Sunday, August 01, 2010


August 1 thread.


Mema Jo said...

Should I but dare to be a number 1 ?

Mema Jo said...

Good morning everyone. Good to be sitting in front of this high speed internet! You can get in some good relaxation with dial up - you just need to change your way of thinking.
Everyone have a good day
I'll be back later - lots to do...
Laundry I mean!

BEagle said...

Jo...YOU ARE #1!

Thank you, Steve, for the new thread
and thank you for the call over Jo.

BEagle said...

I pray that every one enjoys this lovely Sunday. That travelers stay safe and those on medicines have an easy day of it.

I will go into work today also. I will be very busy for the next two weeks.

So if Palmer would happen to stop in for a brief look at the turtle shells,

Or if an adult(s) shows in...

I hope that someone will see
and post it all.


stronghunter said...

Hi Jo!

Thanks for the call-over!

Appreciate the new thread, too, Steve.

stronghunter said...

Good morning, BEagle.

Lolly said...

Good morning! LOL Doing laundry here too, Jo. Need to water plants and then start in cleaning the trailer.

Heading up to over 100 this week. Groan! But, I am glad we were gone last week and not this week. Had cloud cover and almost an inch of rain while we were gone. Saved my plants and lawn!

Lolly said...

Good morning, Shirley!

Lolly said...

So, Palmer has not been seen or heard this week?

Mema Jo said...

Hi Shirley and Lolly!
BEagle - sorry you need to spend today at work. For sure if any bird turns up at the nest - we will hoop and holler.

Love the avatar of Hunter and Flash Shirley.

Well I need to do some more unpacking


Lolly said...

I am out to water plants. Back to routine!


Had a hard time typing this. Annie is insisting on being petted. She put her bod across my right arm and looked up at me as if to say "Ha, gotcha now!"

stronghunter said...

They are sweet little pests, aren't they, Lolly?

hedgie said...

Sure is good to have you back, Jo! I held off on forwarding some awesome PowerPoints to they are on their way now!

stronghunter said...

Time to eat lunch and get ready for guests tonight.

movin said...


GooD SundAY MorN

tO you aLL..


C(°ٿ°)D Jim

hedgie said...

Logging in on PC to post pics.

hedgie said...

Hi, Jim! How is sunny CA??

Shirley, hope everything goes well this evening. What's on the menu??

Pics are up on my Lair.

hedgie said...

Check this out:

Armed Ape

Too bad he's now "jailed" for doing something smart!

movin said...

Hi, Hedgie. It is sorta cloudy, humid and 70° in So Cal this A.M., but it will get to at least 75 by day's end.

C(°ٿ°)D Jim

movin said...

I KNOW the BWO male chick fledged now!! He was there exercising the wings one minute, but the next refresh the nest was totally empty.

C(°ٿ°)D Jim

hedgie said...

I'll take your 75°, Jim!!
Way to go, Hope! Someone in the nest now, but no idea who it is!

movin said...

Finney and both chicks are in the nest now.

C(°ٿ°)D Jim

movin said...

I "think" it's Mom in there now.

C(°ٿ°)D Jim

hedgie said...

And now MT nest again!
Did you watch Lisa's video, Jim?

hedgie said...

Text on Finney says yesterday was first flight----I guess both the same day??

movin said...

Big fish delivered at BWO.

The Finney date was two days ago, and, no, they fledged one day apart.

C(°ٿ°)D Jim

hedgie said...

Adult and one juvie at BWO.
Mom and both juvies at Finney.

hedgie said...

Whoops, Jim...right---this is the 1st...I was stuck on yesterday!!

Lolly said...

Watered plants, laundry almost complete, guess I attack the trailer next. Ohhhhh! Least it is air conditioned. Already up to 96 and climbing.

Lolly said...

Really like the three Hope and Lily videos they have posted this weekend. The videos have such clear, beautiful color.

hedgie said...

They sure do, Lolly!

stronghunter said...

Lynn, I think steak if I can find some good ones. I have Will here to do the grilling, and he's very good at it. It is just going to be the 4 of us, Rus and Rebecca and Will and me. I thought I would keep it simple so we can talk about their plans.

hedgie said...

Sounds like a good plan, Shirley!

stronghunter said...

Lolly, I have a cat in my face, too. Three inched from the computer. Waiting to be patted.

Judie said...

Hi everyone!

Thank you, Steve.

Thank you for the thoughts. The brother had a year-long battle and leaves several young children.

Maybe Lolly can help me. I would like to send a Harry & David gift basket. Are either pears or peaches less common in the TX/Houston area this time of year?

Anyway, welcome back to home Lolly and Jo. Glad you both had a nice week.

Andy, happy you have had such a nice visit and that the party was, indeed, a surprise.

Hi Jim. Yep, would take your 75º in a wing flap -- even with some humidity. Cloudy here this afternoon but no rain, yet. Are you having any effects from the forest fires?

Paula and BEagle, sure hope neither of you had to spend too much time at work.

Paula, how are Brensin and Gianna and Ajay?

Shirley, I think keeping it simple with only the key players is a good idea. I truly hope the dinner and discussion both are successful.

Back to some reading. Feeling tired today for no good reason. I think I may just stop the Plavix and see if I start to feel better by the time I get to a doctor.


NatureNut said...

Good Sunday afternoon to everyone. Sorry I never got on here earlier--little bit busy.
Oh, put my pics of yesterday's trek and big surprise at Park yesterday after work.
I think I have all the fixins to make Greek pasta salad. Of course, have to find other parts of meal!I had x-tra container of yogurt, so wanted to put it to good use. It's part of the sauce.
Well, it was below 80°, getting grey & windy, but where's some rain???Guess I have to go water--some flowers are looking droopy.
Our little Ms. Wren still goes into the house and sits :>( & Wrenny sings up a storm. I think it's close to the time that eggs should have hatched. This will be a new learning experience as to how long birds will stick around if eggs are not viable.

Good to see Mema Jo is back in charge!!!!
Going out for awhile----BBL

NatureNut said...

DUH--incomplete sentence (Shirley, don't penalize me)
Pics are on the blog---2 sets. Not great, but what creatures will allow ☺

paula eagleholic said...

Howdy, all!

Welcome back, Jo! Hope you had a nice time!

Back from work, only had to work a couple of 3 hours or some zucchini bread in the oven...

paula eagleholic said...

Lolly, welcome back!

Lynne said she heard Palmer, I think it was yesterday. No sighting however. One sighting of an adult in the nest, and heard a call one day. Nest has been pretty MT.

paula eagleholic said...

No sign of rain here, my temp says 88°

paula eagleholic said...

Doesn't look like we're going to get any rain today...

Lynne2 said...

Loon Migration Study by USGS

on the run....hi everyone! bye everyone!

movin said...

Speaking of calls, I was just about to shut WE down because there was nothing to see, when 07 comes through loud and clear calling for lunch. I think he's still there, probably perching on the cam perch.

C(°ٿ°)D Jim

hedgie said...

Interesting article, Lynne. Had no idea that loons could dive 250'!!! Amazing!

Lolly said...

Interior of the trailer is clean. Yea! Wish my house was as easy and quick to clean. lol

Guess we will wash it tonight or in the morning. Not now!!!! It is presently 101! Do not like that! Think we have just decided to wash it in the morning. Will be much cooler to be outside and then Jack has to hook it up and tow to storage.

Thanks Paula for the update on the nest cam. How is Ajay feeling? Last night my back was hurting and my knee. Think the traveling did me in. Laurel was sitting behind me so I had my seat pulled up. Traveling alone I will push my seat back. Did miss my van on this trip.

Judy, about peaches and pears. I would imagine that pears are less available in the Houston area. Not sure. Peaches are having a wonderful year in Texas this year.

That was an interesting article on Loons. 250 feet! Wow!

magpie said...

Welcome Home Jo, Lolly....
and everyone else who might have been cruisin' around away from their roosts.

Beautiful WV day here, looks at times like it could rain..but, well, nothing yet.

Hope the picnic goes well, Shirley...
nice new pictures, Loretta and Lynn
and Paula

speaking of which, I have some on Wildflowers, and Feathers, Fur and Misc
including the green heron at Back Creek, and the Cardinal Flower along the creek at Back Creek/Swinging Bridge

magpie said...

Lynn and Lynne
have you figured out what your
staccato cooing bird is yet?

really wanted to try to make market today, but new sleep schedule is kind of tricky, maybe next week ! I am hankering for some Megan Flowers !

paula eagleholic said...

Hey Margy, how are ya

Cute little squirrel munching on nestovers at WE....think 07 is down on the far left pinnacle

magpie said...

waiting impatiently for the next batch of tomatoes here to ripen!
having BLT withdrawal

Sounds like things are going pretty well here and there...
nice to read that

Judie, hope you figure out a good way to feel better and have more energy

sleep schedule a little mixed up need to try to catch some more shut-eye

Best wishes for a GREAT Sunday evening for all
and Happy August...lots of nice new calendar views to see !

xoxo ♥

Lolly said...

I am feeling pretty good right now. A young lady I taught as a kindergartener, returned to my classroom as a high school aide. She was a great help. She then went on to graduate from college and is now a preschool teacher. I also taught her sister. Well, today she came to the house with her husband, her sister and her parents. I gave her a huge box of my "stuff". Early childhood resourse stuff! I was so happy to give it to her! What a huge compliment to me that she is so happy and successful doing what I did. She is also pregnant and looks so cute!!! Jack is just thrilled to have the stuff out of the house! lol

paula eagleholic said...

Nice pics, Margy :)

paula eagleholic said...

That's neat Lolly. Sure is nice a nice compliment to you!

magpie said...

sound great Lolly...
you have touched many lives in your teaching profession in a wonderful way...

doin' pretty good Paula but I sure am going to miss dayshift, felt like an almost normal person for awhile!
Glad your inventory went smoothly and hope all the family are doing well

can't access the normal ISS news, says the site is overloaded with many visitors (has said that for three days now) but looks like ISS might be around here and there early in the mornings this week

well, ttfn xoxo

paula eagleholic said...

2 squirrels at WE now...cute

magpie said...

you're right Paula...they are adorable! And brave perhaps! Thanks for the alert

hedgie said...

Hi, Margy. Still don't know what Lynne and I are hearing...she's going to try to record sound.....
Comments on your pics, e mail in your inbox. Hope you are back in dreamland.

hedgie said...

Chris and Shannon should be getting ready for dinner in Cancun. Flight was due in around 2 our time; trusting that they arrived safely!

Judie said...

Thank you, Lolly. Glad you are getting back to normal. My officer friend and her mom are healthy eaters and I just thought something more than a card would be nice. Also, I think it is the ultimate compliment to have a former student want to use some of your teaching items. Bet she'll work hard to live up to your example.

Hi Margy. Have a quiet night at work.

Lolly said...

I remember when my mother was in the hospital and a basket of fruit was delivered from a cousin. It was more than welcome. Mother could even enjoy a little of it and the rest we devoured!!

Lolly said...

Yes, it was truly exciting to pass the huge box of stuff to Amanda. My last year teaching I had two former students who were seniors as my aides. They had requested to help me! It was a course offered at the high school. One was a young man. Oh, my students loved him! He was a football player and oh, so good looking.

hedgie said...

Lovely evening out, despite no rain. Breeze has blown the humidity away....currently down to 78°.

Anonymous said...

A quick HI ALL! For any that like music shows, For This week- Tuesday Rick K at Clear Spring-Wednesday Hubcap's at Youth Fair Martinsburg=Frtday Daryle Singletary at Clear Spring-Saterday John Conley at Clear Spring. That is the good shows At the carivals the first week of Aug. We will be there I hope. Catch you all later.

BEagle said...

Hi everybody.

I see a little squirrel on the WE nest.
Nothing on the TH nest.

Don't know what happened to K07. He could still be on the left pinnacle but he is a mere speck.

BEagle said...

I was feeling nostalgic, so I went to the postings on March 21st of this year.

Here is one of Paula's posts-

She's up, video is rolling

We have an eaglet! I saw movement!

BEagle said...

Here is one of Lolly's.

Heck, I do not have tears in my eyes, they are streaming down my face!

BEagle said...

This is from carolinabeachmom.

Life is good. God watched over little Palmer in the egg and brought him /her through for Belle Land Lib.

BEagle said...

I see that K07 has returned to the nest.

BEagle said...

07 just flew off and soared handsomely to the pinnacle. : )

BEagle said...

and Magpie said on March 21st...

Yes....profound & miraculous Lolly...

may the Potomac abound with big tasty fresh fish for our Royal Family

will work my way back through all the pictures and comments


BEagle said...

Remember all the wushi we saw land in the nest?

paula eagleholic said...

Those are good memories, BEagle :)

that was a pretty flight down to the pinnacle, wasn't it. You wouldn't know he was there if you hadn't of seen it.

BEagle said...

Well, the TH nest is pretty empty.
Yesterday was the last I saw of an eaglet.

Soon the WE nest will be also.

BEagle said...

Can't see 07 with the sun lowering in the sky. Yep. You're right Paula.

Lynne2 said...

evening all....sorry to say goodbye to this wonderful weekend!

Lolly, that's really neat about your former student!

Great pictures Margy!

Great memories BEagle...Maybe the insane screeching Palmer did just out of sight of the cam yesterday was her Eagle Swan Song to us. BOOO

Crunch, sounds like you are gonna be kicking your heels up this week!

Well, I did NOT hear the "mystery" noise coming from the pond area today. Go figure! Hopefully I will tomorrow. At least if I get the sound on video, maybe someone will recognize it. And Lynn and I can see if we are hearing the same thing. (see if we are hearing....duh!)

Heading back to "Poison Ivy Patures" (the tentative new name for the landlord/neighbors new farm!) to do some more garden work in the yard. Wish me luck! Hoping it's not too terribly hot and I will wear long sleeves this time~the worst of my previous poison is pretty much dried up now. I have a special reserve of Pred, just in case!

Lynne2 said...

Just checked out your pics Lorretta...really cool! Love the egrets!

Going to head up and shower now....prayers for all and see you later tomorrow!

BEagle said...

Oh, there is a young eaglet on the TH nest. Must be enjoying the sunset.

Lolly said...

BEagle, thanks for the memories. Palmer brought a lot of joy to all of us! Now she is soaring!

Lolly said...

Wow, we are down to 87. Sat outside in the yard for a while and pulled some stupid (yes, I said a bad word!) nut grass. We do NOT say the s word around here.

Costume Lady said...

SPEAKING OF PALMER...I wonder if any of the Juvies leave on a journey to a new territory and decide to turn around and go back "home"? That would be interesting to know. I'm sure someone out there who is involved with the banding process could enlighten us.

Costume Lady said...

S-word is not liked in this house, but it does slip out on a bad day:)

Costume Lady said...

D-word is used occasionally, too:)

Lolly said...

I would like to hear if not see Palmer one more time.

Costume Lady said...

GG lets some slip every once in a while, when she is angry. She NEVER said a cuss word when I was growing up, so it is so funny to her those words come out of her mouth. She cusses the groundhogs and the doctor for not giving her enough pain pills;)

Lolly said...

Oh, the other day we took the boys to the movies. We got there and I realized I did not have my money. I said the D word. Oh, I felt so bad. I apologized to Laurel. But, I did have a credit card so all was well, but gee, I felt so bad.

Lolly said...

Mother never said anything either, but when she was in the hospital, oh my, the words she said!!! She was not herself!!

Costume Lady said...

It is 70° right now, going down to 65° with a high of 84° tomorrow. Not too bad. Have to do a rain dance is dry and the soil is cracked like an earthquake hit...oh, it did, didn't it? Not cracked due to that!

Lolly said...

Laurel and the boys are coming Tuesday. Yea! We are taking the boys school clothes shopping. Hopefully the boys will cooperate and like what we like. lol Joseph does not need a lot, but Jacob does. He wore uniforms before and most of his play clothes are Joseph's hand me downs.

Lolly said...

Oh, that weather sounds wonderful! We are going to have above 100 all week.

NatureNut said...

Evening Everyone. Well, watered all the plants---boo, no rain!Been fooling around w/pics, etc.

Speaking of rain, Welcome back, Lolly!!! Seems like you could use some w/high temps!Wonderful note about your former student.
Love all the new pics-Margy, Lynne,Paula et al.
I missed about the mystery sound Lynne2 was talking about. Bird, frog, toad?????
Yesterday when I was at work, Fubby said that little kitty, Scooter, finally found what they had been looking for for over a day. She was carrying a tiny blue-tailed skink! He could see the tail! He made her drop it & it ran away.She's been dozing most of the day near the dining room door!I hope it went out! So we may have another pet!
Gotta do some work in kitchen~~~~

hedgie said...

LOL, Lolly......guess what? I would not let my kids watch Sesame Street because they used the word stupid.

Costume Lady said...

For those of you who are planning on traveling to Shepherdstown for Open House in October...dinner plans for Friday and Saturday are now CARVED IN STONE! We have reservations for our group for Friday night in the Rumsey Tavern and we have reserved the Tuscany Grille for Saturday evening and night...PARTY!!!!

A REMINDER: if you have anything that you would like to donate as a Raffle prize or Door prize, please let me know. You can bring it with you in October or mail it to me at any time. We had some wonderful prizes last year and I think everyone went home with a door prize. We donated all of the proceeds from the Raffle to the Bucks for Buddy and to BWO-BWE.
(That would be Norfolk Botanical eaglet "Buddy" who had the diseased beak and The Blackwater Wildlife Refuge)

Lolly said...

I think you know already I am bringing a fantastic raffle prize. Unless, I decide to keep it for myself. lol No, I will not do that, but it is something I do not have. It is something I requested of my sweet jubby! We will be carrying it to New England and then to Open House. It will be well traveled. I am ready to PARTY!!!!!!

Lolly said...

Loweeda! We did end up taking the sub. Pulled it behind the trailer. Had a problem though....the seaweed kept tangling up in the propeller. We went around in circles! ☺

Costume Lady said...

Really looking forward to seeing you two Texans again. Hope I don't have a towel on my head this time;)

Costume Lady said...


Costume Lady said...

Lily the Black Bear
Update August 1, 2010 – 5:21 PM CDT
Highs and Lows One ‘high’ we are beginning to take for granted is Lily and Hope. As usual now, they are together and doing fine

Judie said...

Wanda, does GG get drugs from the groundhog and the doctor?

Have to look up skink.

Hope Shirley had a nice dinner with her boys and future dil.

Sandperson calling my name. Turning my light off but will leave the night light on for others coming in so no one stumbles in the dark. Pleasant dreams.

Judie said...

Skinks are not pretty.

Lolly said...

Wanda....what a great memory, stopping by the shop! Loved the towel and then Capt Gene took us to the nest. Fantastic! Can not get there fast enough! However, you better not call Jack a Texan. He was born and raised in Georgia. Lived there for 23 years, came here after he got his Masters at Tech. He has been here 47 years, but claims NOT to be a Texan. lol

Lolly said...

Yep, Judie, did not know groundhogs gave out pain meds. Learn something new every day!

hedgie said...

Judie, skinks regenerate amputated tails! Does that make up for not being pretty??

hedgie said...

Jack is like me, Lolly. Been here 39 yrs., but I am NOT a West Virginian!!!!

hedgie said...

Lowreeda, Lynne and I have both heard something that calls out a staccato coo between 13-20 times in a row. We don't know what it is.

magpie said...

Good Night Eagle Pals...
headed out soon for midnight shift

Lovely memories from March that BEagle posted....oh, those WERE the DAYS!

Wanda -
those cardinal flowers are few and far between...two years ago I slipped off the bank into the creek trying to get a picture, and the few at Swinging Bridge this year present the same challenge!

funny "bad word" stories...

Wishing all, the best of sleep tonight
and a good morning
Prayers for all the needs we have on our plates...
God Bless Us, Every One
xo ♥

hedgie said...

Well, dear friends, I am going to say my goodnights. I'm really tired tonight for some reason. Can't stop y-a-w-n-i-n-g! See you in the morning light. Prayers and peace.

stronghunter said...

Rus and Rebecca have gone home. We had a nice visit and got to talk. Every time I talk with Rebecca I am more impressed with her.

I am tired. Don't think I am going to be able to stay awake much longer.

Mema Jo said...

Evening - hubby has us catching up on some of the TV shows we didn't get down home. I'm pulling a Judie by saying I am downright tired!
Although Open House is in October - Lynn and Wanda are pulling it all together!
Okay Lollie - Jack is making something out of wood that is 12" tall and is fantabulous and you don't have one! Tune in next week for another clue! I know I want it! lol Oh yes, Janet & Russ have seen it but there aintnoway they will tell.

Mema Jo said...

My kitchen table has all the mail and newspapers which have accumulated over the last 10 days! Yep! Mostly junk mail. And the news is all old news by now. Pitch!

Mema Jo said...

Shirley you are so fortunate that Russ has chosen so wisely your new to be dil.

stronghunter said...

Skinks? I think they are cute. I posted a picture of a very cute little skink last summer and people thought I was talking about a skunk. I re-posted the picture.

Look for yourself.

Mema Jo said...

Well I am going to stop rambling on....

Good Night and Prayers for all
((hugs)) ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

Have a quiet night Margy.

stronghunter said...

I agree, Jo. She is a nice young woman.

stronghunter said...

Very tired. Going to head upstairs. See you tomorrow. Good night, all.

Lolly said...

ROFLMBO Just loved your post, Jo. Read it outloud to Jack. Hee Hee

Nite all! I too am calling it quits for tonight. Going to put my nose in a book for a while.

Sweet dreams!

Costume Lady said...

Anyone want to buy a few Raffle tickets in advance to have a chance to win Lolly's prize, handmade by her GEORGIAN husband?;)

Turning in here, too.


Lori O. said...

One of the adults was in the nest just before sunrise at 5:56. I don't know how long it was there, but it took off at 5:59. Still it was so nice to see any size eagle in the nest again!!!

Happy Monday - going to be cool around here, yay!

Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Everyone,

Have been attempting to catch up a bit with the blog. Got Hubby off to work about an hour and a half ago.

Will be taking the kids to Long Beach Airport this morning. Can't believe it's Monday already! Oh, it has been heaven having them here!
We went out to dinner last night at The Olde Ship in Fullerton. I had the Roast Beef and Yorkshire pudding--yum! Their fish & chips are the best in the entire county. The place definitely looks like an authentic English pub. We had a really good time! Lots of leftovers, too--they give you a LOT of food!

Good to know that Lolly & Mema Jo are safely home. Gosh, Lolly, Jen was printing up their boarding passes last night, and saw that it's supposed to be 106 in Dallas when they get home--woof! Please take care, and try to stay cool!

Well, gotta go try to get a bit more shut-eye. Will be back later, after the airport trip. Have a good morning! :o]

hedgie said...

Good morning. It is August 2---National Friendship hello my friends! Hope everyone has an excellent day!

hedgie said...

So nice that Lori saw a parent in the nest. Too bad she didn't get a pic to cap off the season's album. Aug. will be empty unless someone captures a visit.

hedgie said...

Shirley, glad that last nights' dinner went well, and that you are getting to know your DIL-to-be better!
Andy, soounds like you've had a very special weekend. Sorry it has to end so soon. Kids sure made it a jam-packed trip.

magpie said...

Good Morning, Hedgie Lynn and all Eagle ♀'s and ♂'s -
Happy National Friendship Day back to you, Lynn...
and all others here too ☺

sounds like some good family time, for Andy and Shirley.....
hope many others had some of the same...

sounds like crunch bob is going to be kicking up his heels and enjoying the summer sounds this week ♪ ♪

...and another adult eagle Lori this time...great stuff...

Sleep Time here
Best wishes for a good day everyone
xo ♥

Costume Lady said...

COME ON OVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!**********************************************************************

3/12/25 AM 🐟 x2

 Eggrolls and  6:49 AM Bella gets up. Does stretch saunters over to the cup edge does a quick calls to him. Exit the nest at 6 49 43. 6:50 ...