry in dryer---may watch some tv---BBL, I hope

Mema Jo said...

They are really spectacular... Glad you took the time to take those pictures and they did turn out well.

stronghunter said...

Mackerel Sky

Found this online.

Mema Jo said...

I had just gone out on the deck and it has really cooled down. Weather forecast said it could get down in the 50's tonight. Feels like it is getting there. It's almost football weather!

Lynne2 said...

Shirley, there is an old saying, "Mackerel (or fish) scales and Mare's tail's make tall ships carry low sails"
Mare's tails are long wispy looking clouds that look like horse tails.

stronghunter said...

Yes, I was just looking at some mare's tails. They are pretty, too.

Mema Jo said...

Maukie sure enjoys me looking at your pics, Shirley..... Love him.

Whatever describes the cloud pattern, all I can say is that it is breathtaking and probably would have made me late for work!

Lynne2 said...

BTW Shirley, the sticks I cut and stuck in the ground from the rogue butterfly bush last month are BLOOMING!!

stronghunter said...

Fire drill today. There is something about my fourth block class, new students and fire drills. Last year, I would get a bunch of new students, then, just as I was trying to get them (and the rest of the class) settled, the fire alarm would go off.

I have to say I was expecting it today. They told us that there was going to be one and it hadn't happened by block 4. I figured they wouldn't wait until tomorrow. I was so sure it would happen that I had already told the class what to do. And yes, I had just gotten two new students.

hedgie said...

I've always loved the various cloud formations....differences, meanings. Wanted to be a meteorologist when I was a kid....was told my math and science skills weren't strong enough. :(

stronghunter said...

Yay, Lynne. I will have to try that.

NatureNut said...

Wow, just went out and heard a barred owl a few yards up the street. No use trying for audio/video, as too many cars and dreaded motorcycles!
Just thought what a symphony we have all summer---cicadas, katydids and birds in the daytime and tree/ground crickets & some birds at night!

stronghunter said...

But you became a nurse, didn't you, Lynn. That takes math and science skills, too.

Lynne2 said...

Been seeing less and less butterflies recently. Except for the migrating monarchs. There are SO many caterpillars on my milkweed now and they are eating them like crazy! I have only 6 plants, with at least 4 or 5 on each, and then one butterfly weed plant that has FIVE eating it to the ground!

Lynne2 said...

cool Loretta! I haven't heard one all summer....I love barred owls. we have one at Irvine and I call him Barney. He hates me. He likes to click his beak at me. But I love him!

stronghunter said...

I really want to have some milkweed next year.

Lynne2 said...

are you going to save your pods? I'll be saving mine and will send you some seed if you want!

Lynne2 said...

if you've saved yours, we can trade...I don't have that variety.

stronghunter said...

Sure. I have saved the pods. I would be happy to trade.

stronghunter said...

I'm not sure if I have your address. Was it on the Momsters' list at Christmastime?

Lynne2 said...

sounds good! hope the caterpillars don't eat all of the pods, too!

Heading for bed, have a good night everyone!

Mema Jo said...

Going to watch a 10:00 TV show...
Need to do some things before it starts


Lynne2 said...

I thinks so Shirley. Let me know if you've got it.

stronghunter said...

It would be fun to grow some pods like the ones I bought.

stronghunter said...

I have it, Lynne. Mine is on the list, too. Do you have it?

hedgie said...

Anybody watching B'Ball? Nats on top of St. L. Cards 8-6 in top of 9th!

stronghunter said...

I am going to head upstairs for the evening. I can't keep the late hours anymore. See you tomorrow.

hedgie said...

Shirley and Lynne----can't you exchange pods at Open House???
Goodnight to all turning in.
I've been in a funky mood a little of this, a little of that....and feel like I'm spinning my wheels! Depressing!
Wonder if Judie is okay? Was she going to the big schoolhouse today??

hedgie said...

Now is a good time to eat a piece of the key lime pie! Has to help a funk! Looks like Nats msy be heading to a 10th....

Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Gang!

Well, I finally got excused from jury duty today! No more running to the courthouse! Yay! Sure gives me more time to do my homework!

Watered my patio plants, got some errands done, and then went to school early to finish my homework and print it up, using THEIR ink and paper, not mine! (Not a bad idea, is it?)

This semester is going to be nice--no school on Friday or Monday, so every weekend is a 4-day weekend!

Still hot and muggy here, but I don't think it's quite as bad as it was yesterday.

Shirley, your pictures are just beautiful! So glad you ran for your camera! Thanks for sharing.

Bob, love your bird pictures, too--you got some really good ones of the kingfishers--they are difficult to capture!

Well, I'm pretty tired tonight--think I'll call it a day. I'll have more time to talk tomorrow--no school, no jury duty! Probably won't know what to do with myself, with nowhere to go! LOL :oD

Haven't really caught up on the blog, but hope to tomorrow. Saying prayers for everyone; know that God can sort it all out. Hope everyone is doing well!

Leaving the porch light and the night light on for others. The eye-scanner security and Dana's thumbprint-scanner security are both enabled. Sleep tight, everyone, and I'll talk to you in the morning. God bless, and goodnight! Love all of you! :o]

hedgie said...

11th Inning.....this is why baseball can get so b-o-r-i-n-g!

hedgie said...

Andy, good for you! I was sure that you could get out of it!! Being in school has it's advantage, say what?

hedgie said...

Glad that you have 4-day weekends. Good rejuvenation for you and your overloaded brain!

hedgie said...

See that the woman whose boyfriend was abusing his babies was arrested today. Unknown felony charges....$140,000 bond! Good!

hedgie said...

12th inning....I give up. Time for the news!

hedgie said...

Going to shut 'er down for the night. See all y'all tomorrow. Peaceful rest. Prayers for all.

Mema Jo said...

I finished my finale of Royal Pains
I'll have to wait until the next season to see what happens.......

I am heading back the hallway...

Hedgie don't forget your medicine for
for your leg cramps!

NatureNut said...

Getting late & eyeballs are tired, so to all--Pleasant Feather Dreams ;>)

Mema Jo said...

Good Night All
Prayers for All
Hugs for All ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

Costume Lady said...

Oh, this was NOT a good day.
We took the plastic film wrap off the Fridge this morning and there was a huge dent in the front.
Gene went to Lowes with camera in hand and showed them the dent. No problem, will deliver a new one.
Stove is in and I made Ice tea
No problem there:)

Went to GG's. and she told me she had a sore back from washing windows. "How did you get a sore back from washing windows, GG!"
"Well, I was standing on the table so I could reach the top and slipped and fell". "Mom! Did you hurt yourself?"..."No, but I broke my favorite candy dish!"
She also, drove to the grocery store Monday and got some fried chicken!!! She said she drove very slowly and carefully. Lord, have mercy!!!

I need sleep...


stronghunter said...

Having trouble getting to sleep. My mind won't stop working. So I just drank some milk and ate a bunch of cookies. Not a good thing to do, I know.

I don't think I told Bob how much I enjoyed his beautiful pictures. They are wonderful.

Going to try to get settled in again. See you later. Good night again.

stronghunter said...

Sorry abut all of your troubles, Wanda. I hope that tomorrow is a better day.

Andy, glad you got off jury duty. Your days are full enough as it is.

Hope your mood is better tomorrow, Lynn.

Judie, I hope you are okay and that we hear funny stories from you tomorrow.

Good night, Loretta. Pleasant dreams.

I really did not have time nor energy to read everything from today, so I will just say good night once again.

hedgie said...

Just had to pop back in to say:


hedgie said...

Wanda........what a discombobulating day you've had!
WHAT is GG thinking? Is she trying to make you gray???
Surely pray that she truly DIDN'T hurt herself. And it scares me think that she's trying to drive again......thought you had taken the keys.
Bill's mother had another parking lot incident; he is hoping the insurance drops her coverage---this is like #5 in less than 2 yrs.!

I know all of the arguments about independence, etc., and inconvenience....but my thoughts lean toward the possibility of an innocent victim; and Bill still has not removed his name from her vehicle, so he would be just as liable as she would be. And in this litigious society----very scary.

Well, goodnight again!

Lolly said...

Happy birthday Capt Gene! We are at A&M in the RV parking for tailgating. Volleyball at 10 in the morning. Having fun! Nite all! Sweet dreams! No computer but havey iPhone.:)

hedgie said...

Good morning! Rise and shine....y-a-w-n! Another restless night here. Dreams are killin' me!

Today is also Tian Tian's birthday---13 yrs. old!!!!! A mere TEENAGER!!!!

ceil said...

Got a minute before heading to the Aquarium. Want to say HAPPY BIRTHDAY CAPTAIN GENE and Tian Tian

wvgal_dana said...

Good Morning in Eagle Land.

I haven't read yesterdays comment yet.

Hope everyone is getting off to a good start.

I was already to go run errands then go to the pool. Later I began to feel shakey and bad. Went to eat and then layed down a bit. Felt better later. Ok so far today.
Later I began to feel shakey and bad. Went to eat and then layed down a bit.

Although I met a man yesterday that has had already 4 tours in Afh. he is in the Army. Getting ready to leave again. I said, "I thought they were brinning everyone home"? He said, "No ma'ma orders are we will be there for a long time and it is not just to help the police or teach their service people. We WILL be invovled in combat." I thanked the gentleman (not a kid either) and praised him for helping to KEEP US ALL FREE.. I felt very sad as I watched him walk away.

hedgie said...

Currently only 58° here.....a wee bit chilly. Heading for low 80's.

wvgal_dana said...

and many more (how many wacks
is that? lol

wvgal_dana said...

Well to get through my comments from other thread were you all posted and thank you (:

Mema Jo will be going to maybe get me some laughs from the little elephant you posted link to ty.

Hedgie's-Lynns comment Wed 9:11pm B...........Now what is that. LOL

I did get to see the moon last night and it was beautiful. Kept going out to see the awesome vision to my eyes.
Wow Mema Jo I bet Jenny's sees
were peeled to the SKY!!!!!

Gosh look at how many legs that
walking stick (so called by me)
has!!! eek Sea Spiders

I love the snails shell
that is a beautiful shell.
Lolly that was looking for "Batman costume" well there
is a Batman

Got to say that 1st guy looks so
unhappy :(

Thanks Hedgie-Lynn for the new species.

Bob thank you for again sharing with us your great photos. I love #24. I was wondering about #22 and #23
of the eagle with its talons
so cruel. Wash it heading
towards the water?

Judie said...

Well, I tried to publish my morning comments but they disappeared -- error message. I'll try again.


Wanda, so sorry yesterday was such a concern. Like Lynn, I am concerned about GG. I do hope a good solution can be found soon. Maybe the car should disappear.

Yesterday began with a broken toilet and stuck faucet. I went to Home Depot. Told the clerk if he didn't give me the correct parts I would return and hurt him. Returning home, I was captured by D.L. (dirty laundry) and only managed to escape several hours later. Just as I was about to race out of the laundry room, I was captured by I.B. (ironing board). Once I managed to escape from I.B., I was captured by K.D. (kitchen duty). Finally, escaping from K.D., I was captured by the sandperson. Escaped from sandperson about 45 minutes ago.

Lynn, not becoming a meteorologist had nothing to do with math/science skills and everything to do with gender.

Shirley, hope you have a nice end-of-the-first-week Friday with no fire drills or students with attitude. I know what you mean about a working mind -- I usually get little sleep the night before I go back.

I think the child abuse case publicized yesterday makes a statement about teaching children to report serious differential treatment at home to a teacher or police/school resource officer. Seriously hoping both adults get major incarceration and children are placed in foster homes until adults.

Have a fun day at the aquarium, Ceil.

Andy, glad you were excused from jury duty as it would be difficult timing with classes. I know you are going to enjoy the long weekends. That's what I love about my Tuesday/Thursday schedule.

Dana, anytime you feel weak and shaky, please just stop and sit/lay down. Make sure you have something in your stomach -- might have been a bit of low blood pressure.

Lolly, please enjoy the weekend. Keep us posted if you can.

Off for more coffee and newspaper.

Judie said...

Prayer that Chrissy has a speedy recovery from tooth surgery.

hedgie said...

Judie is back! Can tell you are feeling much more like your chipper self!!

Oh-oh...gotta check Momster mail----Chrissy FINALLY got the broken tooth out?? Thank's been a long haul for her.

Judie....I'm sure you are right about the gender issue. When I first moved here I went in to apply for a deputy position (had most of my credits toward a second degree--Police Science as it was called then--and the sheriff just laughed and said "we don't have women cops around here." Ticked me off big time........but in '71, there wasn't anything to do about it!

wvgal_dana said...

Shirley thank you for those pictures.
Mom and me were just talking yesterday
about the clouds and the formations we
we seeing. Got us laughing. Of course,
your clouds were truly different.

Reading on down on today's comment.
Fish don't that just
sound right for Shirley to have
stopped and taken that picture.
Fish-eagleslove fish (:

Wednesday I seen so many different
and beautifully colored butterflies.
Next neighbor and I would say, "look
at that one and look at the colors on
that one, hay that one is really

Next I want to plant some milkweed
in the back yard guess that will be next year. Near where I now have
a butterfly bush. I wasn't even going to plant anything on ground. Due to cat coming up on porch and having to plant the Carinal Vine on the ground (that I can get too from on the ramp to water if it needs it).

wvgal_dana said...

Ceil I know you probably just love
volunteering at the Aquarium. Have
a good DAY (:

wvgal_dana said...

Shirley I am cracking up here in laughter. I just got to your comment on here where you say you want to have milk weed next year. LADY WE ARE THINKING ALIKE HERE lol

wvgal_dana said...

Andy that 4 day weekend sounds nice for you. You certainly deserve it. I am glad you was able to get out of jury duty.
You have been a "loaded down lady". I
am sure you won't get bored. Blog, links, school, some rest, tv time, watering plants or cutting back some. Hay that sounds like I am giving Andy a to do list eeekkks
Andy to do list: R E S T lol

Hedgie-Lynn good wished he couldn't get out on any bond. Glad they are felony charges jut hope that they don't down grade it from felony !!!!

wvgal_dana said...

WANDA Lowes is good about that
kind of stuff. WHAT AM I READING....
HEAVENS NO!!! GG could have broken her
hip falling off that table!!! So glad
she didn't hurt herself but today she
might be bruised or sore. DRIVING (MY
thought you are took her keys. Oh MY

That is truly an awesome picture Bob
took of that Kingfish. You are right
Shirley. I want to know more about

movin said...


GooD MorniNG,



Another hot, humid one today in So Cal. I think it will be more moderate for the weekend though.

[:~D] Jim

wvgal_dana said...

JUDIE That is why (if I don't forget)
I type on notepad or copy what I type on blog onto notepad. I got tired of the "old mean blogger cop". You might want to try that.
It is good to hear from you---don't want to have to put out the "SILVER ALERT" out.
I do always carry something with me.

Judie I did just that at Mom's then we went and got something to eat. I knew it was probably that (low). I don't like eating sweet stuff or drink soda when that happens.
Cause if gives me a terrible headache. Not long after eating ty felt much better. Plus I'm adjusting some meds. Which worked better
for last night and better for this AM.
Thank you for caring. This group is SPECIAL to me (:

When or are you still going to Fairfax or that out?

wvgal_dana said...

Good Morning Jim (: How are things out your way?

Loretta keep your eyes to the sky and the water. Love your pics when you post them.

wvgal_dana said...

Wow Lynn-Hedgie Bill should get his name off that car. That's a man--I'm sure you have mentioned it to him. How old is his Mother?

That many accidents in that short of time. Wonder insurance hasn't said something. Well maybe all of them not turned in to Insurance.

wvgal_dana said...

GENE HAPPY BIRTHDAY and look at that handsome guy you share your birthday with Tian Tian. Now he really has the people looking at him...teasing you lol HAPPY BIRTHDAY !!

wvgal_dana said...

Going to check out Mema Jo's elephant link...want to see little elephant.

Mema Jo said...

Oh what a beautiful morning to have a birthday - filled with happies! I loved Helen's care to the Capt on FB !

Capt Gene, here's wishing you all the best there is on your special day! You are the greatest!

hedgie said...

Dana, I HAVE told him, several times! She'll be 82 next month. She has failed a lot in last two years since having the mini-strokes.

hedgie said...

Hysterical happenings on scanner.....another pot raid going on outside CharlesTown....chopper panicked someone who started pulling plants up by roots and throwing into a it's a brush fire. "Use appropriate precautions when getting on scene due to burning marijuana plants". Canine units present----wonder if they have respirators for them?

Mema Jo said...

I have been refereeing the conflict between cat and squirrel with the peanuts I put out on the railing. The squirrels seem to have No Fear - but I know that Scar, our cat, has been keeping his eye on them. He get up on the railing as though he is patrolling his domain. I would have heart failure if he attacked and caught one so guess I need to find the solution to keep them both happy. Now the Tufted Titmouse is sitting there waiting for the peanuts. This is not a win-win situation.

Mema Jo said...

Pot Brush Fire - Now that is as High as you go! lol I would worry about the air quality.. Going to call gd and tell her to keep the kids inside

(Just joking cause I don't think there is too much of a breeze to carry it to Hedgesville) Keep me advised Lynn!

Judie said...

Lynn, still called Police Science at GDub. You would have been a great cop but back then female = wife/mother, school teacher, nurse.

Yes, so happy Chrissy has finally gotten that tooth taken care of. Equally glad it is not the same dentist. Told her in an email to pretend Isla is caring for her just as she does her babies.

Hi Dana. Glad you seem to be adjusting to new meds. I'm adjusting just fine without mine. Stopped them all except aspirin and side-effects have almost disappeared. Taking a huge gamble but ...

Hi Jo. Are you having a "time out" day?

Played "clouds" when I was a kid. Still sometimes look at them and think what they remind me of -- animal, etc. Need to look at pictures that are posted.

Need to write a letter of recommendation for a former student. Wish I had not agreed as I a review of his academic record is less than I typically require. Graduated six years ago. Oh well, just not a very strong recommendation.

Oh, beautiful sunshine here at 77º


Judie said...

Oh wow! I need a "high"light day so headed for WV.

Meanwhile, Jo, why not get one of those machines that give out numbers so the critters can take turns at the peanuts? Scar will have to wait his turn to get the critters?

Mema Jo said...

I have been watching some of the videos of Tian Tian. He is quite the tree climber and showman!
I'm not certain which of the pandas is sitting in the pool at this time.

hedgie said...

You hit that nail on the head, Judie. TG times have changed!!
Limitless opportunities for women now! Even get sub duty in the navy!

That kind of reference letter can be succinct: he was a student such-and-such years, and completed the course! Employers nowadays rarely say more than employed and may mention a verifiable attendance record! Too open to lawsuits!

Jo, think the kids are safe-----it's a good 30 miles away!!

wvgal_dana said...

Judie sounds like you are doing good. So I guess I'll take that as your NOT going to Fairfax. Although I thought you still would.

Wanda many love peanuts. I most love the little titmouse pecking at the peanut Ed had stuck on the nail. When he got it off, if it was still whole. That little stinker would fly off with it. "It's mine---ALL MINED!! lol"

Mema Jo I got to the San Diego page but the elephant cam won't open for me. I will try it later today or another time. I want to see that little one (:/b>

wvgal_dana said...

Your right on that Hedgie-Lynn I can't get a buzz off it either. So Jo everyone is safe in Hedgesville. (:

Mema Jo said...

I hear you Judie ! Today is sort of a Time Out day. We retirees still TGIF !

You know, I read on FB about Tian Tian's 13th b-day but no where can I
find it on the FONZ news. I will need to email Helen for the facts.

Mema Jo said...

Wanda I can only speak from experience about taking the keys away from senior citizens...... Mom had a fender bender and it really scared her that the good Lord - Keys were handed over.. But like GG mom lived alone and we were 30 miles away. Thank goodness she had great friends and we mostly had to do grocery shopping and visit her UNTIL she fell and could not get up. Then it was time for Mom to move in with us - and I think she was relieved to do so.

GG is so spunky - but maybe too spunky for her own well being. You may need to use some 'tough love' on that gal! Best of luck!

Mema Jo said...

San Diego Elephants

They should be out soon.

wvgal_dana said...

Thanks again Mema Jo. It is showing a picture of 2 logs, pond to right and some kind of building in the background.

Is that what yours is showing???

Mema Jo said...

Helen said that the elephants will come out at 2:00 our time.
Don't Miss It!

Mema Jo said...

Yes Dana the large yard is showing now.
When the herd comes out at 2:00 they look for treats that have been hidden around the yard. The cam will move - I like it when they go to the water.
So 2:00 - tune in.

wvgal_dana said...

Does Helen mean at DC or San Diego?

I'll won't be here at 2pm grr

wvgal_dana said...

Got it Helen means San Diego ok but I still won't be here. I am going to catch it another day got it in my favorites. Have errands to run and will have to eat at that time.

Mema Jo said...

Going to find some lunch..... BBILW

wvgal_dana said...

See woman walking, and other people out there racking. On elephant cam.

hedgie said...

Just saw my first stink bug of the new season...on the door, obviously looking for a way in. ARGH! Time to spray the doorframes!
Also have some cardinals that are raising quite a ruckus!

Lynne2 said...

I smell POT wafting on my western breeze....LOL!
Anything on the scanner about the impending squirrel, cat, titmouse riots at Jo's house?

HAPPY BIRTHDAY CAPT. GENE! What a beautiful day to celebrate!

OK, I have FINALLY posted a few more blog posts I've been trying to get around to...enjoy!

wvgal_dana said...

See you all later

Take care

Prayers for those that need them
please add brother to a Sandy for me.


hedgie said...

Loved your pics, Lynne!!!!

Mema Jo said...

Lynne - your current Soper Stuff is amazing! Loved all of the pics and your remarks.

Mema Jo said...

I guess the breeze isn't going to make it over the mountain down into my valley - I've been out sniffing but to no avail! lol

Where is Margy - anyone know if it's a work day or a free day?

Mema Jo said...


Judie said...

Been waiting for the wind to shift but, alas, no buzz for me, either.

Dana, I do still plan to contact the head of cardio-vascular at Fairfax for an appointment to get a second opinion and advice about medical care in a civilian hospital. The reason I am feeling better is that once I decided to stop taking all the medications, the side-effects are disappearing.

Lynn, sorry about the stink bug. Article I read this week says to check for any/all openings around sinks, doors, etc. I know you already have.

By the way, as for the critter riots at Jo's place, I think there is a BOLO alert for large gatherings of critters holding numbered tickets and standing in single-file lines.

As for Margy, she's probably buzzing around somewhere.

Okay, almost 2 so going to check out S.D. Lphants.

Mema Jo said...

Here are the elephants

Mema Jo said...

They mostly look the same to me except for size; however, the little ones know exactly where to find their mommas.

Mema Jo said...

The calves are weaned at age 4 or 5.
It's when they begin to get their tusks and it's uncomfortable for the female to nurse any longer.

Judie said...

Fun to watch the lphants. Like the babies most.

Well, off to work on that letter. Brain says no -- calendar says yes.

hedgie said...

Margy is on the 2nd of 3 nights off.....she's tired....that 12 hr. shift started her week off a bit roughly.

hedgie said...

I can't get the Lphants up on either computer......tried several times yesterday. :( After initial stillview, I just get a multicolor broadcast screen that says Video Unavailable.

We haven't heard from Paula since Weds. night......hope she and Michael had a good time last evening.

Mema Jo said...

Two of the small elephants met on the side of the hill - headed for the water hole.

Mema Jo said...

I'm not sure why you can't get the SD Zoo - If my blue link doesn't work, Lynn.. Go through the San Diego Zoo main page.

Judie said...

New thread. Y'all come on over.

3/12/25 PM 🐟

 12.56 PM Scout comes to the nest to relieve Bella of her incubation duties getting close guys. He does have a Talon load of bedding. He lan...