Friday, August 06, 2010


TGIF thread.


stronghunter said...

Thanks, Steve. I will tell the others.

stronghunter said...

Good morning!

Really humid today. My windows are steamed up from the humidity. House is nice and cool.

NatureNut said...

Good Morning Everyone!
Thanks, Steve for TGIF thread!
Hope everyone has power---our's went out for a short time during the 1/2 hour heavy rain yesterday afternoon, but we turned off puter anyway. We had plain rain after the big blast. Maybe won't have to water plants today.
"Magnolia Acres" observations~~there must be at least one wren hatchling, as food goes in the house & not much singing by Wrenny. He nust be in important parent mode. Yesterday and today we've seen a hummingbird chase him!!That's a first!
Well, gotta hit the trail, so hope everyone has a great day! ☺

Ms Bookworm said...

Good Morning once again!

Thanks, Steve, for the new thread.
Thanks, Shirley, for the call over.
Glad that your house is cool this morning!

Loretta, never underestimate a hummer! Ours has been known to chase an oriole! LOL :oD

Am waiting to see if the exterminator will show up early today. He said he might not be able to get here until early afternoon. Hope he's early--easier to plan your day.

Feeling friskier after some breakfast, but didn't make coffee yet. Have started on the laundry--one load doing, and 2 more to go.

Have been wondering about Isla. If the full migration would be too much for her, wonder if she'd stay in, say, Spain for the winter. Might be warm enough for her there, and not so far. Bless her heart, I hope she's doing OK.

Costume Lady said...

I watched the Today show for 2 hours and was looking for Sharon with a PINK shirt...1000 pink shirts! Thought I saw Mattie earlier?? Hair curled and no glasses??

Ms Bookworm said...

Loretta, I'm fascinated by your "Wrenny" saga! Sounds as if there may be a hatchling, all right.

movin said...





C(°ٿ°)D Jim

Costume Lady said...

Loretta, I observed a wren pulling the wings off a moth this morning, and then carry away the body to what was probably his babies. I have often wondered which bird does I know:) Every morning, when I go outside, our patio is full of bodies:)

paula eagleholic said...

TGIF indeed!

Thanks, Steve!

paula eagleholic said...

Lowreeda - hope you have little wrens!

Wanda - interesting observation!

Yup, lots of pink shirts! Was anyone able to catch the trainettes?

hedgie said...

Hi to all coming in and over.
Wind at our nest is fierce.....not blowing like that here.

Costume Lady said...

Just sold my 1984 Lincoln Continental that my dad gave to me just before he died:( I hope he was one of his prized possessions. Kept it in the garage and only drove it on special occasions. I drove it for nearly 10 years and it still only had 29,000 miles on it!
It needed new air bags on the front under-carriage, but I preferred to use the money to put air bags on my Computer Keyboard...just in case...;)

Ms Bookworm said...

Took a quick look at our nest, and it's really windy there! Some camera interference, too. Are you expecting rain there?

Costume Lady said...

Saw the Mattie:(

No wind here, Lynn.

Costume Lady said...

Not expecting RAIN, Andrea, just WISHING;)

Ms Bookworm said...

Bet Sharon and Mattie are having a wonderful time! Hard to spot folks in the crowd. They don't usually keep the camera on one place long enough.

Ms Bookworm said...

Wanda, I'll get on my dancin' shoes and do a rain dance for ya!

wvgal_dana said...

Reading comments where is Sharon and Mattie? Seems lately a lot of traveling.Why did they have to wear pink skirts?

hedgie said...

Dana, they were in Times Square for the Train appearance on Today. Thelma and Justin with them, too.

movin said...

Hahaha. I just said 'good morning' here and took a peek at the B-Day stuff at San Diego, when the whole browser (FireFox) crashed...

C(°ٿ°)D Jim

Mema Jo said...

I guess I am not going to go to the San Diego zoo with my Firefox!

Good almost afternoon everyone.
Too hot to make any outside plans..
Going to start looking thru some old photographs....


movin said...

I "think" the male fledgling at BWO just brought in his own fish for lunch.

C(°ٿ°)D Jim

Lynne2 said...

afternoon all....

well, I tried to release the Monarch again but no luck. She's sitting on the bottom of the butterfly bush. She is unable to fly. I'm so sad wondering what went wrong.

One of the females never expelled the waste products they build up while in chrysalis as the other 2 did after emergence. I'm guessing it's this particular one. I'm pretty sure that if she can't fly by now, she'll won't fly ever. To the best of my knowledge, she has not fed on the flowers, either, and is not trying to reach the closest flower on the butterfly bush. I tried to place her right on it, but she couldn't stay.

Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Lynne,
Golly, I'm so sorry that one butterfly seems to be grounded! It's not your fault. You've gone the extra mile with them! ((HUGS))

Lynne2 said...

thanks Andy. I just emailed to see if they could give any insight. One thing that I am confused about is that all of the websites, and Wanda, indicated a 10-14 day period in the chrysalis. Now, not counting the day they formed, the morning of last Wed. July 28, mine were only 8 days. There was one site that said 9 days for females, but nowhere can I find 8 days. None of them took off in the beautiful flights that Wanda's video showed or others online, save for the first female. I am beginning to wonder why they emerged early and surely that has had an impact. I'm going to keep her protected in the carrier for another day, with flowers to sip from and see what happens. If she doesn't make it, then I will keep her for my collection. I have never found a dead or dying Monarch before, and while I hope she WILL fly soon, if she doesn't, she'll be a very treasured part of my nature collection. It's just really not what I wanted to happen :'(
I hope the Monarch experts can give me some insight.

Hope your hubby is better and doing what he is SUPPOSED TO DO. We don't want to have to open up a can of Momster WhoopAss on him! And I hope the exterminator didn't keep you waiting too long.

Lynne2 said...

OMG SHE FLEW!!!! She flew about 50yards across the yard towards the field. As soon as I walked back out to the patio she went! She crash landed but I stayed with her and then she tried again and only went a short distance to the foot of a tree. I picked her up on my hand and held her high and SHE FLEW!! Over to and into the tulip poplar, about 20ft up. I think she's going to be OK!!! I saw where she went into the outer branches but that was it...she's hidden from my site. YAY!!!

PA Nana said...

Good afternoon everyone. Finally wnet to look for the peregrine falcons. Did not see any. Saw a few ducks, including a white one in the group, some kayakers, and small birds swarming the top of the river. I think they were swallows.

Yipee!! Just got off the phone with a birder friend. The same one that was to meet me today but missed her. We will attempt to meet tomorrow afternoon.

Well, #2 just arrived, must go.


Lynne2 said...

FYI everyone!!! Presides Meteor Shower this week!
Metero Shower this week

stronghunter said...

Yay, Lynne! Maybe you just had a late bloomer.

Judie said...

Good late late afternoon, everyone.

Andy, sorry about hubby's vertigo. Sure hope he will stick with the exercise routine and go back to the doctor.

Shirley is soooooooo cool today! Yippee

Loweeda, wren activity seems promising. Hoping you will have some lil' wrens to watch.

Wanda, I can imagine selling the Lincoln was a huge decision. Sure hope the new owner will give it nothing but TLC. I think the money for keyboard air bags is well-spent, lol.

Hope the TRAIN group had a really good time.

Hi Jim. Sorry the computer crashed. Great videos of the SD pandas and their birthday parties.

Lynne - congratulations. I know you must be so proud and so very relieved that your betterfly did fly.

Happy Birthday, Robyn.

Happy Margy had some fun time with James.

Hi Diann.

Slept late today then took care of laundry and some school stuff.


paula eagleholic said...

Oh, really happy to hear we had eagle visitors this morning! Thanks BEagle and Lori!

paula eagleholic said...

And flying monarchs! hooray!

BEagle said...


Those butterflies are so pretty. And so is the moth.

You really know butterflies Lynne!

I was looking for Lori to post this morning. I missed her but she did get to see Lib arrive at the nest a second time.

The scenario for Lib at the nest seems to be the break of dawn until light comes to the nest.

He may have moved the tt shell to the right a little. It looks like it is marking where the egg cup should be, doesn't it?

Mema Jo said...

Great news about our eagle couple visiting and about butterflies trying out their wings.

I have been watching the OC cam at the
White Marlin Open - Cam covers the boats coming in to record their catches. Not as many as last year but the money is sure good.

Another boat coming in... I like to see them park it at the dock lol

paula eagleholic said...

I watched them the other day, Jo. My ex-boss fished in it this year too, but they didn't get a marlin.

paula eagleholic said...

I think the shell has been moved too, BEagle.

Gotta get into cleaning mode here...

Mema Jo said...

Entire Family is home at BWO

BEagle said...

I went looking for video of marlin fishing and got distracted by
Josh Hollaway fishing for bonefish


BEagle said...

I take it that the marlin is a hard one to catch.

Mema Jo said...

The check in is open until 8pm

wvgal_dana said...

Hello Eagle Friends.

Shirley hope you are cool. I haven't read all comments yet.

Lynne2 You don't know it but God allowed that butterfly to hear and understand what you said. No WAY did it want to become part of "your collection". lol
Great that the beauty flew.

Train Train everybody's gonna catch a Train.
I like their music. I'll be in a store and it will come on. I know it's them right away now. Hoping they all have a lot of fun. (:

Diann hope your friend and you make the connection.

Will I get to see those metero showers I HOPE I HOPE!

BEagle glad Lori got to see our Eagles.

Andy count out his exercises. 1, 2, 3, 4 etc (:

BEagle said...

All the BWO are on the edge of the nest!

04 was on the nest a short while this evening.

An adult is at the WE nest presently.

wvgal_dana said...

JimI often read you comment of where you say your computer crashed. Exactly what do you mean by that?

wvgal_dana said...

I don't know if I have mentioned it but I got me a hummer...I'm a happy lady. Moved my feeder because of the cat. Came back in house sat at table and bingo a hummer.

wvgal_dana said...

Thanks Jo for the http for the comes a tuna.

Lynne2 said...

DANA!!! So glad you finally got a hummer!! Southward migration will be starting soon so you'll probably get the ones that live there now, and the ones that will be on the was south passing through!

Diann, you surely saw swallows...we often see them skimming over the water when we fish!

Don't forget folks that even though the peak of the Meteor Showers is later in the week, you should be able to spot them any time now.

BEagle said...

Lynne, when is the peak of the shower?

Lynne2 said...

oh my just heard a call for a Doctor on Marlin Cam....

wvgal_dana said...

Thanks Lynne2 I hope that stop by and fill up their little tanks so they can fly a little further. To their next stopping place.

Lynne2 said...

Thursday late night to dawn Friday morning BEagle. But I've seen them on clear nights earlier and days before. See link I posted a little while ago for info.

BEagle said...

I must have missed your post.
I will go looking.

wvgal_dana said...

Jo look at the times on the fishing page.
I don't understand why this tuna didn't take 2nd place. Reading the other Tuna was 64lbs time 6:39PM???? Can anyone explain that to me???

Lynne2 said...

Dana, here is a good site with hummer facts, etc.

Lynne2 said...

OMG check out that guys hat on the OC Marlin's hysterical, straw with a fake Marlin on top!

wvgal_dana said...

tee hee hay Lynne2 some people take these things very serious lol

Lynne2 said...

Oh I would TOTALLY wear one!

paula eagleholic said...

Marlin cam is on until 9:15

paula eagleholic said...

Dana, they have been weighing fish all week, 64 lbs not enough to even place....check under the scoring tab, then click leaderboard.

Mema Jo said...

Headed into TV to watch one of hubby's taped shows.


Lynne2 said...

Megan needs to be treated to a day at the spa or a Momster outing. She is having a heck of a time with no rain, being sick, cicada killers.....

stronghunter said...

God bless Megan. I hope things turn around for her. The winter was no picnic, either. Remember all of the snow she had to remove from the greenhouse.

Lynne2 said...

I know! She needs some R and R BADLY

wvgal_dana said...

Megan is the best gal there is. She is such a hard; and I do mean hard worker. I don't think a lot of us could do what she does. I have prayed for rain for her many times through the year. It just didn't come and I felt even more badly cause that means hauling water in and a bill to pay. The only thing I can think is God truly has something SPECIAL in HIS timing for Megan.

wvgal_dana said...

going to the tv and put legs up

I just looked around and the rooms are all dark plus blinds open and it is dark outside. lol Now that is getting involved with your computer LOL
Take care
Prayers sent up

hedgie said...

Whew..what an afternoon/evening. I'm dying here from boredom and irritation. Found out yesterday that my 10% Safe Driving auto insurance discount ran out in June. Did anyone else know that when you take one of those courses, it's only good for 3 yrs.??? So took the AARP online course..argh. Info is in print, and some joker reads it......I could read 5 pages to his one........but you can't advance to next screen until he finished talking. I swear I started at 1:30 and just now finished---thank goodness it can be paused for breaks or I'd be dying of starvation by now!

hedgie said...

Congrats on the final Monarch taking flight, Lynne!

Lynne2 said...

Amen Dana!

Lynn, Steve (and everyone at work) had to take a day long class including driving a few weeks ago and he got a certificate for the insurance company...but Statefarm won't give him a discount!

Heading up to watch a DVD on Monarch by PBS...

hedgie said...

Think I'm going to go rest my eyes for awhile. If I fall asleep and don't make it back....goodnight, Mrs. Calabash, wherever you are.

Lolly said...

Have been outside. Thunderstorms are in the area, all around us but it has done is cooled off a wee bit. I am tired of hearing thunder, I want rain, please!!!

paula eagleholic said...

Oh Lynn, sounds like a joyous afternoon!

hedgie said...

Mine is State Farm, Lynne! Tell Steve to call Corporate!

hedgie said...

Oh, yeah, Paula---loads of fun---NOT!

Lolly, many of us know what you mean about the rain! Gotta say, tho', that today was NICE---only went to 84°, breezy and mostly cloudy! Only bad thing was NO RAIN!

PA Nana said...

Hey, I'm back briefly. Got tied up looking at pergrines, etc. on my birding friend's flickr site. she's amazing with a camera.

Lynne2, didn't see where but read that the final butterfly flew. Hoorah. that one just wanted to stay with you a bit longer.

Dana, a hummer? Great. I didn't put out my feeders this year - don't really know why - just laziness I guess. Hope you're better. Prayers for relief.

Early this afternoon stepped out onto the back porch a a BIG bird flew out of the pine tree. It had to be a hawk. I then realized that no little birds ro squirrels were around. Not that I missed the squirrels.

I'm anxiously awaiting autumn. This humidity is horrible. Seems most of the USA is sweltering under a heatwave. Check on your elderly neighbors. At least tonight we can give the a/c's a rest and air out the house, if only briefly, until the next blast.

I'm going to say goodnight dear friends and prayers for a restful night and healing where needed.

God bless

NatureNut said...

Good golly, I musta missed the Train!!
Good evening everyone---late getting on here. Went to grocery after work & had them steam some snow crab legs! Been cleanin' & eatin'!
Haven't read all comments yet, but saw Wanda's about the wings. Every AM at a Park bldg. that had a spotlight, we would find Luna moth wings. Broke my heart~~~they are so beautiful. They came to light at night & bats got them!
Andy, you've got one tough hummer to chase an oriole.
Watching Dateline on NBC.Chilling, but sadly true story about college student disappearance.
If I konk out, want to wish everyone Pleasant Feather Dreams ;>)

hedgie said...

Lynne, State Farm even reimburses me for the cost of the course.

Judie said...

Goodnight, Mrs. Calabash, Palmer, Lib, Belle and all others yet to head back the hallway, up the stairs, to the recliner, to the tub, or to the tree tops.

Saying a prayer that Megan will be feeling better and rain will fall soon.

Turning my light out but leaving the night light on for others coming in. Pleasant dreams and cooling breezes. Andy, please set the alarm for us. Thank you.

hedgie said... probably aren't the only one eating crab legs tonight....GG wanted to go out for crab legs, so bet the Capt. and 1st Mate had them, too!
I've got some in the freezer for tomorrow night!!

Costume Lady said...

Ah, yes, Lynn...GG had her crab legs, as did I. The Capt. and Denise had a dish made by the Grill Master...everyone else is at the B----!

paula eagleholic said...

I'll say it Wanda...BEACH!!

hedgie said...

G'night, Judie!! Mrs. Calabash is still missing.....any ideas?

Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Gang,

Lynne, that's fantastic that the lone butterfly has flown!!


Shirley, glad your place is nice and cool. Bet George is happy, too!

Hubby was feeling better after work today. I am going to make SURE he does his exercises, so he doesn't get that vertigo again! He sent an e-mail to the doctor asking a few questions, but she's off on Fri., so won't get an answer till Monday.

The exterminator showed up fairly early, and did NOT find any dead rats in the attic traps! Yay! We must finally be winning the battle!

It's been very quiet today--haven't heard any herons. DID have a finch and sparrow concert in the back yard this morning at dawn, AND this afternoon, though. Saw a whole flock of doves, too. (And of course, the hummer wars continue!)

Megan, I hope and pray that you get a decent amount of rain, SOON! I agree--you need some R&R! ((HUGS))

Dana, hope you are feeling much better, with less pain. Prayers continue. BTW, I've done the same thing as you--suddenly looked up from the 'puter to find that it's dark out! :o}

Please say some prayers for our daughter, Jen--she got sick when they got home, and still not 100%. Guess it's a bad cold. Thank you!
Think she probably didn't get enough sleep while they were visiting.

Ms Bookworm said...

I'm about ready for a keyboard airbag, so think I'll call it quits.
Leaving the night light and the porch light on for others. The eye-scanner security and Dana's thumbprint-scanner security are enabled. Prayers said for everyone--especially those in need of healing. Sleep tight, everyone!
God bless, and goodnight. Will talk to you tomorrow (not early--have to go to Wal-Mart and grocery store first thing!). Love you guys!

hedgie said...

And how was GG today, Wanda? Still doing well???

Mema Jo said...

Watched TV and then the news. At times I wish I wouldn't watch the news or pick up the daily newspaper.. Sick Society....

Yes, I am heading back the hallway...
It was pleasant today - sat out on the deck this evening for a while.

Lolly said...

You know, I really think a keyboard air bag is a good thing. Then when we all fall asleep we won't konk our heads.

Think I am headed to the shower. About that time. Have been sitting here playing computer games. Really vegging out tonight.

Oh, and I had two hummers tonight chasing each other. Made for an entertaining dinner.

Nite all!

Sweet dreams!

hedgie said...

Chiming in with my goodnights, too. See you in the morning light. Prayers for all in need. And thanks to He who answers those prayers.

Mema Jo said...

Good Night Everyone and Prayers for you and yours.
((hugs for all)) ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

paula eagleholic said...

I'll add my goodnights to the list too!

Love and hugs to all ♥

Judie said...

Can't get to sleep yet.

There is a BOLO for a Mrs. Calabash that has gone nation-wide. The lookout is now focused on a former snowbank where it is suspected she may be hiding inside a deceased washer which has been disguised as a defunct air conditioner. She is said to have last been seen wearing a shiny garland around her neck. Crime never sleeps!

Costume Lady said...

About that BOLO, for Mrs. Calabash, Judie...I heard someone say she was seen walking down Rodeo Drive with Jimmy Durante:)

Yes, GG is still doing well. She was so happy to be back at her old Stomping Grounds (China City), and the girls there were so happy to see her. They all remembered, in the past, that she likes Hot exception this time and that made her smile that they still remember her tea. She ate a good portion of crab legs, a plate of veggies and a plate of fruit, cake and ice cream:)
We were home about an hour before she excused herself, put on her jammies and kissed us all good night...sound asleep when we left:)

That is where I'm going now, sound asleep!


Costume Lady said...

GOOD MORNING********************

3/12/25 AM 🐟 x2

 Eggrolls and  6:49 AM Bella gets up. Does stretch saunters over to the cup edge does a quick calls to him. Exit the nest at 6 49 43. 6:50 ...