Thursday, October 15, 2009


Rainy night thread.


Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

Thanks Steve!!! I will go get everyone!!

Mema Jo said...

Thanks Sissy and Steve. The rest should be coming on over!

Night Sissy!
See you tomorrow or Saturday!
Safe Journey

stronghunter said...

Thanks, Steve. Thanks Sissy and Jo.

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

Deb, I am so sorry about the loss of your Sam! That is one of the kindest and hardest things we do as loving pet owners!! ((((((hugs))))))

stronghunter said...

Thought maybe I saw Jack today. Saw a man with a jacket from the balloon festival. Lolly, is Jack still home?

Lolly said...

I want to wish all of you a happy evening tomorrow and an even greater Saturday. So much fun! I will be thinking of all of you!

Those of you who are traveling, please travel safely!!!!

stronghunter said...

Thanks for the good wishes, Lolly.

Mema Jo said...

I am going to try to stay awake to watch Mentalist...


Mema Jo said...

Miss you Lolly but next year we'll have the pleasure of your and Jack's company!

Lolly said...

Yep, he is still with me. Did not float away. Neither did Jacob. He is home and in his bed.

stronghunter said...

I was tempted to ask the man if he was Jack and if he had some pecans for me.

hedgie said...

You gals are cracking me up!
Lolly, sure will be missing you and Jack.
Deb, my sister had to do the same with her elderly cat Rosebud today, too...:(

Lolly said...

Yep, that is the BIG plan. Going to do New England and open house next fall.

Lolly said...

ROFLMBO I can just see the look on that man's face if you had asked him for pecans. ☺

hedgie said...

Jo, don't know whether I can get down earlier than 6:30-7....I'll try, but can't promise. Where will you be?

stronghunter said...

Didn't ask him! Kind of a nice-looking man, too. I had already picked up a pecan pie to take with me tomorrow. Would have baked one if I could. Only thing is, if Kathryn and Susan get hold of it, they will steal it. They are pecan pie thieves. Both of them!

floralgirl said...

Deb, sorry to hear about your dog, Sam. (((HUGS)))

magpie said...

Holey Rainy Moley, I have some catching up to do.

Looks like one of the first things is to send my deep sorrowful thoughts to Deb on the loss of dear Sam...
Deb we are right here with you, and For You.

magpie said...

And Lynn, I am sorry about the loss of your sister's cat Rosebud, a great name for what was surely a Great Cat...
Dear God, bring us comfort....

magpie said...

No, the fruit does not fall far from the tree....went to the library with James in Berkeley Springs this evening. He picked out another book for me, "Flamingos." From a nice series by Carolyn Arnold and Steven Hewitt...(I think those are the names...)

And he got one on Armadillos for himself and one from National Geograhic, A-J, to go with K-Z that he got a few weeks ago. Boy that kid loves to see those animals. Cheetahs, one of his interests, can run 60-70 mph, fast as a car ! ☺

magpie said...

I better say Good Night Wishes for those close to bedtime and already gone that way...before I try to catch up on 100 or so posts.

xo Be Back in a Little While...

magpie said...

I see that JO posted a lovely picture of one of our Eagle this evening too...☺

stronghunter said...

Yes, Lynn. God bless Rosebud.

stronghunter said...

I have a bunch of eagle pictues that have not been put in the album. I am bringing my computer. Somebody can help me post them.

Lolly said... arch enemy!!!! We saw a few good one on our trip. A good one is one who has gone to armadillo heaven!

Would you believe one attacked our yard again while we were gone!!!!

Lolly said...

Shirley, they can show you how to post the pictures so we can see your new furniture.

magpie said...

Damn! I hate to cuss, and I could do worse, just read about Kathryn's friend's father, Shirley.
Stinking criminals...another case of why do Bad Things Happen to Good People! Hope they catch
the B#@%T#@d!

magpie said...

And then we have sweet little Ben and all his family to shower goodness all around.

magpie said...

The weather forecast is about as lousy as could be imagined. We all must lie very still so as to have no impression of a Rain Dance.

So, has Norma made a final decision, is she coming ???? I saw where she was thinking of NOT, due to the weather forecast.

magpie said...

Not sure why the grandson is so interested in Armadillos, except that in first grade they learned about them. He thinks there are what the heck. One more band doesn't matter.
The pictures in his book are neat, including some baby armadillos.
xo How is the back ??

stronghunter said...

They are all on the computer. I assume they have internet access at the Clarion.

Must send in the lesson plan for tomorrow.

magpie said...

My sister Dorset had her first real meal today, Salisbury Steak, Parslied Potatoes and Beets. With her teeny tiny stomach now she could not each much but asked the staff to keep the tray around for a later evening snack.
She is beating the socks off her son in Scrabble, scored 345 last night, got some sort of a triple double on the word " Love . "
Cool, huh, she hopes to go home Friday....

magpie said...

Hedgie glad your cold wet day is over....
I get off work at 6 pm so I will get to Clarion about the same time as you....

Mema Jo said...

Lynn by 6:30 I would be at the Clarion.
I'll see you there.
If I get there around 5:00 and meet up with others, I'll see if we can go by the nest

Lolly said...

Back is doing okay. I am stiff and it is sore, but is has not spasmed. I am presently sitting here with ice on it.

magpie said...

I see that Judie has not solved the Night Bandit problem yet...Wah !
Can you tell I am pumped up from a long afternoon away from the news here.

Just think, all our new and recent new "do's" (hairdos) and we will be getting kinda wet...oh well, cannot squelch beauty with a little rain.

magpie said...

I have something RED to wear Friday night, (including Eagle Beads of Course! ) and I do have to wear the Bibs on Saturday night. That's about as casual and comfortable as it gets !
Want to make sure everyone recognizes me cause I will be late getting my name tag from Lynn.

Also, I have containers (Glad ones) so if we are too stuffed for dessert, we can take some home. ☺

stronghunter said...

Thanks, Margy. I was at the grocery store when Kathryn called me, and it really shook me up. Tracy has worked at that store, too. I don't know how much recently.

Kathryn went home for a little while, but then went back to her friend's house. Another friend came in from North Carolina.

magpie said...

There is internet access at NCTC, in some of the buildings, guess it is for civilian folks like us, Shirley. ☺

Ms Bookworm said...

Good Evening, Everyone!

Well, gang, my house is about as clean as it's going to get! I'm SOOOO done with housework!

Now the house is clean, but I'm grubby--gotta go shower and watch "Grey's Anatomy" and "Private Practice". The kids' plane was delayed 40 minutes in Dallas Fort Worth, so they won't get here till at least 9:30pm at John Wayne. They go to SIL's parents' first, then to our house.
Should be pretty late. CAN'T WAIT!!! (Oops--there I go again!)

Shirley, prayers for your daughter's friend and her family.
What on earth gets into some people lately? Buncha nut cases out there! So sorry to hear about what happened.
Prayers for your sister, Lynn, in the loss of Rosebud. Such a tough thing to do. What a heartbreak!
Well, gotta go shower and scrape the dirt off. (Won't let the house get to such a state again!)
God bless all of you, prayers being said for everyone. Will try to get back here in the morning.
G'night, all! :o] :o] :o]

magpie said...

And I am wanting to know if that baby of Ceil's with 11 toes still has 11 toes.

magpie said...

Good Night, Andy, and best wishes for a Stellar Visit with the family
Bet the house looks and feels wonderful. ☺ Enjoy.

Which reminds me, I wonder how Glo's visit with her family is going !

Mema Jo said...

Margy there could be snow up in Romney.. That would make Norma hesitate about coming down. I hope the sun peeks through!

hedgie said...

Margy, glad you had a fun afternoon/evening.
Think it's going to be cool enough tomorrow that I can wear my only "going-out" presentable red top!

Less than 24 hrs. until our fun begins!!

Mema Jo said...

I am going to call it a night knowing it will be FRIDAY when I awaken!
Whoo Hoo!

Good Night All
Peace to you & yours
Prayers for many many persons!
(((hugs))) ♥

Lolly said...

Good night all! I am thinking of heading to bed!

Sweet dreams!

magpie said...

Thanks, was a wonderful evening, and boy are the colors spectacular in Morgan County.
James is a Breath of Fresh Air, for sure.

I better say another round of Good Nights, got a few loose ends to tuck in and must get to bed, work at 6 am....will be on in the morning for some Safe Travel Wishes.

xox God Bless Us, Every One and special prayers for all new needs posted here today, and all the ones we have been praying for in times past ♥

magpie said...

Expect Wanda to jump on with some of the last and great greetings as she has been doing in the last few days. Working her Tiger Tail off, no doubt!

hedgie said...

Well, gang, my day is now going on 18 hrs. long and I am just plain whipped. I will see you in the morning---hoping no one wakes up to SNOW. Prayers for all and thankfulness for answered ones.

hedgie said...

P.S. Andy, bet you all stay up all night!!! Have fun, kiddo!
Really don't think that ground surfaces are cold enough to worry about snow sticking on roads! Hope Miss Norma doesn't stay home!!

stronghunter said...

I agree, Lynn. I wouldn't think snow would stick on the roads, but do want to get there before dark.

Finished the lesson plan and e-mailed it. I am on the sofa. George is on the recliner. Needed to sit at sofa to manage textbooks to do plans.

Really convenient. You just attach the lesson plan to the sub request online. I always send copies to dept chair and teacher across the hall just in case.

stronghunter said...

Know you are getting excited, Andy!

Costume Lady said...

You are right, Margy...I'm dragging tail. So wet and cold, customers stayed away today, for the most part...had a few buyers.
I feel really badly for Megan and her HEAD HAUNCHO job. Must be very frustrating. Need to plant a roof of some sort over the maize next year (Morning Glories, Hummingbird Vine, etc. LOL

Our BACHELORETTE CUSTOMER NEVER SHOWED UP, but I did get a weird phone call from a young man who claimed he was joining a fraternity and was being HAZED. He had two females with him and was suppose to put on a show for them with instructions from me as to what to do. I thought he was serious, because we do have Shepherd University down the road. I told him to dance for the girls (maybe that is why it is raining!)
He then asked if he should take his clothes off and was I interested in his MEASUREMENTS! I told him "This conversation is over!" Lord have mercy!

JUDIE, it is not GENE who is doing carpenter work...that would be JACK. I think that I can guarantee you that by the end of the weekend, you will not get Gene mixed up with Jack:)

Thanks to Helen for sharing those wonderful family photos with us. Beautiful family...anxious to see all of them together with the M&M sisters:)
Aunt Ceil, you are a lucky duck...holding Benjamin for an hour!

Need some sleep. Hope Margy went to bed, she needs more sleep also!


Deb, hope the pain of losing Sam gets less every day. It's almost the way I would imagine losing a child!

Anonymous said...

Now all good people should be in bed along time ago. I guess that is why I'am still up. Well guess what! I'am going to bed to, then no one should be on here. Nite all have a good one.............

stronghunter said...

Good night, Crunch.

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

Morning eagle buds!!!! TGIF! Heading that way this afternoon, wish it would be early enough to eat with ya'll tonight, but we will see you bright and early Saturday morning, rain and all!!

magpie said...

Okay Sisseroo...
See you at dinner Saturday night, Welcome in Advance to Martinsburg....Safe Travel Wishes to you and the Gang...

magpie said...

Best Travel Wishes for all, for those heading up our way here in the Eastern Panhandle...I see the weather did not improve overnight...

And for those not traveling, Best Wishes for a Safe Day for you too.

See you very much later tonight...I got to start getting out the door pretty soon....working 6 am to 6 pm today, then going to the Clarion for dinner. Looking forward to seeing "old" friends and meeting new ones.

Those coming to the dinner and coming up for the week-end:


And everyone, reminder this is RED Friday.

Happy National Boss's Day !

Prayers being said for all the things we have on our list.

xoxo ☺ ♥

normabyrd said...

GOOD MORNING EAGLE BUDDIES!!---Our weather is lousy here & snowy rain forecast this weekend!!---There has been snow dusting in county--but the worst of this stuff is the 'foggy soup' one has to worry about!!---Guess it just wasn't meant to be----SORRY---I WAS SO LOOKING FORWARD TO SEEING ALL OF MY 'FAVORITE' FOLKS!! --- WISHING YOU ALL A SAFE JOURNEY!!---ENJOY!!

ps---I was so looking forward to my salmon dinner--ho!---I have eaten that every time I have been there for dinner!!----WATCH SUZANNE!!---SHE ORDERS 2 DINNERS EACH TIME!! ho!---think one is taken home for GYPSY!!! (guess I will be dining on cheese & crackers)---LUV YA ALL!!

normabyrd said...

Where are BABY BEN'S photos posted?

normabyrd said...

DEB!---I truly feel your pain--I am terribly sorry to read about SAM---bet your other dog feels lost too-----hope you can find another dog soon----

normabyrd said...

ANDY---Wishing you an AWESOME WEEKEND too!!---Love grand-kids--they are #1 at my house too!!

normabyrd said...

WOW SISSY!---I like your new AVATAR!----BEAUTIFUL!!!!

normabyrd said...

MARGY!---I am delighted to read DORSET is feeling much better!--PRAISE THE LORD!---Bet you feel like DANCING too!!----COOL NEWS!!

Mits said...

Good morning everyone, have a great weekend...

Mits said...

Norma, I set out to people whose emails I have....your email is not working

Mits said...

Mei and Tian are sitting side by side, up against the wall eating bamboo

floralgirl said...

BOTH eagles are in the nest!

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

We have two eagles in our nest!!!!

Mits said...

eagle BWO

Mits said...

thanks, I never have the still up till I hear a call to eagles

Mits said...

they look wet:)

stronghunter said...

Good morning.


Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Good morning my eagle budlets. Tomorrow is our big day, minus a few and that makes me sad! :(

1/6/25 PM Fish

 🐟  2:47 PM both eagles come to the nest.  Bella is screaming with the delight of a meal that he has brought in to the nest for her! He man...