Saturday, August 29, 2009


PM thread.


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Mema Jo said...

It is 1:00 on a Sunday afternoon
That is a signal for Nap Time.......

Ms Bookworm said...

Good Sunday morning, eagle buddies,

Sounds like you are all having a nice morning! Before I forget,


Hubby and I are still at the air conditioned hotel, and although it's about 75 in here, it feels like we're freezing half to death!
We'll stick around until checkout, and then it's back to reality. Should be a little cooler here today, if the forecast is accurate.
The big fire up near L.A. is only partially contained, and they say it will continue for another week. As a result, the air quality is just lousy. At least the humidity is much, much lower. That will help.
Prayers are continuing for those in need of them (aren't we all?), and hope you all have a great day!
Will talk to you later this afternoon. God bless! :o]

Mits said...

beuatiful sunset at MT Finney's nest.....Finland nest still down

magpie said...

Okay, I see the official report from Deb...we understand completely, Deb, so glad you could make it last year!

I can't make schedule plans yet due to a 30-day advance restriction, but I will be working on a switch for sure!

Who said nap time? Jo, and now ME!

Jo, I will sure help out if I can, have the same old schedule restrictions as ever before....
but we shall talk in the near future no doubt.

Hello to everyone, and hang in there!
Whatever we are going through, we will get through it together!

xo TTFN xo

magpie said...

Our nest really looks ripe for a visit!

wvgal_dana said...

Good Afternoon in Eagleland..see more prayers are needed. Margy's BIL with the mass and his wife (Margy's other sister), Andy and hubby for the terrible heat, continued prayers for others that have been asked. Praises for those that have healing and answers.

Norma your comment about it going down to 45° in Romney won't need a/c. Could you please please tell my Ed that. Since his breathing got worse he keeps it so so cold in here 70° sometimes 69°. I keep wearing my winter clothes in the house....burrrrrrrrrrrrr He breaths better in the cool air. Yet when winter comes he won't be able to breath in that air.

Tee Hee Judie that was a cute song..tuen keeps going over and over in my head lol

Margy how many sister and how many brothers do you have? What is your maiden name?

Sharon I bet you had the BESTEST HUG from Andrew ( :

deb said...

Off to see the birdies. later.

NatureNut said...

Prayers for Everyone!
I just lost a whole comment.
News Flash~~~~KOO ALERT--if you go to most current pages 26 &27 of Looduskalendar Forum-----
several links about Rauna Zoo in Lapland that has hospital, where weak osprey w/bad leg was taken by bus and many news articles which can be translated by Google translate. I had saved a good one w/picture, but when you save even the translated version it went back to Finnish, so I'll let member "Renandeli" help you!
I left a comment at end on one news artile. The one that starts with a K has the picture.
Pray that she/he makes it & gets all the care deserved finally!

hedgie said...

Jo, let me know what you want me to do!

stronghunter said...

I tried running the Finnish through the translator. Strange translation. But it seems that Koo has been rescued.

Thanks Loretta

stronghunter said...

I did a little Googling and found this:

Where Koo Is?

It looks like a nice place.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Wow, that is some news about Koo. At least he will be taken care of now!

stronghunter said...

For what it is worth, I sent an e-mail to the zoo in Lapland asking about Koo.

NatureNut said...

Gotta go to work for a couple~~~
If Koo survives we'll have to plan a field trip to Rauna Zoo in Lapland!! ;>)

movin said...






stronghunter said...

I Googled "koo osprey finland" and found these links. Interesting. I am still reading.

Information About Koo

Mema Jo said...

Shirley, Those 3 forums are the ones that give us info on the Finney nest.
Lots of good pics also.

ceil said...

Loretta thanks for telling us about Koo. Glad she was found and hope she can get healthy. As you read correct me if I am wrong but I read that some people feel that Koo was mishandled when she was banded. Even an animal control complained.

Mema Jo said...

Thank you Loretta & Shirley for all the good info concerning KOO

Wow! Great ending so far to our little one legged osprey!

Don't know what cam I am going to be anxious to turn on now except OURS!
Panda Cub is here Just in Time!

Mema Jo said...

Ceil, that is true. They just don't know for certain when the leg injury occurred. Maybe Loretta can be more specific with that information.

stronghunter said...

I read some of those opinions about the leg injury, too. I have no way of knowing. I saw that Loretta has been posting on one of those forums. She might have an opinion.

stronghunter said...

I do not want to spread accusations because I do not know enough about it.

stronghunter said...

It looks like Loretta has been researching Koo for awhile. I just followed her link and then tried a Google. It seems that Koo is a famous bird.

stronghunter said...

There are videos on You Tube as well.

ceil said...

Shirley, Koo does seem to be famous. I just sent Mits an article where a goose was shot with an arrow. They are trying to save it. It is not hunting season around here.

wvgal_dana said...

Loretta thanks for the information on Koo. I do remember the guy I wrote to said, "the leg was injured when they ringed the osprey but they let nature take its course".

wvgal_dana said...

Catching up in the comments. I seen where it said at Blackwater Bob Quinn had pictures posted. I seen some comments you all made about his photos. I can't find them. Does anyone have a link to those last photos he took?

stronghunter said...

Dana, I found them on his blog by clicking on a link under the picture. I do not remember what the link was called. There was one for e-mail and another one under it.

wvgal_dana said...

Thank you Shirley I check back in comments.

Mema Jo said...

I don't have it Dana and it is no longer on BWO site from Lisa. I googled but I can't really find the newest album of Bob's. All I remember was that on pic was of a one legged egret.

wvgal_dana said...

Thank you Jo for trying. I went back to comments and got very LUCKY ( : Found his name and clicked and found in his pictures "Most Recent". Seen the one legged Egret so I knew I had right ones. Thank you again very much. Beautiful pictures as usual of Bob's. ( :

wvgal_dana said...

See how great back comments help. I knew his new pictures had that egret in it lol....thanks everyone that makes comments.

Mema Jo said...

I have company - then we're going to have dinner together. Sooooo I'll
Be Back Later...........

Enjoy your afternoon!

stronghunter said...

For anyone interested, I posted a map of Koo's new location--82 miles from the nest. I have to ask: Why was this not done before?

Lapland is a part of Finland.

Mits said...

I'm wondering why also, Shirley...., but if o's aren't good in captivity...who knows what they will do with her?

ceil said...

Shirley I agree with you but I think we were told that there were no facilities and that they would not go to the nest again.

ceil said...

I'm off to fix dinner.

Mits said...

exactly what we were told at first, always thought that was a lame excuse....people like to lie, just to keep you off their backs:)

Mits said...

off to get shower.....bbl

stronghunter said...

I guess time will tell. I think I recall that they said they did not have facilities, but this seems to be one not so far away. I hope it is a good one. There is a lot we do not know, but, obviously, Koo was in a bad spot in the water and unable to fly. She was not going to survive much longer.

stronghunter said...

Wonder if the zoo will answer my e-mail? I requested a response in English. They have info available in English.

ceil said...

While reading about Koo I was wondering about the other one. Kaa has come back but do not remember the other name. Have not seen that one.
Oops I am suppose to be making dinner.

stronghunter said...

I see that they have posted the rescue of Koo from the ditch and the delivery to the zoo in the Nest News. Perhaps that was already mentioned here.

stronghunter said...

I don't remember the other name, either.

stronghunter said...

I need to go mop the kitchen.

Mits said...

it was not posted there this a.m., because I look for info everyday...surprised they put it up so soon....

29.8.2009 Chick with handicapped leg was found from a ditch 2km from the nest.
30.8.2009 Chick was delivered to Ranua Zoo by authorities.

Mits said...

so how far is 2km's?

hedgie said...

OMG, Loretta....just saw your sorry that Koo has met with such difficulty, but thankful that she has been rescued, even if it does turn out to be only for palliative care and euthanasia. Better than having her suffer or become prey. Thanks for posting....I sent link to Suz and Chrissy.

Mits said...

I'm sure they will be turning off the FINNEY cam soon now.

Mits said...

ok, so she did not get far from the nest....

It's easy to remember if you think 1 mile = 1.6 Km, 1 Km = 0.6 miles.
So, 2Km = 0.6 * 2 = 1.2 miles.

(1.24 to be more precise)

hedgie said...

Mits, 2.2 kms per mile, isn't it??
I think the 3rd O sib was Ky...does that sound right?
There was a photo at the time of banding that looked like he was handling Koo very badly, and that is when some thought the injury was INFLICTED!

Mits said...

weird, my puter just sounded like it "woofed" at me, is Margy around:)?

hedgie said...

Dana, I must have missed a post about Margy's family members having health problem....please let me know where it is.

hedgie said...

Guess I was thinking of 2.2 lbs.= 1 kilo, Mits! Thanks for clarifying!!

PA Nana said...

Good afternoon everyone. Blessings and prayers for those in need/want.

I must tell you I'm dancing around here with the news of Koo. Just to know they know where and how she is great news. Thank you to whomever left the links; I checked them all.

Hedgie, I must tell you that I was impressed with Jason Campbell. Though I'm a Steelers/Patriots fan, I enjoy watching good football. Our youngest is an avid Skins fan and this family has lots of favorites.

My new avatar is from last Christmas. It was meant more as a joke to our daughter and SIL. She's an Eagle fan; he's Cowboys all the way. I want to give our grandson another point of view.

I"m so happy Koo was found. I know the she will probably be euthanized but she was remarkable to watch. Now if they could only find out what happened to our peregine from Harrisburg I would sleep easier.

Good view of Diego now.

ceil said...

Mits I thought you were bad at math. I'm sitting here going WHAT?
Lynn the name is something like that.

Mema Jo said...

Hopping in to say BBL

Hedgie - read Dana's comments
Wasn't it Andy's family..... (Andrea)

Now I'll say it BBL

ceil said...

Salad made. We are having meatloaf and mashed potatoes and asparagus.
I think I am hungry might even still a fish if any of the birds had one. Going to see what Diego's mom is eating.

floralgirl said...

Oh geez, Ceil, sounds good. I'll be right there. I'm too tired to cook.
I posted two nest pics from around 6 am this morning in the EM album.

ceil said...

Jo 12:31 this morning Magpie said that her BIL I think just found out he has cancer.
I am a volunteer to help with the Open House dinner or what ever.

ceil said...

Megan how was market?

Mits said...

I am bad at math, Ceil, but goggle isn't:)

wvgal_dana said...

Brought over from over thread:

magpie said...
Hello, and Good Night, Diann...

Prayers for your friend George, and you! One of my brothers-in-law, (oldest sister's husband) has just found out he has a cancerous mass on one kidney; you are so right, cancer is such a terrible disease.


Sunday, August 30, 2009 12:31:00 AM

Mits said...

CEIL. bring a sweat shirt, could be down in the lower 60's:) at night.

wvgal_dana said...

Need to go start dinner hubby hungry....pause again lol

hedgie said...

Margy, so sorry about your BIL---I missed that post last night. Most definitely have him in prayer.
Diann, sounds like a friendly little family rivalry there.

floralgirl said...

Market seemed quiet...but yet a good crowd,if that makes sense. sold every bouquet I took to mkt:) so I can't complain. Nice music today, local musician, Chelsea McBee, she plays the banjo and has a beautiful voice.

ceil said...

I always forget something. Forgot the sweatshirt last time and it was cool.

ceil said...

Glad you sold all your bouquets.
I like that market. Could not buy last time I was going away the next week.

ceil said...

Mits you cheated. Wish I had thought of it.

floralgirl said...

Good old goggle...
hubby asked for a beer, so I gotta run one out to him- he's watering my is so dry here.

hedgie said...

Yep, Di--too bad about Harrisburg falcons and Frodo, too---I bet they just decided they didn't want to be surveilled anymore! But do think there was a habitat issue with Frodo.

Mits said...

hey, hey, watch your mouth sister:), I'll make you take out the trash when you get here...

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Good evening everybody. Been on the phone, went for a walk, been on Facebook and now getting ready to go to a meeting. This is my last week in Bluefield I guess. Thelma took Buphals with her this time.

hedgie said...

Ceil, your dinner sounds good! Haven't made meatloaf in ages.

hedgie said...

Aw, Sharon....are you getting packed up? Good that Thelma took one of the dogs....hard driving w/ four!!!

wvgal_dana said...

Sharon your getting things in order for the move.

Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Everyone!

I see that someone was nice enough to rescue Koo from a ditch, and she's been taken to a zoo in Lapland that rehabs birds! I hope she's able to recover, and isn't too badly stressed. Prayers are definitely going up for Koo in this situation. At least now we know where Koo is, and we can be sure that she won't just starve or be some predator's dinner!

Ms Bookworm said...

Loretta & Shirley, thanks so much for the links and info about Koo.
Much appreciated!!!!
Megan, so glad you had a good day at market! Wish I were close enough, I'd for sure take some of your flowers home. Love your bouquets!
Hubby has gone to the air conditioned market to get an orange and some grape jelly for the new oriole feeder. So far a Rufous hummer has tried it, and likes it. Hope he doesn't try to hog it all!

Ms Bookworm said...

You know, I'm sure the humidity is lower here today. It got up temp wise to at least 99, but doesn't feel quite so awful 'cause it's drier, thank God.

Got a response to one of my resumes from a company in the UK that would want me to be their agent, collecting payments from their customers here, and working from home. I don't know if I want to do it. Requires a 'Vonage' type phone connection, adding at least one more software program to my computer (no more room on my hard drive for it), and I would have to get a fax and a scanner. Kinda don't think so...not so much. Will think about it overnight, though. I would make 10-12% of whatever money I would collect for them, and they say some of the transactions would be cash. I don't want a bunch of people coming to my home, and I don't want to go to theirs, either.

Ms Bookworm said...

...Do any of you guys have any thoughts about it? I'd appreciate your input if you have any ideas.

stronghunter said...

Would you be using any of your schooling, Andy? Or is this something to tide you over until you graduate? Sounds like you are going to have a lot of medical knowledge when you finish. Are there jobs available in the field you're studying?

Anne-Marie said...

Good afternoon family. Grandson is watching Disney and at least its under 100 today. Yesterday was nasty. I am soooo thankful for air conditioning. I'm feeling better and its a good day.

ceil said...


ceil said...

Hi Anne Marie.

Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Shirley,
No, it's not related to anything in the medical field. Just something I could do to earn some moolah until I graduate. Supposed to be part-time, at home, which sounded doable.
Hi, Anne-Marie! Guess you've been in for it with the crazy weather, too, huh?

Ms Bookworm said...

Yikes! Gonna go listen to some news. Hubby says on the radio they were saying that the biggest fire up near L.A. is really bad, and the air quality is so awful that if you have any lung problems, to get out of Dodge! MTBR...BBIALW!

Mema Jo said...



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6/10/23 update

 Camera 1 came up, but as a close up camera about 6 o'clock. Or something like that, but at 950 something it froze. So they're still...