Saturday, January 09, 2010


Evening thread.


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magpie said...

Oboy hold onto your hats


Mits said...

good morning everyone, have a great Sunday...heading out to mass soon....Paula, that has always been the case with Mei And Tian....their time is up next December, so guess negotiations will start in the spring....Mei has once again gone into estrus early, they mated yesterday, we have been on estrus watch for the last few days, could have gone in tonight from 10 to 1, but watch has been cancelled so it is a done deal and we will watch and see.

Mits said...

Maggie is doing good, but Ben has the rvs virus, never a dull moment at that house.

Mema Jo said...

The 'Drive thru' at Pook's is getting crowded.

Mema Jo said...

I didn't know we just Split! So glad it is automatic...

Prayers for Ben.. As with more then 1 child - there usually isn't an end in sight. As Parents you just accept and do the best you can for whatever is put in your path. Prayers for Annie and Kevin ! Hope little Mollie stays well.

Mema Jo said...

I looked back to the drive thru and it
is completely empty of the Moose

magpie said...

Good to hear from you Helen...
hope it is not an illness merry-go-round there....Prayers continue.

Okay, back to "work."


normabyrd said...

MORNIN-T-BIRD!!---I bet it is a bit COOL at your place!!---

normabyrd said...

MORNIN' MEMA JO & MITS!!----Sending prayers for your family MITS---especially BEN!---had to stop & think--who is BEN?---ho!--oh yeah--I remember those days well!!---GOD BLESS---

Bob Quinn said...

Hope this works:

Wild KittyCam

hedgie said...

I sent you address list, too, Wanda!!

Loretta, you are SO much fun!!! Send Ceil an email with link so she's sure to see it!!!! Sorry your sleep was disturbed by "Have Garland Will Travel"!!!

Mema Jo said...

Hi Bob - I also have cats so this video is soooooo familiar to me. Your tiger stripped and the orange resemble our 2 and at times I wish I could have a video of their shenanigans! They give us some very good laughs! Thanks for sharing and I'll be looking for more .......

hedgie said...

Oh, Mits, how cool---a natural mating! So if Mei is pregnant and delivers a live cub, will her transfer be delayed, or will she and baby both go as scheduled? I would think that could be rather traumatic.
So sorry that baby Ben is sick, too!! Annie and Kevin certainly do have their hands full! Is Maggie bouncinmg back okay??

hedgie said...

Margy, who snapped your pic on the bridge???

Ms Bookworm said...

Y-a-w-n....Good morning, Everyone!
Wow, I fell asleep in the recliner after dinner last night while watching (or attempting to watch) some TV. Didn't wake up until 7 am! Hope you're all having a good Sunday morning!
Gotta go shower and do some hair damage control! Hubby wants to go see Avatar in 3-D today, so better get in gear! Prayers for everyone.
Have a great day! Talk to you later. :o]

Ms Bookworm said...

Oh, My!
Adding baby Ben to my prayer list!
Prayers for the whole family, for perfect health! Gotta run now--BBL.

Mema Jo said...

Hi Norma - did you get your Sunday newspaper ? I haven't finished reading mine yet. Almost lunch time and I just had some p-butter toast for breakfast! So nice at times not to have to meet a schedule.......
I did get dressed for the day! That's a plus - in case anyone wants to take me somewhere, I'll be ready to go!

Mema Jo said...

Happy Birthday to your gd Norma.
Alexis will also turn 5 the end of this month. Five is when they are
'do it myselfers' ! I'm can't even make her chocolate milk anymore!

paula eagleholic said...


Mits - so they mated and they will wait an see? No insemination? Oh, poor Ben!

paula eagleholic said...

Hahaha...good one, Bob!

Judie said...

Good morning, everyone.

Bob, such a reminder of our two. Thank you so much.

Helen, I do hope that Ben feels better quickly. Glad Mollie is okay, so far. Really happy Maggie is improving quickly.

Hi Jo!

Well, one thing we know for sure. Ceil's garland aka flying object hasn't made it to CA yet because Andy is getting way too much sleep.

Like Lynn, I am wondering what will happen if Mei is pregnant and delivers a viable cub. Hope she and cub would be allowed to stay at NZ.


Mema Jo said...

Lolly I was glad to hear you say that your b-day celebration with the family was very good! Love the pic of you and Laurel's boys on FB.

movin said...

A SuNNy SunDaY

from So Cal, enjoying

an Indian SummEr iN

JaNUary, tO YoU aLL ! !




stronghunter said...

Bob, enjoyed the kitty video.

The tail was a clue that something was about to happen!

movin said...

Eagle feets with a meal at BWO.



stronghunter said...

Six papers left to grade. This has been a long process.

Mema Jo said...

Hello Judie

Hello Jim

I am about to eat some lunch even if I did eat breakfast not too long ago.
I think some soup would taste good and would also warm these old bones and body.


magpie said...

Shirley when I saw Lib and Belle on the avatar somehow I thought it had been Wanda...but it is YOU with the Royal Pair, nice reminder...
Hedgie, I snapped it myself..that's why it's kinda blurry I guess

Way cool Kitty Video Bob !

Good Morning/Afternoon More Eagle ♀'s and ♂'s

Mema Jo said...

**Shirley - are you going to be ready for that party ? Do you grade 2 per hr. You can't miss the party but I know you promised yourself to be done the grading before partying. lol

magpie said...

That grey cat sure got tossed overboard! Sound would be an added HOOT !
Oh it is so terribly boring going through paperwork...:(
but back to it I go...
maybe I will find a Reggae tape to play

ceil said...

Not mine but keep on trying. Loretta you are so funny.
Sorry I will not be able to make it Saturday but Jim is talking about going one day this week to Conowingo.

ceil said...

Bob cute video.
I am dressed but not moving today. Have to go to the store and want to watch the Raven game. Not very positive about it.

movin said...

Now there's an eagle in the BWE nest.



magpie said...

OOh BWE looks like our cam....

magpie said...

Hi Ceil..... ☺

magpie said...

our cam before its blue days that is

ceil said...

Sure hope that Mei is pregnant this time. I am sure that Mei and Tian will stay longer. BBL

movin said...

Has everyone read the new blog entry on Mason's site??



magpie said...

something black and feathery at BWO

ceil said...

Hi Margy
Jim I just read Mason update. Glad Mason was at rehab when he had the seizure.

hedgie said...

Jim, are you rubbing it in???? Will trade you!!
Andy, you all sure see a lot of movies! I barely see one a year in theater!
Shirley, what time does the partee' start?
Margy----is your arm super long? Or did you use a timer? I'm confused----it looks so far away!

magpie said...

No just a shadow which was cast onto the part of the creek that had snow on it, Lynn..I was standing up on the bridge...
was trying to give the Peace or I Love You Sign, but couldn't get focused enough

I'm very surprised that Mason had not had any seizures prior to the one mentioned...says a lot for the medications he has been on.
What a saga for that family...
truly an inspiration in love...

stronghunter said...

Jo, I am already thinking that I should have a little time tomorrow if I don't quite finish. We have an altered schedule. I monitor SOL tests for 3 hours. There should be some grading time then. Then I have my planning time. Should have some grading time then as well. Then I have my seniors at the end of the day.

I have to get back to work, though.

I think I will make tater-tot casserole for tonight. It is a family favorite.


Browned ground beef

Assorted vegetables--canned, frozen, fresh, whatever

Shredded cheddar cheese

Cream of mushroom soup

Frozen tater tots

Get a large oven-proof bowl.
Put the ground beef on the bottom.
Add a layer of vegetables.
Sprinkle on some cheddar cheese.
Add another layer of vegetables.
Smear some cream of mushroom soup on top of that layer.
Continue with the layers of veggies, cheese and soup until you come to the top.
Arrange the tater tots carefully on top.
Cook at 350 degrees until the tater tots are browned, the cheese is melted, and the veggies are thorougly heated.

The amounts depend on how many people you are going to feed and how hungry they are.

The friend who gave me the recipe said that you can put the meat in raw, but I decided it's safer to cook it first.

stronghunter said...

I am expecting my kids this evening. Susan gets off work at 4:30. I told Rus to be here at 5:00because we always tell him to come earlier than we plan to have the event. Susan is not likely to be here at 5:00.

magpie said...

Hope you all have a really lovely time, Shirley.....
recipe sounds mighty good!
Do you pack lunch for your school day? Sounds like a good leftover meal !

magpie said...

I don't know if it's me or the cams, but I have to manually refresh BWO and BWE

Mema Jo said...

Going to be watching Ravens.......
They just had a magnificent TD - I
sure hope they keep ahead of NE
and win this one..........


magpie said...

so there is something black and wingy at BWO think a Eeeewieee

stronghunter said...

Yes, I pack my lunch, and it is a good leftover. Tater tots don't stay too crispy, but that's okay.

ceil said...

I was just at the store and the cashier yelled 3 minutes to kickoff. I yelled hurry up Dawn. Everyone laughed. Told the guy in front of me that I was not optimist. He said why. I said they can't touch Brady without getting a penalty. He said you are right.Off to watch the game.

paula eagleholic said...

Baltimore is winning! So Far!!

paula eagleholic said...


magpie said...

And so is blogger cop!

Go Baltimore, they are clobbering New England !

magpie said...

oh leftovers, Shirley...and I make lots of salad sandwhich makings, tuna,chicken,cheese...take bread and feed the whole crew sometimes.
Plus we can cook there and we have been scarfing up egg sandwiches ☺

Costume Lady said...

BOB QUINN...I so loved your video, but next time, can you show us a longer one?
Let us know how you like your cam (likes & didlikes). I would love to put one in our woods. We have had everything but a Moose and a Bear...altlhough, I wouldn't be surprised to see one, they have been seen about 3 miles from here.

Costume Lady said...

Kinda like FEEDING THE MULTITUDES, huh, Margy;)

stronghunter said...

Yes, we have refrigerators and microwaves all over the building. Lots of times, I take frozen dinners, but they do take a while to heat when you have 25 minutes for lunch.

magpie said...

icy waters at Okla Eagle nest, and it looks like there is a bird in the nest ?? or maybe it is just nest debris

magpie said...

I guess it is nest debris is not moving

Bob Quinn said...

Off to BW. Catch you all later!

Costume Lady said...

SHIRLEY, thanks for that receipe...I once had one similar to that but never tried it because it was probably thrown away with my old coupons. I do that often!
Going to try it tomorrow:)

Mits said...

NBC: Leno's Prime-Time Show Ending Next Month

An NBC executive confirms Jay Leno's nightly prime-time show is ending next

Knew that show would not last at that time slot...he may go back to the regular Tonight show, and Conan may go to Fox.....still just rumors about that.

stronghunter said...

Hope you enjoy it, Wanda. I like to use it for a crown of hungry guys, which I will have tonight.

Mits said...

Mei and Tian were seen to attempt mating yesterday, I have no confirmation, but in years passed they always try to do a back up with AI.....I'm sure if she has a cub, she will not go back home, but Tian may go back, the zoo is hoping to always have pandas, but that is up to the people that own them, the Chinese government

Mits said...

got to go to store...bbl

Mits said...

that is the Duggers' family fav receipe for their big family

stronghunter said...

Five papers left. Time to head out for some shopping.

On the positive side, I have graded ten papers this weekend. Ones I did before the weekend are stacked in the cabinet in my classroom.

stronghunter said...

Those Ravens are doing very well.

paula eagleholic said...

Looking forward to your pics, BOB

stronghunter said...

I will be getting another batch of research papers on Friday, but it is a small class.

magpie said...

so there are two eggs at Dellwo, pretty little bright nest

Dellwo Hummingbird Nest

magpie said...

Sure is some exciting Panda news, mating and maybe babies and all Mits...thanks for the updates...

I need to disappear for awhile...


ceil said...

Mom just came back to hummer nest. Heard her little wings and there she was.
Margy love your picture.

movin said...

cHECK Bai and Diego rasslin and carrying on.

Also, the Hummingbird mother is flitting hither and thither and bringing back building stuff. You can see her implanting the stuff with her beak.

I think it is a brand new nest for this clutch.



hedgie said...

Way to go, Ravens!!!!! 1/2-way there!

hedgie said...

Everybody disappeared!!
Ravens have this one in the bag!!! Whoo-hoo!!
Wanda, don't think you need to worry about seeing a Moose, but da bear is a definite possibility! Haven't seen mine in over 2 yrs. Wish I would now that I have a better camera!

hedgie said...

There sure does seem to be something very wrong about football schedule: they have the Pro-Bowl BEFORE the Super Bowl this year. Makes NO sense. What if someone important on a Super Bowl team ends up getting hurt in the Pro- Bowl?? Rotten!

ceil said...

I agree Lynn don't know what idiot decided to put it before the Super Bowl I thought I heard where some of the players will not go and that is a shame they have earned it.
Good thing I am not a gambler. Would have lost.

Mits said...

nice to see a Ravens win:)........right players who are on the Pro-Bowl team and are in Super Bowl will not play, the alternates will...

paula eagleholic said...

YaY for the Ravens!!

paula eagleholic said...

I think putting the pro bowl first is stooopid! They probably are trying to get more viewers by playing it before the super bowl.

magpie said...

pretty reddish colored deer at Pix Pa...
Delta and Sydney says no live streaming today...
hello everyone again

magpie said...

cam operator at Pix is doing close ups now

Lolly said...

Hi all! It is much warmer today, but I am freezing. Why is that? It is up to 43 and I am like an icicle! Up late last night, slept in this morning, then hustled to get to church on time. Had a lunch at church, then had to catch up on emails. I think now I have collapsed!

I am thinking though,I will get up and mop the kitchen and bathrooms. Maybe if I get up and move around I will warm up. your picture. Amazing! Almost as good as the picture you caught of my submarine periscope. ROFLMBO You go, girl!!!!

magpie said...

decorah is snowy and looks unfeetsied

magpie said...

It's Sunday Lolly, why not take it easy....and just loll around ☺

Lolly said...

Oh, I am taking it easy, but Jack did vacume today and I really should mop after he vacumed. Won't take too long! And, maybe I will warm up. Jack is presently out hauling more wood down and cracking more pecans to shell. I need to do something. lol

Hope to work on more slides this evening. When I come across more good pictures I will post them.

NatureNut said...

Ravens Rule & noe the Cardinals are whippin' up on the Packers.
I thought the Pro Bowl befor Super Bowl was STOOPID, too. Don't need any injuries...
Trying to muster enough energy to do some stuff around here & cook some dinner.
Saw Bob's kitties. Grey one didn't appreciate the washing! You can tell by the "flicky" tail.
Helen, all good wishes for baby Ben--what a shame.

BTW, saw that Capt. Sully plane landing in Hudson Story is on TLC tonight at 9 PM.

magpie said...

That deer at Pix Pa is one of the prettiest I have seen, sure wish that site didn't freeze my computer up go badly.

Jo told me to out and get in the sunshine, beautiful cold winter day never got out of the high 20's here.

Took some pictures, saw some spectacular Sycamores at the local park

Best Wishes for a Good Evening to all
xo hungry now, must eat !

Lynne2 said...

Hi everyone!

Not sure about next Saturday...we had plans but they may have just fallen through. We'd meet everyone up there, but I'll let you know.


I just posted some pictures from today on my blog. We had a Family Outing and Playtime!

magpie said...

thanks for the Sully show alert, Loretta, but I don't think I get that channel, pretty simple set up here at Magpie's Roost

magpie said...

I am quite sure you will find some more good photos! Can't wait!


Lynne2 said...

Prayers for BEN!

Margy, love your "shadow" picture and the footprints too!

Bob, the cat video is really cute!

magpie said...

Thank you Lynne, and I love your Family Outing Photos....was waiting on that! tummy...needs attention

paula eagleholic said...

Great pics, Lynne!'

Like your tree, Margy.

paula eagleholic said...

2 eagles at BWE

floralgirl said...

Ah, and the worst of all, they moved the Pro Bowl from Hawaii to Miami.

Mema Jo said...

Whoa! I was away a long time... How about those Ravens Whoo HOoo!

Family is coming to dinner - We made enough Chili yesterday to feed an army and they're coming tonight!

I'll catch up with you all later.


ceil said...

Lynne great pictures. Daisy is taking over.

ceil said...

There is a deer at the snowman cam

hedgie said...

Panda watch report on DC CH. 4 coming up after commerical!!

hedgie said...

CommerCIAL, that is!

hedgie said...

THe reporter doing the story used to work at the Hagerstown NBC affiliate.

paula eagleholic said...

The news says Mei was inseminated

hedgie said...

Sat. mating was AI was done.

hedgie said...

Lynne, Daisy is lovely!!
Margy, can't help you with footprints---IDK!

Costume Lady said...

How on earth could they tell that info so quickly? HELEN?

hedgie said...

Loretta, I have DVR set for the Sully story. Last night I watched one about Air Florida into the Potomac----seems impossible that it's been 28 yrs. ago.

hedgie said...

Wanda----the HP apparently was not completed!!!!!

hedgie said...

****** interruptus!

hedgie said...

Feeling totally miserable----in my head. Just took an antihistamine, so getting sofa I go. BBL.

Lynne2 said...

oh Lynn, I hope you feel better. My own cough is back. I just can't seem to shake it. It has gone, come back, gone and is now back again. Anyway, I sure hope you feel better by tomorrow!

What is the Sully story?

Capt. Eagle said...

Margy-I think your snow tracks is a squirrel and a racoon. Not 100%

Capt. Eagle said...

Be careful when you are out and about on your own! There are Bob Cats over in that area and they could get nasty!

ceil said...

Gene even when you are not alone don't want to meet up with a bobcat

Costume Lady said...

Lynne, Capt. Sully was the pilot who landed the plane in the water and didn't loose any passengers. Remarkable!

magpie said...

Thank you Captain... I know in the area where I got all the little feetprints, there are muskrats during the warm weather, but nothing happening there in this weather, and I have never seen raccoons when there, because I am there in the daytime! But I do see a little squirrel running around when I am out there.
Thank you...
and it's always fun to see the EE on here !

Bob Cats...hmmmm, well, I guess I better get an Eagle Cane for protection....

magpie said...

We had another question for you last night but Hedgie got some answers out of Google...

Why are deer so much darker in the wintertime....?? Loretta has a relative who was a'wondering ( I think it was NN, but that was last night and I have short term memory)

Lolly said...

Wow! capt Gene was a blogging with his great avatar!!

Jack has a fire going and I got a pot of stew simmering on the stove. Mopped the floors, trying my best to warm up!

ceil said...

Margy I think you need more than an eagle cane.

magpie said...

Someone with a better camera like so many of you on here, could have gotten some really pretty pictures of the Sycamore trees at War Memorial Park in Mbg... such a pretty tree....

Wonder if LoriEaglicious would be able to make the trip to Conowingo?
Not sure I know how to make contact with her...

magpie said...

Yes, Ceil, maybe a Bear would help!☺

ceil said...

Well the bears should be hibernating now.

Lynne2 said...

oh DUH...thanks Wanda...I knew that! I was having some "mentalpause"

Margy, you should always carry, and have easily accessible Pepper Spray when you are out in the woods.

magpie said...

I guess I really should be more cautious...I never stray very far off the main road, sometimes just a little bit onto a's kind of isolated, but, there are homes and people in sight of the bridge

magpie said...

Well, I don't get TLC :(
maybe I should upgrade sometime

magpie said...

Oh nice show on Strasburg RR in PA...on PBS
that's where Thomas the Tank Engine makes an appearance a couple of times yearly

magpie said...

I love that Hudson River Save...such a mangificent feat, and the people involved, were all so good with what they did

magpie said...

I know that is wise advice, Lynne, and I should get one of those little pocket air horns....
so, I will !

magpie said...

Sharon should be watching this show:
It's ALL about trains, real and model trains

magpie said...


When does Frank return?

magpie said...

Eagle has arrived at LW

Costume Lady said...

Lolly was commenting on having a fire in the fireplace...we do also, in the upstairs fireplace, but the alarm is going off near the fireplace DOWNSTAIRS??
Can't get it to stop!!
Don't want to take the batteries out. I think he has a fan running, hope that helps. Have never had this to happen before:(

magpie said...

Here's a quick link:
Lake Washington Eagle Nest

magpie said...

two there now

magpie said...

don't take any chances could be fire in the wall department can come out and use their thermal imaging camera to check !!

You know the number....9-1-1

magpie said...

you can just say, you might have a chimney fire, or, your alarms are going off and you don't know why!

Costume Lady said...

GG was feeling upset again today and said she was going to ask the Dr. if her daily cocktail of MIRALAX could be causeing her nausea. GOOD QUESTION, MOM!
If that should be the cause, don't know what we could replace it with. She calls it her MIRACLE MIRALAX:)

magpie said...

So, want me to come down to your place Wanda?

magpie said...

I often seem to get post #339 -
funny, it is the monitor number for my used-to-be guy at the fire department

magpie said...

You know if that call gets dispatched Hedgie might hear it and she will flip out so tell me if you do call and I'll call her.....

magpie said...

"Hummingbirds in the Air" on PBS at 8 pm - I do get that channel..
Channel 25 here WB PBS

Oh its on Maryland PBS NOW

Costume Lady said...

Alarm is off. Gene discovered the problem. I had the door closed in the rec room and it was causing the downstairs fireplace to suck the smoke from the upstairs fireplace. Have to remember not to close the door after I have finished laundry...MY BAD:)

Costume Lady said...

LOL, Margy you can come down and roast marshmallow or is it marshmellows? One is a flower.

magpie said...

Whew! Thank goodness, no bigger problem....

magpie said...

really cool hummingbird show, probably most of you have seen it before

Costume Lady said...

Yep, glad it was not a chimney fire. That smoke alarm is really piercing...could wake the dead!

Mits said...

Wanda several people are observing when the pandas are trying to complete the act, panda curator and keepers, I watched all day yesterday but never saw them on the cam, not sure what time or how many AI's they did, but have to do them really quickly before the window of opportunity ends

magpie said...

okay on WV PBS - Hummingbirds, Magic in the Air....

dreamy time...

Mits said...

wow, what a football game, but luckily AZ pulled it off, I'm 2 for 2 with my teams today:)

Costume Lady said...

That was a GOOD game, Helen!

Mema Jo said...

It is snowing on Lily in her bear den.
There are 2000 viewers! It looks like a black blur until you see that it is actually breathing.

Chili Dinner was great. Both gs came with mom and dad (son) We really ate up the cornbread!

Lolly I love looking at old pics. Yours are great - My comment was that it is the first I ever saw Jack without a beard! You got a good looking guy..

Costume Lady said...

I have posted a beautiful Christmas Family photo of the Kalis's...Annie, Kevin, Ben, Mollie and Maggie.
I tried so hard to get it enlarged, but no can do.
Small as it is, it is beautiful!
On my SMILES blog:)

Costume Lady said...

Yes, Jo, I second that statement!
I always thought a man with a beard must be hiding something, but Jack is just hiding his good-looks! Lolly probably made him grow the beard so others couldn't admire him;)

Lolly said...

I have not seen Jack without a beard in years! Laurel isw 37 and she does not remember her Daddy without a beard. I do not think he will ever shave it. It is part of him. lol

Mema Jo said...

At 9:00 there is a new Cold Case on TV

I hope that Hedgie's sleep will help her feel better.

Wow Wanda - glad you figured out why the fire detector was going off!

Lolly said...

Love that picture, Wanda. Do wish it was larger.

Lolly said...

I need to scan and post the picture Michael and Ashley sent out. It has a funny picture of Zach, with the caption "You're calling who Naughty?"

Lolly said...

Ok,I went to the cam of Lily the black bear. Can see the bear but also see snow. Why is she not out of the snow? Do not understand.

Lynne2 said...

i was wondering the same thing Lolly, but I guess she knows what she's doing!

Mema Jo said...

Off to the TV

Lolly & Lynne check your mail
Sent you the info I had received on Lily

BBILW (1 hour)

Judie said...

Wanda, love the picture. Hope Maggie and Ben are continuing to get better quickly. Also, happy to know alarm was not a "for real" fire alarm.

Jo, thanks. I forgot about Cold Case so I guess I better type fast.

Darth asked about the cams tonight. Even he's getting anxious to be able to watch our Belle & Lib. Told him Steve is working his buttinski off to get us our EAGLE fix.

On to Cold Case. BBL

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Good evening everyone. Hope all is well with everybody!

Lynne2 said...

Thanks Jo! Oh boy just what I need....another camera to watch! but I love bears!!!

Off to shower so I can watch Brothers and Sisters...

magpie said...

It's about that time for me...
4:15 comes early in the morning.
Time to batten down the hatches.

Prayers for continued recovery for all illness and injury.
Sleep Sweetly Friends.

God Bless Us, Every One
xo ☺ ♥

Mits said...

good Cold Case tonight....good night everyone, big prayers going out for all in need;)

Lolly said...

Nite Jo and Margy! Sweet dreams!

Judie said...

Oh Shirley, sure hope you finished grading papers. It is the MOST unfavorite thing I do. Very frustrating process.

Hi Sharon.

Yep, Helen. Good Cold Case. So glad Jo mentioned it. I would have forgotten.

G'nite Margy. Sleep well until the early morn arrives and you will be awakened by the sound of a speeding TRAIN.

Goodnight everyone. Turning my light off but leaving the night light on for others. Andy, please set the alarm when you come in.

Pleasant eagle dreams!

NatureNut said...

Night Everybody. One Crazy football game w/GB & Cardinals! Just saw the Sully Airplane Story. Remarkable!
My SIL & I Know why deer change coats, he wanted to know How it happens. I guessed genetic/hormonal triggered by either angle of sun's rays, temperature or both. Megan put an informative link on last night about the different coats, but I dpn't know if it went into detail about how this happens. Have to read it again.
Eyes have had it~~~Pleasant Feather Dreams and Wishes for Good Health ;>)

Mema Jo said...

Cold Case was good - that's the only one on for tonight.
Good night all those who have already hit the pillows.
Going to surf around the cams for awhile.

Hi Sharon! Does Train's new schedule
get publicized tomorrow?

hedgie said...

Good night to all. Not feeling much better. Will talk to all y'all tomorrow. Prayers and peace.

stronghunter said...

Two more papers to go. I should be able to do them tomorrow.

Family get-together was fun.

Dishes washed.

Very tired.

Lynn, I hope your are better tomorrow.

Wanda, glad the fire alarm problem was solved.

Judie, I'm with Darth. I want to see the new camera installed.

Good night!

Mema Jo said...

I am heading down the hall.....
Hedgie I sure hope you snap out of this
Shirley - you're doing great giving detailed attention to grading those papers.. I sure hope your students will appreciate all you do.

Good Night All
Remembering so many good friends and family in prayers...
((hugs)) ♥ ♥ ♥

Costume Lady said...

I think the Wrights can go to bed now with no worries of a chimney fire. The smoke downstairs was really bad and Capt. Gene inhaled so much of it that I tried to give him CPR and mouth to mouth resussitation. But that was getting me into trouble, so, I thought I'd better leave well enough alone;)


Just realized we haven't heard from EGGCITED today??
Hope she is home or going home tomorrow:)

Costume Lady said...

Lynn, I'm not liking to hear that you aren't better yet...stay in and stay warm. I can make you some CHICKEN SOUP:) Just holler!

Lolly said...

Sounds like more hp at the Wright residence. CPR? Yeah, right!

Watched a program tonight that I had recorded. Now I am ready to go shower. Have really enjoyed our fire tonight. I finally warmed up!

A quiet week ahead. Looking forward to it.

Night all! Sweet dreams!

magpie said...

Good Morning Eagle ♀'s and ♂'s.
Hope it's a good day for everyone.
Especially, for those not feeling well, Hedgie - you especially.

Sure looks cold and frozen at Finland today...

See you all much later on tonight.
xo ☺ ♥

stronghunter said...

Morning, all! Just a quick hello before I head out to work.

Eleven degrees here this morning. Yikes!

They say flurries tonight.

stronghunter said...

Lynn, please take good care of yourself today.

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

Good morning eagle, panda, and various and sundry other wildlife friends!!!!

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

Lynn, I certainly hope the morning finds you feeling better!!!! Haven't been here for a while, trying to play catch up.

normabyrd said...

GOOD MORNING EAGLE BUDDIES!!---I have watched so much FOOTBALL--my eyes are crossed!!---CONGRATS! RAVENS FANS!!!!---Next wk--COWBOYS are playing the VIKINGS!!---WHOA!--What's a WOMAN to do???---ho!---MORNIN' MARGY & SHIRLEY!!---It is a COOL am here in WILD & WONDERFUL WV!!---temp 12--up to 13° now!!---So 'DANA'---NO SNOW ANGELS TODAY!! ho!---PRAY we will get a glimpse of BELLE & LIBERTY---'that would be a sight for sore eyes'---LET us just put another LOG on the fire & stay warm!!---HUG A PET!--FEED THE BIRDS---FEED THE DEER--SQUIRRELS--& GIVE THANKS FOR THIS WONDERFUL WORLD WE LIVE IN!! LIFE IS GOOD!!!

normabyrd said...

BEAUTIFUL MORNIN' SISSY!!---We have missed you!---Your schools are on 2 hr delay?---TIS' A COOL day here!---still dark!!---WV-NPR NEWS---'some counties have used up their snow days'---what to do??

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

I have been around Norma, lurking. Reckon we will get our new cam this week? Boy, I sure hope so!! It is almost time for an egg to appear, don't want to miss any of the action!!!

normabyrd said...

LYNN2--I may have missed it--but have you gotten any info in regard to your job with the vet?---LOTS OF LIQUIDS & CHICKEN SOUP!---(HUGS FOR DAISY)!---keeping you in my thoughts & prayers!----Talked with a friend yesterday--her sister lives in TERRA ALTA!--don't think about going there--until the melt down happens!!--ho!---maybe JULY!!

normabyrd said...

SISSY!!!---I think we are supposed to get it today--maybe??---can't wait!!!!!!!

normabyrd said...

Our skies are as red as can be???

movin said...

I'm actually up in the middle of the night ... taking meds I missed and shutting the puter down; but ...








normabyrd said...

FINNY---Lots of SNOW & maybe ICE?

normabyrd said...


normabyrd said...

HEY! T-BIRD---Are you up & movin'?---or do you have the day off?

normabyrd said...

Any news from BEN!---have had him in my prayers!!

normabyrd said...

pixPA!---WINDY---few SQUIRRELS & small BIRDS---temp is 10°---w/check later!!

normabyrd said...

CAM is dark at the S-DIEGO site!!

normabyrd said...

LYNN2---'PRESTON CO' only county in WV that schools are closed! ho!----(prayers--you are feeling better)!!

glo said...

Good morning everyone. Wonder what this week holds camera and wildlife wise. Gosh you name it theres a camera watching and folks enjoying. Hope this is a good week for all of us. IF you are sick please please take care and get well soon. We all need to be up and running when the camera is. :-)

normabyrd said...


normabyrd said...

Is DEX still enjoying the snow??--I don't think we will ever see 'green grass' again!!--ho!---STAY BUNDLED!!

normabyrd said...

WANDA---I read you would like to have a BEAR in your woods?????----
DRIVE on I68---They are killing a bear & bears quite often!!!---most crossing the highway!!---(just outside of CUMBERLAND, MD)--

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Good morning. Norma, I have been to Terra Alta. That is without a doubt the top of the world!

It is 2° in Bedford this morning.

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6/5/24 bummer next week cam fix

 Apparently it's not easy repair for the control panel of the tree nest camera. So that said there will be a little bit longer probably ...