Good Sunday Morning! Thanks Steve for the new thread - I am headed for Shepherdstown Market this morning. Take care, enjoy the day and have a good week! I'll go leave message on the previous thread.
stronghunter said... I just found this legal document regarding the proposed road at St. Elizabeth's that is quite interesting. They are concerned with the destruction of trees, etc., at the site. Lots of names of people we might want to contact.
Good morning! I have 45 minutes this morning before I start getting ready for church. Wahoo! Been checking out fb and cams while munching on a good breakfast.
In all of the legal talk, they do mention the bald eagle nest on page 3--near the top of the page--"DOT’s 4(f) Evaluation describes important natural features of Shepherd Parkway, including the remains of Fort Carroll and Fort Greble, unique geological features and a bald eagle nest."
GOOD MORNING EAGLE BUDDIES!!--MEMA JO & SHIRLEY!----CONGRATS JO!--You are our #1 EAGLE MOM--today & every day!!---MORNIN' SHIRLEY!!---I printed out your legal doc from the GEORGETOWN LAW, ETC--(very good)---I enjoyed my hike yesterday---but we were almost home--when the heavens opened & we got soaked!---ho!---It's a 2 mile up & 2 mile down---when I was working---walked it everyday---WESTVACO used to own it--but they sold all area property here in 25 acre lots---WOW!--Our 'BABY' should try out at the MET---She can hold those high notes---for a very loooong time!!----GOD LOVE HER LITTLE HEART!!!
Norma, when I copied and pasted the message, the blue link didn't copy as a blue link. Thanks to Jo, we now have a link for Saturday and another one for Sunday.
I am very happy that you printed it. I haven't done so yet. This computer isn't connected to my printer.
SHIRLEY---Check the BWO site!---LISA has posted 2 or 3 videos showing everyone --- it's a MIRACLE that the 'baby' OSPREY survived!!!----Parent is so clumsy!! ho!
Good morning, Eagle lovers. Great link, Shirley! More fuel for our fire!! TY. Lovely here, but warming up. Shuttle launch scheduled for 7:13 PM! Eggs Benedict for breakfast here...been craving them for a long time. Had all the ingredients for during mom's visit, but it never made the fixed it just for me! Jo, tell Meggie hi from me! My youngest will be taking flight for LA in an Dulles now; has a 2 hr. layover in Denver..prayers for a safe trip.
GOOD MORNING HEDGIE!---I will never catch up!---Why did I think you were out for the day?---You certainly are talented--not only are you a nurse & can you fix great meals!!-- I didn't know you had been an editor!---COOL!---
I am so glad that our Mema Jo is going to market and will see our Megan
Shirley: thanks for the update on Loch of the Lowe's - I was watching early early this morning and one was surely about to bail, but I had to get some sleep ! The other one looks ready too !
I will re-post that link: You will need to hit "Cam 1" and then go to the Play button, may not work for all computer systems. While you are on that webpage, there are many other wondrous things to watch!
I'm checking things off my list, got things just about ready for my trip to Western Massachusetts, but my bags are too heavy so I will have to do some weeding. I have copied some favorite websites, including NCTC of course!And also Finland Water Nest...maybe I can open up at my sister's! I'll be off and on during the day today, but will try to get a final blog post in tonight. Now, If I can't keep up with the posts today I hope you all understand!
I hope Deb and Roger find that Scarlet Tanager they are looking for ! xoxo
Our destination is Cummington, Mass. Our train can take us as far as Springfield, then an hour's drive to my sister's home. Sister, her name is "Dorset" (actual first name is Jane but she uses her middle name...) has two grandchildren, boy age 8 and girl age 6- so the kids should have some great adventures. ☺
Aaaah, Eggs Benedict, Lynn. The first and best time I ever had them was at the revolving restaurant at the top of the Space Needle in Seattle, Washington, "way back" in 1973. We could view the Olympian Mountains to one side, and the Cascades to the other, but I cannot remember which one was East and which one was West
WHOA!--BEAUTIFUL--BEAUTIFUL MARGY!----I bet you won't sleep a wink tonight----Remember those Xmas Eves when you were a kid---thought you could never go to sleep!---WOW!---tomorrow will be just like Christmas!---prayers for you folks----ENJOY! & keep a diary---we want to hear every little 'tidbit' when you return!!!!!
You are soooooo right Norma I am test driving my alarm clocks today - both of them!
You all keep an eye out in the pre-sunrise morning skies. Waning Crescent Moon is ootchhing its way closer to Venus and Mars each morning, and on the morning of Saturday July 18 - watch for a terrific line-up of very thin Moon, bright Venus, orange Mars, and Pleaides! Look East ! I will be back home for this!
Well, I need to shake a leg and mark a few more things off the list, headed up to Morgan County in a little while to pick up my passenger. He is going to miss his Dad big time, they are very close....but I think it will be Okay. xoxo
Just saw mama Flicker feeding her fledglings---omnivores: pecked for bugs on limb and fed those, and then got corn from feeder, broke it up and fed it! Not close-in enough for pic, tho'.
Hello Everyone! Margy, Have a wonderful, wonderful trip!!! So exciting.
Read the Georgetown law letter & why don't we send the eagle article links to the person (Jack?) that the letter is addressed to? (bad grammar) Guess I missed Hidey again yesterday. Stepson, DIL only stopped by yesterday, but they brought their GS along--Frank's GGS.He just turned 6 so it was great to see him--we don't seem to travel to TN anymore.
MORNIN' MOVIN'JIM!---Have you had to turn your AIR on?---ho!---I just turned mine on!---We have certainly been spoiled with this GORGEOUS WEATHER!----Any news from ANNE-MARIE?
Getting ready to head out for grocery store. Eldest is going to do the toting for me! Sure does help not to have to lift and carry, especially in the humidity! Margy, does the train have a wt. limit on luggage or you just can't carry it? LOL! What time will you arrive in Springfield? BBL!
Good Grief--shocked last comment is tuere---got one of those "error" messages w/long code # ! Wow, Lynn! Didn't know you had a flicker family too!Ours never returned to nesthole.I guess Sharon's have fledged by now. Our 2 baby robins are BIG & the wrens are still pretending to play house! She brings little fluffy things for nest, stays in for awhile, then comes out. Don't know if there will ever be eggs.
Shirley, thanks so much for the GTown document. I suspect that our efforts reached an environmentalist law student or professor who decided to take on the cause as an exercise in legal research, etc. GWU Law School does this all the time. Alas, I do not know any GTown people as I teach for their major local competition. Perhaps all our combined efforts, and a potential law suite, will give DHS pause.
Magpie, please enjoy your trip. Shirley, I think the Lord understands.
Off to do more chores as I have gained several pounds reading about shrimp and eggs benedict.
I still believe that ELKINS BILL'S contact with Sen. Byrd is about the best one could want!---BILL said he had receive a prompt reply!!----but BELIEVE EVERY CONTACT COUNTS!----& THANKS TO THE NCTC MOMSTERS & DADSTERS--WE CERTAINLY ARE MAKING A BIG DIFFERENCE!!!-----WE CAN MOVE MOUNTAINS!!!
I'm thinking that we should bring the attention of some of our news media to the legal document, just in case they haven't noticed it yet. They have lawyers.
Happy Sunday everyone! I've been looking for the Panda cam that you folks have been talking about lately and haven't found it. Would SKS please post the link? I didn't see Hidey in a while, but viewed feeding time at the Finland (land) nest just a short while ago. Awesome!
Thanks SHIRLEY----the BLOG just ate my LOOOONG BLOG!!!---in re---the GEORGETOWN letter seems to discuss protecting 'plants' etc --more than wildlife--- makes sense??
The organization they are representing is interested in plant life. That's their thing. They go on field trips up there and saw the eagle nest, though.
Shirley, outstanding idea to contact L.A. reporter!
Um, got so excited about the GTown document I forgot to check the date - duh! But, it was dated only six months ago. As my name is supposed to appear in Wash.Post tomorrow perhaps someone else would be willing to email the two GTown Law Institute contacts (Ms. Beorger and Ms. Hogan)to get a status update. Don't want potential supporters turned off if I'm perceived a nuisance.
SHIRLEY---The long spiel that the blog 'ate'-I discovered they were interested plants---there were two plants--not found in any place in the area, etc---but I still believe we could use them along with the EAGLE---They refer to 'wildlife' often---I AGREE WITH YOU!!
Norma, I am thinking that the plant society people may have already found free representation, but I am not sure. I am also thinking that we have common interests and might need to connect with them.
Judie, looking forward to seeing your letter. I have sent out two to local papers around here. Nothing yet.
Good afternoon! Home from church and have started cleaning house. We and packed and ready to head out in the morning. I always like to clean before I leave so I come home to a nice clean house. Laurel and the boys get here this evening. would love my coffee cake. It is made with yeast, it is soooo delicious1
Sausage sandwiches in the morning made with home made bread. The bread just finished baking and the whole house smells yummy.
My 'LAIR' is still filled with termites, but, I have 3 pretty new patio windows:0) Hope th termites don't attack them before the BUG MAN gets back! Going to GeeGee's...BBL No Silver Alert, Please...Margy, if I don't get back on here in time, I wish you nothing but the best time in your and James life, thus far, on your trip. Prayers for a fun-filled and safe vacation. (((Hugs)))
Judie, I will email the folks from GT. NOrma, I don't know where my flickers' nest is/was. Fledglings are almost as big as parent, but no red on them yet.
Thanks, Lynn. Just received final version of letter for tomorrow's Wash.Post. Also let the editor know that GTown Law Inst. had prepared a related document in Jan. '09.
Bad termites! Bad termites! The bug man is coming to get you.
Good evening all. Just heard from the Hong Kong travelers. They had a great time. Son leaves for Switzerland tomorrow. Business this time. MARYGY AND JAMES have a great trip. We will not be able to get to the train station tomorrow. LOLLY AND JACK have a good time at the beach with Laurel and the kids.
Just sent the DC Chapter of Sierra Club in Washington the document. This might help them move together with the other people in reference to the plant life.
I think the train pulls out of Martinsburg around 5:30am; she plans to be at the station around 4:45. She's arranged for a cab---wouldn't let me come pick them up and take them in...stubborn girl! But I do get to pick them up Friday evening when they get back...yippee!!! Know they will be tired travelers! Dana, have you gotten any response yet from Sierra Club? I haven't, and I think it was either Th. or Fri. I wrote them...weekend interferes, I imagine.
Astronauts are getting all suited up and strapped in....7:13 launch on schedule. My baby is in Denver airport...connection to LA should be leaving anytime now. Turbulence caused flight path to go further north, so guess midwest is getting some storms.
Yes Lynn I did I had posted it: Thanks, Dana! I will discuss this with the Executive Committee to see if we are going to take a position on this. D.C. Chapter, Sierra Club
Shirley, if you have clear skies and a good view of the eastern sky, you just MIGHT be able to see the shuttle.....for you, I would say probably around 800 miles downrange for a chance to see it going northeastward in the ESE sky.
Everyone is doing great with the letters and emails. Are you writing letters to Congressmen?
We are ready. Just have to cook supper and water plants. Hey, and you probably won't be getting rid of me. They have wifi!! Laurel is taking her laptop as well. hee hee! She will have to share with the boys. However, I think they are going to be so busy they won't want to mess with the computer.
Jack's birthday is Friday. I bought him two new books and they are wrapped and stashed in the trailer. Laurel is taking ingredients to make him a cherry cheesecake pie. He will be surprised. I packed a throw away pie tin.
I am so ticked off.. Obama spoke about he didn't make much money. Couldn't take kids to all things like he can now. Well what the heck does he think people that make less than he did are going to be able to take their children to zoo!! grrrrrr
Good Evening! Megan sends her Hello's She has been extremely busy with flowers. Her daughter's pc is having problems and she is using her Mom's! Megan has trouble getting on it! lol Megan said they took a day trip down to DC and enjoyed their time together. Her flowers are beautiful! Got a bouquet and gave to Aaron for their place.
Faye Fiore says that the person to contact is Mr. Van Dop. I told her that some of us have already contacted him, but that more of us can do so.
Dear Shirley, Thanks for taking the time to read the piece and to write. I checked out the blog, which is quite interesting. The photos are wonderful. Other readers have asked how they might express their views about the road through Shepherd Parkway. An environmentalist close to the situation sent the following guidance, which I pass along to you, in case you are interested. Person to contact is at Federal Highway Administration, Jack Van Dop, . Suggested and simplest message: Urge FHWA to redesign proposed access road for Department of Homeland Security project to completely avoid Shepherd Parkway, key habitat for nesting bald eagles, a forested part of Washington, D.C.'s Civil War defenses, and part of the National Park System. Best, Faye Faye Fiore National Correspondent Los Angeles Times Washington DC 703 887 1595
I have a little wild animal on my hands here, the grandson can hardly contain himself, nor can I.
Hedgie we can each "carry on" two bags each, not to exceed 50 pounds they are only "too heavy," because I am puny! Will thin things out tonight!
Ceil not to worry about not being there at the RR station in Baltimore...I will surely be thinking about you, Jimmy and Mary Margy as we pass through. ☺
This is going to be just about my last to start putting things to bed here, train leaves the platform at 5:25 am - we will arrive in Massachusetts around 3 pm
Take Care Everyone, I will miss you, AND Hidey. Be back late Friday .
Most of today's birds are common around here. When it is something new, I have Roger and Mary to help me out. The Grasshopper Sparrow was a new one for me. I wouldn't have even looked for it, if Roger hadn't heard it.
The guy that Faye mentioned is who I sent the letter to...but I only covered the eagle habitat end of it, not the cemetery, old forts or the plant life.
Good Night To All Of You excellent letter writers - what a good cause! Hope someone soon sits up and takes notice!
Peace to you and yours Prayers for all being said especially those who need to have better health. Safe travels Mits, Margy & James and Lolly & family and all others in their travels. Prayer for Anne Marie's recovery. ((((hugs)))) ♥
Army Wives was good---as always! HEading for tub as soon as news ends. See all y'all in the morning. Bluefield gals should be back online, and Andrea, too. We'll hear some new adventures--and hopefully no injuries!! Peace and prayers.
Had a nice visit with GeeGee. She was tending to her flower bed...snipping dead leaves and dead-heading flowers. I'm so greatful that she is able to do that....This time last year, she could hardly walk. Prayers work!
Good Morning Everyone in Eagleland. Safe wonderful travels for those embarking today! MT nest~~ On the homefront, the robins are taking turns bringing food to the 2BIG chicks and Mr. Wren sat near the house & sang 2 times. During his 2nd concert, Ms. W came out of the house!!!Maybe she's trying to lay eggs finally! Gonna check my Post~~
GOOD MORNING DEB & LORETTA... DEB, glad you put your pictures on easy to find! Never heard of a Yellow Headed Blackbird. Love seeing those strange birds!
GOOD MORNING EAGLE BUDDIES!----The OSPREY CHICKS AT FINLAND NEST ARE ALONE!----#1 CHICK is up---'poop shoot'---now gazing at the horizon---waiting for a parent--(think she is hungry)!---
CONGRATS! NATURENUT---You are our #1 EAGLE MOM---today & every day!!------MORNIN'--NATURENUT--DEB & WANDA!!---Thanks DEB for sharing your nature hike photos---BEAUTIFUL!---Been thinking about MARGY & JAMES all morning---prayers they have a safe journey!-----She is one COOL 'GRANNY'!--ho!-----One couldn't ask for nicer weather---SUNNY--BLUE SKIES--COOL 62°---eating peanut butter & apples for breakfast---while listening to birds chirping in all directions!!----only one distraction this am---I MUST clean out laundry room today!!!---& THAT IS NOT A GOOD THING!!-----so wishing all a glorious WILD & WONDERFUL DAY!!----LIFE IS GOOD!!
I'm home and up and at them, sort of. Energy level is low but spirts high. Shari came over and cleaned my house and mowed lawns. Michael weeded and Master Brandon was a gofer. tummy is still painful and I've lost 10 lbs of water. they pump an Iv into you and you go home and loose it. Back to bed with me. thank you everyone for your sweet thoughts and prayers....
HOORAY FOR JUDIE! It does sound as if we have the ball rolling on this subject! Now, if I should hear something from our President, I would be quite happy:)emailed him on Friday, so don't imagine he has had a chance to review our comments. It would be exciting if he did decide to help us out with our cause.
1 – 200 of 224 Newer› Newest»Good Sunday Morning! Thanks Steve for the new thread - I am headed for Shepherdstown Market this morning.
Take care, enjoy the day and have a good week!
I'll go leave message on the previous thread.
Thanks Steve. Good morning, Jo.
stronghunter said...
I just found this legal document regarding the proposed road at St. Elizabeth's that is quite interesting. They are concerned with the destruction of trees, etc., at the site. Lots of names of people we might want to contact.
Georgetown Law Document
Sunday, July 12, 2009 9:09:00 AM
Shirley - Here is your blue link for the Georgetown Legal Doc...
Legal Doc....
Good morning! I have 45 minutes this morning before I start getting ready for church. Wahoo! Been checking out fb and cams while munching on a good breakfast.
Thanks, Jo. I saw that it did not copy and was trying to do it over.
In all of the legal talk, they do mention the bald eagle nest on page 3--near the top of the page--"DOT’s 4(f) Evaluation describes important natural features of Shepherd Parkway,
including the remains of Fort Carroll and Fort Greble, unique geological features and a bald
eagle nest."
GOOD MORNING EAGLE BUDDIES!!--MEMA JO & SHIRLEY!----CONGRATS JO!--You are our #1 EAGLE MOM--today & every day!!---MORNIN' SHIRLEY!!---I printed out your legal doc from the GEORGETOWN LAW, ETC--(very good)---I enjoyed my hike yesterday---but we were almost home--when the heavens opened & we got soaked!---ho!---It's a 2 mile up & 2 mile down---when I was working---walked it everyday---WESTVACO used to own it--but they sold all area property here in 25 acre lots---WOW!--Our 'BABY' should try out at the MET---She can hold those high notes---for a very loooong time!!----GOD LOVE HER LITTLE HEART!!!
I am afraid I got sidetracked and will not make it to church at this point.
I hope the Lord will appreciate that I am trying to protect some of His creatures this morning.
MORNIN'--MEMA JO---SHIRLEY--& LOLLY!!---I printed it from the last blog---not this one!--
Just want to make sure it gets seen. Doesn't hurt to have it on Saturday's and Sunday's blog pages.
WHOA! LOLLY--Just mail me some sausage---I don't like sweet cake or rolls----ho!----JUST!!---'WHOLE MADE BREAD & SAUSAGE!---you are COOL!
NORFORK EAGLE SITE!!---1 'REBEL' in the nest---appears to be munching something!---Looks so cool!
SHIRLEY----I meant on the other blog---the letter printed fine!---I thought some one couldn't print it from this blog---
Georgetown Law is manned by law students guided by professors at Georgetown.
Georgetown Law
Norma, when I copied and pasted the message, the blue link didn't copy as a blue link. Thanks to Jo, we now have a link for Saturday and another one for Sunday.
I am very happy that you printed it. I haven't done so yet. This computer isn't connected to my printer.
WOW!!---I just saw the #1 CHICK at the FINLAND NEST site--showing off his wing span!!---AWESOME!----Bet it won't be long!---
SHIRLEY---Check the BWO site!---LISA has posted 2 or 3 videos showing everyone --- it's a MIRACLE that the 'baby' OSPREY survived!!!----Parent is so clumsy!! ho!
(you may have seen it)
Good morning, Eagle lovers.
Great link, Shirley! More fuel for our fire!! TY.
Lovely here, but warming up.
Shuttle launch scheduled for 7:13 PM!
Eggs Benedict for breakfast here...been craving them for a long time. Had all the ingredients for during mom's visit, but it never made the fixed it just for me!
Jo, tell Meggie hi from me!
My youngest will be taking flight for LA in an Dulles now; has a 2 hr. layover in Denver..prayers for a safe trip.
On the Finland site, the wind must get into the mom's feathers. Strange hairdo.
Why is MITS in CHICAGO?---vacation?----asked earlier--
Maybe Judie will have some ideas for making contacts at Georgetown. She seems to be really good at doing that.
are growing like weeds!---seems one can notice the growth each day!!----Aren't the COOL??
Norma - Mits is in Chicago for mini vacation.
Headed out to Shephardstown now.
Touch base when I return..
Just going to market & to see Aaron.
The BWO videos are great...especially the last one. Poor chick has sure gotten clobbered enough times!
Norma, Jay is in Chicago on business, so Mits went to join him for part of his trip.
BWO videos are interesting. Poor little bird. Maybe they should name him "Survivorman." Don't know if it's a male, though.
GOOD MORNING HEDGIE!---I will never catch up!---Why did I think you were out for the day?---You certainly are talented--not only are you a nurse & can you fix great meals!!-- I didn't know you had been an editor!---COOL!---
Blogger cop said it couldn't publish my comment, but it did . . . odd.
Good Morning Eagle Friends ☺
Prayers for safe travel for all.
I am so glad that our Mema Jo is going to market and will see our Megan
Shirley: thanks for the update on Loch of the Lowe's - I was watching early early this morning and one was surely about to bail, but I had to get some sleep !
The other one looks ready too !
I will re-post that link:
You will need to hit "Cam 1" and then go to the Play button, may not work for all computer systems.
While you are on that webpage, there are many other wondrous things to watch!
Loch of the Lowe's, Osprey Nest, Scotland
Thanks HEDGIE!---MITS will have FUN!---Didn't know her husband was there!!---WONDERFUL!
Thanks for the link, Margy. It is a good site.
I'm checking things off my list, got things just about ready for my trip to Western Massachusetts, but my bags are too heavy so I will have to do some weeding.
I have copied some favorite websites, including NCTC of course!And also Finland Water Nest...maybe I can open up at my sister's!
I'll be off and on during the day today, but will try to get a final blog post in tonight. Now, If I can't keep up with the posts today I hope you all understand!
I hope Deb and Roger find that Scarlet Tanager they are looking for ! xoxo
SHIRLEY!!---I think 'SURVIVOR' would be a perfect name for the 'Little Chick'!---Yeah -- I think I saw MOM step on him---'poor baby'----
Our destination is Cummington, Mass. Our train can take us as far as Springfield, then an hour's drive to my sister's home. Sister, her name is "Dorset" (actual first name is Jane but she uses her middle name...) has two grandchildren, boy age 8 and girl age 6- so the kids should have some great adventures. ☺
After we get this trip under our belt, I think our next adventure will be a trip to Romney and a ride on the Potomac Eagle in the Fall !
Mom stepped on him and he fussed at her.
Are these new parents or something? What happened to the two other chicks? Do we know?
Aaaah, Eggs Benedict, Lynn.
The first and best time I ever had them was at the revolving restaurant at the top of the Space Needle in Seattle, Washington, "way back" in 1973. We could view the Olympian Mountains to one side, and the Cascades to the other, but I cannot remember which one was East and which one was West
WHOA!--BEAUTIFUL--BEAUTIFUL MARGY!----I bet you won't sleep a wink tonight----Remember those Xmas Eves when you were a kid---thought you could never go to sleep!---WOW!---tomorrow will be just like Christmas!---prayers for you folks----ENJOY! & keep a diary---we want to hear every little 'tidbit' when you return!!!!!
NO SWEAT!--(as we used to say)---can arrange a EAGLE TRAIN ride!!!
You are soooooo right Norma
I am test driving my alarm clocks today - both of them!
You all keep an eye out in the pre-sunrise morning skies. Waning Crescent Moon is ootchhing its way closer to Venus and Mars each morning, and on the morning of Saturday July 18 - watch for a terrific line-up of very thin Moon, bright Venus, orange Mars, and Pleaides! Look East !
I will be back home for this!
Well, I need to shake a leg and mark a few more things off the list, headed up to Morgan County in a little while to pick up my passenger. He is going to miss his Dad big time, they are very close....but I think it will be Okay. xoxo
TTFN xo Big ♥ and ☺'s
SHIRLEY---I have forgotten!---but I think there were several OSPREYS involved with the mating at the BWO site!!!
Finney "ringing" (as we call banding) scheduled for Tues. at noon their time--?5am here, I think!
Yep, fun hair seems to be the norm!
I don't think even Lisa the Webmaster at BWO knows what happened to the two little Osprey chicks that failed to thrive.
Considering what we saw of the parents, it is surprising that any of them survived, I suppose.
*+ good morning +*
*+ everybody +*
Just saw mama Flicker feeding her fledglings---omnivores: pecked for bugs on limb and fed those, and then got corn from feeder, broke it up and fed it! Not close-in enough for pic, tho'.
Hello Everyone!
Margy, Have a wonderful, wonderful trip!!! So exciting.
Read the Georgetown law letter & why don't we send the eagle article links to the person (Jack?) that the letter is addressed to? (bad grammar)
Guess I missed Hidey again yesterday. Stepson, DIL only stopped by yesterday, but they brought their GS along--Frank's GGS.He just turned 6 so it was great to see him--we don't seem to travel to TN anymore.
MORNIN' MOVIN'JIM!---Have you had to turn your AIR on?---ho!---I just turned mine on!---We have certainly been spoiled with this GORGEOUS WEATHER!----Any news from ANNE-MARIE?
Where is the FLICKER site?
Getting ready to head out for grocery store. Eldest is going to do the toting for me! Sure does help not to have to lift and carry, especially in the humidity!
Margy, does the train have a wt. limit on luggage or you just can't carry it? LOL! What time will you arrive in Springfield?
Good Grief--shocked last comment is tuere---got one of those "error" messages w/long code # !
Wow, Lynn! Didn't know you had a flicker family too!Ours never returned to nesthole.I guess Sharon's have fledged by now. Our 2 baby robins are BIG & the wrens are still pretending to play house! She brings little fluffy things for nest, stays in for awhile, then comes out. Don't know if there will ever be eggs.
Norma, I think the Flicker site must be in her yard! ;>)
Good morning, everyone.
Shirley, thanks so much for the GTown document. I suspect that our efforts reached an environmentalist law student or professor who decided to take on the cause as an exercise in legal research, etc. GWU Law School does this all the time. Alas, I do not know any GTown people as I teach for their major local competition. Perhaps all our combined efforts, and a potential law suite, will give DHS pause.
Magpie, please enjoy your trip. Shirley, I think the Lord understands.
Off to do more chores as I have gained several pounds reading about shrimp and eggs benedict.
MORNIN' NATURENUT!---Love your AVATAR!----WHOA!---Sounds like you had a treat---grand-kids--visiting!!---I love having the 'little ones' visit!!----
Hahaha, Norma. I guess I will have to turn on the A/C.....
When I read that question, I checked the weather... It has jumped 10° in little more than an hour!! It's 77° now, heading up to near 90°.
Have a great day, folks.
Both adults and a very much larger chick in the nest at BWO.
I think HEDGIE sent the FLICKER site to you NATURENUT!----ho!--Will check with her later---
Judie, the Georgetown Law document is dated some time ago--January, I think.
I still believe that ELKINS BILL'S contact with Sen. Byrd is about the best one could want!---BILL said he had receive a prompt reply!!----but BELIEVE EVERY CONTACT COUNTS!----& THANKS TO THE NCTC MOMSTERS & DADSTERS--WE CERTAINLY ARE MAKING A BIG DIFFERENCE!!!-----WE CAN MOVE MOUNTAINS!!!
I'm thinking that we should bring the attention of some of our news media to the legal document, just in case they haven't noticed it yet. They have lawyers.
Don't know that we have made a difference yet, Norma. We have to keep at it.
Have a great day, folks....
Maybe later.
Happy Sunday everyone! I've been looking for the Panda cam that you folks have been talking about lately and haven't found it. Would SKS please post the link?
I didn't see Hidey in a while, but viewed feeding time at the Finland (land) nest just a short while ago. Awesome!
National Zoo Panda Cam:
Panda Cam
Just sent an e-mail to Faye Fiore at the LA Times. Invited her to check out our blog and to look at the legal document.
Thanks SHIRLEY----the BLOG just ate my LOOOONG BLOG!!!---in re---the GEORGETOWN letter seems to discuss protecting 'plants' etc --more than wildlife--- makes sense??
Blogger is going nuts. I keep getting messages that it can't publish my comment, but if I hit the back key, it publishes it.
same here shirley---thought it was my computer---w/try later--
The organization they are representing is interested in plant life. That's their thing. They go on field trips up there and saw the eagle nest, though.
The plant life--particularly the trees--support our eagles, so we have a common interest.
Maryland Plant Society
Maryland Native Plant Society--The organization mentioned in the legal document.
DC Chapter Md Plant Soc.
They mention the St. Eliz. Hosp. project on this page.
Shirley, outstanding idea to contact L.A. reporter!
Um, got so excited about the GTown document I forgot to check the date - duh! But, it was dated only six months ago. As my name is supposed to appear in Wash.Post tomorrow perhaps someone else would be willing to email the two GTown Law Institute contacts (Ms. Beorger and Ms. Hogan)to get a status update. Don't want potential supporters turned off if I'm perceived a nuisance.
SHIRLEY---The long spiel that the blog 'ate'-I discovered they were interested plants---there were two plants--not found in any place in the area, etc---but I still believe we could use them along with the EAGLE---They refer to 'wildlife' often---I AGREE WITH YOU!!
WHOA SHIRLEY---All we need is to find an attorney that will represent us --pro bono!----
I think we are doing fine---we have made our opinions known!!--need to continue--
need lunch---ho!
Norma, I am thinking that the plant society people may have already found free representation, but I am not sure. I am also thinking that we have common interests and might need to connect with them.
Judie, looking forward to seeing your letter. I have sent out two to local papers around here. Nothing yet.
Thanks for the Panda cam link.
Will check it out but sorry I missed the birthday party you talked aobut.
God bless,
Good afternoon! Home from church and have started cleaning house. We and packed and ready to head out in the morning. I always like to clean before I leave so I come home to a nice clean house. Laurel and the boys get here this evening. would love my coffee cake. It is made with yeast, it is soooo delicious1
Sausage sandwiches in the morning made with home made bread. The bread just finished baking and the whole house smells yummy.
Back from store....daughter still here, but want to show her my Lair, so need to log in!!
My 'LAIR' is still filled with termites, but, I have 3 pretty new patio windows:0) Hope th termites don't attack them before the BUG MAN gets back! Going to GeeGee's...BBL No Silver Alert, Please...Margy, if I don't get back on here in time, I wish you nothing but the best time in your and James life, thus far, on your trip. Prayers for a fun-filled and safe vacation. (((Hugs)))
Margy, have a wonderful trip! flicker cam....that was flickers in my woods!!!
Judie, I will email the folks from GT.
NOrma, I don't know where my flickers' nest is/was. Fledglings are almost as big as parent, but no red on them yet.
Thanks, Lynn. Just received final version of letter for tomorrow's Wash.Post. Also let the editor know that GTown Law Inst. had prepared a related document in Jan. '09.
Bad termites! Bad termites! The bug man is coming to get you.
All vacationers, enjoy and stay safe!
Good Evening ALL in Eagleland and Watchers.
Margy and James a special send off for a great and fun filled time with a safe journey. ( :
Need to catch up on blog.
Letters to both of the ladies at Georgetown law sent. Drafting one now to Mr. Van Dop at FHA (who they sent their document to).
Good evening all. Just heard from the Hong Kong travelers. They had a great time. Son leaves for Switzerland tomorrow. Business this time.
MARYGY AND JAMES have a great trip. We will not be able to get to the train station tomorrow.
LOLLY AND JACK have a good time at the beach with Laurel and the kids.
Just sent the DC Chapter of Sierra Club in Washington the document. This might help them move together with the other people in reference to the plant life.
Hi Ceil (Seal)
What time is Margy suppose to be a train station tomorrow.
Lynn trains do have a weight limit just like planes for checked luggage.
Dana I know they are passing through Baltimore Pennsy station at about 8:30 a.m. So I think probably they will leave WV at about 6:30.
Dana on Saturdays blog magpie says they leave bright and early Monday at 4:45.
Lynn hope your youngest is safe at her destination
Jo how was Megan today or Megan how are you doing.
I think the train pulls out of Martinsburg around 5:30am; she plans to be at the station around 4:45. She's arranged for a cab---wouldn't let me come pick them up and take them in...stubborn girl! But I do get to pick them up Friday evening when they get back...yippee!!! Know they will be tired travelers!
Dana, have you gotten any response yet from Sierra Club? I haven't, and I think it was either Th. or Fri. I wrote them...weekend interferes, I imagine.
Astronauts are getting all suited up and strapped in....7:13 launch on schedule.
My baby is in Denver airport...connection to LA should be leaving anytime now. Turbulence caused flight path to go further north, so guess midwest is getting some storms.
Just got a delivery failure notice form from GT for Ms. Hogan....guess she's no longer there.
Yes Lynn I did I had posted it: Thanks, Dana! I will discuss this with the Executive Committee to see if we are going to take a position on this.
D.C. Chapter, Sierra Club
I just them them the document today.
I just sent them the document today. That should have read.
WOW don't think I'll be up tomorrow at that time in morning.
To send Margy and James off.
Eleanor Holmes Norton's subcommittee oversees the construction of the Homeland Security building. She wants to allow public access.
Doesn't say anything about protecting the eagles, though.
It looks like they expect this project to change the area considerably.
Plans for Development
Oh, yeah, Dana, I remember that now!! CRS disease!!!
A send off for Margy and James
Margy and James ride the train with animals
Really cute, Dana.
Hidey is fussing.
Website says that Norton won't accept contacts that aren't constituents of her district. That's a load of b....!
Need to feed hubby bbl
Dana, that is "2" cute!!!
Margy and Lolly....try to get a good nights' rest before your adventures begin!!! Hope you have fun, fun, fun!! We'll miss you while you're gone.
Scheduled T minus 9 minutes hold....countdown will resume in about 45 minutes. Can you tell that I absolutely love these launches????
Shirley, if you have clear skies and a good view of the eastern sky, you just MIGHT be able to see the shuttle.....for you, I would say probably around 800 miles downrange for a chance to see it going northeastward in the ESE sky.
Thanks, Lynn.
CNN about to do a story on the Boston Zoo closure.
I turned on CNN to see the shuttle launch.
Looks like the Boston Zoo story is later on.
Everyone is doing great with the letters and emails. Are you writing letters to Congressmen?
We are ready. Just have to cook supper and water plants. Hey, and you probably won't be getting rid of me. They have wifi!! Laurel is taking her laptop as well. hee hee! She will have to share with the boys. However, I think they are going to be so busy they won't want to mess with the computer.
Jack's birthday is Friday. I bought him two new books and they are wrapped and stashed in the trailer. Laurel is taking ingredients to make him a cherry cheesecake pie. He will be surprised. I packed a throw away pie tin.
Margy, have a great trip. More fun!
I am finally home, have to read this blog yet to catch up.
Several stories about St. E's and the plans for the campus.
St. E's Plans
Hidey just keeps squealing.
Thunderstorms in Fla. Launch may be delayed again.
Margy, no Scarlet Tanager, but lots of other fun stuff. I have to bring in the rest of the groceries.
Launch scrubbed for today...thunderstorms heading in...rescheduled for 6:51 tomorrow evening.
Launch postponed until tomorrow.
Deb, I hope you have more pictures to share.
Have they had on CNN about Boston Zoo yet?
Don't think so, Dana.
Letters sent to Mayor Fenty and to the National Capitol Planning Commission.
GSA is next, if I can find contact info!
I've been hearing Hidey too.
Lolly on Friday tell Jack "Happy Birthday from the Eaglet Momster/Dadster Group" !! ( :
I am so ticked off.. Obama spoke about he didn't make much money. Couldn't take kids to all things like he can now. Well what the heck does he think people that make less than he did are going to be able to take their children to zoo!! grrrrrr
Also the poor animals that won't get placed elsewhere grrrrr
Close down this .... close down that...but let the big guys keep making all the money!! Oh don't get me started. Ok I'll calm down.
Yes, I have pictures. We saw a Great Blue Heron today, wait until you see the catch it had! (that's a teaser :) )
Deb when we went to Lake of Woods. We got to see a blue heron.
Okay, GSA in the bag!
Need to send snail mail to Napolitano, tho' since their email link won't let me in.
Lolly, yes, we have done congresspeople and senators!
Wow, Lynn, you are on a roll!
Back from message where I sent the document. Which I sent to Washington DC Chapter Sierra Club:
"Thank you very much! We are still discussing this within the Executive Committee."
I hear Hidey in the distance peeping like he has food.
Great Blue's are so beautiful, Dana, I love to watch them fly!
Dana - Obama didn't cut the budget for the zoo, the state of Massachusetts cut their budget.
Today's pictures are on Deb's Photo's.
I know Paula but if they would be getting other fiancing that they should be getting. They wouldn't have to look for places like the zoo to cut. JMO
Hey guys, I got a long message from Faye Fiore. She has looked at our blog and thinks the photographs are wonderful.
She also has advice on who we should contact.
Good Evening! Megan sends her Hello's
She has been extremely busy with flowers. Her daughter's pc is having problems and she is using her Mom's! Megan has trouble getting on it! lol
Megan said they took a day trip down to DC and enjoyed their time together.
Her flowers are beautiful! Got a bouquet and gave to Aaron for their place.
Deb - the pics are GREAT just like always!
Keep in mind that Craig Koppie of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service is
Great Photos, Deb
Hi Mema Jo, thanks for keeping us in touch about Megan - bet those were beautiful posies you gave Aaron...☺
Dana ! such a cute little video, James and I both liked it very much!
Everyone has been so kind with their enthusiasm for me on this Railroad Expedition to Massachusetts, thank you to all for the Well Wishes !
Faye Fiore says that the person to contact is Mr. Van Dop. I told her that some of us have already contacted him, but that more of us can do so.
Dear Shirley, Thanks for taking the time to read the piece and to write. I checked out the blog, which is quite interesting. The photos are wonderful. Other readers have asked how they might express their views about the road through Shepherd Parkway. An environmentalist close to the situation sent the following guidance, which I pass along to you, in case you are interested. Person to contact is at Federal Highway Administration, Jack Van Dop, . Suggested and simplest message: Urge FHWA to redesign proposed access road for Department of Homeland Security project to completely avoid Shepherd Parkway, key habitat for nesting bald eagles, a forested part of Washington, D.C.'s Civil War defenses, and part of the National Park System. Best, Faye Faye Fiore National Correspondent Los Angeles Times Washington DC 703 887 1595
I have a little wild animal on my hands here, the grandson can hardly contain himself, nor can I.
Hedgie we can each "carry on" two bags each, not to exceed 50 pounds they are only "too heavy," because I am puny! Will thin things out tonight!
Ceil not to worry about not being there at the RR station in Baltimore...I will surely be thinking about you, Jimmy and Mary Margy as we pass through. ☺
This is going to be just about my last to start putting things to bed here, train leaves the platform at 5:25 am - we will arrive in Massachusetts around 3 pm
Take Care Everyone, I will miss you, AND Hidey. Be back late Friday .
xox Margy ♥ ☺
Margy and James, I hope the two of you have a wonderful trip, see many beautiful sites and have fun with all the relatives!
A couple of treats in your email box. Hope you all enjoy them.
Margy, have fun. Enjoy James and enjoy your trip.
Hidey is in the tree, come on down!
Oh I just missed the little rascal!
But I hear him doing the evening serenade!
Lolly ! Forgive my manners!
I hope your travel adventures this week are dreamy and free of any vehicle problems !
I think Hidey might have just bailed !
Deb, your pictures are wonderful. Makes me want to get my camera and go out, but I could never identify the birds the way you do. Impressive.
Spidey is busy tonight.
Lolly, do have a fun trip with no further automotive complications.
Nice treats, Dana. Thanks.
Most of today's birds are common around here. When it is something new, I have Roger and Mary to help me out. The Grasshopper Sparrow was a new one for me. I wouldn't have even looked for it, if Roger hadn't heard it.
I am off to read.
Night everyone!
Christie safely arrived in CA---she can see the Crystal Cathedral from her 8th floor window.
Deb - haven't checked your pics in awhile, nice shots. Did you know the adult eagle you posted on June 8 is banded? Pretty cool.
Thanks for the info, Shirley.
Nice slide show, Deb! You are so talented. I never heard of a Dickersel--?sp? Should have written that down!
The guy that Faye mentioned is who I sent the letter to...but I only covered the eagle habitat end of it, not the cemetery, old forts or the plant life.
I haven't sent one to him yet, but will do so tomorrow if possible. My grandson is coming, and he has a baseball game tomorrow evening.
Good night, everyone. I will see you later.
Good Night To All Of You excellent letter writers - what a good cause! Hope someone soon sits up and takes notice!
Peace to you and yours
Prayers for all being said especially those who need to have better health.
Safe travels Mits, Margy & James and Lolly & family and all others in their travels. Prayer for Anne Marie's recovery.
((((hugs)))) ♥
Army Wives was good---as always!
HEading for tub as soon as news ends. See all y'all in the morning. Bluefield gals should be back online, and Andrea, too. We'll hear some new adventures--and hopefully no injuries!! Peace and prayers.
Had a nice visit with GeeGee. She was tending to her flower bed...snipping dead leaves and dead-heading flowers. I'm so greatful that she is able to do that....This time last year, she could hardly walk. Prayers work!
++ GOOD NighT ++
++ EverybodY ++
Good Morning Everyone in Eagleland.
Safe wonderful travels for those embarking today!
MT nest~~
On the homefront, the robins are taking turns bringing food to the 2BIG chicks and Mr. Wren sat near the house & sang 2 times. During his 2nd concert, Ms. W came out of the house!!!Maybe she's trying to lay eggs finally!
Gonna check my Post~~
Good morning, everyone.
DEB, glad you put your pictures on easy to find! Never heard of a Yellow Headed Blackbird. Love seeing those strange birds!
Loretta, sounds like you have some disfunctional birds;)
GOOD MORNING EAGLE BUDDIES!----The OSPREY CHICKS AT FINLAND NEST ARE ALONE!----#1 CHICK is up---'poop shoot'---now gazing at the horizon---waiting for a parent--(think she is hungry)!---
Good Morning All in Eagleland, Jim, Loretta, Deb, Norma, Wanda and ALL Watchers.
Looks to be a fine day. Might get a little rain.
Bark still peeling off our beautiful sycamore tree home of Liberty and Belle and Eaglets.
Annie-Marie if your just reading. Prayers for healing and hope you are feeling well. Take it easy.
CONGRATS! NATURENUT---You are our #1 EAGLE MOM---today & every day!!------MORNIN'--NATURENUT--DEB & WANDA!!---Thanks DEB for sharing your nature hike photos---BEAUTIFUL!---Been thinking about MARGY & JAMES all morning---prayers they have a safe journey!-----She is one COOL 'GRANNY'!--ho!-----One couldn't ask for nicer weather---SUNNY--BLUE SKIES--COOL 62°---eating peanut butter & apples for breakfast---while listening to birds chirping in all directions!!----only one distraction this am---I MUST clean out laundry room today!!!---& THAT IS NOT A GOOD THING!!-----so wishing all a glorious WILD & WONDERFUL DAY!!----LIFE IS GOOD!!
Taa Dah!!!! Judie's excellent letter is in today's Post--pg. A-16!
Norma 3 donkeys out front 2 white one black. Other coming out from back.
MORNIN' DANA---sending good thoughts & prayers to you & ED---and prayers for ANNE-MARIE---isn't she at home?
Thanks Norma we appreciate the prayers.
Osprey with chick at BWO. Chick getting fed.
Loretta can you post a blue link to it please.
Off to work, bbl.
Have a good day Deb ( :
I'm home and up and at them, sort of. Energy level is low but spirts high. Shari came over and cleaned my house and mowed lawns. Michael weeded and Master Brandon was a gofer. tummy is still painful and I've lost 10 lbs of water. they pump an Iv into you and you go home and loose it. Back to bed with me. thank you everyone for your sweet thoughts and prayers....
Bye, Deb.
Nice bird singing to us this morning on the cam. Bet Deb or Margy would know the singer.
Thanks Wanda and prayers she has been getting.
WANDA---Thanks for passing on ANNE-MARIE'S message---Have had her in my thoughts!!
Prayers are powerful even if it is wait.
It does sound as if we have the ball rolling on this subject!
Now, if I should hear something from our President, I would be quite happy:)emailed him on Friday, so don't imagine he has had a chance to review our comments. It would be exciting if he did decide to help us out with our cause.
You are most welcome, NORMA...I was beginning to worry about her, without sending us any word.
Wanda you did catch Ann-Marie's message the day after she got home on here. Didn't you?
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