Tuesday, January 26, 2010


New thread.


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Mits said...

good morning again everyone.

Mits said...

Belle just left the nest,with her breakfast.

paula eagleholic said...

Good Morning!

Thanks for the call over, Mits.

Thanks for the new thread and the live feed Steve!!

paula eagleholic said...

OK, so what is everyone's date for the first egg???

paula eagleholic said...

I am thinking next week for the first egg

Mits said...

I am so poor at guessing, but am thinking sometime next week too.

Mits said...

NBG, down again:(

Lolly said...

Just read back and saw that NBG had an eagle in the nest last night. Was about to go there when you said it was down. Drat!

Mits said...

big windy rainy storm over the weekend, Lolly, so they have had some problems.

Lolly said...

Lily's cub is "purring". So cute!

ceil said...

NBG is back. Morning all

Mits said...

thanks, Ceil

Costume Lady said...

I was reading that a camera may be placed outside the Lily Den so that we may see the cub when he wanders outside (they are just THINKING about it)...That would be such fun to watch:)

What was the latest date that Belle layed her first egg? Anyone know? I think that Jan. 30 was the earliest.

Mits said...

turning eggs at BWE

ceil said...

Wanda I someone used to keep a tally. I am lucky I know what day it is. LOL

paula eagleholic said...

Wanda - I think the latest date was Feb 14 or 15

Mits said...

I think it is neat that Mei Lan is traveling back home to China with Tai Shan.....Atlanta update...

Monday, January 25
Earlier this month Mei Lan received her pre-shipment physical for her trip to China. When animals are sent to other institutions, we give them a good once-over to make sure they are healthy. During Mei Lan’s physical she was checked by one of our veterinarians and had blood collected, an ultrasound preformed, and her teeth checked by a dentist.The keepers were also able to collect her body measurements while she was under anesthesia. The measurements are as follows: tip of nose to end of tail, 178 cm (70 in); chest girth, 105 cm (41 in); neck girth, 71 cm (28 in); belly girth, 110.5 cm (43.5 in). Mei Lan’s most current weight is 92 kg (yep, that’s 202 pounds!).

The vets gave her a clean bill of health and she is cleared to prepare for her journey to China.
Kate Roca
Carnivore Keeper II

Mits said...

wow, that late.

Mits said...

or maybe that is normal, who knows:)

paula eagleholic said...

Actually, Jan 31 was the date for last year...

Those Feb 14 & 15 dates were back in 2004 and 5

paula eagleholic said...

The dates have crept up every year

paula eagleholic said...

I have the info listed on the front page of the EM group

Mits said...

Tai just got a carrot from the keeper.

Mits said...

thanks for the info, Paula

Lolly said...

I can not see an eagle on the NBG cam. Anyone? Can zoom to full screen on that cam. Still throws me off at our nest. Get the message that it is shutting down IE to protect my computer.??????

Mits said...

now he is begging for more treats

paula eagleholic said...

Eewies at BWO

Lolly said...

Jack did not sleep good last night. Yesterday he discovered we have a leak in our pond. Bad leak! So, yesterday and today he has been trying to figure out where. Mind you, we have two ponds with a long stream between both. However, he just came in and said he had located it and it is in the best possible location. He has turned the water off and is letting a waterfall dry. Has to put sealant in between a pipe and a rock. Yea! We were thinking lots of digging and lots of $$$$.

ceil said...

Hope Tai acts like the gentleman he is on the flight with a young female. Sure he will.
Paula do you think the later dates were because they were young birds at that point.

Lolly said...

I am off to eat and excercise!

BBL Have a great day!

Mits said...

wpould be nice if 1st egg was laid on the 4th, would take my mind off of Tai Shan

Mits said...

still 2 eggs at BWE, showing now

wvgal_dana said...

Good Morning Eaglelanders.

Need to read other comments on older thread for today.

So it is finally happening tears Tai Shan is headed for China..more tears.

Mits this has to be hard on you?

Mits said...

I will miss him, Dana, but it is very important for the whole species for him to go home, we desperately need more giant Pandas to be born:)

wvgal_dana said...

Do we still need to use the STILL EAGLECAM to take pictures of our eagles?

Mema Jo said...

Good late morning all! Visiting with Kristen - today is Tuesday!
I am late due to being on Facebook looking at the pics of Alexis at Disney. Today is her 5th birthday.

Kristen did see some snow flurries far west of here when she drove down.

If Belle spends the night soon (Like tonight & tomorrow) I am hoping for the egg on the 28th. If not then she can wait until 2/1 for Glo's birthday.
Do you remember the one year the 2nd egg was on Sandra's birthday - Feb 6.

paula eagleholic said...

Yes, Ceil, I think so.

paula eagleholic said...

I saw some snow flurries on my way in this morning...

Mits said...

Happy Birthday, Alexis:), bet she is having a great time

ceil said...

wish I were with Alexis.
Dana I did not get to comment yesterday talk as much as you want about Ed. It will help you and we don't mind. I have a friend whose son will be dead 20 years in a few days and we still talk about him. He was 18 when he was killed in an auto accident.

hedgie said...

Snow flurries and squalls have not stopped, and brrr, it's cold!
Had 6 deer out back---still very hard to spot unless they are moving. Wonder what makes their tails go up automatically the second they start to run? Hmmmm.
Slowly but surely getting ready to go run some errands. Sure wish I didn't need to, but it is what it is!
Shirley, sure hope you find your contact!! I'm with Paula---if it was in your eye, I think you would know it!
Have often thought about ttying them again, but I had so much trouble with the depth perception aspect that I just never felt safe when driving!

Mits said...

eagle at NBG, looks like it is eating

hedgie said...

Sure feel bad for Margy. Getting called in in the middle of the night, when she's already not feeling up to par...hope she did hit the pillows early enough that she got some sleep before it happened. She sounds okay on the radio, so hope she has beaten the cold symptoms.

Mits said...

good Lord, is it noon already....got to get out of the PJ's

hedgie said...


Mits said...

had meatballs in her honor last night....:)

paula eagleholic said...

I'll Second that....I would rather be where Alexis is on her 5th Birthday! Happy Birthday Alexis!

grannyblt said...

Morning all. I'm still in the jammies mode too. Been messing with facebook and I'll try to ask ya'll as my friends..when ever I figure it out. I have to reset my password every time I try to get on. I'm guessing for an egg on Saturday. :)

ceil said...

Lynn that is so funny never really watched them run and their tails go up. LOL

ceil said...

bbl things to do

Lynne2 said...

Hello everyone!!

NBG today, NCTC TOMORROW!!!! Well, I guess that is a little soon for our nest....

wvgal_dana said...

A BIG HAPPY BIRTHDAY WISH TO Alexis. I've never been there hope she is having a blast!! Laughter and smiling so much that she'll have this memory for a long time.

Thanks Mits ( :

Mits said...

Well, Dana, you should go, and if you can, go early December, it is less crowded and the park is beautiful that time of year...

Lynne2 said...

It's called "flagging" Lynn and it's an automatic response when the deer sense a danger. It's a signal to the others to "get outa here" They can and will run tail down if just running to move.
They also do this odd thing when they are conflicted as to whether or not there is a danger...they stand very still, snort, and stamp their front foot. My dad used to take us up to his hunting cabin in the summer for a few days and we'd go out looking for wildlife. That's the first place I ever saw it in person. We were in the car and it was beside us. I think she didn't smell us and didn't quite know what to make of us...we were laughing so hard!

wvgal_dana said...

WOW just seen Paula's pics of the flooding yesterday in her development.

Margy may have told you already. The creek near where she lives. Over flowed and it looked yesterday like 2 big ponds. One on Lakeveiw and one across street from Texaco Station.

Mema Jo said...

I need to read early am comments
I didn't know Margy got called in
No rest for the weary...........

hedgie said...

We CAN capture live view pics of our nest using the formula that I gave Lolly. Don't think I'll ever memorize the process, so have to keep cheat sheet nearby....but just tried it and it works!

wvgal_dana said...

Whoo Hooo Sharon got backstage passes for Train!!!!! Now I know she is excited !!!

hedgie said...

Yep, Dana, that area has always flooded easily.
Lynne, the snorting and stomping is funny to watch. A couple of days ago, when I let the dog out, some were out there and one shook her head so hard, I could hear her ears flopping!

wvgal_dana said...

Just read Mason's report...wow operating a wheelchair...he is really coming along well now. ( :

Mits said...


Mits said...

I have had to sign back into blog with name and password about 6 times this a.m., what is up with that???

Mits said...

sitting in nest cup, trying it out

Mits said...

pulled all the fluff around her

wvgal_dana said...

Lynn-Hedgie will you please send me the cheat sheet for taking pics at our nest. Also if anyone knows how to take pics at the bear cam would you please send those instructions to me please ty

Mits said...

I'm just assuming that is Belle

Mits said...

probably was Lib, testing it out, stood on his perch and left, Belle just flew in

Mits said...

really pulling the fluff around

Mits said...

still 2 eggs at BWE

Mits said...

must be a test run for the egg cup

Mits said...

looks comfy:)

Mits said...

and windy

Mits said...

eagle still in nest

wvgal_dana said...

How do you get "Weather Channel" for your area down on your buttom toolbar?

wvgal_dana said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Mits said...

the way she is sitting there, looks like she wants the action to start

Mits said...

she was just practicing pushing

Mits said...

HP at nest

DJ said...

OK, did anybody else see that?? Bird sex right there at 1:02pm! OK, so how long does it take to produce an egg after that?

hedgie said...

Dana, you have mail. It will work for bear cam, too.

Mits said...

poof Lib

Mits said...

they have been mating alot this past week DJ, so could be anytime

Mits said...

more stuff just brought in

hedgie said...

DJ, they've been doing it for a couple of weeks! The time is getting close for egg-laying, but we have no way of knowing WHEN it will happen. We will start "watch" when Belle spends a night in the nest. Paula had a good explanation of the process on here a couple of days ago.

wvgal_dana said...

Thanks Lynn.

Just dropped in with stick.

floralgirl said...

UH, we are putting this stick here....no, we are putting it over here....

hedgie said...

Well, gang, I am ready to head out. See you later this afternoon. stay warm!

wvgal_dana said...

Lib wants that stick where he wants it and Belle won't move lol

wvgal_dana said...

The "eagle stand off" lol Just where will the stick end up????

wvgal_dana said...

You keep warm out there Lynn. See you when you get back.

floralgirl said...

Snow flurries here again.

Mits said...

flurries at nest too.

paula eagleholic said...

The experts say 5-10 days after mating for egg to be laid...but i have also read the female can "save" the sperm in the oviducts (I think) for 2 weeks

paula eagleholic said...

Looks like just Lib there now.

normabyrd said...

MEMA JO!---MARGY left right before I checked in this am---she thought at that time she might get to come back---guess she didn't!!

normabyrd said...

PAULA---I have read that too!

Mema Jo said...

I have been over looking at the pics from Disney on FB. There are so many - about 3-4 are sending them.

We are getting some flurries off and on.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

First egg - February 4!

movin said...


GooD MorninG, aLL iN

EagLe LAnD !!


Up late, up late, but I'm feeling pretty good anyway. How about you??

it's overcast, coolish and we are supposed to have a good chance of rain later. Nice day to curl up under a warm blanket and sleep ... which I've been known to do, especially if I have a cold or something. But I've got things to do today, so I'll try to resist.

Have a great day, everybody.



Mits said...

eggs in view BWE

Mits said...

never mind eagle back on them

Mits said...

Sharon the way they were acting a little while ago, thought it would be today:)I'm not good at guessing..

normabyrd said...

It was SNOWING hard when I came out of the W/CTR----but not much after I got back to town---COLD & WINDY now!---need food!!

Judie said...

Well, sheetz. I was walking out of class and this glittery garland flew by. Am sure I saw a contact lens on it. Really weird!

Hi everyone.

Leaving for home. Later.

Mema Jo said...

We may not hear from you often but you are up on everything going on around here! lol

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

I am going to change my egg laying date to January 29 or 30.

Mits said...

eagle back

Mits said...

Sure looks like sooner rather than later, Sharon

Mits said...


Mema Jo said...

Sharon I have the 28th covered for 1st egg.

Mema Jo said...

Hard to believe it is time for our 1st egg to come! Getting excited.

Mits said...

back again with a stick

Mema Jo said...

Taking a break..........


Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

You mean - getting eggcited, right? Eagle back!

Mits said...

must be the lord at BWE, looks tiny:)

Mits said...

ouch, she landed right on him

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...


Mits said...

HP again, think Lib is taking Viagra;)

Mits said...

and he just sits there with a puffed out chest, while she does all the work

paula eagleholic said...

Rats, missed it again!

paula eagleholic said...

Gosh they are so beautiful aren't they

Lolly said...

Hi all! Just checking in. Missed all the HP!

Jack and I went to church and worked on the prayer garden. It was a mess. And, would you believe I got hot working in the sun. Sure looks a lot better.

Now I need to prepare the baby gift for Talon and get it in the mail. Bought two really cute outfits and Jack made a name train.

Dana, Lynn sent your directions for saving pic from the live cam, right? Yell, if you need help.

Mits said...

Chesapeake Bay temp for today was 34°, looks like snow in the forecast for the big Plunge on Saturday.....:)

paula eagleholic said...

It is called the Polar Bear Plunge, isn't it :):):)

paula eagleholic said...

BWE eagle looks so pretty in the sun...

Mits said...

yes Paula, it is,(actually Maryland State Police Polar Bear Plunge)...Channel 11 news (Baltimore) was at the house today interviewing Kevin, and Maggie, who was very shy today, if it airs it is supposed to air Friday night....this is just like Christmas, we all get really excited about it...I can't believe, people do this for the special Olympians...hoping they have a gang buster year:)

Mits said...

yes, the sun does look pretty at BWE...

wvgal_dana said...

Cracking up at Mits comment about Liberty ... can't stop laughing.

Thanks Lolly, Lynn did send them I'll play around with them and see what happens.

Got hot .... not around here that's for sure.


Mits said...

Dana, Suzanne calls him the stud muffin, he has been a wild man this year;)

paula eagleholic said...

Eagle Alert!

Mits said...

fooey, got to go to the store:(

paula eagleholic said...

Lib just arrived on the back to surpervise Belle's nestorations

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Really working hard on that egg cup!

paula eagleholic said...

And how many believe we will have 3 eggs again this year, raise your hand

paula eagleholic said...

Time to fluff the fluff! She is really working on shaping that bowl today

Lolly said...

My hand went up!☺

Lolly said...

I get so excited every time we hear them cry!

ceil said...

The way Lib has been acting if they could have more than 3 it would be a dozen. I definitely think 3 if all goes well with the weather.

paula eagleholic said...

Not sure when Lib left...Belle still standing in the middle of the nest

OH my here comes Lib with a stick!

paula eagleholic said...

Lib's turn to dig in the bowl

Lolly said...

Gotta make it comfy and cozy!!

paula eagleholic said...

Aww he was molding the egg cup....she just took off to the right

paula eagleholic said...

Lib up on the back

magpie said...

Happy 5th Birthday Alexis ! ☺ ♥

I say January 30 for the first egg, would be a nice Birthday Surprise for Megan ☺
And then egg #2 on Feb 1, Glo's Birthday...
and egg # 3 ??

Here is the link to the story about Hedgies former co-worker's son:

Hero on the Airplane

I see the Royal Pair at the Sycamore Palace....looks like they were about to play Leap Frog

ceil said...

Belle just tried it out and did not like it. Got right back up and started moving fluff. Wind starting again

ceil said...

Here come the geese

stronghunter said...

Just saw that Judie thinks she saw my contact lens. Well, I really did see it. It was in my other eye. I found it before I went to the doctor, thank goodness. That would have been embarrassing.

I was sure I was being careful about which eye I was taking the lenses from because it matters. I goofed.

ceil said...

2 eagles NBG

ceil said...

Shirley glad you found it.

magpie said...

Me too, Shirley...

bye for now, going back in at midnight, a co-worker's husband is very very ill, need to help out with shifts

ttfn xo Good Evening to All

stronghunter said...

Me too, Ceil.

paula eagleholic said...

Night Margy...good of you to help out!

paula eagleholic said...

3 today, OH my...finally got to see and record part of the HP

stronghunter said...

Didn't need my contacts to see that. I think Lib is competent.

PA Nana said...

More hp. If they start smoking, I'm leaving .... ;o)

PA Nana said...

Hi everyone. Trying to catch up.
... later

stronghunter said...


paula eagleholic said...

Anyone else notice that even if you click on yes you are still watching that it stops at 10:30

paula eagleholic said...

They are hanging out in the windy nest...no time to be fluffing

paula eagleholic said...

She just took off and there he goes too

Mits said...

yes, Paula, I noticed that, it just ignores me and stops

floralgirl said...

Same here, I have to hit play button again to restart.

Mits said...

I don't know why it bothers to ask me if it does not listen.;)

hedgie said...

Hi gang. Well, guess what? I am in the penalty box....and I have NO idea why. Having a terrible time havigating anything. Hope this posts. THe ONLY thing I have watched or tried to download today was still cam and Jo's video of Alexis in email---and it wouldn't load. I am really p----d.
Margy, sure hope your colleagues' husband will be okay. Sorry that you are having to deal with extra hours. You are a real trooper. PLEASE take care of yourself---is your cold better???
With this bad weather predicted, I hope Belle hangs on to those eggs a few more days!

Judie said...

Shirley, glad you found the contact lens. Just imagine how embarrassing it would have been if the dr had to remove a glittery garland.

2 at NBG. One was rearranging then both on a nearby limb.

Missed Belle & Lib.

Lily and cub sleeping.

Off to cook some dinner.

paula eagleholic said...

Put a really short video on the EM blog...

paula eagleholic said...

Thanks, I'll let them know. They actually emailed me again about my Firefox issue...it's a moot point now with the laptop. They also asked other questions about the site, so I'll email back about that message.

wvgal_dana said...

Lots of fluff going in that nest.

Margy keep warm...praying co-workeers hubby.

Yes I too have to hit the restart at 10:30 point.

hedgie said...

They have found the remains of the young college girl who disappeared from the concert at UVA last fall. Sad.

Mits said...

I remember that Lynn, how very sad.

stronghunter said...

Painful, too, Judie. I know there is not a garland in my eye!

Doctor is a former Culpeper student, though was not in my class. She was at the middle school when I was teaching there.

stronghunter said...

It is sad about the young woman found in Charlottesville.

hedgie said...

Got all my errands accomplished, and I even stopped a Weis' and splurged on the salad bar. So think it's time to eat!!
Shirley, so glad you found the contact! Did you end up with two in one eye? LOL!
Judie's comment about the garland reminded me of an old glitter joke---not quite as good as wax, but pretty close!

hedgie said...

Both NCIS shows are new tonight, Jo! The Good Wife is a repeat.

stronghunter said...

No, Lynn, they were in different eyes. The doctor put one of them in. I do not think she would have put two in one eye.

You have to explain about the glitter.

Mema Jo said...

HA HA HA I just remembered the old glitter joke! lol

Take care Margy - Lynn is right that you are a real trooper and an asset to your fellow workers.

The very minute I left this afternoon they come barreling into the nest! I do hope she hold off until the weather clears - but not sure it going to happen cause my predicted date of 28th for first egg is before the snow comes...

I watched the eagle documentary the other night. Funny thing is that 2 of my kids called to remind me to watch! I'm an influence on them even at this age! Anyhow when they showed the eagle incubating in the snow up to her beak it sent shivers down my spine with bad memories. I am praying
this year will be better weather during time of incubation.

hedgie said...

I know what you mean, Jo. I cried more than once watching it---and I had seen it before.
Shirley---LOL---I thought you had already taken them out and put back in!!
I'll email you the glitter story!

hedgie said...

IF I can get my stupid "write mail" page open!

paula eagleholic said...

So sorry to hear about the girl from Charlottesville.

Lolly said...

Good evening! Just spent a couple of hours outside working in the yard. Good for the soul!!! And guess what...some of my daffodils have buds up! There is hope....Spring is just around the corner!! Also, notices some teeny green leaves on some shrubs by the pond.

hedgie said...

Sorry, Shirley....it will have to wait til tomorrow when I get out of the corner!

Lolly said...

Eagle at Caltrans.

Lolly said...

They have a good looking nest.

Mits said...

eagle in nest at NBG

Mema Jo said...

Paula -my live feed cam was at 30 and asked me if I were watching - I clicked Yes and it started and kept on going until 30.30 and Stopped dead. Had to click the play button.......

Mema Jo said...

I hope they fix that glitch because before it did keep going and you didn't need to click the play.

Lynne2 said...

My friend Tracey called me about this case this morning. She will be the tech assisting the Dr this evening when they repair the fractured femur. It's a horrible case. Not sure if can be intubated, and she has a bad infection. Please say a prayer for her....

Lolly said...

Oh, that is so sad! Poor doggie! Makes we want to scream!!!!!

Lolly said...

Freezing rain, sleet, snow, ice, etc. predicted for us Friday. And, my daffodils are fixing to bloom. Boo Hiss!!!!

Mema Jo said...

Lynne - I cannot conceive how people do things like that - but it happens so often. I really hope someone is held responsible - and sad to say it is probably going to be kids who really need to be taught a lesson.
I bet Judie will said it is the beginning of a serial killer.

Mema Jo said...

Cover those daffodils! Don't know how hardy they are but
Save the Daffs

Mema Jo said...

One Half hour at it's to to TV for 2 shows in a row. Thanks for the reminder Lynn.

Want to watch Wheel of Fortune.
I think a man from Middletown is going to be on..........

Mits said...

poor dog:(

hedgie said...

Lolly, hope the area of the leak dries out fast so Jack can get it fixed. ANd hope your budding keeps on happening. Spring, spring....please come!

stronghunter said...

Lynn, I don't understand how your system works. You have limited computer time?

hedgie said...

Can't try to access the link, Lynne, but I probably don't want to anyway......sounds very bad.

Mema Jo said...

Commercial on NCIS
Just checking in - to see every thing is ok!


Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Good evening everybody! Just chatting on facebook, talking on the phone, killing time until bedtime!

Lolly said...

Jack got the place where the pipe is leaking dry and fixed. He used my hair dryer this afternoon, He will start up the pump and get the stream going tomorrow afternoon. Yea! Fish are rather dormant this time of year, so they should be okay.

Think I am going to work on slides.


ceil said...

Split coming. Good night all

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1/6/25 PM Fish

 🐟  2:47 PM both eagles come to the nest.  Bella is screaming with the delight of a meal that he has brought in to the nest for her! He man...