Thursday, August 19, 2010


Sorry about the sparse posts, been offline bringing my daughter to College.

New thread.


paula eagleholic said...

Thanks for the new thread, Steve. Hope your trip went well.

Outdoor Channel has posted that the cam is offline for maintenance.

Mema Jo said...

Good Morning Everyone
Steve that is a milestone - Hope she didn't chose a school too far from home

Just signing on...... Going back to previous thread......

Hi Paula - BTW thankful John is doing well

movin said...

yEAH, thanks, Steve. Try to extend the benefits of the relaxation/vacation for as long as possible....

I've tried several times, but unfortunately, about 3 days is the max I ever achieved.

I guess the live feed will return in time??
Other fronts: Lily and Hope seem to be together again most of the time and happy that way.

BWO: possibly the family 'parting for S. America' party might have been held yesterday P.M.

C(°ٿ°)D Jim

Lolly said...

Good morning! Can not believe I was awake before the boys today at 8:09!!! Told Joseph he is growing up! However, by the time I was dressed they were out here and Jacob was complaining that it took Joseph FOREVER to wake up. LOL!

Lolly said...

Well, the streak of over 100 was broken yesterday HOWEVER we are back at it today. Groan!

Need to go back to the last thread to catch up!

Lolly said...

Steve, how exciting about your daughter going to college. Been there done that! Cried a lot. LOL

Yes, Omni is an IMAX theartre. Never been there for a full length movie. Have always goine for their special imax movies.

Let's see....the boys had for breakfast lasagne and cereal. Oh, yuk!

Okay, time to get my day started. Have a great day!

hedgie said...

Jim, you never relaxed for more than 3 days? Poor guy! You gotta stop and smell the roses!!

Lily and Hope sure are giving the researchers plenty of food for thought, aren't they? I just find it amazing that they "know" these bears so well that they can actually collar them, etc.

hedgie said...

Lolly, I just hope the boys had warmed-up lasagna, not cold! My kids have eaten liked cold pizza for breakfast......yuck!

hedgie said...

Jim, BWO said Mom was there yesterday you think that was the last hurrah??

hedgie said...

Oh my goodness.....Reba McIntyre is going to be at St. Leonard's, MD fireman's festival tonight! They sure draw lots of big names there!

hedgie said...

Just saw something I've never seen before....a butterfly actually sticking out it's tiny tongue! It was jsut sitting on the grill...and in and out it went, several times...tasting I guess, cause there sure wasn't any nectar to take in. It wasn't a big butterfly but tongue was over 1/4".

hedgie said...

Talking to myself again, I see. Oh well......time for me to start getting ready to head out. Have my osteoporosis IV med apptmt. at hospital this afternoon, then a stop at Staples or Office Max for kids school supplies now that the "lists" have been posted. Whatever happened to the days of a notebook, paper and pens/pencils, and "free" education???
Then meeting Carolyn when she gets off work to give her the stuff and for an early dinner.
Later, gators.

movin said...

Have a good day, Hedgie. Hope your appt. goes well today.

I've got to be shutting down too.
Talk to all later.

C(°ٿ°)D Jim

movin said...

If you can take a look at the Pandas at San Diego now.

Bai is kind of in the hammock in their usual sleeping spot, and Diego is down on the rock, laying and lolling around. Can't tell if he's playing just before sleep or just after.

C(°ٿ°)D Jim

paula eagleholic said...

3 osprey at BWO and a fish...not sure if one is a parent or not.

paula eagleholic said...

Parent is feeding one chick at BWO, the second chick is eating on the back of the nest, too

Mema Jo said...

OutdoorChannelLiveLayout1.xml Note:

The EagleCam is temporarily disabled for maintenance. We apologize for the inconvenience

I hadn't scrolled down far enough to get that message the other day...

wvgal_dana said...

Good Eagle Morning to EVERYONE.

Steve hope you enjoy your new job
and daughter now hitting college.
WOW...they do grow up.

Hedgie a butterfly sticking its tongue out. Wished you had gotten
a picture of that. Reba McIntyre
now there is a Country Award winner for you (:

wvgal_dana said...

Judie glad you like your blouses you
order. I've ordered from them. I have never been disappointed.

Thanks Mema Jo for the link about
the troops. God Bless them and those
that died there and the troops still

See Eagle-Eyed Sharon and Paula
found Steve's new appointment
on facebook. Wondering too about
the cam? Wonder who the other guy
is also. I remembe Randy he is a
nice guy.

Jim I hope you are feeling better. I sometimes wonder? Do you think you need a nurse to move in with you. Just kidding Jim and folks Thanks for info on Channel Islands.

wvgal_dana said...

OH NO!! Please Dugger's you have
a lovely family. Thank God and
move into spending your time doing
something ELSE!!

Loretta_Loweeda love you nature
report. PRICELESS! Ok read the comment about the resturant.ty

Lolly I know Laurel appreciates
all you and Jack do for her.
I am sure she is or happy when
you make the dinners. That she
can just pop in the oven or

Shirley I can understand George
wanting some quality time (smile).
As Little Man does too.

Paula glad John is still the day
after feeling good.

Thanks Mema Jo will try to get
into facebook today. Thank you
also for Lilly and Hope.

Andy you take care of yourself.

Wanda sounds like GG got a
mixture of food there. Nice
she had the comfort of the RV.

Ms Bookworm said...

Good Morning, Everyone!

Thanks for the new thread, Steve. Wish your daughter well in college--boy, they do grow up quickly, don't they? Time flies when you're having fun!

Well, I'm doing my part to reduce the amount of gasoline we use--I'm doing more and more bill payments online. Working very well, as they let you schedule when the payment actually transfers out of your checking acct., and keeps me from having to drive all over the place to make payments in person. I think I like this! Still don't trust them enough to do paperless statements yet, but may get there someday soon.

Yippee!!! I got an answer this morning to the e-mail I sent my doctor yesterday! The throat culture showed NO strep--results within normal range. Guess it must be viral--but still feeling kinda sore & raspy. Taking it easy today and using Chloraseptic spray, which seems to be helping. Guess it's just a matter of time.

Have a Rx refill to pick up today, and need to get more meclizine for Hubby, and more generic Claritin for me. Rx won't be ready until noon. Hope it's not "nasty hot" when I venture forth!

Judie, hope you slept well last night, and feel better today.

Jim, hope your cold symptoms are improving rapidly, too!

Shirley, hope your day goes well, and that George feels less "neglected".

Dana, wish the same for you and Little Man, too! Amazing how our furry pals can put us on a guilt trip with so little effort on their part!

Lynn, hope your day is a good one, and you are able to find all the necessary school supplies. Hope your appointment goes well, too. Have fun with Carolyn later!

Well, have my patio plants to water--gonna be hot again today. Birds need more birdseed, too. By then I should need a shower, and I can head out to the pharmacy after that.

Will check back later this afternoon. Have a good day! :o]

NatureNut said...

Congratulations to Steve on that Big step!

Very quiet here in "Magnolia Acres". Fubby came in early this AM & said he saw a little "fluttery" bird on the deck. It was near the edge & when it saw him, it went down on driveway and under the deck.Later, about 11AM, Shorty came by and an adult wren flew to the railing to harass him.That's the last wren I've seen today. There was no usual action at the house, so guess they are all gone. What's also part of this mystery family is that we don't hear any chirping in the area from chicks wanting/getting food! One longer chirp I heard today came from neighbor's crepe myrtles, but a vireo flew out of that shrub!
Well, we still have the hummers there and maybe now more woodpeckers can return to suet w/out getting dive bombed.

NatureNut said...

Gotta head back out and attempt to cut dead branches on rhododendron. Hateful job. We were instructed 3-4years ago when this happened that you also should remove any curled leaves that fell under the shrub, as they may still have the fungus.(this seems to happen during drought or high heat conditions) Then we spray w/fungicide. Not easy---want you to spray underside of leaves! HA!Maybe I can hire Shorty! ☺

stronghunter said...

A quick hello this afternoon. We finished up early enough for me to get back to the room and accomplish a little bit.

Having stayed out late last night and then experiencing insomnia, I am very sleepy, so I think I will get out of here as soon as I am allowed to go.

We do have a little bit of time to get things done tomorrow.

My classroom is in reasonable order. I still want to put up a few more posters, but the furniture is where I want it to be.

paula eagleholic said...

3 osprey at BWO, think Mom is still hanging around :)

paula eagleholic said...

Shirley, when do Students return?

Loweeda, my those wrens were gone quick!

Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Gang,
Yay! I have all the piles of paperwork off the dining room table, into file folders, and organized in our "bill box"! What a relief that is! Paid some bills online--done for the day.

Now to water plants, feed birds, and get a shower! Then must hit the road running.

Shirley, good job--now I'd say a panda nap is next! Sounds like you got a LOT accomplished!

Well, gotta run. Will BBL! :o]

Mema Jo said...

Rep from Dell was here repairing hubby's laptop so I have been away from my computer in that room while he was working on it.

When there aren't any peanuts on the deck railing, I swear if it weren't for the cats, Scampy looks as though he is going to walk up to our glass door and knock on it! Usually our 2 cats are napping out on the deck BUT I
am afraid one day that Scampy will need to Scamp Away Fast! Also along with Scampy nowadays are 3 younger squirrels......

Judie said...

Steve, thank you for the new thread. Congratulations to your daughter. I know she will transition easily and enjoy the college experience. Also, congratulations on the new position. Hope you won't forget about us.

Andy, so glad you got a response from the dr. and you don't have strep. Just take it easy and try to rest. Also happy the temp has dropped as I know you all aren't used to heat.

Wanda, glad you had a successful day out with GG. It must be fun to watch her decide she doesn't like the looks of the food she selected. Just nice that she got out and liked the blouse you got for her.

Lolly, so sweet of you to do so much for Laurel. First days back at school are exhausting. I know she must really appreciate what you do. Also nice that Joseph and Jacob are quiet in the morning so you can start of quietly.

Shirley, it really is about time you learned some 21st century teaching skills. Newest approach for us is naked learning. Not what it sounds like. Its the idea we return to chalk, blackboard, and lecture rather than rely on technology. Novel concept, yes?

Lynn, another great grandmother. Hope you find all the needed school supplies and have a nice dinner with Carolyn. Also hope the hospital visit was okay.

Hi Loweeda. I think you may have had a successful wren season. So nice for you. Good luck with the rhododendrons.

Get some rest Shirley. You've accomplished a lot and still have some time left.

Congratulations to Andy for getting organized. Is this a school night or are you still on vacation?

Now that I've written a book, I'll leave for a little while. Feeling some better today but do not like the effects of the meds. Brain feels sort of fuzzy and stomach not much better. Anyway, did get all laundry and ironing done today. Going to try coconut shrimp tonight.

Judie said...

Jo, Scampy has introduced you to her family. I love when that happens.


wvgal_dana said...

Andy take care. Glad you don't
have strep. Hope you can get
to feeling better soon.

Shirley sounds like you got
classroom all in order.

Oh Mema Jo I remember our other
place. Where we made a place
for adults to have babies under
the eve of the shed. The babies
would come out on the roof top
I would giggle watching them
chase each other. Then as they
got older they would try reach
paws out to the cherry tree branch.
Neat when one would finally make it.
LOL it was then like "How do I get back?"
You could actually see the baby put
a foot on a limb then take it off. Not sure it could make would keep doing that until it found a limb it felt safe to reach to. Back up the tree to the roof it went.

Judie you take care of that stomach. Hope you soon can get help to feel better lady!!

Mema Jo Judie is right our adults would show off the kids (squirrels) to us too.

hedgie said...

Hello....home and settled in. Catching up. Had lots of snail mail today to plow through---and none of it junk!!
Also had to deal delicately with an upset kid, who needed her mom and didn't remember that I had an apptmt. Poor kid----will be SO relieved when she walks out of that d--n hospital next Sat. AM for the last time as an employee. Argh.

Mema Jo said...

We Momsters/Dadsters are slow today on here. My squirrels ate more peanuts than me making comments!

Lynn - Were you able to meet up with
Carolyn ?

I have a 10pm TV show Royal Pains that I'll be watching. Nothing else much going on.

hedgie said...

Yes, Jo, Carolyn and I got a sandwich and transfered the school supplies and then she went to an apptmt. and i came home. Short but sweet.

hedgie said...

Sure seems to have clouded up again, plus getting close to sunset, but sure not seeing any!

hedgie said...

Jo, what happened to Ed's puter? Did my stuff burn it up???!!!

Judie said...

Dinner over. What a nasty disaster. I'll never try coconut shrimp at home again. Very messy and, followed a Paula Dean recipe exactly, couldn't get the stuuuuuupid coconut to stick. Had oil everywhere. Didn't even taste good with dipping sauce. As the Raven said "Nevermore, Nevermore."

Have a picture somewhere taken about 15 years ago. Mother squirrel brought her twins to visit. They were so tiny they were sitting side-by-side in a clay saucer on the deck eating seeds. Mom sat between me and the babies but was otherwise unconcerned. Special memory.

Lynn, so glad Carolyn is almost done with the hospital and glad you two could get together for a little while.

Am going to lie down (lay down) for a while.

hedgie said...

Here's an interesting site:

Hanging Rock Raptors

Mema Jo said...

I just told hubby what you asked and he is laughing and saying nooooooo !
They replace the motherboard on his
laptop. I think he has done all your work on the regular computer.

stronghunter said...

Naked teaching. What a concept, Judie. Loved it. Yes, there is something to be said for going back to the basics. I've heard plenty of teachers say they can do just fine with a chalkboard and a piece of chalk.

On going back to basics . . .

My department has returned to teaching more grammar and basic writing skills. I think that is just fine. Last year, I mentioned the parts of speech and had students asking "What's that?" Kind of scary.

stronghunter said...

Oh, I see you said "naked learning," Judie, but that comes from naked teaching, does it not?

hedgie said...

Go to the photos pages......and even listen to the calls!

stronghunter said...

Thanks for the link, Lynn. It is interesting.

NatureNut said...

Evening Eaglebuds! Finished yardwork. Wore longsleeved shirt over other, wore gloves, ended up spraying OFF almost everywear and mosquitoes got me on wrist & chin!!!If that rhododendron croaks, I'll be real mad!

Gonna clean up everything and heat up bruschetta!! That's right!!Our Ledo's finally opened & Fubby went up there. When I go, I'll have to see if Lowreeda rides again!

Mema Jo said...

Lynn Sent Jennifer the link for
Hanging Rock Raptors.
I know she does the backyard count

hedgie said...

Oh, no, Judie....sorry I misled. Christie is the one leaving the hospital for greener pastures---we had her crisis attention over the phone! Carolyn is the "almost 911-Dispatcher"....she gets to start taking some non-emergency calls tomorrow or Sat.!

hedgie said...

Your Jennifer, Jo? Cool!
Lowreeda, know you are habby to have your fav back again!!! Bet the Bruschetta was good! We now have a Ledo's, too....have only gone once. It's a bit out of my way...but was there in that shopping center today. We ate at Tropical Smoothie; there's a Jamaican Cafe between much good stuff to choose from!

Mema Jo said...

Lowreeda - happy you have your Ledo's back!!!

paula eagleholic said...

I didn't know Ledo's had bruschetta...

Judie, I should send you my recipe for coconut shrimp...came out really good....

Mema Jo said...

Oh Shirley - you mean like there, their and they're ?

I feel it really needs reiterating
to the students because as an adult
I still forget then and than.....

paula eagleholic said...

When and got my haircut tonight...nice trim, nothing drastic!

Poor John. He called and said they totaled his car. The frame moved 2 inches and they can't fix it. Fortunately they are paying more than he owes, but wasn't planning on longer car payments.

Mema Jo said...

Going in to the front room and see what is going on with tv. Not sure I'll stay for the 9:00 show -I'll give it a try.......


Judie said...

Ah, thanks Lynn. I wondered why I thought I was confused but just thought it was me. Seems like a good couple of days coming up with Christie's escape and Carolyn's first adventures as a 911er. Please give them both my best wishes.

Shirley, I think naked teaching is to get their attention and then we move on to naked learning. Parts of speech? You mean like words like OMG, and like lol, and like BBL and like just any word preceded by the word like?

Lowreeda and Ledo's together again. As The Bruschetta Turns.

Going back to watch some First 48.

hedgie said...

Wonder what Lynne and Margy are up to? Miss ALL of our absent/missing Momsters.

hedgie said...

Judie, sorry about your shrimp. I order mine from Schwans...all I have to do is bake it! Comes with a good dipping sauce, too.

hedgie said...

Judie, you know you forgot you know, you know?????? That's one of my pet peeves! No, I owuld know if they just said it without all the you knows!!!

Judie said...

Gosh Lynn, I know what you mean if you know what I mean and if so then we know what we mean. Like is that like accurate?

hedgie said...

That's a shame about John's car, Paula. But the most important thing is that HE wasn't can be replaced!
Email coming your way.

stronghunter said...

Lynn, best wishes for both of your daughter in their new jobs.

hedgie said...

You've got it, Judie!!!!

stronghunter said...

Ironically, one of our teacher speakers today must have said "you know" in every other sentence today.

stronghunter said...

Sorry about the totaled car, Paula. I know what you mean about extended payments.

hedgie said...

Thanks, Shirley! FOund out that Christie's training in Miami is actually only 5 days instead of two weeks! Good for this Momma that she won't be gone too long!

stronghunter said...

Naked teaching would definitely get someone's attention!

stronghunter said...

Getting ready to head upstairs. I'll see you tomorrow.

Good night. God bless.

hedgie said...

Good night, Shirley! Hope you sleep better tonight.

Lolly said...

My boys are down for the evening, our last night. Read Jacob the book Miss Bindergarten Gets Ready for Kindergarten. They I showed the a little book I had made, Mrs. Ellis Gets Ready for Kindergarten. It is just pictures of me unloading the van and pictures of the room before it was ready. My kids at school always liked that.

We enjoyed the film at the Omni today. It was kinda loud! It was Jacks first time to see Toy Story 3. I think he enjoyed it. Yea!

paula eagleholic said...

Lynn, thanks for the email. Sent you one back

I've been talking to both boys tonight about vehicles! Michael found one...he is actually buying John's MIL car...and now John is looking for a vehicle too.

Lolly said...

No special plans for tomorrow, except do laundry and pack. Will take them home around 2:30 to avoid traffic. Meet the Teacher is at 5:30. Jack and I will go with them and meet the teachers too. Then to their house to eat pizza and then Jack and I are coming home alone late. Sad! Jacob has t ball practice Saturday and school starts Monday.

Costume Lady said...

I don't remember if I was on here this morning or not. Spent the whole day doing CATCHEMUP things.
Got sooo much done...feels so good!
Still lots more to do, but each task completed moves me closer to being caught up. I know, not going to happen, but I can dream! LOL

Capt. Gene had a hearing test today (routine for VA Center) and his hearing is good. Hmmm...wonder why he doesn't hear me sometimes? Yes, you guessed it...Selective Hearing;)


NatureNut said...

Back again after trying to contact Anti-virus Co. online. A problem showed that the Update Mgr. can't connect w/server! DUH!!!Nothing's been changed on'puter! Sent them an email which was very hard to find. Enough techie stuff for me-getting a headache! LOL

Need my key lime pie piece now! & watch some TV. ☺
The bruschetta was tasty & he got 2orders, so I'll have lunch for work tomorrow.
Been looking at Wed, pics & think I can make out the turkey & some other critters, also have the last pics of baby birds in the house. Hope to get them on over the weekend.Dang, I'm disappointed I missed a fledge.

Lolly said...

Next weekend is going to be fun. I have a great niece, from the Houston area, who is playing volleyball for Siena in New York. She is a soph this year. Well, they are playing at a tournament at Texas A & M. We are all going! We are taking our trailer, as well as my brother and his wife in their trailer, and Dan and Sharon in their RV. The rest are staying at a motel. Going to be close to 30 of us. Dan and Sharon have had t-shirts made for all of us with Elizabeth's number on it. Hope we do not embarrass the poor girl. It is going to be so much fun!

Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Gang!

Thank God it's starting to feel a bit cooler! Opened up the house to let the cooler air in.

Judie, this is still my week off. Not much left of it now, but I'm playing it for all it's worth--you know?! LOL :oD

Sleep well, Shirley!

Lynn, glad you had some quality mom/daughter time today. When there's quality, the quantity isn't so important.

Wah!!! I miss my pet squirrel, Rocky! Haven't seen him in about a year and a half or longer. Bet our former trigger-happy neighbor had something to do with that! Darn. He was SO cute, too. (The squirrel, NOT the neighbor!) :o[

Sure am hoping it's much cooler tomorrow. There's much I could be doing in the yard. BTW, saw THREE Eurasian Collared Doves today! Didn't see the Cooper's Hawk, either. My birdies were glad!

Well, going to go veg in front of the TV. Have said prayers for everyone. Leaving the night light and the porch light on for those coming in late. The eye-scanner security and Dana's thumbprint-scanner security are both enabled.
Sleep well, everyone! Will talk to you tomorrow. God bless, and goodnight, just in case I don't make it back here later. Love all of you! :o]

magpie said...

And what if you get naked students, Shirley.....
not that would probably make the national news

Good Evening Eagle Pals...

Lolly said...

Hellllllo Margy!!

magpie said...

saw some young turkeys today, or, they could have been pheasants, coudn't slow down to check and no place to turn around

Lolly said...

I think several have gone to bed.

Mema Jo said...

I am finished watching TV
Watched 2 programs - enjoyed them.

magpie said...

busy busy people here
on the blog

I remember the gerunds and dangling participles and modifiers chat last year Shirley

pretty cool about Steve's new assignment....

paula eagleholic said...

Hey Lolly, the daughter of a lady I used to work with goes to Sienna and plays on their softball team. This lady kept wanting Michael to date her daughter!

magpie said...

think I will get up and watch for long lost ISS at 0555 Friday morning

paula eagleholic said...

Bet you will miss those boys Lolly, but tomorrow sounds like a good day, too.

Heading to bed here, dogs are pooped and so am I.

See you good folks tomorrow!

Hugs to all!

paula eagleholic said...

Well Hello Margy and Jo!

Lolly said...

Small world, Paula! Elizabeth is a long way from home, but she got a full scholarship.

Mema Jo said...

Hello Margy - hope your day went well.

My day is about to end with me going back the hallway.......

Good Night Everyone
Prayers for everyone's needs/wants &
Prayers of thanksgiving for so much
Hugs for everyone......♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

paula eagleholic said...

Margy, are you getting ready to head to work?

paula eagleholic said...

Lolly, the tshirt thing is cool!

Lolly said...

We are all going to have on kelly green t-shirt, with gold lettering that say Siena Volleyball and has the number 10, Elizabeth's number. ☺

paula eagleholic said...

Night, Jo.

Lolly said...

Nite, Jo!

hedgie said...

Hi, Margy! Where ya' been hiding??

Andy, your week is growing short. :( Make the most of it, yes, but fun not work!!!

Lolly, sounds like you just never stop, either!!! More fun ahead.

Loretta, I'll take a piece of KEy Lime Pie----my favorite kind! Oh, wait, I have one in the freezer....may have to thaw that thing tomorrow.

magpie said...

have really enjoyed all the stories about Camp Hawkwood this week Lolly...

today was my day to pound the pavement a little bit with James and his Dad getting some school things...

kids don't enjoy trying on pants much....
and hard to find them for the little chubby chap, but we got enough to get started

Good to hear all the wildlife and home wildlife tales

glad the boys are getting their cars lined up Paula

always good to hear of family visits and contacts....

Better say good night....
might have a little glassfull of Chunky Monkey ice cream..just splurged a little on that

Take Care Everyone...
Sleep Well, I pray
God Bless Us, Every One
xo ♥

paula eagleholic said...

Lynn, when I buy those whole frozen pies, I cut it up into pieces and put it back on the pie plate and in the box and seal it back up...then I can just take out a piece when I want it. :) I do that with lemon meringue pie :)

paula eagleholic said...

Margy, glad you were able to spend the day with James and get him some school stuff. Guess I'll have my turn next year with Cohen...he is still doing pre K this year.

Judie said...

Paula, sorry about John's car but it seems like he's working everything to his advantage. I hope so. Such an inconvenience.
Also, would welcome a workable recipe.

Shirley, sleep well.

Lolly, glad you had a good day. Enjoy tomorrow as well. Safe drive.

Lynn, glad Christie won't be gone such a long time. Yea!

Wanda, happy you are getting caught up and Capt. Gene is NOT hearing impaired.

Lolly, my experience is that college athletes are not embarrassed. Instead, they are really proud when family show up for an event. People tend to forget they are still kids away from home and still need support.

I hear the sandperson calling. Turning my light off but will leave the night light on for others. Pleasant dreams.

paula eagleholic said...

Well, actually it's Headstart, he gets to go there this year too...they got him in when John was unemployed, and I think they have to pay a small fee this year, but it's really reasonable.

OK, finally going to stop pulling a Margy and hit the hay.

Night all!

Hugs to all ♥

magpie said...

James likes getting new cool shirts more than anything else...

worked my five midnights and now have a couple off...

man oh man, I love Key Lime AND Lemon Meringue

finally got my anti-virus program tweaked a little so it is not hanging this computer up so much...
now to approach the memory upgrade...
in a week or two

hedgie said...

Goodnight, Jo and Paula....and all of the rest of you. Tub time for me. Sleep peacefully, one and all.
Prayers....and peace.

Lolly said...

My eyes are starting to water. My signal to go to bed. My eyes get tired before the rest of me. lol

Nite all! Sweet dreams!

paula eagleholic said...

Good Morning!

Our Live Feed is back up!!

Have a great Day!

paula eagleholic said...

Ah, just found an email from Outdoor Channel saying they had a problem and wanted to know if I could see the live feed now....I can, and can hear the cicadas too.

paula eagleholic said...

Wake up, eagleland!!


Costume Lady said...

RISE AND SHINE! You are missing a beautiful morning...well, at least it is beautiful here in Nestville.
75° sunny and I am enjoying it NOW, because it is going up to 91° this afternoon!

Lynne, and Suz,(and anyone else who likes butterflies) wanted you to know that I am finally a Butterfly Momma:) I have 2 babies and at least 4 eggs. The State Mowers came by earlier in the Summer and cut down all the Milkweed, but it has grown back now and the Monarch's are doing their thing! I am a happy camper. It is just not Summer if I don't have a few Monarch eggs to raise and release.

Also, must tell you that the VOLUNTEER BUG is contagious in our family. Jillian has been volunteering her knowledge as an EMT volunteer at the Enders Fire Dept. in Berryville, Va. She likes it so well that, in October, she will begin taking courses to be an EMT. I am so happy for her. She was a volunteer in the ER at Winchester Hospital when she was a Senior in High School, liked it so well that we thought she would become a nurse. She later opted to become a Massage Therapist. NOW, after all these years, she wants to get back into the medical field.
Hope it works out for her:)

Costume Lady said...

Yes, the cam is working, but I see no change in the picture quality or the BZZZZZZZ! Must not be the new cam installed because the Gorilla tape is still there.

Judie said...

Good mid-morning, everyone.

Paula, good idea about the pies. Never thought of that - duh! Head Start is a wonderful program. Really pays off for the kids.

Hi Margy, glad you had some James time.

Congratulations to Wanda, our new butterfly mom and to Jillian, her volunteer.

Off for coffee and newspaper. Slept really late this a.m.

magpie said...

Good Morning you Folks..

Go Break in a new Thread !

sounds great for Jillian, Wanda....
very important field to be involved in, EMT-ing

thanks for heads up on the live feed Paula

Have a good day, a good Red Friday !

Lolly said...

NEW THREAD!!!!!!!!!!!!

COME ON OVER!!!!!!!!!

hedgie said...

Morning all.
Wanda, nice to hear about your granndaughters' endeavors! Good luck to her.

As I said the other day...I suspect that what is planned for the cam is a technical issue in the braodcast end of things. I don't believe that HD has anything to do the cam itself. But, no, don't see or hear any difference so far.

3/12/25 PM 🐟

 12.56 PM Scout comes to the nest to relieve Bella of her incubation duties getting close guys. He does have a Talon load of bedding. He lan...