Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Wednesday 4 Oct

Fresh thread. I'm off to Wyoming and then New Mexico for the next week. Will try to keep the threads going.


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glo said...

OK what is a WVUAG?

Don't go to Africa there is nothing there LOL

glo said...

Oh OK Thanks

glo said...

Sounds like you are about ready to do a Friends of Fine Feather bio for the newsletter

paula eagleholic said...

Have a great trip Steven, you certainly deserve it!

paula eagleholic said...

Suzanne, you have mail!

paula eagleholic said...

I finally saw the message on the NU cam site that the cams were down for the season...hopefully Florida will be up soon.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Good morning all in eagle land. I am off today, slept until 9 a.m. Wonderful!!

Buta Buta is squirming and Lun Lun is snoozing. They are still looking for Tai. Just saw a bird at the pond on the Africam. No bamboons! :) Frodocam is stuck on 15:47 their time yesterday. MT nest at BW and Maine. Now they are showing Tai exploring. I read the article in National Geographic today. Couldn't get past the pictures yesterday, I was so excited.

Just Vicky said...

Good morning Eagle Land! Bright beautiful day here in Commode town and Danville IL!! ALSO, BECAUSE I'M EXPECTING MY NEWEST PICTURE AND SWEATSHIRT TO ARRIVE TODAY!!!!! MTBR!

Just Vicky said...

Well, this blog didn't accept my post!

Just Vicky said...

yes it did, DUH

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Thanks BirdGirl for all the info for scholarships and such. With me being a single parent, I don't think the income is going to be too high for much! :) More will be revealed for sure.

Mei has found a resting place in her new habitat!

glo said...

Lots of noise and a good size animal on Africam but not sure what it is...storm warnings here so may close down and not even go shopping for a hwile. Making my list and checking it twice right now

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

And Tai just found Mei at her new resting spot. He climbed on top of her and then went on exploring. I do love that little boy. Here he comes back, leaning up against her back.

glo said...

Think the could be water buffalo

Just Vicky said...

So, GLo, are you trying to get your Bamboon degree?

glo said...

Another large anumal in the waterhole just kind of soaking I guess

MITS said...

OMG!!!! Hyena in the pond

glo said...

No bamboons but I am trying to keep an eagle eye out LOL

glo said...

Dr Mits is here to help us identify the critters and their wild behavior. Good morning Dr Mits..

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

What do hyenas eat. Hope nothing that we will see on here! He is not a very good looking animal, is he?

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Google. They eat dead carcasses and occasionally fruits.

glo said...

No I didn't think he/she thought it might actually be pregnant...looked vry healthy either

glo said...

Camera person on here right now though is doing a good job scanning around and finding some wildlife

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

I want to see some bamboons!

MITS said...

Well a proper, "GOOD MORNING" to you all. STEVEN Have a great trip!! Got so excited seeing the hyena in the pond and she looks pregnant, so do some of the zebras. No bamboons:(:(:(

glo said...

Well unless that one bamboon has been a little more active than we thought...

OK you can delete that comment

paula eagleholic said...

Welcome, wvuag , thanks for the tip on the new thread!

paula eagleholic said...

You certainly get wax! Where do we ship it?

MITS said...

Kinda tranquil there at the ole pond. I'd like to visit there one day, and I want to go to China, just need to get hubby to retire, but not sure if he would like to go to these places.

MITS said...

Dead carcasses, huh, SHARON?? Well that's no LAUGHING matter! tee-hee!

paula eagleholic said...

Eagle at BW!!!!

paula eagleholic said...


Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Funny Mits.

Going to BW now.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Pandas and eagles -- it don't get no better than this! Well, maybe if we had an NCTC eagle cam running, it would be heaven!!!!

MITS said...

Don't forget to add the BAMBOONS to that list, SHARON, I mean DR. SHARON YOU HAVE MAIL, I HOPE!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Mei is in the middle of the cement pond and Tai is trying to get up the nerve. Walking around the edge.

MITS said...

My heart just skips a beat when I see those eagles, or it could be the pizza with everything I ate last night.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Dr. Mits, that is right. Almost forgot about the bamboons! :):):)

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

They just did a quick through on their cameras in Atlanta. So Yang Yang for a split second! These panda men have a pretty good life!

paula eagleholic said...

Eagle still at BW

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

No, Mits, got to be the eagles!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Deer at Africam. Eagle gone from BW.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Or at least I think it is a deer!?

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

I sure do wish I had known about animal cams while my Daddy was alive. I would have never gotten him away from the computer. Of course, I don't know how many there were 4 years ago.

paula eagleholic said...

Eagle gone at BW!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Blog is messing up. African keeps freezing up. Never going to see any bamboons like that!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...


MITS said...

Congrats! DR. SHARON

MITS said...

My puter is acting weird, evertime I try to look at a different cam at the zoo, it shuts down. HOW RUDE!!

MITS said...

I think the african-cam is freezing up, because they are having alot of hits with people looking for the "BAMBOONS".

paula eagleholic said...

Anyone home?

paula eagleholic said...

Seagull in CT, MT nest in BW

MITS said...

I'm here, PAULA, but not for too much longer. Looks like last good day at beach for awhile.

paula eagleholic said...

Then you had better hit it, Mits. Supposed to be colder tomorrow!

MITS said...

I know going to have some lunch and go down for a few hours.

Just Vicky said...

Knock knock

wvgal_dana said...

Well it is 1:40pm EST here so I'm sure Suzanne is on her way home.

All nest I checked were empty.

Seem Mei laying asleep in that I'll call it a rock cavern. Tai oh I wish they would have an orange arrow on the cam when they find him to point him out lol

Checked on Lun Lun and baby cutie pie is doing good.

See maybe a "new person?? wvuag??? Hi..
Do you want sparkles and glitter with your WAX???

wvgal_dana said...

Who's there

Just Vicky said...

Just Me!

Just Vicky said...

and my tree!

paula eagleholic said...

I'm still here!

wvgal_dana said...

What African cam are you on??? The one I have is dark--nighttime

wvgal_dana said...

Hi Doreen nice to hear from across the pond....send love to Lou and Chrissy ok. How did your shows go??

Just Vicky said...

Hi Doreen! I'm going to lunch now, you ALL chat away!!!!

glo said...

Back from grocery...Yes Sharon my dad would have absolutely loved all of this too....Maybe they would have found themselves in a BLOG somewhere at the same time discussing their daughters...Trust me .it can be a very small world as far as a BLOG is concerned even in just never know.

IN fact Vicky would not have known anything at all about Commode races in her Metropolis if we had not met here in the BLOG and I had provided a litle of her town's history...LOL very weird but true MTBR LOL

MITS said...

Hi everyone, Bye everyone! Don't mean to post and dash, but, it is 75° and I am heading to the beach, TTUY!

glo said...

Have fun MitsSounds wonderful Enjoy yourself!!!

MITS said...


glo said...


glo said...

wax lol

glo said...

Our "NEW" person has been around a while for sure. They knew number 1 gets wax LOL

MITS said...

2 ducks in the pond in Africa, lots of noisy frogs, NO BAMBOONS:(:(:(

glo said...

I don't think that is common bLOG practice everywhere but hey it certainly could be...

Up early this morning NEW person

Found yourself a great place to stop and a great time to stop and say Hello as well.

glo said...

OK Mits Go play like a duck at the pond but dont b...never mind you don't need to know LOL

MITS said...

Who is the new person??? Know they are from Hagerstown ,but, nothing else???

MITS said...

GLO, DON'T GO THERE!!!!:):):)

MITS said...

There will be no DUCKING at the pond!!

glo said...

LOL ok Sounds safe neough go have a good time while the sun is shining. Colder and rain coming in here so your weather too will be changing soon

Bird Girl said...

I do believe that WVUAG is actually our WV Dana...

Off to doctor appt with Hubby. Feeling poorly last few days, cold or something I guess... oh well..

Check in later, take care everyone...


wvgal_dana said...


wvgal_dana said...

Is it Pete's Pond you all are watching?????????????????????????????????????????

glo said...

No Dana its here

If it work for you let me know and I will send you the link..

wvgal_dana said...

Thank you Glo got it now.

Honestly that WVUAG person is not me. I don't know who it is...

wvgal_dana said...

3:13pm got headache going to lie down

glo said...

OK .Dana Glad you got the link to work. Hope your headache goes away...I certainly know how that is.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

I am back. Trip out to get my hair cut, Mommy's hair cut and grocery trip.

Doreen, you still here? I was thinking about you while driving past the Jeffersoncam just a few minutes ago. Where you been?

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Frodocam is still frozen in time.

EAGLE AT BW!!!!!!!!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Seagull at CT.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Have you all looked at the hummingbird cam on wavelit? Lots and lots of hummingbirds.

Just Vicky said...

Now that's going to drive me nuts, the hummingbird feeder's gizzmos are not directly under the holes!! They can't land and eat!!

Mema Jo said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Just Vicky said...

But my hummers sit and eat all the time!

MITS said...

Darn, missed the eagle. SHARON I have watched that hummer site, I don't think the sun ever goes down. DANA I think they are still having problems with Peters' Pond.

Just Vicky said...

I want

Mema Jo said...

Hummers don't land in order to eat.
They eat while they are airborne....
YOU KNOW, Eat & Run.... LOL

MITS said...

Missed it, wonder who got it???? tee-hee.

Just Vicky said...

My hummers like to dive bomb each other off the perches!

Mema Jo said...

Hey, Vicky - Lazy Hummers I guess. LOL

MITS said...

Way to go, MISS VICKY

Just Vicky said...

I do believe the IL gals got more wax!???

MITS said...

Do you think they turned off Friedas' cam off on purpose???

MITS said...

Soooo cute, Mei and Tai are enjoying a bamboo dinner together.

Just Vicky said...

I have been admiring my 2 Todd pictures hanging here at work!! WOW, just supercalifragilisticxpaladocious! Do you know what I mean??

Just Vicky said...

I would like to have my whole room decorated with Todd's eagle wallpaper!! Wonder if Glo could come up with wallpaper???

Mema Jo said...

Buta Buta just rolled over

Mema Jo said...

How about that? Buta Buta can roll from belly to back & then back to belly. Strong little gal

glo said...

LOL Vicky Glad you received and are enjoying your 2nd eagle picture from todd's photos. Cafe Press doesn't offer the option of wallpaper at least not yet...LOL, but if you buy enough pictures it could have the same effect.

You do have a way with the delivery man...i am Stillwaiting here .. but have been told tomorrow or Fri morn at the its almost here!!!

I knew that little buta buta was ready to flip anytime...she sure has been working on it. Was hoping to catch it on a FRAp the first time, but I wasn't here ;-9 Not sure if Sharon would have caught it, guess she thinks she deserves a day off or somethng, but she has been in and out. Just our luck she was watching some hummingbirds LOL

MITS said...

I just sent off an e-mail to Brisbane to find out what might be wrong with the cam.

Mema Jo said...

Back again - just had dinner.
Frieda cam shows MT ledge.There are a lot of little bird prints up on the ledge. Guess they're from F&F.
Glad to see both Mei & Tai sleeping inside already.
LunLun a few minutes ago must have been having a nightmare. She was scooting all over the nest bed.

Well, by the time I took my 21 mo great granddaughter home this afternoon, she was saying "Baby Buta Buta" She would sit here & clap her hands & laugh whenever we caught the cub by herself. I just loved it!

MITS said...

AWWWW, that's so cuteJO

glo said...

No comments from Sharon Guess that means no FRAP of Buta Buta.

Pretty sweet Mema JO Did she get to watch the eagles too, or is this her practice learning for the spring Bald eagle cam since she is so young. I am glad we are getting to see Buta Buta from the start, now we just ahve to work on them keeping tai around...I don't care if there are other Baby Girls, tai and Buta Buta are practically neighbors...need to keep them kind of close to each other...and then Keep them Here!!!

MITS said...

Eagle just landed at BW!

Mema Jo said...

Mits Thanks for emailing Brisbane. I didn't even check out the date & time when I looked at it. Guess I can put that one down. The other day is when they were doing all kinds of different views with that cam - Bet they broke it!

Mema Jo said...

Hi Norma We usually aren't on at the same time of day.

My BW site will not come up. I am still having some problems with this PC.

wvgal_dana said...

Glo how is your shirt?

MITS said...


wvgal_dana said...

Is anyone having a problem with their "Yahoo mail". I can read the mail but I'm having a problem deleting it. grrr

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Sorry I missed Buta Buta. Went out for a walk. Now, I am going out again. Didn't want to spend my whole day off in front of this computer! :):):)

Be back a little after 9.

wvgal_dana said...

eagle at BW

MITS said...

JO,you have mail.

MITS said...

Eagle just flew off!!!!

glo said...

Dana I did nOT get my shirt YET. I called them monday and now they are 2 day shipping it LOL. Todays info says it went out Yesterday and should be here by tomorrow night or Fri morn at the latest.. Glad its me though instead of one of yo. They were very nice aobut it and just said We will 2 day ship it for you.

glo said...

Buta Buta looks just so cute with her little head and those litle black eyes sticking out between moms head and her paws.

glo said...

Yes, Bless her heart, she does deal with lots of itching!!!

Mema Jo said...

Thanks, Mits for the eagle pics.

wvgal_dana said...

But Norma I am using Yahoo mail and to delete just one piece of mail it's taking forever. I don't have alot to delete.

wvgal_dana said...

Everyone must be watching Buta Buta she is alone

wvgal_dana said...

Well thank you Norma. I am so glad you got a pic by your name. I like it too.

Just Vicky said...

Norma, that was a loaded question! Do I want eagles or pictures of Todd---- either one will do! How's that for an answer?

wvgal_dana said...

Norma the chicks didn't fly it's the stupid camera guy. I emailed him and he is a smart a--.

BW yep is dark with a spidey web.

Still don't know who that WVUAG person is???

MITS said...

Going out for awhile, TTUL!

wvgal_dana said...

Hi Vicky :)

Just Vicky said...

Hi Dana !!

Just Vicky said...

Did they leave us here alone Dana?

wvgal_dana said...

All alone are we

yes they did

they will pay lol

glo said...

Well I'm kind of in and out. Just turned off buta buta LOL

wvgal_dana said...

Vicky you got wax at 150 congtrs

glo said...

.Vicky.Did you put that half can of wax in the trunk?

wvgal_dana said...


wvgal_dana said...

Moon River da da da da da

wvgal_dana said...

100 bottles of beer on the wall 100 bottle of beer you take one away da da da da da

glo said...

Norma,You didn't clear the house

wvgal_dana said...

I'm going for Criminal Minds then CSI NY

glo said...

I think while we wait for our eagles to return most of us, visit a little, carry on for a while, come back and visit a little more etc. I know i do. Want to know whats going on in here, and keep life up to date out there so .when the eagles are back I will be freer to sit and watch because I certainly learned how hard it is to get away from here once that camera is on LOL...

Problem is its hard to keep a conversation on track that way...think we all feel a little ignored sometimes, i know I do ..I just talk to myself for a while and then well disapperar and try again later.

glo said...

You are really one of my favorites to bLOG with I like your unique sense of humor...never quite know what you are gonna say next LOL

Just Vicky said...

In spite of public opinion, I did not know or even suspect that it was wax time and that I got it!!

Just Vicky said...

I'm NOT near the wax watcher that Sharon is!

Just Vicky said...

And now who cleared the house?

Just Vicky said...

Our house has "Bones" on the TV

glo said...

Well I'm still here

wvgal_dana said...

Wow Vicky Bones is on in this house also

glo said...

.Dana You have mail

wvgal_dana said...

Every time I go to here to comment that wvag in blue shows and it confuses me....they don't have anything on their blog page. hummmm

wvgal_dana said...

ok Glo I'll go take a look. If I never return it's not the blog it the yahoo mail is holding me prisoner

Just Vicky said...

So Dana, do you need a navigator?

glo said...

Oh I forgot about your mail...well just don't delete it lOL

glo said...

Saw that coming Vicky...packing it in tonight

Just Vicky said...

Vicky is trying to plan that direction!

Just Vicky said...

The only reason I am able to "pack in the wax" is because you know who WAX QUEEN is not here!

glo said...

Norma I don't plan tp come until Spring. its about 4 hours longer each way for me, although I will have a Vhauffer after the first 4 hours. Lots to put into place here to get away though, so i want to come when I can meet everyone AND see the eagles.

floralgirl said...

Hello everyone!!!

glo said...

Hey everyone look up in your address bar where it says the http:// etc. I have always had a like orange B up there for Blogger but tonight it is a black square...anyone see and know what I am talking about?

Just Vicky said...

Hello FLoralgirl!!

glo said...

Hi floralgirl Got cookies LOL

glo said...

Now why is it I think cookies when you come in instead of flowers.. do remeber come spring I want some of those blue salvia...I am very serious, although you might need to tell me how many pennies I need to save for them LOL

Just Vicky said...

I don't see it Glo!

glo said...

well do you have an orange b up there or just a plain address bar

Just Vicky said...

plain address bar

glo said...

Yes next to the Eagles, I would enjoy the trees, but for a 10 hour trip i think I'm waiting for the Eagles in the Spring. I will drive up the river with a friend actually next week to see some of the leaves around here. Not at all like the mountains but hilly and pretty.

Just Vicky said...

Hey big one coming up here gals!

Just Vicky said...

we're talking full can of wax

glo said...

OK Thanks, must be a different browser you use then or who knows. I have always had the orange B well till tonight LOL.

Just Vicky said...

Would that be a "romantic drive" up the river GLo???

glo said...


Just Vicky said...


Just Vicky said...


Just Vicky said...

Good one Glo!!!

glo said...

Yes Vicky we did get the wax...LOL 2 posts ago and NO just a friend... I will never remarry...I'll tell you aobut it when we take our long drive...heart is NOT free would never be fair to another

glo said...

How old are your grandkids Norma

glo said...

OK well lets see floral gal is baking cookies I guess and Normas has gone to eat...Dana could be trapped in email, and vicki are you still here anywhere?

floralgirl said...

Nope, I had to grab a bowl of cereal for late dinner.No baking tonite, too tired. Plenty of cookies in the freezer!!

Just Vicky said...

I'm here, checking out web page guestbooks for my friend's page

Just Vicky said...

And, watching LunLun

Just Vicky said...

How do you keep cookies in a freezer FLoralgirl? Is it locked?

glo said...

LOL Oh Ok I was about to sign off lOL. I need to go get food now anyway as both Floral girl and norma have made me hungry. Vicky I did go to visit that webpage. i will go back later. I knew some people with that last name in Springfield Il. Didn't live to far from us. Do you know if they have relatives in Springfield.

wvgal_dana said...

Ok I made it back whew need a rest lol

Just Vicky said...

Well I don't know about that GLo, but I will inquire!

Just Vicky said...

Welcome back Dana!

glo said...

Ok Well Think its icecream time here. I don't have any cookies lOL even a lock would nOT keep them around long at my house so I just don't buy them much at all .

glo said...

Norma So those are all the kids who moved to Floria, and is number 5 going to be in FL too, or are some of them closer to you?

floralgirl said...

Yea, Vicky it's a GIANT padlock and only I have the key!LOL!

wvgal_dana said...

thundering here computer off

Just Vicky said...

No thunder here, no cookies either!

glo said...

LOL Me either Vicky

glo said...

your turn

Just Vicky said...

So are you still trying to "dig up" money Floralgirl?

glo said...

Ok that 1/4 can right there by my little black square LOL

Just Vicky said...

Glo, you sure have me wondering about your "little black square!"

Just Vicky said...

Did we win more wax??

glo said...

Yes you did!!

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3/12/25 PM 🐟

 12.56 PM Scout comes to the nest to relieve Bella of her incubation duties getting close guys. He does have a Talon load of bedding. He lan...