Wednesday, October 28, 2009


More rain thread.


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Mema Jo said...


Good Night Wanda

Mema Jo said...

Well look who is already over here.

If you tell what kind of paint you want to removed and from what service I can get you an answer ....

Mema Jo said...

I think it is my bedtime.........

....and from what surface.....

paula eagleholic said...


paula eagleholic said...

Trying to remove paint off of slate

paula eagleholic said...

Looks like NY is gonna lose

magpie said...

Whoa don't go yet Jo...
I wonder if the turkeys don't like the live streaming cam !
I miss those Toms and Hens!

Hi everyone !

magpie said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
magpie said...

Yanks are really getting into trouble now.

Sorry I missed most everyone.
Happy to see there were a couple of later afternoon Eagle Visits and that Diann was able to see them!

magpie said...

Especially sorry I missed Wanda:
boy was James excited, we made the recommended adjustments to his costume and he is good to go!
James met Wanda and Gene one time, in June, and it was a quick visit at their place. All I told him today was that we were going to a costume shop, and that he had been there before. Right out of his mouth he said "Wanda. And Captain Eagle." I about fell over...there was no prompting to this at little cat, he remembers good people like Wanda and Gene.
xoxox ☺

magpie said...

And you know it is almost impossible to shop for yourself when you have a child with you, otherwise I would come away decked out! You oughta see some of the masks there....

Mema Jo said...

Yankees looking bad - would need a HR with bases loaded bottom of the 9th in order to tie.... But those Phillies just may get another run.

I was wondering where you were this evening Margie... Hope you and James
had fun in the costume shop!

Mema Jo said...

Well Phillies did get another run

5 up!

magpie said...

Sounds like there were some pretty high points to today for most...hope that continues Thursday.

Glad Andy's Husband got some good medical relief today...and I've also got those test prayers going as Judie calls them

Good Night, Friends...alarm clock goes off early for work in the morning.
God Bless Us, Every One xo ♥ ☺

paula eagleholic said...

Hitting the hay, catch ya'll tomorrow!

Hugs to all ♥

PA Nana said...

Stop by to say goodnight everyone.
I'm tired tonight and the game will soon be over.

Blessings for restful sleep for all.

See ya tomorrow.

Mema Jo said...

Phillies 6
Yankees 1

Good Night All
Prayers for all our needs/wants
((((hugs)))) ♥

Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Everyone,

Well, Hubby's in bed sleeping, but I bet he's glad the Phillies won. He's from PA! I just got home from school. Thank God, I got a B on last week's test! It is SO hard to remember generic drug names! That's the part of the test where I missed some. I think it's because I'm not actively making use of the information every day--if I were a nurse or a Dr. it would probably be easier to remember what I'd be giving to people. Well, only one more lecture, and then the final exam!
Must go register for next semester tomorrow. Wish I were close to the costume shop! The best costume tomorrow wins $100!! I'm only going to school long enough to register, and don't have any classes, so guess I won't bother. Maybe next year! Margy, it sounds like you and James had a ball at Wanda and Captain Gene's today! Fantastic!

Know what you mean about lame excuses, Shirley. Believe me, I've heard a few since being back in school. It's a cryin' shame!
They're not even trying to be creative about it.

Bird Girl said...

hey everyone!

Ms Bookworm said...

Howdy, Bird Girl!

Good to have you here again!

Before I forget, I want to thank everyone for the 'test prayers' for me today! I really appreciate them--and you! My classes this semester are a couple of doozies, and I'd never make it without a LOT of prayers! God bless all of you!

Bird Girl, how was your day? I'm not caught up on the blog since this afternoon.

Loretta, I LOVE your latest pictures!! Absolutely beautiful!

Ms Bookworm said...

Ah--I do believe we have a SPLIT!

Ms Bookworm said...

You still with me, Bird Girl? Hope you made it! Don't know for sure how long I'll be here tonight. I'm fried after class. Lots of info to burn into my little pea brain for next week. Need to ask for prayers for one of my classmates. She's been out for 2 weeks now with pneumonia! Sure hope and pray she's improving.

Ms Bookworm said...

Oh, boy--I'm about to do a face plant in my keyboard! Guess I'd better hit the dusty trail to dreamland. The night light is on, the porch light is automatic, and the eye scanner is enabled. Anyone coming in late, please don't slam the door. Prayers being said for all needs and for healing where needed; prayers of thanks for our many blessings. Good night all, and sleep tight!
See you in the morning. :o]

movin said...

Check out the new exam blog for Diego ... video below it.


GooD NighT,

GooD LucK for the




magpie said...

It's the Morning, It's the Day. ☼

Hope it's a good one for everyone,
Good Weather and Good Health wishes for everyone...
Happy Wildlife watching, especially for OUR Eagles at NCTC.
Off to work for me soon.
xo ☺ ♥

normabyrd said...

GOOD MORNING EAGLE BUDDIES!---I was trying to scan the blog too fast this am---BUT--I read something about SUZANNE!----What does she have to face---PRAY SHE ISN'T ILL?---I have loved SUZANNE from Day 1!!!!

normabyrd said...

MORNIN' MARGY!---CONGRATS! Our #1 EAGLE MOM--today & every day!! -- MORNIN' BIRD GIRL & 'CHICK'!---a joy to hear from you!!---PAULA--I have watched the Top Chefs for a long time---& love seeing the twins from FREDERICK?--since you told me you knew them!----JIM--I saw DIEGO'S latest exam!--I think he should be called 'SLEEPY'---That little FUZZ BALL sleeps all the time!!----(who wouldn't love that face)---

normabyrd said...

We are truly 'A WILD & CRAZY BUNCH'!!----Some are getting up---some are going to bed---some can't sleep---while others can't wake up!!---But I do believe we are COOL CREW---& seem to to solve all the WORLD'S problems each day!!-- Let us remember to smile often -- do a favor for our neighbor & to hug a tree today!!---LIFE IS GOOD!!

Costume Lady said...


Costume Lady said...

Both are there now:)

Costume Lady said...

Belle has gone and Lib is on his perch...looking to the right, then to the left, right, left...must be waiting on Belle to bring some sticks:)

Costume Lady said...

What a handsome fella he is!

deb said...

I got up to check the weather and see an Eagle!

glo said...

Good morning everyone and eagle in the nest :-)

normabyrd said...

MORNIN' WANDA!---I saw the EAGLE---But missed seeing 2 in the nest!---I am trying to get dressed!---(as always)

Costume Lady said...

Lib looks like a statue sitting there. Has only moved his head a little in 10min.

normabyrd said...

HEY DEB!---Do you have SNOW!!--I saw in the am paper--it's near or on the SD line??

Costume Lady said...

Good Morning, Norma, Deb and Glo. What a treat to see our Lib along with you three ladies!

deb said...


Costume Lady said...

And there is our Belle with a stick!

glo said...

Dex decided we should get up at 3:30a.m. but I am not at all sure why. He has been restless off and on at night now and just needs to know I am awake and right there too I guess. He went back to sleep but I couldn't.

deb said...

Not me, Norma, but the Black Hills are getting hit hard today.

Costume Lady said...

Lib is trying to help place the you know there is going to be trouble:)

normabyrd said...

GOOD NEWS this mornin'!!---GLO IS BACK IN TOWN!!---have missed you & DEX!!---Do you have snow?

glo said...

Our pair is up and busy too I see. Thats fun

glo said...

No snow Norma BUT it did snow here while I was gone. All I have seen except a couple of days this month is rain

Costume Lady said...

Yep, trouble cam pretty quickly. It looked as though Belle ran him out of the nest:)

Costume Lady said...

Glo, I did not know you had a son. So glad you got to visit him. How was your trip?

Costume Lady said...

The sides of the nest are getting higher now. BABY RAILS:)

normabyrd said...

DEB----Paper had a pic of a MOOSE STATUE that is covered in snow!

glo said...

I do believe she has him fetchin the lumber this morning

Costume Lady said...

Both in nest now and Belle has another stick.

deb said...

They are canceling schools in the Hills today, seems too early for that, Norma.

glo said...

Our visit was good Wanda. It went by so very fast. Weather wasn't all that great but we made the best of it for sure.

Costume Lady said...

Lib just took off...let's see if he brings Belle another stick.

glo said...

Wow Deb. WEll keep that snow west a couple more weeks OK. I hope you are feeling better. End of Nov or so the eagles should start heading into the dams here. As cold as its been gettign so early maybe even sooner. I am keeping and eye and an ear out for their arrival.

Costume Lady said...

Do you have just the one grandaughter?

Costume Lady said...

Everyone has left the building...I mean, nest:) Nestorations done for now?

deb said...

I am headed back to bed for awhile, later.

glo said...

Well Wanda grandchildren issues get a little complicated for me. Elia is a gift for sure and even though she is far away I do get to enjoy her voice and stories very regularly. I have 4 grandchildren in Maine that I have not seen for many years, but the oldest has called and now texts occasionally but NOT with her mothers blessing. Its been a rough road and we have missed a lot. She is 16 now and will reconnect on her own time. Has sent many pictures of herself and her brothers this year which is a gift. Then I have 2 step grandsons in Georgia. One is int he marching Band I went to see at their football game. Other enjoys dance. Kind of fun. They are 15 and 17 so growing up too. Elia is a comic and a pure delight. I have Elia stories galore..if you have hours to listen.

Costume Lady said...

Hope you can go back to sleep, Deb.

Costume Lady said...


(whispering) I just looked up the weather for Halloween and it looks to be a beautiful day! 75° and only a 20% chance of rain.

Costume Lady said...

Oh, Glo...didn't mean to open a can of worms:( Glad that some of your grandchildren are contacting you. Life is too short and precious to be disfunctional.

normabyrd said...

GLO---I think way back---your son lost dog?---One of my 1st memories of you & your family!--It was such a very sad time for him & all who knew him!--

Costume Lady said...

My grandchildren are only 25 miles away and I have enjoyed all three of them from day one. They are: 15, 22 and 24. I am soooo fortunate to have all three of them keeping in touch with me on FACEBOOK.
I do have to remember to thank both my daughters for giving me these wonderful grandchildren...if they ever come back home from the beach (sorry Sharon).

glo said...

Yes Norma Tom lost his Lady Bug. Her picture is on the dresser. He got her while he was in the service and when he got out just took her with him She was a stray who had wandered onto the base and right into his heart.

Wanda Its Ok well not really of course but we are dealing with it. I have prayed for them faithfully as they have grown and once those prscious phone calls and text messages and now photos started I knew all was not lost bUT I think Mom is going to make themmiserable as they re-establish contact. She is not a very stable person but somehow by the grace of god the kids have grown and their hearts remember there is more family who does love them and they are eager to share in that when and however they can.

floralgirl said...

Well, your Halloween forecast sounds better than the one I'm reading...
Mostly cloudy. Highs in the upper 60s. South winds 10 to 15 mph with gusts up to 25 mph.
Saturday Night
Showers likely.Lows in the mid 40s Chance of rain 60 percent.
Morning all:) Nice nest visit this morning.

Costume Lady said...

Oh, it has been so good to blog with you all and see Lib and Belle, but I must get this day started. Only 3 more days of this shop stuff:) BBL

Costume Lady said...

Oh, my, Megan...hope mine is right. I got it off of the Weather Channel. Better listen to TV 9.

floralgirl said...

I'm going with yours...

glo said...

So I will leave you with a funny story as Dex and i head over to coffee and dog treats.

About a month ago one of Elia's fish died. She is 4 now. Becky tryign to care for her daughters heart gently says to her."Now Elia you know where Diego ..the name of her fish... is right"?

Elia answered quickly. "Yes Mommy, he's in the toilet with Jesus". And of course Becky couldn't laugh then but it can still makes us all chuckle when we remember that story. We just can't laugh at it in front of Elia . She is a gem for sure . OK time for soem other things. Enjoy your day.

normabyrd said...

WHOA!--GLO---That's so funny---Guessing JESUS was the name of another fish?---ho!-----I have W/CTR this am----It's a cool 55° here this am!!---wishing you & DEX a good day!

normabyrd said...


glo said...

Well no Norma She knows who Jesus is. She believes her fish is in heaven with Jesus but he got there via the toilet. Makes sense to Elia. They never let her see them flush the fish but my guess is another kid form school knows that people flush dead fish down the toilet sometimes. OK off to coffee and dog treats.

Judie said...

Good morning, everyone.

Please have a lovely day!


hedgie said...

Good morning all! So nice to see you all!
Norma, Suz is fine---but her job isn't. Her company lost its contract with the gov't., so she has no idea where/what/if she will be working come Monday. WHoever got contract could hire them, or she can apply for other positions her company might have. She says she will not take an overseas assignment. She's checking in to possibilities at Fort Deitrich, or maybe here in Martinsburg....MTBR.

Mits said...


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9/20/24 am Both/2nd visit solo fish/cam maintenance

  646 arrives to lop 646 down from the lop 647 up to the lop 652 Bella arrives 654 up to the lop 659,  7 o'clock  poof  Scout returns a ...