Saturday, January 09, 2010


Evening thread.


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hedgie said...

Good morning from the sickie!
Don't know yet if any better today or not---haven't been up long enough to know. Just know that I did not get up during the night to put wood on the fire and it is OUT with a stupid big log still sitting in there.....argh!
Cold----12 degrees out.
Norma, Weds. is the day that Steve says cam work will be done........MTBR.

hedgie said...

Hey, I did the split!

hedgie said...

Sorry, gang, but calendars aren't going to get mailed out today! Ran out of envelopes, and really don't think I'm ready to go to store and post office. Will aim for tomorrow!!! Hope you understand.

hedgie said...

Finland really does look miserable, doesn't it? No footsie prints, either.

ceil said...

Morning all. Lynn hope you are feeling better as the day goes on.Don't worry about the calendars. Lynne you also.
Off to do soup and sandwich. Lot of volunteers will not be there. Funeral for a parishioner. Triple work. BBL

hedgie said...

Thanks, Ceil! Hope your day isn't TOO bad!

glo said...

Well Norma Lets just say Dex and I are enduring the snow. Wouldn't be near so hard on him and thus me IF it owuld be a little warmer although he does seem much more disoriented in the snow too. I think the glare reflects off of his eyes back at him and makes whatever shadows he was able to see disappear into a thick glaze. I love the eagle side of this but Dex is ready for spring, green grass and strolling. Its supposed to get up into the mid thirties later this week and a stroll in the stroller will be in order when that happens. he will enjoy that and so will I.

normabyrd said...

MORNIN' BLUEFIELD SHARON --HEDGIE--& CEIL!!---(have been on phone)--Oh HEDGIE!--I hope you & SHARON are all well!!!---bit cool here too!--

normabyrd said...

GLO---I think EVERYONE is fed up with this WEATHER!---won't be long until we are all fussing about the HEAT!----(whoa!---bring it on)

Mits said...

good morning everyone, it is Monday, even though blog says Saturday;)...this from BWE....

Nest Update

Technical Note:
The cam refresh time is now 30 seconds.

normabyrd said...

My 2nd try to see S-DIEGO!---still missing from their pic!!---(probably showing off for the tourists)---ho!---He is a CUTIE!!

normabyrd said...

MORNIN' MITS!!---How is BEN?

Mits said...

Norma, it is 6:30 a.m. out in San Diego, he is probably sleeping:).

Mits said...

got some things to do...TTYAL

Mits said...

Norma, he was doing better yesterday, have not heard yet today....tried to call answer, so MTBR...

normabyrd said...

THANKS MITS!----We have always gotten to see him sleeping---That's what they said HE does best! ho!

Mits said...

squirrel up in nest in Maine

Mits said...

lots of eagles, swans and ducks on

Costume Lady said...

Helen and there anyway we can get a LARGER photo of the KALIS FAMILY? It is such a beautiful photo and I think we would all love to see it a little better.
I have a doctor appt. today and hopefully will come home with a "NEW KNEE"...then I can walk, jump and climb Saturday at Conowingo!:)
Temperatures look good for that day and is to be sunny.
Still have more room for Momsters or Dadsters.

paula eagleholic said...

MOrning, all!

Cold here too! BWO cam is set at 60 seconds now...they have a pic of a great horned owl visiting the platform.

NBG cam is supposed to come online today.

Mema Jo said...

Good Monday Morning All! I just saw 'Sidekick', Pook's dog out around the feeding pans. He didn't stay long.
I have been seeing on the daily pics Lady Valmont, the Great Horned Owl recently. I hope she has a clutch this year.

Lynne2 said...

Morning all!

Hey Norma, maybe your friend's sister knows my mother in law...her name is Jan Griffin!! It's a small world after all!
Like I've said before, we are hoping that THIS will be the winter that will finally get them moving to a milder climate closer to us. But boy, in the spring and summer, Terra Alta sure is beautiful!

Norma, I don't think Wanda has a bear in the woods, I think she's got a "tiger in her tank"! CPR indeed!!! LOL!

Mema Jo said...

Lynne Your Owl is flapping away!

Mema Jo said...

Of course the moment I type that - he stops dead!

Lynne2 said...

Lynn, I sure hope you will feel better today! My cough has mysteriously disappeared again. GOOD.

Glo, glad to hear you will be getting a HEAT WAVE into the 30s this week!! We might even hit the mid 40s by mid week here and it will feel like springtime! It's amazing though, that even in this coldest part of winter, many trees are developing buds as is the lilac bush in my neighbor's yard...the promise is there!!

Lynne2 said...

that darn owl.....

Mema Jo said...

Eagle in the BWE nest......

paula eagleholic said...

Eagle at BWE :)

Mema Jo said...

Trying to check for the NBG cam
On WVEC.COM there is only a slide show
so far.

paula eagleholic said...

I think it's supposed to come on this afternoon...1 or 2

paula eagleholic said...

Looks like Daddio at BWE

paula eagleholic said...

He is peering off the back of the nest.

floralgirl said...

Tell Snoopy to dance over to the NEW THREAD

Mema Jo said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
paula eagleholic said...

Will do, thanks Megan!

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6/5/24 bummer next week cam fix

 Apparently it's not easy repair for the control panel of the tree nest camera. So that said there will be a little bit longer probably ...