Wednesday, October 28, 2009


More rain thread.


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normabyrd said...

THANKS STEVE! for the NEW thread on this rainy morning---Will bring the CREW over!!---HAVE A GLORIOUS DAY!!

Mits said...

good morning everyone...Thanks Ceil for the call-over:)have a good one.

magpie said...

Hello new thread people...did anyone lose their still cam?
can't get into the site right now...
wah ! Preceded by a black screen

ceil said...

Morning all. Still drizzly and dreary here. Love this weather. Good day to catch up on things let undone with the good weather.
Andrea prayers for hubby. Hope he gets well soon.

Mits said...

Margy, have not even turned that one on yet.

normabyrd said...

MITS!--MAGPIE!--CEIL!----I found the new thread & then my computer FROZE---& GOOGLE would 'NOT' let me back in----i finally made it---sorry for any confusion---

Mits said...

no confusion here:)I knew where I was:)

magpie said...

it's probably something minor but I will send Steve an email about it...

normabyrd said...

Anyone else having with GOOGLE coming on, etc---?

Mits said...

Margy, it is the FWS that is down, he has nothing to do with that....he said on one of the early week headings, that they were working on it...

magpie said...

I'm ok with Google Norma, just cannot open up FWS site for still cam :(
Maybe the Eagles did it !

magpie said...

ok then I won't

magpie said...

but Thanks for the New Thread Steve, and Ceil for the announcement ☺

normabyrd said...

MITS--your are lucky!!---DIEGO has had his 9th exam!---GRUNTED when he received his shot!!---They already have something like 6,331 names as of time of exam!!----


now must get dressed for study group!!---later--w/be greater!!
(high school slogan)---I am regressing!!--

hedgie said...

Bringing over from old thread since I posted last after you all left!!

hedgie said...
Ho, Normabyrd----think I meant farrier not furrier last night!!!! But you know what I meant!
Have no idea if gallyknipper is an official word for those crazy fliers or not, but they do look exactly like a mosquito about ten x bigger!!!! But they don't bite!!

Great news on u/e benefits, Andy!!!
As for hubby....he should also be taking Mucinex DM!!! Most doctors recommend that anytime someone has chest congestion. It's over the counter, and I take it everyday to help prevent anything from thickening up!

In case you are not on Suzanne's email list: ALERT! DO NOT SEND HER ANY MORE
EMAILS at work! Only use her yahoo address. Her company has lost its contract with the government and she has no idea where or what she will doing probably until next week!! If you need her yahoo address, email me and I will send it to you.

Wednesday, October 28, 2009 9:00:00 AM

Ms Bookworm said...

Thanks for the new thread, Steve, and for the call over, Norma!

I took a couple of minutes to find some of the pictures from the kids' visit. Here's one of our 11 yo gd Courtney, and 3 1/2 yo ggd Sierra, in their Halloween costumes. They got to trick or treat at Disneyland when they went there.

magpie said...

Holy Smokes, Lynn..okay...thanks...that sounds like a cliffhanger !

Andrea, great pictures of the kids ☺

Sun shining now, wasn't expecting it, wish skies had cleared sooner for an ISS flyover view...

Ms Bookworm said...

Hubby is taking regular Robitussin, which I think is the same thing. When we went to buy some Mucinex, they were out of it!
Dr. said not to get the DM variety, because Hubby needs to keep coughing to get that gunk out of there. Maybe later, when he's cleared up more, we can do the DM stuff. BTW, prayers for protection for our gd and ggd would be MUCH appreciated. Daughter doesn't trust the swine flu vaccine, and hasn't gotten them vaccinated yet.

hedgie said...

No sun here, Margy!!! Put up the blinds, please!!!

normabyrd said...

HEY! HEDGIE!!---a FARRIER is a person that trims the hoofs & puts on the horse's shoes, etc---

hedgie said...

Andy, lovely pic of your girls!!! They are so cute. My BFF had her grands trick and treating at disdney last Thursday night! Bet it was fun for all!

Ms Bookworm said...

Well, I'm about ready for some coffee. The Godiva chocolate variety is calling my name! Be right back....

Ms Bookworm said...

Well, shoot, Lynn! That's the night our cuties were at Disney! Small world, isn't it?!

Ms Bookworm said...

...There will be a short pause while I go make some coffee. I am starting to yawn! BRB... ;o]

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Okay, I found you all. You cannot hide from me!

I have a junco this morning. I so love those little birds.

magpie said...



paula eagleholic said...

My cam is up and running!

magpie said...

Well, good, it was down for about 40 mins....I think Steve performed the Miracle...maybe the Eagles just wanted a little privacy...

he just wrote back to me to confirm it was back up.
Thanks Steve!

hedgie said...

Yep, Norma, I know---I misstyped it last night!!
Good thing about Mucinex, Andy, is not having to taste that sweet syrupy stuff---which for those who are diabetic is a no-no (like my SIL!).

magpie said...

BWO is up and running too

And that Dunedin is nice, but I agree, it times out way too fast!

Hope you have a good day Paula.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Now that is a crisp pic of our nest!

paula eagleholic said...

Lowreeda - Greg's pics were wonderful!

magpie said...

I wouldn't try to hide from you because I have not been talking about the Beach, or going there, or having been there. ☺

Ms Bookworm said...

Boy, you are SO right, Lynn, about the Mucinex not tasting yucky! I'm sure we would have gone with it if they'd had some! I can't take regular Robitussin either. We did see a sugar-free variety, though. I was surprised!

Good Morning, Sharon! I've been missing my 2 Oregon Juncos lately. I think they must have migrated or something. I love those little guys too! They have really cute personalities.

magpie said...

So, what is a snuffin or a snuggin or whatever it is that you won this morning?

Ms Bookworm said...


You'll be happy to know that when the kids and Hubby went to the B____ last week, I stayed home and studied for my test.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

A Snuggie is a blanket with sleeves!

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Good for you Andrea. Nobody needs to be going to the beach this year anyway! :)

Ms Bookworm said...

Can't believe I forgot to mention--there was another raccoon "circus" going on on our roof again last night! Sounded like a herd of buffalo stampeding around!

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Is our cam view different?

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Okay, just compared and it is not different but it sure looked different there for a minute!

Mits said...

deer at okie cam

Ms Bookworm said...

I don't think so, except it seems to be in really sharp focus. It might look different because Belle and Lib have added some more sticks to the right side, which was looking kinda low before.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Well, I dreamed last night that my Mrs. Towhee was inside the house. Have to find out what a dream like that means.

Mits said...

means you need to shut your window.

Mits said...

breezy up in Maine

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Bird in house: Hope that something interesting or new will enter ones life; a wish for new love; a new idea; an intuition or precognition; a new person or event entering your life; something trapped in you that seeks freedom. Hmmmmm???

paula eagleholic said...

Lil birdie at BWO

magpie said...

maybe an Evening Grosbreak Paula ?

magpie said...

I think I oughta open up all the windows and remove the screens then Sharon...

magpie said...

new or interesting would be money, lots of it... I don't really need all that other stuff.

time to disappear, See you all later.


paula eagleholic said...

I have no clue, Margy

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

LOL, that is right, Margy!

magpie said...

me either, just a wild guess based on one view..

if those leaves are gone from OUR nest when I return I know I will have missed something important - or else the wind picked up


Ms Bookworm said...

Veeeerrry interesting, Sharon! Say, I've been meaning to ask how the TRAIN tour is doing. Hope the flu hasn't been too rough on them!

hedgie said...

Sharon, remember the Witches' bird from Nancy Drew book?????? Don't recall the story/meaning anymore, but know that my sis pooh-poohed the whole thing so derisively that I managed to enlist my dads' help and we made it sound like it was at her bedroom window---and got her good!!!

Ms Bookworm said...

Oops--Hubby's up and wandering around. Better go see how he's doing. BBIALW.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Andy, they had to cancel a couple of shows. They are back on tour but I don't think Pat is better yet. Got a twitter this morning that said he still felt a little ill. Just so he is better by 11/15! :)

hedgie said...

I just can't stop looking at Loretta's pictures......they are just SO awesome!!!

Mema Jo said...

Good Morning All! Boy I am late this morning. I've been reading emails and comments... something I said I wouldn't do first thing in the morning.

Love the pic Andrea! Dr had me on 2 tabs of Mucinex DM (am and pm)and it sure kept me loose with the cough. I also use Tussin DM (diabetic brand with no sugar) and it works great.

I have never seen them bring in the 'floor' leaves - must be nice to get new floor coverings!

Sun is shinning - calling to me to go outside and do something! Mits will you be on the cameras at the zoo today - if so give us your best shot!

I know it has been mentioned earlier by Lynn - But again won't hurt. Offer up your prayers for Suzanne to have faith and to accept what lies in her path because it is put there by the Lord. Thanks

Mema Jo said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Mema Jo said...

Looks as though I am in 'Double Trouble' this morning.... The deleted comment is my duplicate.....

Mits said...

I'll do my best, Jo

Mema Jo said...

Lynn - Loretta's eagle pics
I would still be standing under that tree - rain or shine - until he took off. They are beautiful shots!

I also wish our Deb had time to get
her camera out! I know she misses it!

Mema Jo said...

Need to go over and send some e-cards....
All family b-days this November - about 4 grandkids and no Momsters!
I bet there is a Momster/Dadster somewhere with a Nov b-day!

floralgirl said...

The sun is shining here:)
And I just opened the windows so a bird can fly in-I'll take the cash too......

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Sorry kids but the bird fly-in is only for your dreams, not in real life. Somebody is fixin' to kick the bucket if it actually happens.

floralgirl said...

Holy crap.....I gotta close the windows.......

Mema Jo said...

Sharon That's an old wives tale
I've never had an actual bird fly in my house. Thank Goodness in case it
is true.


Mema Jo said...

Is the hay wagon not moving today, Megan?

floralgirl said...

No hay rides today, Jo. Just too muddy, got stuck yesterday the first ride we tried. Hoping maybe tomorrow or Friday we'll be good to go again. Only mother nature knows. Had two small groups today and we made it work as best we could.

PA Nana said...

Hi everyone! I'm off to physical therapy and hope to be back in better shape then when I leave.

... later

Judie said...

Really good news, Andy.

Sharon, don't listen to the old wives tales. Dr. Freud would say you just need to board a TRAIN headed for the BEACH to have S__.

Judie said...

Lynn, please send along some info. on the 15 year old accused of homicide.

paula eagleholic said...

Hey was your trip to Blackwater yesterday?

ceil said...

Someone mentioned big mosquito We used to call them Jersey mosquitoes. Don't know why.
Got to tell this story. Whenever we got a fly in the house Mom would say that damn fly. Helen thought it was the name of the fly. She cussed at an early age.

hedgie said...

Sun is shining!!!!

Mits said...

lol...still do:)

ceil said...

Paula it was great. I was in heaven. Six eagles.
Hey I offered Suzanne my job. Wishing her the best.

Mits said...

that is the name I was trying to remember...Jersey mosquito..don't know where the name came from, but that is what we call them.

ceil said...

Are you not suppose to be at the zoo?

Mits said...

just cam duty today....4 till 7

ceil said...

Always ask your middle sister. She remembers

Mits said...

that is got the memory bank:)

ceil said...

Jim is at work and I promised myself to get moving on this house and now that I am retired again. BBL

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Just found out that a friend I sat beside in the meeting yesterday has H1N1.

magpie said...

I would say WOOF but feel like I should say OINK, Sharon....hope you got mean genes to deflect any harmful germs...otherwise I know you are a nice person

magpie said...

We had two officers do a welfare check on a lady who had not reported for work...when they left they wanted it noted on the call info that they had just been exposed to someone who has Swine Flu....the lady they went to check on.

magpie said...

Small bird holding in tne nest at Maine must have strong talons

the light play on our nest is pretty amazing...

magpie said...

Just shake a leg Ceil and pretend you are doing housework. Works for me, besides you are still on an Eagle High...

magpie said...

Mits, hope you have a fun day at the zoo

See you all later, bet I miss the Eagles...time for me to make like a Tree and Leave

Best wishes for a good day in all our Eagle corners

xo ☺ ♥

floralgirl said...

Have a good day Margy:)

hedgie said...

Sharon,pop the Vit. C, get some Airborne swabs, don't touch your face, use saline up your nose, sleep, and eat healthy!! Praying that you don't come down with it!

hedgie said...

Oink, Margy!! Love it!

hedgie said...

Think those officers are trying to hedge their bets for a workers' comp claim??? Don't think it will fly--- no way to prove that they weren't already infected prior to work-related exposure!!! Sorry, guys. S.O.O.L.!!

Mema Jo said...

Wow! finally got a Nov birthday !

Mark your calendars for NOV 1

Andrea's Birthday!

Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Gang,

Just tried to post on the blog, and got dumped! No idea what happened to my comment. Somewhere in cyberlimbo, I guess.

Hubby has left to go to his Dr. Appt., so I'm going to vacuum while he's gone. Easier without him underfoot. ;o]

Sharon, I've heard that folks in our general age group don't need to worry quite as much about swine flu. If we lived thru the swine flu epidemic in the late 60s, we have at least partial immunity to it, as long as our immune systems are not compromised. The young folks are usually harder hit by it. Hope Pat keeps improving! God help him if he's not OK by the 15th!!

Ms Bookworm said...

Gotta go vacuum--BBIALW...

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

My friend that has the flu is 37 I think. They are giving the vaccine to ones 4-49 in Bluefield.

Ms Bookworm said...

My Dr. said she'd give me the vaccine because I just made the age limit, and I have diabetes type 2. No supplies available here yet, though. Got my regular flu vaccine on Monday. That should jump start my immune system.

Ms Bookworm said...

Hope Hubby gets over his 'crud' soon, so he can get a H1N1 vaccination when it's available. What he has now isn't it.

Ms Bookworm said...

Just got a text msg. from Hubby that they're going to give him a breathing treatment, and a shot, and will renew his expired inhaler Rx. Sounds like a good start!

Mits said...

got my flu and shingle shot Monday, told doc I'm not getting the H1N1 shot, he said he was not either:)

Ms Bookworm said...

Better skedaddle and vacuum before Hubby gets home! BRB...

hedgie said...

Andy, I heard that anyone born before '50 has a good chance of having immunity. Deadly 1918 flu was of same strain, then one in 50's or 60's and early 70's........but, of course, if currently compromised in any way, need more protection...sure wish they would hurry up and get vacc here, cause gotta admit it scares me----I know how bad I can get with just a cold. Feel sure that flu would kill me.

Lolly said...

Good afternoon! Have tickets for the Nutcracker! Got great seats at half price! Wahoo! Paid $40 each instead of $80. Having a press pass is great. You get a press pass when you pay for your newspaper a year at a time.
So, Dec,. 22, Laurel and I are having girls night out. Too bad I do not have a granddaughter. Anyone want to lend me yours?

Cleaned the interior of our van yesterday and my back is acting up again. I was beginning to have no problem and I am walking bent over once again. Grrrrrr!!!!

Leaving in a couple of hours for Dallas. Guess Jack will be bathing Zach this evening,

hedgie said...

It's that time again!!!

Halloween Hangman

hedgie said...

And don't forget this one!

Cat Bowling

hedgie said...

Oh, sorry your back is "back"----please be careful!!
I'll send you my grands---they love musicals, but haven't been to the ballet yet!

paula eagleholic said...

It takes 2 weeks for the swine flu shot to become effective in your body...

Lolly said...

Thanks Lynn! Laurel has never been to the Nutcracker so she will really enjoy it. Jack and I have been several times. Just going to Bass Hall is a thrill and expecially at Christmas. And, I am very jealous of folks that are there with little girls.

paula eagleholic said...

Here's a link to info about the swine flu from the CDC

CDC Info

Ms Bookworm said...

Aha! The vacuuming's done, and the carpets look good. SO glad we had them cleaned before the kids' visit! Need my head read for getting light beige carpet! What was I thinking?!

paula eagleholic said...

I took both my boys to the Nutcracker when they are about 13 and 7 or so. They loved it!

Lolly said...

Yes, I wonder the same, Andy. We have light green carpet. Next carpet will be varigated! I have to keep a rug and a towel by the back door. And, to top it off, we have a long hair fluffy black cat.

Mema Jo said...

Thanks for all those links, Lynn

Loved the games and Alexis loved the bowling game - she is coming up this evening so you sent it just in time. I play the Hangman.

As I said I got my H1N1 this past Saturday and now hubby got a call to go get his at Family Dr this Sat. I sure hope that does the trick and gets us both through this.......

Lolly said...

I Joseph might enjoy it, but want to wait until both boys are a little older. I think just 5 and just 9 might be too young, especially Jacob.

Mema Jo said...

I had gone to the Nutcracker with granddaughter when she was an early age. She loved it and so did I!
I wouldn't mind seeing it again...

Lolly said...

Dryer just stopped. Gotta go take care of that load and put another in.


Mema Jo said...

Lolly - they would love the Sword fighting with the mouse - that is their age level! Sorta scared my gd
when that scene began. Best thing you can do is READ the story to them so that when they are ready they will understand. That's what my daughter did...

Mema Jo said...

Cam pic is so very clear......
Now all we need are some nest visits...


Mema Jo said...

Just to mention:
Beginning Saturday, October 31, through Tuesday, November 3, you’ll see the final five names, and you’ll get to vote once for your favorite name. We will have the Chinese characters, the name in pinyin, and, of course, the English translation.
Yeah for Diego!

Ms Bookworm said...

I'm with you, Lolly. I think maybe a dark brown tweed of some sort.

Mema Jo said...

Groundhog at PIX PA woods

Now I'll BWILW

hedgie said...

Me, myself and I prefer light-colored carpets so that I can see 8-legged critters easier!

Ms Bookworm said...

Darn, we only get to vote for a name once? That's a shame.

hedgie said...

Just heard from the lady at open house who asked me take to her pic with the screech just sent them to her...hope she is pleased with the shots. She is a local person.

Ms Bookworm said...

Hmmm, good point, Lynn! VERY good point! Maybe I should just consider wood floors in a light color. Wouldn't mind having them at all. Supposed to be good for folks with hay fever, too....

Ms Bookworm said...

Well, just heard from Hubby. He sounds MUCH better after a breathing treatment, and is going to get an inhaler refill. Has an appt. for follow up in 4 weeks. If not continuing improvement, go in sooner. Sounds good to me.

Ms Bookworm said...

I'd better run for a while--gotta make some hot chicken noodle soup for lunch. That should do Hubby some good, too! BBL....

ceil said...

When I was talking with the lady at Blackwater I told her that Lib and Belle are our eagle names. She said they name theirs. I said I know. She said she still calls them by the names she gives them.
Would you believe MM doctor told her she is not a candidate for the N1Hi shot.

Lolly said...

Wood floors are nice, but I do prefer carpet. You have a point about seeing critters on the light colored carpet, but every little thing shows up, Do have to keep it cleaner that way. Sigh......

ceil said...

I have hardwood floors downstairs and carpet in the bedrooms. Love the hardwood floors. We had two big dogs at one time Hardwood was much easier than carpet.

PA Nana said...

Good afternoon everyone. Back from PT and not feeling too good. The first visit is always hardest because they have to passively move your arm around to make various measurements. ouch. I have a list of exercises to do on my time and am expected to see the therapist 3 times a week for 4 weeks. I hope I can endure ...

Were our eagles in today? Did I miss them again? Keep the cam up on the screen while I'm in the living room but have to leave sometimes and I think that's when they decide to make an appearance.
Just my luck.

Blessings around to all not feeling well and a protective shield for those exposed to the nasty bugs.

... later

PA Nana said...

Good afternoon everyone. Back from PT and not feeling too good. The first visit is always hardest because they have to passively move your arm around to make various measurements. ouch. I have a list of exercises to do on my time and am expected to see the therapist 3 times a week for 4 weeks. I hope I can endure ...

Were our eagles in today? Did I miss them again? Keep the cam up on the screen while I'm in the living room but have to leave sometimes and I think that's when they decide to make an appearance.
Just my luck.

Blessings around to all not feeling well and a protective shield for those exposed to the nasty bugs.

... later

hedgie said...

Kids are bringing home permission slips today for H1N1 vacc to be given at our school, during school hours.

Mema Jo said...

Lynn Is it the shot or mist?
All school ages?

hedgie said...

Diann, since you've been through this before, you know what to expect---which probably made it harder on you!! Sometimes fear of the unknown is easier than knowing!! But, yep, first go 'round is the worst. Ice it and take a pain pill now to quiet down the disturbance!! Hang in----you know it gets easier!
Don't think anyone has seen our birds today. They were proabably there when the cam was down this AM!!
Ceil, hopefully the vaccine will be more readily available soon and MM can get it at the senior center or a drug store!

paula eagleholic said...

Can't wait to see what the names are for Diego!

Mema Jo said...

Alexis aka Meatball is here! Gymnastics is 5-6. Then it's the spaghetti dinner. Hubby brought her up and those were the first words out of her as she bolted in the door..
Spaghetti for supper!!!

I guess I'll survive and be back
later this early evening.

Watch for those birds.......

hedgie said...

It's the injection, Jo. All school ages. Apparently a few schools at a was done yesterday. Some on schedule for the 5th---rest of schedule not posted yet...

hedgie said...

Re-reading----says vacc and mist---but newspaper article said it was injectioin yesterday. Sent you the email daughter got, Jo.

floralgirl said...


Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Beautiful eagles! Thanks Megan!

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...


paula eagleholic said...


Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Wonder who is who in the nest? JK!

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

They are just taking it easy!

paula eagleholic said...

I think Belle is waiting for Lib to come back with some lumber

paula eagleholic said...

Look at those big ol talons!

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

I think so too!

paula eagleholic said...

Guess not! Belle poofed!

paula eagleholic said...

I just love how much they protect their territory!

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

He was not working fast enough!

paula eagleholic said...

She'd better get out that eagle cane!

floralgirl said...


paula eagleholic said...

I see her! :)

floralgirl said...

Still there sitting in the middle of nest,

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Thanks again Megan. I would have missed it both times if you had not alerted me!!

floralgirl said...

ANd poof!

floralgirl said...

No problem:)

PA Nana said...

Finally! Saw one of our eagles. Yipee!

paula eagleholic said...

Makes the heart sing, doesn't it Diann?

paula eagleholic said...

Heading home, catch ya'll later

glo said...

Hi everyone. Guess I missed the nest visit for tonight. I need to get back in the habit of getting the cam on early am and suppertime pm. Hope everyone had a great day.

stronghunter said...

I did a very quick scan of the posts and am logging in to say hi. I have to finish writing a big test on literary terms for tomorrow. Then I have to work on my blogging class.

Had a student come in to retake a test this afternoon. She was not happy when I told her I would not allow her to take the test until she had finished her study guide. Imagine that! I thought she should study before taking the test again. Maybe if she had done the study guide to begin with, she would have made better than a 48% the first time.

NatureNut said...

Evening Everyone!
We actually had some sun today, but didn't see any animals at Chelsea farmhouse office.Saw some neat trees and later the background was a charcoal sky. Got some pics. Hope you saw my eagle in yesterday's rain pic. Good lesson~~~take your camera everyday~~never know what might appear!
See the World Series is starting. so BBL ☺

stronghunter said...

A gallinipper is another name for a crane fly. We just always called them gallinippers, and I just like the word. They look like large mosquitoes.

Anonymous said...

For all locals. Power outage locations. Web site On your state and county click on the little Plus sign for the town and other info.

Anonymous said...

Doe checking out pumkin at snowman cam

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Gang,
Gotta head out to school soon. Have been studying and studying, but having trouble remembering generic drug names! Please pray that I'll remember them tonight!
Much appreciated! The only way I'll remember is if the Lord brings them to remembrance! I'll be back after school to see what's happening & check in. Have a great evening! :o]

Judie said...

Hi everyone,

Andy, I know you're just going to do your usual best and ace the test. Test prayer coming your way.

Shirley, boy can I relate. Student told me he didn't do well on the critical thinking assignment because I didn't tell him what he was supposed to think. Grrrr!

Turning my light out. Will leave the night light on for others

Sleep well and sweet dreams.


hedgie said...

Goodnight, Shirley and Judie. Can't believe what you all have to put up with sometimes. Students have no sense of responsibility.

Crunch, thanks for link.....won't be able to use it tho' IF power goes out!!! LOL!!

hedgie said...

Andy, know that you are doing well on your test about now!!

hedgie said...

Lowreeda, have been looking at your beautiful picks off and on all day---they are jsut so great. Sent Bob Quinn an email w/ link so that he would be sure to see them!!

stronghunter said...

Isn't it amazing how things get to be our fault, Judie? They get really creative with the excuses they come up with--sometimes.

Sometimes even the excuses are pretty bad. I had two girls a couple of years ago who went to my administrator with the complaint that I had not given them enough time to write their research papers.

They gave her a date they said was the first time I had even mentioned the paper and handed her papers to support their claim. The papers had dates on them that showed they weren't telling the truth. I try to teach students to support their claims with evidence. Boy did they blow that one! The administrator told them they were being ridiculous.

stronghunter said...

Wish our students were as serious as Andy.

paula eagleholic said...

Adults are way better students than kids!

stronghunter said...

They certainly are.

Mema Jo said...

Adults has the advantage over the kids like Age, Maturity, Purpose... Kids don't have all that going for them yet but I'm sure you, Shirley, do your best to get them at least to mature by accepting responsibility and getting them started to have a purpose if at all possible.

Mema Jo said...

Alexis had a good gym session! She told me later she was going to put me in Time Out! I swear I didn't do anything! lol

stronghunter said...

You are so right, Jo. And, to be fair, I do have students who work hard and are serious about their studies. I enjoy them, and I enjoy seeing kids grow up.

stronghunter said...

Hey, Jo, one day a couple or so years ago, I had Hunter at the grocery store with me. I stopped to look at some wine and he said in a very shocked voice, "Grandma! That is grown-up drink!!!" It was the first time I realized he had the idea I was one of the kids, not a grown-up.

Mema Jo said...

That is too funny! Sounds like Hunter will be looking out for you and your ways! lol

stronghunter said...

Yes, it is one of those little incidents I will always remember.

stronghunter said...

He has grown beyond that by now, at least I hope he realizes I'm an adult.

Mema Jo said...

Looks as though it is the bottom of the 6th and the Phillies are ahead
2 - NY Yankee's 0..

Maybe that is where everyone is this
evening! Almost 10 pm and I am thinking about 'sleep'.......

PA Nana said...

Evening everyone and blessings for good test results.

Lynn, you're right I knew what to expect today and even the therapist noticed my apprehension and told me to relax. Took a pill and used some ice when I came home and that helped some. I'm remembering the pain.

Paula, seeing that eagle today took my breath away. It was such a joy after the day I had.

Loretta, your pictures of the eagle are fabulous!!!

Did anyone see the flock of turkeys at pix today? Even hubby got out of his chair to look. :-)

The baby panda's latest exam was great. He's so darn cute, I'm jealous of those working with him.

Guess I'll go check on the other cams so those gone or going to bed Good restful sleep and blessings.

Will check back before I turn the lights off.

... later

Mema Jo said...

Diann - I hope your feeling better. I'm sure it will take a while before
you are out doing cartwheels! My prayers are for you to get good use out of that shoulder!

Turkeys - what time of day. We use to see flocks of them with the hens and the big Toms! I haven't yet seen them this season.

stronghunter said...

Finished writing the test. Will work on the blog assignment tomorrow while students are working on the test and my brain is functioning. I have already done some reading, just have to get on computer and get that part done. The photography deadline is later, so I have the weekend.

stronghunter said...

Diann, send us some pictures when you do the cartwheels!

Mema Jo said...

Bottom of the 8th
Still 2-0 Phillies........

Costume Lady said...

It has been 30 minutes since the last comment. I don't see a new thread or a split. I guess everyone is watching TV...the ballgame, maybe?
I guess Jo is on her "time out". lol
We had a wonderful visit from Margy and grandson James. Turn a boy loose in a costume shop and you have one happy camper:) We had no customers while they were there, so we had a nice, uninterrupted visit. Right after they left, I went to the house to fix supper...put chicken in the oven...washed the chard...looked outside and there were 7 cars in the driveway! Just that quick. Gene was able to handle them. We have a walkie-talkie system so that he or I can call for help if we get too busy for one person to handle.

I'm going to get some sleep now.


Mema Jo said...

I'm not really watching the game - I have it up on my PC.
I am playing card games..... and
watching for new comments on the blog.

hedgie said...

Diann, I think we are all jealous of those San Diego keepers who actually get to hold that bundle of fur!!

Jo, sleep is on my agenda in just a few. Have had my soak and read some, so I am ready!

Good night to all my eagle Dudettes and Dudes. Prayers and Peace.

stronghunter said...

Must get some sleep now. It has been a long day.

Mema Jo said...

Phillies just scored 2 more
Yankees up to bat bottom of the 8th

Mema Jo said...

Good night Lynn and Shirley
Sleep Well! I am not far behind.

paula eagleholic said...

I'm watching Top Chef and researching paint removal!

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1/6/25 PM Fish

 🐟  2:47 PM both eagles come to the nest.  Bella is screaming with the delight of a meal that he has brought in to the nest for her! He man...