I'm going to find my way upstairs. I am plumb wore out. See you tomorrow. Not sure when I will be able to get on the blog. Was having trouble getting online at school.
Someone asked me if I'd taken my computer to technology for an update. Nope. I didn't have time. Maybe tomorrow. Have to be able to get into my gradebook program by 9:00 o'clock, so I can't waste time getting the update.
Oh, Paula, so thankful that John is okay. What a crazy nut to do something like that on the crest of a hill. Hope he got charged. Too bad insurance company doesn't re-imburse victim for INCONVENIENCE along with worry and soreness. Good that John is being pro-active in the prevention department!!!
Ed received my package in today's mail and has been working on my slide show and burning discs. Jo sure has a smart hubby---and a nice one, too!
Had a panda nap this evening, and was on phone with Christie for 90 mins. Cauliflower ear!
Shirley, thanks for the info as critical thinking is now a big push for colleges and universities. I'll go online and check it out.
Paula, I am so sorry John has to deal with the accident aftermath but so very relieved he was not hurt. Hope he won't be too sore tomorrow.
Going to turn my light off now but will leave the night light on for others coming in, heading back the hallway, down to the tub, up the stairs to bed, to the shower, or to the recliner. Andy, please set our alarm for us. Pleasant dreams everyone.
Hi, aLL. I didn't have that prob. with the flashplayer..exactly. I did get a message that a new version was available when I booted up my machine this morning, so I clicked to go ahead. But my troubles came in getting everything going to download it this time...puter was blocking a necessary download tool. Anyway, I did finally get it updated, and then I rebooted for insurance.
Jim, sorry you've caught a cold--hope and pray it goes away quickly! Keep hydrated, and rest up!
Paula, sorry to hear of John's mishap, but VERY glad he's OK. What a crazy move for that other driver to pull!
Shirley, glad today went well at school. Hope your weary brain gets all rested up tonight!
Judie, sounds like you got a lot accomplished today, too. Hope the meds situation is better--I hate having a lot to do, and feeling all dopey. Doing much better on all of my meds--just hate having to take ANY! Took at least a year to get used to some of them, though.
Margy, so good to see you here! Hope your work shift is uneventful!
Had a really crazy afternoon here--the female Cooper's Hawk did a fly-through, putting everything in feathers into a full-scale panic! A lot of feathers flew, but nobody got caught. Ms. Hawk eventually moved on to hunt in another area. Do hope she managed to catch something. Just hate to see it when it happens! Had a female finch that froze in place on a beam just under the patio cover--she didn't move for over half an hour! Poor little thing was scared half to death!
Well, need to go put my feet up and veg for a while. Just in case the sandman ambushes me, I'm leaving the porch light and the night light on. Prayers said for everyone. The eye-scanner security and Dana's thumbprint-scanner security are both enabled. Sleep tight, and I'll talk to you tomorrow. God bless, and goodnight, everyone! Love all of you! :o]
Good night to all turning in and/or putting up feet. my little nap refreshed me...good to go for a little while yet!
Paula, Picasa won't burn on VISTA (PC), and is not at all compatible with Windows 7 (laptop).....and I just don't know enough about PP to create anything with it. Even tho' MS Pictures will let me play as a slideshow, it won't burn it as one. So Ed offered and I took him up on it!!
Merlins (medium size falcons) migrate through So Cal it seems, and when I used to feed the birds on my patio in another apt. years ago, a large male Merlin homed in on the feeders every Spring and Fall for several years.
All the sparrows and finches would dive behind some stuff I had under a tarp, and I don't think he had any luck at first.
One day though he perched up on the railing (next to a potted plant) and waited. Pretty soon here comes one of the small birds in to feed. The Merlin lept into the air, turned over, caught the bird in mid air with his talons, turned back over and flew off to a walled area to feed on it.... all in a part of a second, it seemed like.
Lynn, I use Picasa 3 on my windows 7 laptop, don't have any problems. I haven't tried using it to burn a cd, I always used the wmp for that....or nero (which you have to purchase) I haven't tried burning any cd's yet on my laptop.
GOOD MORNING... 72° AND OVERCAST here in Nestville; not going to get much warmer than this, but we will, most likely have rain. 70% to 84% chance this afternoon and tonight.
Taking GG shopping in Hagerstown (for nothing in particular) just to get her out of the house. Will take her to dinner if she isn't too tired after shopping:) Hope the rain holds off until we get back home! Ever notice the fact that it doesn't rain for nearly an eternity, but it does rain when you have an activity planned...happens so often:(
I would imagine that we can expect all sorts of problems with our cam, while they are working on getting the new one installed. I think the new cam will be worth waiting for...not much activity with our Royal Couple at this time.
Speaking of flooding in the DC area...saw on the news last evening where a couple had lost their power and of course, their sump pump quit working. They had 6ft. of water in their basement...ruined everything. Insurance will not pay for anything. I think it was said that it cost $7000 to have some company to come in and clean up everything. That doesn't include the cost of replacing their furnishings. They are using their child's college fund to pay for the damages. The gentleman said it took them 10 years to save that amount of money! I believe that unless you have FLOOD INSURANCE, an ACT OF GOD (rain) is not covered. When GG's basement flooded, it was due to a broken faucet and water pipe, so her Insurance covered all expenses for cleaning up and replacing items that were ruined.
Good morning! Day 4 of Camp Hawkwood. Today more crafts and swimming. The boys are being really well behaved. They are really good boys, but very typical brothers and they really have been playing well together.
Happy Birthday, Candy! Have a great day at school, getting the room ready for kindergarteners!
Yes Mema Jo that is why I have been leaving my umbrella open.
Wanda I feel as much as we pay for insurance. Those peoples insurance company should have covered them. That is the problem, insurance take and take. Those people probably don't even live in a "flood area". Supposely that is the only time you are to have to get "flood insurance if you live in what is zoned a "flood area".grrr
So sorry Diann you couldn't sleep. I know some of those nights. I recently changed some of my meds. Don't know why dr. has increased one of them. Probably to get me through Ed passed. During all that. So I went back on the lower doze and I finally slept at night. Felt so good.
Yes, Dana, you are correct...that family does not live in a Flood Zone. They were putting sand bags around their house last night, in anticipation of more rain today!
Dana...word of caution....don't leave your umbrella open. Wind gust can make it a deadly weapon!! Had a friend whose umbrella was up during one of our summer storms--wind picked it up, sent it AND the glass-topped table sailing across the yard and dumped it in the pool. Reuslt? A pool full of broken glass. Hard lesson to learn!
Happy Birthday, Candy. Hope it's a very special one.
Raining here all morning. Lots of flooded areas. Temp about 68º
Hi Diann. Hope you're feeling better and can catch a Panda nap or two today.
Wanda, have a good day out with GG. I agree, have to go out to get toothies cleaned in about an hour.
Something on the news the a.m. in interview with E. Holmes Norton about flood maps being redrawn so home owners will have to buy flood insurance. Not too clear on details but seems as if the family in the news actually lives in a flood zone but not "officially" = no required insurance = no coverage.
Jo, quick. Even if you didn't, say you captured and eliminated all those stink bugs. You know Lynn will come after you if she gets any.
Okay, need to get ready to see dentist. Think this will be my last visit after many years. Too much turnover. Will look for someone different.
Hedgie that jerk (put in trash). Tell the leader of the advocacy group thanks for being a better person than the DNR creep. So sorry about GHO.
Lolly hope Jacob gets over the all of a sudden not wanting to sleep alone. Maybe something he heard or seen scared him. Maybe you need to ask him. Could he have heard some older boys talking?
Thanks Shirley for the slang words. Although I seem to have trouble enough with just regular English. I did put it in my bookmarks though. Prayers for a good answer on mammo.
Judie sorry about your friends MIL falling and breaking her hip. "I read that as if it was Judie's MIL until I read on down and seen Hedgie's comment". Went back and re-read Judie's...losing things and also some of my mind.
Wanda has us all going to the slang site for her "G" in her comment Monday 10:52AM LOL
Yep Lynne my yard is just getting mowed. It was all sticking up in only a few areas. After the rains it needs it in place badly other places it doesn't so I'm glad he is mowing.
I'm sure as I continue to catch up. I'll find some answers to these comments.
Trying to catch up on comments. At some point have to catch up on personnal emails.
Margy you got yourself a money maker if you wanted to sell that book on ebay later. Oh too bad in not good condition. You can always take a picture and say what trype of condition it is in...still might make $100.
Shirley Did you check the trash for your keys??? That trash culprit might have put them there.
LMBO-Judie "wants to be adopted by Lynn".LOL
Wanda I hope you keep a copy of back and front of that check. Wanda that Tortilla Encrusted Tilapia (I love tilapia) sounds so good. Receipe..........>>>>>>>>>>>my way.
Loretta-Loweeda like your avatar. By the way has that resturant built back up yet?
Prayers for those TEACHERS heading back to school; Shirley, Candy, Laurel and others.
PAULA Glad John is ok. Whew.. idiot turning top of a hill. People just don't realize when they cause an accident, even if they have insurance to cover it. Some people don't have another car. Plus all the inconvience. Plus he could have injured John!!!!
Paula I got your drift. My nephew's(from my 1st marriage they still and always will call me their Aunt) son's wife if having a tuble Wednesday. They have a boy and a girl. That is what they wanted so it is time to quit.
A very quick hello. I have been re-arranging my room today. Wanted some changes from last year. They said that the building would be open until 7:00 tonight if we want to work in our rooms, and I may need to take advantage of that. We had computer gradebook training and a dept. meeting this morning, so not much time to work in the rooms.
This afternoon is a faculty meeting. Tomorrow the whole day will be taken up with meetings, etc. We'll have a working lunch.
Funny thing. The schedule they sent us in the back-to-school letter doesn't match what is really happening.
Just getting on to tell you that we had a little shower. So very happy. Thank you, Lord!! In 45 minutes we had .7 inches of rain. Wahoo! That will last a couple of days and really did good for the yard down front where we do not water often. Boys played in the rain.
Dana, Jacob, complained of not like the dark only one night. Do not know what that was about. It was not that dark and he sleeps in that bedroom all the time. ??? All other nights he has gone to sleep quite quickly.
nO live cam this A.M., you are right. There's a message, which isn't even highlighted, about flashplayer. It mentions version 9.0,but I've had 10+ something forever now.
I think Steve mentioned a new provider (I think that's what it was) a couple of weeks ago. I think that's probably what it is; it would probably shut down the still cam too if they were changing the camera equipment today.
Think you said you had cam yesterday, Jim, and we couldn't get it up.....maybe because your Flash was already updated....or we were just too late trying...you were maybe the last one to see it!! Wonder how long the conversion takes? Seems strange that they worked on sound last week.......and now cam??
Adobe Flash Player is a 10 is not the newest version I have the version 10 on FF and IE
The wording about updating from Outdoor is gray on my screen and you couldn't click even if you tried to update.
Done but with errors on page at the bottom of your monitor means that Outdoor has the problem - not us. It is probably the upgrade that is happening. So I guess we are just to be patient and assume.... that better times are not far away!
Yippee! Kailey is out of surgery and seems to be doing just fine so far. Great news!
Hi, back from the dentist. New hygienist very nice. Looked to be about 12 years old. Realized I missed an appt. back in Jan. probably because I was recuperating and then we had the blizzards. Anyway, was in good shape considering. Got a lollipop NOT.
Tried to install updated flashplayer following FF instructions. No go as was the case over the summer. Becoming more than a bit irritated. Don't know what to do. May have to call someone.
Jo, hope you get to enjoy some time with Alexis. Otherwise, put your feetsies up and enjoy.
Shirley, hope you got your room put together reasonably well. As for the schedule, well, what can we expect? Admin and worker bees sometimes seem to be on different planets.
Oh, blouses arrived today from Lands' End. They fit and feel really soft and nice. Supposed to be no iron. So a few new things for the in-between weather when school starts.
I Dana, Jim, Lolly, and Lynn.
Off to help bring in food then I turn into Chef Judie. BBL
When I place my cursor on "HERE" it does give me the program to download Adobe Flash Player.... but even if I do it again.. still says at the bottom of the screen that Done but with errors on page
Grandmommy is tired! There is a reason the young have the children!LOL Today we painted bats with glow in the dark paint and the boys played in a nice rain! This afternoon we went swimming. Really proud of how Jacob is doing with his swimming.
Need to go start dinner now, but it is so nice to just sit. The boys are playing in the other room.
Chief of the Division of Education and Outreach at NCTC. Working with a really talented staff on a variety of programs focused on Youth Engagement. A few other things as well. Should be a challenge.
This is what Steve said on FB yesterday: Chief of the Division of Education and Outreach at NCTC. Working with a really talented staff on a variety of programs focused on Youth Engagement. A few other things as well. Should be a challenge.
Evening Everyone! See Dana asked & Lynn answered about Ledos Restaurant.Yes, sign on door says "Opening Soon". Was supposed to be in March!!!!There are a couple others around, but only in those neighborhoods occasionally. Read that little Kailey had surgery. (on what?) Reminded me of the premature Dugger baby girl that spent 3 months in hosp. At drug store yesterday, saw magazine with them on cover that stated they're ready for more!!!! Didn't they get the message?
New Chiefs Appointed in Two NCTC Divisions The education outreach and production divisions of the National Conservation Training Center receive new chiefs this month, both of them avid outdoorsmen.
Nature report; yesterday saw only a few ospreys at Park, so after work went to see cam nest. One squawky bird, but it flew off and dove in the River 3 or 4 times. Saw it later w/a fish! Hope it was the juvie! Have to dwnld pics and see. Thought we wouldn't see anything at Chelsea today, but some neat stuff appeared---a few little deer, SEVERAL noisey kingfishers flying across the pond & a couple green herons.Then we heard what sounded like a low quack. It was a pair of turkeys walking on the other side! The male had his tail fanned out!Of course only one was visible at the end of a path next to pond by the time we went for cameras. Wren report--I think both little Birdbrains are in the house. Didn't hear any chirps from another area this evening, but were many when adult brought food. Hope to maybe see a fledge tomorrow & we'll get to see if Bigger BB is all intact! ☺
Friends of Blackwater posted a video on FB of Eagles catching Salmon. Even though I would copy the link I don't think that you will see it IF you are not a member on FB.
Loretta, I was thinking the same thing---Kailey and little Josie Dugger look like twins. All I can say is that the Duggers' have sure been blessed...but they really need to take the problems with Josie as a warning that it's time to stop. Tempting fate is dangerous, and unfair to all of the kids. THey are going to re-attach Kailey's colon and remove the colostomy.
Just stopping by quickly to say I'm headed to bed. Maybe sleep will help.
Leaving the night light on for others coming in, headed back the hallway, down to the tub, up the stairs to bed, or just dozing in the recliner. Hope Andy will set our alarm.
Prayers for Kailey and Karen and for others who need them.
Hi, Everyone, HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO CANDY! Hope your day's been a special one!
Also, best wishes to our Steve in his new endeavor! Fantastic!
Have been extremely busy today trying to get our "bill box" organized. We have a big plastic box where we put all our invoices after they are paid. Am sorting stuff by company, newest on top. Then by category. Drives me nuts when I can't find stuff right away. Am working on getting more & more of our bills set up for online payment.
It's still hot here tonight--only down to about 86. Supposed to be a bit cooler tomorrow. Very humid here today! Yuck!
Have a message in to my Dr. on the KP e-mail. Think Wed. is her day off, so will be patient. Throat not sore, but raspy and annoying. Feel tired, but think it's just the heat.
Judie, hope you get to feeling better! ((Hugs))!! I really hate that as we get a bit older, we have to deal with doctors who give us so many medications! (Hate all the side-effects, too!) Prayers that you will feel much better tomorrow!
Very happy to hear that Kailey is doing well--you go, girl! Thank God! Prayers never stop for this little one!
Paula, glad to hear that John is doing well. Hope that he continues to be acheless!
Jim, hope you're much improved! This is terrible weather in which to have a cold. Prayers!
Am really tired, so think I'll take care of business here and go put my feet up in front of the TV. Prayers have been said for everyone. The night light and the porch light are on for others coming in. The eye-scanner security and Dana's thumbprint-scanner security are both enabled. Hope everyone sleeps soundly and awakens refreshed. God bless, and goodnight! Love all of you! :o]
Hellooooooooooo! My boys have been down for 40 minutes. Jack and I have been talking. lol Do not get to do that with the boys. Also, talked with Laurel. She reported on her day and I reported on the boys.
Judie, I made Lasagne tonight. I actually made two and one is for Laurel to pop in the oven next week. I do for her what I would have liked for someone to have done for me. ☺
Maybe Lynne could step into Steve's old job. I'm sure she would do a fantastic job! Wahoo!!..can you imagine having someone who knows and understand us, working there?;)
We had a nice afternoon and evening in Hagerstown, with GG. She got tired very quickly and I hadn't even begun to shop. Fortunately, we drove over there in the Eagle Express, so Gene took her out there and got her settled in with a cold drink and a magazine, and we continued to shop for a while longer. I found a pretty blouse for GG and she loved it when I showed it to her:) Had dinner at the Golden Corral and GG filled her plate with Wings, Ribs, Fish, Potatoes & Gravy and a few unknown things. She wouldn't eat those because she forgot what they were and didn't like the looks of them with mashed potatoes smeared over them:) She had Ice Cream and some pastries for dessert. She was happy to be at home, said she felt as though she had been on a mini vacation!
My feet and my knee are telling me it is time to go to bed.
Paula, there is nothing more exhausting than the first week of school. I remember it only too well and want to help Laurel out. Wish we lived closer so she could just eat here every night!
I'll try to have two dishes prepared when we return the boys Friday.
Tomorrow....more crafts and then in the afternoon we are going to see Toy Story 3 at Omni. We have seen in in 3D, now to see it at the Omni theatre. The boys are excited!
My turn to head to bed. I must say the boys are great in letting Grandmommy sleep in the mornings. They are getting up between 7:30 and 8 and turning on the TV and watching quietly. Their 2 hours of TV in the mornings (if that much) is all they get all day. They have not even been on the computer much. We have been so busy!
Weather is strange for So Cal this time of year. It's supposed to be 63°, but I don't believe it ever got below about 69° last night. And it's going to be a lot hotter w/humidity later.
«Oldest ‹Older 201 – 335 of 335Wheeeeeeeee!! That was fun!
Where is everybody?
Hi, Lolly. I made it!
I'm going to find my way upstairs. I am plumb wore out. See you tomorrow. Not sure when I will be able to get on the blog. Was having trouble getting online at school.
Someone asked me if I'd taken my computer to technology for an update. Nope. I didn't have time. Maybe tomorrow. Have to be able to get into my gradebook program by 9:00 o'clock, so I can't waste time getting the update.
I was checking out your tshirts Lolly...first pic they were all backwards, coz it was the reflection pic, LOL. Very nice! What bird on the tshirts?
Oh, Paula, so thankful that John is okay. What a crazy nut to do something like that on the crest of a hill. Hope he got charged. Too bad insurance company doesn't re-imburse victim for INCONVENIENCE along with worry and soreness.
Good that John is being pro-active in the prevention department!!!
Ed received my package in today's mail and has been working on my slide show and burning discs. Jo sure has a smart hubby---and a nice one, too!
Had a panda nap this evening, and was on phone with Christie for 90 mins. Cauliflower ear!
I thought that's what Ed was doing for you, Lynn. How nice!
Shirley, thanks for the info as critical thinking is now a big push for colleges and universities. I'll go online and check it out.
Paula, I am so sorry John has to deal with the accident aftermath but so very relieved he was not hurt. Hope he won't be too sore tomorrow.
Going to turn my light off now but will leave the night light on for others coming in, heading back the hallway, down to the tub, up the stairs to bed, to the shower, or to the recliner. Andy, please set our alarm for us. Pleasant dreams everyone.
Hi, aLL.
I didn't have that prob. with the flashplayer..exactly. I did get a message that a new version was available when I booted up my machine this morning, so I clicked to go ahead. But my troubles came in getting everything going to download it this time...puter was blocking a necessary download tool. Anyway, I did finally get it updated, and then I rebooted for insurance.
It's working like a champ so far today.
C(°ٿ°)D Jim
I was busy watching TV but the sandman came and found me..........
Touch base with all of you tomorrow....
Good Early Night to Everyone
Prayers for all
Hug for all ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥
C(°ٿ°)D Jim
Hi, Everyone,
Boy, it's been a busy day for everyone here!
Jim, sorry you've caught a cold--hope and pray it goes away quickly!
Keep hydrated, and rest up!
Paula, sorry to hear of John's mishap, but VERY glad he's OK. What a crazy move for that other driver to pull!
Shirley, glad today went well at school. Hope your weary brain gets all rested up tonight!
Judie, sounds like you got a lot accomplished today, too. Hope the meds situation is better--I hate having a lot to do, and feeling all dopey. Doing much better on all of my meds--just hate having to take ANY! Took at least a year to get used to some of them, though.
Margy, so good to see you here! Hope your work shift is uneventful!
Had a really crazy afternoon here--the female Cooper's Hawk did a fly-through, putting everything in feathers into a full-scale panic!
A lot of feathers flew, but nobody got caught. Ms. Hawk eventually moved on to hunt in another area. Do hope she managed to catch something. Just hate to see it when it happens! Had a female finch that froze in place on a beam just under the patio cover--she didn't move for over half an hour!
Poor little thing was scared half to death!
Well, need to go put my feet up and veg for a while. Just in case the sandman ambushes me, I'm leaving the porch light and the night light on. Prayers said for everyone. The eye-scanner security and Dana's thumbprint-scanner security are both enabled. Sleep tight, and I'll talk to you tomorrow. God bless, and goodnight, everyone! Love all of you! :o]
That is a Red Shouldered Hawk, Paula....Camp Hawkwood, after the Red Shouldered Hawks that we had nest in our yard for three years.
Good night to all turning in and/or putting up feet. my little nap refreshed me...good to go for a little while yet!
Paula, Picasa won't burn on VISTA (PC), and is not at all compatible with Windows 7 (laptop).....and I just don't know enough about PP to create anything with it. Even tho' MS Pictures will let me play as a slideshow, it won't burn it as one. So Ed offered and I took him up on it!!
BTW----Bill says he has seen living,moving stink bugs....they're b-a-c-k! Yuck.
Hmmm. Andrea's story rang a bell.
Merlins (medium size falcons) migrate through So Cal it seems, and when I used to feed the birds on my patio in another apt. years ago, a large male Merlin homed in on the feeders every Spring and Fall for several years.
All the sparrows and finches would dive behind some stuff I had under a tarp, and I don't think he had any luck at first.
One day though he perched up on the railing (next to a potted plant) and waited. Pretty soon here comes one of the small birds in to feed. The Merlin lept into the air, turned over, caught the bird in mid air with his talons, turned back over and flew off to a walled area to feed on it.... all in a part of a second, it seemed like.
C(°ٿ°)D Jim
Lynn, I use Picasa 3 on my windows 7 laptop, don't have any problems. I haven't tried using it to burn a cd, I always used the wmp for that....or nero (which you have to purchase) I haven't tried burning any cd's yet on my laptop.
Thanks, Lolly, I thought it was red something!
Better say Good Night Pals while some of you are still up and about...
Hope the Cooper's Hawk takes care of his chow time, at an off-site location Andrea...
and those Merlins, do like the little finches and sparrows...
good at catching them in mid-air also
I've got Finland up to watch for Hoodies....nest looks interesting, couple of stick branches sticking straight up in the air
Sweet Sleep Wishes...
Best wishes for a good day Wednesday...
God Bless Us, Every One
xoxo ♥
I'll try, Paula. Had read somewhere on one of their sites that it wasn't compatible with 7, so never tried it on laptop.
Night all!
Hugs to all ♥
Jim, that must have been a bit disturbing to see, but amazing, too. The good, the bad, the ugly in the nature world----everyday.
Margy, have you ever seen Merlins?
Well, dear friends, it'sa wrap from this roost. See all y'all tomorrow.
Prayers......and peace.
Over and out, here too...
Well. the sandman found me. Have slept a while! Now time to get ready for bed. ☺ Swimming tomorrow.
Nite all! Sweet dreams!
Couldn't sleep because of pain meds so I'll go and check out the Finland sites.
God bless my eagle pals.
I'll try to catch you all tomorrow some time.
♫ Happy Birthday to You,
Happy Birthday to You.
Happy Birthday, dear Candy,
Happy Birthday to You! ♫
Nary a drop of rain here. Mountains must have blocked it all to the east of us. Serious flooding in DC area. But it is cloudy and comfortable.
Morning, all.
Live feed still down. NO response from OUtdoor channel.
We need a new thread!
No rain in Eburg either, Lynn.
Looks like Frederick got a little rain.
Wonder if Jim will get cam up today?? No go here again, too.
72° AND OVERCAST here in Nestville; not going to get much warmer than this, but we will, most likely have rain. 70% to 84% chance this afternoon and tonight.
Taking GG shopping in Hagerstown (for nothing in particular) just to get her out of the house. Will take her to dinner if she isn't too tired after shopping:) Hope the rain holds off until we get back home! Ever notice the fact that it doesn't rain for nearly an eternity, but it does rain when you have an activity planned...happens so often:(
I would imagine that we can expect all sorts of problems with our cam, while they are working on getting the new one installed.
I think the new cam will be worth waiting for...not much activity with our Royal Couple at this time.
Wonder where Steve is? He is a well traveled man:)
♪♪♫♪♪ Happy birthday to you, Candy ♪♪♫♪♪
Hope your day is special and your year ahead is fantastic
Speaking of flooding in the DC area...saw on the news last evening where a couple had lost their power and of course, their sump pump quit working. They had 6ft. of water in their basement...ruined everything. Insurance will not pay for anything. I think it was said that it cost $7000 to have some company to come in and clean up everything. That doesn't include the cost of replacing their furnishings. They are using their child's college fund to pay for the damages. The gentleman said it took them 10 years to save that amount of money!
I believe that unless you have FLOOD INSURANCE, an ACT OF GOD (rain) is not covered.
When GG's basement flooded, it was due to a broken faucet and water pipe, so her Insurance covered all expenses for cleaning up and replacing items that were ruined.
Good morning! Day 4 of Camp Hawkwood. Today more crafts and swimming. The boys are being really well behaved. They are really good boys, but very typical brothers and they really have been playing well together.
Happy Birthday, Candy! Have a great day at school, getting the room ready for kindergarteners!
Momsters....hope you all have a great day!
Wanda, have a good day with GG. It will be good for her to get out and about.
Good Morning Everyone
No rain yet in the valley..
My tomato plant which, I thought, died in all the heat is standing tall again with some blossoms. My hopes are high!
Wanda I'm like you - wondering where Steve has been - sure wish he would put the blog on automatic for us.
As long as the still cam shows the gorilla tape on the tree trunk, I don't think the new camera mount has been done.
Lolly - so glad Camp Hawkwood is going well for you and the boys.
Oh yes - meant to tell you all -
I opened the outside table's umbrella and whoa! Stink Bugs!
Good Morning in Eagle Land.
Yes Mema Jo that is why I have been leaving my umbrella open.
Wanda I feel as much as we pay for insurance. Those peoples insurance company should have covered them. That is the problem, insurance take and take. Those people probably don't even live in a "flood area". Supposely that is the only time you are to have to get "flood insurance if you live in what is zoned a "flood area".grrr
So sorry Diann you couldn't sleep. I know some of those nights. I recently changed some of my meds. Don't know why dr. has increased one of them. Probably to get me through Ed passed. During all that. So I went back on the lower doze and I finally slept at night. Felt so good.
Maybe check your meds. on the computer.
Yes, Dana, you are correct...that family does not live in a Flood Zone. They were putting sand bags around their house last night, in anticipation of more rain today!
Dana...word of caution....don't leave your umbrella open. Wind gust can make it a deadly weapon!!
Had a friend whose umbrella was up during one of our summer storms--wind picked it up, sent it AND the glass-topped table sailing across the yard and dumped it in the pool. Reuslt? A pool full of broken glass. Hard lesson to learn!
I agree Lynn - Even though the umbrella is anchored down - those wind storms can take it sailing. I lost a table one year.
All right - headed back to get my street clothes. Tonight should be
Alexis' night.
Wanda, glad you're going north! Scads of grass fires south along 81....road shut down due to smoke.
Thanks for the warning, Lynn...maybe we will take Rt. 11 just in case the fires spread North:) A more scenic route for GG.
Good late morning, to everyone.
Happy Birthday, Candy. Hope it's a very special one.
Raining here all morning. Lots of flooded areas. Temp about 68º
Hi Diann. Hope you're feeling better and can catch a Panda nap or two today.
Wanda, have a good day out with GG. I agree, have to go out to get toothies cleaned in about an hour.
Something on the news the a.m. in interview with E. Holmes Norton about flood maps being redrawn so home owners will have to buy flood insurance. Not too clear on details but seems as if the family in the news actually lives in a flood zone but not "officially" = no required insurance = no coverage.
Jo, quick. Even if you didn't, say you captured and eliminated all those stink bugs. You know Lynn will come after you if she gets any.
Okay, need to get ready to see dentist. Think this will be my last visit after many years. Too much turnover. Will look for someone different.
Rt. 11 does sound SAFER Wanda thanks to Hedgie's nice warning.
Will be taking some caution with umbrella. Only damage it could do would be fly into someones car
windshield. Wouldn't want that!
Hmmm, just a quick thought. Wonder if Steve is in a hiding place where an old washer is hidden and disguised by a shiny garland?
Hedgie that jerk (put in trash). Tell the leader of the advocacy group thanks for being a better person than the DNR creep. So sorry
about GHO.
Lolly hope Jacob gets over the all of a sudden not wanting to sleep alone. Maybe something he
heard or seen scared him. Maybe you need to ask him. Could he have heard some older boys talking?
Thanks Shirley for the slang words. Although I seem to have trouble enough with just regular English. I did put it in my bookmarks though.
Prayers for a good answer on mammo.
Judie sorry about your friends MIL falling and breaking her hip.
"I read that as if it was Judie's MIL until I read on down and seen Hedgie's comment". Went
back and re-read Judie's...losing things and also some of my mind.
Wanda has us all going to the slang site for her "G" in her comment Monday 10:52AM LOL
Yep Lynne my yard is just getting mowed. It was all sticking up in only a few areas. After the rains it needs it in place badly other places it doesn't so I'm glad he is mowing.
I'm sure as I continue to catch up. I'll find some answers to these comments.
Trying to catch up on comments. At some point have to catch up on personnal emails.
Humm who was the plate trasher at Shirley's??
Judie Norma always tells anyone going to Dentist "just pinch your arm". lol
Mema Jo I'll be praying you can stay off the predisone.
Thanks Paula for the Cornell site. I will have to check that out later. Looked interesting.
Andy hope I find a comment in this catching up.
That says, you got results of throat culture.
There is Lolly's comment about the drive thru animal place. Sounds like had a great time.
Didn't read about any elephants rocking cars.(:
SHIRLEY YAY YAY glad to hear things turned out good with mammo. Why in 6 months and not a year?
Paula I'm having fish for dinner today. No beer to soak it in. Just going to season and steam.
WOW!!!Hedgie I should have went shopping with you instead of me and Mom...my totals would have
been little.
Dana....Big girls=Big clothes=Big bucks. Argh!
GooD MorniNG
tO aLL iN EaglE LanD.
C(°ٿ°)D Jim
Margy you got yourself a money maker if you wanted to sell that book on ebay later. Oh too bad in not good condition. You can always take a picture and say what trype of condition it is in...still might make $100.
Shirley Did you check the trash for your keys??? That trash culprit might have put them there.
LMBO-Judie "wants to be adopted by Lynn".LOL
Wanda I hope you keep a copy of back and front of that check. Wanda that Tortilla
Encrusted Tilapia (I love tilapia) sounds so good. Receipe..........>>>>>>>>>>>my way.
Loretta-Loweeda like your avatar. By the way has that resturant built back up yet?
Prayers for those TEACHERS heading back to school; Shirley, Candy, Laurel and others.
PAULA Glad John is ok. Whew.. idiot turning top of a hill. People just don't realize when they cause an accident, even if they have insurance to cover it. Some people don't have another car. Plus all the inconvience.
Plus he could have injured John!!!!
Paula I got your drift. My nephew's(from my 1st marriage they still and always will call me their Aunt) son's wife if having a tuble Wednesday. They have a boy
and a girl. That is what they wanted so it is time to quit.
A very quick hello. I have been re-arranging my room today. Wanted some changes from last year. They said that the building would be open until 7:00 tonight if we want to work in our rooms, and I may need to take advantage of that. We had computer gradebook training and a dept. meeting this morning, so not much time to work in the rooms.
This afternoon is a faculty meeting. Tomorrow the whole day will be taken up with meetings, etc. We'll have a working lunch.
Funny thing. The schedule they sent us in the back-to-school letter doesn't match what is really happening.
My classes aren't all that large, thank goodness.
With all this catching up don't know if I did or did not...anyhow
Jim - hyfb=slang hee hee hope you feel better.
C(°ٿ°)D Jim
Sprinkling here!! Temp 78°.
Just getting on to tell you that we had a little shower. So very happy. Thank you, Lord!! In 45 minutes we had .7 inches of rain. Wahoo! That will last a couple of days and really did good for the yard down front where we do not water often. Boys played in the rain.
Dana, Jacob, complained of not like the dark only one night. Do not know what that was about. It was not that dark and he sleeps in that bedroom all the time. ??? All other nights he has gone to sleep quite quickly.
Dana...answering for Loretta: got a Ledo's menu Monday, and shows "Forestville Opening SOON" so if not yet, guess imminently!
Jim...do YOU have live cam? We don't!
Lynn, our temp dropped to 81!!! Of course it will climb quickly and be very humid! Steamy!!
I bet Jim does not have live cam either. I certainly do NOT
!! But if they are working on the cam and doing improvement!
nO live cam this A.M., you are right. There's a message, which isn't even highlighted, about flashplayer. It mentions version 9.0,but I've had 10+ something forever now.
I think Steve mentioned a new provider (I think that's what it was) a couple of weeks ago. I think that's probably what it is; it would probably shut down the still cam too if they were changing the camera equipment today.
C(°ٿ°)D Jim
Rain at BWO, it looks like. And a couple of the fledglings on there. I can't tell if the Mama has headed south yet or not.
C(°ٿ°)D Jim
Think you said you had cam yesterday, Jim, and we couldn't get it up.....maybe because your Flash was already updated....or we were just too late trying...you were maybe the last one to see it!! Wonder how long the conversion takes? Seems strange that they worked on sound last week.......and now cam??
I can't say what they are doing for sure, Hedgie, but I just tried to load the live cam again. It still is not loading.
C(°ٿ°)D Jim
Hey, Candy----guess who shares your birthday? Of course, a lot of years older....Annie Oakley!
Just had hubby look at our live feed.
Adobe Flash Player is a 10 is not the newest version
I have the version 10 on FF and IE
The wording about updating from Outdoor is gray on my screen and you couldn't click even if you tried to update.
Done but with errors on page
at the bottom of your monitor means
that Outdoor has the problem - not us.
It is probably the upgrade that is happening. So I guess we are just to be patient and assume.... that better times are not far away!
Lots of green coloring on the still cam. Last year didn't we have a small tree growing in our nest.
I am getting my 23 rain drops.. I sure wish I could shoot for 76!
I am wondering if little Kailey is out of surgery that should have started at 11:00 this morning. Hope we get an update soon.
VERY gentle, easy rain now....it would take 3 or 4 days of this to do much good!
Jo, the Flash player update link worked yesterday!
Yes, we did have a tree growing in nest last summer!!!
The "here" link is a wee bit darker---still works for me. Of course, no need to update it again!
Since still cam is working.....I'm beginning to think that changes are NOT in the cam....it's just all technical live "broadcast" stuff.
Some interesting Channel Island reports this week, good pictures too.
Lot of action at BWO, but the cam slows (or something) in the low light and the wings beating smear the screen till you can't see detail...
C(°ٿ°)D Jim
I'm going to shut this down for a while. Talk to you later.
C(°ٿ°)D Jim
Same report as from Sat., Jim?
Lynn - maybe I already have Flash Player 9.0.115 and that is why it was just a faded gray on my screen.
Is Jim the only one who clicked on it?
I am waiting for a phone call from Alexis and her dad as to the plans for this evening......
Here's hoping that when Steve gives us a new thread he will also give us some information concerning the cams.
I'm off to dinner with Alexis.....
Yippee! Kailey is out of surgery and seems to be doing just fine so far. Great news!
Hi, back from the dentist. New hygienist very nice. Looked to be about 12 years old. Realized I missed an appt. back in Jan. probably because I was recuperating and then we had the blizzards. Anyway, was in good shape considering. Got a lollipop NOT.
Tried to install updated flashplayer following FF instructions. No go as was the case over the summer. Becoming more than a bit irritated. Don't know what to do. May have to call someone.
Jo, hope you get to enjoy some time with Alexis. Otherwise, put your feetsies up and enjoy.
Shirley, hope you got your room put together reasonably well. As for the schedule, well, what can we expect? Admin and worker bees sometimes seem to be on different planets.
Oh, blouses arrived today from Lands' End. They fit and feel really soft and nice. Supposed to be no iron. So a few new things for the in-between weather when school starts.
I Dana, Jim, Lolly, and Lynn.
Off to help bring in food then I turn into Chef Judie. BBL
I just emailed Steve about the live feed. Not sure when or if he will respond.
Still no response from OUtdoor Channel
Jo, if you check back, mine is still clickable!
Judie, glad your blouses are what you hoped for!!! Hunting and gathering in your neck of the woods, huh?? Roughing it, LOL!
Thanks, Paula.
I got home awhile ago. Filled bird feeders and am fixing some spaghetti for myself. Tired and hungry after having shoved furniture around.
I guess I got my fair share of exercise.
When do your classes begin, Judie?
When I place my cursor on "HERE" it
does give me the program to download
Adobe Flash Player.... but even if I do it again.. still says at the bottom of the screen that Done but with errors on page
Guess we'll wait for Outdoor or Steve
Rain has stopped....such as is was---or wasn't! Sun is trying to cast a few rays before sunset.
Grandmommy is tired! There is a reason the young have the children!LOL Today we painted bats with glow in the dark paint and the boys played in a nice rain! This afternoon we went swimming. Really proud of how Jacob is doing with his swimming.
Need to go start dinner now, but it is so nice to just sit. The boys are playing in the other room.
Evening, all!
Talked to John, he's doing fine. Not too stiff or sore. He got a rental car to save on gas, as his full size truck is his only other transportation.
Did you all know that Steve has a new gig at NCTC?
News article concerning troops leaving Iraq
Didn't get much rain at home, but some is better than none. Hope we get some tomorrow...and yes, we need a couple of days of a good soaking rain, too.
Sharon No I didn't know about the new 'gig'. Explain what you mean
I'm guessing our live feed might stay down until they get the new setup working? Just throwing that out there....
And I wouldn't try upgrading flash player, that's not the issue...
And what is that, Sharon?
Oh, OK, found it
Steve's new Gig.
Chief of the Division of Education and Outreach at NCTC. Working with a really talented staff on a variety of programs focused on Youth Engagement. A few other things as well. Should be a challenge.
Wonder who's in charge of the cam?
This is what Steve said on FB yesterday: Chief of the Division of Education and Outreach at NCTC. Working with a really talented staff on a variety of programs focused on Youth Engagement. A few other things as well. Should be a challenge.
He probably still is....that's often a part of education and outreach.
Evening Everyone!
See Dana asked & Lynn answered about Ledos Restaurant.Yes, sign on door says "Opening Soon". Was supposed to be in March!!!!There are a couple others around, but only in those neighborhoods occasionally.
Read that little Kailey had surgery. (on what?)
Reminded me of the premature Dugger baby girl that spent 3 months in hosp. At drug store yesterday, saw magazine with them on cover that stated they're ready for more!!!! Didn't they get the message?
Randy Robinson was or is in that department from what I remember.
Loweeda, I can't believe they want more..guess they can afford them, they're not on welfare or anything.
New Chiefs Appointed in Two NCTC Divisions
The education outreach and production divisions of the National Conservation Training Center receive new chiefs this month, both of them avid outdoorsmen.
Wonder who the other person is?
Nature report; yesterday saw only a few ospreys at Park, so after work went to see cam nest. One squawky bird, but it flew off and dove in the River 3 or 4 times. Saw it later w/a fish! Hope it was the juvie! Have to dwnld pics and see.
Thought we wouldn't see anything at Chelsea today, but some neat stuff appeared---a few little deer, SEVERAL noisey kingfishers flying across the pond & a couple green herons.Then we heard what sounded like a low quack. It was a pair of turkeys walking on the other side! The male had his tail fanned out!Of course only one was visible at the end of a path next to pond by the time we went for cameras.
Wren report--I think both little Birdbrains are in the house. Didn't hear any chirps from another area this evening, but were many when adult brought food. Hope to maybe see a fledge tomorrow & we'll get to see if Bigger BB is all intact! ☺
Gotta eat~~~~~
Update on Lily and Hope
Friends of Blackwater posted a video on FB of Eagles catching Salmon. Even though I would copy the link I don't think that you will see it IF you are not a member on FB.
Just go to youtube and search for
Bald headed eagle catches salmon
and it will take you right to it.
August 31
Lolly, what did grandmommy fix for dinner tonight?
Paula, happy to know John isn't have great discomfort. Sometimes the aftermath can be very uncomfortable.
I am sure Steve will enjoy the new adventures and am sure he will do an outstanding job. Also hope he keeps the cam job.
I think I'm going to rest for a little while. The new meds are making me feel a bit sick.
Loretta, I was thinking the same thing---Kailey and little Josie Dugger look like twins. All I can say is that the Duggers' have sure been blessed...but they really need to take the problems with Josie as a warning that it's time to stop. Tempting fate is dangerous, and unfair to all of the kids.
THey are going to re-attach Kailey's colon and remove the colostomy.
Sorry, Judie.....please feel better!!
Loretta, you and Lynne sure have the MOST nature adventures of anyone! You have ideal jobs! Too bad Lynne doesn't get paid for her work.
Just stopping by quickly to say I'm headed to bed. Maybe sleep will help.
Leaving the night light on for others coming in, headed back the hallway, down to the tub, up the stairs to bed, or just dozing in the recliner. Hope Andy will set our alarm.
Prayers for Kailey and Karen and for others who need them.
Not watching any TV shows this evening
Mainly playing some solitaire .. and
winning a few!
I feel well but sleepy.. Alexis plays me out! Going to go back the hallway
Good Night Everyone
Prayers for Everyone
Hugs for Everyone ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥
Hi, Everyone,
HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO CANDY! Hope your day's been a special one!
Also, best wishes to our Steve in his new endeavor! Fantastic!
Have been extremely busy today trying to get our "bill box" organized. We have a big plastic box where we put all our invoices after they are paid. Am sorting stuff by company, newest on top. Then by category. Drives me nuts when I can't find stuff right away.
Am working on getting more & more of our bills set up for online payment.
It's still hot here tonight--only down to about 86. Supposed to be a bit cooler tomorrow. Very humid here today! Yuck!
Have a message in to my Dr. on the KP e-mail. Think Wed. is her day off, so will be patient. Throat not sore, but raspy and annoying. Feel tired, but think it's just the heat.
Judie, hope you get to feeling better! ((Hugs))!! I really hate that as we get a bit older, we have to deal with doctors who give us so many medications! (Hate all the side-effects, too!) Prayers that you will feel much better tomorrow!
Very happy to hear that Kailey is doing well--you go, girl! Thank God! Prayers never stop for this little one!
Paula, glad to hear that John is doing well. Hope that he continues to be acheless!
Jim, hope you're much improved! This is terrible weather in which to have a cold. Prayers!
Am really tired, so think I'll take care of business here and go put my feet up in front of the TV. Prayers have been said for everyone.
The night light and the porch light are on for others coming in. The eye-scanner security and Dana's thumbprint-scanner security are both enabled. Hope everyone sleeps soundly and awakens refreshed. God bless, and goodnight! Love all of you! :o]
Hellooooooooooo! My boys have been down for 40 minutes. Jack and I have been talking. lol Do not get to do that with the boys. Also, talked with Laurel. She reported on her day and I reported on the boys.
Judie, I made Lasagne tonight. I actually made two and one is for Laurel to pop in the oven next week. I do for her what I would have liked for someone to have done for me. ☺
Pulling a "Margy" here to let you know that although it's still very humid, the temp has gone down to 80 now. Hope the trend continues!
G'night! :o]
Glad to hear it's cooling down, Andy. You're probably tired from all that school work! Seems to happen on those weeks off.
Lolly, so nice of you to make extra dishes for Laurel and family. I'm sure she appreciates it! :)
Steve is out of town, so I'm trying to get an answer from someone else at NCTC. Hopefully tomorrow.
Maybe Lynne could step into Steve's old job. I'm sure she would do a fantastic job! Wahoo!!..can you imagine having someone who knows and understand us, working there?;)
We had a nice afternoon and evening in Hagerstown, with GG. She got tired very quickly and I hadn't even begun to shop. Fortunately, we drove over there in the Eagle Express, so Gene took her out there and got her settled in with a cold drink and a magazine, and we continued to shop for a while longer. I found a pretty blouse for GG and she loved it when I showed it to her:)
Had dinner at the Golden Corral and GG filled her plate with Wings, Ribs, Fish, Potatoes & Gravy and a few unknown things. She wouldn't eat those because she forgot what they were and didn't like the looks of them with mashed potatoes smeared over them:)
She had Ice Cream and some pastries for dessert.
She was happy to be at home, said she felt as though she had been on a mini vacation!
My feet and my knee are telling me it is time to go to bed.
Paula, there is nothing more exhausting than the first week of school. I remember it only too well and want to help Laurel out. Wish we lived closer so she could just eat here every night!
I'll try to have two dishes prepared when we return the boys Friday.
Tomorrow....more crafts and then in the afternoon we are going to see Toy Story 3 at Omni. We have seen in in 3D, now to see it at the Omni theatre. The boys are excited!
My turn to head to bed. I must say the boys are great in letting Grandmommy sleep in the mornings. They are getting up between 7:30 and 8 and turning on the TV and watching quietly. Their 2 hours of TV in the mornings (if that much) is all they get all day. They have not even been on the computer much. We have been so busy!
Nite all! Sweet dreams!
Lolly, is Omni the same as Imax?
Have fun.
Wanda, so glad you all had a nice outing!
Andy, hope you are enjoying your week off.
Saying my goodnights now...been reading a lot this evening...eyes are heavy. Prayers for all, and praise for His mercies.
Stopping to say good night. I had bridge club tonight and just got back.
See you later.
George has been lonely. Wants some quality time.
Good night.
Good morning
If it is still Sunday, I should not be sitting at my desk at work.
Getting ready to go to a BIE (business, industry, and education) gathering. Things are hopping here this morning.
We're going to discuss Twenty-first Century Learning/Skills the rest of the day. I hope it will be enlightening.
Sounds like LOADS of fun, Shirley....NOT!
You sure had a short night, gal!
Morning all. Everybody must be busy-busy.....or sleeping in. Quite foggy here this am, and no sun. Cool, but muggy!
lIVE feed is still not on this morning.
Weather is strange for So Cal this time of year. It's supposed to be 63°, but I don't believe it ever got below about 69° last night. And it's going to be a lot hotter w/humidity later.
Could be a tropical storm down Baja way.
C(°ٿ°)D Jim
Steve just posted a
C(°ٿ°)D Jim
New Thread!
C'mon over!!
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