Wednesday, October 14, 2009


Fresh thread.


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ceil said...

Morning all. I am at work and things have been busy.

ceil said...

Have a great day

Mits said...

morning Ceil:):)

Mits said...

thanks for the call over:):):)

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

Thanks Ceil, good morning!! Thanks Steve!!

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

I cannot get warm to save me this morning. Got the heat on and it is only 49 degrees but I am freezing!!

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

I'm just saying. . .

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Good morning!!

hedgie said...

Morning eagle dudettes and dudes!
Only 36 here this am! Brrr...BUT most recent forecast shows that Sat. may be better than earlier prediction----not a day of steady rain after all!!!

paula eagleholic said...

Morning, all!

Pretty eagle pair at BWO

hedgie said...

Sissy, I'm sure Days Inn will be okay. And as Margy and Megan corrected, the murder was at the Sheraton, which is now Holiday Inn, next to Days Inn. One GOOD thing about Days Inn that has attracted some short-term residential clients is that they allow dogs!!!
THey called for frost here last night---can't tell for sure----some plants look fine, but impatiens looks like it's been frost-bit.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Okay, so my chest is feeling a little sore when I cough. I AM REBUKING THIS!! I can't be sick for Saturday! PRAY, PRAY, PRAY!!

hedgie said...

In the news:
In Ohio, a 7 y.o.boy playing backyard football was tackled by a buck. His 9 y.o. playmate beat the deer off with a stick.
In Florida, nine types of boa, anaconda and pythons are breeding in the wild and posing a high risk to wildlife and could be an ecological threat to other parts of the US.

hedgie said...

Yea, Lynne! Glad you are coming! What is your hubby's name, please?

Mits said...

groundhog and doves at PIX

paula eagleholic said...

Eagle pair left BWO, now an eagle is back

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Mits, will you tell Annie and Kevin that they next time they get pregnant, to schedule it so the baby is not due in May or October?? Thanks! :)

Mits said...

lol....yeah, I'll get right on that Sharon.....nothing like a m-i-l going into the bedroom;)

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Right - hahahaha!

paula eagleholic said...

Mits, are you coming if Ben hasn't arrived by Friday?

Mits said...

no, not coming, even if he does arrive by Friday.

Mits said...

I'll get the money to you for the calendar, somehow, Paula

paula eagleholic said...

Oh, so you aren't coming at all ?


paula eagleholic said...

Eagle preening at BWO

Mits said...

no, don't want to be there if she happens to go into labor, this will probably be the last grandchild, and don't want to miss it.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

I am with ya, Paula. It really sucks! I understand but it sucks!

:( :( :(

Lolly said...

Good morning! Sharon, I do hope you are not getting the flu. It starts with congestion, a cough, and the chest hurting. It is not a stomach flu. Laurel is finally, after three weeks, starting to feel better, but she does still have a cough.

I am heading out to help Jack with pecans. Just wanted to get on and say good morning!

Have a great day!

paula eagleholic said...

I can give your calendar to Ceil, or mail it to can just mail me a check.

Mits said...

well I wrestled with the decision for many days, and it is what it is:)

paula eagleholic said...

Mits, just tell her to cross her legs and hold it!

paula eagleholic said...

Are you going to be in the delivery room?

Mits said...

I have to see Ceil ,before Friday, so I will give her the gifts for the cups and some other prizes

Lolly said...

Hey, Mits, I understand. You want to be there and hold that new little one. And, those of us who are bottle buddies welcome you!

Mits said...

no, she only allows Kevin in there....

Mits said...

my arms are so anxious....same way I want to be with the girls too.

Mits said...

of course with H1N1, no one under 17 is allowed in the hospital....that is already tearing Annie up, not seeing the girls for 2 days....of course the good side of that is my pesky 13 yr old niece will not be there grabbing Ben from my arms...;0)

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Mits, as soon as I started reading about the under age 17 thing, I thought about her! :)

Mits said...

lol.....woo-hoo, is what I said:)

Mits said...

Ceil, thinks she will sneak in anyhow, she is really tall for her age....I'll rat on her:):)

paula eagleholic said...

We certainly understand!

OK, so I need to put you in a bottle, Mits! I'm gonna use that beach picture, tee hee!!

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

No doubt. The Lord works in mysterious ways!

paula eagleholic said...

I didn't know they were restricting visits like that!

Mits said...

yeah, pretty much all the hospitals are doing it....they made sure Annie knew about it...she was only going to have the girls come after the birth...

Mits said...

and Annie's mom will be watching the girls, she is keeping them on their normal school schedule, and Kev will go home at nights this time, so he can settle the girls in....

Mits said...

oh no...not the beach

paula eagleholic said...

Oh, and I can take Lynne2 out of the bottle!

hedgie said...

LOL.....musical bottles!!
Mits, just tell the 13 y.o. that since H1N1 is so rampant in schools, that she is not allowed anywhere near the baby, Annie or the girls....period!! she could carry the germs in to any of them!

Mema Jo said...

Good Chilly Morning All! Was reading all comments... Good decision Mits - just like a grandmother's! We will really miss you. There was a very LARGE article in our newspaper from Frederick Memorial about visitation - Leave the little ones home and 17 & under don't come. I'm sure there will be exceptions in some cases. With your decision having been made you cn now just relax (lol) and wait!
Sharon - please don't get sick!!!

hedgie said...

Since SIL's bro has not returned yet, guess I will go out here and move some wood under the deck so I can fire up the woodstove tomorrow----think it will feel much colder once the dampness sets in....argh!!!!!!! BBL.

deb said...

Sissy, my room was very clean at the Day's Inn, I just felt uncomfortable walking by all the workers in the hall. There might not be any there at all this year. I was alone in a strange place is all.

movin said...

* * *



* * *



movin said...

We finally got a little rain here, but north of here they are really getting it.

Mudslides and fear of slides in areas that were burned off recently.



hedgie said...

Haven't gone out yet....from what I've heard, hospital exceptions for under 17 is ONLY for when someone is dying. Of course, I guess if there was n under 17 father, he could be allowed if his child was being born! Some places are basically locked down, with temps being checked when people come through the door and security to check ages!
Bye now for real.

Mits said...

just got the call....4 centimeters, going to induce,....hubby on his way to pick me up.....ttyl

deb said...


Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

and the countdown has begun!! Come on little Benjamin!!!

paula eagleholic said...


Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

Wow! This is so exciting! Loving some wonderful news on the blog!!!! Welcome Ben, hurry, hurry!!!!

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

Mits, take your laptop so you can blog!!!

Mema Jo said...

Going over to earlier thread see if our eagles were around this am......
Saw the BW eagle earlier.

Mema Jo said...

Just got the same message on email from Mits! Soooooo exciting!

Come on Annie! Come on Benjamin!

Oct 14 is a very good day to come into
the world!

Stay cool Mits!

hedgie said...

Yippee!!!! Wonderful news! Guess Annie doesn't have to work today after all!!! (at her job, that is!) Hopefully with it being No. 3 she won't have to work hard bringing Ben into the world, either!! Grrrreat!!!!

hedgie said...

Guess Doctor had a break in her schedule!! When Carolyn had Jess and they decided to induce...she was on-call---and the call came at 11 at night when there was a bed open and the doc wasn't tied up with other deliveries....didn't work, tho'---after 20 hrs. of induced labor, they finally did a c-sec. But she went on to have Jenn normally. I had two sections, but both were emergencies.

Lynne2 said...

Hey all! Mits, how exciting!!!!
Paula...don't take me out of the bottle because we can't stay for dinner...
Lynn, hubby's name is Steve

OK now-for some strange reason, and I swear on my grandparents graves....I am hearing BIRDS in my computer speakers. Blue Jays, Nut Hatchers, titmice and even a mourning dove. FROM MY SPEAKERS. Does anyone know why this is happening??? Anyone???? I have a laptop, and wireless internet.

Mema Jo said...

Got so excited with the Ben News that I almost forgot that I only have an hour to get ready and head in for my eye exam...

It's ok if you all get some GOOD NEWS
while I am gone! Push Annie, Push!


stronghunter said...

Yea for Annie and Ben. Exciting news!

stronghunter said...

Lynne2, have you mimimized a website and forgotten about it?

Lynne2 said...

No, I checked that Shirley. Every time I hear the Jays I run outside to see if I can hear them out here somewhere but I never make it. (one old dog, 2 cats and 2 doors to get past) I just heard something else, like water running for a few seconds, too. It's creepy.

stronghunter said...

So your computer is haunted!

I had a strange thing like that happen once with my computer. I think it was my instant messenger. When somebody on my im list logged on, there was a knock at the door or a doorbell rang. When they logged off, a squeaky door closed. I knew what it was, but my children did not.

When I wasn't home, they were running to the door to find nobody there, and they got completely freaked out by the squeaky door. They were teenagers at the time. I don't know why they were so confused. They are usually ahead of me on those things.

stronghunter said...

Lynne, I have a mockingbird that sits on my chimney and sings and the music comes out of the fireplace, but that doesn't explain the water sounds.

stronghunter said...

Have you checked to see if you have another site open and not mimimized--just behind this one?

stronghunter said...

Furniture is due about 4:30. Think I will take a break. Shampooed the carpet this morning.

hedgie said...

Ha,ha Lynne----someone else had that happen not too long ago, but can't remember who or what they found. Would bet that it IS outside! Cloud cover may be distorting the sound so that it sounds different from what you're used to!
Shirley, that is SO funny about the kids---active imaginations despite computer skills, huh?? My AOL still does that!

hedgie said...

Gosh, Shirley, you are full of energy!!! Did you do it yourself, or did Will help? Know how exciting it is to get new "stuff" and be able to see it in place for real instead of in your mind!!

stronghunter said...

Oh, I did the shampooing myself. I have a carpet shampooer, and I just ran it over the family room. It looked awful when Will and Tom took out the furniture. I have the ceiling fan going full blast, but it probably won't be completely dry by 4:30.

Frustrated. Got two sets of directions with the stuff I am supposed to do for doctor. Not sure what to do. Called office.

They said I had to leave msg on nurses' line and wait for call back. Started leaving message and got cut off before I had even left my phone #. Called back and can't even get a real person. Had to leave msg on their voice mail. Left very crisp, short msg this time. Got it all in.

paula eagleholic said...

Lynne, I used to have that on our website..sound would stay on after I closed the website...try a reboot.

paula eagleholic said...

Eagle back at BWO!!

Lynne2 said...

Shirley, that's so funny!
Thanks all for the really is kinda neat to hear it though!
Shirely, it seems that anything I have to do concerning something with a physician is like pulling teeth.
OK...saw and removed dead hairy woodpecker from gutter. Called NCTC and asked if they'd like to have it...and wow, they said they would!!! SO on ice she goes....

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Lynne, it was great when we were watching the nest one day and Reggae started playing on here. We be jammin' all day!

Lynne2 said...

hahaha!!!! that's funny!
I can't wait to meet everyone Saturday!

hedgie said...

GROWL....I am so angry....stupid arse next door has truck radio turned up SO loud that my house is vibrating and the dog is barking and I can't hear the TV w/o amping it way up. Over 500 ft. away and I can hear every word of songs.
Hope he blows out his speakers and his eardrums. Noise ordinance? What ordinance?? Obviously ignorant of the law.

hedgie said...

Wish this was that reggae, Shar! Sure would be easier to tolerate. Wasn't that a fun day??? We have so many memories!
Lynne, that is really cool that you thought to call NCTC and that they want your woodpecker! Just might get a credited display!!!

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

This neighborhood I am in is so quiet. The loudest music on the block comes from our house! And, of course, the music is TRAIN!

Mema Jo said...

I am home from Eye appointment. Refreshed and looked hurriedly for message concerning Benjamin.... :<(

Won't be long I hope.

Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Everyone!
Jumping in here to say good morning/afternoon. Have been trying to find out which carpet cleaning company Hubby made an appointment with. Was supposed to be here at 9 am, and didn't show up. Hubby didn't write down the company name or phone#, just that the guy's name was Dennis. Finally reached the right guy, and he said the appt. is for 2 pm. He'll try to get here sooner. Glad I at least found out the correct appt. time. Won't know quite what to do with clean carpet, it's been a mess for so long!
Prayers for you, Sharon! You CAN'T get sick now!!!!
Oh, Mits, how exciting!!!! New little grandbabies are SUCH a blessing! Prayers that he is born very quickly!!
Well, gang, I'm loving our rainy weather today! Keep sticking my head outside and inhaling deeply--it's aromatherapy! LOVE the smell of rain!!
Better go now and do some studying for tonight's test in Pharmacology.
Please pray that I can remember those pesky drug names!
Will try to catch up on the blog later today. Boy, no rest for the weary! Got most of house cleaning done, though. Just a few more things to do. They'll be here late tomorrow night! Get into John Wayne Airport at about 8:40 pm, then have to get luggage & rental car, and stop by son-in-law's parent's house to say hi, then to our place! Can't WAIT!!!!!

Ms Bookworm said...

Will check back later to see what's happening. Have a great afternoon! Prayers being said for all. :o] :o] :o] :o]

paula eagleholic said...

Andrea, in case I forget...have a great visit with your family!

Ms Bookworm said...

Thanks, Paula! I'm sure it will be. Haven't seen our GGD in person since she was a year and a half old--now she's three and a half! Unbelievable.

Ms Bookworm said...

Wow, Shirley,
We're on the same page when it comes to carpet! Great minds think alike. lol :o}

Ms Bookworm said...

Well, gotta go study. Will BBL.

floralgirl said...

What? Baby Benjamin is on the way...Hooray!!!

hedgie said...

Sure 'nuf, Miz Paula! Isn't it great?
Have to get the grandbaby thrills through Mits---no more for me, and hoping that there wont be any greats for at least 10+ yrs.!!

hedgie said...

Andy, know you are going to spoil yours to pieces while they are they!!! Can feel your excitement! Good luck on test tonight, but you'll will do just fine!!

hedgie said...

Duh...while they are THERE!!!

NatureNut said...

Good Afternoon Eaglebuds! Working hard here at farmhouse office.
Before the sprinkles started we had "acorns falling on your head"-----isn't that a song? The bluejays are feasting in the pin oak tree out front that has small acorns. Since it's cloudy, saw 2 does wandering thru yard and on kitchen porch, Leonard, the Chelsea groundhog, was sitting on the top step! His/her burrow is under the porch.
Hope everyone has a great day. Back to work, so MAYBE I can leave a little early on Friday.

NatureNut said...

Glad I decided to read back and see that Baby Ben is on the way, or maybe here!!!
Congrats Mits and Family ☺ ♥

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Yeah, Loretta, we are anxiously awaiting news on his arrival!

paula eagleholic said...

Acorns and raindrops now falling on Lowreeda's head...sounds like a song to me!

paula eagleholic said...

Eagle still glued to the BWO platform!

hedgie said...

Loretta, it's almost not a job when you get to see all that nature!!! Have a good afternoon---what's left of it!

ceil said...

4:06 Benjamin Patrick is here

floralgirl said...


Eagle-Eyed Shar said...


Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

Yeah!!!! Congrats Kevin and Annie, girls! And of course, our Mits!!!! Such joy doesn't come often!!!

Mema Jo said...


Thank you for the news Aunt Ceil!

Mema Jo said...

WOW! What a relief! Tears of Joy!!!

Mema Jo said...

I am off to get Alexis for gymnastics. Both of us Mema's are going with her today since we can stay and watch for an hour.

So happy for the Kalis family!


paula eagleholic said...

Whoo Hoo!!

Welcome Benjamin!!!

Lynne2 said...

Such good news about baby Ben! (wow, that was a quick delivery!)Thanks for letting us know, Ceil!
Best wishes to the Kalis Family!

hedgie said...

Congrats to Kevin, Annie, M&M girls, and, of course Mits and Jay and Aunt Ceil, Uncle Jim and Aunt MM!!! Welcome, Benjamin!!! You have a wonderful family!!

ceil said...

Jo you are right tears of joy. Helen was crying, MM was crying, I am crying. Relief. She better call back to tell me how much he weighs. She didn't push long. Helen called to tell me she was pushing and before I could call MM Helen called back to say he was here.

hedgie said...

This baby belongs to all of us! Eaglet Baby Ben!!!

ceil said...

Lynn you are right.

ceil said...

Going to grab something to eat. Only had 1/2 sandwich today.
Thanks to everyone for all the good thoughts.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Well, Annie sure didn't mess around long with this one! Can't wait to hear more about him. His sisters' lives are sure fixing to change! :)

hedgie said...

I figured it would be a fast delivery....those first few cms. take the longest and she was already there, so....push, push, pop!!!

ceil said...

8 pounds Talk to Annie. She feels great. Told her I am exhausted.

ceil said...

That is talked to Annie Kevin was taking pictures

floralgirl said...


deb said...

How exciting, glad it was so fast for Annie! Congrats to the Kalis family!!!

ceil said...

Megan love it.

ceil said...

I still have not eaten anything. BBL

stronghunter said...

Happy birthday Benjamin Patrick!

What a nice name.

Hey, my furniture is here. I have been lounging in the recliner. Boy, does it fill up the room.

paula eagleholic said...


Tears of joy for sure...♥

stronghunter said...

Ceil, I hope you are getting something to eat now. You have had a day!

hedgie said...

Rain has started here.

stronghunter said...

Looks like it could rain anytime here.

Judie said...

Hi everyone!

HAPPY BIRTHDAY BENJAMIN PATRICK. Congratulations to mom, dad, Wanda and Gene and two little girls who are going to experience a life-changing event. So very happy for everyone. He is one blessed little fella.

Acorns falling on Lowreeda's head -- must be a song by TRAIN.

Shirley, please enjoy your new furniture and clean carpet. Makes a very enjoyable life in a recliner.

Andy, enjoy your clean carpet, orderly abode, and the special time with your grand daughter and daughter.

Finally completed all the grading and posting of grades. Been a really intense few days but worth it so I can leave all this behind for the weekend.

Hi to all I missed along the way. Just was too busy to stay current.


stronghunter said...

Hi Judie,

Think it is Mits and Ceil whose family just got expanded. Mits is Grandma. Ceil is Aunt. Don't know what Gene is up to!

First recliner I have ever owned!

hedgie said...

Forecast now showing rain thru' Sat. AM, tapering off in afternoon.

floralgirl said...

This is what Weatherunderground currently has posted- Friday Night
Rain. Lows in the mid 30s. North winds 5 to 10 mph. Chance of rain 90 percent.
Rain likely. Highs in the lower 40s. Chance of rain 70 percent.
» ZIP Code Detail
Saturday Night
Rain and snow likely. Lows in the mid 30s. Chance of precipitation 60 percent.

stronghunter said...

Going to have to pull out the serious winter stuff.

stronghunter said...

Snow! Yikes!

floralgirl said...

It's gonna be chilly, that's for sure.

stronghunter said...

Haven't worn my winter coat this season, but it sounds like I'll need it.

floralgirl said...


magpie said...

I saw them Megan ☺

magpie said...

Welcome Baby Ben, and Congratulations to all the family, sisters, parents, grandparents, uncles, aunts, cousins....

Judie said...

Oh dear, just another one of my attempts to get families more intertwined and confused.

So sorry - waaay too tired.

Congratulations to grandma Helen, aunt Ceil, mama Annie, and dad Kevin. As for Gene, I think he is back with Lolly but don't know where Jack is tonight -- maybe headed for your recliner Shirley.

How went the gymnastics today, Jo?

Yep, rain here today.

Sharon, please feel all better by Saturday.

Getting out the winter coat, hat, and gloves.

Need food.

stronghunter said...

Last time I looked, he wasn't there, Judie. I will let you know if he shows up.

stronghunter said...

Maybe he will bring pecans! I love pecan pie.

ceil said...

Wanda is Gene with you. Think he has shown up at the hospital to see the new baby. LOL
Helen and Jay just left my house they dropped off the things for Saturday.

stronghunter said...

Gene has flown to the hospital in a hot air balloon. He likes those balloons! Maybe baby Benjamin will like the balloon too.

stronghunter said...

Going to find some food.

magpie said...

Lovely news, Ceil... sure was fun to come home and read all about it.
Prayers of gratitude...sounds like things are going pretty good...
xo ♥

magpie said...

I put Five Pictures of the Evening Eagles on the Momsters album...
The birds were looking for Gene...☺

stronghunter said...

If he is really up in a balloon, it may take an eagle to find him!

Do hope Gene is a good-natured guy!

floralgirl said...

Poor Gene is becoming like this blog's where's Waldo.

Mema Jo said...

CELEBRATION WHOO HOO ! great song Megan for

Benjamin Patrick Kalis
and family
and friends

hedgie said...

Was Mits going home, Ceil, or to Kevin's to take care of the girls?

Mema Jo said...

Gymnastics went great! I am so tired from just watching all that energy being used for all those somersaults and running around on those mats!

Both of us grandmothers are
Mema L and Mema M - we took her to eat at Bob Evans with Pap L and Pap M
and her Dad. They had Ms Susan creating balloons and doing face painting. I'll post a pic later somewhere.

Get this all you educators... what do you do with a 5 yr old when the teacher says - She's smart and she knows it! lol

Mema Jo said...

We are getting rain now. I swear that earlier it really felt like SNOW.....

When you get up out of that Recliner Shirley take a pic and post it OR better yet let Will take Your pic IN the recliner and post it!

With you and Andy and clean houses - I might be pitching some furniture soon.

hedgie said...

Oh, Shirley, believe me, Gene is as good-natured as they come!!! Ypu'll love him like we all do!

Mema Jo said...

Deer are at snowman
Raccoons in the PA woods
Sheila flew the coop & chicks are alone

Diego is squirming all alone.

I am watching at 9:00 Criminal Minds...

Mema Jo said...

Wish I would get an email with a pic of Benjamin Patrick Kalis and his family.

Mema Jo said...

Ceil - does Benjamin have any hair

ceil said...

Shirley We kid Gene all the time. He is great. Lynn Helen is going home. Kevin will be with the girls.

normabyrd said...

CONGRATS!!! MITS & FAMILY!!---I surely checked on at the right time this evening!---SO--SO HAPPY for you all & your new GRANDSON!!---AAAAAH YEAH!-------LIFE IS GOOD!!!

hedgie said...

Oh, no, Jo--a precocious prodigy, eh???

ceil said...

Jo Helen says he has light hair. Jay had a cell phone picture. Could not see much. They have a hat on him but Kevin looked so happy.

paula eagleholic said...

Evening, all!

Had to make a couple of stops on the way was near my favorite chinese restaurant, so I stopped and got carry out! Yum!

How is everyone?

normabyrd said...

This weather is crazy---I had study group this am & lunch!---I had my rain coat on & about froze!-----This is Nov weather!!!

floralgirl said...

Hungry! pass the chinese, please:)

magpie said...

Water chestnuts and snow peas for me please...

floralgirl said...

Shrimp toast, egg rolls and shrimp fried rice, thank you.

paula eagleholic said...

Got plenty for you Megan and Margy. Beef with veggies, snow peas, broccoli, mushroom, carrot, water chestnut....also got hot and sour soup. I'll be eating it for days.

floralgirl said...

OOoh, that'll work too. Sounds delish...

normabyrd said...

Would love to see M&M when they see their little brother---That will be such a precious sight!!---I love babies!!! xoxoxoxoxoxoxox

nite all--

paula eagleholic said...

Sounds like everyone is doing well! Going to go tackle some bills in a little while, I slacked off last night, watched a movie and fell asleep on the sofa!

paula eagleholic said...

OH...and the calendars arrived! They are very nice!

paula eagleholic said...

Gnite Norma!

Shirley - glad you like your new furniture! Always fun getting something new!

Mema Jo said...

I can just see that grin from ear to ear on Kevin! A son/brother for the family! Those little hats are cute - hope it is blue. OHHHHHHHHHH ! I need to hold that little boy!
Annie can be so proud of herself!
I sure hope she feels really good!
It's like look what I did - what an accomplishment!

paula eagleholic said...

My newest fun item is a new comforter for the bed....I end up buying cheap Walmart ones...the dogs are always on the bed and their claws seem to tear up any decent bedspread or comforter I have had, so I just keep replacing them with the el cheapos.

Mema Jo said...

Night Norma - really glad you got in on the happiness of the day!

paula eagleholic said...

I asked DIL when her next sonogram is....about 5 or 6 weeks away...then we will know...boy or girl!

Mema Jo said...

Hope you'll share the snow peas, Margy!

Where is our Pecan Picker?

Mema Jo said...

Yes, Paula - you will be next in line for us to have some more good excitement!

Mema Jo said...

Off to TV


paula eagleholic said...

Sheila's eyasses are all sacked can see the egg that didn't hatch at the back of the box.

magpie said...

Nicer thing about Chinese, you can get full but you never feel stuffed.

Sons, my parents had a girl then a boy, then four more girls! and finally another boy, then, Me. ☺

Such lovely Baby Ben news...and I agree with Jo, October 14 is a Great Day to Have A Baby ! xo ♥

ceil said...

Jo they are at St. Agnes. They put blue and pink hats on them. When Maggie was born I had to ask if it were a boy or girl.

paula eagleholic said...

Shirley - make sure you share those pecans that Jack brings! I love pecan pie too...I miss my Mom's pecan pies...always had them at least I have her recipe and her pie pans to make them in.

paula eagleholic said...

Sheila is back...dinnertime down under!

ceil said...

Right Jo. Lots of little eaglets to keep the eagle world going when we are in our rockers.

ceil said...

Going to say good night. Pleasant dreams.

floralgirl said...

Goodnight Ceil, sweet baby dreams:)

paula eagleholic said...

Gnite, Ceil! Sleep well!

Mema Jo said...

Night Ceil
Sing a lullaby and you'll be in dream land before you know it!

Tell Aunt Mary Margaret Congratulations

paula eagleholic said...

Coons at pix

Lolly said...

Hate to disappoint everyone, but I think Jack is in his own recliner! He is here with me watching the STARS hockey game! Least I think it is him. Maybe it is Gene at Shirley's. :0

Wahoo!!! Congratulations to Mits and family on the arrival of Benjamin!!! God bless you little Benjamin!

We harvested pecans this morning. Then this afternoon cleaned the trailer and it has gone back to its home. And, my back has decided to go out. Have been on ice and taken a muscle relaxer. So if I talk funny think nothing of it!

paula eagleholic said...

Dinnertime over, eyasses all snugged up in the corner :)

paula eagleholic said...

Sorry to hear about your back, Lolly!

floralgirl said...

Yikes, sorry Lolly.

Mema Jo said...

So sorry to hear about your back!
Just darn glad you didn't fall off a
ladder! ((hugs))

Lolly said...

Just posted a short video on fb. My niece posted it and I just had to post it as well. It is just too precious.

Lolly said...

I have a history of back problems, though recently I have been doing great. Do not know what set this off.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Okay, I am back up and running now. I have read that Benjamin has light hair and weighed 8 pounds. Is that exactly 8 pounds and no ounces? What about his length, how big are his feet?? We need details here! :)

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Oh, I am feeling better. No symptoms at the moment of being sick!

magpie said...

Well, Keep It That Way, Sharon....

stronghunter said...

Good night everyone. I took some pictues of the furniture, but have not been able to master the new posting system I heard was so easy. Will try again tomorrow.

Take care of yourself, Lolly.

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3/12/25 PM 🐟

 12.56 PM Scout comes to the nest to relieve Bella of her incubation duties getting close guys. He does have a Talon load of bedding. He lan...