Thursday, October 19, 2006

Thursday October 19

Foggy Day Thread.


wvgal_dana said...

Thank you Steven for the New Thread. Have a Good Day :)

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Thanks Steven for the new thread. Hello, Dana!

wvgal_dana said...

I kind of figured they would have to make him get up and get outside.
It will do him good. He can't keep it up if they keep waking him lol...stink bug boy.
I think they need like a cherry picker thingy to left them up to get him out of the trees.. they poked and poked and offered on the end of a stick sweets and that boy would not come down.
Then again you see in the "wild" they do as they please. It was really surprising for me to find out they were at one time "meat eaters". Then became veggie eaters.
Maybe that is why they stopped mating in the wild.

wvgal_dana said...

Suzanne I think I figured this eagle at BW out... while you all was down there. You and Paula set this moving Eagle up there. It's not really a "real eagle" lol

wvgal_dana said...

Oh NO here comes a group of Mit's bamboon's at Pete's Pond

glo said...

At blackwater now...hmm not for sure if that's a real eagle or not...would Suzanne and Paula actually do that...well wither way it does help with an eagle fix lOL

Mauley said...

Thank you Steven for the new thread. Hi Dana Hi Sharon Welcome Rene. You will be a blessing for all of us. Sharon is my proof reader, too. Thank you Sharon. We love bamboons and sometimes I even hit Mitts. I typed Hi mitts and put a t on it. Sharon can correct me anytime. I wish I could borrow Sharon to read some of my writing class's assignments. I end up cross-eyed sometimes. Sharon hint hint. Rene I live a long way from NCTC but I really want a trip to there as well. I am so jealous but the girls forgave me last week. Isn't Nilla wonderful as well as all the rest. mema Jo and Glo are a lot responsible for me coming aboard. I even have a sister in name on here. Right? Glad you came. God Bless you too, donna

Mauley said...

Hi Glo, where are Suzanne and Paula?

glo said...

DonnaLOL Well they both better be working hard as they plan to play this weekend LOL.

Think it was Dana who said they put a stuffed eagle at blackwater while they were there as an eagle had been sitting at blackwater for a long time, and "some" began to wonder if it was real LOL.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

ROFLMAO!!! I brought up Tai and Mei's cam and thought, what in the world are they looking at? Well, Tai is asleep up in the tree and they had the camera zoomed in on one of his eyes. That was so funny!

glo said...

Giraffes on Africam I haven't seen them before

paula eagleholic said...

Good Morning Eagleland :)

wvgal_dana said...

Maybe they will shine lights in his eyes during the day so Tai will come in at night lol

Hi Mauley (Donna)

wvgal_dana said...

Morning Paula you filling up your car with stuff for NCTC?

wvgal_dana said...

I'll be back later bloggers tc

Some are still sleeping in my house so I have to be quite..whisper

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

As we speak, I am watching three adorable pandas just sleeping away - one in a nest box, one in a tree and one draped across a log!

MT nest in Washington. MT nest at BW. MT nest at Maine!

glo said...

well Suzanee Some of us are older than dirt ya know...we weren't just born yesterday.

Mema Jo said...

Good Morning All. Read both pages & sorry I missed a few early birds. Hopefullly Rene will see Welcome Renee-Glad you joined our crowd I am sure we can get a group pic IF everyone is together at any one time. We'll look for an experienced photographer to do that for us!
I have 2 appointments today sooooooooo I can't stay long but will return!!!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

There was just a squirrel in the Kent nest but I didn't have the saving screen up to save it! It might not want to hang out there long!

glo said...

squirrel at kent cam Now we know that is NOT a good idea hmmm

glo said...

LOL Sharon

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Suzanne, it is spelled tutu!

glo said...

Sharon I think we're just about ready for our jobs at nCTC...we certainly understand what belongs at the Eagle nest and what part they play while they are there lOL

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Got it that time, by George!!

glo said...

Ok Who's George Is there soemthing you need to tell me. I can't be campin out at the sycamore tree with Sharon and George.

Mauley said...

Buta Buta has hiccups.

paula eagleholic said...

They figured us out! Oh no!

MITS said...

GOOD MORNING EVERYONE Sun is finally peeking out. Heavy fog during the night. Well, Archie and Edith are the names of the eagles at KENT, maybe George is the squirrel's name. By George, I knew what you meant, Sharon! tee-hee.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

You gals can't get anything past our eagle eyes!

paula eagleholic said...

I'll be stuffing my car later on this afternoon...everything coming in to me here at work today...then gotta get it home, sort it out and such...organize for Saturday.

Mauley said...

I got my framed Eagle Print. It is beautifully done in black frame and I love it so much. If you haven't ordered up anything from Cafe Press, they sure are good. I have a little nature gallery room in my house, which is much too big since kids all gone, and I only put prints in there that remind me of things I cherish. Anyone out there like that, I have 8 grandkids, but I also have some beautiful framed portraits of my furbabies, too. Bird Girl, I have a lot of Ray Harm prints. He is from KY originally, and when I get closely acquainted with a rufous sided towhee or some other bird at the feeders or even a grey squirrel or fox or skunk or anything small thing that has no words, I try to buy a print to celebrate and honor them. I even have a print of a couple of old Mules, Betts Ann and Molly, my husband plowed with as a young man.
I hope all of you chose to honor our eagle family with something you can keep forever and hand down to your kids or grandkids with the miracle of the clutch of 3 eggs. Bird Girl, is that what you call the eagles eggs, a clutch??? I know it is with chickens and quail. Correct me it you will. donna

paula eagleholic said...

Archie & Edith, those are great names!

MITS said...

Tai is laying there on the log, like the lazy little lug that he is today and chewing on bamboo.

MITS said...

They have a very short video of Butas' exam this morning on the Atlanta site.

glo said...

OK well the way I see it overall eagle nest viewing has been good this morning. I have seen a stuffed eagle in an osprey nest and a squirrel by George at Kent nest. LOL I think I need a drink

OF tea! LOL

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Me and Mits came up with Edith and Archie yesterday. That was the Bunkers, yes!

I am still showing off my calendar from Glo/Cafepress! It is just absolutely lovely.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Thanks Mits for the tip on the video. She is so much bigger than she looks laying on that floor! And those precious little eyes!

MITS said...

EAGLE AT KENT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

MITS said...

Which one is it, SHARON???

MITS said...


MITS said...

By, George, I think it is Archie!!

MITS said...


MITS said...

All gone at KENT!

MITS said...


MITS said...


MITS said...

Lots of elephants at pete's pond!

MITS said...

I mean ALOT of elephants at petes' pond!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Both Edith and Archie are there now. Going to Pete's Pond!

glo said...

Mits Those are sheep LOL

glo said...

I'm going out for lunch with friends. you guys are crazy

MITS said...

GLO, I'm watching petes' pond not Africam-Wave-Lit.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Buta Buta and Lun Lun, Edith and Archie and lots and lots of elfinants! It don't get no better than this!

MITS said...

Tere is nothing at Wave-Lit Africam, just a wavy cam.

MITS said...

There seems to be a little dispute going on between two of the elephants at Pete's Pond!!

MITS said...

Fight over.

MITS said...

I don't think those 2 like each other.

MITS said...

I don't think it was me, SUZ, I was watching Petes' Pond in Botswania (NATION GEOGRAPIC SITE) When I went to the Africam site of Wave-Lit nothing was there, don't know what Glo, was watching??

MITS said...

Looks like Edith is really enjoying that nest.

MITS said...

MT nest at KENT.

paula eagleholic said...

Actually the Kent eagles are named Star (f) and Spirit (m). They were originally named Star and Patriot in a contest in 2001.

I thought Archie and Edith were their real names, I didn't know you guys made them up!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Sorry, didn't mean to mislead you Paula. I still like Edith and Archie!

paula eagleholic said...

The eaglet's name this year was Miracle

paula eagleholic said...

Oh, I like them too. Just thought ya'll would like to know. You don't want to go on their forum calling them Archie and Edith!

MITS said...

Not planning on going on their forum.

Bird Girl said...

mauley You are correct, a clutch is a group of eggs waiting to be hatched, or a group of hatchlings (in this case, used as a plural noun, not to be confused with names such as "eyass"). The term "chick" can be used as a general term for any baby bird, specific names used for accuracy (i.e. eyass, cygnet, gosling, etc.).

Hope that helps!

cookie eaters I don't like peanut butter, vanilla, coconut or oatmeal raisin cookies, but I do like gingersnaps, chocolate chip (of course), molasses, and mint cookies! So, if any of those types of cookies make it with you gals to the Open House, be sure to have some for me! The calories won't count if you say "I'm eating this cookie for Bird Girl" before each cookie!!! :-)

check in later...

MITS said...


MITS said...

One just flew away.

MITS said...

2 at Kent.

MITS said...

Trying to figure out what they are eating.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

I make a mean oatmeal butterscotch cookie myself. I use my Daddy's recipe and they are awesome!

glo said...

Ok I knew I should have taken a picture of those Sheep at Pete's Pond When I got there it was bird feeders on one camera and sheep on the other LOL. But yes I was just teasing Mits I couldn't stick around to watch but a snap of Lots of elephants would have been fun. Oh and the tea yep it is ALWAYS great no matter how I make it!!!

Had a good lunch. Off to enjoy whatever is at the eagle watching places now LOL.

glo said...

Wow there is an eagle IN the eagles nest at Kent!!!

paula eagleholic said...

Was just out at lunchtime and got a call on the cell was Suz, offering to stop by and cart some stuff to the Open House for me. What a Momster!

glo said...

think its having lunch

glo said...

Go ahead Mits, now is your chance to tell me there is nothing there LOL ah hah though I took pictures

paula eagleholic said...

Darn, keep missing that eagle today!

paula eagleholic said...

I can certainly eat some of Floral's chocolate chip cookies for you! Be more than happy to!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Glo, where are the birdfeeders at Pete's Pond?

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Howdy, Doreen. How is it going today?

MITS said...

Something at petes' pond nothing at wave-lit

MITS said...

Thanks, DOREEN He is really thirsty..have had Real Player up for 15 minutes watching him.

glo said...

H-E-L-P I am definitely lost in cyberspace now. I must have been visitng someplce in UK but that is certainly where I watched badgers and wild horse...isn't that Pete's Pond. LOL

MITS said...

Thanks, DOREEN. That was awesome!

glo said...

OK well then I saw expensive and beautiufl horses there, but that's NOT pete's Pond Hmmm That's where I thought I was...LOL they do have really pretty sheep there too, .They really do

MITS said...

Badgers, horses, sheep, bird feeders...Denbury, Glo, and they do have Cam #1 and Cam #2 there. They feed the badgers and fox around 4 east coast time.

Just Vicky said...

almost time

Just Vicky said...


glo said...

Ok Swell so I can obviously get myself to Denbury Where's Pete's Pond ...sure looks like a Pond to me lOL

paula eagleholic said...

Pete's pond I Believe is

paula eagleholic said...

Botswana, on National Geographic, Is on the momsters links page under African web cam

MITS said...


glo said...

Ok so I am on my way to a different Africam adn Pete's Pond Thanks Paula and Mits In case I don't come back you will know where I was last seen. and the fatt crocodile is NOT gonna get me!!!

Anonymous said...

glo asked me to tell you she did finally make it here safely.....glub glub burp burp!!! CYA or is that Chow

MITS said...

PAULA is AFRICAM there too.

MITS said...

Hi, LULU Ready for your big trip tomorrow. Have a safe one and if you can get to a computer log-on and let us know how it is going. How long will you be here?

MITS said...

I didn't ask that question, DOREEN I know the difference. Whoever is using my name..not funny.

paula eagleholic said...

Eagle at BW!!

Whoo hoo, finally get to see an eagle today!

MITS said...

DOREEN not your fault, sweetie.

paula eagleholic said...

Yup, Mits, two cams in Africa!

paula eagleholic said...

National Geographic site is "Wildcam Africa" aka Pete'e Pond in Botswana.

" Africam " is by and is in South Africa (which I didn't know until I went there and looked on the site)

paula eagleholic said...

Both looking pretty empty at the moment!

But, There is still an eagle at BW!!

paula eagleholic said...

Anyone ever watch "Dog Whisperer". I think it is on National Geographic channel.

paula eagleholic said...

You catching a shot of the eagle, Doreen?

Have a safe flight!

MITS said...

I just checked the Momsters site, Botsawania aka Pets's Pond is there, can't find

paula eagleholic said...

Mits, wavelit used to be infotech, that is what it is listed under.

paula eagleholic said...

That is the stuffed one that Suzanne and I got the folks at Blackwater to put up there every now and again to satisfy those eagle cravings! He is automated too!

glo said...

Mits Sharon you have email

glo said...

See Paula and Suzanne You can't even fool them clear across the pond. We have all developed an eagle eye here...some of us are just a little more developed than others OK not gonna go there either LOL

Just Vicky said...

Glo, hope you find your way around the "pond" before Spring!

paula eagleholic said...

I've updated those links and added some zoo links to Atlanta, San Diego and DC

paula eagleholic said...

Maine cam is really looking gorgeous, love that water....

glo said...

Thanks Paula Looks good even I think I can find my way around now...Although Honestly i do go there and look for links, Got to Blackwater from there many a time. Anyway Thanks

paula eagleholic said...

I do my links from there all the time, my favorites is a mess!

Mauley said...

My favorites a mess too. Thanks Bird Girl for information, And has anyone heard from Nilla. If I ever need to know anything, you guys and gals are better than google. love donna

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Mauley, I may be able to come up with some answers sometimes, but I normally Google to get it!! :):):)

NillaWafer said...

Evening Everyone, Cant stay have alot of work here to finish up, not feeling any better although throat is not as sore jusr really achey. I see they did an exam on Buta Buta this afternoon with a video wow she sure is growing, and i can swear those little eyes are open. Rene i also lived up near Philly out in Bensalem off Street Road ,near the race horse track (wasnt there then) I graduated nursing school down at Nazerth Hospitol. Well back to work BBL

Mauley said...

So glad you chsecked in Nilla. donna

MITS said...


Just Vicky said...

Well I've lost my mind! I thought when I finished up at work tonight I thought it was Friday night and I was leaving for WVA!!! Now I am getting so excited I don't think I'll function very well tomorrow!

Just Vicky said...

Guess I ran everyone off again!!

glo said...

Vicky you've got mail...I am just getting back in..had a couple of errands to run this evening. BLOG is awfully quiet though...could be a long weekend. get that Cam turned on while you are there.

paula eagleholic said...

We'll work on it!

paula eagleholic said...

You leaving tom night?

glo said...

Paula Now wouldn't it be cool if they would turn it on while all of you are there. I think that would be so special... I am sure they are looking for one more thing to do during the Open House.

Mema Jo said...

I feel like I need to tip-toe into here this evening...
Hi Vicky & Glo
So you think it is Friday - Well, it very well could be. I lost Tuesday somewhere this week! Had lunch with girls from past workplace today. They asked how do you tell what day it is with all that free time - I said, No Problem.Every morning I reach for the pill box and it tells me what day it is. Hope I don't have a senior moment and forget to take them one morning.
So -- answer me this somebody ??
On Pete's Pond - what are those flying object that look like a flash of light?? You can see them over the pond.

Mema Jo said...

I would like for us to meet the new staff person in charge of the cam(s) this upcoming season while we are there.

paula eagleholic said...

That would be cool, Jo. I wonder if he/she will be there?

paula eagleholic said...

That certainly would be a nice surprise!

Mema Jo said...

I'm taking the

Mema Jo said...


Mema Jo said...

What's a momster to do if she is the only one blogging? BBL

wvgal_dana said...

Good Evening

Is everyone dividing their time between tv and blogging tonight

Just Vicky said...

No Mam, this gal was preparing ends to leave town!

Just Vicky said...

It is going to be sooooo neat to meet some of you momsters that I haven't met so far, and of course, great to see the ones I have met!

wvgal_dana said...

Mits you still here?

wvgal_dana said...

Vicky I am excited too...but I still can't do a thing with my hair lol

wvgal_dana said...

Vicky you don't leave until Saturday do you?

Just Vicky said...

WE will leave Commode town tomorrow after work, 5:00 p.m. and drive till we drop Friday night and finish early Sat. morning to pull into Shepherdstown!

I have to try and get my hair colored before I go to bed tonight! So Dana, you're not the only one dealing with hair! Think I'll just do Glo's suggestion and come with a bag on my head!

glo said...

LOL Vicky well that suggestion wasn't for bad hair, but yes I guess it could work.

Just Vicky said...

Wow, glad to see I'm not all alone here!

Just Vicky said...

TV must have bloggers captive tonight!

Anonymous said...

Hello everyone. Sorry my name is still black but just reading about turning blue gives me a headache. Mema Jo I checked the FAQs at Petes Pond and I think those flashing light creatures are nightjars, with the lights shining on their white feathers.

I would love to invite all of you for a visit during the NCTC outing, but I never know from day to day what will be happening. As it turns out, we have a funeral at 1:00 and a wedding at 5:00 at our church, the Episcopal Church on German st. I have to help my 91 year old legally blind mother get ready and go with her to both, which is not as simple as it may seem. I hope you will have a wonderful day.

I have friends who live near the nest and they say that the adults are around the nest. I haven't been able to check the nest for several weeks.

God bless all, and thanks for the education and entertainment.

Just Vicky said...

Sandra, you do have your hands full and busy Sat. for sure! Sure would be nice if we could get us ALL together just once!

Anonymous said...

Vicky, I love your tree. Have a safe journey.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Just stopping in for a second.

Good night and sweet eagle dreams, my friends of fine feathers and fur.

Mema Jo said...

Vicky I'm getting excited for you !
Sandra I'm sorry your NCTC plans didn't come through - I was thinking that you would be a new momster for me to meet.Mom's always come first in our life cause we were first in their lives for a long time. Thanks for naming those "light flashes" for me. Sometimes they go crazy flying around! I was very happy you reported what your friends near the nest told you!!! We've been watching a pair in Kent Island probably doing the same as our Liberty & Belle.

Mema Jo said...

LunLun is roaming around alot this evening. They haven't lowered the lights yet and its almost 11:00. Sometimes, ButaBall seems to rest very well on her own. The exam video was cute. Love the way they measured her.

Mema Jo said...

Can't get Panda Cam 1 up on Fonz. Cam2 is just a view of bamboo.
Noon time in Brisbane and Chicks are all in the corner. They are looking for a fledging very soon - I saw an empty ledge & pebble area earlier & I thought they all had fledged. Don't know how were going to know unless the cam is pointed in the right direction.

wvgal_dana said...

So I see Jo got the name of what I thought would be like we have over here name for them in Africa.

Mema Jo said...

Daylight has dawned in Africa!
Time for me to sign off......

Good Night All
and Sweet dreams

Oops! Suzanne has a day off

Jim and Delphia and any late comers, Hi!

Where is NormaByrd??

wvgal_dana said...

Niters Jo AOYP Sweet Eagle Dreams

wvgal_dana said...

Time for me to go also night everyone tc

MITS said...


Just Vicky said...

Well Mits, me and you alone again!

Just Vicky said...

Correction, you me and bamboons!

Just Vicky said...

Goodnight eagleland, I'm off to see the eagles in Shepherdstown tomorrow!! So excited!

movin said...

Good morning, eagle world.

Nothing particularly exciting happening, except the eyasses are looking ready to leap into the future skies of the island continent.........

I posted a couple of photos of them this evening (don't know exactly where the third bird was).

Get a great start on the weekend.


Mauley said...

Good Morning all in Eagle Land. I will try to post a few messages next week. Hubby has a conference in Milwaukee next few days, and he talked me into arranging for someone to monitor my Mon, Tue, and Wed classes for next week. Be back Thursday. May I plead for traveling mercies from all of you? We really appreciate those prayers. I will take my lap top and try to get on and make sure nobody hits Mits and there are no bamboons lurking around the blog. Jim, thanks for the new Freda Froda chick pictures. Dear Friends, please enjoy tomorrow at NCTC and take me with you in your hearts. Please don't forget to take a group picture for the mauley. love donna

Mauley said...

Morning Jim and all of Eagle Land. Are we all alone. I feel like Mema Jo last night. Surely I am not alone. Yoo Hoo anyone lurking on blog? donna

wvgal_dana said...


3/12/25 PM 🐟

 12.56 PM Scout comes to the nest to relieve Bella of her incubation duties getting close guys. He does have a Talon load of bedding. He lan...