I see that there is only one chick at Finland Water Nest...Jim mentioned it on the other thread, and now I am backtracking to find what other news there is.
My "little one" heads back to Florida this morning, flies out of BWI around noon. It was a short but very sweet visit. Step-daughter this is, 32 years old. The grandson is going to miss her. Me Too.
Good morning all. First HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO VICKY AND GEE GEE. Shirley good news about the preserved land. Margy did answer the other day was in shock when you said you used to cuss. Can not believe it. Deb have a good one. Off to get a cup of tea.
Margy meant to say I did not answer because I was in shock. Sharon I know you don't I try not too but it slips out. The devil makes me do it. Better get that tea.
Today Partly sunny. A slight chance of showers and thunderstorms this afternoon. Highs in the upper 80s. West winds 5 to 10 mph. Chance of rain 20 percent. » ZIP Code Detail Tonight Mostly cloudy with a chance of showers and thunderstorms. Lows in the upper 60s. Southwest winds around 5 mph. Chance of rain 40 percent. Friday Mostly cloudy. Showers and thunderstorms likely...mainly in the afternoon. Highs in the lower 80s. West winds 5 to 10 mph. Chance of rain 70 percent. » ZIP Code Detail Friday Night Mostly cloudy with a chance of showers in the evening...then partly cloudy after midnight. Lows in the mid 60s. West winds around 5 mph. Chance of rain 40 percent. amen:)
If the plant blooms, we may be more able to tell what it is. I guess the cam repairers will pull it out before it has a chance to bloom...we may never know!
Good morning! Lotta people on here this morning that are "full of it!" LOL Sassy group!
Guess what?! Loweeda's rain dance finally worked!! We got a little over 1/2 inch of rain during the night. Around 5 this morning a good ol' thunderstorm rolled through. LOL Jack and I were on the patio to watch...water falling from the sky!!!! PTL
Forgot to say good morning! So, let me get this straight...Sharon is on the floor, crushing her wings while she daydreams about Pat Monahan....Wanda and Megan are talking about deadly plants....Margy is hopefully asleep, dreaming about her lovely visit with her SD...Mits is still bumming at the beach....Deb is off to work...Ceil is sipping tea...Shirley is on a joy ride in her fixed car....DID I MISS ANYONE???? LOL. Hope everyone is enjoying their morning so far!
Margy and Wanda...this one is for you....just heard a report that 2 dump trucks were seen dumping trash over the side of the mt. at Parks Gap......gone before police/DNR could get there...what scum bags! Caller DIDN'T get license numbers apparently.
Sideling Hill exhibitn on I-68 in Hancock, MD has gotten at least a temporary reprieve on closure...will be kept open 4 days a week until Sept. 1st.....community officials still working on further plans.
I just remembered I had leftover blueberry pancakes in the fridge from yesterday morn...brunch anyone? Oh, and HAPPY BIRTHDAY to Vicky and GEE GEE!!! And hurray, Lolly got some rain! We've had over 3" of rain here since last Thursday. Yahoo!
Megan, I would love blueberry pancakes. Will be right over!!!! Yes, that half inch of rain fell all over my yard. Got the water bill yesterday. Jack says I don't want to know what it is. I don't!
Sweetest doggie love story on the CBS news this am....trying to find an online link...no luck yet. Tennessee family of 5 in a wreck and were all taken to hospital. Dog left at scene. Passerby kept seeing dog there day after day....after 12 days she "rescued" the dog...found where she had made piles of families' possessions scattered in wreck. Lady found insurance info and called agent, who put her in touch with owners....and dog was reunited with her family!
Megan my girl knows the word, too! As well as the prep routine! So I do it secretly....gather the towels and the shampoo...put the non-slip mat in the tub, etc. Everything is all ready, and then we go down to the basement and when she sits on the steps ready to go back up (I always block the steps when we go down so that she can't elude me about going out!), I pick her up and remove her collar----and then she KNOWS!
Hi Deb! I bet you get hungry by dinner time with lunch so early for you. Hope your afternoon at work goes by quickly. When is the next time you go to the Osprey tower?
Yes! San Diego is expecting - twins show on the ultrasound. Jim alerted all of us about the article. Will be great to have another cub to watch! Did you pack your hairspray today! lol
Well, I was sitting here working, minding my business, looked outside and there is a chicken going across the yard. Right now, it is at the neighbor's house standing at the front door. These dogs are going nuts.
It seems Lynn has summed up most of my catch-up thoughts.
I'll just add a few: happy birthday to Vicky and Gee Gee.
Also, I think Sharon is correct about the BS angel -- bright shiny angel, that is.
Congratulations, Sharon.
Shirley, thanks for the Crow's Nest Link. Another win for nature and nature lovers.
Also very excited about the SD panda pregnancy. Let's all pray for a successful birth.
Puala, am very sorry about the son's job loss and hope something ever so much better arrives very soon.
Lolly, so sorry about the involvement with Gus's parents divorcing. Wouldn't want to be in that mess, either. Am happy you got the much needed rain.
I checked in on the Delta nest a few minutes ago and it appears there are remnants of some creature similar to a long-legged bird or a chicken. HOWEVER, the eaglet has either fledged or is hidden from view. Can't tell. Anyone out there know?
I was just watching the flickers....so funny. Mama feeding fledgling...she would get a piece of corn, fly back to tree where youngun was waiting, peck it open on a limb and then both would lean backwards to each other while she fed it. When it got overeager, she would chase it around the circumference of the tree, and then it would squawck as if starving to death! What a riot. Chick still has no red showing, and is as big as mama!
First loose chicken I have seen here. Went to the neighbor across the street (who has a really hard time hearing and probably should invest in hearing aids) and he said this woman's chickens get out all the time and she will come gather them up in a little bit.
Have really cleaned some bathroom cabinets and drawers. Found a gold earring I thought was a goner. Had saved the one. Wahoo! A favorite pair, too! Cleaning and purging pays off!
Back to the cleaning. I am in a mood!
Interesting tidbit. Have not heard from the lawyer. However, Michael knows him or of him. He is trying to call him as well. Yea! Still do not know what we will be doing tomorrow.
Shessh! I hate when this stuff happens. Think I mentioned yesterday that Bandit's feet were slipping after flapping and hopping onto the limb closest to the camera. I didn't expect a branch to break. I do hope with all my heart that there is no serious injury and he/she can be returned to the nest or rehabilitated.
Thanks for the link, Jo
Off to console myself by gazing stupidly into the frig for dinner ideas.
Paula, I forget who the 'pasgetti person is but remembered seeing that was for dinner last night, I think -- decision made for me! Hmmmm -- chips and dip would be tasty and a lot faster -- specially with one of Lolly's G&T's.
Shirley, how was the meeting on your dual enrollment class?
Delta eaglet is ok. They think he is a she. Flight feathers are not in yet. Bev said it did not weigh much so maybe God was looking out for one of His feather friends.
I have larksur blooming in my garden, flower for July - must be a birthday tribute to Just Vicky and GeeGee on their birthday!
I guessed Horse Nettle yesterday for the Nest Guest Tree...that is part of the nightshade family too I think - - Maybe we will get a wildweed flower to help us guess!
Yeah, Lolly-----just reading back & I DID do my dance yesterday & it was already raining around 2 PM. Then it rained when we were leaving work, but behind the bldg was SUN, in front was dark grey!!No rainbow--Boo. When it wasn't raining yesterday, I saw something land in front of my car & then an all red bird flew up into a tree. Was smaller than cardinal & had no crest, so I'm guessing summer tanager---no camera. Have to see if daughter got rain---she sent me pics of one of her painted buntings, but it's a front view, so you can't see much of other colors.She did see a female too. They & her Berylline hummer give her a fit w/posing!
Hey, Margy!!!I was only at Park TU, but go back Sat.Only thing I've seen going on is bombardment w/groups--mostly summer day campers & phone that should have it's cord cut sometimes!I always remind myself that I love the environment, even if I can't get into it much!☺ I did get pic from bank behind Vis. Ctr. of our newsest osprey nest---gotta work on pics. I've been trying to take wren delivering food to house, but their so fast, I did a small video!Gotcha!!The baby(s) a peeping now too, but the stupid AC came on at end of shot.
Hear Ya' Loretta, about phones ringing off the hook! Give us one accident on the interstate here and we are sunk! Glad you are having some free time, though.
We are #1 on Beakspeak for yesterday, and #3 for the last Seven Days! Yay!
It's time for me to make like a Tree and Leave... Tomorrow's Friday - Please try to find some Red and WEAR IT, to honor our Military Personnal here and all around the World.
Best Wishes for a Great Evening for all, and God Bless Us, Every One
Lynn I saw that also. Nice saying. Paula I always try to get a little healthy food mixed in. Broccoli and dip are good. Sorry to hear about your son losing his job and Jo's grandson also. Hope good comes from it.
Wishes all around for healing, birthdays, travel, and purging. I need some purging energy. Sharon, I think, has quit smoking and is about to reach the one year anniversary. HORRAH!! That's not an easy feat. I did it about 10 years ago and it was the hardest thing I every did = besides giving birth. Gotta get something for hubby to eat when he's done working those 12hours. Looks like leftovers tonight; groceries tomorrow. I, too, came for the eagle and stayed for the friends. God bless!
Thanks for all the prayers for my cataract surgery yesterday. Surgery went very well. Had Dr. appt. today Dr. Brack is very happy. Feeling the normal scrathy in eye and like a hair is in the eye. All is what is suppose to be. Some red and swelling.
Haven't read any comments from yesterday or today yet.
DANA...so glad everything went well with your surgery. Do EVERYTHING, EXACTLY the way the doctor told you and you will be just fine! When are you having the other one done?
THANK YOU ALL for GeeGee's Birthday greetings. I am copy and pasting all of them and will show them to her tomorrow as we celebrate her 89th then. Had a doctor appt. today and she is doing well...gained another pound (122), blood pressure 130/72:)
Dana, so glad to "see" you! Knew you would be doing fine----scratchiness is normal! Just rest.
Jo, such a story about Bandit. Good to know that everything will be okay. Can tell the angst those folks were going through is a universal reaction of nest watchers everywhere.
Hi, I have been reading everyting and went to the Delta link someone kindly posted. I have tried to pick out the video of the actual incident and post it.
Dana--so happy your surgery was successful. Take care.
Judie--My meeting went fine--very similar to the ones we have about this time every summer. They have changed some of the technology. They are using Safe Assign instead of Turn It In. Have you heard of that one?
I still haven't had time to check out all of the links. The doggie story looks interesting.
I just deleted my last comment - My eyes were deceiving me when I was looking at the date and hour of my one comment.... I only saw 11:00 pm and it was really 7:11:00 pm Maybe I have a cataract that needs fixing!! I hope not - don't need anymore 'fixings'!
Good evening All. Was watching Sidney, Delta, & Hornby. Hornby eaglet is not on view but is the loudest I ever heard! Outside before dinner and saw a vireo in tree! Hopped too much for a decent pic---got it's back---DUH!
Yes, Deb, it is too bad that we have to use something like Safe Assign. I have not yet used one of those programs, but I have caught people plagarizing.
The worst incident I can remember was a young woman who was struggling with her writing and suddenly turned in two essays that were beautifully written and far too professional for a struggling student. It turned out that they were copied word-for-word from a magazine in the college library.
I will go to any length to help someone who is struggling, and I will respect their efforts and give credit. It is very hard to fail my class, but something like that will do it.
Glad Dana could stop in for a moment and let us know all is well so far!
Ceil - was just kidding about the broccoli :) Wish I could still eat it raw!
Glad Delta eaglet is OK - always some drama at that nest! Don't ever wish for a nest to be torn down, but that one needs it. Too many injured/falling eaglets.
Eagle-Eyed Sharon here, reporting in alive and well from Bluefield, WV. Got here earlier but had a meeting to go to and getting ready for bed. Buddy and Thelma are here too! Mattie is with her mommy tonight.
Agree about tearing down that nest at Delta....it hardly looks like more than a glob of mud! Lots of phone calls tonight---incoming! Missing my baby, too....haven't been able to talk to her since Fri. They get home on Sat. Hope everythimg is good with them....worry a bit when I think about all the stuff we hear about Mexico. Glad you are home, Sharon. Nice that Thelma could come home, too! Good night to all turning in.
Full of 'pasghetti. No meatballs -- afraid Jo's GGD would show up and eat all my dinner if meatballs were served.
Shirley, thanks for the link showing the Delta eaglet's fall. Was really distressing for me. I am also grateful that Jo provided a link so I saw pictures of the eaglet being cared for. Don't know what's wrong with me but seeing the empty nest and finding out Bandit had fallen was very emotional for me.
Dana, very happy your surgery was successful. Take it easy and all will be well. You have an amazing support system of cheerleaders.
Back tomorrow. I'm turning out my ligh now. Peaceful dreams for everyone.
I'm hollering good night, too! Verified tornado in Allegheny Co., MD yesterday. Forecast for tomorrow calls for possibility of more severe weather, so stay alert and prepared to batten down the hatches! Sweet dreams. Prayers for all.
Hi, Everyone! Have been beside myself all day--my Internet Explorer wouldn't work all day again, so I couldn't get here! Took I don't know how long on the phone with both Earthlink and the Geek Squad to get it going again. Just have to say, before it's too late, HAPPY BIRTHDAY, VICKY, AND GEE GEE!!!!!! Hope it was special for both of you! Dana, glad your eye surgery was a success! So good to hear from you! Really need to go read the rest of the blog so I have a clue. Prayers being said for all; G'night, everyone! P.S.--Have had TWO heron fledglings hanging around the yard today! Must be siblings, 'cause they're really cute the way they interact with each other! MTBR tomorrow. G'nite!
Oh Andrea, that sounds so cute! You'll have to take some pictures for us ☺ Stopzilla is scanning & making everything else slow, so I will say, "Pleasant Feather Dreams" to all hitting the hay.(not me yet)
Everyone has gone nite nite. Shhhh! Thought I would get on and tell you about my day. First off the lawyer never returned our call. However, come to find out Michael knows him and has dealt with him. (Not impressed!) So, Michael called him. When he did not return his call, Michael called again and got a little "strong" with him. He called Michael. Anyway, we are going to court tomorrow afternoon, however....ta do! Michael is picking us up and going with us. I will have my son with me. Yea! That will certainly make me feel better. This is such "sordid" business! Shame on them!!! Their son deserves a happy family.
In the mean time, we had long time friends come into town. (Knew them before we all had children.)They are in their RV and at the park near by. They came for dinner and we have had the best evening. Lots of laughter and just a fabulous evening. Therefore the late hour.
1 – 200 of 214 Newer› Newest»Well Thanks Steve...I will see who is around on the other thread.
.. and I'd like to start this new thread with a Big Happy Birthday to our Just Vicky !
Hope it is your Best One Ever, Vicky, filled with all your favorite things xo ♥
And a big Happy Birthday to Wanda's Mother GeeGee too
I see that there is only one chick at Finland Water Nest...Jim mentioned it on the other thread, and now I am backtracking to find what other news there is.
Brought this over from the other thread.
Good morning everyone!
Thought you would be interested in this article:
Crow's Nest Preserve in VA
I was interested in the mention of Hal Wiggins. I met him some years ago in connection with a wetland issue in my neighborhood.
Thursday, July 30, 2009 7:08:00 AM
Good morning, hope everyone has a wonderful day.
GREAT Osprey Pictures, Deb.
Hope you have a good day today.
Our nest looks pretty today, empty, but pretty.
I saw the local family of deer, think there are three 8-points and a 6-point, and one doe. Beautiful, antlers still in velvet.
My "little one" heads back to Florida this morning, flies out of BWI around noon. It was a short but very sweet visit. Step-daughter this is, 32 years old.
The grandson is going to miss her.
Me Too.
Best Wishes for a Good Day for all
Hope we hear from Dana today.
xo ☺ ♥
Off to work, bbl.
Off to Sleep....
Shirley good news about the preserved land.
Margy did answer the other day was in shock when you said you used to cuss. Can not believe it.
Deb have a good one.
Off to get a cup of tea.
I have never cussed a day in my life! :)
Happy birthday Just Vicky and GeeGee!!
Good morning to all my eagle budlets! Working now and heading home later today.
Margy meant to say I did not answer because I was in shock.
Sharon I know you don't I try not too but it slips out. The devil makes me do it. Better get that tea.
I have a meeting this morning for my dual enrollment class. Must get ready. BBL.
Good morning everyone...
Happy birhtday, Vicky and Gee-Gee
Morning Mits!
morning Sharon
Mits, you know that I am angelic, right?
ah, right, yeah, you are very angelic.......lol...your wings get in the way when you are walking down the street:)
They really do. It is bothersome sometimes but it is just a cross I have to bear!
nice to see one of the Finland chicks has fledged....
Angelic......must look up the definition...
Howdy all:)
and I just love what you have done with you halo, nice touch:)
speaking of Angelic, good morning Megan
That word should never be used to describe me.
Hello Mits:)
Megan you are our garden angel....
Yes, Good morning Megan! Did you see the pic yesterday on here of my hot lips salvia?
And I am the BS Angel!
lol.... That's a good one, Mits.
I saw the pic, glad it's blooming for you! That is one of my favorite salvias, and the hummers love it too! interesting avatar, is it Pat Monahan?
Partly sunny. A slight chance of showers and thunderstorms this afternoon. Highs in the upper 80s. West winds 5 to 10 mph. Chance of rain 20 percent.
» ZIP Code Detail
Mostly cloudy with a chance of showers and thunderstorms. Lows in the upper 60s. Southwest winds around 5 mph. Chance of rain 40 percent.
Mostly cloudy. Showers and thunderstorms likely...mainly in the afternoon. Highs in the lower 80s. West winds 5 to 10 mph. Chance of rain 70 percent.
» ZIP Code Detail
Friday Night
Mostly cloudy with a chance of showers in the evening...then partly cloudy after midnight. Lows in the mid 60s. West winds around 5 mph. Chance of rain 40 percent.
Yes, as a matter of fact, it is Pat Monahan! :)
MEGAN, what is your take on the shade tree/bush growing in our nest? What does it look like to you?
I'm not sure, I was thinking a datura plant.
Plant looks like a member of the Nightshade family.
Mits I was going to call you last night when Jim gave the panda news.
Hope all goes well. Might have to sent Mei out west.
Datura is in the nightshade family.
Mei Xiang was received Gao Gao's sperm back in 2007, it didn't work
If the plant blooms, we may be more able to tell what it is. I guess the cam repairers will pull it out before it has a chance to bloom...we may never know!
Mits I know but maybe she needs to see him in person. LOL
I think you are right, Ceil....
Yeah, I mean the best sperm deliveries are delivered in person...
I hear Gao does not like to fly...lol
Most pandas don't like to fly. They are very timid. I have got to run. BBL
Well, get up off the floor and get back to work...
K, will do!
Where did everybody go?
HAPPY BIRTHDAY, VICKI!!!! Hope you have a wonderful day!!
Good morning! Lotta people on here this morning that are "full of it!" LOL Sassy group!
Guess what?! Loweeda's rain dance finally worked!! We got a little over 1/2 inch of rain during the night. Around 5 this morning a good ol' thunderstorm rolled through. LOL Jack and I were on the patio to watch...water falling from the sky!!!! PTL
Forgot to say good morning!
So, let me get this straight...Sharon is on the floor, crushing her wings while she daydreams about Pat Monahan....Wanda and Megan are talking about deadly plants....Margy is hopefully asleep, dreaming about her lovely visit with her SD...Mits is still bumming at the beach....Deb is off to work...Ceil is sipping tea...Shirley is on a joy ride in her fixed car....DID I MISS ANYONE???? LOL. Hope everyone is enjoying their morning so far!
Wanda...Happy Birthday to your Mommy!☺ Give her hugs and love from all of us!
Oh, Lynn, beautiful descriptions! :)
Yes, you missed me, Lynn!
Margy and Wanda...this one is for you....just heard a report that 2 dump trucks were seen dumping trash over the side of the mt. at Parks Gap......gone before police/DNR could get there...what scum bags! Caller DIDN'T get license numbers apparently.
Sideling Hill exhibitn on I-68 in Hancock, MD has gotten at least a temporary reprieve on closure...will be kept open 4 days a week until Sept. 1st.....community officials still working on further plans.
I just remembered I had leftover blueberry pancakes in the fridge from yesterday morn...brunch anyone?
Oh, and HAPPY BIRTHDAY to Vicky and
And hurray, Lolly got some rain! We've had over 3" of rain here since last Thursday. Yahoo!
Oops....Lolly is laughing in the rain and splashing in the puddles!!! Yippee!
Megan, I would love blueberry pancakes. Will be right over!!!!
Yes, that half inch of rain fell all over my yard. Got the water bill yesterday. Jack says I don't want to know what it is. I don't!
Sweetest doggie love story on the CBS news this am....trying to find an online link...no luck yet. Tennessee family of 5 in a wreck and were all taken to hospital. Dog left at scene. Passerby kept seeing dog there day after day....after 12 days she "rescued" the dog...found where she had made piles of families' possessions scattered in wreck. Lady found insurance info and called agent, who put her in touch with owners....and dog was reunited with her family!
Oh, I am going to cry! What a fantastic story, Lynn!
Lynn, lost my blue thing instructions! I googled Tennessee car wreck dog family reunited and found it.
Lolly, hope your G&T settled you a bit last night. Hope your lawyer gives you good guidance.
I am going to get some chores accomplished today! So.....I am outta here. Have a great day everyone!
Giving thanks for the rain!!
Thanks, Lol!!! Good work....I was just waiting for CBS to post it online...didn't even think to google it....duh!
Jack has called Gina's lawyer. Hope we don't have to wait around all day to hear from him.
I want him to tell us we are not needed. I do not want to be involved in this kind of thing.
I forget to google, too. It is amazing what you can find when you do! Love my computer!
Really, got to get busy!
Bye! Lynn, have a good day!!!
Oh my, what a beautiful story!
Good Morning! Made the mistake of going to emails first - the pics Suzanne sends are fantastic!
Lot of moving & grooving on here!
Happy Birthday Vicky
Happy Birthday Gee Gee
Vicky - hope she comes in for a Hello - she is riding down the hgwy with BRS and his road crew !
Gee Gee - I surely hope to meet you one day!
Oh my how I want to see Hidey!
Could you save me just 1 blueberry pancake? When you heat them up do they
get soggy? Maybe I should go down to
IHops - what say you?
So glad we have angels with us - right here on the blog. Safe journey home today.
Here's the blue link to the "lost family" story.
Dog Story
Aw...that is a sweet story! I should hug my dog but the little bugger is hiding from me cause I said I was gonna give him a bath.
The pancakes are not soggy, even reheated, they are just perfect. Take some time to make, but worth the trouble.
Was really going to leave but found another article about the dog and family. There is also a video that you will love.
Need someone to once again email me the blue thingy instructions. LOL
Lolly Open the Eaglet Momsters site
Clickable link instructions are there from Paula......
Megan my girl knows the word, too! As well as the prep routine! So I do it secretly....gather the towels and the shampoo...put the non-slip mat in the tub, etc. Everything is all ready, and then we go down to the basement and when she sits on the steps ready to go back up (I always block the steps when we go down so that she can't elude me about going out!), I pick her up and remove her collar----and then she KNOWS!
It is under Files - next to last one.
Thanks, Jo!
Really am going to leave and get busy! How many times have I said this?
Will be thinking of Sharon with angel wings as I work. LOL
Me with wings, imagine that!
The TV coverage of Ella the dog was great - such loyalty and love!
Here's another miracle dog story that Jim emailed this am:
Miracle Dog
The Wild Watch Barn Owls - One only in the nest box meaning the other one is out and about! WHoo Hoo!
Thank you for the birthday wishes! I am still alive in Illinois. Would like to make the open house this year!
We would love to see you
Oct 17th it is!
Have a great day!
Lunch time here.
Happy Birthday to GeeGee and Vicki!
And October 17 will be 1 year since I smoked!
Hi Deb! I bet you get hungry by dinner time with lunch so early for you. Hope your afternoon at work goes by quickly. When is the next time you go to the Osprey tower?
I will go tomorrow after work. I really get my hair cut today and then I will mow.
Way to go, Sharon! A year is quite an accomplishment.
Oh Sharon I am SO PROUD OF YOU!!!! (((((((HUGS))))))))))
I read on the internet the other day we have another PG panda!
Yes! San Diego is expecting - twins show on the ultrasound. Jim alerted all of us about the article.
Will be great to have another cub to watch!
Did you pack your hairspray today! lol
Time to head back to work. BBL tonight.
Mema JO!!! I didn't pack anything for the day! grrrrrrrr (I still love you!)
Well, I was sitting here working, minding my business, looked outside and there is a chicken going across the yard. Right now, it is at the neighbor's house standing at the front door. These dogs are going nuts.
Good afternoon, everyone.
It seems Lynn has summed up most of my catch-up thoughts.
I'll just add a few: happy birthday to Vicky and Gee Gee.
Also, I think Sharon is correct about the BS angel -- bright shiny angel, that is.
Congratulations, Sharon.
Shirley, thanks for the Crow's Nest Link. Another win for nature and nature lovers.
Also very excited about the SD panda pregnancy. Let's all pray for a successful birth.
Puala, am very sorry about the son's job loss and hope something ever so much better arrives very soon.
Lolly, so sorry about the involvement with Gus's parents divorcing. Wouldn't want to be in that mess, either. Am happy you got the much needed rain.
I checked in on the Delta nest a few minutes ago and it appears there are remnants of some creature similar to a long-legged bird or a chicken. HOWEVER, the eaglet has either fledged or is hidden from view. Can't tell. Anyone out there know?
Enough chatter from me, for now.
Well, fried chicken for dinner then. Go grab that chicken!!
Mattie is in total agreement with you Judie, that I am a Bright Shiny Angel! YEAH RIGHT! She said, yeah, but Judie doesn't live with you.
Mattie was trying to get me to go to KFC for lunch but I told her it came to us.
Did the chicken peck on his door yet?
That is the Mean Baltimore Transfer Neighbor - right?
Judie - so glad you spelled out about the BS Angel ! lol
Why did the chicken cross the road???
Whoops! You're still in Bedford not
Bluefield - wrong neighbor!
Hi Mattie
The chicken crossed the road to skeer the cats! They are petrified of it.
I was just watching the flickers....so funny. Mama feeding fledgling...she would get a piece of corn, fly back to tree where youngun was waiting, peck it open on a limb and then both would lean backwards to each other while she fed it. When it got overeager, she would chase it around the circumference of the tree, and then it would squawck as if starving to death! What a riot. Chick still has no red showing, and is as big as mama!
Oh, good grief. Maybe Sharon's chicken is looking for its friend which may be deceased in the Delta nest.
Vicki, sure would be great if you could come in Oct.!!!
Are loose chickens common at Thelma's, Sissy???? What a hoot!
First loose chicken I have seen here. Went to the neighbor across the street (who has a really hard time hearing and probably should invest in hearing aids) and he said this woman's chickens get out all the time and she will come gather them up in a little bit.
gOOD morning.
The Pandas are worth looking at this A.M.
Atlanta: Both are taking advantage of the air conditioned viewing room.
SD: Bai Yun is sleeping peacefully in the den amidst all the bamboo she has lined it with.
SORRY....meant Sharon, not Sissy!!! Duh!!
Looks like it's getting ready to rain here.
Sun back out...no rain. Teasing us!!
Happy birthday to Vicki and GEE GEE
Great dog story
Everybody is on the nest at BWO.
Nice pictures Dab. I lived in Colorado Springs for several years as a teen and young married. I think we went to 7 Falls every year.
For you Judie & all other Delta fans of Bandit
LINK to the Dramatic story to say the least of Bandit's whereabouts
Start at the comments posted
July 30 (off to the right top side)
Going to pack it up and head to Bluefield soon. See ya later!
Bandit, the Delta Eaglet, had just fallen to the ground when a branch broke. He has been rescued and is being taken to the O.W.L. rehab center.
I hope Dana is resting her healing eye!
Thinking about ya, WV Gal!
Taking a break
Have really cleaned some bathroom cabinets and drawers. Found a gold earring I thought was a goner. Had saved the one. Wahoo! A favorite pair, too! Cleaning and purging pays off!
Back to the cleaning. I am in a mood!
Interesting tidbit. Have not heard from the lawyer. However, Michael knows him or of him. He is trying to call him as well. Yea! Still do not know what we will be doing tomorrow.
Back to the purging. Bedroom now!
Safe trip home, Sharon! Don 't let Mattie drive!
Shessh! I hate when this stuff happens. Think I mentioned yesterday that Bandit's feet were slipping after flapping and hopping onto the limb closest to the camera. I didn't expect a branch to break. I do hope with all my heart that there is no serious injury and he/she can be returned to the nest or rehabilitated.
Thanks for the link, Jo
Off to console myself by gazing stupidly into the frig for dinner ideas.
Judie - I stared at mine last night, too. It didn't help.
Had chips and dip for dinner.
Paula, I forget who the 'pasgetti person is but remembered seeing that was for dinner last night, I think -- decision made for me! Hmmmm -- chips and dip would be tasty and a lot faster -- specially with one of Lolly's G&T's.
Shirley, how was the meeting on your dual enrollment class?
Delta eaglet is ok. They think he is a she. Flight feathers are not in yet. Bev said it did not weigh much so maybe God was looking out for one of His feather friends.
Paula chips and dip sound great. I do have some nice fresh broccoli for that dip. Going to get some ribs. BBL
Happy Afternoon Everyone and
And a Big HAPPY BIRTHDAY to GeeGee!!!
Hi Eagle People, including all angels
I have larksur blooming in my garden, flower for July - must be a birthday tribute to Just Vicky and GeeGee on their birthday!
I guessed Horse Nettle yesterday for the Nest Guest Tree...that is part of the nightshade family too I think - - Maybe we will get a wildweed flower to help us guess!
I don't see any Hidey reports on here today....but at least the cam survived the storms last night which were pretty heavy-duty !
"Hallelujah Hawaii" has replaced some of those naughty words in my vocabulary! But mostly I use that for celebration emotions ☺
Hi Loretta! How are the things at PRP?
Yeah, Lolly-----just reading back & I DID do my dance yesterday & it was already raining around 2 PM. Then it rained when we were leaving work, but behind the bldg was SUN, in front was dark grey!!No rainbow--Boo.
When it wasn't raining yesterday, I saw something land in front of my car & then an all red bird flew up into a tree. Was smaller than cardinal & had no crest, so I'm guessing summer tanager---no camera.
Have to see if daughter got rain---she sent me pics of one of her painted buntings, but it's a front view, so you can't see much of other colors.She did see a female too. They & her Berylline hummer give her a fit w/posing!
Hey, Margy!!!I was only at Park TU, but go back Sat.Only thing I've seen going on is bombardment w/groups--mostly summer day campers & phone that should have it's cord cut sometimes!I always remind myself that I love the environment, even if I can't get into it much!☺
I did get pic from bank behind Vis. Ctr. of our newsest osprey nest---gotta work on pics.
I've been trying to take wren delivering food to house, but their so fast, I did a small video!Gotcha!!The baby(s) a peeping now too, but the stupid AC came on at end of shot.
Judie - Jo's GGD is the sghetti eating machine!
Ceil - you're gonna ruin my dip with that healthy broccoli, LOL.
Hear Ya' Loretta, about phones ringing off the hook! Give us one accident on the interstate here and we are sunk!
Glad you are having some free time, though.
We are #1 on Beakspeak for yesterday, and #3 for the last Seven Days! Yay!
Hi Paula ☺
No ISS showings for the next week !
A Special Thanks to Mema Jo for keeping us up to date on the Birthday Alerts !
It's time for me to make like a Tree and Leave...
Tomorrow's Friday - Please try to find some Red and WEAR IT, to honor our Military Personnal here and all around the World.
Best Wishes for a Great Evening for all,
and God Bless Us, Every One
xoxo ☺ ♥
Saw this on the Delta forum, and thought it fits us PERFECTLY!!!
I came for the eagles, and stayed for the friends I made.
I've always liked that one, too, Hedgie ♥
Lynn I saw that also. Nice saying. Paula I always try to get a little healthy food mixed in. Broccoli and dip are good. Sorry to hear about your son losing his job and Jo's grandson also. Hope good comes from it.
Wishes all around for healing, birthdays, travel, and purging. I need some purging energy. Sharon, I think, has quit smoking and is about to reach the one year anniversary. HORRAH!! That's not an easy feat. I did it about 10 years ago and it was the hardest thing I every did = besides giving birth. Gotta get something for hubby to eat when he's done working those 12hours. Looks like leftovers tonight; groceries tomorrow.
I, too, came for the eagle and stayed for the friends. God bless!
Hi there in Eagleland
Thanks for all the prayers for my cataract surgery yesterday. Surgery went very well. Had Dr. appt. today Dr. Brack is very happy. Feeling the normal scrathy in eye and like a hair is in the eye. All is what is suppose to be.
Some red and swelling.
Haven't read any comments from yesterday or today yet.
So thankful our prayers for successful surgery have been fulfilled!
Rest your eyes as much as you can!
Dana, it is good to hear from you and to know that everything went as planned!
I am off to get ice cream with the
"Spaghetti Gal" That is her 2nd
weakness after meatballs that is!
DANA...so glad everything went well with your surgery. Do EVERYTHING, EXACTLY the way the doctor told you and you will be just fine! When are you having the other one done?
THANK YOU ALL for GeeGee's Birthday greetings. I am copy and pasting all of them and will show them to her tomorrow as we celebrate her 89th then. Had a doctor appt. today and she is doing well...gained another pound (122), blood pressure 130/72:)
Dana, so glad to "see" you! Knew you would be doing fine----scratchiness is normal! Just rest.
Jo, such a story about Bandit. Good to know that everything will be okay. Can tell the angst those folks were going through is a universal reaction of nest watchers everywhere.
Hi, I have been reading everyting and went to the Delta link someone kindly posted. I have tried to pick out the video of the actual incident and post it.
Video of Delta Eagle Falling
Happy birthday Vickie and GeeGee!
Dana--so happy your surgery was successful. Take care.
Judie--My meeting went fine--very similar to the ones we have about this time every summer. They have changed some of the technology. They are using Safe Assign instead of Turn It In. Have you heard of that one?
I still haven't had time to check out all of the links. The doggie story looks interesting.
I just deleted my last comment - My eyes were deceiving me when I was looking at the date and hour of my one comment.... I only saw 11:00 pm
and it was really 7:11:00 pm
Maybe I have a cataract that needs fixing!! I hope not - don't need anymore 'fixings'!
Good evening All. Was watching Sidney, Delta, & Hornby. Hornby eaglet is not on view but is the loudest I ever heard!
Outside before dinner and saw a vireo in tree! Hopped too much for a decent pic---got it's back---DUH!
Dana, Congrats on your success. Now don't strain that eye reading too much of Blog!!!Maybe someone could read it to you!! LOL
I had to google Safe Assign, I thought maybe it was a grading system. It is nice you can use it for assignments, but it is a shame that you have to.
Lots of boats on Lake Washington and the 2 eaglets are on the tree limb watching!
Yes, Deb, it is too bad that we have to use something like Safe Assign. I have not yet used one of those programs, but I have caught people plagarizing.
The worst incident I can remember was a young woman who was struggling with her writing and suddenly turned in two essays that were beautifully written and far too professional for a struggling student. It turned out that they were copied word-for-word from a magazine in the college library.
Evening all. Just stopping in to say good night. Pleasant dreams.
Dana glad you are doing well.
The struggling student was STOOPID!
How do I get to Lake Washington?
GOOD NIGHT, Ceil...sleep tight:)
Really foggy at Finney nest with sleeping Osprey (I can't tell if it is 1 or 2 in the nest right now)
Finney Ferry has only 1 in the nest and he is doing his wing exercises!
I will go to any length to help someone who is struggling, and I will respect their efforts and give credit. It is very hard to fail my class, but something like that will do it.
Link to Lake Washington Eagles
at Lake Washington
Thank you, Jo.
Shirley - double click on the cam to enlarge full screen and then just double click again to reduce.
Hi Deb - how is your haircut?
Woe is me...all I get at Lake Washington is a black screen:( Tell us what happened.
Haircut is good, more of a trim. Some off the back, some off the front.
I am off to read. Night everyone.
Thanks, Jo. I had some problem getting out of full screen. Finally used "Esc."
Night, Deb....rest well:)
Glad Dana could stop in for a moment and let us know all is well so far!
Ceil - was just kidding about the broccoli :) Wish I could still eat it raw!
Glad Delta eaglet is OK - always some drama at that nest! Don't ever wish for a nest to be torn down, but that one needs it. Too many injured/falling eaglets.
Wanda - the food fight between the 2 eaglets didn't last very long. They are still at the nest
Give the black screen TIME to open
I think it will.......
And Happy Birthday
Gee Gee
Gnite, Deb.
Break time
Eagle-Eyed Sharon here, reporting in alive and well from Bluefield, WV. Got here earlier but had a meeting to go to and getting ready for bed. Buddy and Thelma are here too! Mattie is with her mommy tonight.
The Lake Washington eaglets do have a beautiful scene to look down upon.
good night everyone...glad everything turned out ok, Dana
Best story of the day...
2 Bald Eagles Fledge in Vermont
I can hardly keep my eyes open...need to say Goodnight.
Agree about tearing down that nest at Delta....it hardly looks like more than a glob of mud!
Lots of phone calls tonight---incoming!
Missing my baby, too....haven't been able to talk to her since Fri. They get home on Sat. Hope everythimg is good with them....worry a bit when I think about all the stuff we hear about Mexico.
Glad you are home, Sharon. Nice that Thelma could come home, too!
Good night to all turning in.
Thanks for the Vermont link, Paula.
Good night, everyone.
Full of 'pasghetti. No meatballs -- afraid Jo's GGD would show up and eat all my dinner if meatballs were served.
Shirley, thanks for the link showing the Delta eaglet's fall. Was really distressing for me. I am also grateful that Jo provided a link so I saw pictures of the eaglet being cared for. Don't know what's wrong with me but seeing the empty nest and finding out Bandit had fallen was very emotional for me.
Dana, very happy your surgery was successful. Take it easy and all will be well. You have an amazing support system of cheerleaders.
Back tomorrow. I'm turning out my ligh now. Peaceful dreams for everyone.
Good Night All
Prayers for all needs being offered
Thankful prayers also!
((((hugs)))) ♥
Glad you home safe & sound, Sharon loL
Good night from me as well. It was a long day.
Judie - those are all very normal emotions for an eagleholic.
Gnite, all!
Hugs to all ♥
I'm hollering good night, too!
Verified tornado in Allegheny Co., MD yesterday. Forecast for tomorrow calls for possibility of more severe weather, so stay alert and prepared to batten down the hatches!
Sweet dreams. Prayers for all.
Hi, Everyone!
Have been beside myself all day--my Internet Explorer wouldn't work all day again, so I couldn't get here!
Took I don't know how long on the phone with both Earthlink and the Geek Squad to get it going again.
Just have to say, before it's too late, HAPPY BIRTHDAY, VICKY, AND GEE GEE!!!!!! Hope it was special for both of you!
Dana, glad your eye surgery was a success! So good to hear from you!
Really need to go read the rest of the blog so I have a clue. Prayers being said for all; G'night, everyone!
P.S.--Have had TWO heron fledglings hanging around the yard today! Must be siblings, 'cause they're really cute the way they interact with each other! MTBR tomorrow. G'nite!
Oh Andrea, that sounds so cute! You'll have to take some pictures for us ☺
Stopzilla is scanning & making everything else slow, so I will say, "Pleasant Feather Dreams" to all hitting the hay.(not me yet)
Everyone has gone nite nite. Shhhh! Thought I would get on and tell you about my day. First off the lawyer never returned our call. However, come to find out Michael knows him and has dealt with him. (Not impressed!) So, Michael called him. When he did not return his call, Michael called again and got a little "strong" with him. He called Michael. Anyway, we are going to court tomorrow afternoon, however....ta do! Michael is picking us up and going with us. I will have my son with me. Yea! That will certainly make me feel better. This is such "sordid" business! Shame on them!!! Their son deserves a happy family.
In the mean time, we had long time friends come into town. (Knew them before we all had children.)They are in their RV and at the park near by. They came for dinner and we have had the best evening. Lots of laughter and just a fabulous evening. Therefore the late hour.
Will talk with you in the morning.
Sweet dreams for all!
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