Saturday, October 06, 2007


New thread.

I know we're all frustrated at the lock up again. I'm guessing this has to do with the fact that we must send the cam signal through another site to get it out to you, and the security issues that swallow up everything we try to do.

We are trying to get a solution that allows for good security while providing a consistent picture. Obviously not there yet...


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paula eagleholic said...

MIts - get rid of McAfee and go with AVG - it's free and doesn't cause my any problems

belle_wv said...

do you still chase the wax for the 'x00s' posts or is there a new game?

yes I'm all mastered and certified and certifiable!!!

Bob Quinn said...

Indoor toilets! Makes the winters a lot easier as long as you keep stoking that wood burning stove!

belle_wv said...

blog keeps losing my posts - and I have to retype everything - does that happen to everyone?

Bob Quinn said...

Belle - I haven't had a problem with losing posts.

belle_wv said...

Ughh the midnight munchies have descended upon our household - hubby is making toast, son has been nibbling for awhile - I need to be strong....

paula eagleholic said...

Great, Belle, glad to hear you are done...

Haven't had that problem this evening, although sometimes I get a message like an error, then I just hit my back arrow and it brings me back here, and my comment is still in the box, so I just hit publish again and it goes through.

paula eagleholic said...

Yes, we still go for the WAX, sometimes, for ol' times sake!

paula eagleholic said...

Bob, I take it you had a variety of pictures today?

paula eagleholic said...

Grab a drink instead, Belle!

Bob Quinn said...

Belle - Be strong, it's worth it. My wife has been doing Weight Watchers. She's lost over 60 lbs since January. I've lost 30 in the last year (although the last ten was likely due to salmonella). It is so satisfying if you stick to it.

Bob Quinn said...

Paula - Yes, I had shots in 5x7, 8x10 and 11x14 framed and unframed of eagles, osprey, hummers, dragon flies, fox, butterflies and even Rachel Carson's house. Lots of nice complements but nobody was buying. I did get to talk to Refuge Photographer Mary Konchar. Very nice person and she offered encouragement.

paula eagleholic said...

I meant like iced tea or water,,,not a DRINK!

paula eagleholic said...

Well, maybe if you can go to the one in December, you will have more success. Keep at it.

I take it you are bringing your camera to the open house? Would love to see it.

paula eagleholic said...

Did you talk your wife into coming? Or is she going to let you be with the Momsters all by your lonesome? Are you going to be able to stay for dinner?

belle_wv said...

awww paula you meant still water, right???

Great for you and your wife Bob - I've lost a fair amount, so just have to keep plugging away. hubby made me a piece of rye high fiber toast - so I got to 'induldge' too

belle_wv said...

Bob I would love to see and buy some of your pictures - what I've seen of your work so far is just AWESOME

Bob Quinn said...

Yes, camera will be ready to fire.

Will try to get to BW tomorrow. I'll let everyone know when/if I post. It's been a couple of weeks.

Bob Quinn said...

Sarah will not be coming. What's the schedule? Just have to make sure I am alert enough to drive back to Alexandria.

belle_wv said...

It is still a LONG time until 3 am (and that was the earliest estimate on the kids getting back) Amanda must be exhausted - she doesn't sleep in vehicles usually

movin said...

Hey, Bob, I am kind of surprised to hear the BW Open House was slow, but do you have an on-line site where we can check out the photos you have for sale??


paula eagleholic said...

Bob - The dinner will be early - probably start around 5ish, I think. We would be finished no later than 7, I would think...I'll have to go back and reread the email that Jo sent out...not sure if there was a time in it or not...I can get back to you tomorrow...

belle_wv said...

Hi Jim!!!!

paula eagleholic said...

Hey Jim! How's life in Cal-i-forn-i-a today?

Bob Quinn said...

Hey Jim! Some of my stuff for sale is here:

Stuff for sale

Although none of the stuff I matted or framed is up there yet. If there is anything (on that site or on the pbase site) that anyone is interested in let me know and I can set it up. Don't order anything without checking with me first. I can set up a special discount code you can use to save a few bucks.

movin said...

Hi, Belle, hi, Paula,
It's "ALRIGHT" in So Cal right now. Starting to cool down in the night though, and I think the winds are shifting from onshore to the desert, Santa Ana winds as we speak. Temps will be up and humidity will be down tomorrow. Still beautiful though.

Belle, I have had that problem where my comments get dropped into the cybercan, but I don't think it has happened in over a week.


movin said...

Thanks, Bob.
I will take a've got some great photos.


paula eagleholic said...

As warm as it was here today, I think it has cooled down to 62° now.

Robyn said...

Good evening to whoever is left, I see mom has been here tonight :).

Paula thanks for that IE thingie, as I have hated that security thing every time I send my post. Lets see if it works for me.

Robyn said...

woohoo :)

paula eagleholic said...

Well, Belle and Bob and Jim, it's been great "night-owling" with ya...but I am rather beat....soooo, think I am going to have to say "good night" for now... and hopefully, see you here tomorrow...

Bob, I'll make sure you have the info on the dinner...would love to have you join everyone! We always have a blast!

paula eagleholic said...

LOL, glad it worked for you too, Robyn. Thank Sharon!

Bob Quinn said...

Good night all. This time for real!

belle_wv said...

I just lost my comment about jim's name for the black hole in space my msgs are going to twice... cybercan is a good name for it - I think it must be an 'outhouse' style can because it REALLY stinks!

We're sorry, but we were unable to complete your request.

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This information will help us to track down your specific problem and fix it! We apologize for the inconvenience.

belle_wv said...

at least blogger apologized to me.... lol I'm so special

Robyn said...

Night Paula, Bob.

Been getting the last of the carpets out of the house and now I have an echo, something to get use to. Even my typing is echoing lol.

I am heading into class and then to bed

Sweet dreams all

movin said...

Before you retire, Bob.

What is a "metallic print"?


paula eagleholic said...

Belle - that's the one I get, but when I hit my back button, maybe since I am still logged in, it remembers it. Then I just hit publish again...anyhow...OK it's good night this time!

belle_wv said...

goodnight to the lucky ones who get to go to bed - Hi Robyn - nice to meet you :)

Bob Quinn said...

Jim - Metallic print is printed on Kodak Endura paper. It has a kind of metallic finish to it. I like it, I think it gives the print a little extra "pop". My wife does not like it she thinks it looks fake. All the photos I had in the Open House today were metallic prints. A number of people commented and thought it gave the prints a 3D feel. I don't see that but I do like the effect.

Here's the explanation from the printer I use:

Metallic print

movin said...

Thanks again, Bob. I was just looking at your stuff, and I think I there's something I will buy over there.

How much for the matting or framing? If you would rather go to bed, feel free. I can find out later.


movin said...

The description also mentions a 3D effect, Bob. How noticeable is the pearlescent surface? Or do you only see the result?


movin said...



Bird Girl said...

Belle: hi!!! haven't chatted with you here on the blog for AGES!! Remember when I first came on? I think it was almost two years ago now!!

About your problem: I don't know what causes it, or needs to be fixed. If I type something lengthy, and I don't want to REtype it, I copy and paste it to Notepad first. That way I can just copy and paste it if the original gets lost.

If you don't know what Notepad is (I use it a lot): click on START, ALL PROGRAMS, ACCESSORIES, and in the list you will see a tiny blue memo book that says Notepad next to it. Click on that and it will bring up a blank box. Anything you put in there will have NO FORMATTING, only the text of what's copied there. A lot of people use it to write HTML code.

I use it also to get just the text of a webpage I copied that has a lot of pictures in the middle of the text, or a lot of hyperlinks that I don't want copied over. After you have whatever it is you want copied onto notepad, you can just copy & paste it wherever you want it to go next. Sometimes it will add line returns or spaces where something else was, but you can just delete those to clean up the text overall.

Bird Girl said...

bye the way, belle, the pic by my name is a lucky shot of this year's Aussie peregrine chick -- only doctored in the background, the smile is natural, and so is the poochy belly!

Bird Girl said...

Bob Quinn:

can you please email me back? i have a question for you.

my email is:

azbirdgirl at yahoo dot com


Bird Girl said...

well i'm finally off to bed... goodnight or good morning, whichever fits you!


floralgirl said...

Wow- busy night here last night. Went to the track myself last night, of course none of my horses won...typical. Our cam is still locked up..sigh..1 beautiful eagle perched at BW right now, sun is shining on him. Very foggy morning here.

Costume Lady said...

Sure were a lot of late-night conversations going on last night. Bob Quinn and Belle of WV and Paula. Then Robyn and Bird Girl. And later still--Jim. Wow, we sure are an interesting group!
Without our cam, our (or my) spirits are somewhat dampened. Have been busy this week tending to the shop. Not very busy yet, but still a lot of things to be done. We will be putting our sign out on the highway to direct new customers to our position. We have a whole lot of new houseing developments and McMansions built in our area since last Oct. and they need to know that we exist. Hopefully the sign will do the trick (or treat. lol) I put an ad in our Journal at the cost of $300 and they put it in the Sports section. Bad place for a Costume ad!
Time to get ready for church.
Those who bring sunshine to the lives of others cannot keep it from themselves.

paula eagleholic said...

Morning! eagle at BW

movin said...




paula eagleholic said...

Wonder if it is the same eagle Megan saw earlier???

paula eagleholic said...

Geesh Jim, probably cause you didn't get much sleep! Grab that coffee, that's what I'm gonna do right's finally ready...

And no, I'm not gonna see Bush this morning...I slept in :)

Mema Jo said...

Good Morning! Sounds like JIM is a NO GO yet this morning! lol
So glad Belle WV got in again - we sure have missed her.The late night chatter was great! Paula, sounds like In The Street was successful from what you said and from what the newspaper reports this morning.
Well - can't stay - family get together - will check in this evening or earlier. Enjoy your day

paula eagleholic said...

Have a great day with your family Jo!

movin said...

Morning, Wanda, Paula, Mema Jo...

I think it is, Patience on the nest in BW. I'm pretty sure....


movin said...

May be too tall for Patience and the feet are largish ... probably female.


NillaWafer said...

Good Beautiful Sunday Morning ... Hope each has a great Sunday.. Jo have fun with your family get together this weekend.. Oh i thought we was family so doesnt that mean we get invited also??? HAHAHAHA I amat work .. had Jasmin yesterday Ohhhh i do love that child... took her to see family... Dana passed your exit and thought Hmmm wonder whats for They sure have got that new Wal Mart going up fast... Our cam is stuck the times correct but its a night picture...BBL

movin said...

Great shot of Squiggles now.


normabyrd said...

GOOD MORNIN' EAGLE BUDDIES!!!---WELCOME BACK "BELLE"---Have really missed you----HAPPY to read you are joining us again----BEAUTIFUL--SUNNY DAY in WV this a.m.--temp. 77°-----MOUNTIANEERS WON---BIG TIME!!!---LIFE IS GOOD IN WV!!!---Any questions you have about life in our WILD & WONDERFUL STATE---Send them to me---I represent the WV Chamber of Tourism on this BLOG!!---ho!----Have been civilized for a few years----ho!

normabyrd said...

JIM---Check LISA'S site about MIGRATION---She says PATIENCE didn't quite make it to shore----Died when she was so close!!!--SO SAD!!

NillaWafer said...

Hiiiii Normaaaaa... Beautiful day here in WV now tell me have you voted on the new name on the sign coming into WV yet?? Mei & Tian are wrestling... They are on both cameras i wonder where Tai is.... Norma do you have him?????? LOL

NillaWafer said...

Now they have Tai on cam but he is inside resting...

Robyn said...

Good morning all, going to be a warm one again or hot but I am staying indoors catching up on school work and just laying low, tore my hands and feet up on tacking board and floor staples yesterday feel like the walking wounded this morning. I can be such a klutz at times.

Hello Belle nice to meet you too :)

Nice views on frodo cam noticed the eyeas has been in the same spot since late last night, hope all is well there.

floralgirl said...

Ok, blogger cop is eating my messages, I'll try again. Hey Nilla did you get an eagle train ticket yet? The office opens at 9 am tomorrow.

NillaWafer said...

Hey Megan how ya doin??? No i have not got my ticket yet going to call tomarrow in the morning.. we should really get a car pool together for those of us going from here...

floralgirl said...

Okey Dokey, Nilla! I'm gonna try to snag me a ticket tomorrow, I'll try first thing.

Robyn said...

With Tori and I going I have room for 3 more unless someone has more room I am willing to partake of the gas there and back :)

Mema Jo said...

Popping in for a minute.... I did get my tickets for the train in the mail yesterday! Exciting!!!!
Anne and Diane(granddaughter) will be staying in Martinsburg so they would probably be grateful to follow you all. When they leave they will head for 81 South to Williamsburg. So far it looks as though we are going to have a FUN CHOO CHOO RIDE!!!We can board 1/2 hr early - that way we should be able to get into the same car.Glo,Vicky & Iris are staying in Romney Sat nite. We can also bring a cooler - Like for an APPLE PIE or CHOCOLATE CHIP COOKIES or PUMPKIN BREAD or other goodies.(((hugs))))

Mema Jo said...

Anxiously awaiting a car in my drive with my Army Guy! Put all my many many American flags out front to welcome him. Made his favorite pumpkin cake with cream cheese icing.
I am finding that I am getting some teary eyes when I think about 'family'. And YES NILLA - you all are my SPECIAL FAMILY. Love ya!

NillaWafer said...

hahaha Jo i am laughing here out loud to.. Is that a "BIG HINT" for apple pie and other goodies?? lol well i figure its a 3 hour train ride thats long enough to eat alittle something right....

NillaWafer said...

Oh Jo we all love you too... Yes your so right about the special love for family... like yesterday i am looking at Jasmin and thinking to myself how much i love her and i wonder how long i will have on this earth to love her.. will i live to see her grow up ... and get tears...Then it was time to take my prozac and calm

Robyn said...

Three divers in bonaire :)

Robyn said...

whoops make that 4

NillaWafer said...

Sure are alot of donkeys standing around and eating ... That water looks so refreshing...

Robyn said...

OK there was 5.

I know Jo is having a very pleasnt time with her fmily and her Special Army Guy :)

Apple pies for a train ride sounds delicious :)

NillaWafer said...

A guy swimming on Bonaire now

NillaWafer said...

Is it me and my comp but the Bonaire is really really slow and i have to refresh to get new pictures..?

NillaWafer said...

A swimmer in the back ground...

NillaWafer said...

Oh a woman swimmer going by hahaha her bathing suit is a color that i had to look twice thought she was

NillaWafer said...

Swiggles is alone sleeping in a ball with her paw over her eyes so cute...

floralgirl said...

Cool camera view at Frodo cam right now, chick is all alone..

MITS said...

That's a million dollar view, Megan.

belle_wv said...

hi whoever's here

belle_wv said...

how's everyone?

belle_wv said...

hmmm everyone must be eatin dinner. Just remembered the Hee Haw skit with Grandpaw - 'What's for supper?' giggles
Think we'll have bbq chicken and a little stuffed salmon for an appetizer. either that or BLTs
I'm tryin to read thru logs - Open House is a hopeful attend for me/us. What's up with the eagle train?

paula eagleholic said...

Hey there Belle - The Potomac Eagle train from Romney, WV

paula eagleholic said...

People are going on Sunday, right after the Open House

MITS said...


belle_wv said...

beautiful night here

MITS said...

feeding time at oz.....

MITS said...

That is one cute eyass

Mema Jo said...

Thanks for the pictures of the eyass. One cute little chick.

paula eagleholic said...

Finally under 70° here

MITS said...


MITS said...

EYASS reminds me of Maggie, when it is time to sleep, boom she sleeps.

Mema Jo said...

My AC has been on and running like crazy today. I thought some could eat outside deck - but too hot. Brought extra table into the house!

Mema Jo said...

Sleeps like a Panda - all sprawled out flat!

MITS said...

its little head is going to get sunburned.

Costume Lady said...

Hi MITS & JO--
I got WAX--lol

Costume Lady said...

Looks like poor Belle of WV was trying to get a conversation going and we were all taking Panda naps.

Costume Lady said...

I'm sorry PAULA.....I didn't see you sitting there.
Hey, thanks for the instructions for getting rid of the Security window. And thanks to Sharon tool
She is too cool. And you are great for sharing your knowledge with us.

Costume Lady said...

We really had a good conversation going last night, didn't we? You all lasted a lot longer than I did.

Costume Lady said...

I think I'm talking to myself again.
JO--How was your visit with your grandson and family? Is this the last time you will see him before he leaves?

Costume Lady said...

Yup, I am talking to myself.
I will call it a night and wish you all PLEASANT DREAMS.

Mema Jo said...

I didn't even have time for any nap this afternoon... After everyone left I fought it because I hate going to bed at night and just lying there not being able to sleep......Don't count sheep very well.........

Mema Jo said...

Rule of the blog is to give at least 5 mins for an answer to come before you think you're alone - Now Wanda if you don't come on in 5 mins, I just may be talking to myself lol

MITS said...


MITS said...


MITS said...

READING UP ON NEWS...thinking of going to bed, but I did have a panda nap this afternoon.

Mema Jo said...

Well, Mits, you had a very early start this am - you deserved a nap.
I guess the noon time sun is going to cover the chick anytime now - Wonder if Frieda will shield it?

paula eagleholic said...

4 minutes....I made it....Mits you are not talking to yourself!

I have been in and out, been trying to do chores and clean up crap off the computer...

Mema Jo said...

Mits - When does the group from DC Zoo return from China?

MITS said...

poor Frieda looks tired.....shutting down for tonight...GOOD NIGHT, forgot Suzanne will not be in tomorrow.

MITS said...

they have been back for about 2 weeks now.

MITS said...

lol...Paula, slow down take it easy.....

Mema Jo said...

Well chick is all alone now.....

SD Panda Cam - Tell me what you all think you see in that dim light...

MITS said...

I still see Frieda, going to check SD.

MITS said...

I see Squiggles by herself near some bamboo.

MITS said...

now check is alone, your cam must be faster than mine Jo.

paula eagleholic said...

Eyass is really sacked out.

Robyn said...

Good evening all

the chick better get his tuckus out of the sun lol, he is gettng so BIG

MITS said...

ooppss, meant chick, not check...

paula eagleholic said...

Yea Robyn he will have a burned butt to go with his burned head, LOL

MITS said...

good ole mom is shading eyass

paula eagleholic said...

Mama is back to shelter him

Mema Jo said...

Going to be a long couple of hours until that sun goes down...

How are your carpet tacked feet & fingers this evening, Robyn?

Robyn said...

Well, I had to type a report tonight and they worked so it must they must be fine. I just want to get my home finished, there is an echo in here.

Tomorrow we will finish painting walls and molding YAY and new floors in 2 weeks.

I know why I can't sleep at night, no furniture in bedroom except bed on floor lol

How was your visit today?

Mema Jo said...

I am headed into bed... Been a long beautiful day! I will miss some of the Early Birds but long weekends are great from what I remember!

Good Night My Eagle Buddies
Talk with you tomorrow

Mema Jo said...

PS: Robyn - It was wonderful.
Ryan looked really good - maybe because he had some hair! lol He looks older - He will be going right into the city of Baghdad. It was a
good visit - had about 16 members of family here.
Off I gooooooooo.
At least you can't fall out of bed lol

Robyn said...

He will be in our thoughts Jo

paula eagleholic said...

Robyn - are you putting in Wood floors?

paula eagleholic said...

And how has Tori been feeling?

paula eagleholic said...

Good night, Jo, and yes we will be praying for his safety.

Robyn said...

Yes Paula, entire upstairs, except Tori's room we did that 2 years ago after she got out of the hospital.

Se is doing GREAT, I am forever grateful to the Doctor in Texas.

paula eagleholic said...

Glad to hear that Robyn.

Have a good eve, signing off.

Good Morning early bird Candy?

movin said...


Frieda has the eyass backed into the corner of the ledge and is mantling, and Mom is panting... must be warm there.


carolinabeachmom said...

GOOD MONDAY MORNING TO ALL EAGLE WATCHERS OUT THERE. I was checking in to say hello to Suzanne and forgot that she had today off. Not so at school in NC :(

Also wanted to welcome back Belle to the blog and say it is nice to meet her.

GOOD MORNING TO PAULA! Of course our cam is stil down. Brisbane is still a little dark, but they are huddled in the corner of the ledge. Well, well, we have an EAGLE AT BW. WHOOOOO HOOOOOO! AND gone as I type this. It will probably be back, tho.

Hope they fix our cam in Colorado so you all can get a good watch today of OUR EAGLES.

WANDA where are you. Get up, bet up, you sleepy head and get that coffee down. I have to sign off now and need someone to take over. Have to get back to getting the room ready for the Kiddies to come in.

You all have a wonderful Eagle Day chatting about what you see and the trips on the 20th and 21st. I can't believe yet that I'll be soooo close and miss it. There is always a next time. BBL

carolinabeachmom said...

Hey Steve, wake up! We need a new thread here PLEASE!!!!! :):):)

Costume Lady said...

I guess I am too late to catch you.
Sorry you don't have the day off, but then neither do I. Hope this holiday brings lots of customers.

Costume Lady said...

I don't know about you Hummingbird lovers, but I haven't seen one since Sept. 20. I think I heard others say that their little jewels left about the same time. I visited my Mother yesterday and her hummers are still feeding around her porch as if it is still Summer.
MEGAN....have you seen any this month?

glo said...

Good morning all. I am soon off for coffee and dog treats. Pulled up the cam first thing thinking Yeah its Monday...ahhh but now I am a little more awake and I am thinking alas...I guess I should just say Happy Columbus Day. But that thought doesn't feel near as happy as the its monday one did...Oh well theres always Tuesday.

Hope your day goes well.

Costume Lady said...

Doesn't it feel like something is missing from our day without our cam working properly? It is like having an illness in the family. You know they will get well but keep hoping it will be soon. SOON, PLEASE, DENVER!!

Costume Lady said...

Have to get the shop opened and ready. Wish me luck. Last week was verrrrry slooooow.

glo said...

Oh Wanda Yep today will be a good one for business. So get prepared. folks are thinking Fall, Halloween, Costumes and Shopping, all will be well :)

wvgal_dana said...

Wow neat our "Belle gal" was in last night. From her comment she has been trying and trying to get into blog. She finally made it!! Long time no see gal, so glad to see you again (: .

Well our cam is stuck. Poor Steven all those security problems. Steven if it helps the security issues: You can tell them at Dept of Motor Vehicles my thumb print is on file. hee hee Keeping Steven in prayer for all that security stuff just to get the live cam to us.

Nilla if it was Sunday it was football and pizza.

Morning everyone!!!!!

paula eagleholic said...

Good Morning...we may have a stuck cam all day...Federal Holiday

Did you see the eagle pic Lisa posted?

paula eagleholic said...

Morning, Dana, Candy, Wanda And Glo!

Anne-Marie said...

Good Morning all, I just wanted to check in before I head out the door to work. I dont have it off.

Anne-Marie said...

OK so I guess nobody's home so I will go to work. Have a beautiful day.

normabyrd said...

GOOD MORNIN' EAGLE BUDDIES!!---WOW---SUZANNE--WE miss your smiling face to get us MOVING!! ho!---STEVEN must be on a holiday!!---ho!
I saw SQUIGGLES on CNN yesterday---SHE was SCREAMING that beautiful little head off!!----ZOO was attempting to give her a med exam & she THREW A YELLING FIT!!!----They had to stop!!!---It was such a funny scene!!---SUZANNE---We all can say that GIRL HAS SPUNK!!!!----
HELLO!!---PAULA--JIM---CANDY--WANDA--GLO--JO & DANA!!-----It's a BEAUTIFUL DAY in WV--temp. 72° & climbing!!!---Trees are turning a lovely ORANGE--RED & GOLD----ENJOY COLUMBUS DAY!!!!

normabyrd said...

MORNING ANNE---I didn't know you had to work today---That you worked for Fed. Gov.----THAT'S A BUMMER!!---LOOKING forward to seeing you---& your niece---My daughter is coming with me too!!!---(don't tell mitz or jo, they will think i can find NCTC without help)---ho!

normabyrd said...

"LITTLE PRINCE"---asleep on 'his' GRILL!!!----bless his little heart!!-----HE HAS SPUNK TOO!!!

normabyrd said...

NO holiday in ATLANTA!!---BUTA BUTA is asleep at the top of the Hammock---ignoring the HUGE BALL in the Hammock!!!----She needs to get to bed a little earlier!--ho!--She's such a little "BEAUTY"!!---& CAN OUT RUN LUN LUN ON MOST DAYS!!

Mema Jo said...

Good Holiday Monday Morning
I slept later then usual this am..
Was acting like I had a holiday..
Who can't find NTC??? lol

normabyrd said...

PAULA---I just found LISA'S EAGLE PICS!!!---AWESOME!!---Appears their EYES "glow" in the dark!!!--ho!---THANKS LISA!!---You always find an EAGLE to share with everyone!!!

Mema Jo said...

LunLun getting up on the logs and ButaButa going down into the hammock.

Mema Jo said...

Tai is outside and already on his grate sleeping.

Atlanta Pandas - Play/Fight

normabyrd said...

SD site is PANDA-LESS this a.m.---Outdoor scene maybe???

Mema Jo said...

Rough & Tumble Play/Fight
still going on in Atlanta

paula eagleholic said...

Jo - Glad you celebrated the holiday and slept in! :)

movin said...



Mema Jo said...

Hi Paula and Jim.It's a holiday Jim -
you could have slept in this am!
After 3 yrs retirement you soon forget about those days.

Paula - got dinner down for Bob Quinn last evening after getting his email.
So glad he will join us.

movin said...

Morning, Mema Jo.
Apparently the gardeners do not get Columbus Day off, and I was gently aroused by an EXTRA LOUD lawn mower just outside.


Mema Jo said...

Sounds like my Sat & Sun mornings and the next door neighbors. lol

Going over to clean out my emails..
Sure do miss the cam... Blog is slow.. I may as well act like I have a holiday and do very little today!

paula eagleholic said...

Happy Columbus Day!

movin said...

OK, that sounds like my every day, Mema Jo.


MITS said...

GOOD LATE A.M. EVERYONE, AND, HAPPY COLUMBUS DAY Don't think our cam being down has anything to do with Denver this time.

MITS said...


MITS said...

Something is in the nest at WESTEND??? Might be a JUVIE or RAVEN, off to the left of cam.

Bird Girl said...

hi everyone! just thought I'd peek in and see what's what...

Anyone know what's going on with Frodocam? I noticed last night that it went blurry, and still so this morning...

I got a good pic of our AU chick with a very full crop last night -- looks like Dolly Parton! I'll send it 'round :-)

Have a good day today, everyone, and I'll pop in again later if I can!

paula eagleholic said...

Eagle at BW!!

MITS said...

eagle looks is 90° here now!

MITS said...

that was a fast visit

movin said...

Bai Yun just entered den..looks like bath and/or feeding time.


paula eagleholic said...

I vote for Dolly! Great pic, Delphia!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Good afternoon everyone. Just got off work and almost on time today!! Yeah! Been hard to keep my mind on task lately but just for today, it worked out for me.

I think we are all in agreement with the Dolly thing, Delphia. Too funny!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Oh and by the way, the jeffersoncam is back up.

MITS said...


MITS said...


MITS said...

FRIEDA in color

Mema Jo said...

Welcome me back - Holiday Panda Nap was good. Checking out the cams but I seem to have missed the eagles..
Brothers 6 Pak are in view

Little Critters link

paula eagleholic said...

Eagles must be taking a holiday, too!

MITS said...

you can see the people looking thru the glass at them.

MITS said...

Dolly looks like she is in a time-out at OZ.

Mema Jo said...

The little critters seem to be interested and somewhat cautious of people staring at them... lol
Was just going to say about the little chick standing in the corner!
I guess we'll call her Dolly from here on out! lol That Delphia sure knows her birds!

paula eagleholic said...

Mits - how are the granddaughters?

NillaWafer said...

Howdy Hot afternoon.. But just watched the weather and Lie'in Lou says its going to cool off tomarrow afternoon after some thundershowers go thru... Here is something cute a friend sent to my space web page in mail and i copied it for so ya'll can laugh to....................................................................Due to a power outage, only one
paramedic responded to the call of a pregnant woman going to give birth.... The house was very dark so the paramedic
asked Kathleen, a 3-yr old girl to hold a flashlight high over her mommy so he
could see while he helped deliver the baby. Very diligently, Kathleen did as
she was asked. Heidi pushed and pushed and after a little while, Connor was
born. The paramedic lifted him by his little feet and spanked him on his
bottom. Connor began to cry.
The paramedic then thanked Kathleen for her
help and asked the wide-eyed 3-yr old what she thought about what she had just
witnessed. Kathleen quickly responded, "He shouldn't have crawled in there in
the first place......smack his butt again!"

Mema Jo said...

Hi Nilla - I am just going to get some dinner - are you at work this evening? Any chance you got the train ticket - I guess they were opened even though it's a holiday for some.
I'll check back after eating......

Did you watch the video BirdGirl sent through momsters - It's a MUST - Brutus' image

MITS said...

Hello, Paula.....grandaughters are doing great, so is Mom and Dad:).

NillaWafer said...

Howdy Jo and Mits.. No i didnt get the tickets really not sure if i can go because i have Jasmin... But coming to Open House for sure... Also have my sisters coming over with her grandchildern to open house, they have been there with me to the nest and seen the eagles... I am going to make it to dinner for sure, but will be bringing Jasmin... Unless her daddy watches her... Wish Sharon would let me know something by e-mail so i know exactly whne she is driving up.. and arriving... I saw Bird Girls link and haha Brutus i think is 2 lbs now that puppy can eat!!! Training him with those doggie pads and a litter box.. he is doing good at it to... Sugaaahh likes Brutus and when Brutus crys he comes running to see if hes ok.. they chase each other and play...

NillaWafer said...

HELLOOOO Helloooo helloooooo any body out there????? Golly Gee i put deordant on... my feet sont smell.. i brushed my teeth and Or is there a new thread and i am here alone???

paula eagleholic said...

I'm here but just for a moment...I'll be back...gotta walk doggies...

PS - You smell lovely, Nilla!

paula eagleholic said...

Helloooo...I'm here...

NillaWafer said...

Helloooo Paulaa lol and its time for me to leave ...

NillaWafer said...

Oh well i made good of my time here tonight got alot of pictures arranged and in albums on my web page on my space... Listened to music and relaxed... Time to close and go home or rather to Wal Mart for puppy food and maybe another toy... Hope everyone has sweet eagle dreams and our cam gets fixed soon!!! Niters

paula eagleholic said...

LOL, that's OK, Nilla, I'll catch up with you later...have a good evening...and don't buy too many toys!

paula eagleholic said...

Dolly is still in the corner...

paula eagleholic said...

If no one else is going for it....

paula eagleholic said...


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6/9/24 hawket info

 He was winger sizing and got a little bit too much air and then depression, I guess into the ground and his rescued and taken in here is th...