Thursday, October 26, 2006

Thursday October 26

New Thread.


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paula eagleholic said...

Good Morning, Eagleland

Thank you for the new thread, Steve

Good to see blogger back up!

paula eagleholic said...

2 Eagles at BW!

paula eagleholic said...

Aren't they beautiful?

Hey Suz, did you see I finally got my pics added to the BW album?

BTW, what happened to the pic of the eagle nest inside the Visitor Center?

wvgal_dana said...

:) Good Morning to you Paula and thank you for telling us about the thread up.
Thank You Steve for the NEW THREAD. You snuck it in on Suzanne and me . We've been watching eagles at BW.
Talking about how BIGGGG our SMILES are going to be to watch our cam.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

From previous thread:

Good morning, Eagleland! Glad to see the blog is back up.

TO MY FRIEND OF FINE FEATHERS, thank you so much for my wonderful sweatshirt that I received yesterday. What a random act of kindness and such a beautiful surprise. I know it came from Glo's shop but not sure who sent it. God bless whoever did! I will wear it with great pride!!

I am so grateful that God blessed me with finding you all! This has been one of the most loving and caring journeys of my life!!

glo said...

Good morning once again. Thanks for the new thread Steve

wvgal_dana said...

See you both found the new thread Steve put up. Suzanne and I were talking about the BW eagles. Paula came in and told us about the thread.

wvgal_dana said...

Glo I was asking you over there if it was chilly there (think you was outside then). Also do you put coats on your dogs?

wvgal_dana said...

Yep watch them have their breakfast, now they are watching me have mine :)

MITS said...

GOOD MORNING ONE AND ALL! THANK YOU, STEVEN FOR THIS NEW THREAD! SUZ Tell us how you REALLY feel about the cam going up soon.:):):) Been watching the eagles at BW, waiting for the sun to rise on the left coast. I have so much stuff to do around this house and I'm sitting here watching pandas and eagles. YIKES!!! Have a blessed day everyone.

wvgal_dana said...

Suzanne I checked the album out earlier this morning. Before coming to the cams. I will go back later for the pics you added. I thank you and Paula for the BW pics. It looked like it is a beautiful place for birds, raptors, and other animals.

glo said...

Thanks Suzanne I still don't have mine, maybe I unsubscribed me LOL. I don't think so. KInd of pokie getting out today I guess BUT sounds like it is vcoming!!!

MITS said...

6:50a.m. at KENT, still dark, but will we get a surprise like the last couple of days..eagle??

Mauley said...

Mauley is back from Wisconsin. Good trip, but so glad to be home. I miss my eagle buddies. I loved seeing the NCTC photos. Please post ALL of them so I can see you guys. love donna

wvgal_dana said...

Morning to you too Mits. Yeah might have eagles everywhere soon :)

wvgal_dana said...

Morning Mauley (Donna) keep watching our still cam should be coming online soon. How soon? Steve said soon.

MITS said...


MITS said...


MITS said...


Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...


MITS said...

Morning Donna, loved you up close and personal story in the news prayers are always with you.

MITS said...

How wonderful to see the sun rising on these beautiful eagles at KENT.

MITS said...

Only 1 eagle at BW.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Glo, I did receive my newsletter this morning and it was wonderful. Thank you so very much!

glo said...

Sent email around to some of you but here is a fun link in case I missed you OR don't know you want a link, or are lurning and looking for something fun while we WAIT!!!! LOL

glo said...

LOL still No Newsletter here...Maybe I put me on my Block me its definitely possible. Good thing I know what it says.

MITS said...

Yes, Glo, I received mine also...good job! Have not read everything yet, but really enjoyed Mauely/Donnas' story. What an amazing woman!!!

MITS said...

Eagles all gone at KENT!

MITS said...

Eagles all gone at BW.

Mauley said...

Good Morning to all of you out there. So good to see all the bloggers back on line.Still cam might be back. Praise the Lord. Be still my heart. Pics from open house were heart warming for me. I loved seeing my friends there. Thanks for the prayers. I know when people are praying. I can feel it. Love donna

MITS said...

Dana's seagull is at CT though!!:):)

Mauley said...

Went to Milwaukee Zoo and did a behind the scenes tour. Dear Friends, our zoos really struggle financially. Milwaukee said they couldn't keep a Koala bear becasue they were too expensibe to feed. An elephant had died of old age, and her partner was in mourning and had even tried to cover her after she died. She sat by her for a long time and refused to be comforted, accordisng to zoo officials. I had no idea of the financial burden they carry. It is so sad, isn't it. Raptors were not kept on the site. Instead of enjoying it, I came away saddened that there have to be zoos to protect species from extinction. Highlight of the trip were the lovely bamboons. They were adorable.

wvgal_dana said...

Yep Suzanne I am wearing a BIGGGGG SMILE for you :))))))))))):). It is really big.
Now my newsletter. Glo I received it in my bulk mail. Which I never have before. Check it went to move to put in the inbox and puff gone.
Of course no I didn't read it.

Going back to look in cyberland for it....but still wearing Suzanne's smile until she leaves work today. :):):):):):):):):):)

wvgal_dana said...

Yep it needs fed to I guess Suzanne. Thank You. :):):):):):)

wvgal_dana said...

Did anyone get in there mailbox the BlitzFeed with information from Steve C. that the cam will be up in a couple of days.

glo said...

Yes Dana I can tell that people are getting the Blitz Feed fine LOL. Actually they are ALL getting the newsletter fine now too LOL. Thanks Suzanne for sending a copy of the newsletter to Dana.

glo said...

Answer for Dana about my dogs and coats

Daphne wears a raincoat for me sometimes, and loves her sweaters, . Dexer. doesn't think he needs a sweater till it is down around zero and there is snow on the ground.

It is so cold rainy and miserable here. Dryer man is enroute with new parts for the dryer. Good thing Laundry would be a great idea about now too!!!

MITS said...

Yep, I got the Blitzfeed and posted.

MITS said...

bamboons at wave-lit!!

MITS said...

pete's has a heard of elephants

MITS said...

I think those bamboons are up to some monkey business with the cam again..they are being very vocal.

MITS said...

I'm thinking that is not live feed at pete's..

MITS said...

I don't know, maybe it is live feed the sun is low in the sky...should be setting in an hour or so.

MITS said...

I think they need some bamboon goodness there is a big fight off cam with them.

wvgal_dana said...

Wow got my newsletter. Mauley (Donna) interesting family D's & T's. Sorry for your lose.
Thank you Suzanne for sending me the copy.

wvgal_dana said...

Mits if it's not the bamboon's you are in on now it's the monkey's....they must be attracted to you when you go on the site. It might be your perfume.

paula eagleholic said...
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MITS said...

Water Buffaloe convention at wave-lit.

MITS said...

Think they are going to drain that hole dry...

paula eagleholic said...

Glad I asked you about the nest pic, it turned out great. Forgot about that "in the rain" pic. You could've left that one out! LOL

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

They have the video up from Buta Buta's exam this morning. She is such a good girl and getting so big!

MITS said...


MITS said...

Sounds like another storm coming in at rained forever last night after sundown.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...


glo said...

Thanks for the headsup on the Buta buts video Sharon How awfully cute. she does look great doesn't she!!!

My dryer is now fixed so they say I am off to the grocery and then home to dry that order and it still makes me nervous!!!

MITS said...

Elephant at petes' pond for a sunset drink of water.

MITS said...

eagle at kent!!!!!!!!!!!!!

MITS said...

eagle at kent!!!!!!!!!!!!!

MITS said...

Eagle at Kent gone!!!

paula eagleholic said...

Thanks for the heads up Sharon! Got to see her!

MITS said...

See ya, Suzanne.

MITS said...

Beautiful storm going on at wave-lit africam.

paula eagleholic said...

Have a great afternoon, SUZ

wvgal_dana said...

Ok Suzanne I'll stop smiling so BIGGGG tc

wvgal_dana said...

Hi Norma how is Romney? Yes we did get exciting new didn't we :)

wvgal_dana said...

Norma do you delet "temporary files"?

wvgal_dana said...

YES I AM :) was a thriller for me.
I did ask for a good (1) day for me and thankful I was given it.
I loved talking to the people an telling them about the Eagles Of Shepherdstown that have made their home on NCTC property.
It was a joy meeting those Eagle Watcher that just lurk in here. Some now have come in an commented.
The best thriller of all though is getting this cam in a couple of day....glad I don't have a drs appt. blood pressure would be sky rocket lol :) happy happy happy

wvgal_dana said...

I'll be back later all this excitement I need a nap. lol

glo said...

OK Guess it was my turn for a surprise package. First you have to read this post from Paula from yesterdays BLOG after she had read that I get to meet Vicky and her husband tomorrow, but said something like I didn't think she would have any cookies though.

That's neat, Glo, that you will get to meet Vicky.

Wednesday, October 25, 2006 6:05:25 PM

Today when I got back from grocery there is this package on the front porch and what is in there but Choc chip cookies...yep the real thing...Megan's cookies from NCTC last sat. Thank You so much paula, what a nice surprise

Of course there are only about 6 or so , so I'm not sure I will be able to share them when they get here or not LOL. actually when everyone starts talking about food tonight not that that would happen OR that Choc. Chip cookies would come up, but ya know I could devour them in no time. They look delicious.

Thanks again Paula

glo said...

Norma, I will forward you a copy of my newsletter. Did you check your Spam, and Junk files, it should be there somewhere BUT another copy is definitely on its way as soon as I publish this.

paula eagleholic said...

Your welcome, Glo. How did they survive the trip?

I would have sent more, but people really did snatch up those cookies! (I have to admit I did have a few after I brought them home :) )

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Glo, I would bet those cookies will be deleted pretty soon!!! :):):)

glo said...

LOL well all I need is to hear choc chip and well lets just say I can blame all of you for why I don't have any left when she gets here. i need a picture of me eating them though beside the package so she believes the whole story LOL

They arrived just fine, gonna be really really good.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Buta Buta's exam update is on their website. She is so precious!!!!

Mauley said...

Good Afternoon all in Eagle Land, Has anyone heard from Nilla? I am in Heaven just thinking about the cam being live again. Be still my heart. donna

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

How many people have checked the NCTC website for changes? I have but none yet! :):):)

glo said...

Norma I have seen a picture form when she went to NCTC the first time so i kind of know what she will look like, and I don't have many strangers stop by especially with hubbies in tow. it will be great fun. I am very much looking forward to it.

glo said...

Yep Sharon I checked when I came back from Grocery shopping. LOL. Maybe we should assign a 24 hour watch. We don't want him to think we are slcakers turning on that cam once he gives us the go ..Of course we don't want to appear too anxious either Yeah Right!!!!

glo said...

Well I would say Buta Buta is just aobut the right size now to show up with a receiving blanket, wrap her up and take her home!!!

glo said...


glo said...

LOL You know I'm gonna have to give a wax report tomorrow LOL

glo said...

Well its cold and rainy here , sounds like a great afternoon for a nap. Think I iwll do that Before I dry the clothes

glo said...

Sure hope Buta Buta likes Merry Go Rounds LOL. she is getting big but Lun Lun gets her where she wants her to go. OK naptime

paula eagleholic said...

I have been checking the NCTC cam as well.

Mema Jo said...

One of the fledges appears to be on the ledge in Brisbane.

paula eagleholic said...

Howdy Jo.

TTUL, gotta go elsewhere.

wvgal_dana said...

Paula I was wondering what happened to my share of the choc. chip cookies now I know

wvgal_dana said...

I see a falcon

wvgal_dana said...

On BW site nest update for 10/26/ photographer pic of a Great White Egret at the refuge; it is beautiful. Check it out at top of page.

wvgal_dana said...

Lenses on Tai and Mei are messed up a little. I just got shut down and had to restart computer. Before that happened, I sure would like to know where Nilla is. Jo remembered she was kidding one day and said she would get a hover-round because she can't walk far.
Well darn if they didn't show a scene of the people up there. A women with short red hair like Nilla's had just gotten off of a red hove-around and was taking pics of Tai and Mei.

wvgal_dana said...

Mei who came in first. Tai stayed out there a while then later came in. So he can't get back out in the yard the iron gate just got shut. He won't be up a tree tonight.

wvgal_dana said...

Eagle laying in nest at KENT

Bird Girl said...

Eagle in nest at Kent -- cam 2 clear view!

Bird Girl

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

I am going to say that is the female in the Kent nest!

wvgal_dana said...

Hi Birdgirl that doggies eyes are pretty.

wvgal_dana said...

Beak is long...I wager the same...think she in practicing.

Bird Girl said...

norma I am so happy to NOT be anywhere near snow anymore! I live in Phoenix, Arizona; I was born and raised in Colorado, but moved here in 1996. If I really get a hankering for snow, I can drive two hours north and get a fix!


Bird Girl said...

dana thank you! that's my boy, Joey Valentine... he is an Italian Greyhound :-) I have another IG, Pepper, and of course my mini-doxie Amelia

wvgal_dana said...
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wvgal_dana said...

Are they both rescue greyhounds?

glo said...

That eagle is taking a nap. What a great idea.

glo said...

ooops not anymore LOL. Like me, up and back to work.

wvgal_dana said...

Flew off for now.

wvgal_dana said...

Glo you make sure you tell Vicky and husband I said hi to them. ty

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Jo can't get in. I am checking now to see if I can. More will be revealed.

wvgal_dana said...

Somebody hold the door OPEN for JO !

glo said...

Blogger Must have had a little hiccough. Hopefully it is better now for the WHOLE evening.

Mema Jo said...

Thank goodness- the minute I seek out help because I can't get it - In I pop! Thanks for opening the door
I had been at dental this am - but I did read & post later in the day but then the Error 500 came at me!
Looked at ButaButa's exam video.She is growing so fast. Still not too big to pick up and cuddle. Very anxious to hear from Vicky. Glo I know you will give us a full report.
Finally the Brisbane site posted a pic & statement about all 3 fledgings. I had to watch Polar Bears most of the afternoon. Like the rest of you, I keep checking the NCTC cam. I am really very excited about that - I'll have to get up early am because Liberty & Belle will probably keep the same time schedule as the Kent couple did. Oh, My! I am glad I am in here.

MITS said...

Good Evening Everybody...hope I'm in!

glo said...

Glad you made it in Mema Jo OK I will try to remember to give you a report LOL, but depending on what time they leave my house,, they will be home in 4 hours and my guess is Vicky may be in withdrawal and ready to give her own report. Have already thought about asking her hubby to take a picture of Vicky and I together so you will all know who to look for as we slide in to town with all the wax. I will be the Strange onein the picture. LOL. It will be a good time for us though.

Mema Jo said...

Picture of you and Vicky would be great. I just really meant for you to report that they did arrive safely for your visit.
We haven't heard from Doreen in a couple days - But I guess I didn't read all of Wed blog.

MITS said...

Jo, she has not been on in a few days, but I did receive an e-mail from her today.

glo said...

LOL WEll I just looked at my camera and it doesn't seem to be behaving very well at the moment. has its own little Hiccough maybe. Yes I will be sure you all know she arrived safley etc. We are going over to the Marina, but I don't think we will see any eagles, just lots of ducks and geese LOL. BUT there could be a surprise, Ya never know.

glo said...

Mits Did I/we scare them away. Haven't seen anyone from the UK since monday I dodn't think.

paula eagleholic said...

Suz and I got to see some of those great white egrets at BW. also saw a blue heron in a tree, which I have never seen before. I took a pic of it, but he was too far away, so I didn't put it up.

Off to dinner, bbialw.

MITS said...

No, Glo, I had sent her something and she was thanking me for making her day. I think she is busy...hope her grandaughter is ok.

Mema Jo said...

Hi NormaByrd Is it almost your dinner time? You've been working a long time on those emails.

wvgal_dana said...

Channel 9 just said we will tell you tomorrow why you should wear slippers to work....all 3 ladies had them on....wondering what up with that.....
Suzanne you might be wearing slippers to work....hope she sees this lol :)

paula eagleholic said...

How you doing NOrma, and Dana and Jo and Mits and Glo.

Mema Jo said...

Doing Well, Paula. How about you?

Mema Jo said...

Dana, I can see Slippers at work but not TO work. Some ladies with feet problems always kept a pair under their desk.

glo said...

Is anybody getting hungry yet?

paula eagleholic said...

I'm good Jo.

Glo, I had my dinner, but I am ready for Dessert!

glo said...

Paula Any ideas on what to have for dessert?

NillaWafer said...

Only taking afew minutes to check in and say Hello, hoping everyone is doing fine alot to catch up on. The news about the cam is wonderful to read about. i got my tee shirt today in the mail, thanks Paula, as for NCTC saturday i just felt it best not to drive over as i still was hacking cough n then the cold traveled into my kidneys and was in some pain and unable to set comfortably. Mits thanks for the cards and oh you missed fatty he was on cam about 2 am and Boooooommmmm he got this big catfish it looked like, they called it a barbable or something like that.. Any ways he played with it awhile and took the tail right off of it. Tey say there are bottom dwelling fish in the pond. Earlier today had my granddaughters and we were watching Buta Buta they just loved lil Buta. Well i am at work and have alot of things to do BBL

NillaWafer said...

Oh Paula i baked 5 loaves of this Pumpkin bead i found the receipe for today and it so moist and good. I did add alittle more pumpkin than it called for and it has vanilla puddin mix in it.

NillaWafer said...

BREAD not bead

paula eagleholic said...

Hmmm, maybe chocolate chip cookies ?

Mema Jo said...

I sure could make some good yummie cream cheese topping for one of those loaves, gal!
I am (and everyone else is also) glad you came on even for just 1 or 2 comments.
I am sitting here with a sore throat - at my age! Thought they were just for kids. I do have medicine for it.
You keep in touch. Ya Hear!

paula eagleholic said...

Hey Nillabean!!!

Mema Jo said...

Where did your cookies come from, Paula?
Hey, Megan! Has Paula been to your house?

glo said...

Hi Nilla Good to see you. Are you feeling better now. Lets ee pumkin hmmm do I want pumpkin? Well I will think about it for a little bit.

Between expecting some very special company, and trying to get this house ready for eagle camera time LOL...I have burned quite a few calories.

Let alone the "stinkin dryer" but we'll go there another time!!

paula eagleholic said...

Love Pumpkin bread and pumpkin roll!

Glo, I'll grab my Keebler's and you grab your Floral's and we'll have some cookies together!

MITS said...

Just finished dinner and now I'm already hungry...this wonderful "NEW" comcast web big time...can receive mail, but cannot reply or send...ain't that a bunch of crock. So, sorry that I cannot reply just yet to anyone who has sent me mail...I'll get back as soon as I can.

glo said...

Oh Chocolate chip cookies...Now there is one Wonderful idea I am so glad you thought of that Paula BRB

paula eagleholic said...

Found a package on the shelf in the basement :)

paula eagleholic said...

Glad to hear you are feeling good enough to bake!

BRB gotta get my Keebler's (definitely not at good as Floral's)

paula eagleholic said...

Ok, got my cookies, who's gonna join me? Mits, you get any cookies at the store?

Mema Jo said...

I am going to have Pumpkin Pie!

paula eagleholic said...

Where's Floral? She's always got cookies!

glo said...

OK Lets Eat!!!!

These cookies are awesome, and the fact that they were baked by one friend, sent by another friend and actually spent some time at NCTC Open house in Shepherdstown, makes them all the better. Too bad Vicky isn't here to enjoy them with me.

NillaWafer said...

Jo i have 8 golden delish apples with your name on them setting on my counter in a bowl for your pie. Guess i halfto deliever it in person Huh? Oh take care of that sore throat as thats the way mine started also and just seemed to move around in my body. Norma did i miss your birthday?????? Dana hope your feeling better also. Jo we should do lunch soon before next wknd daughter is leaving for Florida with husband n the 2 girls for Rosita birthday, she is so excited as she will have breakfast with Cinderella or maybe its So i will have the store and be crackin the whip.........LMAO

paula eagleholic said...

With whipped cream on top, Jo? Gotta have that whipped cream!

paula eagleholic said...

Yum, good cookies. Nice to eat with friends!

Hmmm, maybe I should sell Floral's cookies on the website!

glo said...

LOL Sorry I had a phone call. I still have 1 cookie left, should I go ahead and eat it LOL

glo said...

Just kidding I have 4 cookies left but yes they are really wonderful and I can see why you might have hid a few under the table or in your pocket for a while lOL

glo said...

OK its Deal or No Deal time at my house. BBL

wvgal_dana said...

I was watching CSI rerun so I turned to Deal or No Deal

Mema Jo said...

NIlla, I promise to call sometime next week for lunch!

floralgirl said...

Somebody looking for me? I am in fact eating a chocolate chip cookie right now! Hey, Glo- I didn't get the newsletter .

wvgal_dana said...

Hi Nilla sorry I got on here after you posted. Was lying on the bed.

paula eagleholic said...

Lol, Norma! I won't tell either! Vicky had her chance!

Mema Jo said...

I will forward it to you. Glo went to Deal or No Deal..........

floralgirl said...

And what is a blitz feed and why did I not get one?

paula eagleholic said...

Getting dark at Kent, no eagles this evening, maybe in the morning again!

MITS said...

No cookies here, Paula, but I bought a fresh-baked pie at Safeway yesterday and am going to heat it slightly in the microwave and have some cold milk. Apple Pie!!! Still working on my e-mails problems GGGGGRRRR!!!!

MITS said...

Getting dark at the KENT nest...sometimes they pop in right before dark.

floralgirl said...


MITS said...

Sorry, Paula, didn't see you post that.

MITS said...

You had to sign up for it I think, Megan. Glo has the lowdown on it.

MITS said...

Still holding out hope they will fly into the nest before it goes totally black

glo said...

OK floralgirl I forwarded you a copy of the newsletter. I don't know why several of you have nOT found it this time and I have no way of knowing who is and is nOT on the Cafe Press newsletter list. As far as the Blitz feed I think you work so many long and hard hours that you never went to sign up because you didn't have time to read the info on here encourageing you to do so. Which also means you haven't seen the little DVD special I made last weekend while you were all at NCTC. Go here


Enjoy the short movie and then add your email to the list of subscribers. I do have control of and see that list, so i will know when you are on there. Your cookies are wonderful!!!

paula eagleholic said...

I think everyone was talking about the news of the cam coming back up, which I sent out through the momsters email. Glo also sent something out about it. You need to set your settings for either the Daily Digest or individual emails to get momsters email. I would suggest the Daily Digest if you don't want to get alot of individual email.

wvgal_dana said...

Oh Christmas commerical on tvs now

floralgirl said...

Thank you, ladies.. I thought I did sign up for the newsletter, Glo- I got it last month. Glad you're enjoying the cookies:))

glo said...

Well if you are looking for the "Blitz" Then the site i just gave you will give you the place to sign up. it has all the fun stuff from last season as they fledged videos etc etc. I think you have been there befoe but I honestly don't have anyway of knowing that either.
There is info in the newsletter about what it is and how it works too. You will most likely recognize it from lots of last years Frap videos etc. Even Suzanne was able to watch them from work.

Ok Back to the TV.

wvgal_dana said...

Well since Nilla didn't say anything about Tai and Mei. I guess that wasn't her at the Natl. Zoo in DC when the cam showed the redhead.

Mema Jo said...

You know we would have been the first to know if she had gone for a visit.

paula eagleholic said...

Buta Ball all alone and snoozing... so cute!

Mema Jo said...

Waiting for Sharon so I can race her to 200. lol

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

And she has arrived!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Who is going to get wax?

Mema Jo said...

Ho Ho Ho !

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Mema Jo, do you have ESP?

Mema Jo said...

I did, didn't I?

NillaWafer said...

Ohhhhhhhh Dana you can spot my car and call me thinking i was feeding my face at Qiznos sub place yesterday when i was getting hair cut, but CANT reconize me at zoo??????? LOL believe me ifn i was there i would be hollarin atcha....ROFLMAOOOOOOOOO Time to close bbl from home

NillaWafer said...

Oh from what i understand now at Petes Pond they have acamera on a small boat or something floating in the pond for pictures and Fatty tryed taking abite out of it............. lol

paula eagleholic said...

Buta looks so much bigger in the exam video than on the live video. The cam can be really deceiving on her size. Check out the exam video from today, and you'll see.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Paula, I looked at the video earlier today. She is so much bigger than she looks on the cam.

Mema Jo, I got the wax!!!

Mema Jo said...

I have no desire to see Fatty attack a lone boatsman. I get anxious when the deer come to drink & they act so cautious like something is sneaking up behind them. Sometimes they don't even get their drink.

Video of ButaButa was good - Yes, Paula, she looks larger then when she is in the nest bed. When LunLun holds her, you can tell she is getting larger. 5 lb 5 oz furry ball with squirmy legs! She does hold her head up pretty well.

glo said...

I just went to the Community Forum on Cafe Press. There have been several problems with the newsletters over the past couple of weeks. Many complaints and of course for the Shopkeepers it is very unfortunate and frustrating; as they do NOT know who is on their list to contact with the info. So Please.

If you have not received your newsletter, please let me know on here or feel Very Free to email me. I will forward one to you as soon as I see you didn't get yours.

To get newsletter email

This is really a very important issue that I want everyone to be able to see and take the time to read.

paula eagleholic said...

Darn ER and Grey's are both repeats!!

Mema Jo said...

Sharon If my count is now 208 on the blog and I count up from the bottom 8 - then the next one up should be 200 - right?
I'll give you the wax - I just hurried to win the race thinking you were there..... You're not working are you?

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Touche, Mema Jo, you are right!!!! My bad!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

I actually got finished working on time today. It was lovely. I am going to start at 5 a.m. and get off at 1 tomorrow (hopefully). We have an away ballgame tomorrow night and I have to be at the school at 4:15 to load on the bus! I love making these trips with this band!

glo said...

Sounds exhausting and exciting Sharon

Mema Jo said...

Really makes you feel the excitment the kids feel. That is good! Keeps you young! I bet next year you will miss it--or maybe you can be their mentor for another year.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

It is, Glo.

I wore my sweatshirt out tonight and had to share with everybody that would listen that it was one of our babies on it. I so love it.

I am going to bed now. Good night and sweet eagle dreams, my friends of fine feathers and fur!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

I will miss it next year but hopefully I will get to see him in WVU's band. More will be revealed on that!

MITS said...

Well if I ever wanted to smack someone besides DELL, coming in a very close 2nd is Comcast with there "new" webmail. Been trying to answer e-mails on OE, but I'm getting to anxious...think I will have that piece of apple pie now to calm my nerves. Good Night to you all. Nilla I was wondering what that box was at Pete's Pond???

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Really going to bed now. Good night all in Eagleland! Tomorrow is a couple of days, right? You reckon we will get our cam tomorrow?

Mema Jo said...

Going to also call it a night. Took a pill & ready for bed.

Good Night All
Sweet dreams of eagle cams!

Good Morning Suzanne

Hi Jim if you venture by. Hope your cold is better!

wvgal_dana said...

Night Jim
Night Suzanne you might get to wear slippers to work says news 9

glo said...

Good night all. Rest well, we will need to keep a close watch on the camera tomorrow .

paula eagleholic said...

Night Dana, Jo and Sharon!

Sleep tight!

NillaWafer said...

Mits i read in the forum blogs today at Petes Pond they have installed a new camera b ut it is floating out on the pond on some kind of boat or raft ? I havent checked it out yet going there soon. Fatty checked it out and tryed to take a chunk of it but he didnt manage to damge it. So now there are 2 different views animals at the pond from the hide and this raft camera.

paula eagleholic said...

Pete's was down last time I checked, maybe it will be up tomorrow.

Good night all, Hello to Jim and Delphia, and good morning, Suz!

NillaWafer said... this is a site about a elephant who just passed away on October 17th it is beautiful rememberance of her life and family. Get the tissues ready as it is a tear jerker for real

NillaWafer said...

Oh my what aheart warming and touching story about this elephant . These are elephants that have lived alife in terrible situations and found a home at this haven for elephants.

MITS said...


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3/12/25 PM 🐟

 12.56 PM Scout comes to the nest to relieve Bella of her incubation duties getting close guys. He does have a Talon load of bedding. He lan...