Sunday, August 23, 2009


New thread.


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Bob Quinn said...

Split! I brought this over from the pre-split:

Good morning! Here's my Sunday BWO report:

Junior was sitting on top of the cam for awhile. He started calling out and then hopped down onto the nest. Moments later Dad arrived with a fish and promptly took off. He made a circle around me and stared right at me (I've noticed before that when I linger too close to any osprey nest a parent will fly right over me, I think to draw my attention away from the nest). When I turned back to look at the nest, Mom was flying in and landed on top of the cam. She stayed there for quite a while.

In the blog Lisa posted yesterday she mentioned Braveheart calling out at perhaps another bird, maybe an eagle. I actually think it was calling to a parent sitting on top of the cam. If you look at the photo she posted it is looking right up at the cam. I was wondering if the parents are holding back fish trying to encourage the chick to go out and get its own.

It will take me a couple of days to whittle down all the photos and post them. I'll let you know when I do.


wvgal_dana said...

Morning Sharon..I'm getting use to doing things Ed did before. Takes up more of my time.

Hope you enjoy spending winter at Thelma's. I can't believe you'll be out of Bluefield for awhile. We'll just call it a "winter vacation" wink

Mits said...

thanks, Bob...Lisa thought mom was gone, I think she said a couple of days ago..

wvgal_dana said...

Good Morning "Our Dear Photographer Bob"....I'll certainly be watching for those pictures ( :

normabyrd said...

MORNIN' BEAUTIFUL DANA!---I love those DONKEYS!---ho!---WISHING you and ED a COOL DAY!---Weather is nice here---no a/c last nite or today--so far!!

NatureNut said...

Morning Eaglebuds! I can't believe it!! Eagles 2 days in a row. And I can't believe Margy got up to see them! Have to check pics.
Last night I had to put some Finney pics on blogspot. But after those, Dad came in w/another fish which I think he left, as Koo was munching away. Checked awhile ago & Sib came in and Koo did some big mantling jobs.
BBL--gotta go

Bob Quinn said...

Hey Mits. I reviewed the pictures closely. Mom is definitely still there.

wvgal_dana said...

Morning Loretta...oh sounds neat to see Koo mantling. Thanks for telling us.

wvgal_dana said...

These osprey ladies are waiting around longer this year. Thanks Bob.

NatureNut said...

Hi Bob, Norma & Dana.
Bob, you're a great observer for BW! They should pay you ☺ Can't wait to see.

normabyrd said...

WHOA DANA!---SHARON is going SOUTH for the winter!---As we used to say---NEAT!---

normabyrd said...

WHOA DANA!---SHARON is going SOUTH for the winter!---As we used to say---NEAT!---

wvgal_dana said...

Norma you have an echo in the mountains of Romney lol

normabyrd said...

MORNIN' BOB QUINN!---WHOA!---I would be careful---standing UNDER an OSPREY!--ho! waiting for your

normabyrd said...

OH DANA!---Don't be so hard on this 'ole woman'---I can't remove any thing---ho!

wvgal_dana said...

Oh sweetie Norma not hard on you honey....I love mountain echo's.

normabyrd said...

NATURENUT!---Thanks for the report on KOO!---I can't watch that site ---too sad---

wvgal_dana said...

Need some breakfast and read paper bbl

normabyrd said...

oh dana---you lie like a rug---but i still like ya! ho!

Lolly said...

Good morning! Great that you saw Lib and Belle again this morning. Way too early for me!

Norma, I am with you. I can not watch Coo.

Spidey was having a great time at the nest cam last night. Rather spooky looking. Judie met him for the first time. LOL

Going to resume my walking/excercise this morning. Laid off while I had the boys. Jacob is back in school this morning. Wonder how my little guy is doing. His daddy had to take him to school. He clings to his mommy. Joseph and Laurel start tomorrow.

hedgie said...

Morning all. So nice to hear that our duo was present again this am!
Bob, look forward to your new pics.
Norma, it's lovely here today, far! But temp starting to rise...supposed to be upper 80's.

Lolly said...

I would be thrilled with upper 80's. We are headed to the middle 90's. Oh, we are longing for Fall.

Lolly said...

Jacob's 5th birthday is coming up Sept. 8. His party will be the following weekend and I am making a rocket cake. After that we are heading to the beach. A few weeks after that we are heading to Sante Fe and taking Jacob to the Albuquerque Balloon Fiesta.

hedgie said...

East Coasters......if you are interested in trying to see the Shuttle Discovery launch.....take a nap today or set your alarms...lift-off is scheduled for 1:36am. From the mid-Atlantic area, if the skies are clear, watch the southeast sky. I can see it here in the WV eastern panhandle when they say that it is about 900 mi. "downrange" (when the leaves are off the trees!!), so those of you---MITS!!!! CANDY!!!!---should have excellent vantage pts. (Candy would probably be at about 600 mi.)

Mits said...

I'm hoping to be awake for it, Lynn:)

paula eagleholic said...

Morning, all!

So nice to hear we had visitors again! Too early for me, thanks for the pics!

Mits said...

SD cub all alone now

Mits said...

Bai is back.

Mema Jo said...





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6/9/24 hawket info

 He was winger sizing and got a little bit too much air and then depression, I guess into the ground and his rescued and taken in here is th...