Saturday, August 28, 2010


Fresh weekend thread.


Mema Jo said...

Good afternoon - thanks Steve for the fresh thread. I have a feeling you are staying close by this weekend! Beautiful day to be outside!

Mema Jo said...

I have called others to come on over

I am off to Mass

Judie said...

Thank you, Steve. Hope the weekend is going well for you.

Thank you, Jo, for the call over.

I think the bar Shirley has in mind is called Attitude with entertainment provided by Rubber Band.

Sorry about Steve's chain saw. Hope there isn't any serious damage.

Hi, Jim. Glad the weather is cooling down for you.

I need a panda nap!

hedgie said...

Diann, enjoy youur dinner out!
My eldest had her 20th HS reunion back in June....hard to believe they are getting so old!!! LOL! party at Shirley's, huh? Road trip to Fredericksburg!!

No sign of Myrtle today....but Steve did find a baby snake in the woodpile! Not venomous...I think it liked Steve!

magpie said...

You folks are so interesting !

It's been fun catching up on the comments since I left earlier...

magpie said...

looking at this large black shadowy thing at edge of the 10 o'clock spot in our nest, but I do not think it is an eagle, just a different illusion I guess

Wow, way cool pic of the squirrel...almost looks like a teeny tiny fox !!
Thanks Dana and Paula - Good Work !

I hear a train whistle now....
Hello Eagle Pals !!

magpie said...

sounds like a great time at Lynn's Lair...with two great Momsters and a Dadster...

and how neat, Christie got resolution and closure....congratulations Christie....very best wishes extended on the new job venture !

magpie said...

I don't think there could have been a more perfect late August day here in Berkeley County, WV !

I worked in my garden...ha ha, such as it is, got some Mums, and pretty much tore down the tomato trees...I have two tomato fruits left

It's so therapeutic and fun...and I forgot all about the shoulder...
pretty sure your prayers (thanks, friends! ) and mine made a difference

AND, I will see the chiropractor Monday...he is familiar with my "case."

magpie said...

I am very happy to read of the good happenins' amongst you...
sounds like a fun shopping trip for Shirley coming up...
and a family meal later..

magpie said...

Diann -
enjoy your evening - want to hear of the menu later !

magpie said...

rubber bands & hair thingys
I have a bunch of both Shirley...

funny tales....

hedgie said...

Lynne and Steve just a lot accomplished. Hard workers!! Hope they aren't too worn out. Big thanks to them!!

magpie said...

My sister was a teacher...
some little person would spin a tale or give an unlikely answer to a question....
"Now, if I ask your Mother (Father/Grandmother or...)will she tell me the same thing?"
seemed to work, most of the time.
Then the REAL tale would come out

I have to get to bed, work looms at midnight
five of them (midnight shifts) coming up
then dayshift starting next Saturday...

Okay, take care,
Be of good cheer...
Eat well, Smile, Laugh, Relax

Prayers for our many needs, and a lot of grateful prayers for gifts given
God Bless Us, Every One
xo ♥

Judie said...

Sleep soundly, Margy. Have a quiet work shift with no major crises. So glad you had time to work outside and, yes, it can be therapeutic.

Diann, have a super pleasant dinner and evening out.

Off to check t.v. BBL

hedgie said...

Oh-oh-oh-----forgot to tell you all.....woke up last night around 2-ish....moonlight was SO bright. I stepped out and saw the moon and was it Mars that was to be so near and bright?!!! Beautiful duo, for sure.

paula eagleholic said...

Evening, all!

Andy, something I meant to comment on the other day. The nest looks 'foggy' at night because of spidey's web!

paula eagleholic said...

Just heard a clunk by the cam...

Worked till 5, stopped and took care of friends kitty, came home and trimmed and mowed the front yard...fed the dogs, played ball with the searching for something to eat!

Mema Jo said...

I am home from Mass & Dinner.
I have the Ravens/Giants game on my PC
10-0 so far in this 2nd qtr.

I haven't seen any visitors except the squirrel at the nest. The little deer is in the elephant yard again.

May watch a 9:00 movie on TV

paula eagleholic said...


Lynn, Margy says that is Jupiter!

wvgal_dana said...

Thanks Steve for the thread. So glad you are around. Hope things are going well for daughter and you and family.

Thanks Mema Jo for the call over.

I have been hearing rustling around the cam area at the nest. Humm now is it a squirrel or eagle???

Have to go check to find out what happened to Pam's Steve's chain saw.

paula eagleholic said...

I love mac and cheese.

Lynn, glad that Lynne and Steve were able to help you out and vie versa.

I can bring my own bar stool!

LOL at George swatting at the birdies.

hedgie said...

Thanks, Paula----knew Mars didn't sound right! Okay---I saw Jupiter----hey: Jewels of Jupiter by Train!! Good song.

Dana--Lynne's Steve.......saw overheated a few times, and then chain broke!

paula eagleholic said...

Glad you found us, Dana.

Gotta go find some food...

Mema Jo said...

All this talk and emails about Mars and our moon being close is Not True.
"Mars will look as large as the full moon to the naked eye" - Not only is this not true for this year, at least part of it is not true ever.
Google Moon & Mars in August.

So maybe it is Jupiter........

wvgal_dana said...

Ok I got it Pam and Steve visited Lynn-Hedgie. Yep snake like him (:

Diann enjoy din din out.

Margy hope you have nothing serious. Daughter left a tomato lay on the ground or planter near the vine. Next year she had her own tomato plant grow.

Is that what was so near the moon? Thanks Paula and Margy. It was so clear last night.

Judie you take care...don't want a relapse.

paula eagleholic said...

Thank goodness Michael left me some pizza casserole!

Mema Jo said...

It is definitely Jupiter.....
The full Moon is having a close encounter with Jupiter. The two are so bright, you won't even need a sky map to find them.

paula eagleholic said...

I am down to one watch...every other one needs a battery. Makes me wish for wind up watches....going to try and take a bunch of backs off tonight so I can get batteries tomorrow at Walmart. I'm due for a run there anyhow.

paula eagleholic said...

I picked up my new glasses today at lunchtime. Bifocals. Gonna try them out tonight and see how they do...I know they will take some getting used to.

Mema Jo said...

Whoo Hoo
2nd qtr and Ravens scored again.

Mema Jo said...

Paula the best advantage of the bifocals is that you keep them on all of the time and you don't need to put them on - take them off- put them on - and on and on.

Lynne2 said...

evening all!

Just got back from the Lovely Lynn's Lovely Lair! Great day....great food and very GREAT visiting! Cinnamon was not sure she wanted visitors at first though! What a cutie pie she is!

No Myrtle appearance. Steve found a little brown snake, not sure what kind but will google later. And WOO HOO!! NO POISON IVY!!

Off to take care of the beasts and unload the truck....

Mema Jo said...

Tonight I had a cup of the tastiest
Crab Soup! We ate down in Middletown at the Main Cup (Old Main's Ice Cream location)

Lynne2 said...

OK, it was a juvie Northern Brown Snake.
Northern Brown Snake

I'll get some pics of him and others up later...maybe not til tomorrow.

paula eagleholic said...

Jo - Maryland Crab or cream of crab?

paula eagleholic said...

Cute little slug eating snake! good to have around.

Mema Jo said...

Maryland - Paula
Really loaded with veggies and tomatoes and lots of crab.

Mema Jo said...

Half time - Ravens 17 & Giants 0

Headed into the TV


BEagle said...

Hello everyone.

I hear clunking at the nest. Worth a mention. Maybe I can get up in the wee hours and see if the clunker manifests itself on the nest!

The Redskins are confused, they are supposed to win.

Pizza casserole has hit the USA!

hedgie said...

Glad you are home safe and sound, Lynne and Steve!! Thanks again SO MUCH!
Yep....that looks like the little bugger. Ha, PLENTY of snails and slugs here this year!! He hasn't fattened or grown much, tho'!
Love Crab soup, Jo---either kind. There is a place in Hagerstown (northend--Maugan's Ave. maybe) called Casa Del Sol that has the best cream crab soup I ever ate!!!

hedgie said...

Paula---did you get lined bifocals or progressives???? I had NO problem at all adjusting to progressives.

hedgie said...

I can't get the Ravens game. Not on satellite. It's on over-the-air, but can't get Baltimore station!
Nats are beating the Cards again....8-5, top of the 8th.

hedgie said...

BEagle----Redskins WON last night!!
Good to see you again!

BEagle said...

They won? Who did they defeat?
San Francisco?

I haven't even turned my TV on lately!

BEagle said...

Progressives are the way to go.

BEagle said...

The Vikings had their pre-season game and I missed that too.

I need to get back in the habit.

paula eagleholic said...

Skins beat the Jets, Beagle.

Good to see you, BEagle.

I got progressives...they are great!

paula eagleholic said...

I had sticker shock at the price of new I went back, changes the frames, got plastic lenses and spent a lot less!

Mema Jo said...

WV Political News

West Virginia Gov. Joe Manchin has won the Democratic Party nomination for the U.S. Senate seat held by the late Robert C. Byrd. On the Republican side, Morgantown businessman John Raese won his party’s nomination for the seat, beating out nine challengers.

paula eagleholic said...

I did notice it takes a moment for the eyes to adjust when looking thru the lower part.

BEagle said...

Good to see you too Paula.
I just checked on the IWS forum. The pictures are always so pretty.
Not much on the eagles though. I was interested in any TH chick updates.

I hope the Skins have a great year.

BEagle said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
BEagle said...

Double your pleasure, double your gum.....


hedgie said...

Good you were able to change it, Paula!

14-5, Nats win in 8 1/2 innings!

hedgie said...

BBIALW---gonna go take my bath!

BEagle said...

Anyone who replaces
Senator Byrd....I am sure will come under close scrutiny!

hedgie said...

Thanks, Jo, for election results. I am SO bad----I forgot to go vote!

O's and L.A. are even-steven at Zip!

Lynne2 said...

Paula, glad you are adjusting to the new glasses. I tired the progressive lens but just couldn't get used to them. They actually made me feel nauseous! Went to regular bifocals.

OK pics up on my blog from today!

stronghunter said...


I'm back! Bought the purse and a pair of shoes. Danskos. I grabbed some supper and was headed to Walmart when my phone rang. Kathryn and her neighbor lady were headed out to eat, so I joined them and had desert while they had supper.

Then we shopped awhile. I got the school supplies I needed, but didn't find a bar stool yet. I am going to look online. Maybe I can get one delivered to the school.

BEagle said...

Hummm. I have the trifocals in progressive. It just seems to work which ever distance I need.

Is this the first bifocals you have had Paula?

Mema Jo said...

Ravens 24 Giants 3
12:55 qtr 4

I hate movies that have MORE
commercials than movie...........

Mema Jo said...

Shirley - a bar stool arriving to you at school may not look so good. lol

stronghunter said...

I think I can have it delivered there if I am going to use it there. To tell you the truth, we have bar stools in the senior lunch area.

wvgal_dana said...

Hi BEagle that is what I have trifocals with lines. I love them the middle is so great for the computer.

BEagle said...

Dana, my tri's are just perfect for computering and when I look at the keyboard, I just move my eyeballs.

wvgal_dana said...

I just got the laughs of my life !!

I watched 3 or 4 maybe 5 times on fb page Helen's the video of Zhen Zhen the panda. I just had to keep replaying. It started and I don't mean very far into it. I was cracking up and in tears. ty Mits

BEagle said...

Why does SHunter need a barstool?

paula eagleholic said...

Lynne - I thought they might make me nauseous, but they seem OK, just some getting used to. Yup, this is my first pair of bifocal glasses. I've had bifocal contacts, they work great.

paula eagleholic said...

Gonna go catch a little TV...

paula eagleholic said...

Need to get horizontal, kinda tired!

Mema Jo said...

Dana - ZZ was really scrambling around with that box! I watched it a couple of times and also cracked up!

Commercial time again.......

Back to the Hallmark show

stronghunter said...

BEagle, I need one to sit on when I teach. I want to rest my feet.

BEagle said...

I had the low and high lenses in contacts. Then got to the point I knew I needed to go back to glasses :(

When I first got the bifocals, they were a little hard to get used to and I had lines in them.

Still would rather wear contacts, but the progressive made wearing glasses much much better.

I see spidey is doing his thing. Where does he get all that webbing anyway?

stronghunter said...

Actually, a counter stool might be what I want. Have been checking prices.

Costume Lady said...

GOOD EVENING...and I do mean good!
It is beautiful out. It was wonderful weather to be going to the Racetrack. We had a very long walk, but the balmy evening made it so pleasant.
Once inside the Hollywood Casino, you would truly believe you were in Las Vegas. Slot machines on every square foot of space and table games with people gathered all around watching the excitement of the players.
Food was good, but not exceptional, not too costly (21.99)
It was a fun evening and we did get to see the horses just before we left to come home.
I posted a collage of pictures on Just For Fun.

stronghunter said...

I like the progressives. But when I am going to read a lot or use the computer, I like reading glasses.

wvgal_dana said...

I agree BEagle. The eyes is all that moves. I have done better in them than I did in bifocals. For some reason with the bifocals. I was always trying to find the step down.

Going to get my feet up and some tv.

Costume Lady said...

Hi there, BEagle...where have you been?
I was wondering about your where-abouts last night and also, Ragdoll??

stronghunter said...

We haven't heard from Ragdoll for awhile, have we?

paula eagleholic said...

No, not since she went on her vacation.

Going to go back upstairs and get comfy, catch ya'll in the am

Hugs to all ♥

Judie said...

Hi everyone,

Glad to see you all and to have you see back with all the bifocals and progressives.

Shirley, have you checked out the music dept. to see if there is an extra stool that band/choral directors sometimes use? Maybe check out the school warehouse?

Was trying to get some reading done but the sandperson is pestering me. So, am turning my light off but will leave the night light on for others coming in, headed back the hallway, down to the tub, up the stairs, or to the recliner. Pleasant dreams to all.

wvgal_dana said...

See you all tomorrow.

Prayers for those that need them.

magpie said...

Sounds like a nice evening "out on the town" Wanda

Nice pics

Good Night to those heading for the pillows and already gone...
do some good dreaming for me, whether you are using your monofocals, bifocals, or trifocals

Good to see you back BEagle !

magpie said...

I like the progressive bifocals,
got sunglasses with the line...hardly ever use them now that I am used to my regular glasses....
my buggy has tinted windshield and window glass, that help's a lot when I'm IN it...

sounds like a good shopping trip

Sounds like a great work day, Lynne

Oh Crab Soup, any kind, but I do kind of consider the Cream Soup like a dessert !

Speaking of which, someone at work is bringing me some home-made Peach that makes going into the work tunnel a little easier

Guess I better get ready to do that

God Bless Us, Every One
xoxox ♥

hedgie said...

No, we haven't, Shirley.
About your stool: the voice of experience a locking bicycle chain and lock it down to something in the classroom! Take a pic, mark it "Personal Property of..." in permanent marker and always carry the pic and receipt with you!!!
O's are winning!

hedgie said...

SO far, an excellent weekend of sports for the DC/Balt fans!

Costume Lady said...

Looks like we're all tired out and need some sleep.
Have a quiet and quick shift, Margy♥


hedgie said...

Except for the Mystics :(

hedgie said...

Wanda, glad you and the Capt. had a pleasant evening out! Two trips to CT in less than a week--whoohoo!

hedgie said...

I'm following the leaders....hitting the hay as soon as the news is over, It's been a long day---fell asleep reading in the tub!
Night-night. Prayers and peace.

hedgie said...

P.S. Check out Lily and Hope!

Bear Update

BEagle said...

Well, thanks for the welcome backs. I didn't realize I was gone that long.
Just busy.

But thanks. So I wasn't driving everyone ditsy after all. :0

It is late and for early morning, I should go hit the hay bales. My home is not self cleaning.

You are in my prayers. ♥

Mema Jo said...

TV show is over & also is the news
Ravens are the winners of the night!

Going to head down that hallway

Good Night Everyone
Prayers for Everyone
Hugs for Everyone ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

PA Nana said...

Aww shucks! Just when I get to come back, everyone leaves. That's okay, it's been a long day for most.

Jim & I went to Bob Evans for dinner. Prefer the Olive Garden but knew the time we left it would have been 9 until we got served. I had my usual turkey, dressing, mashed potatoes and cole slaw. It wasn't the usual good fare and when we checked out and the young man asked how the meal was, I was honest. He apologized and offered me a dessert to take home.
Brought a piece of apple pie home!
Yum, yum. Haven't eaten it yet but hope Jim or youngest don't get to it before me.

Lynn, Steve & Lynne glad you had a rewarding day. That's just what friends are for - to help each other. Bless you and I wish you lived closer to me.

BEagle, welcome back from wherever. I didn't know you were gone so long because I wasn't here either. Bad me.

This weather today was a winner! Now we must prepare for 5-6 days of 90+ humidity. Ugh... hurry autumn.

Going to go outside and see if I can see the remnants of the full moon or Jupiter (or whatever planet is close to it). Totally missed ISS again. I'm always late getting the news of its passing over. That's my bad luck; without it I'd have no luck at all. ;-D

Margy have a good quiet night and hope your shoulder is better.

Hope to catch you all some time tomorrow.

Prayers for all, especially BIL Charlie. His surgery is scheduled for tomorrow. Sunday? Can you believe that? Oh well ....

Night all and God bless

Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Everyone!
Finally getting to check in here today. My computer has been all messed up the last few days--extremely slow, cranky, and just plain miserable to deal with. I called Earthlink C/S, since the problems seemed to date back to when I cancelled PC Fine Tune. The rep got rid of a bunch of cookies and temp files, etc., and recommended that I do some updates. They took forever, but the cranky old laptop seems to be working much better now. Hope the trend continues!

Haven't had time to catch up like I had hoped. Maybe tomorrow. Got to say, the weather was fantastic here today--we had our usual morning cloud cover back, it was MUCH cooler, and by 7 pm tonight it was down to 60 degrees with a strong, cool breeze! Yippee!

I'm pretty tired after a busy day, so think I'll hit the hay and catch up more tomorrow. Have said prayers for everyone. The porch light and the night light are on. The eye-scanner security and Dana's thumbprint-scanner security are enabled. Hope everyone has a restorative night's sleep, with only PLEASANT dreams. Will talk to you tomorrow. God bless, and goodnight! Love all of you! :o]

movin said...

Have a GooD NighT,


C(°ٿ°)D Jim

paula eagleholic said...

Good Morning, Sleepyheads!

Time to get up :)

Mema Jo said...

Good Morning Everyone...I am up and about! Suppose to be the beginning of another hot spell.
I am off to Dutch's Brunch around 11:00
I have planned a surprise family gathering for youngest son and dil's
25th wedding anniversary. This should be fun!

paula eagleholic said...

That sounds great JO! I'm sure everyone will have a grand time!

stronghunter said...

Good morning!

I lost the Internet last night, so I went to bed. Both Internet and television just went away.

Checking with the music department is a good idea, Judie. I don't know about the warehouse. I've never even seen it. It is probably guarded by Annie the head custodian. I don't want to mess with Annie. When I was at the middle school, I used to find all kinds of neat things in the storage room, though.

stronghunter said...

George must have had some good adventures at the window bird feeder when I was gone. He is back watching for prey now.

stronghunter said...

A couple of years ago, I watched a bird actually taunting him from the outside of a window. It was funny.

stronghunter said...

Prayers for Charlie, Diann.

wvgal_dana said...

First I want to say Prayers are being said for Charlie Diann's BIL for his surgery today.

Good Morning to ALL in Eagleland.

Paula you are an early bird. (:

25th Happy Anniversay to Mema Jo's youngest son and his wife.

paula eagleholic said...

The hummingbirds are battling it out again this morning!

wvgal_dana said...

Mine too Paula, guess it is because migration is getting closer.

Mema Jo said...

I'll be back on after the celebration.

Prayers being offered for Diann bil, Charlie to have successful surgery and for all the family.


wvgal_dana said...

Have fun which I know you will Jo.

That's too funny Shirley.
The last weeks of our cats life she couldn't get to the window to watch the birds outside.
So we fix up something and would put her up and down when she needed. I just know it filled her life with joy.

Some how I nissed the blue link on Friday's Blog by Lynne2 at
Guy sedated that 2 month old tiger cub. Flight from Thai to Iran. An over-size bag. Yea baggage scanner....happy for the little

Hedgie-Lynn so happy for the help Lynn2 and Steve was able to give you. That worked out for all three of you.Contragulations Christie's is DONE THERE !

paula eagleholic said...

It's gonna be a hot one out there today...had to turn back on the AC

hedgie said...

Good morning! Catching up....
Diann, where does your BIL live? "Elective" surgery on a Sunday??? WOW! A university hospital maybe?
Sorry your dinner wasn't up to par. Hope No One touched your pie!!
Jo is enjoying the party by now!!!

paula eagleholic said...

Whew! Finally done mowing! AC feels good! Now for some brunch...

Judie said...

Good early afternoon.

Welcome back to Diann and BEagle.

Diann, sorry the dinner wasn't the best but sure hope the pie will make up for it. Also, prayers for bil's successful surgery and speedy recovery.

Jo, what a very nice surprise for son and dil. Know everyone will have a terrific time.

Congratulations Ravens.

Wanda, glad you and the Capt. had a nice time.

Happy Paula finished mowing before the 90+ weather returns this week.

Hi Lynn and Shirley.

Off to look at a discussion on good and evil I may use in class on Tuesday to try to get the wannabe adults thinking.


wvgal_dana said...

Thanks for all the football talk in comments.
Helps me keep up-to-date.

I am still concerned about Lynne-Grannybelt??
Has anyone got a phone number?

Oh Paula I love baklava. Used to be, don't know if still is a resturant on Queen St. same block
but on other side of street from where McCroy's was. Lady I worked with used to go pick up a piece and we would share the cost and share the goodies of one piece of Baklava. So GOOD !

Margy I too have been watching the moon. So it was Jupiter that was hanging right near by.
I just listened to a video that said "the moon is shrinking". Now it is happening over years
and years. Cold shrinks---no it isn't going to just has wrinkles in it !!
ANYONE ELSE HEAR ABOUT IT? I hope you can get some relief for that shoulder.

Oh my Margy that poor little 1 year old. Don't parents know to put the chain at top of door.
THAT IS NOT SUCH A HARD THING TO DO FOR A WOMAN OR MAN !!!!! grrrrrrr Glad child is ok !
Well I don't know whole story if someone went into other room for a second and she shot out.
Still seems to fast for a one yr. old.

Judie you are beginning to sound like yourself.(:

Andy sounds like you was really tired Friday night.
Hope you are well rested now.

It is so terrible Shirley like with Kathryn you have doctors you like and have been with. Then
comes along a change in your insurance. Oh I DO know what that is like.

NatureNut said...

NEW THREAD, Everyone!

3/12/25 PM 🐟

 12.56 PM Scout comes to the nest to relieve Bella of her incubation duties getting close guys. He does have a Talon load of bedding. He lan...