Tuesday, July 21, 2009


New thread.


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stronghunter said...

Good night, all.

Lolly said...

Everyone going to bed? I got on facebook and my great nephew in Atlanta started chatting with me. That was fun! He is in college. Great that he said .Hi Aunt Lolly." I loved it!

Mits, wish I was back at the beach. I miss it already. We would sit out at night and enjoy the breeze. Always more pleasant by the ocean.

I was going to work on my pics tongight,but the time got by me. Those of you on facebook can see Laurel's pictures of both Colorado and the beach on my facebook page.

Lolly said...

Deb, your family has really had it rough recently. Will be thinking about you and keeping you in my prayers.

Lolly said...

Going to Dallas tomorrow afternoon to help with the move to Michael's new house. Movers are packing and moving but we are in charge of the refrigerator contents and his wine supply. I think I can handle that!

Lolly said...

Time for the news! Going to watch the news then head to bed. I am handling things much better (Gus) but have developed a headache.

Sweet dreams for all! God bless!

hedgie said...

My 9th grade English teacher was about 100 yrs. old!!
Loretta, how 'bout another rain dance? Nothing here.
Goodnight to all. Prayers for all.

Mema Jo said...

I watched 2 tv shows this evening and the news. Coming out of the grocery store in Frederick with Hubby's ice cream around 8:00 - the sky broke lose and I made it to the car not completely drenched! Frederick got it good! I drove slow the whole way up to the top of Braddock mountain and when I got there - the pink sky was over the valley. Beautiful!

Now it is off to bed........

Good Night All
Prayers for all our needs - Praying for all of you that your needs will be fulfilled.
(((hugs)) ♥

Ms Bookworm said...

Good evening, everyone,
I just got home from school--a little earlier than usual, because we're only studying one chapter this week in 'Human Diseases'. Thanks for all your prayers for me! I got an A on last week's test! Thank God! Think I did OK on tonite's test, too.
Have to catch up on today's blog, but Lynn, we're certainly on the same page regarding those eight- legged critters! I have a real phobia about them. The ones we have here have taken up residence in our HUGE trees, where the exterminator is unable to spray for them. The darn things are (I think) a type of wolf spider, averaging a leg-span of 3-4", and most of them are tan in color. They squish themselves into the craziest positions in a corner or along the edge of a piece of siding, and have often played dead like a possum, only to spring to life when touched by a broom or a shoe! When you move, they run TOWARD YOU, at about 40 mph!!!!!! They don't build webs, but sometimes drop down from a tree branch or edge of a roof, on a single strand of web. I actually almost had a heart attack once, when one dropped into my lap while I was watching TV one evening! Darn near beat myself to death with a magazine! Will try to get a good picture of one so you can see what it looks like. (If you'd rather I didn't, just let me know!)

Ms Bookworm said...

It's getting kinda late back east, so I think I'll say goodnight and head out to watch TV and read for a while. Prayers continuing for everyone, for needs being met, for comfort in difficult times, renewing of strength, for peace, and for a terrific night's sleep.
God bless, and I'll talk to you tomorrow. (Hopefully I can get here early enough tomorrow to maybe see our Hidey!) G'night!

Costume Lady said...

LOL, Andrea...I can clearly see you beating yourself with the magazine. Hope you got the spider, in spite of yourself:)


movin said...

** good night **

** everyone **


deb said...

Good morning.

magpie said...

Good Morning Deb ☺
and Good Night, Everyone...
crazy, sleeping in the daytime.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Good morning my eagle budlets. Up and getting ready to start work this morning. Hope everyone has a great day.

deb said...

Night, Margy!

deb said...

I heard from Janie and the Osprey are coming on Monday. Off to work. BBL

normabyrd said...

GOOD MORNIN' EAGLE BUDDIES!!---CONGRATS! MOVIN'JIM---you are our #1 EAGLE DAD---today & every day!!----MORNIN' DEB--MORNIN/NITE MAGPIE----& BLUEFIELD SHARON!!----My thoughts are with you DEB--wishing you a safe journey--tomorrow?---I have been scanning the blog this am---yesterday---very difficult for me to get on---GREAT PR FOR THE EAGLES IN DC!!----I BELIEVE

normabyrd said...

BEAUTIFUL PIC at the OSPREY FINLAND site----Sky -- awesome colors---OSPREY MOM feeding her little OSPREY CHICKS---they are lined up taking turns!!---LIFE IS GOOD!!

normabyrd said...

SHIRLEY---I am glad you noticed the growing 'green plant' in the nest!!---I noticed it last week--because when the wind blew---it stayed in the same place!---GREAT MINDS!---ho!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Good morning Normabyrd. Did you see where our Senator was back on the floor yesterday?


normabyrd said...

WHOA KIDS!----An ugly spot has appeared on my 'BEAUTIFUL FACE'--
so have Dr appt----this am---tiny prayer---I'm most sure it's nothing---but you KIDS HAVE THE POWER!!!!!---LOVE YA!

normabyrd said...

OH---YEAH!---BLUEFIELD SHARON---First time since his last illness!!---When needed he is there!!!---He may be old---BUT HE IS OUR BYRD!!---ho!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Below is a prayer request from my friend Annabelle Forbes for her Husband, Mike. I just cut and pasted what she sent me.

I have a special prayer request. We found out yesterday that Mike is going to have to have bypass surgery on 08/03/09. I would ask that you keep us in your prayers now and the day of surgery as well as during the recovery period. I just hope that after all is said and done that Mike will be able to get back to doing what he loves, which is being a Chaplain to the Sheriff's Department, 911 and the fire departments. Pray that the Lord will give us strength and give Mike healing and both of a calmness and peace that passes all understanding.

normabyrd said...


Costume Lady said...

NORMA amd for Sharon's friend:
Be strong and of good courage; do not be afraid, nor be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.
We love you Norma and our thoughts and prayers will be with you as your doctor tells you that you have a ZIT:)

Gabriela said...

GOOD MORNING ALL! New Thread posted!

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6/11/23 update

 Both flew into the nest tree Debbie can see them on the 0 lopfield  camera here's fine Waldo I found one but not the other lol