Friday, August 07, 2009


TGIF Thread.


Costume Lady said...


Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Thanks Steve and Wanda. Good morning again, eagle budlets!

Costume Lady said...

We do appreciate any info coming from you guys at NCTC. This place is like a second home to most of us and we are most concerned about the well-being of our eagle pair and their offspring and you guys, too!

Costume Lady said...

Hey, Sharon...any lemonade today...maybe tomorrow. It is suppose to be 95° here tomorrow! I don't think we have had any days that hot yet, this year!

normabyrd said...

Thanks for BEAUTIFUL DAY thread!

Costume Lady said...

Hey, where is everybody? Come on in, the mosquitos are coming in. Not closing the door today, screen door will take care of them. Just don't leave it open too long:)

Costume Lady said...

Norma, have your grandchildren gone back to Florida? When will you get to see them again?

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Tomorrow is Lemonade Days so they will be giving away lemonade. Looks like it is supposed to get up to 87° here tomorrow.

paula eagleholic said...

Thanks for the new thread, Steve.

Are they going to fix the still cam???

Costume Lady said...

Pinky is still very sore from the wasp sting and blue from tip to firt knuckle. Gene had to cut my pinky ring off, which was my first wedding band. After I gained weight, had to put it on pinky and have had it on ring finger or pinky for 50 it is just laying on my coffee table looking sad:( I will have it fixed soon:)
Typing hurts, so I won't be doing much until the swelling goes down.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Mean insects SUCK and so do mean people!

floralgirl said...

Yeah, well I agree, cause I got stung in the eyelid this morning by some crappy insect and now my eye is swelling shut and I had to take a Benadryl and that makes me loopy and I am very aggravated by the whole situation. And I am still cutting flowers, and it is a real chore this morning.
Oh, and Hello:) gotta run back outside. It's a pretty morning even tho I can only see it thru one eye:)

ceil said...

Morning all. The bugs are nasty. Stung our momsters. Get Hidey after them. Helen was swimming in a pool came up and wasp stung her in the throat.

Costume Lady said...

Oh, eye is the worst place for a sting! I can't take any antihistamines....drives me up a wall for hours! It does help with the swelling, if you can tolerate it. You poor dear, you seem to go throught sooo much:(

Mema Jo said...

Good Morning All! Looks beautiful outside - not sure I'm going out on the deck 'cause I see Wasps flying around! Megan and Wanda, I hope the pain and swelling goes away!
I have not read first morning comments
Going over to do so in case any word on Tom. Hope Deb has comment about injured eaglet and Gabby. Hope Gimpy is doing well with the sardines.
WOW! we have just as many feathered friends to pray for as we do our Momster buddies! ((hugs to all))

Mema Jo said...

I see our MT nest
I wonder when the cam maintenance is to take place? We may not know until it is finished.
Still would love to know about the gun shots you all heard late last evening.
I really hope it was the neighboring house - not the grounds of NCTC.

normabyrd said...

MORNIN'---MEGAN---Have you ever tried pinning (use a bobbi pin) a BOUNCE sheet at top of your hair line-- w/hang over your brow----GUARANTEED to keep bugs away from your eyes & face!


normabyrd said...

MORNIN' CEIL & MEMA JO!---GARAGE just picked up my car---& wait for A/C MAN!

Mema Jo said...

Norma - you are getting all kinds of
Fixer Uppers! Is car repair very serious?
Have you been able to see the new
panda cub at the San Diego zoo? Bai
hides the cub so well in her arms.

Mema Jo said...

Just finished reading the early morning posts! Mits - I bet you're back for some more sleep after you got up so early to see the boats. I wonder what we'll witness coming in this afternoon. Maybe another Big One. I guess there are more really big ones out there - would love to be around that crew and hear their story about the 1000+ pounder catch!

Mema Jo said...

What time Sharon, do you leave for Bedford. Friday traffic isn't the best!
If I see a flash out on the interstate with a wild woman driver and 2 dogs' heads hanging out the back windows, I'll know who it is! lol

Mema Jo said...

Really pray for your safe journey is what I meant to say to you!
Any word yet from Sissy about Tom...?

normabyrd said...

JO!--NO BIG DEAL!---My sticker expired!--time for inspection & new sticker!---

stronghunter said...

Good morning. I closed the screen door carefully so that no stinging insects would get in here.

Megan, Wanda, and Helen take care. Insect stings are no fun. I got stung by a wasp a couple of years ago while watching Hunter at my daughter's house. My finger was very swollen and sore and I showed it to Hunter. A little later he said, "Grandma, there is a wasp knocking at the door, and it's growling." I did not open the door! The child does have an imagination.

Look out for those growling,door-knocking wasps. I am going to lock the screen door just in case. Maybe get out the bug spray.

The play last night was excellent! Sold out on a Thursday night, and a standing ovation. Suzi and I had fun. I took a picture of her and will post it shortly.

We went walking around the Watergate, but I did not see any suspicious tape on doors or any such thing. None of Nixon's henchmen were around that I could tell, just a few stinging insects--bumblebees--on the flowers. We avoided them.

You know you have passed some kind of threshold in life when one of your youngest says that she didn't call you on the cell phone while you were diving the highways because she did not want to distract you. I have to say I appreciated it. I was wondering what I would have done if she'd called me while I was at the top of the mixing bowl.

Gunshots at the nest? I hope everyone and everything is okay.

Prayers for Tom and Ken and everyone else who needs them. Hope all doctor and dentists' visits go well.

Judie and Frank, have a safe trip. Prayers for you as well.

Ms Bookworm said...

Good Morning, Everyone!

Yay! It's only supposed to get to 79 here in Anaheim today! The sun's out, and it's nice and cool right now. Phew! Quite a relief, since we've had a couple of weeks of hot and muggy weather.

Saw a report about a wild bird rehab center in Colorado on the early news this morning. They had one bald eagle, and several raptors that had injuries from bad hailstorms. One Kestrel with a broken wing, and a Red-Tailed Hawk with an eye injury. Really interesting! Showed several barn owls, too. God bless the lady who runs that place!

Haven't seen Gimpy Heron yet today, but Sibling #3 is out on the back lawn, stalking earthworms! I understand they eat lizards and snakes as well as fish, but this guy is walking thru the sprinklers, and really catching a bunch of worms! That may be the main part of Gimpy's diet. Gimpy usually waits till the sun's on the patio to show up there. MTBR. Think I'll catch up on the blog, and see if I can swat any flies on our screen door. Be right back.

stronghunter said...

. . . Will leave a key to the screen door under the mat. Hope growling wasps don't know how to use a key.

stronghunter said...

Sharon, have a safe trip today.

Mema Jo said...

Not any visible critters on the Asia trail this morning.

Just bushy tailed squirrels in the PA woods and at the Snowman cam

Need to get my day started!


Ms Bookworm said...

Wanda, your pinkie sure sounds owie! Your eye sounds miserable, too, Megan! Does it itch, or hurt, or both? You guys remind me of what happened when I was in college the FIRST time (long, long ago!). I was carrying a stack of books, and walked under a blooming Magnolia tree, and a bee dropped right down the front of my shirt, and stung me in my cleavage! (Of all the nerve!)
It was a honeybee, so I only got stung once, but OWWWWW! It swelled up, too. I was pretty flat-chested back then, and before long it looked like I had 3 boobs! LOL :oD Only a week before the Homecoming dance, too. I was a zombie on Benadryl for a while, but survived.

Mits said...

Jo, clouded leopard is in view, and the sloth bear demo, just started.

Mits said...

all sibs at Finney's nest

stronghunter said...

Helen, I always enjoy the clouded leopards. I also looked at the videos of the baby leopards. They are precious.

deb said...

Lunch time, I called and the Eagle made it through the night. Janie was busy, so no good update, just that they are still treating it. I will post another update before I head over tonight.

Ms Bookworm said...

Deb, that's fantastic news about the injured eagle! Hope and pray that he will recover completely!

Just went to the kitchen for coffee, and found that the pilot light was out on one stove burner again. Guess I'll call the gas company and get someone to check this old stove out. Don't want that happening all the time!

deb said...

The Eagle is still very critical, it could be a week before we know if it will survive. I hate to get my hopes up too much, but I know that I don't want the first Eagle I ever got to touch to die. :(

deb said...

Time to go back to work.

stronghunter said...

Hope all goes well for the injured eagle, Deb.

normabyrd said...

DEB---You have a magic touch with birds & animals---w/send up an eagle prayer--

normabyrd said...

WHOA! JO---There is so many BURROWING OWLS---I didn't count them all---(there are 10)---

Mema Jo said...

Whoa Norma! AC must have broken inside their burrow and they all came out for some fresh air! lol

Loretta has had a reply about Koo..
check out your email message!

Mema Jo said...

Any of you who have a Yahoo email address from Momsters - Please check messages

stronghunter said...

Checked the message about Koo and sent it on to my SIL. It is good to know that someone is watching over there.

Thanks for writing and sharing Loretta. Thanks for the heads-up, Jo.

Mema Jo said...

Taking an afternoon break !

Go get that sofa Shirley!


Ms Bookworm said...

Thanks for the heads up, Jo.
I'm grateful they've replied to Loretta and let us all know that they are watching Koo's situation.
Guess that's the best they can do right now. Thanks, Loretta, for writing the letter!

stronghunter said...

Need to do that, Jo.

movin said...

** good morning **

** everyone **

I believe I forgot to sign on here today, although I got set to do it quite a while ago. ???

Got sidetracked.

Has anyone determined what the sounds of "gunshots" were and who they were caused by?

The Finney chick with the bad leg is eating a nice piece of fish right now. He/she seems to be coping very well on the nest. Now let's hope he/she does as well once h/s has fledged. I'm sure h/s can fly, but I'm not so sure about the landing, perching, feeding parts.



NatureNut said...

Hello Everyone!!! I see Jo has informed you of my recent Koo reply. I have never been able to access my home email here at work, but today I could!!!And there was a reply from a real scientist!!I recalled a few Momster email addresses, but sent a copy to E_M yahoo mail for all to see. Have to agree w/what he says. But it sure would have been enlightening for the worldwide watchers if something could have been post connected w/camera co.
As I've heard, "the squeaky wheel gets the grease"! Now if we could just hear something positive about DC Eagles, would be great.

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

Good afternoon friends! My niece sent me a recipe I had to share with ya'll. Now, I can't do the blue link thing, so just copy and paste!!

It is the coolest thing ever! Gotta make me some.

Tom still in Bluefield Regional. Have to wait on the doctor to come in this evening to let us leave up there. What a mess/nightmare this has been. His pain is not as bad as before but he hasn't eaten anything but liquids since Tuesday, so I don't know!!

floralgirl said...

Friday, take two...
Hang in there, Sissy, hope Tom gets out soon.
That panda bread is so cool!

Ms Bookworm said...

Sissy, the panda bread looks so cute! Thanks so much for the recipe!

Hope all works out OK later today for Tom. Hospitals can be SOOO frustrating sometimes! Prayers being said for your situation. Glad the pain isn't as bad as it had been for Tom. Hope things improve even more, real soon!

Ms Bookworm said...

Well, gotta go run a couple of errands. Will BBL.

Lolly said...

Hello Momsters! Do not like talk of wasp stings! My sympathy to Megan and Wanda. I carry an Epipen with me whereever I go. I swell up like a balloon! If I ever got one on my throat or eyelid, it could be dangerous. Please take care! Oh, we have wasps all over the place, but I go about my yard work like they are not there. speaking of yard work...that is where I have been all day. We started early with mowing and I did a little transplanting and watering. I am clean now, but boy do I feel washed out. 98.8 at present. Yuck!

hedgie said...

Hi eagle pals!
All caught up on papers, email (except yahoo) and blog comments. Getting ready to go out and mow. Cloudy now, but don't think it's supposed to rain. Mowing own't take long, tho', so then it can if it wants to!
Neat Panda Bread, Sissy!! Would have to do some intense conversion work to get right amounts!!
Deb, hope the eagle improves.
Loretta got a response all right, but disagree with that guys impressions. Suz had good pics of activity today, tho', so will try to keep positive thoughts about outcome.
Safe travels, Sharon and Judie.
Wanda and Megan....please feel better soon...know how much those stings hurt.
When I was 5 I had a wasp get inside my halter top and sting me a dozen times on my chest---I was screaming bloody murder; mom was hanging wash...she thought the bad neighbor boy was killing me!!!
Sissy, glad that Tom has gotten some relief.
Norma, if you call and make apptmt. w/ inspection station, you can drive there w/o cops giving you a ticket if they stop you!

hedgie said...

EXCITEMENT: Heard on scanner that neighbor farmer was trapped on hay bales by a pack of coyotes....w/o his gun....called for help; dispatched state police....he is brother of daughters' BFF(Eric, Margy!),so I jumped in the truck and drove over. He had managed to scare them off and ran like h--- to the barn....said it was the most scared he's ever been. He had been brushhogging a field and noticed the horses running and he KNEW that had to be why....but he didn't see them at first until they were heading for him, so he jumped up on the hay bale rack.
Says he has two new calves and figures that's what they had come for. Poor kid was a white as a ghost.

hedgie said...

Eric says he had called animal control and been told he's not legally allowed to shoot them unless he sees them actually attacking.

hedgie said...

Okay, out to mow now. BBL.

stronghunter said...

Yikes, Lynn. That sounds like something from a scary movie.

Lolly said...

Oh, that was scary! Sure hope they do not get any of the calves, either!

Have posted a pic on my blog Family Pics. It a picture of my son in law, Joey, on a poster. Next week is Elvis on the square in Denton. Don't forget to double click it to enlarge the photo.

Mema Jo said...

Take your gun with you!!!!

Shoot before they attack! We won't tell a soul!


Lolly said...

Up to 99.5. Not going back outside. Time for a pedicure and a manicure! A little Lolly time.


stronghunter said...

Lolly, definitely stay indoors. I can't believe you were out doing yard work earlier.

Yeah, I am not much for shooting wildlife, but in self-defense, definitely. That sounds like a real threat--what if they go after a child? I did not know there was anything like this anywhere around here.

magpie said...

Okay time to play catch-up

Happy Afternoon Eagle Friends

Beakspeak: NCTC First for Yesterday, Third for the last Seven Days. We're hanging in there, Bird to watch or No Bird to Watch

hedgie said...

Mowing is done! Easy when the mower starts the first time!
People must be watching the shrubbery grow and bloom in our nest!
When I saw a coyote last year, daughter told this guy and he said then that there was a whole pack of them...he also said that when they first reappeared in this county 70 yrs. ago, it was on the road he's on---which my development cuts off of.
Thought about taking my gun with me when I went, but if police got there while I was there I might have been arrested for an unlicensed weapon! I figured just laying on my horn might scare them off.

magpie said...

So sorry to read of Megan's and Wanda's insect maladies...though I can picture Megan with a Dryer sheet hanging over her eyebrows and Andrea's 3-boob story was a rather comical.

Hope the healing goes swiftly. Wanda I surely hope you can get that pinky ring repaired so you can wear it again. Wow, 50years, I would be in mourning!


magpie said...

Crazy story about Eric, Lynn many different policies for so many different things. Shoot first ask questions later. I would have to see about coyotes...what the protection laws are concerning them.

I sent Steve an email inquiring about the gunshots last night.... will forward any information if I get it. Might be able to check with the Jefferson County dispatchers tonight to see what they know about it, 'cause mostly likely they would know.
I forgot to post Wear Red today, because it is FRIDAY but it is not too late.


Lolly said...

Just got a peek at a little tiny panda tail. Boy does she keep that baby cuddled and out of sight.

magpie said...

Thanks Lorettaa for sharing the information regarding your response from Finland. And thanks for taking the time to get your letter written. Funny, you could access home emails from work today. ☺
Sounds like a scientific, well thought out philosphy, not just a hatched response to one letter.

Hoping to hear more positive reports regarding Sissy's Tom this evening...less pain, or another hospital, or both. xo

magpie said...

Lynn - not sure you would have been in trouble about an unlicensed gun....that probably started after you got your gun. If it is concealed without a permit, you could have been in trouble.....

magpie said...

Hope to try making the Panda Bread on my next round of days off!

Lolly Post a picture of your hands and feet when you are done! Enjoy ! ☺

magpie said...

I think the "Little Dipper" that Mits reports seeing this morning, is our favorite Pleaides! And the bright planet would have been Venus, with a bright yellow star "Aldebaran" which is part of a fantastic star cluster "Hyades" nearby to it. Take your binoculars out on a clear morning and gaze East ! ☺

magpie said...

Gaze East in the pre-dawn hours that would be !

hedgie said...

That's good to know, Margy! I'll take it if there's a next time....but Eric said he won't be without his again for sure! Smart farmer!
Lolly, Joey is a shoe-in for a contest!! Couldn't enlarge it enough to read it all, but gather that's what it's all about..??

floralgirl said...

Good grief, I look bad enough as it is, I'm not gonna be walking around with a dryer sheet stuck to my forehead....
We have coyotes around here, know people who have seen them.

magpie said...

Our little Nest Plant Leaves are blowing so gracefully in the breezes....

magpie said...


You NEVER Look bad. Hard work equals Beauty ! Hope the swelling goes down if it has not already.
I have some great smelly stuff to send you if you want, to TRY to keep the insects away.

Hey, my Butterfly Weed plant is going to sprout yellow blooms I think! ☺

ceil said...

Lolly as Helen would tell you that have to keep them warm until they start to get their fur. The mom does not even eat for sometimes days keeping the cub warm.
I can just picture our pretty Megan with a dryer sheet hanging down on her forehead. How is your eye now?
Magpie hope you can find out something about the gun shots. I think it was probably the farmer.

magpie said...

Daggone It! The bird clock on the wall is clucking 5 o'clock. Noisy Canade Goose! Means I have to start packing things together for work tonight :(

magpie said...

Something RED to wear and plenty of food ought to take care of the bulk of it. I hope I can keep this energy level going until 6 am !

My neighborhood bucks are out sometimes when I get off work, always swing by there to have a peek. I could walk down my street, climb over two fences and cross a small creek, and be right where they are hanging out. At least three 8-points and a six, and one of the 8's might be a 10. And one doe.

hedgie said...

Wonder if the NCTC farmer has livestock??? Maybe he was shooting coyotes!

Mema Jo said...

Going to get dinner

Hubby is hungry

I snacked (piece of cheese) a little while ago.

Link to Ocean City Marlin Weigh-Ins


floralgirl said...

Eye looks better, still swollen. I have plenty of bug sprays, sometimes they work, other times no. Wasn't a bumble or honey bee that stung me, probably a sweat bee or something like it. I so rarley get stung. Anway, it has thrown off my whole day and I'll be working a long day due to it, so back to work I go.

hedgie said...

Have a good shift, Margy!

magpie said...

Okay, Megan, try to take it easy, though I don't thnk "easy" is in your vocabulary.

I take it your Scream Avatar will remain a few days more.

Take Care - We Care ! xoxo ☺

TTFN for all folks, Best wishes for a Great Evening. Prayers for Wellness.....

xo ☺ ♥

stronghunter said...

Lynn, I had the same thoughts about the farmer and the coyotes.

Lolly said...

Yes, we are all trying to picture Megan walking around with a dryer sheet on her head. LOL

Not a contest...just music at the court house square. There is a dinner before hand to benifit the state school, a hat will be passed at the square. Joey sings very well and does a great Elvis imitation. He sounds like him!

paula eagleholic said...

Was wondering about the sound on that cam, no sound unless that guy is talking on the mic.

paula eagleholic said...

Good golly Miss Lolly, what blog is that pic on????

Lolly said...

But I do not think they have a picture on that webpage. Will search for some pics.

paula eagleholic said...

LOL, no on your blog Lolly, but I finally found it on Family pics.

Heading home, catch ya'll latero.

deb said...

I am off to Yankton. Our Eagle is hanging in there, no longer cold to the touch, but Janie keeps telling me to not get my hopes up yet. I can't help it, I so want the eagle to be okay. I went searching for Veal baby food, no luck, had to get turkey. I wouldn't have ever know that you could help an Eagle with baby food.

Megan and Wanda, hope you are feeling better. Sissy, hope the doctors figure out what is best for Tom.
Off to look at Lolly's picture.

stronghunter said...

Elvis--I swiped some gravel out of his driveway when I was a teenager. My mother and my aunt went with me. One of my friends was so in love with Elvis that she had his pictue on the ceiling so it would be the first thing she saw every morning.

When she found out I was going to Memphis, she asked me to bring her some grass from his yard. My aunt said she would take me, so we hopped into the car and stopped in front of Graceland.

I jumped out and grabbed a handful of gravel because I couldn't get to any grass; then we sped away.

There was a pink jeep in the driveway.

It was very ordinary gravel; I have no idea what I did with my rocks. If I come across some stashed in a box somewhere around here, I will be pretty sure that is it.

hedgie said...

I have a jar of veal, Deb!!! Want me to send it?? Have a bunch of baby food leftover from when I had to buy 18 mos. ago when my Cinnamon had a bad GI bleed from prednisone when her disc herniated. I probably bought too much, but it was winter and I was afraid of running out if there was a storm! Really need to check expiration dates.

stronghunter said...

Have been sofa-shopping on the Internet, but they do not want to reveal prices. Boo!

Read some bad reviews of Roomstore. Do you all know anything about them? My daughter got a chest of drawers with a defective drawer and had some problems getting help from them, but that may have just been the person who first answered the phone. She hung up and called again and got someone who did take care of the problem.

PA Nana said...

Hi everyone! I see our eagle nest is still MT but looks like spidey is at it again. I thought he was swept away in one of the storms?
Those with insect stings - ouch! Hope you all heal fast.
The response from Finland was eye-opening. I don't necessarily agree with them, but they know best. Hope the Osprey learns to live a long life with his disability and surprises all of us.

hedgie said...

If anyone is a fan of So You Think You Can Dance...a former co-worker let me know today that her cousin, Teddy Tedholm, has "made it to Vegas" for the next season, which starts next month!

hedgie said...

Shirley, I can just picture that grab and snatch!! LOL!
I've had excellent luck with furniture from Value City, as has my daughter. Do you have one near you? We have one in Hagerstown, MD. My biggest problem was: too many to chose from!!! Hard to make up my mind----typical woman!

Lolly said...

Deb...took a quiz on facebook, What state do you belong in, result was SD!

stronghunter said...

Yep, there is one, Lynn. And they give prices at their website, too.


hedgie said...

Next weekend is the 40th anniversary of Woodstock!! Where does the time go???? My sister was there! She still has her ticket stub!

hedgie said...

Oh-oh, Lolly, you'll have to transplant Hawkwood Gardens!!!

stronghunter said...

Posted a few family pictures on my blog, so you can see the rest of the clan.

paula eagleholic said...

How about some canned salmon Deb? Interesting they feed the eagle baby food. Hope he gets better.

Get well wishes for those in need. Hope Tom makes it home soon!

And safe travels to those venturing places as well!

And healing for those bug bites!

Heading down to Mom's back on Sunday evening. Trying to gather up stuff without the dogs catching on....yeah right!

stronghunter said...

Not easy to fool the dogs, Paula. When we got ready to move from Williamsburg to Ohio, our dog insisited on sitting in the car. She was not going to be left behind.

stronghunter said...

Maybe they give it baby food because baby food does not have salt?

ceil said...

Juvie at Norfolk

Mema Jo said...

Ceil - I am over at the Marlin cam

When does the little b-day gal get down to OC ?

Lolly said...

Hawkwood and me are going no where!!!LOL I am firmly stuck here!

Mema Jo said...

Yes Lolly - You have great roots at

ceil said...

Jo the last I heard they were 25 miles from the beach and that was about 2 hours ago. They should be there so Helen will be busy.
Shirley and Lolly great pictures.

Mema Jo said...

Shirley - your family pics are of good looking kids! Thanks for posting!

ceil said...

Before I forget our electricity will be off from 12:30am for 11 hours. They are putting a new pole in that should have been done 2 years ago. They kept saying their equipment could not fit. I told them the pole that is there did not grow in that spot. So I will be off the blog. Do I hear an aww. LOL

ceil said...

Jo I have the marlin cam on also

stronghunter said...

Aww . . . We will miss you, Ceil. You should be getting a snail mail from me if you haven't already. Let me know if it does not arrive.

ceil said...

Got it Shirley. Thanks.

Mema Jo said...

Awwwwwwwwwww! Gosh Darn!
We'll miss ya!

I think the rain hit Sturgis - just saw a raincoat on a dog! An orange one at that!

stronghunter said...

Good--should have sent it earlier. Got lazy about taking this computer up and hitching it to the printer.

Mema Jo said...

Need to turn some music on the Marlin cam and cut all the small talk. Lots of boats still out there. Hope they make it in in time.

Mits said...

yes, the M&M girls are here, got here around 6, brought Grotto pizza, lots of hugs and kisses for Grandma.......parents are trying to settle them in, its not working, they are in the big girls beds....with rails...maybe Grandma can settle them down....good night everyone...puter is in Kev's and Annie's room, so we will be making their bed up soon...prayers for all.

ceil said...

Mits give the girls a kiss from their Great Aunt Ceil.

Mema Jo said...

Thanks for the update, Mits!


ceil said...

Well everyone think I will call it a night. Talk sometime tomorrow when electricity comes back on. Pleasant dreams and prayers for all in need.

Mema Jo said...

Hopefully we'll see you around noon!
Nite Ceil

stronghunter said...

Good night, Ceil.

Lolly said...

Aaawwwwwwwww!!! Ceil we will miss you! Hope your weather is appropriate for have electricity off. We would die if it was off that long. Gee, and you can not cook breakfast. Just have to eat out!

Mits is gone for the nite. Family is soooo important. Have a great time with those kids, Helen!

Jack thinks I am crazy. I have been watching the Marlin cam all evening. It is interesting. Called my brother as he likes the Padre Island fishing tournament. He is not at the island this weekend, still recovering and having pain after the kidney stone was blasted this week. Still passing fragments of stone. Ouch!

Lolly said...


stronghunter said...

Hi Lolly. It has been quiet for awhile on here.

Lolly said...

Hi Shirley! Yes, it is usually quiet on Friday night.

stronghunter said...

I did my going out last night, so I'm sitting here at home tonight.

Lolly said...

Well,actually I am home most nights. LOL Unless I am on a trip.

Loved the pics you posted.

Lolly said...

After having Laurel and the boys here for a couple of nights and a few days, we enjoy the quiet.

stronghunter said...

Glad you enjoyed them. I have enjoyed your pictues. Your yard is beautiful.

I have been spraying crabgrass in my yard. Have been taking it easy. The stuff seems to work slowly, and I want to see what I have gotten before I do more spraying. I should have done it long ago.

Lolly said...

Thank you! I love working in my yard, except when it is 100 degrees! No crabgrass for us this year, but having trouble with either chinch bugs or grubs. Think it might be chinch bugs. So hard and expensive keeping everything alive and green this time of year in Texas. BUT, it is my passion!

stronghunter said...

It is obvious that you work hard at it.

Lolly said...

You know, people would say that must be a lot of hard work and I would say "no, it isn't." Then it occured to me one day, yes, I do work long hours, but I do not consider it work. I enjoy it so much!

stronghunter said...

I might find time to enjoy it more after I retire.

Mema Jo said...

Just fed my kits some Whitefish & Tuna!
They had been out on the deck. Love it when they all come in the back door at once and I can lock it! too had been watching the Marlin Cam - I expected more boats to show up!

Going to watch 1 hr TV


Lolly said...

While teaching, on Halloween, the school quit having the children wear costumes. Instead we had Career Day and the children could dress as what they wanted to be when they grew up. Of course, some teachers dressed up as well. I dressed up as a yard man. LOL I wore overalls and gloves, and carried a pot of flowers and a shovel. After I retirede I "grew up"! Yea!

Lolly said...

Excuse the typos, please! LOL

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

Well, we are home! Tom is not feeling great but not in near as much pain as before. I will call and get him an appointment with the surgeon that did his hernia surgery Monday. NEVER, NEVER back to BRMC! NEVER!!!

hedgie said...

Shirley, enjoyed your family pics---great looking kids! How did your son manage an inaugural party????

More cop action---earlier a fight between neighbors just down from me. It was already dark enough that I couldn't see anything and cicadas block out any noise...saw cop car arrive. MTBR!

Ceil, think you and Jim need to spend the night at MM's!! 11 hrs. is ridiculous---and it's supposed to be one of the hottest days of the year!

Mits, (((hugs)))) for M&M girls!! Have a great weekend. Happy Birthday to Maggie!!

stronghunter said...

Lynn, Rus called not long before the inaugural balls took place and said he would be going--he had been invited by the woman in the pictue. She worked on the campaign.
I was afraid he might have trouble getting a tux at that point, but he rushed out and took care of it.

He worked at the White House for a short time during the Clinton administration--computer network stuff. One day, the President's dog wandered into his cubicle and started rooting through the trash can. He thought that was pretty funny.

stronghunter said...

Hope things are calming down in your neighborhood, Lynn. You have had enough excitement for one day. Wild people and wild animals.

hedgie said...

For sure, Shirley. I can't take too much of this stuff!

NatureNut said...

Howdy Everyone before you hit the hay. Haven't had a chance yet to read this evening Comments & now virus scan has started so stuff is slow as Moses.

Just want to say I hope Tom gets better & Deb/Janies' eagle, too & read that some ladies had some injuries! Hope all heal well.Just talked to my daughter who is outside of Austin (at Home). No Rain & 104 all week!!!Her home county is not restricting water use, but Austin is.

hedgie said...

Sounds like the dog had the run of the White House, hmmm? I would have thought that the IT's would be buried in the basement somewhere!!!
Good that he was able to get a tux on short notice.
How was the play last night? Did Fantasia play Celie?

stronghunter said...

Lynn, I am still freaked out by a pack of coyotes coming after your neighbor. I have never carried or shot a gun in my life, but I would want to have some kind of protection. Really, that is the kind of thing you see in movies.

stronghunter said...

Yes, Fantasia played Celie. The play was excellent. We had dinner at a nice restaurant in the Watergate. It was expensive, but I did not go anywhere for vacation this summer, so I think it wasn't too bad. We split the expenses.

Wasn't sure how they would turn that story into a musical, but think it worked very well. Some parts, like the Juke Joint, fit naturally into a musical.

There were some differences between the musical and the book or movie, but, overall, not many.

stronghunter said...

You need your stick to fight the spiders and a gun to fight the coyotes.

Mema Jo said...

It's a little after 6 am in Finney and Koo has a companion sibling with her.

stronghunter said...

Buddy, Clinton's dog--I do not know how much he roamed the offices in the White House. I know the cat was sometimes in the secretary's office. I think that was Boots, not sure? Rus got to pat the kitty. It was exciting to get to work there for the time that he did. It was a government contract that eventually ended.

Mema Jo said...

Hedgie you lock your doors securely tonight! You need some peaceful sleep!

Sissy I pray that this weekend will not bring much pain to Tom before he can see a surgeon on Monday.

Deb - Andrea Hoping for healing of our feathered friends.

stronghunter said...

Foggy at the Finney nest.

Mema Jo said...

Time to say
Good Night All!
Sleep well and arise rested tomorrow!

((hugs)) ♥

hedgie said...

Doors locked tight! Living in the woods at the foot of the mountain does provide for some unusual experiences, Shirley. I wish the bear would come back so I could get pics now that I have a good camera! The first time he showed up in summer of '05 I was still going rthrough chemo, and between being so weak and shaky and then the adrenaline rush of the shock of seeing it, I couldn't get the cam fast enough for a good shot and then I didn't have any zoom as he lumbered away!

What Prez had the cat named Socks?

Sissy, hope Tom gets a decent nights' rest. You, too!

Well, it's been a l-o-n-g day...I am tired, so will say goodnight to my dear momster and dadster friends. Peace and prayers.

stronghunter said...

I think Socks was the Clinton's cat's name, but I'm not sure. I would have been shocked to see a bear in my yard, too. Would not think of the camera right away.

Do keep those doors locked!

deb said...

I am home, the eagle is still alive. We named it, but will not say what as Janie says it is bad to name them this early. I am usually not superstitious.

Paula, the eagle is too weak to eat on its own, has to be tube fed, that is why baby food works well. She says liver is best, turkey is second best. We have both kinds.

Lolly, let me know when you are moving up. You will need winter clothes!

Night, I am tired.

deb said...

I will have to read in the morning why Lynn needs to lock her doors, my eyes won't stay open.

Costume Lady said...

We had another cook-out at GeeGee's this evening, instead of going to China City Buffet. We all like this new arrangment for Friday nights. It is so casual and we can sit and talk and relax with a cocktail. Had ribs on the grill tonight and Capt. Gene did himself tender and tasty.


stronghunter said...

Just for fun . . .

(Does anyone know which President had an eagle for a pet?)

Presidential Pets

Costume Lady said...

DEB, I think there is a report of a pack of coyotes in her neighborhood.

Lolly said...

Deb's eyes wont stay open, well apparently mine can't either. I fell asleep again with my computer on my lap. LOL

Going to go dish up some ice cream and then get ready for bed.

Nite all!

Sweet dreams!

stronghunter said...

I will lock my doors, too, and go to sleep. I also have my trusty watchcat, George.

movin said...


Good evening, all. Have you seen the Channel Island Reports this week?? Short, but interesting with some good visual stuff.



movin said...

++ GooD NighT ++

++ EverybodY ++



magpie said...

Are we awake? ☺
I know some are already out the door! Our nest has not feathered occupants, Finland has an adult and some zippy boats, and Finney's Koo looks ready and raring to go

Good Morning Eagle Friends

magpie said...

Koo just got two visitors, siblings ☺

magpie said...

Oh Yay, the M&M girls are visiting Helen!

Costume Lady said...

Good Morning Everyone...
Hey, Margy..up early aren't you?
Not a very pretty morning down this way; cool and no sunshine:(

Costume Lady said...

I'll bet those 2 sisters are so cute together. Wonder what they will think of their baby brother, come October? Exciting times for that family:)

magpie said...

Nice pictures, Shirley

Hopeful news, Deb - Hope the Eagle continues to improve.
Male or Female?
Best wishes with all of that.

Sounds like a perfect Summer evening, Wanda

magpie said...

Crazy night at Hedgie's - one neighbor with a short fuse had some accusations against another...regarding his dog, it got physical...the "bad guy" left at least for awhile....More to Be Revealed when he returns.

magpie said...

And finally, I was unable to find out anything about the gunshots at NCTC Thursday night. The crew at Jefferson County 9-1-1 that WAS on duty were all on their days off, new crew did not know. Haven't heard from Steve yet, maybe later we will find out more.

Visited the Deer bucks this morning, but a doe and here spotted baby. Very nice.

Sissy, Hope that Tom feels better today.

Time for sleep for me.
Best Wishes for a Good Day,All
xoxo ☺ ♥

magpie said...

Sorry Wanda I missed your greeting...I worked overnight so I am up LATE...

Nighty night. xoxo

magpie said...

Woof, typos.

"No" feathered occupants, and Doe and "her" spotted baby.

Costume Lady said...

Rest well, Margy.

Costume Lady said...

I watched Bai in SD for a while, and she is not showing her baby at all! Not even a hair on it's tiny body!! It is so important that she keep it warm and she is doing a very good job. I t will be a while before we get to see and enjoy watching the little one grow. But, it such a joyful journey, that it is worth waiting for. We will be patient, Bai:)

normabyrd said...


normabyrd said...

MORNIN' SISSY & TOM---Sending you PRAYERS & MUCH LOVE for a good Dr--& a speedy recovery---MAY GOD BLESS YOU ALL!!----(try making some PANDA BREAD)---ho!---

normabyrd said...

HEDGIE---Isn't it a shame that we can't select our neighbors????---You would be mine--not sure you would select me----ho!---

stronghunter said...

Good morning!

Norma, I would select you for a neighbor, and Lynn too, but not the coyotes nor the bears.

stronghunter said...

Saw some kind of yellow birds in my backyard this morning. At first, I wondered if someone's pet bird had escaped, but then I realized that there were 2 or 3. Not quick enough with the camera to get a picture yet. Will keep watching.

stronghunter said...

Wanda, I just looked at your blog and found out that you located the missing caterpillar. I was worried about the little guy.

deb said...

Good morning. It is going to be hot here today, headed to the upper 90's!

normabyrd said...

DEB!--On our am paper--CUMBERLAND NEWS (MD)---there is a large pic of a EAST COAST STURGIS BIKER RALLY at LITTLE ORLEANS, MD this is the 5th yr they have stopped by---BIKERS refer to as a 'down home on the farm place'---& the local fire co refers to it as a money maker for them----

stronghunter said...

Only supposed to be 88 here today, but 98 tomorrow.

deb said...

I haven't heard much about the Rally this year, between the birds and working I miss the news most days.

Costume Lady said...

NEW THREAD....COME ON OVER*****************************************************************

normabyrd said...

MORNIN' SHIRLEY!---I have been dying to hear about your visit to the KENNEDY CENTER!!----A few yrs ago---I went there often---A group in Cumberland chartered a bus---It was such fun!!---Went with husband & we ate in the Watergate Restaurants---WHOA!---also I remember buying a bottle of booze from the liquor store to keep---ho!---that was not long after the scandal broke---

stronghunter said...

Sturgis Hailstorm

1/6/25 PM Fish

 🐟  2:47 PM both eagles come to the nest.  Bella is screaming with the delight of a meal that he has brought in to the nest for her! He man...