Sunday, August 29, 2010


New thread.


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NatureNut said...

Wow, Thank You Steve. Have a great weekend remainder!

Been trying to put some pics and when I got done, blogger locked up & everything went offline. It was giving me some kind of congratulatory note about surfing 100,00 pages! Don't know if it's legit or not. Will check. Hope everyone is having a good Sunday.

Lynne2 said...

love the pics Loretta! My milkweed is almost completely wrecked now. They've eaten the flowers, leaves, flower pods and stems. If you saw my pics on my blog, you will know why! What the caterpillars haven't eaten, the aphids are taking over. I keep removing the leaves with aphids but there are more every day.

Thanks for the new thread Steve!

NatureNut said...

Hi, Lynne!! Yes, Lyyn--I saw3 all your pics. Now that you've seen the metamorphosis, I added my old emerging picture. There are lots of plants at Park---mostly seed pods, but some have leaves.
Just added that rascal vireo (1/2 of him).They are just too fast!
I gotta make more hummer food--we had a big crowd a couple weeks ago, but the regulars need to fill their tanks!

Lynne2 said...

sure hope Diann's BIL is out of surgery now and that all went well.

Hope Jo and Family had a good celebration of the son's 25th anniversary!

Off to the store...

Lynne2 said...

Geez Loretta, great picture....I almost couldn't see him! They sure are cute!

Yeah, the emerging was so cool...I have 6 more in chrysalis right now plus the one outside. More to come based on the amount of caterpillars out there...hope to be able to find them once they move off the plants for the big change!

Judie said...

Hi Steve. Thank you!

Hi Dana. Yes, I am beginning to feel better. Thanks.

Hi Lowreeda and Lynne. Is milkweed perennial? Thought about some for next year but haven't had time to check it out. Happy butterfly babies!

Just stopped by to check on everyone. BBL

hedgie said...

Loretta, that 100,000 upper right corner of tool bar, do you see a little black counter? Don't remember whether it's an AOL thing or an IE thing.....I closed or deleted it somehow a long time ago....but don't remember how....I got all that alert stuff when I hit 20,000.

Mema Jo said...

Thanks for the Sunday thread, Steve.
Germany gang is home in Bamberg from their Italy venture - had a memorable

Does anyone else notice about their
Trash Can missing? Dana mentioned it the other day but I had mine then. Now I don't.. I am anxious to post this and see if one is there.

Mema Jo said...

Well Yes I do have my trash can.. I guess when a new thread comes that your comments on the old thread must stay as is.

Mema Jo said...

The surprise 25th anniversary brunch went so very well. The kids were surprised and the immediate families and best man were in attendance. There were 17 of us.
I never saw such a variety of food at the brunch. Breakfast, lunch and dinner foods were available. Pies, cheese cake, chocolate covered cherries and many other desserts were very tempting.
We had their original wedding album and it was really fun looking at the pics of 25 years ago. Jenny made them an album for today's event. It was
really really nice!

hedgie said... did the SURPRISE party go????

hedgie said... answered as I asked! Great minds!!! Sounds wonderful----so glad everything went nicely!

hedgie said...

Woke up with a sore throat today and not improving! Trying to be quiet. HA,HA! Time for some leftover lasagna---maybe that will sooth it!

hedgie said...

LOL! Cinnamon just barked and must have scared herself because she jumped!!!! I've alwsys said she barks to hear herslef bark---she must not have planned that one!

Lolly said...

Hello all! We are home and we had a fantastic time! Poor Siena lost all their games, but they were playing powerhouses. Elizabeth did great! Really proud of her playing and she was so pleased to have all of us there. We had fun! When we were not at the game we were "tailgating"! We were parked in the RV parking on the Texas A&M campus. They have this parking for tailgating. Anyway, all went well and we had fun, fun, fun!

Have not read back on the blog, but will do so eventually! Hope all is well!

paula eagleholic said...

Ah, Lolly, sounds like that was fun, win or lose!

Sorry about the sore throat Lynn.

Jo, what a nice surprise. The food sounds great! Of course, Dutch's food is always great!

Got all my running done, Wally world and grocery store. I needed 7 watch batteries!

Gonna grill some chicken and zucchini tonight, had to resort to getting the zucchini from the grocery store, my plants are kaput!

paula eagleholic said...

Nice pics Lowreeda.

Lolly said...

Have been cleaning the trailer. It is about ready to go back to its home. Have also been out making repairs to the lawn. Armadillo had a field day while we were gone. Grrrr! Trying to type while Annie purrs and rubs on my hand. lol Now her tail is across the keyboard.

magpie said...

Welcome home Lolly and Jack!

Sounds like a great party, Jo..not too easy these days to pull off surprises !

Yah, it did get hot....
glad your mowing is done Paula

Judie is in the throes of good and evil...sure it is interesting but of course I hope good prevails

Great pictures, Loretta and Lynne...

Lynn, hoping your sore throat is feeling better,
and also that Diann's brother in law Charlie's surgery has been successful, or will be

Good Evening Eagle Pals !

magpie said...

I could pipe those nest breeze sounds into my bedroom while I (try to) sleep....sure it would make for some nice dreams...

speaking of which the very last dream I had this afternoon was that a tornado was approaching Berkeley Springs and I was there !

stronghunter said...


Just checked the Weather Channel. Hurricane Earl could head this way.

Kathryn, Hunter, and I went up to see Rus and Rebecca in their new home. We had dinner at Chili's. Did not stay long. They have lots of unpacking to do.

Mema Jo said...

Shirley - do you like their new home?

stronghunter said...

Jo, so happy your party was a success.

wvgal_dana said...

Loretta thanks for the call over.

Steve thank you for the new thread.

Sounds like party went well and fun.

Shirley no "EARL" this way please.

Margy no tornado in Berkeley Spring either.

Lynn talking on blog works well for your sore throat. Poor Lady I hope you feel much better soon.

Get the GUN out Jack !!! How dare them tear up your yard and while you was gone. They knew Jack wasn't there to shot them!!!

Going to check out some pics.

stronghunter said...

Yes, it is very nice, Jo. I did not take pictures today. Rebecca would not have appreciated that since they haven't unpacked yet. She was a little put out with Rus for having us come so soon. I hoped she would get over it. We're family, and I wanted to see them and the house, so we went for a little while.

stronghunter said...

They have two cute kitties.

Lolly said...

Trailer is back at its home. Laundry is done.

Yep, if the armadillos dig tonight, a hunting Jack will go. However, had friends visit the other night. They have been gone and traveling the last four months. They are headed home to Huntsville, TX. While they have been gone, feral hogs have plowed up their lawn. Guess I should be happy it was armadillos and not hogs!

wvgal_dana said...

Ok does milkweed only attract Monarch's? If so what attracts other butterflies and do they lay eggs on leaves and emerge same as Monarch's?

stronghunter said...

Yes, Lolly, I think I would take armadillos over hogs. Yikes!

stronghunter said...

There are other milkweed butterflies besides monarchs, Dana.

wvgal_dana said...

ty Shirley

getting feet up

will check in and out at times

Diann Pittsburg plays tonight

magpie said...

the one year-old baby girl was out of the house for about 20 mins
the parents have since put some kind of lock on the door
everyone was sleeping,
at 11 o'clock in the morning
somehow the baby and the puppy slipped out

headed back for another nap maybe will dream about Eagles this time

xoxo Hope the rest of the evening is a good one for all

magpie said...

well, now the noises at mic start...
guess I'll stay close for a few more minutes

sunny said...

Hey Gang! I haven't been here in ages. I hope everyone is doing well. I wanted to share some pictures that I thought you might like. Click on my name to go to my blog, and see the entry dated Aug. 21st!

magpie said...

Hi Sunny!

I did what you said, great pictures...thanks.....

We haven't seen too much of the NCTC Eagles.....yet....just a few sightings and nest visits once in awhile, but hoping that will change soon !

Open House is Oct 23

Good to See you...

magpie said...


That sounded more like a squirrel gnawing than an Eagle Talon twitching...and I had ENOUGH of that kind of sound when between-the-floor-and-ceiling squirrel took up residence two years ago...

Signing off now...

stronghunter said...

Great pictures, Sunny.

stronghunter said...

Bye, Margy.

Lynne2 said...

Lynn, hope your throat is better, no fun.

Lolly, glad to have you back!

wow Shirley, that's a shame Rebecca was miffed about you coming to the house already. HMMMMM. Don't let that bug you!

Dana, all butterflies will be attracted to milkweed flowers but only Monarch in our area use it to lay eggs as that is the only food the babies will eat. If you want to have "host" plants, look up the butterfly on google and it will tell you what you can plant to attract them and have them lay eggs.

Hi Sunny!

paula eagleholic said...

Hi Sunny..lovely sights to go along with a lovely day...thanks for sharing the pics!

stronghunter said...

I think she was okay. Rus wanted us to help with the unpacking and was surprised when she said she wanted to do it herself. I told him that he needs to understand how women think. I did not think she would want us unpacking her things.

She thanked me for explaining that to him.

stronghunter said...

Dana, I agree. We do not need a hurricane.

Mema Jo said...

Don't forget that Rubicon is on at 9:00

wvgal_dana said...

Thanks Sunny the eagles were beautiful beak to beak.

wvgal_dana said...

Thanks Lynne will be doing that.

stronghunter said...


Lynne2 said...

we don't need a hurricane. Doubt we'll get one. But will be interesting to see what side effects we may get if one comes close...

Mema Jo said...

Sunny - Hello !
All of your pictures of everything were superb
Hope you all have been well...
Open House is Oct 23 this year. Hope maybe we will see you two.

Lolly glad you have arrived safely home and are getting the big shoot out
organized! Yep! Feral hogs I would NOT like.

Mema Jo said...

Does anyone have the link to those wild boars we watched quite some time ago? The man would come in his truck and feed them.........

Mema Jo said...

I am heading in for the 9:00 TV show.

hedgie said...

Bear update:

PA Nana said...

Hello everyone. Thanks for the prayers for Charlie. That's the only thing that will help now.

His surgery today (Harrisburg, PA, Lynn) was to remove the replacement with parts containing antibiotics. He will have to use crutches for at least 2 weeks and they do another x-ray to be sure his hip is okay before he can put any weight on his leg. The doc is worried about a possible break.

THEN, when the infection is gone, he'll have to go back in for a replacement that will hopefully last. God willing this ordeal, for him, will be over soon.

Great pics, Loretta, Sunny, Lynne and whomever else. I didn't keep track again - my bad.

Dana, watching the Steelers. Didn't start out good for them and it isn't looking good right now either; interception and another foul! Glad this isn't the regular season.

Off to get into my night clothes and get ready for my recliner.
Hope everyone has a good rest of the night and when you go to slumber land have happy dreams.

God bless!

hedgie said...

Good to see you, Sunny. Thanks for sharing your pics!

PA Nana said...

Took 5 tries to get my post on.
Time to hang up for the night.

Good night and God bless.

hedgie said...

Shirley, is the kids' house nice??
Your approach was very thoughtful in regards to Rebecca's feelings.

Just ate popcorn---scratched the throat just right---it feels much better now!

stronghunter said...

The house is very nice, Lynn. They are happy with it. It's a townhouse.

stronghunter said...

I posted a picture of their house on my blog. There are others on Facebook.

stronghunter said...

Going to call it quits for the night and head upstairs. See you tomorrow.

NatureNut said...

Been reading email, saw Sunny's great pictures!
I'm so proud of me~~~I wrote check & got B'Day card ready to mail Before the AM!!! I'm always concerned I might miss the mailman---& that's usually the day they come in PM!!
Lynn, hope your throat gets better.
Yes, milkweed is perennial---not too beautiful, but important.
BTW, parsley is the food for Black Swallowtail caterpillars. I had some that lived over winter & ended up about as tall as me!Called it "the attack of the killer parsley"!!
Gotta eat something, I hope---gut is not happy--think it's one or more of my meds--oh well.

If I don't get back on want to wish all Pleasant Feather Dreams

hedgie said...

Shirley, that's a lovely townhome!
Don't find any pics on FB.....???

hedgie said...

Loretta, you need to start eating EARLIER!!!!

Mema Jo said...

Well Skins have 2 wins and 1 loss.
I just finished my TV shows
Shirley I'm anxious for Rebecca to get unpacked so you can visit and get some inside photos.

I have had a very long day - longer than usual. I don't see 8:00am too often. Going to head back the hallway.

Mema Jo said...

Good night to all my friends
Prayers for you and all your friends/family members.
Hugs for all ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

magpie said...

'Night everyone...

Get yourselves a good sleep before the new week rolls in...

headed to work soon hereabouts...

God Bless Us, Every One
xoxo ♥

paula eagleholic said...

Nice house Shirley. I take it they're not too far from you?

Done with my TV shows and heading to bed.

See ya'll tomorrow.

Hugs to all ♥

Lynne2 said...

popping in to say Goodnight. Just got a post from Granyblt aka Lynne and she said to say hi to all! She can't make it to Open House due to caring for her mom.

Diann, prayers continue for Charlie. what an ordeal.

Hope everyone has a good night, prayers for you all!

hedgie said...

Okay, gang....goodnight to each and everyone....sleep well, dream only good things, and I will see y'all tomorrow. Thanks for healing thoughts for my sore throat!
Prayers and Peace!

Costume Lady said...

I'm so sleepy that if this doesn't make sense, you'll know why. I just wanted to report in so that a Silver Alert wouldn't be sent out for me:)
We went to Berryville to watch Dustin in a Pool Tournament. Seems he is getting pretty good for a 16 year old. He won second place 2 weeks ago. Only problem, he wasn't there. This was his weekend with his dad and he didn't feel like running him into Berryville:(
We had a fun afternoon...always do when we go to the Berryville Moose. Fun group of people. Granddaughter, Jillian came and joined in on our 'party' for a while and Dustin finally did get there, but too late for pool:(
Maybe we'll try next Sunday.


movin said...






C(°ٿ°)D Jim

stronghunter said...

Good morning,

I don't know why you all can't see the pictures of the house on Facebook. My sister-in-law said she could not either. That is odd. I will check and see if I can figure out the reason.

stronghunter said...

I have posted the house pictures on Facebook again. Let me know if you can see them.

Costume Lady said...

Beautiful morning: 63° and sunny, going up to 94°.

SHIRLEY, I can't find your photos either...

Lolly said...

Good morning!Pardon my bad manners last night. Fell asleep in my chair, then went to bed without saying good night. Jack and I were both soooo tired!

Going to head out shortly to mow. It has been so hot and dry the grass is not growing much.

hedgie said...

Top o' the Monday to ya!
Hope everyone's week is off to a good start.
Shirley----still no pics!!!

Mema Jo said...

Good Morning - it's a hot one out there already! No plans for the day out there except to feed the squirrels.

Shirley don't know about FB not showing your pics - I saw the Townhouse on your blog here.

Well today and tomorrow and then
September here we come!

movin said...



aLL ...


C(°ٿ°)D Jim

Judie said...

Good morning.

Lolly, so happy you had a nice weekend and lots of fun. Welcome back. Bad armadillo.

Wanda, nice the evening turned out well with family getting together.

Lynn, how's the throat feel today? Better, please.

Shirley, nice looking townhouse.

Diann, prayers continue for Charlie. So sorry he has to go through all this.

Countdown has begun. Less than 23 hours of freedom remaining. Alas, I will be forced to respond to the alarm clock, dress appropriately, and venture out into the heat -- grrrrrrrrr.

movin said...

I don't know if it's my bad timing, but I haven't seen ospreys
on Finney's nest in a couple of days now.

Plenty of them on BWO still though. Practicing their fishing and nest guarding skills.

C(°ٿ°)D Jim

hedgie said...

Yes, Judie, throat is good today, thanks! So sorry your summer is over----lots of luck on a successful new term!

Jim, I haven't seen any action at Finney, either. Of course, their winter sets in earlier than here, so think their migration starts earlier.

Mema Jo said...

Well Guess What
I have lost my url to the Finney Land cam. I think that the San Diego Elephant url wiped them out!

Thanks to anyone who gives me that link. I check it every morning but usually find an MT nest.

Mema Jo said...

:<( I sure am going to miss your being on here throughout the day, Judie
Really hoping for you to have a good
year - those wannabes really are lucky to have you!

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Good morning my lovely eagle budlets!!!

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

It was so good seeing Lynn, Wanda and Gene last week!

NatureNut said...

Hello Everyone.
Jo, I'd have to do major searching thru My Faves, so instead of taking time to make a bluey, I'm sure you can get there on... Saaksi2010

I agree, that Judie's students will be lucky to have her, but sorry your vacation is almost gone.
Lynn, glad your feeling better and in Techie Dept., I saw the litter counter in the AOL toolbar. As soon as the 100,00 notice popped up, I also got a window to update Quicktime Player--all on top of my pictures!!!DUH

NatureNut said...

Sorry, that's supposed to be "little"

paula eagleholic said...

Finney land...copy and paste

Mema Jo said...

Thanks Paula....

Hellooooooooo Sharon! I see where Mattie gal will be a marching drum player just like her cousin, Andrew!
I just love it....

Mema Jo said...

Yard workers are preparing for the elephants and a small deer is watching it all.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Yes Mema Jo, she sure is. I hate I am going to miss it though.

Mema Jo said...

I hope Bev takes a video if possible.
Congratulations on the Beaver's win!

Lynne2 said...

Hello everyone! Another hot one...but breezy. And this time of year at least it takes a little longer to get to the high of the day, and it cools off more quickly in the evening.

Keeping an eye on Earl. We were supposed to have cooler temps due to a cold front coming through on Thursday and Friday WAS supposed to be in the mid 80s. But now that's been moved to Saturday. That cold front needs to come through to bounce the storm away from the coast.

Well, it seems that the "March of the Caterpillars" has begun...found one becoming a chrysalis just now next to porch door and another is moving up the door frame!

Had a bad night. Think I'm getting sick. UGH. Up and down at least 6 times. Then got really bad cramp in my calf. Funny, I was dreaming that I was doing aerobics when the pain woke me up!

Anyone heard from Megan?

Got to run some errands....

Mema Jo said...

Megan should be alive and well... She
was on FB Saturday -

Thanks Lynne for touching base with

Taking a break BBILW

hedgie said...

My Christie is in the air on her way to Miami. Lots of cumulous clouds showing down there, and a caveat of highly likely arrival delays.....don't know if from weather prediction or high volume! Due in at 3:07.

hedgie said...

Lynne, please don't get sick!! Want a G&T for your charley horse??
Any phone calls yet? My crossed fingers and toes are cramping!!

Loretta, were you able to shut down that dumb counter?

No action at Finney, Jo---and still no cam at Fin Ferry... :(

Wanda....have you gotten the new fridge in place yet? We want pictures of the kitchen!!!

Shar---good to see you, then and now!!!! What is Mattie marching for?? Is her school a combo jr./sr. hi? Jenn is playing drums, too! But not marching until she goes to HS in fall '12.

Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Everyone!

Boy, I was ambushed by the sandman last night, and never got here to say howdy and goodnight! Need to get caught up on the blog. Lots to do at home today, too.

Say, today's my SIL Marq's 40th Birthday! We had a surprise party for him a month ago when they visited us, but today it's official!

Golly, Lynn, hope sore throats aren't "catching" on the internet!
Would hate to think I passed the one I recently got rid of on to you!
Hope it's all better now! I'm fine now, too.

Good to have a visit from Sunny! I enjoyed all the pictures--the peaches had me drooling!

Loretta, I've had similar problems with the blog--getting dumped offline--recently, too. Seems to be a random thing.

Judie, can't believe it's that time already, and the countdown has begun! Darn--WHERE does the time go?! Sure glad you're feeling better. Can't imagine having to go back to school feeling lousy!

Ohhh--the weather here is wonderful again today! Got down to 57 last night, and expecting a high of 75 today. Supposed to warm up to mid-80s later this week, so will have to be sure to fully enjoy today!

Well, have some bills to pay online, so will BBIALW. Hope you all have a wonderful day, even though it's a Monday! :o]

Mema Jo said...

Lynn - I know you have tried to get to the SD Wild Animal Park Elephants...
Try this - Google San Diego Zoo - click on the Wild Animal Park - close that first window and then click on the GO TO ELEPHANT CAM on the right hand side....... I really want you to see those little elephants that will come out into the yard at 2:00 our time.

wvgal_dana said...

Late coming into blog. Decided to go to fb pages first since it seems I don't get there often. So good afternoon in Eagleland.

Mema Jo I am getting that link up now. So I will be ready for those little elephants at 2pm.

Judie I am praying you have a good day to start and a great year.

Sharon good to see you on here.

Lynn2 don't know how you communicated with Grannyblt but very happy to hear she is ok. I bet her taking care of her Mother has slowed down her bird watching trips.

Shirley I got to see the townhouse on your blog. There isn't anymore pics yet right?

I am wondering if Wanda found a frig??

wvgal_dana said...


wvgal_dana said...


Mema Jo said...

Taking a short break........BBILW

Mema Jo said...

Love to see these elephants....
So many different sizes....

Mema Jo said...

Zoo cam is doing a lot of zooming!

If you are on FB - I am copying the pics from Christine's visit to Italy with her family. You should be able to see them.......

Mema Jo said...


Judie said...

Lynn, Christie should be just about on the ground. Wish her well.

It's okay, Andy. You, Lolly, and me -- all captured by the sandperson last night. Wish Marq a happy birthday.

Lynne2, don't get sick. You just got here. Fell better soon.

Missed the lphants today. On the phone making initial contact with cardio/vascular at Fairfax. Lady was very, very nice. Listened. Will drop of c.d. of information from W.Reed and then they will schedule an appt. for me.

Think I'm ready for tomorrow. Easy way out -- quick comments about syllabus stuff and a 20 minute video about good/evil with some follow-up comments of my own.

Hate first days. I will have nearly all of your butterflies in my stomach tomorrow. I'll send them back after class.

Judie said...

Just watching the lphants. Little ones are so cute.

Ms Bookworm said...


I'm so glad you were able to contact Cardiovascular at Fairfax!
Hope your appt. will be SOON! Don't worry about tomorrow--I just know you will do well!

Hubby is going through lots of lousy side-effects with his medications right now, too. Am going to e-mail our doctor to see whether she can sort it out. He was an absolute zombie this last weekend, so I did all the driving to make sure we got where we wanted to go and back OK. He really hates feeling "drunk" and sleepy--and is not too happy with the situation. MTBR!

What is it with doctors, anyway? They give you two or three meds that make you sleepy and warn you not to drive, but don't seem to realize that you need to be able to function at work! (...not to mention, be able to drive the crazy freeways to get to work and back!) Hubby only took 1 blood pressure med today, and a half-dose of the Meclizine, so hope he's all right at work. Yikes!!!

hedgie said...

Christie landed just shortly before 3!

Jo and Dana,.....still a no-go on the lphant cam! :( Guess it is just not meant to be for me.

Andy, happy birthday to your Marq!
No---you didn't send your virus here! Just hoping Lynne doesn't get it next!

Will check the pics soon, Jo!

Ms Bookworm said...

Good idea, Judie! Think I'll watch the lphants too. They are adorable!
Took a quick look at our nest, and it looks pretty breezy there. Didn't see either of our eagles. :o[
Guess they've gone fishing!

hedgie said...

Judie, glad you have gotten the ball rolling with Fx. c/v guy!!
Your planned curricula for tomorrow sounds fine!

Ms Bookworm said...

Prayers that Lynne and Steve are safe from sore throats! Glad to hear that Christie landed OK. That's always a relief. Wish you could get the lphant cam! Prayers for that!

Lolly said...

Lily and Hope update:

Hope and Lily get neck ribbons

Lolly said...

Worked in the yard all morning and into a good part of the afternoon. Then got way too hot! Clean now and need to get to the grocery store!

Judie said...

Happy to know Christie landed safely.

We need to figure out why Lynn can't see the lphants. Wish I were more computer savvy. Also need to figure out how to update Flashplayer so I can see our nest. I don't seem to have the "go to's" the directions give.

Judie said...

Thanks for the Lily/Hope update, Lolly. Hadn't checked that site today. I am really feeling some anxiety about the bear hunting. I try not to think about it.

hedgie said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
hedgie said...

Don't know what is happening with the photos on FB----still nothing showing of Shirley's or Jo's latest....hmmmmm.

hedgie said...

Lolly, any armadillo visits last night??? I'm sure I mentioned it before, but when Mom was in FL, she had one living under the patio floor. A guy had to come get it out, full in the hole and then put some kind of screening under the sandy dirt.

PA Nana said...

Good late afternoon everyone.

Glad Christie landed safely.

Lolly, glad you had a good weekend and sorry about the armadillo damage. Jack will have to take that gun out again. thanks for the Hope update. They look so cute with their ribbons.

Judie, it's time to teach the wannabees. Sorry your summer is over. Glad you're following through with the doctors though. Prayers for a good outcome.

Lynn, glad your sore throat is better.

Lynne, stop doing aerobics in your sleep. No pain, no gain is a lie. Sorry you're not feeling good but you're being invaded with flutterbys!! More pictures please.

Sharon, another drummer? Mattie will be great with a drum. My son-in-law is a drummer big time. Good luck to Mattie.

Andy, sure hope hubby gets his meds straightened out. We can't have anyone driving dizzy on the freeways.

I know I missed some of you, but unintentionally. love you all.

Jim & I are trying to decide on a contractor for the new furnace. Haven't made a decision yet; that's why I'm here and he's playing solitaire. Now have to charge this 'puter.

Geez, isn't summer over yet?!
... later, I hope

wvgal_dana said...

Judie you will do just fine. So glad you are getting connected with Fairfax.

Shirley have you looked his meds up on the computer. To see side effects of each and to see if it says don't take such and such with this med.????
Sometimes you have to prepare it for these doctors----really!

Hedgie-Lynn so glad Christie is on the ground. I know that makes Mom feel better.
Hedgie-Lynn what Adobe Flash do you have?

wvgal_dana said...

That should be Andrea not Shirley

wvgal_dana said...

I now have Adobe Flash Player 10 ActiveX. That is what the update put in. Had Adobe Reader9.3.4MUI

hedgie said...

Got email from Dianne Cooper---Deb's California sis. Copied and pasted for you:

Lynn: We had a wonderful time both in Colorado and South Dakota. Colorado was super full filling and the entire family absolutely loved everything. We did a reunion photo book and had functions on Friday night all day Saturday and Sunday breakfast. It was a blast. Everyone took something of Deb's and we share her ashes so she is all over Colorado which we know how much she loved that state. We had games and egg toss and water ballon's and family trees and just tons of great fun!!!!!!!!

In South Dakota we (Bob, Pam and I) got to have a nice dinner with Mary on Tuesday, the birds arrived on Wed night and we took everyone to dinner. Thursday AM Bob made chuck wagon eggs for all as we met at the birds before we got rained out. That night it was Bob, Pam, Janie and I for a bbq at her campground. She showed us a slide show she had put together for Deb, it was really nice. Friday I took Bob back to the airport and then Pam's friend from grade school arrived so we had another dinner that night. Oh, I forgot we went out to lunch on Thursday with Deb's roommate from college Jan.
On Sat it was 100 degrees and 100% humidity but we had a wonder dinner with bird folks and friends. A few songs around the campfire and all it all it was really a nice night remembering Deb. The next day we shared her ashes with others that were taking her to the river where the camped every year and canoed many a time. Sunday night Pam Janie and I sprinkled more of Deb by the OSPREY. It was really nice.

All in all it was a wonderful trip. I got to help up in the tower three (3) times and held birds while she inti-bated them that was very interesting.

Getting ready now for Amanda to have the baby, should be super soon. She has another appointment tonight. Will keep you posted when I am a Grandma.

Lynne2 said...

Thanks Diann...guess I was thinking that if I didn't do aerobics while awake that in my sleep would be the next best thing!

I have found 3 chrysalises so far! The one I found this morning, one on the rafter on the sunporch and one under the roof of the lean to shed that covers the oil tank!

Also have seen, for the first time, an American Lady butterfly on my Sedum. VERY hard to get picture with wings unfolded. Or in general...but will try again.

Lynne2 said...

aw, what a nice note Lynn!

hedgie said...

Dana, I have Active-X, too.

Diann, you better not hope for summer to end until you DO get that furnace in!!! as for me, I wish it would never end.....dread the chore of feeding the fire 24/7!

Lynne, any calls????????

Mema Jo said...

The letter from Dianne that you received, Lynn brought some tears.
I sounds that they were able to do everything that I feel Deb would have wanted. I miss her so much. A day doesn't go by that I don't have good thoughts of Deb. For example when I was viewing all of Sunny's pictures on her blog - the kayak picture brought memories..

Lynne2 said...

no calls Lynn

Mema Jo said...

Lynn are you saying that you and all my friends can NOT see the 3 Italy albums I took from Christine....

hedgie said...

Yep, Jo, that's what I;m saying! Shirley's neither.

Lynne, that stinks!!

Mema Jo said...

Do you see the album but can Not open

Or you just don't even see my remark..

hedgie said...

No post!!

hedgie said...

It's as if Mema Jo never posted anything on FB since yesterday!

PA Nana said...

LOL, Lynn. Though we didn't make a decision on the new furnace, we did lock in our maximum price for oil during the heating season. The old furnace will work until we make up our minds on a new one and we have a separate water heater, so we're covered. I'm still tired of this HOT/HUMID weather.

Lynne, hoping/praying you get a much wanted phone call soon.

Saw the elephants today. The little one is so cute, but not as cute as Hope with her pretty ribbons.

Not sure if I'll get back on later, so I'll send my prayers for health, phone call and any other needs/wants now.

God bless

hedgie said...

Get comfortable in your chair, Diann! Didn't realize the furnace was still alive!! This is very good!

Judie said...

Lynn, thank you for posting the email from Dianne. Comforting to know how Deb was remembered with such love.

Thank you to those who have offered support for my return to the big school house tomorrow. I hope I will be able to visit during midday when I have office hours.

I used to worry about being nervous the first day of classes. Then asked a 30 year veteran when the butterflies would go away. He told me I don't want that to happen because when it does, it means I no longer care about the job I'm doing and it's time to quit.


hedgie said...

Judie, your colleague is a very wise man.....too bad more people aren't that dedicated!

hedgie said...

Forgot to tell y'all yesterday: the EPA denied 5 environmental groups (including the American Bird COnservancy) request that it ban lead in ammunition. They claim they do not have the authority to do so under the Toxic Substances Control Act. But they are considering another part of the petition that requested them to ban lead fishing sinkers. DUH! What the h---??? Wonder what the difference is???????

wvgal_dana said...

Lynn, thank you for posting the email from DianneLynn thank you very much the email you posted from Deb's sister Dianne was so meaningful to me.
Jo I know what you mean. When they had the yard sale here. A man had a kayak for sell. I found myself just standing there looking. Remembering a lot of stories Deb told us about her adventures.

Lynne2 said...

heard that the NRA asked for that Lynn, they seem to think it's some sort of step in the direction of getting everyone's guns and try to stop hunting.

Lynne2 said...

Fishing sinkers won't cause that sort of problem. LOL!

hedgie said...

Unless they figure the lead could leach out into the water, the way they claim it does in oold water pipes. I support the NRA, but they are wrong.....that is not the intent at all. There are plenty of other substances that could be used in lieu of lead!

Lynne2 said...

it's insane, Lynn, that despite all the evidence of the harmful effects of lead, that they could just suddenly decide that it's some sort of plot.

wvgal_dana said...

This is only one place you can click:


wvgal_dana said...

Another place to read:

hedgie said...

Good one, Dana. I'm not a fisherman.....only sinkers I've seen I would think would be too big for even an eagle to swallow. Didn't know there were little ones.

hedgie said... if some parks ban it, why don't they all? The parks that allow hunting are all either state or why not a blanket rule? And give me a break about the cost-----ALL ammunition is ridiculouly high already. If they wanta play, they gotta pay!

Lynne2 said...

good link can see where the little sinkers aren't so different than the pebbles the birds will eat. They come in very tiny sizes Lynn, called split shot. About as small as a pea, some of them. When ours are gone, there will be no more lead use during fishing.

hedgie said...

Oh, that's good news, Lynne!!

stronghunter said...

Hello all,

I do not know why my pictures of the townhouse can't be seen. Rebecca saw it and posted a "like." That is really odd. It is a picture of the outside of the townhouse. If you click on it, you can see the inside.

Lynne2 said...

Speaking of fishing....don't know if I've ever shared my wedding cake topper picture with you's on my blog now! I actually picked it out thinking Steve wouldn't go for it but he did!

I don't see the pics either Shirley.

paula eagleholic said...

Evening, all.

Long day at work but finally home.

CA has been able to ban lead can certainly cause lead poisoning and death in animals that consume animals killed by lead shot.

hedgie said...

Shirley, nothing on FB!!! It must be a security setting you need to adjust. Front of house on blog looks good!

Lynne, cute topper!!

paula eagleholic said...

I can see Jo's pictures...9 of them.

I can't see Shirley's

Judie said...

Lynne2, good thing Steve has a sense of humor.

hedgie said...

Hi, Paula. You sure are putting in some awfully long hours!!! Hope that means that business is good!

stronghunter said...

Maybe someone can tell me. What is the last Facebook post you can see on my wall?

hedgie said...

Hurricane info from Will at 7:42 last evneing, SHirley.

paula eagleholic said...

Shirley, I can see Hurricane Earl post.
If you tried to Share Rebecca's pic, that may not have worked for others. You may have to save and reupload...she may not allow friends of friends to see shared pics.

paula eagleholic said...

Well Lynn, only worked til 7, then had to stop for gas, got home, fed dogs and myself and finally got on here.

stronghunter said...

I see three pictures of the townhouse above the hurricane info. I also posted the townhouse pictures on August 10. My sister-in-law has been asking me where the pictures are. I don't know what else to do. Posts before and after it are visible.

stronghunter said...

Don't know. It is Rus's picture.

paula eagleholic said...

Shirley, you probably have to save their pics to your computer and upload them into your own album. Some people have their settings set so friends of friends cannot view shared pictures

paula eagleholic said...

I can't see the August 10 pics either

hedgie said...

No, I can't either, Shirley and Paula.

hedgie said...

Christie is all settled in for the night. She went shopping after she checked in this afternoon. Spent the entire afternoon/evening at the mall. Got a pedicure, ate at Cheesecake Factory, and treated herself to a very expensive Coach pocketbook!

hedgie said...

I am mad at a squirrel. Had really pretty moss starting to fill in the grout lines of the brick-paved area at the bottom of porch steps....and he/she dug out almost all of it. I was hoping it would expand to fill in all of them. Drat!

stronghunter said...

I will think about it another day. I am too tired to think about it now.

Bless you all and good night.

stronghunter said...

It has not been my week for electronic devices. I have been trying to listen to a book on tape and I have never had such a messed up book. I have heard some parts three or four times and other parts not at all. I can't find the ending of the book. It is not on the end of the last tape. It is somewhere else, maybe. I tried to reserve a hard copy of the book, but I had it sent to the wrong branch of the library.

stronghunter said...

Back-to-School night is tomorrow night from 6:30-8:30. It will be a long day. I need rest.

Judie said...

So sorry for Shirley's computer frustration. I can sympathize.

Sorry about the moss, Lynn. Hope it grows back soon.

Goodnight, Shirley. Rest well.

I am about to follow Shirley into slumberland. I'll check in tomorrow when I can.

Turning my light off but will leave the night light on for others coming in.

Judie said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
paula eagleholic said...

Good luck tomorrow Judie.

magpie said...

Yes, best of best wishes Judie...
We'll be watching for the butterflies to start coming back..

Hello Eagle Pals

Lynne2 said...

Good luck tomorrow Judie!

Heading for bed, need sleep. Prayers for all and have a good night!

magpie said...

Way back at the beginning of this thread, enjoyed Loretta's tale of the Parsley Plants...

if I were a butterfly I would fly to those also....

Glad Christie is settled in, Lynn, sounds nice

Long day Paula for sure...
glad you are home now

Hope that all the sore throats and other ailments take a hike, pronto!

hedgie said...

Hi, Margy!
Goodnight, Shirley and Judie. Rest well and have great days tomorrow in your respective schoolhouses.

magpie said...

article in the Martinsburg Journal this morning about the the Wine-Tasting at NCTC and other activities which preceded it.
Paper copy has nice pictures but here is the article:
Wine-Tasting at NCTC

talks of the Friends of NCTC also

magpie said...

My 75 Canada Geese have started their evening shenandigans....
they all fly South at dusk at North at sunrise....
they are really going from one pond site to another, but they act like they are migrating

Mockingbirds still around but have gone quiet :(

Better say Good Night to those headed for the pillows


chiropractor did some work on the shoulder blade but it's going to take some adjustment and massage...still hurts like %#@& but eventually it will be better

magpie said...

time to pack lunch? dinner? breakfast? for work and pick out a shirt to go with some comfortable bibs

Enjoyed catching up,
hope you folks can find all the pictures you are looking for on Facebook

Thanks for the info on Granny BLT Lynne, and the post that Megan is doing okay too, Jo

Prayers for all our needs and concerns, and for gifts given

God Bless Us, Every One
xoxo ♥

magpie said...

oh by the way proofreaders

make that shenanigans

Ms Bookworm said...

Good Evening, Everyone!

Have had a busy late afternoon and evening here! Sis-in-law came over for a while, then we called our Son-in-law, Marq, who's 40 today. Sang Happy Birthday to him. He had a great time this evening, and blew out all his candles.

Have forgotten to mention, I think, that it's been several days since we have either seen or heard any Black-crowned night herons at our place. Apparently all have flown the coop!

Do have some mockingbirds, and today a Scrub Jay, and two female Hooded Orioles, though. Must be getting to be fall, since we've seen the Scrub Jay. The Pine Siskins probably won't be too far behind! They go through twice a year.

paula eagleholic said...

Oh My, I totally forgot to comment on Lynn's post about the email from Dianne.

I am so glad that Deb's family was able to come together and find some joyful times amongst the sorrow I know they must still feel. How nice that they enjoyed the Osprey, too. I'm glad they took Deb along with them and left a little bit of her everywhere, as I believe that's what she did when she was alive....spread some sunshine everywhere she went.

hedgie said...

Margy, hope your shoulder blade feels much better very soon!

Megan ran out of water today---spigot was dry.....:( Hope it was just a temporarily low well!

Andy, maybe your yard will be a little less poopy now with the night herons gone!! You sure have your personal aviary there!

Ms Bookworm said...

Lynne, saw your newest pictures. Love the cake topper! Like the pictures you took at Lynn's, too.

Might need some advice from Megan--our plumeria in the front yard has a bunch of flowers on it, but no leaves! The one in the back yard, which gets a lot more sun, has lots of leaves, but far fewer flowers. Trying to sort out what's going on.
Both get equal amounts of water.

Have decided to e-mail our doctor about Hubby's meds tomorrow. Will take the time to read all the info about side-effects of each one first. He's taking only one blood pressure med, the one given to him in the first place. (He's had 2 more added since for his shaky hands.) He is only taking a half-dose of the Meclizine (for vertigo and nausea). He seems to have no trouble on just these meds. We'll see what the Dr. says.

paula eagleholic said...

Hitting the hay, looks like another long day tomorrow...

Hugs to all ♥

Lolly said...

Well, as usual I am getting on too late to chat. Folks are headed to bed!

Lynn, thanks for sharing Dianne's note to you. Tears flowed as usual. God Bless you, Deb. You are missed.

Judie and Shirley....I do hope you both have a great year!

After dinner tonight, we headed to the grocery store. Needed a lot of things but really needed to get milk.

Yes, the armadillo did dig again last night. It was not too bad, at least not so bad Jack is hunting yet. Grrrrr!

Tomorrow we are going to Laurel's to "boysit". Laurel has open house at school and Joey is sitting in at a class at North Texas U. Going to meet the boys as they walk home from school. Jack is also going to take Joseph to soccer practice. Sooo, I will not be on any tomorrow afternoon.

Ms Bookworm said...

LOL, Lynn,
Our yard is a LOT less poopy now! :oD It's actually safe to go outdoors now! Going to have to take a scrub brush to some spots on the patio, but should be OK after that!

Lolly, hope you guys can manage to get rid of the armadillo! You'd think there would be SOMETHING that would act as a repellant for those critters! (Well, a shotgun, of course, but I mean more like the stuff they use to repel deer.)
Sure sounds like Annie is happy that you're back home!

hedgie said...

Goodnight, Paula. Get good rest.

Lolly, have a fun afternoon tomorrow!!

Ms Bookworm said...

Well, need to go watch some TV and veg for a bit.

Prayers have been said for everyone.
Judie left the night light on, and I'm leaving the porch light on so you can see to get here. The eye-scanner security and Dana's thumbprint-scanner security are both enabled. Sleep tight, everyone, and no nightmares, please.
Will talk to all of you tomorrow.
God bless, and goodnight! Love all of you! :o]

hedgie said...

Heading for the tub after I watch the weather report. See all of your fine, fowl friends tomorrow.
Sweet that we all shared the same emotions when thinking about Deb today...I don't think a day ever goes by that I don't think about her.
Goodnight. God bless us all.

magpie said...

Thank you so much for posting the information from Dianne with all the special things about Deb ♥

Good night again, everyone...

Mema Jo said...

WOW I just got a Service Error

All I want to do is to say
Good Night to All
Prayers for All
Hugs to All ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

Mema Jo said...

Judie Have a great day tomorrow and just give it all you got!

Costume Lady said...

My new fridge is now in place and don't see any dings and dents, but as I was afraid, fingerprints are rampant! I use the Stainless Steel cleaner, but it just smeared!
I noticed that Lynn has SS in her
kitchen. LYNN, do you have a secret to keeping yours CLEAN?


Lolly said...

Nite all! Headed that way myself.

Sweet dreams!

stronghunter said...

A quick good morning. I am in a hurry to get off to work. See you later.

Costume Lady said...

How can such a beautiful morning of just 60°, turn into a HOT afternoon and evening of 96°? Did the same thing yesterday and will do it again tomorrow:(
Hopefully, we will get some rain from Hurricane Earl...headed for the OBX right now. Stay safe, Candy!!

Oh, my goodness, Shirley headed to work at 6:22am:( Hope she has a good year and lots of funny stories. YOU TOO, JUDIE!

Just in case I don't get back,
have a good day♥

wvgal_dana said...

Good Morning Shirley and Wanda.

Candy Things could change but right now they are saying. Earl could come ashore Thursday in North Carolina. Battened down the hatches.

wvgal_dana said...

Ha ha Wanda just read your comment. I was starting reading backwards. lol

wvgal_dana said...

Thanks Margy about the article. Just read very interesting. I would have liked to have been on the tour to see the confiscated items.

Wanda sorry for all the finger prints. None are mine though.
You might also want to ask Red. In his pictures it showed a brownish shiney frig. I would think that too would accept many finger prints. You know what a stickler he is for CLEAN.

Paula your words were great ty about Deb. Ok getting teary again.

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3/12/25 PM 🐟

 12.56 PM Scout comes to the nest to relieve Bella of her incubation duties getting close guys. He does have a Talon load of bedding. He lan...