Thanks, Steve, Thanks Norma With new thread, I will repeat this myself: Cam Maintenance may occur this week, Monday through Wednesday...
I'm headed for the pillows... Best Wishes for a Good Day...hug your loved ones, pets, family, and friends, and even a few strangers if you feel like it. xo ☺
WOW!--We just missed seeing an EAGLE in the nest!---It was there when STEVE gave us the SUNNY THREAD!----flew away---BET they will be baaaaaaaaack!!!!----ENJOY!
GOOD MORNING EVERYONE... Won't it be wonderful to see our Royal couple without that awful smudge? Hope things go as planned and they do make it up to the nest. Need to take the "TREE THAT GREW IN NEST" out. You can see that it really is a challenge for Lib and Belle to remove. Roots probably go all the way to the Potomac River;) MISS NORMA, you are our #1 gal today and every day! Have we told you lately that we love you?:)
MORNIN' WANDA!!---Thanks for the complement---SISSY is our #1 gal this am---She is up--TOM is at work & MATTIE (MIDDLE SCHOOLER) is almost ready for school!----Do you ever wish you were back in school? It is a COOL 55° here this sunny morning!!!
I read this as I sit at my desk here in a Virginia high school. One of my principals once said that you get to be a teenager forever in this job. He was joking of course, but we do get to enjoy the highs and suffer the lows along with the students.
What other job allows you to experience a pep rally--with cheerleaders, a band, and all the trimmings to get your spirits up?
Have a good day. Must go discuss American literature.
DIEGO!!---Nothing in this world is more ADORABLE than a BABY PANDA!!---She just kept moving & squirming around!---Finally BAI sat up & looks like all is well----aah!
Morning dear friends! Shirley...hint, hint: YOU are in school!! Just because you are the teach doesn't mean you aren't a big part of the whole scene!!!
Yep, Norma. I think one of Lolly's G&Ts - one before class and half dozen after. Like Shirley, at least I no longer have to take the tests -- just give them.
Cooler here this morning but not as cool as WVA areas. At least tomorrow is supposd to be nice with low humidity.
Deb, you'll be fine with the schedule and adjusting.
Dana, does the eye scanner work with spectacles on or off?
Good Morning Everyone!! I haven't heard about Diego's sex yet, Paula==gotta do more reading on that site. Camera just shows it's CUTE!!!! Day off---so appt. of course! Hope everyone has a great day ! BBL
So . . . exactly which person among you thinks I'm not tested every day when I spend my time with adolescents? Must get a coffee refill and nail down the plans for Blocks 3 and 4.
Could tell you about the cell phone I confiscated on Friday and everything that happened afterwards--it involved a psychologist--but probably should not.
Oh, Shirley, you will have to tell the confiscation story! It is probably priceless! And, yeah, know that you are tested on a daily basis! Have to give all due kudos to teachers, especially in this day and age.
Shhh, Paula.....they may not turn cam back on after maintenance!!
PAULA---I just learned from Sun's blog that you have labs---are they from same litter?---I have always wanted a chocolate lab!---have only seen one!---
Good morning all! It has taken me forever to catch up with all the blogs. Does not pay to miss a day on here!! Yesterday I had church then had to rush around to get several things done before we headed to Dallas. Had a GREAT time over there. Jack helped Michael with moving mattresses, moving a basketball goal upstairs to the playroom, and moving last few things from storage. Michael was feeling good with the things accomplished.
Ashley loved the clock and Jack put it up for her on the patio.
Watch Zach pretend to be Elvis. That is his favorite thing to do. He listens to the CD and does his act....including a grand entrance. LOL
Ask Zach, how old is Mommy and his reply is "10 20 30 9" . all the while flashing his fingers to the count.
Great to read about Koo. I had stopped watching for fear he would die in the nest with cam rolling. Unbelievable that he was found. Hurray that he is eating!!!!
Deb, so sorry about the osprey.
Looks like Deb and I will both be in bottles this year at open house. BUT, I am already making plans for nest year! LOL Deb, start working on that plan as well! We are thinking New England again in Sept, early Oct. Be just about right to stop in W.V. on the way home, right?
Jack hunted, but did not see the armadillo. Did not hunt last night....he dug in the lawn. Grrr! Must go and make repairs.
sorry this will be long, but good info for burrowing owl fans:)
After a Hiatus of 30 Years, Burrowing Owl Chicks Hatch at the National Zoo
The Smithsonian’s National Zoo welcomed two burrowing owl chicks Aug. 2—the first hatching of this species at the Zoo in 30 years. The chicks’ parents, a 5-year-old male and 4-year-old female, have been at the Zoo since June 2006.
The last time burrowing owls successfully bred at the National Zoo was in the late 1970s. A recent population-management plan recommended breeding the Zoo’s current adult pair. The chicks are with their parents in the Zoo’s Bird House. Currently, there is semi-transparent filter paper covering their exhibit, providing the chicks with privacy. As they become more comfortable with their new surroundings, the paper will slowly be removed.
Burrowing owls are named for their habit of living in underground burrows. The Zuni Indians called these owls the “priest of the prairie dogs” because they often nest and roost in empty prairie dog burrows. At the Zoo, the owls are provided with tunnels and underground nest boxes.
The female incubates the eggs for 28 to 30 days, while the male hunts and supplies the female with food. When they hatch, the chicks are helpless and their eyes are closed. By age 2½ weeks, the chicks are able to control their body temperature and begin to emerge from their burrows to beg for food. At 3 weeks old, they begin jumping and flapping their wings, and at 4 weeks, they are able to take short flights. The chicks are easy to identify by their juvenile plumage, which lacks any of the white bars and spots of the adults.
Burrowing owls are one of the smallest owl species in North America. The average adult is 10 inches in length—slightly larger than an American robin. Much of the population is migratory, though their migration routes and locations are not well understood. Burrowing owls are distributed from the Mississippi River to the Pacific Ocean and from the Canadian prairie provinces into South America. They are also found in Florida and the Caribbean islands. Burrowing owls have a highly variable diet, which includes invertebrates and small vertebrates. They mainly eat large insects, small rodents and frogs. The greatest threat to burrowing owls is habitat destruction and degradation caused by land development
Been told to prepare to hold classes online if flu becomes serious -- all had to do with accommodating sick students because faculty are not allowed to get sick.
Shirley, would love to know about the confiscated cell phone. My policy is "if a phone rings in my classroom, I get to talk to whomever is calling." Last semester answered a phone and the student was at Starbucks instead of in my class -- thought I was her BFF and would I take notes for her -- suggested she visit during an office hour.
Lolly, glad you had a fun day! We sure will miss you at open house, as well as Deb. But, yep, you'll be in bottles again!! Mits, good news for zoo and lots of interesting info! TY.
Still only at 65 here...w/ a slight breeze, and some clouds...too chilly!!! I don't like it. Feeling a bit puny today, anyway...and have to run an errand....think I'm going to take a panda nap and then get ready to go.
Me, too, but I am glad that we found her right away. I am just about done loading pics, I won't get any labels up, but I should be able to post before work.
Good afternoon! I got a phone call today informing me that the photo I thought won the award of merit in the Easton Plein Air photo contest was the wrong one. They gave me the wrong photo name. This is the photo that actually won:
Here I am, dragging in again. Could not for the life of me get to sleep last night. Finally did early this morning after getting Hubby off to work. Woke up about half an hour ago. Got some breakfast, and now need to try to make a Dr. appt.--hopefully for today. I have a case of the ITCHIES like you wouldn't believe! Started two weeks ago with a bump on one shoulder, and what appears to be prickly heat elsewhere. As of yesterday, I have 3 more itchy bumps--one on each side of ribs, and one behind my right knee. I am going NUTS!!!!
It could be caused by an inhaled allergen. I had something similar decades ago, and they gave me steroids for it. With all the crud in the air from the L.A. fire, it's possible that's what's doing it.
Deb, so very sorry to hear about A36. What a sad thing. At least we know she's soaring in a far better place now. Really encouraging news about Koo this morning, though! She's eating! Hopefully she'll make a full recovery. I hope that if they feel she can't catch fish to feed herself, they will keep her at the zoo.
Bob, that's a great picture! Like BOTH pictures a lot! Congratulations again. I'm going to try to call the Dr's office again. Hope I can get an appt. soon. Be right back...
The Alcoa Peregrine nest in S.E. Australia has been relocated to the other side of the water tank, and as of yesterday, the female had laid one egg.
Haven't checked Frodocam lately, but it didn't look good for a repeat last season.
The second Loch Ness eyass with the radio is on the move south through Scotland and N. England. The first one has found a good spot for the time on a river in France.
The NBG eaglet with the radio is also on the move ... still in VA though, actually to the north of the Norfolk area.
Koo's news is in the notes on the Finney site now. I hope it turns out well for her after all.
Yes, Norma, I'm still here, and it is very hot here in Santa Ana this week.
But the fires are north of here in the L.A. area (I think the ones in N. Cal. may be burning yet too), and I hope they do not hit this area this year.
So far, this heat wave has not been accompanied by the Santa Ana desert winds, and the humidity has remained fairly high. Still dangerous for wildfires, but not as bad.
Short nap and bowl of soup have not helped me feel any better. Just one of those days, I guess. Think will put off was just to go to Wally World to look for a pill they are supposed to have for leg cramps (since I can't get my quinine Rx anymore). No BIG can wait Bob, so it was pic #3 that they selected?? Good shots all. Andy, sure do hope you stop fun! Hoping that all of your bird visitors haven't infested your yard w/ fleas or mites! Deb, sad news about A36...the Lord giveth and the Lord taketh away....Blessed is the name of the Lord. Soar high, little one, and touch the face of God.
Very cool update on the the cub, Jim....quite an involved process to get ready for the snatch and run!!! Hope the baby cooperates w/o crying so that Bai stays calm! Can't wait for the results when they get them.
Jim Thanks so much for the link to the SD zoo blog. It was very interesting to read the updates I loved the comment ... I can tell you this: it is very exciting holding a baby cub and seeing it for the first time out of the den! We are placing bets on the sex of our new cub. What is your guess?
You lost in a mere 'time zone', Norma. I doubt that. Hahaha.
How's life treating you??
I have stopped, temporarily I hope, sending you emails, Norma. I kept getting notices back that they couldn't deliver them. Why don't you just delete everything I've sent for a couple of months, and then let me know when you are ready for me to send again. {:~D]
Hedgie, I haven't noticed too much smoke here, but I haven't actually been out much yet.
We usually at least get ash and cinders blown down this way, but this time the winds are mostly on-shore. Maybe the stuff will be blown out into the back country areas this time.
I'm going out soon, so I should have a better idea...
Thanks for all well wishes...sure I'll be fine. Lolly, you construct and armo destructs!! Jim, be careful when you head out---wear a hat so no ember gets the pate if the winds shift!
Bet a piece of chocolate cake will help me feel perkier!! What do you think?? Jim, BTW, Norma can't access her email at all!!! I get those same messages, so have deleted her from my email distribution list!
tHANKS, Hedgie, but no worries, the embers are burnt out by the time they get here.
But they can be dangerous yet if you breathe too much of the stuff in or get them in your eyes.
Sometimes the ash and embers are so thick on the ground they muffle the sound of walking. They pile up on your car, and they have to be removed quickly, or when they combine with dew or rain, they can do some real damage.
Well I'll be! Blogger undid my account sign in---supposed to STAY signed in, so I copied & pasted to Word!!So there. I can't remember all that I wrote! Afternoon Everyone---back from appt. and shopping chores. Went to 4 stores & couldn't find what I wanted!Could go online, but don't know what size & hate sending stuff back.I need a Panda nap & Fubby had to have tooth pulled that was part of a bridge!Dentist was able to cut the false tooth and pull w/the real one.Got no RX for pain pills.Said he'll just take Tylenol if needed!Guess I have to rearrange dinner plans---soup! Deb, so so sorry to learn about A36. Hurts my heart♥, poor dear sweet thing. But we know where it's flying now. Lynn hope you get back up to snuff--Panda nap might help.
Guess it make a mess like volcanic ash, huh, Jim? Nice avatar, Dana! Good luck with your search. Loretta...hope you fid what you're looking for, too. Fubby is so macho, isn't he?? Hope he doesn't suffer too much. Yeah, think I'm heading back to the sofa.
Bob, congratulations on your win. I like that picture with the time lapse.
Deb, so sorry about the loss of A-36. I know how hard you guys try to save them all.
Jim, glad that the fire is not too close.
Andy, stay safe. I hope the fire does not cause you any more problems.
Judie, I have answered the cell phone calls, too. I have to admit that I did allow a student to call his mom from my class last spring to tell her that he had passed and would be graduating. He was leaping for joy.
Lynn, take care of yourself. Get well.
The confiscation of the cell phone: I am putting that story on the e-mail. I don't know if I can get it on from here, so it may have to wait awhile until I get home.
Thelma, I have a niece who just relocated from the Washington DC area, to a very small town named Grundy, and she will be working at the Appalachian College of Pharmacy in Oakwood or VanSant, Va. I checked to see if it was close to Bedford. It is Not ! Way way over into Southwest Virginia, below the "bottom" of WV and not far from Kentucky.
I can't even figure out what the next closest "big town" is. Quite a change from Washington DC. She is a librarian. Her nickname, is Baby Magpie ☺ (her name is Margaret also...)
I miss your early morning comments, T-Bird, when you would say it was time to "make dough." I thought you worked in a bakery for awhile there until I figured it out ☺
I think she will be happy there, T-Bird. I look forward to when I can visit her.
I had a dream that Hidey was in the nest...too bad, it was just a dream. But in the dream, Hidey was pretty small...not what I expect he (or she) looks like now!
Just in case anyone is listening, I'm off to stare stoooopidly into the frig for inspiration and food. No chocolate cake but if wishing could make it so...
Judie, sorry I don't have inspirational food thoughts for you....I'm racking my brain trying to figure out what would taste good myself! Lots of good thoughts coming your way for a great start to the new school year. Are your students degree-program folks, or officers in CE mode? or both??
Well, actually I have made a decision -- pasghetti with garlic sauce, salad, a few slices of garlic bread. Hopefully, the garlic smell will last long enough to keep the wannabe adults away from me tomorrow. It should also keep vampires away tonight.
Tomorrow's classes are regular undergraduates - one is mostly all incoming first semester freshmen and the second is almost all juniors/seniors who have declared majors of psychology or criminal justice. The police class doesn't begin until mid-Oct. Police are in a special GWU program for officers who are trying to finish B.A. degrees.
Evening all. Deb so sorry to hear about the osprey. Lynn hope you are feeling better. Bob all your pictures are winners. Judie hope you have a good school year. Especially tomorrow. Mits great news about the burrowing owls. what took them so long no wonder some of these animals are extinct. Didn't take notes so that is all I can remember.
Well, guess there's no such thing as a same day Dr. appt. this week. Week from Thurs. is the first available. Guess I'll live...
Lynn, lots of prayers for you! Hope a panda nap helps some. Hang in there, girl friend! Maybe it's just the fact that it's Monday. I say chocolate cake would help! Go for it! Loretta, hope Fubby makes a speedy recovery from the dentist visit! He's in my prayers, too! Happy news regarding the new Oriole feeder in the back yard--they LIKE it! Put half an orange and some grape jelly on it, and wow, it's a big hit! Oops--Hubby's home. Will be back a little later.... :o]
Jo, we have a Cracker Barrell! Probably for about 10 yrs. But I only do homemade meatloaf....I'm VERY picky about meatloaf!!! Andy, do you have any walk-in clinics??
More importantly, a gun was taken from a student on our campus today. Not a student at our school, but a student at the alternative school on the same campus. They did not find ammunition, and I do not think the gun was functional, but it still made the local news.
Grilling pork chops for our dinner. Going to eat on the patio. It is 83 and low humidity so it is very pleasant. Having fried pototoes with the chops. That sounds like I am dieting, right? Added onions and Hatch peppers to the potatoes. Yummy!
Andrea are you sick? Read the mentioning of need drs appt.????
I was re-thinking the "cricket" thoughts. About the creature at the nest at night time. If if were a cricket wouldn't we be hearing it. You know they are so noisy??
I found this message about Koo--It is just a little additional information. I do not think I have seen it before.
Jo UK just reported this at Looduskalendar.
E-mail from Mari Heikkilla at Ranua Zoo.
Dear Jo,
thank you for your e-mail. As you can guess, lots of people has been contacting me today! I can not answer them all, but if You could be so kind and inform Looduskalender for my behalf.
So at this point the situation is like, that the bird arrived last night to our Wildlife Park. I give some fish and nutrientliqued to it (I needed to force him/her to eat.) This morning Koo was a bit more "fresh" and ate (swallowed freewillingly) the fish when I put it to its beak.
Now we are waiting for veterinarian to look at the bird. And just hope it will start to eat by him/herself and get stronger.
If it's OK with you, I could inform you about Koo's situation as soon as we know? And you could inform members of looduskalender.
I wish I could protest the Live Feed's IDLE - Not to bad to deal with for now but when we get into the season, I am going to miss really important things!
stupid blogger cop, message comes to my email, before it shows posted on the blog, so you have to hit it again, than it posts twice, not to mention how many times a day I have to sign into it...
Wish I had some of those R.L. biscuits! Great update, Shirley! You have really gotten good at this seek and find! Read your email.....left you a reply!
Let me know which boardwalk cam you all will pose under so I can see you and spread the word on the blog! That would be fun! Give me a heads up warning on day and time if you can!
Goodnight Ceil and Shirley. Ceil, enjoy the visit in O.C. and seeing Helen.
Going back to watch more t.v. I usually have trouble sleeping night before first classes. Used to wish I didn't get jitters until a 35 year veteran told me if I don't feel nervous it's time to quit because I don't care anymore.
Thanks, Paula....that's what I told Jo about the cake, too, but she didn't come...and now you see how she's acting! LOL! I'm getting ready to turn in early. Judie, have a great first day back to school! Ceil, you and MM have a safe trip and a fun time with Mits!! We would really like to see the trio on a cam! See you tomorrow. Love y'all!
Shirley, Times are getting troubled - concerning Will's account of the bank robbery. Before long we'll probably see the parents in the car and the kid being sent into the bank with the gun or note and bringing out the money! Lordy Lordy What has this world become ?
Goodnight everyone. Turning off my light but leaving the night light on -- both regular and electronic. Eye scanner is also activated.
Hope everyone has a lovely day tomorrow. I'll report on my first day adventures sometime late tomorrow afternoon. Think of it as an academic daytime soap opera -- every Tuesday and Thursday will be a new episode.
It's too hot to sleep so far, so here I am! (Wouldn't go to sleep without saying goodnight, anyway!)
Dana, don't worry--I'm not really sick, just have a humungous case of prickly heat, I think. I'm itching like crazy. Have some kind of other itchy bumps that have appeared one or two at a time over the last 2 weeks. I think they're either bug bites or from an inhaled allergen. It's not an emergency, just totally bothersome. Lynn, there are walk-in clinics, but not near me. Would rather go to my own Dr...stubborn, I guess. I might go to a clinic if it gets suddenly worse. Interesting note--my SIL called tonight to let me know that on the radio they said that if a volcano had erupted nearby, the crud in the air would be 399 ppm. Right now in L.A. it's 349! Eeewwwww! Thank God the wind is blowing from south to north! That keeps most of it away from us.
Goodness, it's bedtime and I haven't been on here since morning...really busy here, will be for a while. Thanks Lynn for the video and hate that you'r not up to par. Better tomorrow, I hope:)
Shirly and Judie, love hearing about your school adventures. I was so hoping you two would share your days with us. Don't like the Cell Phone incident. Probably won't be the last that you will hear from the kid:( Hope parents will take part in straightening him out!
MARGY, have you seen any FLYING BEER MUGS lately?;)
Jo, do we dare say anything about our displeasure of the timer set up at the nest cam? Probably not..leave well enough alone?:(:(
Hate it when I'm busy with the shop. I feel like a bystander and can't keep up. Love reading everyone's comments just before I fall into bed. You gals are GREAT!
Shirley, bless your heart, thanks for the Koo update. Sounds like she's holding her own, and hope she improves quickly! Just saw your posting about the gun taken from a student--promise all of us that you'll be extra careful, and watch your back! I'm praying that the Lord will send a legion of angels to surround you! Wanda, I suspect you're right about the 'nest tree' roots! I bet they go farther than that, and I hope whoever does maintenance on our nest cam decides to yank it out. Gotta make room for Belle & Lib! Sissy, glad Tom is doing so well! Don't let him do too much too soon, though. Wow, there's been a lot of talk about meatloaf! Can't wait till it's cool enough to make some. Helen, thanks for the info about the burrowing owls. Fascinating stuff!
Paula, LOVE the picture of Boo! What a sweetie he is!
Judie, hope your school day is just fantastic tomorrow! Can't wait for an update. Shirley, can't wait to hear about your day tomorrow, either. Hope it's fantastic, too!
Well, I hear the fireworks at Disneyland starting, so I think I'm gonna call it a night. The night lights are on, the motion detector porch light is on, and the eye scanner lock is enabled. Prayers for all needs said; have a good night's sleep, and I'll talk to you in the morning. G'night!
It's tomorrow... Happy September everyone. Lots of calendar pages to roll over here. Left work at midnight, because I have a court appearance for a local murder trial Tuesday, it's a 9-1-1 thing...just have to verify that a call came in as recorded. Makes for a bit of a goofy schedule though...
1 – 200 of 264 Newer› Newest»MORNING STEVE!---WE HAVE AN EAGLE IN THE NEST NOW!----Will call the crew over!---thanks!
Thanks, Steve, Thanks Norma
With new thread, I will repeat this myself: Cam Maintenance may occur this week, Monday through Wednesday...
I'm headed for the pillows...
Best Wishes for a Good Day...hug your loved ones, pets, family, and friends, and even a few strangers if you feel like it.
xo ☺
WOW!--We just missed seeing an EAGLE in the nest!---It was there when STEVE gave us the SUNNY THREAD!----flew away---BET they will be baaaaaaaaack!!!!----ENJOY!
A HUMMING BIRD is attempting to drain the feeder!!------truly a gift from GOD!!!
DANA---You may sleep in this am--I checked the DONKEYS this am!---It is a bit COOL this am!!!
Won't it be wonderful to see our Royal couple without that awful smudge? Hope things go as planned and they do make it up to the nest. Need to take the "TREE THAT GREW IN NEST" out. You can see that it really is a challenge for Lib and Belle to remove. Roots probably go all the way to the Potomac River;)
MISS NORMA, you are our #1 gal today and every day! Have we told you lately that we love you?:)
MORNIN' WANDA!!---Thanks for the complement---SISSY is our #1 gal this am---She is up--TOM is at work & MATTIE (MIDDLE SCHOOLER) is almost ready for school!----Do you ever wish you were back in school?
It is a COOL 55° here this sunny morning!!!
Thanks for coming and getting me!! Good morning again!!
I agree with WANDA---Will be wonderful when the 'smudge' is wiped away!!---MARGY'S POST from STEVE--sounds as if might be soon!
PA SITE!---Two squirrels chasing each other all around the site!--WOW!--they are fast!---I think that is the resident GROUND HOG there too!!
Do I ever wish I were back in school?
I read this as I sit at my desk here in a Virginia high school. One of my principals once said that you get to be a teenager forever in this job. He was joking of course, but we do get to enjoy the highs and suffer the lows along with the students.
What other job allows you to experience a pep rally--with cheerleaders, a band, and all the trimmings to get your spirits up?
Have a good day. Must go discuss American literature.
MORNIN' SHIRLEY!---Every September about this time----I wish I were back in school!!!---Wishing you a good day---enjoy!
DIEGO!!---Nothing in this world is more ADORABLE than a BABY PANDA!!---She just kept moving & squirming around!---Finally BAI sat up & looks like all is well----aah!
Morning dear friends!
Shirley...hint, hint: YOU are in school!! Just because you are the teach doesn't mean you aren't a big part of the whole scene!!!
Good morning, everyone. Thank you Steve -- please have a pleasant day.
No great inspiration this morning. Maybe the doldrums before going back to work tomorrow. Maybe some coffee will help.
Am very relieved to know that Koo has been rescured and being well cared for.
See Diego is squirming around so all is well in panda-land.
MORNIN' HEDGIE!---Just think SHIRLEY doesn't have to take tests either!!---I have a shirt in drying--warming it up--before I put it on! ho!
Andrea, I knew that Highlands was about 50 mi. from LA...meant how close/far to fires?
JUDY!--JUDY!--JUDY!---You are probably so excited to go back to school you need something to settle your nerves!!---ho!
Good Monday a.m., everyone, have a good one
Morning, everyone. Today I start my new schedule, but I still woke up at 5:30. It will take a bit to get over that, I suppose.
you will get used to it, Deb, after a few days.
MORNIN' MITS---Did you tell CEIL to bring her ski jacket?---bet you two will have fun---
MORNIN' DEB!--We have your cool weather this am---What is your new schedule?
11:30 to 8:30, Norma. It was 47 here last night, it is too early for that.
DEB!--That schedule SUCKS!--hope it doesn't last long?---We were in low 50s!!
I think a sweatshirt will be fine, Norma:)
Good Morning To Those Awake and in Eagleland.
Norma lots of donkeys out at Bonaire now ( :
Deb I certainly pray you will become use to those hours. Of course maybe there is another door to open.
Oh about the night time "eye scanner". It doesn't do well with blurry eyes. Couldn't get back in till daytime lol
Yep, Norma. I think one of Lolly's G&Ts - one before class and half dozen after. Like Shirley, at least I no longer have to take the tests -- just give them.
Cooler here this morning but not as cool as WVA areas. At least tomorrow is supposd to be nice with low humidity.
Deb, you'll be fine with the schedule and adjusting.
Dana, does the eye scanner work with spectacles on or off?
Diego is getting washed I think while he/she is nursing.
Need to check on hubby bbl
Morning, all!
I keep missing the visits, thanks everyone for the pics!
And I forgot about the maintenance this!
Hope Steve can give us some advance notice on that!
Has San Diego given us any clue on whether Diego is a boy or girl?
not yet, Paula..
their last update was fron the 24th.
Good Morning Everyone!!
I haven't heard about Diego's sex yet, Paula==gotta do more reading on that site. Camera just shows it's CUTE!!!!
Day off---so appt. of course!
Hope everyone has a great day !
So . . . exactly which person among you thinks I'm not tested every day when I spend my time with adolescents? Must get a coffee refill and nail down the plans for Blocks 3 and 4.
Could tell you about the cell phone I confiscated on Friday and everything that happened afterwards--it involved a psychologist--but probably should not.
See you later.
Just got off the phone---w/catch up now---
Did ya'll realize this is the first time we've had the cam operating going into the fall?
(tale your pick)---ho!
SORRY---I can't remove my error--
take your pick--
Oh, Shirley, you will have to tell the confiscation story! It is probably priceless! And, yeah, know that you are tested on a daily basis! Have to give all due kudos to teachers, especially in this day and age.
Shhh, Paula.....they may not turn cam back on after maintenance!!
MEMA JO!----One BURROWING OWL on POST & 3 OR 4 others around--looks very shadowy at the site!
PAULA---I just learned from Sun's blog that you have labs---are they from same litter?---I have always wanted a chocolate lab!---have only seen one!---
Just got word from my BFF that the CA fires are about 20 miles from her. TG!
Good Crispy Cool Morning!
I am running late.. Need to read comments so I can get rolling on here.
Poor sweet Norma still doesn't have a trash can. But she has "spunk" !!
Good morning all! It has taken me forever to catch up with all the blogs. Does not pay to miss a day on here!! Yesterday I had church then had to rush around to get several things done before we headed to Dallas. Had a GREAT time over there. Jack helped Michael with moving mattresses, moving a basketball goal upstairs to the playroom, and moving last few things from storage. Michael was feeling good with the things accomplished.
Ashley loved the clock and Jack put it up for her on the patio.
Watch Zach pretend to be Elvis. That is his favorite thing to do. He listens to the CD and does his act....including a grand entrance. LOL
Ask Zach, how old is Mommy and his reply is "10 20 30 9" . all the while flashing his fingers to the count.
Great to read about Koo. I had stopped watching for fear he would die in the nest with cam rolling. Unbelievable that he was found. Hurray that he is eating!!!!
Deb, so sorry about the osprey.
Looks like Deb and I will both be in bottles this year at open house. BUT, I am already making plans for nest year! LOL Deb, start working on that plan as well! We are thinking New England again in Sept, early Oct. Be just about right to stop in W.V. on the way home, right?
Jack hunted, but did not see the armadillo. Did not hunt last night....he dug in the lawn. Grrr! Must go and make repairs.
sorry this will be long, but good info for burrowing owl fans:)
After a Hiatus of 30 Years, Burrowing Owl Chicks Hatch at the National Zoo
The Smithsonian’s National Zoo welcomed two burrowing owl chicks Aug. 2—the first hatching of this species at the Zoo in 30 years. The chicks’ parents, a 5-year-old male and 4-year-old female, have been at the Zoo since June 2006.
The last time burrowing owls successfully bred at the National Zoo was in the late 1970s. A recent population-management plan recommended breeding the Zoo’s current adult pair. The chicks are with their parents in the Zoo’s Bird House. Currently, there is semi-transparent filter paper covering their exhibit, providing the chicks with privacy. As they become more comfortable with their new surroundings, the paper will slowly be removed.
Burrowing owls are named for their habit of living in underground burrows. The Zuni Indians called these owls the “priest of the prairie dogs” because they often nest and roost in empty prairie dog burrows. At the Zoo, the owls are provided with tunnels and underground nest boxes.
The female incubates the eggs for 28 to 30 days, while the male hunts and supplies the female with food. When they hatch, the chicks are helpless and their eyes are closed. By age 2½ weeks, the chicks are able to control their body temperature and begin to emerge from their burrows to beg for food. At 3 weeks old, they begin jumping and flapping their wings, and at 4 weeks, they are able to take short flights. The chicks are easy to identify by their juvenile plumage, which lacks any of the white bars and spots of the adults.
Burrowing owls are one of the smallest owl species in North America. The average adult is
10 inches in length—slightly larger than an American robin. Much of the population is migratory, though their migration routes and locations are not well understood. Burrowing owls are distributed from the Mississippi River to the Pacific Ocean and from the Canadian prairie provinces into South America. They are also found in Florida and the Caribbean islands. Burrowing owls have a highly variable diet, which includes invertebrates and small vertebrates. They mainly eat large insects, small rodents and frogs. The greatest threat to burrowing owls is habitat destruction and degradation caused by land development
Quick visit.
Going to Office Depot to pick up some red pens.
Been told to prepare to hold classes online if flu becomes serious -- all had to do with accommodating sick students because faculty are not allowed to get sick.
Shirley, would love to know about the confiscated cell phone. My policy is "if a phone rings in my classroom, I get to talk to whomever is calling." Last semester answered a phone and the student was at Starbucks instead of in my class -- thought I was her BFF and would I take notes for her -- suggested she visit during an office hour.
Oh, I am really happy to know Koo has been rescued. Pray she makes the best recovery possible.
Lolly, glad you had a fun day!
We sure will miss you at open house, as well as Deb. But, yep, you'll be in bottles again!!
Mits, good news for zoo and lots of interesting info! TY.
Still only at 65 here...w/ a slight breeze, and some clouds...too chilly!!! I don't like it. Feeling a bit puny today, anyway...and have to run an errand....think I'm going to take a panda nap and then get ready to go.
Good news about the Burrowing Owls.
Hope you feel better, Lynn.
I just talked to Janie and little A36 isn't in pain anymore. :(
sad news, Deb, sorry:(
I'm back and now I know what is going on with you all! I have no plans for the day but I have the urge just to go outside and stay for a long while!
Oh Deb, so sorry! Saddens my heart!
AW, so sorry, Deb:(
Me, too, but I am glad that we found her right away. I am just about done loading pics, I won't get any labels up, but I should be able to post before work.
Good afternoon! I got a phone call today informing me that the photo I thought won the award of merit in the Easton Plein Air photo contest was the wrong one. They gave me the wrong photo name. This is the photo that actually won:
Deb - sorry to hear about the loss of
A-36. I feel certain he is flying high! All creatures are taken care of
Bob - I can see why they chose that one. Fantastic pic and congratulations!
Nice, Bob!
Hello all:)
Cool, Bob. I like that one.
Norma - I have golden retrievers, not labs.
Deb, so sorry about A36.
Good Morning/Afternoon, everybody!
Here I am, dragging in again. Could not for the life of me get to sleep last night. Finally did early this morning after getting Hubby off to work. Woke up about half an hour ago. Got some breakfast, and now need to try to make a Dr. appt.--hopefully for today. I have a case of the ITCHIES
like you wouldn't believe! Started two weeks ago with a bump on one shoulder, and what appears to be prickly heat elsewhere. As of yesterday, I have 3 more itchy bumps--one on each side of ribs, and one behind my right knee. I am going NUTS!!!!
It could be caused by an inhaled allergen. I had something similar decades ago, and they gave me steroids for it. With all the crud in the air from the L.A. fire, it's possible that's what's doing it.
DEB---so very sorry--he is soaring
like that one, Bob:)
Just read---2,000 homes in line of CA fire!---JIM hasn't been on line today--has he???
yes Norma, he was on about 10 mins before you got on this a.m.
movin said...
* GooD nighT *
* Good Morning *
Just got up and am closing down the machine...
Monday, August 31, 2009 6:27:00 AM
Deb, so very sorry to hear about A36. What a sad thing. At least we know she's soaring in a far better place now. Really encouraging news about Koo this morning, though! She's eating! Hopefully she'll make a full recovery. I hope that if they feel she can't catch fish to feed herself, they will keep her at the zoo.
Bob, that's a great picture! Like BOTH pictures a lot! Congratulations again.
I'm going to try to call the Dr's office again. Hope I can get an appt. soon. Be right back...
**Good Morning**
**All Birders on this Blog**
The Alcoa Peregrine nest in S.E. Australia has been relocated to the other side of the water tank, and as of yesterday, the female had laid one egg.
Haven't checked Frodocam lately, but it didn't look good for a repeat last season.
The second Loch Ness eyass with the radio is on the move south through Scotland and N. England. The first one has found a good spot for the time on a river in France.
The NBG eaglet with the radio is also on the move ... still in VA though, actually to the north of the Norfolk area.
Koo's news is in the notes on the Finney site now. I hope it turns out well for her after all.
Have a great day, everybody.
Funny thing to happen, Bob. It's a good picture, but I think I actually like the first one reported winner better.
Maybe they'll call a second time.....
Yes, Norma, I'm still here, and it is very hot here in Santa Ana this week.
But the fires are north of here in the L.A. area (I think the ones in N. Cal. may be burning yet too), and I hope they do not hit this area this year.
So far, this heat wave has not been accompanied by the Santa Ana desert winds, and the humidity has remained fairly high. Still dangerous for wildfires, but not as bad.
Thanks for wondering, Norma.
Short nap and bowl of soup have not helped me feel any better. Just one of those days, I guess. Think will put off was just to go to Wally World to look for a pill they are supposed to have for leg cramps (since I can't get my quinine Rx anymore). No BIG can wait
Bob, so it was pic #3 that they selected?? Good shots all.
Andy, sure do hope you stop fun! Hoping that all of your bird visitors haven't infested your yard w/ fleas or mites!
Deb, sad news about A36...the Lord giveth and the Lord taketh away....Blessed is the name of the Lord. Soar high, little one, and touch the face of God.
hERE'S a link to a new blog entry at San Diego.
Take a look at the Pandas right now though...
Right above the entry there is a link to an article on the two elephants rescued from the circus regime (forget their names right now).
Thanks MITS!---I saw that---He just said he was getting up & turning off his computer---
Jim, do you have the smoke/haze bothering your area like Andrea has?
Hopefully your offshore breezes help push it away.
HEDGIE---I hope you feel better--after a nap!---Remember--you always have mustard for the leg cramps---I'm serious---take care!
Very cool update on the the cub, Jim....quite an involved process to get ready for the snatch and run!!! Hope the baby cooperates w/o crying so that Bai stays calm! Can't wait for the results when they get them.
JIM--I came on a little after 6 am & you were turning off your machine----I FEEL I AM LOST IN A TIME ZONE!--ho!
need food--
Have repaired armadillo damage, watered the pots, and done my exercises. Now to get on with the day.
Lynn, so sorry you are not feeling up to par. Hope you feeling perky soon!! Remember G&T for quinine! LOL
Yep, back in the bottle soon. But, hey, I have good company!
Off to see what I can accomplish! Gotta be constructive!
Jim Thanks so much for the link to the SD zoo blog. It was very interesting to read the updates I loved the comment ...
I can tell you this: it is very exciting holding a baby cub and seeing it for the first time out of the den! We are placing bets on the sex of our new cub. What is your guess?
You lost in a mere 'time zone', Norma. I doubt that. Hahaha.
How's life treating you??
I have stopped, temporarily I hope, sending you emails, Norma. I kept getting notices back that they couldn't deliver them. Why don't you just delete everything I've sent for a couple of months, and then let me know when you are ready for me to send again. {:~D]
Hedgie, I haven't noticed too much smoke here, but I haven't actually been out much yet.
We usually at least get ash and cinders blown down this way, but this time the winds are mostly on-shore. Maybe the stuff will be blown out into the back country areas this time.
I'm going out soon, so I should have a better idea...
I see both the Dad and the young lady Osprey are on the nest at BWO.
Norma, I DID try the mustard....but it didn't help...and it didn't sit too well on a late night tummy, either!! Had bad indigestion!
Thanks for all well wishes...sure I'll be fine.
Lolly, you construct and armo destructs!!
Jim, be careful when you head out---wear a hat so no ember gets the pate if the winds shift!
Bet a piece of chocolate cake will help me feel perkier!! What do you think??
Jim, BTW, Norma can't access her email at all!!! I get those same messages, so have deleted her from my email distribution list!
I vote for the chocolate cake!
tHANKS, Hedgie, but no worries, the embers are burnt out by the time they get here.
But they can be dangerous yet if you breathe too much of the stuff in or get them in your eyes.
Sometimes the ash and embers are so thick on the ground they muffle the sound of walking. They pile up on your car, and they have to be removed quickly, or when they combine with dew or rain, they can do some real damage.
Haven't read comments yet..but very close up of Diego!!
Lynn hope you start feeling better.
I've been on computer searching for a Pittsburg Steeler Throw. Can't find any I really want. All are nice but jut not the one yet.
Well I'll be! Blogger undid my account sign in---supposed to STAY signed in, so I copied & pasted to Word!!So there. I can't remember all that I wrote!
Afternoon Everyone---back from appt. and shopping chores. Went to 4 stores & couldn't find what I wanted!Could go online, but don't know what size & hate sending stuff back.I need a Panda nap & Fubby had to have tooth pulled that was part of a bridge!Dentist was able to cut the false tooth and pull w/the real one.Got no RX for pain pills.Said he'll just take Tylenol if needed!Guess I have to rearrange dinner plans---soup!
Deb, so so sorry to learn about
A36. Hurts my heart♥, poor dear sweet thing. But we know where it's flying now.
Lynn hope you get back up to snuff--Panda nap might help.
Guess it make a mess like volcanic ash, huh, Jim?
Nice avatar, Dana! Good luck with your search.
Loretta...hope you fid what you're looking for, too. Fubby is so macho, isn't he?? Hope he doesn't suffer too much.
Yeah, think I'm heading back to the sofa.
Back now.
Chocolate cake is great after the dentist -- easy and tasty all in one.
Deb, saddened at the news of A36. Wish so much that the story had a happier ending.
Lynn, hope you feel better. Chocolate cake for you, too.
Congratulations on the baby burrowing owls and thanks so much for the information about them. I didn't know anything before.
Jim, thank you for the Diego update. Waiting eagerly for the first checkup report.
Bob, like this picture better.
All the west coasters, please stay out of the ash and cinders!
Back to reading some prep for tomorrow morning.
Good afternoon!
Bob, congratulations on your win. I like that picture with the time lapse.
Deb, so sorry about the loss of A-36. I know how hard you guys try to save them all.
Jim, glad that the fire is not too close.
Andy, stay safe. I hope the fire does not cause you any more problems.
Judie, I have answered the cell phone calls, too. I have to admit that I did allow a student to call his mom from my class last spring to tell her that he had passed and would be graduating. He was leaping for joy.
Lynn, take care of yourself. Get well.
The confiscation of the cell phone: I am putting that story on the e-mail. I don't know if I can get it on from here, so it may have to wait awhile until I get home.
See you later!
Hello my fine eagle friends.
I hope all is well.
Hi T-Bird...Great to See You ☺ ♥
Hi Magpie. Good to see you too. Buddy says hi. I've also got Buphals here with me this week. He says hi too.
Thelma, I have a niece who just relocated from the Washington DC area, to a very small town named Grundy, and she will be working at the Appalachian College of Pharmacy in Oakwood or VanSant, Va.
I checked to see if it was close to Bedford. It is Not ! Way way over into Southwest Virginia, below the "bottom" of WV and not far from Kentucky.
Bow Wow, not Woof Woof, to both pups, Thelma !
Maybe your presence will call in our Eagles, as has happened so often in the past ☺
You and Loretta had that magic touch there for quite some time!
Yeah Magpie, Grundy is closer to Bluefield than it is Bedford.
I save Woof for more negative things, Bow Wow is friendly. ☺
I can't even figure out what the next closest "big town" is. Quite a change from Washington DC. She is a librarian.
Her nickname, is Baby Magpie ☺
(her name is Margaret also...)
Loretta - like you, cam daily is not saving my password, not used to having to re-type it when I come back on....glad I didn't forget what it was!
I remember there was a character in the Archie comics, Miss Grundy, I believe she was a teacher!
I miss your early morning comments, T-Bird, when you would say it was time to "make dough."
I thought you worked in a bakery for awhile there until I figured it out ☺
Hedgie... thinking of you and sorry I cannot run to Wally World for to be at work at 6 pm....hope you will be feeling much much better soon!
Magpie, I think that would be Richlands or Tazewell. Not really big cities.
I think she will be happy there, T-Bird. I look forward to when I can visit her.
I had a dream that Hidey was in the nest...too bad, it was just a dream. But in the dream, Hidey was pretty small...not what I expect he (or she) looks like now!
TTFN have to get some things ready for work.
Later Magpie, make a great workday.
Just in case anyone is listening, I'm off to stare stoooopidly into the frig for inspiration and food. No chocolate cake but if wishing could make it so...
Hope you find something you like, Judie
and also best wishes on your return to School Tuesday.
So Long Eagle Pals...hope the rest of the day has some magical things in store for you.
xo ☺ ♥
You too Magpie, I hope you find something wonderful Judie.
My frig is MT. Guess I'll have to make something a plenty, so I can stare into the frig tomorrow night and find the leftovers then.
Judie, sorry I don't have inspirational food thoughts for you....I'm racking my brain trying to figure out what would taste good myself! Lots of good thoughts coming your way for a great start to the new school year. Are your students degree-program folks, or officers in CE mode? or both??
Well, actually I have made a decision -- pasghetti with garlic sauce, salad, a few slices of garlic bread. Hopefully, the garlic smell will last long enough to keep the wannabe adults away from me tomorrow. It should also keep vampires away tonight.
Tomorrow's classes are regular undergraduates - one is mostly all incoming first semester freshmen and the second is almost all juniors/seniors who have declared majors of psychology or criminal justice. The police class doesn't begin until mid-Oct. Police are in a special GWU program for officers who are trying to finish B.A. degrees.
Okay, off to find the garlic!
Sounds like a yummy choice, Judie! Think I will definitely put garlic bread on my menu, too---love it!!
Evening all.
Deb so sorry to hear about the osprey.
Lynn hope you are feeling better.
Bob all your pictures are winners.
Judie hope you have a good school year. Especially tomorrow.
Mits great news about the burrowing owls. what took them so long no wonder some of these animals are extinct.
Didn't take notes so that is all I can remember.
I am also hungry and all that talk about Meatloaf the other day is going to lead me to the Cracker Barrel...
Lynn you need one down Martinsburg way!
I have to put my long pants on first.
Don't forget your heavy coat, Ceil!
Good luck with the meatloaf MemaJo.
It doesn't even compare to Bev's or my Mama's.
Hi again, eagle watchers!
Well, guess there's no such thing as a same day Dr. appt. this week. Week from Thurs. is the first available. Guess I'll live...
Lynn, lots of prayers for you! Hope a panda nap helps some. Hang in there, girl friend! Maybe it's just the fact that it's Monday. I say chocolate cake would help! Go for it!
Loretta, hope Fubby makes a speedy recovery from the dentist visit! He's in my prayers, too!
Happy news regarding the new Oriole feeder in the back yard--they LIKE it! Put half an orange and some grape jelly on it, and wow, it's a big hit!
Oops--Hubby's home. Will be back a little later.... :o]
Jo, we have a Cracker Barrell! Probably for about 10 yrs. But I only do homemade meatloaf....I'm VERY picky about meatloaf!!!
Andy, do you have any walk-in clinics??
All this talk makes me want a meatloaf sandwich. I guess I'll have to pick something else.
Sure hoping and praying that Anne Marie isn't in any fire danger.
Okay, A-M is fine and in no danger. Fires are inthe foothills and she's in the valley!
I put the cell phone story on the e-mail, for anyone who is interested.
More importantly, a gun was taken from a student on our campus today. Not a student at our school, but a student at the alternative school on the same campus. They did not find ammunition, and I do not think the gun was functional, but it still made the local news.
Garlic must be the name of the game tonight. I am
Eagle alert!!!
It's Lib!
Gonna poof!
There he went! I was saying....
Garlic must be the name of the game tonight...having chicken wings and Red Lobster Cheese/Garlic biscuits!
I am soooooooo happy I got to see Lib!!
Gotta go finish dinner and feed the dogs!
Watch the nest!!
Later Paula. I'm signing off for the night. I hope you all have a good night. Don't let the bed bugs bite.
Shucks, I missed the eagle visit.
I had garlic with my potatoes and meatloaf tonight. It was good.
Grilling pork chops for our dinner. Going to eat on the patio. It is 83 and low humidity so it is very pleasant. Having fried pototoes with the chops. That sounds like I am dieting, right? Added onions and Hatch peppers to the potatoes. Yummy!
Jack says "ok, lets eat!"
Andrea are you sick? Read the mentioning of need drs appt.????
I was re-thinking the "cricket" thoughts. About the creature at the nest at night time. If if were a cricket wouldn't we be hearing it. You know they are so noisy??
Hear something a mic at nest. Also see the line thin line of web or creature...
lol One of the kids just brought me 2 biscuits from the Red Lobster. I am overly filled with the meatloaf so I guess I'll hold them until tomorrow!
Night light is on
Smudge is still there
Critters antennae is waving......
Sorry I missed the evening visit! :<(
Jo, those biscuits are worth holding onto.
The visit was very quick!
I had to have 2 biscuits! Yummy!
They are good good biscuits!
I think that might be a spidey web
Hear ducks do you all?? Maybe tree frogs??
I found this message about Koo--It is just a little additional information. I do not think I have seen it before.
Jo UK just reported this at Looduskalendar.
E-mail from Mari Heikkilla at Ranua Zoo.
Dear Jo,
thank you for your e-mail. As you can guess, lots of people has been contacting me today! I can not answer them all, but if You could be so kind and inform Looduskalender for my behalf.
So at this point the situation is like, that the bird arrived last night to our Wildlife Park. I give some fish and nutrientliqued to it (I needed to force him/her to eat.) This morning Koo was a bit more "fresh" and ate (swallowed freewillingly) the fish when I put it to its beak.
Now we are waiting for veterinarian to look at the bird. And just hope it will start to eat by him/herself and get stronger.
If it's OK with you, I could inform you about Koo's situation as soon as we know? And you could inform members of looduskalender.
Kind regards,
Mari Heikkilä
Ranua Wildlife Park
Wow, that's an awesome update! Thanks, Shirley.
Oh, I got a picture of Boo with the paint on his head!
Poop Shoot Dog
I wish I could protest the Live Feed's
IDLE - Not to bad to deal with for now but when we get into the season, I am going to miss really important things!
Paula lol
Sure looks like the real thing!
Glad it was just a little bird!
Gotta go clean up my messy kitchen...bbialw
Boo got in the range of a little birdie's poop shoot?
awww Boo is just adorable...I love retrievers:)
Quick visit -- bet y'all knew I was comming 'cause you could smell the garlic.
Shirley, watch your back! Don't like the sound of it. Thanks for posting the update about Koo. Was it sent via Jo or am I confused?
Paula, love Boo. Too cute!
Hear tap dancing at the nest. Also noticed a mini Ninja Turtle glo sword.
Back later,
no Shirley, Boo got paint on his head, little girl across the street from Paula, said your dog has bird poop on its head..
HA ha ha...looks like bird poop to me..
stupid blogger cop, message comes to my email, before it shows posted on the blog, so you have to hit it again, than it posts twice, not to mention how many times a day I have to sign into it...
Judie, I think it is a different Jo. Someone in the UK.
I think Loretta posts on this forum. She knows more than I do about the people there.
Wish I had some of those R.L. biscuits!
Great update, Shirley! You have really gotten good at this seek and find!
Read your email.....left you a reply!
Yes, Judie - There is another Jo but she isn't a Mema Jo and she lives across the pond - not down in the valley!
Loretta is our messenger! She has kept us very well informed about Koo!
Well Excuse Me, Lynn! Now you know how I felt about wanting chocolate cake with pb icing.........
Is anyone watching anything on TV this evening?
Paula love the picture of Boo.
Peaceful dreams all.
Will came in from work saying that the bank across from where he works was robbed today by a man and a woman who had a child with them.
Nite. Ceil. Have a good ride to the beach tomorrow.
Nope, Jo. Not much on tonight.
Lynn - I still have some biscuits. Come on over.
Good Night Ceil
Enjoy your stay with Helen in OC
Let me know which boardwalk cam you all will pose under so I can see you and spread the word on the blog!
That would be fun! Give me a heads up warning on day and time if you can!
Mema Jo, I'm watching Law & Order so I'll be all ready for my criminal class tomorrow.
Thanks for untanglig the Jo mystery. Thought I was getting ga ga.
Well, I am ga ga. That's untangling.
Love Poop Shoot Dog, Paula!
Judie, that's what I told Shirley, too!
I have reported to proper authorities. Explained on e-mail.
Great thanks for the news posting about Koo !!!
Mema Jo ... down in the valley
Down In The Valley
Falling asleep in my chair. Must go to bed. Thanks Judie and Lynn. I appreciate the concern.
I hope we have more good news about Koo tomorrow.
Goodnight Ceil and Shirley. Ceil, enjoy the visit in O.C. and seeing Helen.
Going back to watch more t.v. I usually have trouble sleeping night before first classes. Used to wish I didn't get jitters until a 35 year veteran told me if I don't feel nervous it's time to quit because I don't care anymore.
I would agree with that Judie! Have a good day tomorrow.
Hitting the hay early here...tired from the weekend.
Dana, hope the eye is doing better.
Thanks for the comments about Boo, he's a sweet dog.
Nite, all.
Hugs to all ♥
Thanks, Paula....that's what I told Jo about the cake, too, but she didn't come...and now you see how she's acting! LOL!
I'm getting ready to turn in early.
Judie, have a great first day back to school!
Ceil, you and MM have a safe trip and a fun time with Mits!! We would really like to see the trio on a cam!
See you tomorrow. Love y'all!
Dana - I hadn't thought about or heard that song for sooooooo long. I can remember singing it with others.
Night Lynn ! I sure hope you feel better when you're feet hit the floor in the morning! ((hugs)) ♥
Shirley, Times are getting troubled - concerning Will's account of the bank robbery. Before long we'll probably see the parents in the car and the kid being sent into the bank with the gun or note and bringing out the money!
Lordy Lordy
What has this world become ?
Paula, cute picture of Boo.
Night everyone, going to read for awhile.
Goodnight everyone. Turning off my light but leaving the night light on -- both regular and electronic. Eye scanner is also activated.
Hope everyone has a lovely day tomorrow. I'll report on my first day adventures sometime late tomorrow afternoon. Think of it as an academic daytime soap opera -- every Tuesday and Thursday will be a new episode.
Pleasant dreams for all.
Good Night all of you out there in
Prayers for everyone's needs and prayers of thankfulness for these
((hugs)) ♥
Hi, gang,
It's too hot to sleep so far, so here I am! (Wouldn't go to sleep without saying goodnight, anyway!)
Dana, don't worry--I'm not really sick, just have a humungous case of prickly heat, I think. I'm itching like crazy. Have some kind of other itchy bumps that have appeared one or two at a time over the last 2 weeks. I think they're either bug bites or from an inhaled allergen. It's not an emergency, just totally bothersome.
Lynn, there are walk-in clinics, but not near me. Would rather go to my own Dr...stubborn, I guess.
I might go to a clinic if it gets suddenly worse.
Interesting note--my SIL called tonight to let me know that on the radio they said that if a volcano had erupted nearby, the crud in the air would be 399 ppm. Right now in L.A. it's 349! Eeewwwww!
Thank God the wind is blowing from south to north! That keeps most of it away from us.
Goodness, it's bedtime and I haven't been on here since morning...really busy here, will be for a while.
Thanks Lynn for the video and hate that you'r not up to par. Better tomorrow, I hope:)
Shirly and Judie, love hearing about your school adventures. I was so hoping you two would share your days with us. Don't like the Cell Phone incident. Probably won't be the last that you will hear from the kid:( Hope parents will take part in straightening him out!
MARGY, have you seen any FLYING BEER MUGS lately?;)
Jo, do we dare say anything about our displeasure of the timer set up at the nest cam? Probably not..leave well enough alone?:(:(
Hate it when I'm busy with the shop. I feel like a bystander and can't keep up. Love reading everyone's comments just before I fall into bed. You gals are GREAT!
Shirley, bless your heart, thanks for the Koo update. Sounds like she's holding her own, and hope she improves quickly!
Just saw your posting about the gun taken from a student--promise all of us that you'll be extra careful, and watch your back! I'm praying that the Lord will send a legion of angels to surround you!
Wanda, I suspect you're right about the 'nest tree' roots! I bet they go farther than that, and I hope whoever does maintenance on our nest cam decides to yank it out. Gotta make room for Belle & Lib!
Sissy, glad Tom is doing so well! Don't let him do too much too soon, though.
Wow, there's been a lot of talk about meatloaf! Can't wait till it's cool enough to make some.
Helen, thanks for the info about the burrowing owls. Fascinating stuff!
Andy so sorry for your itchy itchy..I so hope you can get some comfort from it very soon.
Lynn hope you are feeling better tomorrow AM'er.
Ceil and MM have fun at OC.
Prayers for those that need them
Night Eagleland Friends
Paula, LOVE the picture of Boo! What a sweetie he is!
Judie, hope your school day is just fantastic tomorrow! Can't wait for an update.
Shirley, can't wait to hear about your day tomorrow, either. Hope it's fantastic, too!
Well, I hear the fireworks at Disneyland starting, so I think I'm gonna call it a night. The night lights are on, the motion detector porch light is on, and the eye scanner lock is enabled.
Prayers for all needs said; have a good night's sleep, and I'll talk to you in the morning. G'night!
Just heard a noise at the nest cam as I was about to sign off. Is that an antenna, or is it a Spidey leg I see? Whew...I'm outta here!
Oh--Dana, thanks so much! I have a cream with topical anesthetic that helps. Just hope this goes away!
G'night for sure this time! :o]
It's tomorrow... Happy September everyone. Lots of calendar pages to roll over here.
Left work at midnight, because I have a court appearance for a local murder trial Tuesday, it's a 9-1-1 thing...just have to verify that a call came in as recorded.
Makes for a bit of a goofy schedule though...
Hope all are Sleeping Sweetly.
xo ☺ ♥
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